Kawau Island Kookaburra
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:,17(5 .22.$%855$ 0DJD]LQHRI.DZDX,VODQG1HZ=HDODQG .DZDX,VODQG.RRNDEXUUD “To publish the Kawau Island Kookaburra as a means of communication and as an outlet for news and articles written by interested persons” Kawau Island Residents & Ratepayers Association Rule 3(g) &RUUHVSRQGHQFHDQGFRQWULEXWLRQVWR 0LFKDHO0DUULVHGLWRU#NLUUDRUJQ] $GYHUWLVLQJPDQDJHGE\ 6KHOOH\)XWFKHUVKHOOH\IXWFKHU#JPDLOFRP .,55$PHPEHUVKLSLVLQYLWHG &RQWDFW+HOHQ-HႇHU\VHFUHWDU\#NLUUDRUJQ] 0HPEHUVKLSLQFOXGHVIRXULVVXHVRI.RRNDEXUUDHDFK\HDU &KHFNRXWRXU.DZDX,VODQGZHEVLWHwww.kawauisland.org.nz .,55$(;(&87,9(&200,77(( &KDLUPDQ/HV0HOODUV 6HFUHWDU\+HOHQ-HႇHU\ 7UHDVXUHU,DQ+HQGHUVRQ *DHO$UFKHU &ROLQ%ULJKW 3HWHU%XFNWRQ 3DP'DOORZ 6KHOOH\)XWFKHU $QGUHZ)\IH $ODQ0DUVKDOO /LQ3DUGH\ 6LPRQ3LULH 3DXO6WUDXVV 7D] .22.$%855$:LQWHU &RQWHQWV &RPPHQW &RYHU3KRWRV*UDQW:KLWHKRXVHDQG$QGUHZ)\IH Michael Marris Comment 3 Gardening Matters 46 There is a rhythm to nature. There is a rhythm to open up to enable – and indeed, to encour- to our human existence, to our lifespan and age – incoming and developing generations to Michael Marris Jane Myhre the birth and death that is an inevitable part of take up the custodial responsibilities of Island Vivian Bay News 5 Park Notes 48 our fortune. There is also a rhythm to Kawau enrichment and community development. Fay Richardson Sue Stoddard, Hemi and Jen Island. The four seasons. Each with their own For our small community, there are a surpris- Pembles Bay News 6 Kawau, North Cove, Sam Harvey and us 51 particular characteristics. Each season de- manding that we temper our activities and our ing number of organisation structures: KIRRA Andrew Fyfe John Sinclair behaviours to meet the demands of nature. (our ratepayers association), KIAC (interfacing North Cove News 8 Jeff Cook Retires 52 with the political and bureaucratic mainland Ross West Lyn Hume The other rhythm of Kawau Island is reflected tendrils), the Fire and Civil Defence Teams, in our community. There are times of excite- Pohutukawa Trust, KERT (managing emer- South Cove News 12 Myrtle Rust Advice 53 ment and occasions of dissent. There are times gency responses), Kawau Boating Club, Music Andrew Stone Ministry Primary Industries of collective defence against the onslaught of in the Gardens to name but a few. These groups Throwtime 13 Captain Bentzon 54 mainland bureaucracy. There are moments of all require dedicated input and often specialist John Adams Bob Ricketts’ Letter concern when gales and strong winds seek to expertise that has to be gathered from within besiege us. There are times when neighbours our small community. Afloat Around Kawau 14 Farewell Harry, Welcome Tony 55 gather together to help each other and there Lin Pardey Linda Lewin are rare times when neighbours feel obligated This is no easy task. Whilst we are rich in skills Camp Bentzon Report 16 Bookworms 56 to turn on a miscreant in our midst. and knowledge we are minuscule in number. Peter & Erin Hyde Karen Carding It is often difficult for people to manage the And there are times of regeneration. Our com- particular logistics at an island environment Anzac Day 22 Coastguard Kawau 57 munity is fundamentally family-based and re- demands in order to make meetings or some- Gael Archer Luke McCarthy flects any typical New Zealand family values. times even take part in training sessions. There Book Review: Meanderings 24 Pohutukawa Trust 58 We are disparate, insofar as we come together is no funding so every position is voluntary Michael Marris Carl Weaver from many separate threads of society. We and absolutely driven by the concept of com- are collective, insofar as we share a common munity service. Real Estate News 27 Harbourmaster Report 60 passion for Kawau Island and a singular deep Ross Sutherland Graeme Kearney determination to preserve not only the beau- Within the natural rhythm of our Kawau soci- Fire and CD Report 30 Readjusting 62 tiful nature environment that we all enjoy but ety these multiple roles are frequently difficult to adequately fill. The load of a lot of falls upon Chris Carding lois h hunter to shelter it from external threats – be they nature-driven or bureaucratic-driven. the shoulders of a few. But the natural rhythm An Appreciation 32 Winter Closing KBC 63 is also one of regeneration. This is now a time Jenny Spring and Jen Seel Lin Pardey In the last few years it is become obvious that of need for replenishment: new and younger First Aid Courses Success 34 Ken Ricketts 64 some