

Tracy L. Valuer2, David K. Rea3, Walter E. Dean4, Jörn Thiede5, and Charles G. Adelseck6


The geology of Hess Rise is interpreted from studies of morphology and structure, igneous petrology, lithofacies, seismic stratigraphy, and paleoenvironments. Hess Rise probably formed at a triple junction, between 116 and 95 m.y. ago, in the equatorial zone of the southern hemisphere. A large , formed by , subsequently moved northward as part of the and subsided. A Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary tectonic and(or) volcanic event created oceanic and probably in- fluenced the normal subsidence rate. The lithofacies reflect both the northward movement under various surface water masses of differing and the subsidence history, which influenced calcareous-sediment accumulation and dissolution. Hess Rise is informally divided into three physiographic or morphologic provinces: northern Hess Rise, the central platform, and southern Hess Rise. Southern Hess Rise is further subdivided into the northwestern ridge, Mellish Bank, and the eastern ridge. The structure of Hess Rise is dominated by normal faults which bound grabens and horsts. The west and south boundaries of the rise are fault scarps. Most faults trend about 345 ° on northern Hess Rise, 039° to 060° on southern Hess Rise. Igneous rocks are tholeiitic on northern Hess Rise at Site 464, and trachyte at Site 465 on southern Hess Rise. The tholeiite probably is not a mid--ridge basalt; more likely it is a transitional basalt erupted during off-ridge volcanism. The trachyte at Site 465 was erupted either in shallow water or subaerially; it represents a late-stage differen- tiate of alkali-basalt . Geochemically, the trachyte is similar to late-stage eruptives on many oceanic islands. The alkali basalt clasts in Upper Cretaceous calcareous ooze at Site 466 probably record a Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary tectonic event that brought old crust above level, where it was eroded; alternatively, volcanism may have built the islands. Cores recovered from Holes 464, 310, 310A, 465,465A, and 466 (north to south) show three major lithofacies: lime- stone of mid-Cretaceous (Albian-Cenomanian) age, calcareous ooze and chalk of Late Cretaceous to Quaternary age, and pelagic clay that is Late Cretaceous to Quaternary in age at Site 464 and Eocene in age at Site 310. Minor lithofacies in the carbonates and pelagic clay include siliceous microfossils and chert. The limestone contains as much as 8.6% by weight of organic carbon. The organic-carbon-rich apparently were deposited along the sides of Hess Rise, above the CCD and within a mid-water oxygen minimum, as the rise crossed the highly productive equatorial divergence. Surface sediments are influenced by present-day near-surface water-mass productivity and the depth of deposition. Above about 3000 meters calcareous ooze is deposited, and below about 4000 meters pelagic clay is dominant. Between 3000 meters and 4000 meters, greater clay contents correlate with increased water depth. The seismic stratigraphy interpreted from single-channel seismic-reflection records can be correlated with the litho- facies. Three major acoustic units apparently vary in age, composition, thickness, and geographic distribution. The lowest acoustic unit generally is acoustically opaque; it corresponds to volcanic basement. In places, however, the top parts of this unit may be well-lithified limestone or chert. The middle acoustic unit, in general strongly layered acoustically, is Albian and Cenomanian limestone, chalk, and chert on southern Hess Rise and Albian and Cenomanian chert, chalk, limestone, and clay stone on northern Hess Rise. The middle unit probably is Albian to at least lower Ter- tiary chalk, chert, and nannofossil ooze on the central platform. The upper acoustic unit is weakly stratified to acoustically transparent and corresponds to Upper Cretaceous to Recent nannofossil ooze on southern Hess Rise and to pelagic clay of the same age on northern Hess Rise. On the central platform, it probably corresponds to Eocene to Re- cent nannofossil ooze, marl, and pelagic clay.

INTRODUCTION oceanic have several possible origins, and that their geologic are closely tied to horizontal The origins and geologic evolutions of oceanic pla- and vertical motions of the sea floor. teaus still are somewhat enigmatic; no oceanic Oceanic plateaus may have pedestals (basement rocks) has been studied in the detail necessary for complete of either continental or oceanic affinities. Those with understanding. By necessity, therefore, interpretations continental pedestals apparently were rifted away from of many oceanic plateaus have been based on frag- the parent continental masses and subsequently either mentary seismic, gravity, magnetic, and lithologic data. foundered nearby (e.g., Falkland Plateau and Lord It is apparent from the previous interpretations that Howe Rise) or were transported long distances from their original locations (e.g., Seychelles platform). Most oceanic plateaus, however, have volcanic pedestals that Initial Reports of the Drilling Project, Volume 62. formed either (1) along mid-ocean spreading ridges, (2) U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. during intra-plate volcanism, caused perhaps by passage U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado. over a hot spot, (3) as arcs along conver- University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. Scripps Institution of , La Jolla, California. gent margins, (4) as the result of the tectonic uplift of

1031 T. L. VALLIER ET AL. older , perhaps with synchronous vol- cruise Aries 7 (Davies et al., 1971), and Lamont- canism, or (5) as a combination of two or more of the Doherty Geological Observatory cruises Vema 20 and 32 above. and Conrad 10 (Fig. 2). We also discuss previous studies Hess Rise, a prominent topographic feature on the of ocean-floor magnetics (Hilde, Isezaki, and Wage- floor of the central north (Fig. 1; plates in man, 1976; Hilde, Uyeda, and Kroenke, 1977) to assist back pocket of volume), has many characteristics simi- our interpretations. Water depths are given in meters, lar to those of other oceanic plateaus. The purpose of assuming a sound velocity of 1500 m/s. Emphasis is this paper is to describe the geology of Hess Rise and to placed on the origin of Hess Rise and its subsequent tec- interpret its geologic based mainly on (1) Deep tonic and sedimentary histories. Paleoenvironmental in- Sea Drilling Project results from Site 310 (Larson, Mo- terpretations are based on lithostratigraphic and bio- berly, et al., 1975) and Sites 464, 465, and 466 (this vol- stratigraphic records, and on the plate-rotation model ume), (2) piston-core descriptions provided by Scripps of Lancelot (1978). Institution of Oceanography and Lamont-Doherty Geo- This paper complements the work of Kroenke and logical Observatory, and (3) single-channel seismic-re- Nemoto, who have a paper in press and one or more in flection profiles from DSDP Leg 32 (Larson, Moberly, preparation on the geology of Hess Rise. Nemoto and et al., 1975), Leg 55 (Greene, 1980), and Leg 62 (Rea et Kroenke (in press) discuss Hess Rise , acous- al., this volume), Scripps Institution of Oceanography tic characteristics, and sediment distribution deduced


170° 180° 170° 160° Figure 1. Map showing sites drilled on DSDP Leg 62. Sites 464, 465, and 466 were drilled on Hess Rise.

1032 172°E 175° 176" 177° 178° 179° 180° 179°W 178°

ARIES 7, 1971 CONRAD 1008, 1966 VEMA 3212, 1975 VEMA 2006, 1964 GLOMAR CHALLENGER 32, 1973 • GLOMAR CHALLENGER 55, 1977 -1-0200 31May 64 GLOMAR CHALLENGER 62, 1978

r^- ^ \ W r-) (U>: O m O B o >< o mX CΛ

O Figure 2. Map showing track lines of single-channel seismic-reflection profiles across Hess Rise from DSDP Legs 32, 55, and 62, Lamont-Doherty Geolog- 2 ical Observatory cruises Vema 20 and 32 and Conrad 10, and Scripps Institution of Oceanography cruise Aries 7. W T. L. VALUER ETAL.

from seismic-reflection profiles collected by the the general trends of the morphologic features discussed Institute of Geophysics (HIG) cruises of the Kana Keoki above, although there is some constancy in trends on the (1973, 1975, 1976, and 1977), Glomar Challenger cruises individual features. For example, the part of Hess Rise 32 and 62, Vema cruise 32, and Aries cruise 7. north of Site 310 (Figs. 5 and 6) is characterized by a series of normal faults that trend about 345 °. This fault MORPHOLOGY AND STRUCTURE pattern does not extend onto southern Hess Rise. Hess Rise is in the southern, broader half of a tri- The part of Hess Rise near Sites 465 and 466 appears angular region bounded on the west by the Emperor to be the most complicated sector of the entire region. , on the northeast by the Emperor Trough, The main structural features of this area (Fig. 6), from and on the south by the Mendocino (Fig. north to south, are (1) two small grabens that trend 1). It is apparent that the morphology and structure of 050°, (2) the rise crest, which trends 072°, but which Hess Rise are closely related; Figure 3 shows the detailed may not be fault controlled, (3) a break in slope or a bathymetry of Hess Rise, and Figure 4 shows the major bench halfway down the major south scarp of the rise, morphologic trends. For purposes of this paper, we trends 055 °, (4) the base of the main scarp, which trends recognize three major morphologic features: southern 039°, and (5) the Mendocino Fracture Zone, which Hess Rise, the central platform, and northern Hess trends 060°. Significant fault trends, then, range from Rise. Southern Hess Rise, in turn, is further subdivided 039° to 060°. from west to east into the northwestern ridge, Mellish The 072° trend of the crest along southern Hess Rise Bank, and the eastern ridge (Figs. 3 and 4). appears to continue west of Sites 465 and 466. Most Hess Rise proper is shaped somewhat like an inverted track lines that cross the crest of the rise show a small T. The leg of the T is a broad ridge 150 to 250 km wide graben 10 to 20 km to the north of and paralleling the and over 1500 meters high that trends northwest on an crest to 174°E. Structural trends from east to west on azimuth of 327°. This ridge, which forms both the cen- the southern margin of Hess Rise change from south- tral platform and northern Hess Rise, becomes lower westerly to northwesterly. and narrower to the north and does not extend much On the central platform south of Site 310 is an area of beyond 40 °N. The three morphologic features of south- north- to north-northwest-trending structures. Correla- ern Hess Rise form the cross-piece of the inverted T. tion of faults between track lines was more difficult in Mellish Bank, the middle and dominant morphologic this region than in the regions either to the north or to feature of southern Hess Rise, rises more than 3000 the south. meters above the sea floor to the south. Mellish Bank The age (or ages) of faulting on Hess Rise is not clear. trends approximately east-west and has a steep south- Faults cut acoustic basement on most profiles, and it is facing scarp, a broad crestal region, and a gentle north clear that the faults were active during some of the sedi- slope. ment accumulation. For example (Fig. 5, 0700Z, 22 Au- The eastern ridge of southern Hess Rise is about 100 gust), thicknesses of some sediment units increase near km wide and has as much as 2000 meters of relief. Its faults. We will show in our discussion of the ages of long axis approximately parallels the Mendocino Frac- acoustic units that these units may be as young as ture Zone and forms the cross-member of a T whose leg Paleogene (mid-Eocene?), suggesting that some faults cuts perpendicularly across part of the fracture zone. were active until at least that time. The southeast extension (Fig. 4) may be part of a sea- mount chain that trends northwest-southeast between Hess Rise and the Hawaiian Ridge (Fig. 1). The third LITHOLOGY AND SEDIMENT FACIES morphologic feature of southern Hess Rise is the north- Lithologic units at the four drill sites on Hess Rise are western ridge. Its dimensions and trend are similar to identified by gross lithologic characteristics. The units the eastern ridge. discussed would be mappable rock-stratigraphic units if Three distinct structural trends related to the mor- they were encountered on land; as such, they corre- phologic features appear on Hess Rise (Fig. 4). The spond to formations, members, and groups. In this sec- most prominent trend (326° to 332°) is that of the main tion, we describe the rocks and sediments and discuss north arm (327°) and the southeast extension (332°) and the lithofacies of the recovered sediment. northwest ridge (326°) of southern Hess Rise. A second Interpretations of the sedimentary history have been structural trend is defined by the generally east-west influenced by our understanding of the origin of Hess features along Mellish Bank. The third structural trend Rise and its subsequent northward movement as part of is along the southeastern part of the rise and is roughly the Pacific Plate. Hess Rise apparently originated under parallel to the 060° trend of the Mendocino Fracture the biologically productive equatorial water mass and Zone. subsequently moved northward under the less-produc- Normal faults with offsets up to 500 meters are com- tive center of the North Pacific gyre, and finally under mon on seismic-reflection profiles across Hess Rise (Fig. the more-productive subarctic water mass. We assume 5, 2000Z, 21 August to O33OZ, 22 August). These faults that Hess Rise subsided according to a normal-subsi- occur in stair-step patterns and in graben-and-horst con- dence curve (Detrick et al., 1977) as the Pacific Plate figurations. We were able to identify some major fault moved northward and cooled. However, this gradual trends (Fig. 6) by tracing faults between track lines. It is subsidence may have been interrupted in the Late Creta- apparent that the fault trends do not conform exactly to ceous or early Tertiary by tectonism and(or) volcanism.



180° 175° Figure 3. Topographic map of Hess Rise (Chase et al., 1971), showing locations of DSDP Sites 310, 464, 465, and 466. Major physiographic features are shown. Bathymetry in meters is given in Chase et al. (this volume).

