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Every Cornellian's Taper ORNELL ALUMNI NEW JAMES E. RICE—WHO RETIRES Volume 36 Number 33 June 28, 1934 SHELDON PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY COURT OF CORNELL ALUMNI DORMITORY FOR MEN STUDENTS AT CORNELL METROPOLITAN DISTRICT WALTER S.WING Ό7, Gen'l Sales Mgr. Located at College Avenue Entrance to Campus REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE NEW LOW RATES Leasing, Selling, and Mortgage Loans for College Year 1934-1935 BAUMEISTER AND BAUMEISTER 60 East 42nd Street, New York City SINGLE ROOMS 522 Fifth Ave. $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.2.5 per week Phone Murray Hill 2-3816 DOUBLE ROOMS (2 men) $3.50 per week each man Charles Baumeister '18, *20 KENOSHA.WIS. Philip Baumeister, Columbia '14 DOUBLE SUITES (2 men) Fred Baumeister, Columbia '24 $4.65 per week each man SINGLE SUITES (1 man) MACWHYTE COMPANY $7.co per week Manufacturers Wire and Wire Rope Catalogue and Diagram of Avail- Delaware Registration and Streamline and Round Tie Rods able Rooms on Request Incorporators Company for Airplanes JESSEL S. WHYTE, ME. '13, VICE-PRESIDENT Inquiries as to Delaware Corporation R. B WHYTE, M.E. Ί3, GEN. SUPT. Registrations have the personal attention Tennis Court and Excellent at New York office of Restaurant JOHN T. MCGOVERN Ό0, PRESIDENT TULSA, OKLA. A. R. CONGDON, Agent 122 E. 42nd Street Phone Ashland 7088 Ithaca, New York HERBERT L. MASON, LL.B. '00 THE BALLOU PRESS Attorney and Counselor at Law Printers to Lawyers 18th Floor, Philtower Building ESTABROOK & CO. CHAS. A. BALLOU, JR., *21 MASON, WILLIAMS & LYNCH Members of the New York and 69 Beekman St. Tel. Beekman 8785 Boston Stock Exchanges Sound Investments WASHINGTON, D.C. Investment Counsel and FRANK S BACHE INC Supervision BEΠER BUILDING THEODORE K. BRYANT '97, '98 Roger H. Williams '95 Construction Work of Every Description Master Patent Law, G.W.U. *08 Resident Partner New York Office in Westchester County and Lower 40 Wall Street Connecticut Patents amd Trade Marks Exclusively F. S. BACHE Ί 3 309-314 Victor Building 94 Lake Street White Plains, N. Y. 1715 G Street, N. W. F. L. CARLISLE* CO., INC }4 block west State War and Navy Bldg. 15 BROAD STREET BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON & DINNER RUTH CLEVES JUSTUS Ί6 NEW YORK BALTIMORE, MD. CAMP OTTER Apartments Business Properties FOR BOYS Country Homes Chain Store Locations Age 9-17 WHITMAN, REQUARDT& SMITH IN THE HEART OF THE Co.inc. \ HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO Water Supply, Sewerage, Structural Valuations of Public Utilities, Reports, L. O. ROSTENBERG, A.B. '26, PRES. 24th season Plans, and General Consulting Practice. H. B. Ortner '19, Director 23?Orαwαupum St. White Plains, N. Y. 109 Irving Place Ithaca, New York EZRA B. WHITMAN, C.E. "01 Write for Catalog Tel. White Plains 8020-8021 G. J. REQUARDT, C.E. Ό9 B. L. SMITH, C.E. Ί4 Rates $160 July 6—August 27 Member Westchester County Realty Board And Real Estate Board at New York Baltimore Trust Building Subscription price $4 per year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y. Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August. POSTMASTEB: Return postage guaranteed. Use form 3578 for undeliverable copies. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XXXVI, NO. 33 ITHACA, NEW YORK, JUNE 28, 1934 PRICE 15 CENTS The Reunion Stories 1884 During the past six months the Secre- tention was again called to a matter of Mrs. Emily Miller Stevenson and daugh- tary of the Class of '84 sent out various historic interest. The grandfather of ter, from Waverly, Pa. Nelson A. Welles, communications to his Classmates with Lucretia Taber lived in Ithaca and was a the father of the Class, usually referred Photographs, Songs, Christmas Cards, wealthy man. He at one time owned the to as "Lord Nelson," came from his Valentines, Maps and Letters, some old, entire tract of land from the foot of the home in Elmira with a car load of some new. All were for the purpose of re- Hill, East, for a distance of about three children and grandchildren. Judge George minding his Classmates of the fact that a miles. This included the entire area of the F. Ditmars of Geneva and Herbert D. '' Fifty-Year Reunion Comes But Once in a present University Campus. He sold this Sibley of Olean appeared together. Lifetime.'' Twenty-four such communica- to Ezra Cornell about a hundred years Mary Merrill Pitcher, who took her tions were mailed. A little arithmetic ago," because he had too many farms." Master's Degree with the Class of '84, will show that 1344 items were sent out Next to arrive was Daniel W. Mead, lives at Endicott. Her original class, '79, from his office. He had received in reply from