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STATE ELECTION COMMISSION, KERALA THIRUVANANTHAPURAM – 695 033 State Election Commission – General Election to Local Self Government Institutions 2015 – Payment of honoraria to staff of Election wing at District Level –Sanctioned- Orders issued. No. 870/2015/SEC. Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 30 December 2015. Read:- Proceedings No. 786/2010/SEC dated 13.12.2010 of State Election Commission, Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram. ORDER The General Election to Local Self Government Institutions in Kerala was held on 2 nd and 5 th November 2015. The Officers and Staff of election wing at the District Collectorates were worked out of office hours and holidays for the smooth conduct of election. Taking into consideration of the arduous nature of work done by them to complete the endeavour, the State Election Commission is pleased to sanction honoraria to the staff of election wing at district level @ one month’s basic pay (officiating pay) of the officers concerned as in November, 2015 excluding personal pay and other allowance, as detailed below. Sl. No. Designation Number 1 District Collector 1 2 Deputy Collector (Election) 1 3 Clerks in Collectorate, Election wing 2 4 Junior Superintendent/Head Clerk 1 5 Typist 1 6 Office Attendant 1 7 Driver attached to the EDC 1 The District Collectors are eligible to get honorarium for only one post of District Election Officer or Returning Officer of District Panchayat. The expenditure on this account will be met from the Head of Account “ 2015-00-109-99-34OC”. P. Geetha Secretary To All District Collector & District Election Officers/The Officers concerned. The Accountant General, (A&E)/(Audit), Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram. All District Treasury Officers Stock file/Office copy r Forwarded/By Order Sd/- Section Officer Corporation Office Complex, L.M.S. Junction, Thrivananthapuram – 695 033, Phone : 0471-2325048, 2337884 Fax : 0471-2338288, email : [email protected] , Website : STATE ELECTION COMMISSION, KERALA THIRUVANANTHAPURAM – 695 033 State Election Commission – General Election to Local Self Government Institutions 2015 – Honoraria to Election personnel –Sanctioned- Orders issued. No. 869/2015/SEC. Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 30 December 2015. Read:- 1. Notifications No. 129/2015/SEC to No. 136/2015/SEC dated 03.10.2015. 2. Proceedings No. 787/2010/SEC dated 13.12.2010 of the State Election Commission. ORDER The State Election Commission, Kerala conducted General Election to all Local Self Government Institutions in Kerala on 2 nd and 5 th November 2015 except Mattannur Municipality in Kannur District. In order to conduct the election smoothly, the officials were designated as the Returning Officers and Assistant Returning Officers for each local bodies as per the Notification read as 1 st paper above. Accordingly they