Lithologic Units at DSDP Sites time-rock-stratigraphic (Fig. 8) columns show the lithol- ogies and ages of units recovered and the major lacunas. The lithologic units at Site 310 (Larson, Moberly, et Site 465 was drilled on southern Hess Rise at 2161 al., 1975) and Sites 464, 465, and 466 (this volume) are meters water depth and reached 476 meters sub-bottom. briefly reviewed in this section, in order to establish a Igneous basement consisting of deeply weathered tra- framework for later discussions of lithofacies and chyte was cored in Hole 465A between sub-bottom seismic (acoustic) units. Rock-stratigraphic (Fig. 7) and depths of 411.7 and 476 meters. The volcanic rocks


180° 175°W



Figure 4. Trends of major morphologic features on and near Hess Rise. underlie Albian limestone and were erupted either sub- et al., this volume). These data lend support to the aerially or in very shallow water (Seifert et al., this asteroid theory of mass extinctions at the Cretaceous/ volume). The trachyte is overlain by two major sedi- Tertiary boundary (Alvarez et al., 1980; Ganapathy, ment units (Fig. 7). Unit II (276-411.7 m sub-bottom) 1980; Smit and Hertogen, 1980). All sediments recov- consists of upper Albian and Cenomanian laminated ered at Site 465 represent pelagic carbonate accumula- limestone that shows evidence of current scour and re- tion, which suggests that this part of southern Hess Rise deposition in the beds that directly overlie the trachyte. has been above the CCD at all times. Boersma (this vol- Concentrations of organic carbon in this limestone unit ume), judging from benthic-foraminifer data, suggests a reach 8.6%, and are usually higher than 2% (Dean et gradual deepening from upper slope to lower bathyal al., this volume). The overlying sediment (Unit I, 276 m (> 1500 m) depths between the Albian and Maastrich- thick) consists of Coniacian to Pleistocene carbonate tian. ooze with intercalated chert. Hiatuses occur from early Site 466 is on southern Hess Rise, about 50 km north- Cenomanian to late Coniacian, from Santonian to late east of Site 465, at 2665 meters water depth. Sub- Campanian, and from Paleocene to Pliocene (Fig. 8). bottom penetration was 312 meters, and igneous base- There may be a hiatus of short duration in the Maas- ment was not reached. The sedimentary section was sub- trichtian (Boersma, this volume). The sediment in Unit I divided into two major lithologic units, which contains reflects a slowly deepening, quiet depositional environ- at least three, and possibly four, hiatuses (Figs. 7 and 8). ment under a highly productive surface water mass. The The oldest strata cored (Unit II) consist of 66 meters of only significant lithologic change across the Cretaceous/ upper Albian olive-gray nannofossil chalk and lime- Tertiary boundary is the occurrence of black pyrite ag- stone containing up to 8.1 % organic carbon. This unit is gregates above the boundary, within the otherwise correlative with the upper Albian and Cenomanian homogeneous nannofossil ooze of Unit I. Geochemi- organic-carbon-rich limestone cored at Site 465. The cally, however, the sediment above the boundary is overlying nannofossil ooze of Unit I is Turonian to marked by increases in many trace elements in the ooze Pleistocene in age. An upper Albian (or Cenomanian) to (Dean, this volume), including iridium and (Michel Turonian hiatus marks the boundary between Units I

1036 -Northwest




I I i 1400Z f 1600Z 1800Z 2000Z 2200Z c/c 114 5.0 kt c/c 147 August 21, 1978 c/spd 9.0 kt

• Southeast -5



0200Z 0400Z 0600Z 0800Z August 22, 1978

Figure 5. Glomar Challenger five-second sweep seismic record, DSDP Leg 62, from Site 464 southward across the northern part of the central platform of Hess Rise. Graben is apparent along record between 2000Z and OOOOZ. O T. L. VALLIER ET AL.

172" 175° 180° 1 1 i 1 1 I 1 j 464 v, /' LEGEND K U - Normal fault \ —Dr - \ • Rise crest - fa\ \ 1 /^ \ V U 1 Slope base rUr \ \ (^ Jc \ \ \ \ G Graben \ \ \ \ }\ _ a \ \ \ x H Horst _ X \ H \ - Fault, etc. correration G.C.- < r \ \ \\ \ # Dr II site \ Λ \\\ 310 rv X s -\ ^*" #^ ARIES-7 — - - * /\\ \y iv^ \Λ \

/ 35° - r _ ^ \ \ G i 1 466 \ \ \ j t. . __ARlES-7 «β •* r y -— X / ^\^s x• ~ A*£&&* \ / _ \ λ / i > x7 s \ N \\ - ×\ C.-6 2 _ α S ARIES-7 _ i— _

\ . •——.— \ r - • ^― \yV 30° 1 l × i 1 1 1 1 1 i Figure 6. Structural geology of Hess Rise, showing normal faults, major slope breaks, DSDP sites, and the southern crest of Hess Rise. Tentative fault correlations are shown by dashed lines.

and II. Hiatuses of Santonian to early Campanian, early dle Eocene nannofossil ooze coated some of the pebbles Maastrichtian to middle Eocene, and Oligocene to early and fragments. Fragments of chert and abundant peb- Pliocene ages occur within Unit I. The upper 66 meters bles of basalt, mixed with nannofossil ooze of lower of sediment are Plio-Pleistocene in age. Maastrichtian to upper Campanian age, were recovered Pebbles of altered alkali basalt found in the nanno- in Cores 11, 12, and 14. Two basalt pebbles were re- ooze of the lower sub-unit of Unit I suggest either covered in Core 17, and one basalt pebble was recovered that tectonism raised basement or that additional island in each of Cores 19, 20, 27, 28, and 29. Valuer et al. (this volcanism occurred. The date of this event is difficult to volume) conclude that the pebbles were deposited dur- determine because of poor recovery and intense mixing ing the Late Cretaceous (late Campanian to early of sediment. The first basalt pebbles encountered were Maastrichtian), judging from the concentration of peb- in a drilling breccia of Core 10, mixed with fragments of bles in Cores 11 through 14. They also suggest, how- chert, Inoceramus shells, and a pebble of hematite; mid- ever, that these pebbles are associated with the early


Maastrichtian to middle Eocene unconformity and may time when Site 464 was under a high-productivity zone. have been subsequently incorporated into Cretaceous The change from accumulation of calcareous biogenic material as down-hole contamination during drilling sediment to pelagic clay during the Late Cretaceous is and coring. Regardless of exact timing, the alkali-basalt related both to subsidence through the CCD and to pebbles record a major event on southern Hess Rise movement of the site to a less-productive surface water when nearby volcanic outcrops were eroded and the mass. The change from pelagic clay to siliceous ooze rounded clasts were transported to Site 466. and siliceous clay during the late Miocene is attributed Site 310 (Larson, Moberly, et al., 1975) is on the cen- to the movement of the site to a position under a more- tral platform of Hess Rise, at 3516 meters water depth; productive surface water mass formed by the mixing of it was drilled to 352.5 meters sub-bottom. Igneous rocks subtropical and subarctic water masses. Moderately to were not penetrated. The sediment sequence was divided strongly etched calcareous nannofossils in Cores 2 to 5 into four lithologic units (Figs. 7 and 8). Unit IV (128- suggest that the sea floor was near the CCD in the Neo- 352.5 m sub-bottom) consists of upper Albian (or lower gene. Cenomanian) to Campanian chert, nannofossil ooze, and nannofossil chalk, with some porcellanite and pelagic Igneous Rocks shale, Unit III (95-128 m sub-bottom) consists of nan- Igneous rocks recovered on Hess Rise are similar to nofossil ooze of late Campanian and early Maastrich- igneous rocks from several other oceanic plateaus and tian age that underlies a Maastrichtian to lower Eocene from many oceanic islands. The petrology of these unconformity. Unit II (79-95 m sub-bottom) consists of rocks not only puts some constraints on hypotheses for zeolitic nannofossil ooze and nannofossil-bearing zeo- the origin and evolution of Hess Rise, but also adds litic pelagic clay. An unconformity within Unit II sepa- significant data that can be used to understand the rates the pelagic clay of probable early and middle Eo- origin and evolution of other oceanic plateaus. In this cene age from the lower Oligocene nannofossil ooze. Unit section we present descriptions of the time and space I (0-79 m sub-bottom) is a radiolarian-bearing nanno- relationships of igneous rocks recovered from Hess fossil ooze of middle Miocene to Pleistocene age. Rise, and discuss petrologic and tectonic implications Site 310 apparently remained above the local CCD for the origin of Hess Rise. Most of the information is through most of its history. However, zeolitic pelagic from papers in this volume (Seifert et al.; Scott; Lee- clay in lithologic Unit II indicates that the CCD rose be- Wong; and Valuer et al.), and from Valuer et al. (1980) tween the early Maastrichtian and early Eocene, but and Windom et al. (in press). It is not our intent to pre- subsided below the site by the middle Eocene. Site 310 sent a thorough discussion of volcanic rocks on oceanic was at an equatorial position under a high-productivity plateaus, but we emphasize that the composition of ped- surface water mass in the late Albian to Cenomanian, estal igneous rocks can give important clues to the orig- according to the plate-rotation model of Lancelot (1978). inal tectonic setting (e.g., , island An inflection point in the sedimentation-rate curve at arc, oceanic island, or uplifted mid-ocean ridge) and the about 70 m.y. marks the beginning of the site's transit volcanic evolution of oceanic plateaus. under the mid-latitude low-productivity zone. Increased We recovered igneous rocks at three sites on Hess sedimentation rates in the Neogene and Pleistocene sug- Rise. Tholeiitic basalt was cored on northern Hess Rise gest a return of the site to a position under high-produc- at Site 464, trachyte was recovered on southern Hess tivity surface water. Rise at Site 465, and alkali basalt clasts were recovered Site 464 was drilled on the northern flank of Hess in a carbonate ooze at Site 466 on southern Hess Rise. Rise, at 4637 meters water depth; drilling reached 308.5 All of the rocks we recovered are moderately to highly meters sub-bottom. Altered tholeiitic basalt was recov- altered. ered from the base of the hole (Seifert et al., this vol- Sixteen centimeters of highly altered basalt was re- ume). The sediment column is 307.6 meters thick and covered beneath lower Albian or upper Aptian lime- was subdivided into three lithologic units (Fig. 7). The stone, chert, and claystone at Site 464. Petrographic and lower unit (Unit III) is a thick (218.6 m) sequence of chemical studies indicate that only oxide minerals lower Albian (or upper Aptian) to Cenomanian chalk, and plagioclase remain as primary minerals (Seifert et limestone, marlstone, chert, and claystone. The oldest al., this volume). Concentrations of major- and minor- sediments with diagnostic are within the Parhab- element oxides in two samples and trace elements in dolithus angustus nannoplankton zone, which is late three samples are given in Tables 1 and 2. Aptian and early Albian in age (Cepek, this volume). These data show wide ranges in concentrations of The bottom 20 meters of sediment is unzoned because some elements, a result of variable original composition of the absence of diagnostic fossils and very poor and low-temperature alteration. Major-element-oxide + recovery. Unit II consists of 53 meters of pelagic clay of data, especially the amounts of H2O and K2O and the

Late Cretaceous to middle Miocene age, based on ich- Fe2O3/(Fe2θ3 + FeO) ratio, are most indicative of post- thyolith studies (Doyle and Riedel, this volume). Unit II eruptive, low-temperature alteration. For example, the is overlain by about 36 meters of clayey siliceous ooze average value of H2O + in these samples is 2.8%, com- and siliceous clay of late Miocene to early Pleistocene pared to an average of 0.2% for fresh oceanic tholeiite; age (Unit I). the average Fe2O3/(Fe2O3 + FeO) ratio is 0.48, com- High sedimentation rates in the lower Albian (or up- pared to 0.30 for tholeiite (Hart, 1971; Shido et al., per Aptian) to Cenomanian section (Unit III) record a 1971). The average concentration of K2O is 1.25%, also


