Frequent Mutation of the E2F-4 Cell Cycle Gene in Primary Human Gastrointestinal Tumors'
ICANCER RESEARCH57. 2350-2353, June 5. 9971 Advances in Brief Frequent Mutation of the E2F-4 Cell Cycle Gene in Primary Human Gastrointestinal Tumors' Rhonda F. Soum, Jing Yin, Kara N. Smolinski, Tong-Tong Zou, Suna Wang, Ying-Qiang SM, Mun-Gan Rhyu, John Cottrell, John M. Abraham, Kelli Biden, Lisa Simms, Barbara Leggett, G. Steven Bova, Tom Frank, Steven M. Powell, Haruhiko Sugimura, Joanne Young, Noam Harpaz, Kenji Shimizu, Nagahide Matsubara, and Stephen J. Meltzer@ Departments of Medicine (GI Division) (R. F. S.. .1. Y., K. N. S., T-T. Z, S. W., Y-Q. S.. J. M. A., S. J. MI, Pathology fJ. C.. S. J. MI, and Greenebaum Cancer Center (J. M. A.. S. J. MI. University of Maryland School of Medicine and Baltimore Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Baltimore, Maryland 21201-1595; Department of Microbiology. Catholic Universirv Medical College. 137-701 Seoul, South Korea (M-G. RI; Glaxo Conjoint Gasiroenterology Laboratory, Royal Brisbane Hospital, Q4029 Herston, Australia fK. B., L S.. B. L, J. Y.J: Brady Urological Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Baltimore. Maryland 21287 (G. S. B.J; Department of Pathology, University of Michigan School of Medicine, Michigan 48109 IT. F.]: Department of Medicine/GI Division, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22908 (S. M. P.J; First Department of Pathology, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, 431-31 Hamamatsu, Japan [H. S.]: Department of Pathology, Mt. Sinai University School of Medicine, New York. New York 10029 (N. H.]: and First Department ofSurgerv and Molecular Genetics, Okayama University Medical School, 700 Okayama. Japan (K. S.
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