10,000 Maniacs Beth Orton Cowboy Junkies Dar Williams Indigo Girls
Madness +he (,ecials +he (katalites Desmond Dekker 5B?0 +oots and Bob Marley 2+he Maytals (haggy Inner Circle Jimmy Cli// Beenie Man #eter +osh Bob Marley Die 6antastischen BuBu Banton 8nthony B+he Wailers Clueso #eter 6oA (ean #aul *ier 6ettes Brot Culcha Candela MaA %omeo Jan Delay (eeed Deichkind 'ek181Mouse #atrice Ciggy Marley entleman Ca,leton Barrington !e)y Burning (,ear Dennis Brown Black 5huru regory Isaacs (i""la Dane Cook Damian Marley 4orace 8ndy +he 5,setters Israel *ibration Culture (teel #ulse 8dam (andler !ee =(cratch= #erry +he 83uabats 8ugustus #ablo Monty #ython %ichard Cheese 8l,ha Blondy +rans,lants 4ot Water 0ing +ubby Music Big D and the+he Mighty (outh #ark Mighty Bosstones O,eration I)y %eel Big Mad Caddies 0ids +able6ish (lint Catch .. =Weird Al= mewithout-ou +he *andals %ed (,arowes +he (uicide +he Blood !ess +han Machines Brothers Jake +he Bouncing od Is +he ood -anko)icDescendents (ouls ')ery +ime !i/e #ro,agandhi < and #elican JGdayso/static $ot 5 Isis Comeback 0id Me 6irst and the ood %iddance (il)ersun #icku,s %ancid imme immes Blindside Oceansi"ean Astronaut Meshuggah Con)erge I Die 8 (il)er 6ear Be/ore the March dredg !ow $eurosis +he Bled Mt& Cion 8t the #sa,, o/ 6lames John Barry Between the Buried $O6H $orma Jean +he 4orrors and Me 8nti16lag (trike 8nywhere +he (ea Broadcast ods,eed -ou9 (,arta old/inger +he 6all Mono Black 'm,eror and Cake +unng &&&And -ou Will 0now Us +he Dillinger o/ +roy Bernard 4errmann 'sca,e #lan !agwagon -ou (ay #arty9 We (tereolab Drive-In Bi//y Clyro Jonny reenwood (ay Die9
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