Madison, Wisconsin, bringing with also had a reunion. forty letters from twenty-seven Class- him his wife and his daughter, Mrs. Most enterprising of all, came Henry mates, or o.cα%. The Secretary's com- Jenks. Mead is one of the leading hydrau- Jay Patten, of Chicago, one of the Trus- munications were not considered worthy lic engineers of the world, and was one tees of the American Museum recently of a reply. This I can understand. I was of the Commission to re-formulate the dedicated in Corinth, Greece. He at- sorry. inadequate engineering plans of the tended the formal ceremonies, took a Nearly twenty years ago British forces Hoover Dam. plane at Constantinople, flew across were assembling in the expedition which Thursday saw the gathering of the Europe, caught his steamer at Southamp- ultimately took part in the capture of clans. They came by air, by water, by ton, reached New York at noon on the Jerusalem. Some soldier had evidently trains and by automobiles; two came 13th, and joined his Classmates at read the marvelous tales of Scheherazade. afoot, for they lived in Ithaca. Lewis H. Ithaca, on Thursday morning. As a result, he had made a personal Tuthill, our Senior Class President, A letter came from Coimbra, by air experiment in an Arabian Night's drove from his home in South Pasadena, mail, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; an- Entertainment. The next morning, Gen- California. Major Delbert H. Decker other from Edward Charles Murphy, eral Allenby received the following mes- with his wife and daughter, Marguerite from Santa Monica, California, and an- sage: "Honored Commanding General. Dixon, Cornell Ίo; and his grand-daugh- other from James B. Burrows, of Decatur, Someone has stole my wife. My God! ter who enters the University this fall, Illinois. This last letter was mailed at I am annoyed!" came from Freeville. Major Walter L. 8:30 a. m., reached Ithaca at 11:00 p. m., Your Secretary, also, was annoyed at Webb, from Philadelphia, and Major and was at the Cornell House before the apparent lack of interest on the part Oscar D. Weed, with his wife and daugh- midnight. of his Classmates and the few responses ter, Marion, Cornell '31, from Washing- John M. Drury of Utica, John H. which he had received from them. He ton. All three men were in uniform dur- Grotecloss of Suffern, Herbert Howland took the "Black Diamond" on Wednes- ing the World War, and Webb and of Paris, Frank Percy Ingalls of Provi- day morning (June 13) with a certain Decker had a Class Reunion in Tours, in dence, R. I. and Fred C. Olin of Buffalo, amount of misgiving, not to say fore- France. Charles M. Thorp, Esq., drove were prevented by illness from attending boding, that the Fifty-Year Reunion with his wife from Pittsburgh and Her- the Reunion. All sent letters, which would not have the attendance for bert L. Aldrich drove from New York. were acknowledged by telegrams of which he had hoped. Upon reaching Edward Maguire arrived with two regret. Ithaca, he went at once to the Cornell daughters and a son-in-law from Wilkins- Each one was equipped with the Class House at 601 Stewart Ave. which the burg, Pennsylvania. Charles F. Chisholm insignia, an overseas cap and an arm- University had set apart for the use of his and his wife were driven from Garrett band upon arrival. At the Dinner held Class on their Golden Anniversary. The Park, Maryland, by their daughter, Mary in the Private Dining Room in Willard University had certainly done its part. The Eunice, Cornell 'z^. Frederick W. Carpen- Straight Hall on Friday evening, for house is a large one, centrally located ter, one of the engineers of the New York members of the Class only, they made a and a new concrete road winds past the Subway, came from Cornwall, on the most martial appearance. door, ending practically at Willard Hudson. Franklin A. Coles, with his son, Nearly fifty assembled as a family at Straight Hall. A good foot-path leads to from Glen Cove, Long Island. Lewis H. Balch Unit I, on Saturday evening. At the same destination. The house, itself, Cowles, with his wife and son, from nine o'clock the party en-bussed for had recently been painted, was in ex- Cleveland, Ohio. George B. Davidson, a Bailey Hall. Their arrival EN MASSE cellent condition and could easily accom- lawyer, from Philadelphia. Charles A. aroused much enthusiasm. modate fifty persons. This was the house Brewster and wife from Addison. Samuel At the excellent entertainment given in which Ezra Cornell himself had lived E. Hillger, an architect from Auburn, by the Class of 1919 to celebrate the and in the large living room, facing the met his brother architect, Wilbur S. Twenty-first Anniversary and coming of fireplace, was the secretary at which the Knowles, of Orange, N.