SITE 464 SITE 310 39°51.64'N 173°53.33'E 36°52.11'N 176°54.09'E 4637 m 3516 m

Figure 7. Generalized lithologic columns for DSDP Sites 310, 464, 465, and 466. very high compared to an average of 0.25% for fresh beneath limestone of late Albian to Cenomanian age. oceanic tholeiite (Cann, 1971). The chemical and petro- The size of the vesicles (some greater than 5 mm in graphic data, together with the high abundance of smec- diameter), the red iron-oxide staining in some flow tite, suggest that the basalt at Site 464 has been con- units, and the current-stratified, coarse-grained sand- siderably altered; this alteration is similar to that de- stone between the trachyte and the Albian to Ceno- scribed by Bass (1976), Scheidegger and Stakes (1977), manian limestone all suggest that the trachyte erupted and Andrews (1977). either subaerially or in very shallow water. Trace-element data ( 2) are much more defini- Thin-section studies (Seifert et al., this volume) show tive in establishing the chemical affinities of the basalt three generations of feldspar as phenocrysts, laths, and from Site 464. Concentrations of the rare elements microlites flow-aligned in a clay (originally glass) ma- (REE), determined by instrumental neutron-activation trix. The compositions of the plagioclase feldspars analysis and normalized to chondritic meteorite abun- range from 28 to 43% anorthite, and the compositions dances, are plotted in Figure 9. The REE values have a of potash feldspars range from 92 to 98% orthoclase, relatively pattern, with concentrations about 15 as determined by electron-microprobe analyses (Lee- times the concentrations in chondrites. The REE con- Wong, this volume). centrations correspond most closely to those of transi- The ranges and averages of concentrations of ma- + tional mid-ocean-ridge (Sun et al., 1979). jor and minor-element oxides, trace elements, H2O , The chemical and petrographic data show that the H2O~, and CO2 in 18 samples of trachyte from Hole basalt at Site 464 was originally a tholeiite, but they do 465A are given in Tables 1 and 2. Additional trace- not indicate a particular tectonic setting for eruption. element analyses by Scott (this volume) are not included The basalt could be oceanic crust erupted at a spreading in Table 2, but the values are similar, and most fall center, or the basalt could have formed by off-ridge within the given ranges. (intra-plate) volcanism. The high TiO2 and relatively Windom et al. (in press) compared the compositions low A12O3 values do not support an island-arc origin, of the least-altered trachyte from Site 465 with those of although our data do not completely preclude the possi- trachytes from 14 oceanic islands and seamounts. The bility. Hess Rise trachyte is similar to the other rocks, except The igneous basement at Site 465 is altered trachyte that the concentration of K2O is consistently higher and (Seifert et al., this volume; Scott, this volume). About that of Na2O is consistently lower in the Hess Rise tra- 24 meters of trachyte were recovered in Hole 465A chyte. These differences may be related either to altera-


SITE 465 SITE 466 33°49.23'N 178° 55.14'E 34°11.46'N 179°15.34'E 2161 m 2665 m

Figure 7. (Continued). tion or to differences in compositions of the original Scott, this volume), that the underlying igneous rocks . Ranges of concentrations of trace elements, are mostly tholeiitic basalt with a cap of alkali basalt particularly rare-earth elements, are more restricted. and the differentiates of alkali-basalt magmas. The REE patterns (Fig. 10) show that the light rare- The original tectonic setting of Hess Rise is not earth elements (LREE; e.g., La and Ce) are enriched by known, but the setting proposed by Hilde, Isezaki, and about 200 to 300 times relative to chondrite abundances, Wageman (1976) is consistent with our data; according which is typical of alkalic rocks. The depletion of heavy to these authors, Hess Rise began to form along a mid- rare-earth elements (HREE) relative to chondrites is ocean ridge or a triple junction by the extrusion of also typical of alkalic rocks and probably indicates that tholeiitic basalt. Eruption of volcanic rocks may have HREE-enriched minerals such as pyroxene separated at continued along a (Windom et al., in an early stage of fractional crystallization. Windom et press) where alkalic basalt and the differentiates of al. (in press) speculate that the wide range of HREE alkali-basalt magma were erupted as the values may result from the concentration of the HREE moved away from the spreading center. in one or more minerals that were subsequently altered Clasts of were recovered from nanno- to clay minerals, thereby increasing HREE mobilities. fossil ooze of Late Cretaceous to early Eocene age in The trachyte at Site 465 is a differentiate of alkali- Hole 466 (Valuer et al., this volume). The clasts have basalt magma and probably represents some of the both petrologic and tectonic significance for the origin latest volcanism on an oceanic island or that and later uplift of (or volcanic activity on) Hess Rise. crowned Hess Rise during its early evolution. We do not Thin-section studies indicate that the clasts have por- know that characteristics of older igneous rocks on phyritic intersertal and hyalopilitic textures. Pheno- southern Hess Rise, but we speculate, judging from data crysts of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, olivine, and iron- from Site 464 and from other oceanic plateaus (e.g., oxide minerals are set in altered glassy groundmasses.


SERIES SITE 464 SITE 310 SITE 465 Table 1. Compositional ranges and averages of major- and OR STAGE 4637 m 3516 m 2161 m minor-element oxides (wt.%), as determined by X-ray Pleistocene ΛΛΛΛΛΛC^W fluorescence, instrumental neutron-activation analysis, and Pliocene wet-chemical techniques.

10- Trachyte (Site 465) Basalt (Site 464) Oxide Range Average Range Average

20- Siθ2 58.07-60.81 59.66 45.58-46.75 46.16

TiO2 0.99-1.07 1.03 1.72-1.75 1.74

A12O3 18.40-19.08 18.78 15.69-16.14 15.92 30- Fe2θ3 2.37-3.59 2.97 6.27-6.49 6.38 FeO 0.14-1.00 0.56 6.46-7.16 6.81 MgO 0.31-2.08 1.03 7.82-7.89 7.85 CaO 1.94-3.40 2.31 3.91-4.72 4.32 40- Na2θ 4.68-5.46 5.12 3.08-3.38 3.23

K2O 2.89-6.40 4.80 0.81-1.68 1.25 P2O5 0.28-0.46 0.36 0.09-0.10 0.09 _ 50J MnO 0.015-0.060 0.034 0.25-0.29 0.27 H O + 0.60-2.68 1.56 2.74-2.79 2.76 ε 2 H2O~ 0.64-3.98 1.84 4.33-5.31 4.82 0.21-1.73 0.47 — — 60 co2

JL A _L Notes: Fe2θ3 is total iron for Site 465 analyses only. Site 465 data (TV = 18) are for southern Hess Rise trachyte; Site 464 Maas 70 data (N 2) are for northern Hess Rise basalt. See Seifert Cam. et al. (this volume) for a review of analytical methods.

San. 80-1 Table 2. Trace-element ranges and averages (ppm) as deter- mined by X-ray fluorescence and instrumental neutron- Conia. activation analysis for basalt (Site 464) and trachyte Tu. (Site 465). 90-

Ceno. Trachyte (Site 465) Basalt (Site 464)

100- Element Range Average Range Average Alb- ±±L\ _ _1_ A-L- La 7.51-89.1 82.5 4.8-5.1 5.0 Ar •r . Trachyte Ce 156-187 171 12.8-13.6 13.2 Apt 110 Basalt Sm 8.9-11.7 10.5 3.1-3.5 3.2 Eu 2.9-3.2 3.0 1.17-1.25 1.20 LEGEND Tb 1.0-1.6 1.3 0.66-0.69 0.68 Calcareous ooze Yb 1.8-4.4 2.9 2.37-2.96 2.27 Chert chalk and limestone Lu 0.3-0.7 0.5 0.32-0.42 0.36 Rb 15.3-66.5 33.6 Igneous rocks Ba 596-688 645 Siliceous fossil ooze t- 7 Λ Th 13.9-18.9 16.9 3.16-3.17 3.16 Ta 8.4-11.1 9.6 0.26-0.28 0.27 Lacuna Clay Zr 474-829 715 111-112 111 Sr 251-397 311 158-178 167 Figure 8. Generalized time-lithologic columns for DSDP Sites 310, Co 8.5-22.6 16.2 38.6-50.3 45.3 464, 465, and 466. Sc 2.1-3.2 2.7 55.0-55.8 55.3 Note: For trachyte, N = 18; for basalt, N = 3. Low-temperature alteration has led to both partial and complete replacement of primary minerals by secondary minerals that include zeolites and calcite. Primary clasts certainly records an important event in the evolu- mineral compositions of most clasts are characteristic of tion of Hess Rise. The islands may have formed by up- alkali basalt and alkali olivine basalt. Some of the exten- lift of older mid-Cretaceous igneous crust during Late sively altered clasts probably are more-silicic differen- Cretaceous(?) and(or) early Tertiary tectonism. Alter- tiates of alkali-basalt magmas. natively, the islands being eroded during that time may Relict clinopyroxene shows high concentrations of have been built by volcanism. There is some inconclu- CaO, and therefore high molecular percent wollasto- sive evidence that volcanic activity on or near Hess Rise nite, which are characteristics of alkalic rocks. Plots of occurred in the Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary (Valuer

molecular percent wollastonite versus A12O3 and Na2O and Jefferson, this volume), but apparently it was not show that these rocks have alkalic affinities (Valuer et extensive. al., this volume). The volcanic-rock clasts are rounded, which suggests Organic-Carbon-Rich Limestone Facies that they were eroded from nearby islands. We do not The mid-Cretaceous limestones that contain abun- know the origin of the islands, but the presence of these dant organic matter, recovered from Sites 465 and 466,


100 deposited about 98 to 103 m.y. ago) consists of 136 meters of laminated, olive-gray limestone, containing up to 8.6% organic carbon. The lateral equivalent of this unit at Site 466 consists of about 66 meters of olive chalk and limestone of late Albian age (100-101 m.y.) containing up to 8.1% organic carbon. Rocks of mid-Cretaceous age containing more than 2% organic carbon have been reported from several other DSDP sites on elevated plateaus and seamounts in the central Pacific. Two samples of volcanic siltstone 10 containing 2.8 and 2.3% organic carbon were reported from Site 171 on Horizon (Winterer, Ewing, et al., 1973). One sample of early Aptian to Barremian (>115 m.y.) olive-gray silicified clayey porcellanite from Hole 305 on contained 9.3% organic Δ 464-34,CC, 11cm carbon (Larson, Moberly, et al., 1975). A small frag- • 464-34,CC, 19cm ment of early Cenomanian to late Albian age (92-97 α 464-34.CC, 22cm m.y.) in the core catcher of Core 17, Hole 310A, central Hess Rise, was described as black carbonaceous pelagic shale (Larson, Moberly, et al., 1975). No organic- La Ce Sm Eu Tb Yb Lu Rare carbon analyses of this fragment were made, but it had a bituminous odor and burned when heated. One sam- Figure 9. Distribution of rare-earth elements, normalized to chondrite abundances, in basalt samples from Hole 464, northern Hess Rise ple of a calcareous bed within pre-Aptian (> 120 m.y.) (Seifert et al., this volume). volcanic sandstone in Hole 317A, on , was reported to contain 28.7% organic carbon (Schlan- ger, Jackson, et al., 1976). Three thin beds within a 500 lower Aptian (about 113 m.y.) dark-colored pelagic- limestone sequence in Hole 463, in the Mid-Pacific , contain as much as 7.5% organic carbon (Dean et al. and Mélières et al., both this volume; Thiede et al., in press). Three basic models have been proposed to describe conditions under which marine sediments rich in or- ganic matter might accumulate in a deep-sea environ- ment. The first model is that of a stratified deep basin with anoxic bottom waters (e.g., Ryan and Cita, 1977; Thiede and van Andel, 1977; Arthur and Schlanger, 1979; Demaison and Moore, 1980; among others). The most commonly used modern example of this type of environment is the present (Degens and Ross, 1974). Well-documented ancient examples of sections with reduced sediment include the Pleistocene Mediter- ranean Sea (Ryan, 1972; Nesteroff, 1973), the Lower Jurassic of Great Britain (Morris, 1979), and the mid- Cretaceous (Mowry Shale) of the western interior of North America (Nixon, 1973; Byers and Larson, 1979). The second model actually consists of a group of similar models, all involving a mid-water oxygen mini- mum that impinges on a , an oceanic plateau, or a seamount (Schlanger and Jenkyns, 1976; Fischer and Arthur, 1977; Thiede and van Andel, 1977; Arthur and Schlanger, 1979). Oxygen minima are com- La Ce Eu Tb Yb Lu mon in coastal regions where high surface-water pro- Rare Earths ductivity, usually caused by , results in high biological oxygen demand and depletion of oxygen at Figure 10. Distribution of rare-earth elements, normalized to chon- drite abundances, in samples of trachyte from Hole 465A, south- mid-water (-200 to ~ 1000 m) depths. The sediment in ern Hess Rise (Seifert et al., this volume). regions of an oxygen minimum often contains more than 2% organic carbon. Probably the best known on southern Hess Rise, were studied by Dean et al., Mé- coastal environment of this type is the high-productivity lières et al., Simoneit, and Timofeev and Bobolyubova upwelling system associated with the Benguela Current (all this volume). The oldest sedimentary lithologic unit off Namibia, Southwest Africa (Calvert and Price, at Site 465 (Unit II, upper Albian to lower Cenomanian, 1971; Brongersma-Sanders, 1957, 1966). Similar condi-

1043 T. L. VALLIER ET AL. tions exist off the coasts of Peru, Chile, northwest 4) All mid-Cretaceous organic-carbon-rich strata in Africa, western Australia, California, western Mexico, the Pacific are associated with volcanic material. India, and Arabia. The oxygen minimum in the east- 5) All sites underlain by organic-carbon-rich strata central Pacific Ocean extends westward for a consider- were in relatively shallow water and were south of or able distance from the continental margins of North and very near the Equator during the mid-Cretaceous. South America. Where mid-ocean volcanic plateaus and 6) Organic-carbon-rich strata usually occur inter- seamounts intersect this minimum, organic matter may bedded with organic-carbon-poor strata on a scale of accumulate in sediments in much the same way it does tens of centimeters. The organic-carbon-rich and -poor where the oxygen minimum impinges on a continental interbeds in the mid-Cretaceous of the Atlantic and of margin. An intensified and(or) expanded oxygen mini- Tethys are usually manifested as cyclic variations in lith- mum in the past could have resulted in greater accumu- ology and(or) color (Dean et al., 1978, 1981; Arthur et lation of organic-carbon-rich sediments—both in total al., 1980; Weissert et al., 1979), and it is usually easy to amount and in lateral extent, and may have resulted in predict which layers are likely to contain high concen- low-oxygen conditions in bottom waters over large parts trations of organic carbon. The organic^ carbon-rich of the world ocean (Schlanger and Jenkyns, 1976; layers are not as obvious, however, in the mid-Creta- Fischer and Arthur, 1977; Thiede and van Andel, 1977; ceous strata of the Pacific. Olive-gray, laminated, fora- Arthur and Schlanger, 1979). minifer- and radiolarian-rich limestone at Site 465 in- A third model for the accumulation of organic matter cludes 136 meters of stratigraphic section that spans involves depletion of oxygen in the sediments in re- about 5 m.y. from the late Albian to early Cenomanian. sponse to a high rate of supply of organic matter (Gard- Similar-appearing samples of this limestone may con- ner et al., 1978). According to this model, the zero-oxy- tain less than 1% to more than 3% organic carbon. gen isopleth may be at or above the sediment/water in- Cyclic interbeds of white, light-gray, dark-gray, black, terface, or within the sediments, depending upon the and green limestones with highly variable amounts of relative rates of supply of organic matter, supply of oxy- volcanic ash and silica constitute 45 meters of strati- gen, and depletion of oxygen by biological oxygen de- graphic section at Site 463. Many of the beds are mand within the sediment and overlying waters (Gard- laminated and dark-colored and appear to be rich in ner et al., 1978; Demaison and Moore, 1980). Anoxic organic matter, but only three intervals contain concen- conditions in the sediments and possibly in the water trations of organic carbon greater than 2% (Dean et al. column for some distance above the sediment/water in- and Mélières et al., this volume; Thiede et al., in press). terface are caused by oxygen consumption within the These organic-carbon-rich intervals occur within about sediments, and are not necessarily related to reduction 6 meters of section that spans only about 105 years. of oxygen in the overlying waters, although restricted 7) The source of the organic matter in the mid-Creta- circulation of bottom waters containing little or no oxy- ceous rocks in the Pacific appears to be mostly lipid- gen may be required for total oxygen depletion and the rich, autochthonous, marine organic matter. Dean et al. accumulation of hydrogen sulfide. Variations in the rate (this volume) concluded from pyrolysis-assay results of supply of organic matter would result in variations in that most of the organic matter in the mid-Cretaceous the positions of the zero-oxygen isopleth and could re- limestones from Sites 465 and 466 on southern Hess sult in cyclic interbeds of oxic and anoxic sediments Rise and Site 463 in the Mid-Pacific Mountains is com- such as those commonly observed in mid-Cretaceous posed of lipid-rich kerogen derived from aquatic marine strata of the (Dean, Gardner, et al., organisms, and that contributions from terrigenous or- 1978; Dean, Barron, et al., 1981; Gardner et al., 1978; ganic matter are minor. Petrographic studies of organic Arthur et al., 1980). matter from Sites 463, 465, and 466 by Timofeev and The following observations place constraints on Bogolyubova (this volume) showed that most of the or- which model or models of accumulation of organic-car- ganic matter is sapropelic, and that only the lower few bon-rich sediments might be used to explain the genesis cores in Hole 465A contain appreciable amounts of hu- of the mid-Cretaceous strata recovered at the seven mic organic matter. Analyses of one sample from Hole Pacific DSDP sites described in references cited above. 466 on Hess Rise by Simoneit (this volume) showed that 1) Except for the sites on southern Hess Rise (Sites the lipids are primarily of autochthonous marine origin. 465 and 466) all of the reported organic-carbon-rich Data on the carbon-isotope composition of the or- rocks in the Pacific have a very restricted stratigraphic ganic matter are somewhat equivocal (Dean et al., this range, and at four of the seven sites the organic-carbon- volume). The organic carbon is isotopically light (δ13C rich facies is defined by only one or two samples. = -24 to -29%) relative to modern marine organic 2) All Pacific occurrences of organic-carbon-rich carbon (<513C = -9 to -30‰), and lightest carbon is rocks are from oceanic plateaus at intermediate water most lipid-rich. The δ13C values are within the range of depths; strata of equivalent age in adjacent deep basins δ13C values for terrestrial organic carbon, Cretaceous do not contain high concentrations of organic matter. petroleum, and organic carbon from Cretaceous strata 3) The organic-carbon-rich rocks in the Pacific are in other ocean basins where the organic matter, based all mid-Cretaceous in age, but they are not synchro- on other geochemical evidence, is judged to be of ma- nous, and they range from as early as 84 m.y. on Hori- rine, terrestrial, and(or) mixed origin. The isotopic evi- zon Guyot to more than 120 m.y. on Manihiki Plateau. dence also suggests that Cretaceous petroleum and the


organic matter in mid-Cretaceous organic-carbon-rich The short-lived anoxic events associated with vol- strata were derived from terrigenous organic matter, canic activity at Pacific localities other than Hess Rise which contradicts most other geochemical evidence. A were the results of local tectonic and oceanographic fac- more likely conclusion is that we do not fully under- tors (the organo-volcanic spike model of Thiede et al., stand the relations between carbon-isotope composition in press). Volcanic islands and near-surface rises that and the biogeochemistry of carbon. must have existed in the central Pacific during the mid- That the organic-carbon-rich mid-Cretaceous strata Cretaceous interrupted the flow of surface currents. in the Pacific only occur on oceanic plateaus and sea- Fertile surface waters near islands and shoals may have mounts, that they are not synchronous, and that most been made more productive by current-induced upwell- occur over very short stratigraphic (and time) intervals ing and land-derived nutrients. Any oxygen-deficient cannot be explained by complete deoxygenation of bot- environments that may have resulted from increased tom waters. That most of the organic-carbon-rich strata productivity probably developed only locally and had a are not synchronous, and that they formed over a time short duration. Also, these environments would have of as much as 40 m.y. cannot easily be reconciled by formed at different places at different times, but all the expanded oxygen-minimum model proposed by within the general period of highly productive and warm Schlanger and Jenkyns (1976) and Jenkyns (1980). Yet, surface waters during the mid-Cretaceous. all of these strata were deposited during a time (the mid- Cretaceous) when sediments rich in organic matter were Pelagic Carbonate Facies accumulating at many places, especially in the Atlantic Sections of relatively pure nannofossil or foramini- Ocean. During this time, oceanic surface- and bottom- fer-nannofossil ooze and chalk were recovered at Sites water temperatures also were high (Douglas and Savin, 310, 465, and 466. Calcareous ooze at Site 310, on the 1975; Fischer and Arthur, 1977). Increased water tem- central part of Hess Rise, contains larger admixtures of peratures would have had two main effects: first, siliceous-microfossil debris and clay than at either of the thermohaline deep-water circulation, driven today by sites on southern Hess Rise. This difference is probably the sinking of cold, oxygen-rich surface waters in high due to concentration of siliceous debris and clay left latitudes, would have been more sluggish; and second, after dissolution of carbonate in ooze from Site 310, be- the warmer water would contain lower concentrations cause this site, at a water depth of 3516 meters, is close of dissolved oxygen. Bottom-water circulation was suf- to the present CCD, and has always been closer to the ficient to supply some oxygen to maintain oxidizing CCD than the southern Hess Rise sites, which are pres- conditions in the deep basins of the Pacific, but slow ently at water depths of 2161 meters (Site 465) and 2665 enough to permit depletion of dissolved oxygen in areas meters (Site 466). The thin (10 m) pelagic-clay unit at 90 of high productivity of organic matter. to 100 meters sub-bottom at Site 310 spans at least the All occurrences of organic-carbon-rich rocks in the middle Eocene, and may extend back into at least part Pacific, except those on southern Hess Rise (Sites 465 of the Late Cretaceous. The pelagic clay unit between and 466), appear to have been caused by short-lived carbonate units indicates that the CCD fluctuated at this events of oxygen depletion somehow associated with part of Hess Rise. volcanic activity. The organic-carbon-rich strata at the The entire sedimentary sections at Sites 465 and 466 southern Hess Rise sites appear to have been deposited on southern Hess Rise are records of pelagic carbonate in oxygen deficient environments that lasted at least sedimentation. Unfortunately, the sections contain sev- several millions of years and resulted in the accumula- eral major lacunas (Fig. 8); poor recovery because of tion of thick sequences of pelagic strata containing abundant chert makes the records even less complete. abundant organic matter. The Hess Rise sites probably In spite of poor recovery, the progressive diagenetic were under an equatorial zone of high surface-water change from ooze to chalk to limestone within the pe- productivity when these strata accumulated. Most of the lagic-carbonate facies is recognizable at all three sites Hess Rise organic-carbon-rich strata are laminated, but (310, 465, and 466). Progressive diagenesis during burial the cross-stratification and good sorting of these rocks of the carbonate facies also is shown by decreasing con- (Site 465 report, this volume) suggest that they were centrations of strontium with increasing depth in sam- deposited in relatively shallow water. The benthic fora- ples from Holes 465A and 466 (Dean, this volume). minifers in the Site 465 strata suggest that they were Matter et al. (1975) observed a similar decrease in stron- deposited in an upper-bathyal environment (Boersma, tium with depth in pelagic carbonates on Shatsky Rise, this volume). The association of thin beds of volcanic which they attributed to an increase with depth in low- ash with these strata and the abundance of smectite in Sr overgrowths on microfossils. the non-carbonate fractions (Valuer and Jefferson, this The best record of the pelagic-carbonate facies occurs volume) indicate that volcanic activity was still going on at Site 465, where the top of the sedimentary section after the main constructive phases of volcanism on Hess contains about 270 meters of structureless, remarkably Rise ceased. We conclude that the organic-carbon-rich uniform nannofossil ooze of late Coniacian to late Paleo- strata on southern Hess Rise were deposited on a part of cene age, and about 2 meters of foraminifer-nannofossil the rise above the CCD and within an oxygen-minimum ooze of Plio-Pleistocene age. zone, as the rise crossed under a highly productive equa- Neogene pelagic calcareous facies are best repre- torial divergence (the equatorial crossing model of sented at Sites 310 and 466. A well-developed (about 60 Thiede et al., in press). m thick) Pleistocene to lower Pliocene sequence occurs


at both sites, and a condensed (about 20 m thick) lower- brown-clay unit into Core 6, Hole 464. Core 6 records a most Pliocene and upper and middle Miocene section at change from the illite- and chlorite-dominated Miocene Site 310. At both sites, a marked change in sedimentary clay to a smectite-dominated Paleocene clay. Older, Up- regime occurred about 4.2 m.y. ago, from slow or non- per Cretaceous sediments show a slight increase in the deposition in the early Neogene to normal pelagic sedi- amount of illite. mentation through the rest of the Neogene and Pleisto- The authigenic fraction (oxides, hydroxides, opal, cene (Vincent, this volume). Fluctuations in carbonate and zeolites) of the pelagic clay in Hole 464 is 30 to 35% content within the Neogene are concordant with those in of most samples, except in the Paleocene sediments, Neogene sequences from the equatorial Pacific. Vincent where it reaches a maximum of about 50% (Rea and (this volume) relates carbonate-dissolution spikes within Harrsch, this volume). Maximum amounts of authi- these Neogene sequences to global changes in the chem- genic material occur in the same places as the maximum istry of the ocean linked to regression-cooling events. amounts of smectite (Fig. 11). Fish remains, plagio- Rea and Harrsch (this volume) show that mass- clase, and volcanic glass are minor but constant compo- accumulation rates of eolian material in the pelagic- carbonate facies on Hess Rise are high for carbonate oozes of late Cenozoic age, with a maximum about 4 to 5 m.y. ago, probably caused by increased volcanic ac- SERIES CORE AUTHIGENIC OR NUMBER MATERIAL ILLITE SMECTITE tivity. Eolian mass-accumulation rates in carbonate STAGE 25 35 45 55% 100 50 100% facies of Maastrichtian to Campanian age on Hess Rise Pleistocene are very low relative to mass-accumulation rates of eo- Pliocene (5-3) lian material in pelagic carbonates of the same age on A (5-4) oceanic plateaus farther south. Many DSDP sites, pres- 10- ently located in the central Pacific, have records of in- creased Late Cretaceous volcanic activity (e.g., Sites

