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Supplement to Directory of Labor Unions in the United States (Bulletin No. 1127) February 1954 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR James P. Mitchell, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Digitized for FRASER Ewan Clague, Commissioner Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis These revisions account for the major changes in the structure and composition of labor organizations since the issuance of the Bureau's Directory of Labor Unions in the United States (Bulletin No. 1127) in the spring of 1953. The changes listed in this supplement are identified by page references to the appropriate place in the Directory where the union is listed. Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Supplement to - DIRECTORY OF LABOR UNIONS IN THE UNITED STATES Early in 195^> a total of 217 national and international unions were known to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, This represents a net ad dition of two unions since the Bureau’s Directory of Labor Unions in the United States was issued in 1953. Of the 217 unions, 110 are affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, 3^ with the Congress of Industrial Organizations, and 73 are independent or unaffiliated unions. The Aluminum Workers International Union (formerly the Aluminum Workers Council) was chartered “by the AFL in 1953. At its 1953 convention, the AFL expelled the International Longshoremen’s Association and granted a charter to a new union with the same title. The CIO issued a charter to the Insurance Workers of America (formerly the Insurance and Allied Work ers Organizing Committee). Late in 1953, the Pacific Coast Marine Fire men, Oilers, Watertenders and Wipers Association, an independent union, affiliated with the Seafarers' International Union of North America (AFL). Several changes occurred in the structure and officers of the AFL. The number of vice presidents was increased from 13 to 15. The tem porary withdrawal of the Carpenters’ Union in the summer of 1953 created a vacancy in the office of first vice president. In accordance with the AFL's procedure, the other vice presidents were each advanced to the next highest vice-presidency. The changes listed in this revision are identified by the Di rectory page number and union. In indicating personnel changes, only the present incumbent is generally shown. For example, in the AFL Actors Union, Florence Marston replaced Louis M. Simon as Secretary of the Asso ciated Actors and Artistes of America (AFL). This change is recorded in the list as follows: Page it. Actors & Artistes of America, Associated (AFL). Secretary: Florence Marston. Changes in the number of union members or locals are not shown. (i) Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis o Page of Union and Change Directory 7 American Federation of Labor; Executive Council: Renumber the vice- presidential posts and make additions as follows: Matthew Woll, first vice president; George M. Harrison, second vice president; Daniel M. Tobin, third vice president; Harry C. Bates, fourth vice president; William C. Birthright, fifth vice president; William C. Doherty, sixth vice president; David Dubinsky, seventh vice presi dent; Charles J. MacGowan, eighth vice president; Herman Winter, ninth vice president; Daniel W. Tracy, tenth vice president; William L. McFetridge, eleventh vice president; James C. Petrillo, twelfth vice president; William L. Hutcheson, fourteenth vice president; Add: Dave Beck, president, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers of America, thirteenth vice president; A. J. Hayes, president, International Association of Machinists, fifteenth vice president. 8 American Federation of Labor; Research Staff: Insert Seymour Brandwein, Staff Economist. Workers Education Bureau; new address is Suite 91^ > 1625 Eye St., NW., Washington 6, D. C. 9 Maritime Trades Department: President: (vacancy); Executive Secretary: Morris Weisberger. 10 Government Employes Council. Change last sentence to read: "The Government Employes Council is composed of 23 unions." AFL Councils. Delete listing for Aluminum Workers Council. Match Workers Council. President: Theodore Dethloff Metal and Enamelware Workers Council, Fabricated: 3537 North 22d St., Milwaukee 6, Wis. President: Edward Wessa Sugar Workers Council. Change ^59 in address to ^8^. 11 Labor1 s League for Political Education. New address is Boom 922, 1625 Eye St. NW., Washington 6, D. C. 12 Congress of Industrial Organizations; Department of Education and Research: Insert Everett Kassalow, Associate Director of Research. Delete Ben Segal, Associate Director of Education. Congress of Industrial Organizations; CIO Organizing Committees: Government and Civic Employees Organizing Committee; insert Re search and Education Director: Ruth Wiencek; Delete listing for Insurance and Allied Workers Organizing Committee. 