have carried out the election works satisfactory. Taking into account the urgent, time bound and arduous nature of work carried out by them, the State Election Commission is pleased to sanction honoraria to the Returning Officers and Assistant Returning Officers, who had attended election works of Local Self Government Institutions held on 2 nd & 5 th November, 2015 at the rates as noted against each. Amount Category of Officers Name of Local bodies sanctioned Grama Panchayat 7, 000/- Block Panchayat 8, 000/- Returning Officers District Panchayat 10, 000/- Municipal Corporation 8, 000/- Municipalities 7, 500/- Grama Panchayat 5, 000/- Block Panchayat (BDO only) 5, 000/- Assistant Returning District Panchayat (ADM only) 7, 000/- Officers Municipal Corporation 6, 000/- Municipalities 5, 000/- The Officers who are holding more than one charge (eg. Returning Officers of Grama Panchayats and Assistant Returning Officers of Block Panchayats) are eligible to get honorarium for one post only. The expenditure on this account will be debited to the Head of Account “2015- 00- 109- 99- 34 OC”. P. Geetha Secretary All District Collectors and District Election Officers. All District Treasury Officers The Principal Accountant General (Audit), Kerala,Thiruvananthapuram. The Accountant General (A&E), Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram. All Returning Officers of Grama Panchyat/Block Panchayat/District Panchayat/ Municipalities and Municipal Corporations-Through EDC Forwarded/By Order Sd/- Section Officer Corporation Office Complex, L.M.S. Junction, Thrivananthapuram – 695 033, Phone : 0471-2325048, 2337884 Fax : 0471-2338288, email : [email protected] , Website : tIcf kwØm\ Xnc-sª-Sp¸v I½o-j³ Xncp-h-\-´-]pcw þ 695 033 tIcf kwØm\ Xnc-sª-Sp-¸v -I-½o-j³, Xncph\´]pcw tIcf kwØm\ XncsªSp¸v I½oj³ þ tIcf kwØm\ _mem-h-Imi kwc-£W I½o-jsâ in]mÀi AwKo-I-cn¨v c−v hb-Ên\v Xmsg {]mb-ap-ff Ip«n-I-fpsS A½-amsc Xt±- i-kzbw`cW Xnc-sª-Sp¸v kw_-Ôn¨ Npa-X-e-bn \n¶pw Hgn-hm¡n sIm−v D¯-chv ]pd-s¸-Sp-hn¡p¶p. ====================================================================================== \¼À : 854/2015/kw.Xn.I. XobXn, Xncph\´]pcw, 19.12.2015. ====================================================================================== - ]cm-aÀiw:-þ 1. {io. C. \µ-Ip-amÀ tIcf kwØm\ _mem-h-Imi kwc-£W I½o-j³ ap¼msI kaÀ¸n¨ 06.10.2015 se ]cm-Xn. 2. _mem-h-Imi kwc-£W I½o-jsâ 29.10.2015þse CRMP No. 4606/13/LA2/2015/KeSCPCR D¯-c-hv. D¯chv -------- ]cm-aÀiw (1) {]-Imcw {io. C. \µ-Ip-amÀ tIcf kwØm\ _mem-h-Imi kwc-£W I½o-j³ ap¼msI kaÀ¸n¨ ]cm-Xn-bn 3 hb-Ên Xmsg {]mb-ap-ff Ip«n-I-fp-ff A½- amsc Xnc-sª-Sp¸v kw_-Ô-amb IÀ¯-hy-§-fn \n¶pw Hgn-hm-¡p-¶-Xn-\m-h-iy-amb \S-]-Sn- IÄ kwØm\ _mem-h-Imi kwc-£W I½o-jsâ `mK¯p \n¶pw kzoI-cn¡W-sa¶v At]-£n-¡p-Ibp-−mbn. 2. Sn ]cmXn ]cn-K-Wn-¡-sh, _mem-h-Imi I½o-j³ C{]-Imcw A`n-{]m-b-s¸-«p. “2 hbÊv hsc km[m-cW KXn-bn ape-bq-«p¶ {]mbhpw Ip«n-IÄ¡v {i²bpw ]cn-c-£bpw amXm-hnsâ kmao-]yhpw Gsd Bh-iy-ap-ff Ime-am-Wv. Xnc-sª-Sp¸v tPmen-bn \ntbm-Kn-¡-s¸-Sp¶ ]£w BbXv Ip«n-I-fpsS D¯-a-Xm-Xv]-cy-¯n\v A\p-Kp-W-am-InÃ. Bb-Xn-\m 2 hbÊn\v Xmsg {]mb-ap-ff ssIIp-ªp-ff A½-amsc Xnc- sª-Sp¸v Npa-X-e-bn \n¶pw Hgn-hm¡n Int«-−Xv Ip«n-I-fpsS D¯-a XmXv]-cy-¯n\v AXy-´m-t]-£n-X-amWv.” 3. ta ]dª hkvXp-X-I-fpsS ASn-Øm-\-¯n 2005 se _mem-h-Imi kwc-£W I½o-j³ \nb-a-¯nse 15-þmw hIp¸v {]Imcw, c−v hb-Ê-n\v Xmsg {]mb-ap-ff Ip«n- I-fp-sS A½-amsc Xnc-sª-Sp¸v Npa-X-e-bn \n¶pw Hgn-hm-¡n -sIm−v D¯-c-hp-−m-Ip-¶-Xn- \m-h-iy-amb \S-]SnIÄ kzoI-cn-¡-W-sa¶v ]cm-aÀiw (2) {]Imcw tIcf kwØm\ _mem-h-Imi I½o-j³ ip]mÀi sNbvXn-«p−v. 4. Sn ip]mÀi- kwØm\ Xnc-sª-Sp¸v I½o-j³ hni-Z-ambn ]cn-tim[n¨p. XpSÀ¶p- ff Xt±-i- kzbw`cW Øm]-\-§-fn-te-bv¡p-ff Xnc-sª-Sp¸nÂ, c−v hb-Ên\v Xmsg {]mb-ap- ff Ip«n-I-fpsS A½-amsc Xnc-sª-Sp¸v Npa-Xe-bn \n¶pw Hgn-hm¡nsIm−v D¯-chv ]pd- s¸-Sp-hn-¡p-¶p. 5. FÃm PnÃm Xnc-sª-Sp¸v DtZym-K-kvYcpw Xt±-i- kzbw`cW Xnc-sª-Sp¸v Npa-Xe kw_-Ôn¨ D¯-chv ]pd-s¸-Sp-hn-¡p¶ Ah-k-c-¯-n I½o-jsâ D¯-chv IÀi-\-ambn ]men-¡p-hm\pw CXn-\m \nÀt±iw \ÂIn D¯-c-hm-Ip-¶p. ]n. KoX sk{I-«dn FÃm PnÃm Xnc-sª-Sp¸v DtZym-K-س & PnÃm If-IvSÀamÀ¡pw. cPn-kv{SmÀ, tIcf kwØm\ _mem-h-Imi kwc-£-W I½o-j³, hm³tdmkv PwKvj³, tIc-f bqWn-th-gvknän ]n.-H., Xncp-h-\-´-]pcw þ 34. (-B-apJ I¯v kln-Xw) I¼yq-«-À t{]m{Km-aÀ, kwØm\ Xnc-sª-Sp¸v I½o-j³. tÌm¡v ^b / Hm^okv ]IÀ¸v D¯-c-hn³ {]Imcw H¸v sk£³ Hm^o-kÀ tImÀ¸-td-j³ Hm^okv kap-¨-bw, FÂ.-Fw.-F-kv. PwKvj³, Xncp-h-\-´-]pcw- 695 033 , t^m¬ ˛ 2325048, 2337884 Fax : 0471-2338288, email : [email protected] , Website : STATE ELECTION COMMISSION, KERALA THIRUVANANTHAPURAM – 695 033 No. 11496/H/2015/SEC Dated: 01.12.2015. To All District Election Officers & District Collectors. Sir, Sub:- General Election to Local bodies 2015 – Election Petition – instruction to defend the case on behalf of State Election Commission - reg. It is brought to the notice of the State Election Commission that some of the Election Petitioners have filed Election Petitions before the Munsiff Court/District Court with Returning Officer, District Collector or the State Election Commission as Respondents in addition to other candidates who contested the election. 2. You know that the filing of Election Petition is a statutory right. The statutory right can be enjoyed or exercised only as per the provisions of the statute which provides that particular right. Section 90 of the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 and Section 166 of the Kerala Municipality Act, 1994 provide that only candidates can be parties to Election Petition. Therefore, all petitions in which Returning Officer, District Collector or the Election Commission is included in the list of Respondents are liable to be dismissed on the very first question of maintainability. 3. The above legal position is quite clear from the decisions of the Supreme Court. Supreme Court in B.Sundara Rami Reddy Vs Election Commission of India 1991 Suppl.(2) SCC 624 held the Election Commission can not be made a party in an Election Petition.