165, 169, 170, 171, 198, 315, 316, 462, and 463), which 20- suggests that many of the oceanic plateaus were created 1 during this period of volcanic activity. Hess Rise ap- (6-2) parently did not receive much of this Upper Cretaceous volcanic material. However, the Albian organic-carbon- 30- rich limestone at Sites 465 and 466 contains abundant volcanic material (Rea and Harrsch; Valuer and Jeffer- son, both this volume), which is to be expected, because 40- the basement or volcanic pedestal rocks of southern Hess Rise probably were being eroded at the same time the carbonate was being deposited. λ Pelagic-Clay Facies 6-5) ^ Pelagic clays were recovered from northern Hess Rise (7-1 )x (Site 464) and the central platform (Site 310). At Site 60- 464, upper Miocene and Pliocene greenish-gray clay (8-2) grades downward into 53 meters of yellowish-brown to dark-brown clay. Sediments in the brown-colored clay 70- of Site 464 contain no siliceous or calcareous microfos- sils, but have been tentatively dated by ichthyoliths (Doyle and Riedel, this volume) as Late Cretaceous to early Miocene. Pelagic clay containing early and middle 80- Eocene calcareous nannofossils comprises a section (10-1) about 10 meters thick in Hole 310 (Larson, Moberly, et 10 al., 1975). 90- (10-3) Linear sedimentation rates of these units range from about 2 m/m.y. for the nannofossil-bearing pelagic clay of Site 310, to an average of 0.4 m/m.y. for clay at Site 100- 464. The section at Site 464, however, likely has several • Mülleretal. x Hein and Vanek this diastems that cannot be recognized in the recovered core • Rateev et al. volume material. Samples of pelagic clay from Site 464 have an A Valuer and Jefferson average porosity of about 80%, which, when converted 3 Figure 11. Approximate age, authigenic-material content, and illite/ to dry-bulk density (0.52 g/cm ) and combined with the smectite ratio of clay minerals in samples from Hole 464. Ages of overall linear sedimentation rate, gives a mass-accumu- Cores 6 to 10 are from Doyle and Riedel (this volume). Percent- lation rate of 0.01 g cm-2 10~3yr~1, which is low even ages of authigenic material are from Rea and Harrsch (this vol- ume). Clay mineral data are from Müller et al., Hein and Vanek, for deep-sea pelagic clay. Rateev et al., and Valuer and Jefferson, all in this volume. Illite and chlorite are the dominant clay minerals in Samples from Cores 5 through 10 are identified by core and sec- the upper siliceous-clay unit and in the underlying tion numbers.

1046 GEOLOGY OF HESS RISE nents of the pelagic clay facies in Hole 464 (Timofeev rived eolian material available at the site. The increasing and Koporulin, this volume). amount of illite in the younger sediments at Site 464 Major-, minor-, and trace-element chemistries show records the increasing importance of continent-derived the heterogeneity of the pelagic-clay composition (Dean, materials, the increasing aridity of Neogene climates, this volume; Varentsov, this volume). Notable increases and perhaps the increasing vigor of the late Cenozoic down-hole from the siliceous clay to the brown clay oc- winds. cur in the concentrations of iron, potassium, titanium, , , chromium, copper, lanthanum, mo- Surface Sediments lybdenum, yttrium, and zinc. Other elements also show Surface and near-surface lithologies and the surface irregularities in concentration. The pelagic brown clay sediment distribution on Hess Rise (Figs. 12 and 13) contains especially high concentrations of iron and were interpreted from brief descriptions of piston cores manganese in hydrated oxides of iron and manganese, provided by Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory which are effective scavengers of trace metals, particu- and Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and from the larly nickel, copper, cobalt, and zinc, and to a lesser ex- DSDP drilling results. We have identified three major tent chromium, molybdenum, barium, and lead. As a facies of surface sediment—pelagic clay, marl, and cal- result of this scavenging, the pelagic brown clay con- careous ooze—based on estimates of the amount of car- tains high concentrations of many trace elements, par- bonate. One minor facies has abundant siliceous micro- ticularly in the basal, zeolite-rich part of the unit (Dean, fossils and variable amounts of calcareous fossils and this volume). The siliceous clay of Unit I, Site 464, is en- clay. riched in barium by a factor of about 10 relative to the The calcareous ooze generally is found only at water underlying pelagic-clay unit (fig. 4, table 5 of Dean, this depths shallower than about 3000 meters, and pelagic volume). This is further evidence of concentration of clay is the dominant sediment below about 4000 meters. barium by organisms in pelagic marine sediments, sug- Sediment that lies between depths of about 3000 and gested by many investigators (see Dean and Schreiber, 4000 meters is mostly marl (30-60% CaCO3). The pres- 1978, and Church, 1979, for reviews of this problem). ent CCD on Hess Rise lies below 4000 meters, which is Because Site 464 is about 1500 meters above the sur- in agreement with the 4400-meter depth estimated by rounding deep ocean floor, and on the crest of a low Berger et al. (1976). Using these carbonate-depth rela- rise, it is unlikely that much of the pelagic clay was tionships to define the facies boundaries, we con- deposited by bottom or nepheloid-layer processes that structed the lithofacies map (Fig. 13). The minor sili- occur in the abyssal Pacific. We conclude that most of ceous facies mainly occurs on northern Hess Rise (north the material is probably eolian, although local rework- of about 37 °N) and is related to surface-water produc- ing certainly is possible. The two main sources of eolian tivity near the boundary between the central and sub- material are dry continental surfaces and volcanoes. arctic water masses. The mineralogy and amount of authigenic material in the clays on northern Hess Rise (Fig. 11) suggest that SEISMIC STRATIGRAPHY both of these sources contributed eolian materials. The A major contribution of the Deep Sea Drilling Proj- illite domination of Pliocene to Miocene siliceous clay ect has been drilling results that can be related to seismic and brown pelagic clay implies that these sediments or acoustic stratigraphy. The early cruises were in large were derived from an Asiatic continental source. Cores part directed toward determining the ages and charac- of approximately early Miocene to middle Eocene age teristics of acoustic units and the boundaries between contain a mixture of smectite and illite, suggesting a them. The four holes drilled on Hess Rise greatly aid mixed continental and volcanic source, and lower Eo- our interpretations of the seismic stratigraphy. This sec- cene and Paleocene pelagic clay is almost entirely smec- tion is written to show some of the major characteristics tite, indicating a significant volcanic input (Hein and of the seismic stratigraphy on Hess Rise and to relate the Vanek, this volume). Upper Cretaceous brown clay is seismic units to drilling results. dominated by smectite, but contains some illite, which Seismic-reflection records discussed in this section suggests a mixed but mostly volcanic source. (Fig. 2) were collected with single-channel air-gun seis- During the Paleocene, Site 464 would have been at mic systems on Lamont-Doherty Geological Observa- about 25 °N (using the plate-rotation scheme of Lance- tory cruises Vema 20 (1964), Conrad 10 (1966), and lot, 1978), near the northern edge of the northeast trade- Vema 32 (1975), and on Scripps Institution of Oceanog- wind zone as presently defined. The site would have raphy cruise Aries 7 (1971) and Glomar Challenger Legs been far from a land source to the east (8000-9000 km; 32 (1973) and 62 (1978). Air-gun firing rates were at Firstbrook et al., 1979), but fairly close to the actively 10-second intervals, and recording sweep rates were 10 erupting volcanoes that now are the Emperor Sea- seconds. Glomar Challenger Leg 62 utilized both 10- mounts (Hein and Vanek, this volume; Dalrymple et al., and 5-second sweep rates. 1980). The high-smectite, high-authigenic-mineral Pale- Interpretations of seismic records in other parts of ocene interval (Fig. 11) likely records this period of ac- the world ocean have guided our interpretations to some tivity along the Emperor Seamount chain. extent. For example, pelagic ooze and pelagic clay gen- Continued northward migration would have placed erally are acoustically transparent. Volcanic ash layers, Site 464 under the prevailing westerly winds sometime turbidites, some unconformities, clathrate horizons, during the Eocene, thereby making more continent-de- and diagenetic changes such as the transition from mud

1047 RC 10-179 RC 10-178 RC 10-180 AIRES-45 ARIES-46 JYN II-5G JYN II-4G JYN II-6G V 20-104 V 20-105 AIRES-48 AIRES-46 V 32-128 V 32-127 V 32-126 AIRES-49 V 20-103 39°38'N 37°48'N 4I°43'N 36°34.6'N 36°33.7'N 35°25'W 33°04'N 37°56'N 37°lβ'N 39°Oθ'N 36°33.4'N 36°33.7N 36°27.5'N 35°28.7'N 35°l9.l'N 36°26.θ'N 33°59'N O I73°43'E I72°2O'E I73°33'E I74O57.0'E I75°23.2'E IV7°43'W I74°I5'W I78°IO'E I78°IO'W I78°I7'W I78°5O.3'E I75°23.2'E I77°O9.5'E I77°34.2'E I77°55.4'E I78 38.2'E I77°5θ'w s 4312 m 5808 m 4925m 5195m 3666 m 4320 m 5530m 5250 m 5449 m S336m 4482m 3666 m 3927 m 3870m 3902m 3442 m OO 3623m XX- -x-x f --31-


JT L 1 X -LJ. I- -! _L_Λ_ xli

•Λ-~"- _Λ 5; £•j

Azl J L

x£ ill


E 6 ~-L- _Λ_

±± X±J.

J_JLI ^l__L


I ~—~ | Pelagic clay

^ I """-i-"*^! Calcareous ooze and chalk

["'biT"! Siliceous ooze _Λ_ . I÷J-÷I Marl

# £ \ Volcanic debris and ash

I mn I Manganese nodules and stains

Figure 12. Generalized lithologic columns for piston cores from Hess Rise, taken on Scripps Institution of Oceanography cruises (cores designated Aries and Jyn), and Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory cruises (cores designated V and RC). Locations of cores are shown in Figure 13. GEOLOGY OF HESS RISE


-i-j-i- i 7-1 H- iii i i I i

32°N 172°E 173° 174° 175° 177° 178 179° 180° 179° 178° 177° 176° 175° 174° W LEGEND

r-^" * Approximate facies boundary Calcareous ooze Pelagic clay (>4000 m) \ \ (generally <3000m) • Piston and gravity cores J_i J Marl (3000 m- 4000 m) Siliceous fossils A DSDP Sites Figure 13. Generalized map of surface-sediment facies on Hess Rise and surrounding areas in the central North Pacific, determined by the compo- sitions of surface sediments in piston cores (Fig. 12) and DSDP cores (Fig. 7). to mudstone, calcareous ooze to chalk, and opal to (Figs. 7 and 14). These are (1) a lowest acoustic unit that chert often can be resolved acoustically and appear in shows coarse seismic layering, (2) a middle acoustic unit seismic records as layers or seismic boundaries. Acous- that has strong seismic layering, and (3) a top acoustic tic basement generally is volcanic rock. The definition unit that is weakly layered to acoustically transparent. of acoustic basement, however, depends on the power We recovered basalt (16 cm) from the top of the lowest and type of seismic system used and, in places, it may unit, which strongly suggests that it corresponds to correspond to limestone or chert. The difficulty in dis- oceanic basement. The apparent seismic layering may tinguishing volcanic rock from limestone on some seis- have been caused by the seismic system. It is possible, mic records is greatly influenced by the strong contrast however, that the basalt is the top in a sediment-sill in acoustic impedance between limestone and the over- sequence, and therefore that the layering may be real. lying sediment, which causes most incident seismic en- The middle acoustic unit corresponds to a 219-meter- ergy to be reflected, so that seismic waves do not pene- thick sequence of nannofossil chalk and ooze, lime- trate the volcanic rocks. stone, chert, and claystone. The top acoustic unit corre- Figure 14 shows the relationships between drilling sponds to the 89-meter-thick pelagic clay. results and seismic stratigraphy on Hess Rise. In gen- Drilling results at Site 310 (Larson, Moberly, et al., eral, lithologic units correspond to the acoustic units, 1975) also can be correlated with the seismic stratig- which assists in the interpretation of acoustic facies on raphy (Figs. 7 and 14). The three acoustic units and their the rise. lithologies are (1) a bottom unit, not drilled, that prob- Three major acoustic units identified near Site 464 on ably corresponds to oceanic basement (volcanic rock), northern Hess Rise can be related to the drilling results (2) a middle unit that acoustically is strongly layered,

1049 o o


1.5 Pelagic ^~"""""--^^ •zIrE-H^r clay '—. i ' i ' i i i i i i i i Chert, chalk, / i i limestone / i i i i claystone / i i 2.1 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i / f" <- T <- Basalt -J > Λ v "7 t- V


_L A_l_ A 1.53


J. _i_•fv- A Λ. (1.58) - A Λ. J_ .A,J 1

A| , 1 1 A 1A 1 I A| 2.45 | I AI .I I Al | I 1 A 1 I 1 (2.89) I A| A | Λ K -, < v v (3.60) Trachyte L V > * Averages from laboratory measurements are given in parentheses