13 Political Action Committee. Publication is now issued weekly. 1^ Actors & Artistes of America, Associated (AFL). Secretary: Florence Marston, 67 West W t h St., New York, N. Y. Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 Page of Union and Change Directory It Agricultural Workers Union, National (AFL). Secretary-treasurer: A. E. Cox, Route #1, Cruger, Miss. Air Line Dispatchers Assn. (AFL). Secretary-treasurer: 1. A. Bressin. 15 Airline Communications Employees Assn. (Ind.). Secretary- treasurer: William Gallagher. Insert the following listing: Aluminum Workers Inti. Union (AFL) 119 North 7th St., St. Louis, Mo. President: Eddie R. Stahl Secretary-treasurer: William L. Cowley Associated Unions of America (Ind.). Change "5028 Planklnton Bldg." in address to "7018 Plankinton Bldg.," Editor: (vacancy)j Educa tion director: John Pink. Authors League of America, Inc., The (ind.). Change office of Secretary-treasurer held by Erik Barnouv to Secretary; add Treasurer: Richard Levine; add Executive secretary: Lulse M. Sillcox. Authors Guild. Secretary: Elizabeth Janeway Screen Writers Guild. President: F. Hugh Herbert Radio Writers Guild. New headquarters address is 6 East 23d St., New York, N. Y., Phone: Gramercy 7-9190; President: Jerome Lawrence. Television Writers Group. Chairman: Edward Mabley Executive Assistant: Evelyn F. Burkey. Barbers, Hairdressers, Cosmetologists & Proprietors* Inti. Union of America, Journeymen (AFL). Education director: George McKenna. 16 Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers & Helpers, Inti. Brotherhoods of (AFL). Change "Brotherhoods" in union name to "Brotherhood." (Also make changes on pp. 8, 9, and 13 where the union is listed as an affiliate of the Building and Construc tion Trades Department; Metal Trades Department; Railway Employes' Department; and the Railway Labor Executives’ Association.) There are no longer two sets of officers, one each for the "Boilermakers" and "Blacksmiths" but only the following: President: Charles J. MacGovan; Secretary-treasurer: Wm. J. Buckley; Publication: Boilermaker-Blacksmith Journal (monthly). Brewery, Flour, Cereal, Soft Drink & Distillery Workers of America. Inti. Union of United (CIO). Research and education director: (vacancy). Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis k Page of Union and Change Directory 16 Brick & Clay Workers of America, United (AFL). Change office of Education director held "by Howard B. HiJ.1 to Besearch and edu cation director. Delete Besearch director: Paul Pelfrey. Cement, Lime & Gypsum Workers Inti. Union, United (AFL). Change office of Besearch director held hy Felix C. Jones to Education director; insert Besearch director: John Heneghan. 17 Christian Labor Assn, of the United States of America (ind.). New headquarters address is 1600 Buchanan Ave. SW., Grand Bapids J, Mich. Clothing Workers of America, Amalgamated (CIO). Education direc tor: Emil Starr. Communications Workers of America (CIO). Editor: A. B. Herrington. Coopers * Inti. Union of North America (AFL). Change room number in headquarters address from 9^6 to 3^5 • Department Store Workers of America, United (CIO). Phone: Ore gon 5-5137. Diamond Workers' Protective Union of America (AFL). President: Joseph Blog. Distributive, Processing & Office Workers of America (ind.). Secretary-treasurer: Jack Paley; Editor: Bernard Stephens. 18 Electrical Workers, Inti. Bro. of (AFL). President: J. Scott Milne (Note: Daniel W. Tracy resigned from this position effective April 15, 195^, at which time he will assume the title of Presi dent emeritus. Mr. Tracy's title should be changed accordingly on page 7 of the Directory where he is listed as tenth vice presi dent of the AFL.); Secretary-treasurer: Joseph D. Keenan, Engineers, Inti. Union of Operating (AFL). Besearch directors: Hunter P. Wharton and Arthur D. Hill. Engineers & Architects Assn. (Ind.). President: George D. Scott; delete Executive secretary: Bay Stanton and Insert Secretary: C. A. Murphy; delete Publication: Engineers & Architects Asso ciation Becord (monthly). Insert after union title footnote a/— Affiliated with the Engineers and Scientists of America (ind.). Engineers, Architects & Scientists, Natl. Professional Assn. (Ind.). New headquarters address is 2236 North Stockton St., Stockton k, Calif.; Phone: 5-69^6. Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5 Page of Union and Change Directory 18 Engineers & Scientists of America (Ind.). Nev headquarters address is 7 U West Lake St., Minneapolis 8, Minn.; Phone: