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Case 15-2398, Document 89, 11/19/2015, 1646899, Page1 of 45 15-2398 In The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit __________ BEVERLY ADKINS, CHARMAINE WILLIAMS, REBECCA PETTWAY, RUBBIE McCOY, WILLIAM YOUNG, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, and MICHIGAN LEGAL SERVICES, Plaintiffs-Appellants, v. MORGAN STANLEY, MORGAN STANLEY & CO. LLC, MORGAN STANLEY ABS CAPITAL I INC., MORGAN STANLEY MORTGAGE CAPITAL INC., and MORGAN STANLEY MORTGAGE CAPITAL HOLDINGS LLC, Defendants-Appellees. On Appeal from an Opinion and Order of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, Case No. 1:12-cv-7667-VEC-GWG __________________________________________________________________ BRIEF OF AMICI CURIAE THE NAACP LEGAL DEFENSE & EDUCATIONAL FUND, INC., NEW YORK LAW SCHOOL RACIAL JUSTICE PROJECT, THE DAMON J. KEITH CENTER FOR CIVIL RIGHTS, AND THE MICHIGAN WELFARE RIGHTS ORGANIZATION IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS-APPELLANTS __________________________________________________________________ JIN HEE LEE DEBORAH N. ARCHER DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF LITIGATION PROFESSOR OF LAW NAACP LEGAL DEFENSE & DIRECTOR, RACIAL JUSTICE PROJECT EDUCATIONAL FUND, INC. NEW YORK LAW SCHOOL 40 RECTOR STREET, 5TH FLOOR 185 WEST BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY 10006 NEW YORK, NY 10013 (212) 965-2200 (212) 431-2138 COUNSEL OF RECORD FOR AMICI CURIAE Case 15-2398, Document 89, 11/19/2015, 1646899, Page2 of 45 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Pursuant to Rule 26.1 of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, amicus curiae files the following statement of disclosure: The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation. It is not a publicly held corporation that issues stock, nor does it have any parent companies, subsidiaries or affiliates that have issued shares to the public.
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