Figure 14. Correlation of seismic stratigraphy, interval sound velocity, and lithologies at sites drilled on Hess Rise. GEOLOGY OF HESS RISE which is related to chert, porcellanite, and chalk lithol- Acoustic stratigraphy across the central platform is ogies, and (3) an upper unit, showing weak seismic well portrayed on Figure 17. The middle and upper units layering, that relates to a sequence of nannofossil ooze both thicken and thin. Thickness changes in the middle with minor chert. unit are related to basement topography, which in turn The two sites (465 and 466) drilled on Mellish Bank is caused mostly by faulting. The upper unit shows the of southern Hess Rise are similar in that they have an ir- effects of local (e.g., Fig. 17, 0200Z-0400Z, 23 regular bottom unit that is nearly opaque acoustically, a August) and deposition (e.g., Fig. 17, 12OOZ-13OOZ, 22 middle unit that has strong reflecting layers, and an up- August). per unit that ranges acoustically from nearly transparent Figures 18, 19, and 20 show 10-second-sweep seismic- to strongly stratified (Fig. 14). The consistent, strong reflection profiles across northern Hess Rise and part of acoustic stratification near the top of the upper unit is in the central platform (Fig. 2). The western edge of north- part caused by reverberations, but some of the reflecting ern Hess Rise is shown in Figure 18 at about 0300Z, 11 surfaces are real. The lowest unit (Fig. 7) is trachyte at August. The upper acoustic unit on this record is Site 465, and also probably is volcanic rock at Site 466. separated from the middle unit by a strong reflector that The middle unit that has strong reflecting characteristics may correlate with the youngest chert horizon. The mid- is limestone and chert at Site 465, and limestone, nanno- dle unit has variable thickness, suggesting that there was fossil chalk, and chert at Site 466. The upper unit at Site significant relief and that sediment erosion, transport, 466 corresponds to a thick sequence of nannofossil ooze and redeposition probably occurred. Figure 19 is a and minor chert. northeast-to-southwest seismic record between 38° and The seismic stratigraphy on Hess Rise, therefore, can 37 °N that shows the gently sloping eastern side of Hess be separated broadly into three major acoustic units Rise (e.g., 0200Z-0600Z, 12 August) and the steep west- that vary in composition, space, and time, based on the ern escarpment. Grabens and horsts are well displayed drilling results. The lowest unit corresponds to volcanic on this record. Pinnacles that protrude above the sedi- rock; it generally is acoustically opaque, although seis- ments (e.g., O33OZ and 1000Z, 12 August, Fig. 19) prob- mic reverberations make the unit appear layered in ably are volcanic rocks. The small graben near 0900Z, places. It is possible that the lowest unit may be well- 12 August (Fig. 19) has three distinct acoustic units that lithified limestone or chert on Hess Rise where the top overlie an acoustically opaque basement. The unit that reflector is extremely flat, but this has not been docu- directly overlies acoustic basement is weakly stratified mented. A middle unit ranges widely in acoustic and and has a constant thickness across the basin. The next thickness characteristics. Compositions are chert, chalk, overlying acoustic unit has a flat lower contact and a limestone, and clay stone (Site 464); chert, porcellanite, very irregular, undulating upper contact. The top acous- and chalk (Site 310); limestone and chert (Site 465); and tic unit is nearly transparent acoustically and more or limestone, chalk, and chert (Site 466). The top unit less conforms to the top of the middle acoustic unit. It is thickens and thins abruptly from place to place on Hess apparent that the major relief (faulting?) formed after Rise. Compositions correspond to nannofossil ooze and deposition of the lower, weakly stratified unit, probably minor chert (Sites 310, 465, 466), and to pelagic clay during deposition of the next overlying unit. Judging (Site 464). These units can be traced across Hess Rise on from our drilling results, we speculate that the acoustic the seismic-reflection records (Figs. 5 and 15-24), which basement is basalt—or at least volcanic rock—and that are briefly discussed in the paragraphs that follow. the weakly stratified overlying acoustic unit is nanno- Leg 62 seismic-reflection records across northern fossil chalk, limestone, and chert of Albian to latest Hess Rise show the changes in the acoustic units be- Cretaceous age. The irregular acoustic unit is probably tween the abyssal sea floor depths to the top of northern of latest Cretaceous and Paleogene age, and the upper Hess Rise (Fig. 15, 0400Z to 1000Z, 16 August) and the unit is likely Neogene and Quaternary nannofossil ooze changes in acoustic facies between northern Hess Rise and marl. and the central platform (Fig. 5). Particularly evident in The transition from the central platform to Mellish Figure 5 is the change in thickness of the middle acoustic Bank on southern Hess Rise is shown in Figures 21 to unit, which thickens or thins near faults. For example, 23. The Glomar Challenger Leg 32 and Vema 32 seismic this acoustic unit thickens between 0400Z and 0700Z, 22 records (Figs. 21 and 22) are of particular interest be- August (Fig. 5) and subsequently thins between 0700Z cause the track lines (Fig. 2) progress across most of the and 0730Z, which indicates that the fault affected sedi- central platform and over Mellish Bank. The seismically ment accumulation. The strongly stratified unit that opaque basement probably is volcanic rock. The acoustic crops out along the sides of the graben (e.g., appprox- unit that directly overlies basement is both stratified and imately 2030Z, 21 August) probably is volcanic rock, nearly transparent and, as elsewhere, thickens and thins and the apparent stratification would therefore be the depending on structural position. The middle and upper result of seismic reverberations caused by the seismic acoustic units, described above, can be distinguished in system. Lithified limestone probably would have the places (e.g., Fig. 21, 1400Z-1600Z, 24 September); in same acoustic characteristics, and it is not possible to other parts of the seismic records (e.g., Fig. 21, 0600Z, distinguish the two rock types (volcanic rock and lime- 24 September) the separation is not as straightforward. stone) on the seismic records. Figure 16 is the Conrad 10 All acoustic units become irregular on Mellish Bank. seismic record across northern Hess Rise. The upper, The irregularity of acoustic basement is particularly evi- nearly transparent unit thins over the rise and thickens dent along the Leg 62 seismic record (Fig. 23, 1400Z- northward in the basin. 1800Z, 23 August). Limestone, as determined by Site



SITE 464 -6



0400Z 0500Z 0700Z 0800Z 0900Z 1000Z 029° 9.3 kt August 16, 1978 Figure 15. Five-second-sweep seismic-reflection record from Glomar Challenger Leg 62, showing Site 464 and the approximately south-to-north (029°) approach across northern Hess Rise.

465 drilling results, apparently filled basement lows and this seismic record is extremely irregular and rough, par- thereby decreased local relief during accumulation. The ticularly between 0000Z and 0800Z, 30 May. overlying nannofossil ooze and chert unit is thick near the crest of the rise (Fig. 22, 0000Z, 27 July; Fig. 23, PALEOENVIRONMENTS 2100Z, 23 August) and is mostly absent where the topog- Paleoenvironmental aspects of sediments recovered raphy is rugged (Fig. 23, 1400Z-1800Z, 23 August), sug- from sites on Hess Rise have been discussed in other gesting prolific erosion by bottom currents on and parts of this paper, particularly in the section on litho- around the bathymetric highs. facies. In this section we specifically concentrate on the The volcanic pinnacles on southern Hess Rise (Fig. paleogeography and paleobathymetry of Hess Rise and 24) indicate the local relief across Mellish Bank. The discuss changes that occurred in the depositional envi- small basin between the two pinnacles (Fig. 24, 0700Z, ronments during late Mesozoic and Cenozoic times. 16 August) contains sediment in the thick middle acous- The evolution of depositional environments of the tic unit that probably was deposited from debris flows central North Pacific Ocean, especially of its aseismic that cascaded off the sides of the surrounding pinnacles rises, can be described in sufficient detail only after re- and escarpments. constructions of paleobathymetry and paleogeography Figure 25, a profile across part of Mellish Bank near are considered. We have reconstructed the paleogeo- Sites 465 and 466, shows some topographic and seismic graphic and paleobathymetric evolution based on pro- complexities. Irregular pinnacles are nearly sediment- posed late Mesozoic and Cenozoic plate movements and free, and intervening basins contain thick sediment from the probable subsidence history of Hess Rise (Fig. bodies. The limestone unit (Albian-Cenomanian at 27). The plate rotations have been carried out following both sites) can be traced acoustically through the basins the model of Lancelot (1978), because magnetic prop- and consistently has a nearly flat upper contact. The erties of the Leg 62 rocks from Hess Rise (Sayre, this overlying nannofossil ooze and chert unit (Fig. 14) volume) are in better agreement with this model than thickens and thins and changes in acoustic charac- with previously published models (Winterer, 1973; van teristics across Mellish Bank. Andel et al., 1975). Figure 26 is a Vema 20 seismic record from south to Hess Rise is part of the Pacific Plate and has moved north across the eastern ridge of southern Hess Rise to along a north-northwestward path for more than 100 the Emperor Trough. The track line (Fig. 2) crosses m.y. The rise, now situated at approximately 35 to 45 °N southern Hess Rise, a deep basin, and Emperor Trough. latitude, was at one time south of the equator; it moved Emperor Trough reaches a depth of more than 6750 north at rates which have been estimated from the meters at 0700Z, 31 May (Fig. 26). Hess Rise slopes model of Lancelot (1978). Its northern part must have down to the north through a series of block faults and crossed the equatorial region more than 100 m.y. ago. volcanic pinnacles and reaches abyssal depths (7 sec) at The concomitant large increase in accumulation rates 0700Z-0800Z, 30 May. The topographic expression along just above the volcanic basement at Site 464 (Thiede and



I I I 1800Z 2000Z 0400Z 0800Z 1000Z 028° June 24,1966

1200Z 1400Z 2000Z 2200Z 0000Z 0200Z June 25,1966 Figure 16. Ten-second-sweep seismic-reflection record from Conrad 10 across northern Hess Rise.

Rea, this volume) probably reflects the location of this northward movement. We have attempted to quantify site under the equatorial current regime where produc- (Fig. 28) the rate of subsidence to determine the paleo- tivity was high (van Andel et al., 1975) and where the depth of the depositional environments at different CCD was depressed more than usual in response to the times (Thiede and Rea, this volume). These data suggest high flux of calcareous particles to the sea floor (Berger that the southern part of Hess Rise must have risen and Winterer, 1974). above the sea surface to form an archipelago of tropical The sediments drilled on Hess Rise also suggest that islands during its early history (Fig. 27). Most of these this oceanic plateau subsided since initiation of its islands sank below during the Late Cretaceous


1054 0200Z

L7 04002 ' t t 0600Z 0800Z c/s 9 kt c/c 152° Figure 17. Five-second-sweep seismic-reflection record from Glomar Challenger Leg 62 across the central platform of Hess Rise. The major acoustic units discussed in the text are well displayed in this profile. T. L. VALLIER ET AL.


1000Z 0200Z August 11, 1971 064° Figure 18. Ten-second-sweep seismic-reflection record from Aries Leg 7 across northern Hess Rise, showing the characteristic normal faults and acoustic stratigraphy. as Hess Rise crossed the equatorial zone. Only individ- yr "!. The sites reveal a common pattern of high accum- ual volcanic peaks might have existed as islands until the ulation rates in the older part of the penetrated se- early Tertiary. quences. The transition from high to low accumulation The presence first of a chain of large islands and later rates is preserved only at Sites 464 and 465, whereas of extensive shallow bank areas, must have disturbed hiatuses accompany the abrupt decreases in accumula- the equatorial current regime as Hess Rise moved north- tion rates at Site 466. The values in the younger Ceno- ward, and may have caused the development of a wide zoic parts of the sedimentary sections are low (e.g., well area of high surface-water productivity. This condition below 1 g cm~MO~3 yr~1). but the records of these would have existed until the rise moved out of the region time spans are incomplete at all four sites, because of with continuing northward plate movement (Lancelot, the hiatuses. 1978). Calcareous sediments with high concentrations Accumulation rates during the earliest phases of of organic carbon (Dean et al., this volume) were rapid sediment deposition are variable from site to site. deposited along the flanks of southern Hess Rise at rela- They reach the highest values at Site 465 and fluctuate tively shallow water depths during this time, as docu- widely, revealing considerable variability for the flux of mented by the benthic foraminifers (Boersma, this vol- calcareous material to the sea floor. Although it is clear ume). that the detail of stratigraphic information available is All four sites on Hess Rise had reached a position not always sufficient to establish a precise timing of under an essentially sterile subtropical gyre during the these fluctuations, and although data coverage of the Cenozoic, where accumulation rates were low and ex- different time units is uneven because of the variability tensive erosion created long hiatuses. A thick pelagic of the sedimentation rates, the rapidity and frequency clay sequence of Cretaceous to Miocene age (Doyle and of changes are of themselves interesting. The significant Riedel, this volume; Sancetta, this volume) documents fluctuations of accumulation rates, the sedimentary the position of Site 464 well below the CCD for long structures in the organic-matter-rich limestones at Sites periods of time. Dissolution of calcareous material was 465 and 466, and the reworked shallow-water material also important at the other sites on Hess Rise at interme- at the unconformity atop the Mesozoic section at Site diate depths (1500-2500 m). These intermediate depths 466 all document the variability and instability of this were expected to have been much less prone to calcite depositional environment. dissolution than they in reality proved to be. Data for the siliceous components are more sparse Mass-accumulation rates of the sediment compo- than for the calcareous material, because siliceous fos- nents (Thiede and Rea, this volume; Rea and Harrsch, sils have not been preserved in many cores. Siliceous this volume) are helpful for interpreting paleoenviron- fossils at Site 464 accumulated relatively rapidly from ments. Calcareous components dominate the shallower 107 to 100 m.y. ago; they are absent in the pelagic-clay parts of Hess Rise. However, at Site 464, on northern interval, but they occur again in modest amounts in the Hess Rise, more than 50 meters of carbonate-free pe- late Neogene. Siliceous fossils only sporadically occur in lagic clay represents a time span of as long as 88 m.y. sediments of Sites 465 and 466. (98 m.y. to 10 m.y. ago maximum), when the deposi- Organic carbon rapidly accumulated in certain inter- tional surface was below the CCD and under low-pro- vals during Early and mid-Cretaceous times at Sites 465 ductivity surface waters of the central North Pacific and 466. Fluxes of organic carbon, in terms of the aver- subtropical gyre. age values calculated here, never exceeded 1 g cm~2 Accumulation rates of the bulk sediment, as well as 10~3 yr~1, and organic-carbon concentrations change the dominant calcareous fraction, are highly variable rapidly over short intervals (Dean et al., this volume). It and fluctuated from near 0to more than 10 g cm ~ 2 10 ~3 is possible that the flux rates of organic carbon to the


Southwest- East -. 1 -3

-8 1200Z


1000Z 0800Z 0600Z 0400Z 240° 11 kt August 12, 1971

Figure 19. Ten-second-sweep seismic-reflection record from Aries Leg 7 across Hess Rise near 37-38 °N.

sediment were occasionally much higher than these data and higher-than-normal surface-water productivity. Lo- indicate. cal upwelling of nutrient-enriched waters to the sea sur- Fluxes of biogenic material reflect more than the face and additional nutrient influx from large island original production of either siliceous or calcareous runoff support this high productivity. If these bathy- components—or even of organic carbon—because re- metric highs reach into the , or if parts rise working, dissolution, and diagenetic changes have al- above sea level as islands, they can support highly pro- tered their original values. We presume that the major ductive neritic depositional environments with local preserved trends allow us to make inferences about the rapid and strong bottom currents. They also can receive late Mesozoic and Cenozoic paleoenvironments of the erosional products from the adjacent subaerial volcanic central North Pacific Ocean. Anomalously shallow re- islands. A modern analogy of such an environment gions of the older parts of the Pacific basin occur near probably can be observed in the depositional regime volcanic aseismic rises that approach and in places around the Galapagos Islands (Moore et al., 1973) in the break through the sea surface. These anomalous regions eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. create obstacles to the current regimes of the surface The sedimentary sections recovered during Leg 62 on water masses, generating a region of greatly enhanced Hess Rise document the depositional history of a large


Southeast Northeast-

NEAR SITE 310 fcf

0400Z 0200Z I0000Z 2200Z 2000Z August 14, 1971 c/c 157° 067° 11 kt August 13, 1971

Figure 20. Ten-second-sweep seismic-reflection record from Aries Leg 7 across the central platform of Hess Rise near Site 310.

central Pacific oceanic plateau or aseismic rise, built bottom-water currents flowed at speeds sufficient to during a phase of intensive Early Cretaceous volcanic erode and sort the soft, fine-grained pelagic sediments activity south of the equator, which once represented (Dean et al., this volume). a large tropical volcanic archipelago (Fig. 27). These The sites on Hess Rise had subsided into intermediate islands rapidly subsided after their formation, but parts and deep waters by the time they reached the sterile sub- of the aseismic rise apparently had shoal areas for a long tropical to temperate central North Pacific. The cal- time as this part of the Pacific Plate moved northward careous, pelagic components of the Cenozoic sediment across the Equator, into the central subtropical and are therefore either dissolved (Site 464) or moderately temperate North Pacific Ocean. well preserved (Sites 310, 465, and 466). At the latter The bulk-accumulation rates of the sediments were three sites, climatically induced shifting of water masses high during the middle Cretaceous history of the south- throughout the Neogene are recorded in planktonic ern part of Hess Rise (Sites 465 and 466), because this faunal assemblages (Vincent, this volume). The siliceous region was situated far above the CCD and because it microfossils recovered in the Neogene section of Site received an additional input of displaced shallow-water 464 document the arrival of this site at an area close to material. The traverse of the shallow regions across the the temperate to cool water masses of the northern westward-flowing equatorial current generated a time- North Pacific Ocean (Sancetta, this volume). The con- transgressive pelagic depositional environment. This tinuity of the Cenozoic sedimentary sequences was in- was characterized by highly variable accumulation rates terrupted by erosion. (Site 465), development of hiatuses (Sites 465 and 466), and accumulation of sediment with high concentrations TECTONIC EVOLUTION OF HESS RISE of siliceous fossils typical of highly productive surface The evolution of the western Pacific during the Cre- water masses, which in part resulted in the common oc- taceous and early Tertiary was complicated by changes currence of chert in the Upper Cretaceous sequences. in spreading-ridge orientations, ridge jumping, rapid The depositional environment during passage beneath growth and movement of triple junctions, formation of the equatorial zone is expressed in the sedimentary large oceanic plateaus, and mid-plate volcanism that record of all Leg 62 sites by higher-than-usual accumu- overprinted older crust (Larson and Pitman, 1972; lation rates of calcareous . The effect of Winterer, 1973; Moberly and Larson, 1975; Lancelot the equatorial crossing can be documented best at Site and Larson, 1975; Winterer, 1976; Hilde, Isezaki, and 464, on northern Hess Rise. This site occupies the deep- Wageman, 1976; Hilde, Uyeda, and Kroenke, 1977; est and the northernmost location drilled during Leg 62. Lancelot, 1978; Watts et al., 1980; among many others). The zone of high-carbonate accumulation rates is there- The long Cretaceous magnetic quiet period (about fore 100 to 110 m.y. old, and it is accompanied by high 110-85 m.y. ago) added to the complications, because accumulation rates of siliceous fossils, whereas during magnetic-anomaly patterns cannot be used to map sea approximately the past 100 m.y. the depositional envi- floor that formed during that time interval. ronment of Site 464 has been characterized by very slow We must rely on studies of present-day topography, accumulation of pelagic and siliceous clay. seismic-reflection records, gravity data, drilling results, Thick, laminated, organic-carbon-rich, limestone and and magnetics of surrounding younger ocean floor to chalk deposits penetrated near the bottom of Holes reconstruct the geologic history of Hess Rise. Ambigu- 465A and 466 document the traverse of southern Hess ities are caused by the position of the rise near the inter- Rise under the equatorial divergence. A strong mid- section of the Emperor Trough and Mendocino Fracture water oxygen minimum had developed as a result of the Zone, and by the structural and possibly thermal over- high surface-water productivity, and at the same time printing by volcanism of seamount chains. The major

1058 0400Z 0200Z OOOOZ 1600Z | 1200Z 1OOOZ September 25, 1973 c/c148 c/c155°

Southeast - Northeast

I * 0800Z 0600Z 0400Z 0200Z1020Z 0800Z 0600Z 0400Z 0200Z OOOOZ 2200Z 2000Z September 24, 1973 9.0kt 150° STOP c/cO76° September 19, 1973 9.0 kt -055° September 18, 1973 Figure 21. Ten-second-sweep seismic-reflection record from Glomar Challenger Leg 32 across Hess Rise from the central platform to Mellish Bank near Site 465. -2 o σ\ o

• Northwest -3



TZ+12 TZ-12 -7

1 1800Z 2000Z 2200Z 0000Z 0200Z 0400Z 0800Z July 25, 1975 July 27, 1975 317

I I 1 1 I 1500Z 2OOOZ 22OOZ OOOOZ 0600Z 1OOOZ 1300Z 0800Z 1' July 28, 1975 c/c, 338 Figure 22. Ten-second-sweep seismic-reflection record from Vema 32 across Hess Rise from southeast to northwest. GEOLOGY OF HESS RISE

1000Z 156° 8.0 kt August 23, 1978 c/c163°

SITE 465


-4 >


1600Z 1800Z 20001 c/c 166° c/s 5.0 kt

Figure 23. Five-second-sweep seismic-reflection record from Glomar Challenger Leg 62 across the central platform of Hess Rise to Site 465. age relationships and structures of the North Pacific and Wageman (1976, pp. 222-226); they based their Ocean (Figs. 29 and 30) were described and discussed by interpretations on patterns of magnetic anomalies in the Hilde, Isezaki and Wageman (1976) and Hilde, Uyeda, northwest Pacific Ocean (Fig. 29), some dredge-haul and Kroenke (1977). The data we obtained from the data from Shatsky Rise, and the DSDP cores from Shat- sites drilled on Hess Rise are compatible with the inter- sky Rise and Hess Rise. Their interpretations, sum- preted origin of Hess Rise suggested by Hilde, Isezaki, marized here, present a possible mechanism for the



1 1000Z 0800Z] 0600Z 0400Z 0200Z ooooz 11 kt c/c 235° 168° 1Okt August 16, 1971

Figure 24. Ten-second-sweep seismic-reflection record from Aries Leg 7 across Mellish Bank, southern Hess Rise.

early evolution of Hess Rise, and also review the early a southeast-trending transform fault. The triple junc- evolution of the northwest Pacific Ocean basin. tion migrated to the southeast until about 95 to 110 m.y. Hess Rise probably formed along a ridge-ridge-ridge ago. Hess Rise was formed sometime between 116 and (r-r-r) triple point, at the junction of the Kula, Faral- 95 m.y. ago, probably during the triple-junction migra- lon, and Pacific Plates. This origin is similar to that pro- tion. posed for Shatsky Rise (Hilde, Isezaki, and Wageman, While the north end of the Pacific-Farallon Ridge 1976), except that Shatsky Rise formed earlier (142-116 was migrating to the southeast, the Kula-Pacific Ridge m.y. ago) than Hess Rise (116-95 m.y. ago). Figure 31 continued to migrate to the northwest as the Pacific shows the proposed origin of Shatsky and Hess Rises. Plate accreted along its northwestern edge. The Kula- Shatsky Rise evolved along a r-r-r triple junction be- Pacific Ridge was probably subducted in a trench to the tween the Kula, Farallon, and Pacific Plates, in the time northwest about this time, which left the Kula-Farallon interval between Magnetic Anomalies M-26 and M-20, Ridge and the Pacific-Farallon Ridge either joined followed by separation of the two ridges (Kula-Pacific directly or connected by a transform fault in the vicinity and Pacific-Farallon) by a transform fault where they of what is now the southeastern edge of Hess Rise. A previously have joined at the time of Anomaly M-20. third ridge developed, the new Kula-Pacific Ridge, ex- The transform fault increased in length along the long tending west from the junction of the other two ridges, axis of Shatsky Rise as spreading continued. Separation again forming an r-r-r triple junction (see imaginary of the two ridges increased with time as the Pacific Plate QZ-2 on Fig. 31). This junction then migrated to the accreted more rapidly along its northwest side. The northeast as an r-r-r triple junction during the Creta- Kula-Pacific Ridge then grew from its northeast end ceous magnetic quiet period and continued into the as spreading continued after the time of Magnetic Cenozoic. Meanwhile, the western end of the new Kula- Anomaly M-20 with the formation of several northwest- Pacific Ridge moved to the north-northwest, forming striking transform faults, until about the time of the Emperor Trough. Therefore, according to the inter- Anomaly M-13 to M-10, when the Pacific-Farallon pretation of Hilde, Isezaki, and Wageman (1976), the Ridge changed spreading direction by 25° clockwise. Emperor Trough was a left-lateral transform fault be- The Pacific-Farallon Ridge subsequently migrated tween the to the east and the Pacific Plate to more readily to the northeast along the Shatsky Rise the west. transform fault, until the northwest end of this ridge Emperor Trough (Erickson et al., 1970) is an impor- caught up with the northeast end of the Kula-Pacific tant feature for understanding the tectonic evolution of Ridge and the r-r-r triple junction formed at the north- the Pacific Plate. Larson and Chase (1972) speculated east end of Shatsky Rise at about the time of Anomaly that the Emperor Trough is a former spreading center M-4. that changed to a transform fault about 100 m.y. ago, The new r-r-r triple junction was disrupted at the when the northern part of the Hawaiian spreading center north end of Shatsky Rise sometime after the time of was approximately coincident with the Emperor Trough. Anomaly M-4, and during this time the Pacific-Faral- The northeast auxiliary spreading center jumped to the lon Ridge was separated from the Kula-Pacific Ridge by southeast, intersecting the Hawaiian spreading center at


-2 i~ NEAR SITE 465



-5 0700Z 0800 Z 0900Z 1000Z 1100Z 015° 9.6 k. August 28, 1978 c/c125°


-3 SITE 466 2 km west MELLISH BANK

-4 co

1 OOOOZ | 0100Z 0300Z 0400Z 195° 8.5 kt c/c180° August 31,1978

Figure 25. Five-second-sweep seismic-reflection record from Glomar Challenger Leg 62 between Site 465 and Site 466 and a north-to-south crossing of Mellish Bank.

1063 WOT

8 r

o- o N

CD ~f

8i N

Seconds(2-way) Seconds(2-way)

iv 13 *3ΠTVΛ 1 ii,. '•:

'';•' ' i »i • • > . - i

•• ;'i

1800Z 2000Z 2200Z i 355° May 30,1964 -9

0400Z 0600Z 0800Z 1000Z May 31, 1964 Figure 26. Ten-second-sweep seismic-reflection record from Vema 20 across Hess Rise and Emperor Trough from south to north.

O tn εO o


110 m.y.

7°S 6°N

465 ,'S~

9°S 4°N

irs 2°N

60 m.y. 35 m.y.

29° N

SITE SITE 310 310 25°N 0 o 27° N

•) c o o o 13°N O 2000^

25° N

23° N

2000-m 500-m S land Figure 27. Paleogeographic and paleobathymetric position of Hess Rise during the past 110 m.y. The paleolatitude of Hess Rise has been reconstructed based on the plate-rotation model of Lancelot (1978). For modern bathymetry, see Figure 3. the Mendocino Fracture Zone, which changed Emperor tical. Apparently, the stability criteria were not satis- Trough from a spreading center into a long transform fied, and the r-f-f triple junction subsequently evolved fault, and the triple junction changed from r-r-r to into another stable r-r-r triple point 80 m.y. ago (see ridge-fault-fault (r-f-f) (see fig. 14B of Larson and fig. 14C of Larson and Chase, 1972). Chase, 1972). This configuration could remain stable Carlson (1979) pointed out that the model proposed only if the rates of slip on both transform faults (Em- by Hilde, Isezaki, and Wageman (1976) was untenable, peror Trough and Mendocino Fracture Zone) were iden- because it requires two simultaneous directions of mo-


SITE 310 would have been consumed by along Em- peror Trough between 110 and 60 m.y. ago, and an WD3516 ST 353 should have developed in the approximate 1000 - AS 100 position of Hess Rise. We do not believe that Hess Rise

2000 » was an island arc similar to those rimming the Pacific •σ o Ocean basin at the present time. 3000 °" Farrar and Dixon (in press) proposed that Emperor Trough is much younger, and that it is part of a long transform fault system which split the Pacific Plate 67 : to 40 m.y. ago, resulting in 1700 km of dextral offset. The entire system, named the Emperor Fracture Zone 20 40 60 80 100 (m.y.) (EFZ) system, consisted of segments along the present SITE 465 trace of the Emperor Trough, along the Line Islands, m.y. after formation of basement 100 80 60 40 20 and along the line of seamounts between southern Hess Rise and Hawaiian Ridge named the Volador lineament. These segments were joined by east-west spreading

LEGEND ridges along what are now southern Hess Rise, Necker CTTI Hiatus Ridge, and the lineament capped by . - 2000 f |~y^] Foraminifer ooze The finite-angular-velocity vector describing the relative r^i| Nannofossil ooze motion between the eastern and western Pacific plates is |"l~i"H Nannofossil foraminifer ooze about 0.6°/m.y. about a pole at 36°N,70°W; thereby, |', ',| Nannofossil Chalk according to their calculations, the Meiji-Emperor and | \ i || Limestone Emperor-Hawaiian bends date, respectively, the initia- 60 80 100 (m.y.) |~^_| Radiolarian ooze tion (67 m.y. ago) and cessation (40 m.y. ago) of SITE 466 [*Ai Chert spreading on the Emperor Ridge system. Hypotheses |>r-j Claystone presented by Farrar and Dixon are attractive because WD 2665 | *^| Volcanic rocks ST312 their model can account for (1) the present misalign- AS 103 1000 Paleodepth of deposition ment of the two sets of magnetic bights (Fig. 29), which of "anoxic" strata is best explained by dextral offset along the Emperor 2000 o Present sediment surface Trough, (2) the abrupt truncation of eastern Pacific Present depth of bathymetric lineaments against the Emperor Trough 3000 volcanic basement Present depth of and Line Islands, and (3) the contrast in paleolatitude oldest sediment between the eastern and western Pacific indicated by WD Water depth paleomagnetic and sedimentologic studies. However, AS Age of oldest sediment (m.y.) several weaknesses in their arguments can be pointed 20 40 60 80 100 (m.y.) ST Sediment thickness (m) out. For example, they chose to align the Molokai Frac- Figure 28. Reconstruction of the paleodepth of deposition of three ture Zone to the east with the prominent fracture zone deep-sea drill sites on Hess Rise. Reconstruction of the paleodepth system through the Hawaiian magnetic lineations (Fig. of deposition is tentative, because we do not known when Hess 29) that previously has been interpreted to be the Rise was formed in relation to the surrounding normal ocean crust; therefore, we do not know at which rate this oceanic pla- western end of the Mendocino Fracture Zone. They teau subsided. Paleontological evidence from Sites 465 and 466 considered the present-day alignment of this fracture (Boersma, this volume) suggests that the southern part of Hess zone in the Hawaiian lineations with the Mendocino Rise subsided considerably slower than young oceanic crust close Fracture Zone to be fortuitous. The ages of several to oceanic spreading centers. features, both unknown and known, are possible addi- tional weaknesses. For example, the age of the Volador tion between the Kula and Pacific Plates. For example, Seamount Chain is not known, and there also should be north-south spreading on the Kula-Pacific Ridge is well lower Tertiary rocks along the south edge of Hess Rise constrained by the north-south trends of the fracture where an east-west spreading-ridge segment was lo- zones south of the Aleutian Trench. Consequently, if cated. As they reported, the Line Island chain as a hot- Emperor Trough marks a plate boundary, then it must spot trace has not been documented by available data have been a spreading center (similar to that envisioned (e.g., Winterer, 1976), but the Cretaceous ages reported by Larson and Chase, 1972). There are no data to sup- for that feature indicate that it is, at least for the most port such a model. Carlson's model satisfies the geo- part, older than the early Tertiary ages needed to make it metric constraints and has an additional plate, the three a transform fault on the Emperor Fracture Zone sys- plates (Kula, Pacific, and unnamed plate) meeting at a tem. The known age of Horizon Guyot (Larson, Mo- stable ridge-trench-fault triple junction. This model re- berly, et al., 1975) also precludes its being part of an quires that the Pacific Plate was consumed along a early Tertiary spreading ridge. trench which grew longer at a rate of 5 cm/yr because of The event in the evolution of the North Pacific in the the migration of the triple junction. The difficulty with Cretaceous most challenging to explain is the migration this model is that 2000 to 2500 km of Pacific Plate of triple junctions from the northwest Pacific to the

1067 o oo

140 150 160 170° 180 170 160° 150 140 130 120 110 Figure 29. Magnetic-anomaly lineations in the North Pacific (from Hilde, Isezaki, and Wageman, 1976; permission to use the figure was granted by Hilde and the American Geophysical Union). GEOLOGY OF HESS RISE


E •23V QuaternarV ancl Neogene

^ Paleogene

I ,-.c Cretaceous

rTvT TI-135 , •:•:•:•:•: Jurassic • J-190

Oceanic Plateaus Magnetic anomaly lineation and former transform faults Subduction zone Former subduction zone Former spreading center Active or recently active spreading center

Cretaceous and mid-Mesozoic quiet zone boundaries Arrows on faults indicate apparant offset only: no present motion implied for transform faults offsetting magnetic lineations

Figure 30. Age of the oceanic and marginal sea crust in the western Pacific (from Hilde, Uyeda, and Kroenke, 1977; permission to use the figure was given by Hilde and the Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company). Primary sources of data are the magnetic lineations and DSDP results. northeast Pacific (Figs. 29 and 31). The Emperor extrusives and attendant Layer 3 thickening at or near a Trough must have been a transform during at least part triple junction, perhaps in association with a transform of the migration, but we do not understand its origin. fault to account for the off-ridge alkalic volcanism It would be presumptuous to throw out any model (Windom et al., in press). Exactly how the triple junc- that can be used to explain the evolution of the North tion migrated from the northwestern Pacific bight to the Pacific in general and Hess Rise specifically. Certainly, southeast is not known, but the least complicated way more data are needed before a truly acceptable model is would be migration of the triple junction along a trans- proposed. At this time, the most acceptable model for form fault now either overprinted by the Emperor Sea- the early evolution of Hess Rise is tied to a build-up of mount chain or part of the northwest-southeast arm of




Figure 31. Proposed evolution of the North Pacific from mid-Mesozoic to Cenozoic time (from Hilde, Isezaki, and Wageman, 1976; permission to use the figure was given by Hilde and the American Geophysical Union). Quiet-zone lineations (QZb QZ2, and QZ3) are imaginary. Arrows on Shatsky Rise and Hess Rise transform faults indicate motion for times M-13 and QZ1( respectively. The arrow on the Emperor Trough indicates motion of the Kula Plate on the east relative to the Pacific Plate on the west after time QZ2. The curved arrow indicates rotation of spreading directions rela- tive to the northern Pacific Plate from mid-Mesozoic to Cenozoic time. Hess Rise (Fig. 1). Thereby Emperor Trough would early development of Hess Rise, but changes in sedi- have to be a later feature and not important during the ment thickness along some faults indicate continued early tectonic evolution of Hess Rise. movement during sediment accumulation. A major tec- tonic event may have occurred in the Late Cretaceous or CONCLUSIONS early Tertiary, but the exact timing cannot be pin- Hess Rise probably formed at a triple junction be- pointed. tween 116 and 95 m.y. ago, south of the Mid-Creta- Igneous rocks recovered from Hess Rise drill sites are ceous equator. Parts of Hess Rise were above sea level similar to igneous rocks from several other oceanic pla- as volcanic islands during the early part of its history; teaus and from many oceanic islands. A small amount these islands were eroded and subsided below sea level of tholeiitic basalt was recovered from Site 464 on as the Pacific Plate moved northward. Sediments that northern Hess Rise, but the highly altered of the accumulated on the igneous crust of Hess Rise reflect rock made the chemical attributes nondiagnostic for dis- both the subsidence and the northward movement as tinguishing the original tectonic setting. Middle Creta- Hess Rise successively moved under tropical, sub- ceous (Albian or older) igneous rocks recovered at Site tropical, central, and subarctic surface water masses. 465 on southern Hess Rise consist of altered trachyte The topography of Hess Rise is closely related to erupted either in shallow water or subaerially. Altered the structure, which is dominated by normal faults. clasts of alkali basalt clasts at Site 466 apparently were Grabens and horsts are common features, and the west recovered along an Upper Cretaceous-lower Eocene and south sides of Hess Rise are bounded by steep fault unconformity, although most of the clasts occurred scarps. Dominant fault trends are about 345° on north- within Upper Cretaceous calcareous ooze. Drilling may ern Hess Rise, and 039 to 060° on southern Hess Rise. have caused down-hole contamination. The volcanic Many of the structures probably originated during the rocks probably were eroded from nearby islands that

1070 GEOLOGY OF HESS RISE either had been tectonically uplifted to a position above ACKNOWLEDGMENTS sea level or were built by Late Cretaceous and(or) early Tertiary volcanism. We are particularly grateful to the ship's crew, drilling crew, and DSDP scientific staff, who assisted us on the Glomar Challenger dur- Major lithofacies recovered from the sites drilled on ing Leg 62, and the shore-based DSDP staff who helped us during all Hess Rise are limestone, pelagic clay, and calcareous stages of manuscript production. We thank Tom Aitken (Lamont- ooze and chalk, with varying amounts of chert and sili- Doherty Geological Observatory) and Stuart Smith (Scripps Institu- ceous microfossils. The pelagic clay was recovered from tion of Oceanography) for providing photographs of seismic-reflec- tion profiles from cruises that traversed Hess Rise and Floyd McCoy Sites 310 and 464, on central and northern Hess Rise, re- (Lamont) and Phyllis Helms (Scripps) for providing piston-core spectively. Most material in the pelagic-clay facies may descriptions. We appreciate the critical reviews of an early draft pro- be eolian, derived both from arid continental areas and vided by James V. Gardner and Michael A. Fisher, which improved island volcanoes. Excellent examples of progressive dia- the manuscript. We also thank Lola Boyce, Louise Reif, and Juanita genetic changes from ooze to chalk to limestone were re- Mascardo for typing copies of this manuscript, and Myrtali Anagnos- covered on central (Site 310) and southern Hess Rise topoulos for drafting the illustrations. (Sites 465 and 466). Limestone of middle Cretaceous age REFERENCES contains as much as 8.6% organic carbon at Sites 465 Alvarez, L. W., Alvarez, W., Asaro, F., et al., 1980. Extraterrestrial and 466, on southern Hess Rise. These limestones ac- cause for the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction. Science, 208:1095- cumulated on a part of the rise that was above the CCD 1108. Andrews, A. J., 1977. 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