of the older generation of families on families are moving to the island, either as per- manent residents or as part of weekend and Ken Wells Mr Bob Edwards the Island have either ceded their interests to younger generations or have, forced by that in- holiday family property owners. As a com- KIAC Status Struggling 36 Motuketekete Reef Proposal 68 evitable dint of nature, no longer been able to munity we need to be reaching out to this new Michael Marris M and DL Hampson be here. Some families proudly accommodate cohort who will bring with them not only new Where Are They? 42 Draft May Minutes KIRRA 69 four generations of their family on Kawau and ideas and new skills but, importantly, a fresh- ness of vigor. Resource depletion over time is Kawau Girl December Minutes KIRRA 70 three generations is commonplace. What is important in this natural rhythm is for spaces Continued on page 4 .22.$%855$:LQWHU .22.$%855$:LQWHU ,V\RXUWDQNZDWHUGLVFRORXUHG 9LYLDQ%D\1HZV RUIXQQ\VPHOOLQJ" Fay Richardson $UH\RXDOZD\VFKDQJLQJH[SHQVLYH¿OWHUV" The kumara crop is dug up, feijoas, guava and 7KHQ\RXQHHGWKHXOWLPDWHVHOIFOHDQLQJV\VWHPIRU\RXUWDQN passionfruit are plentiful and the fishing has 7KH7DQN9DFV\VWHP been exceptional. :LOOÀXVKRXWEDVHVOXGJH ,VHDVLO\LQVWDOOHGE\\RXUVHOIRU Easter and school holidays saw the baches full 5HPRYHVKDUPIXOEDFWHULD E\XV of families and the children still enjoyed their :LOOLQFUHDVHWKHOLIHVSDQRI\RXU &DQEH¿WWHGWRDIXOOWDQN favourite pastimes of kayaking with the dol- ¿ O W H U ,VYHU\FRVWHႇHFWLYH phins and jumping off the wharf, then racing into Humes for a warm up spa. (QVXUH\RXDUHGRLQJDOO\RXFDQWRSURWHFW\RXDQG\RXU Jarrod made a big sand maze which kept the IDPLO\¶VKHDOWK gang amused for a while. )RURQO\\RXFDQ¿WDV\VWHPWKDWPHDQV 1RVPHOOVQRKDUPIXOEDFWHULD-XVWIUHVKVSDUNOLQJUDLQZDWHU The Argentine ant team have been and we were very grateful for their work and happy that the wet conditions have kept the ants from spread- ing. 'HYHORSHGLQWZR8QLYHUVLWLHV3URXGO\1HZ=HDODQGPDGH ZZZWDQNYDFFRQ] The big dumpings of rain have caused more waterfalls off the hills; what was once consid- ered unheard of, has become a common oc- currence. )RUDOOHPHUJHQFLHVRQ.DZDX,VODQGDQG VXUURXQGLQJDUHDVFDOO A big Thank You to Lin Pardey for organising a great evening of music and also to Peter and Erin for hosting us; it is always good to get our community together. Comment: Continued from page 3 expectable and is happening. Resource replen- Kawau life: of its beauty, of its difficulties, of Dave and I are packing our bags for a holiday ishment over time as possible but requires en- its uniqueness and of its threats. It is to then in Vanuatu with our neighbours Patria and couragement and nurturing. that we, as older generations, are now looking. Trevor which I am very excited about, always It is up to them to provide the regeneration keen for more swimming and fishing. This is a time for our community to look to the of community structure that is critical to our marvellous opportunities that are presented to ongoing well-being – indeed, our ongoing sur- A warm welcome to Allan and Vicki,the new us by new faces in our midst. We need to look vival. Such is the natural rhythm of the world. managers at The Beach House, we hope they to them, to welcome and be open-armed to enjoy our special home. their arrival and to assist them to integrate into As always, this is a collective effort. We are all our small but highly cohesive society quickly part of our unique and cherished Kawau com- and easily. munity and it behoves us all to work together to gather our generational resources and put On the other side of that coin, it is important them to use to protect, preserve and enhance for those “new settlers” to learn quickly of our magnificent Island environment. .22.$%855$:LQWHU .22.$%855$:LQWHU Team Tootill. For the time being - horses are 3HPEOHV%D\1HZV taking precedence over boats. Badminton here Andrew Fyfe we come! Nicholson, Paget, Todd… Randall? A time of renewal Next door we’ve also missed the company of Julie Bull and her guide dog Coco. Grandson Lachlan was lucky enough to spend Easter in Ben Palmer has also been absent as he navi- London with his South African Grandmother gates foreign waters on luxury boats. (I’m told (Ouma), Aunties (Tannies), Uncle (Oom) its hard work, but what a way to earn a living!) and Cousins (Neefs). Two weeks of afrikaans, His parents Jo and Jeremy and brother Harry braais and biltong in Wandsworth. His lack of enjoyed a ‘Pembles Bay Easter’ in his absence, time at Kawau has his old man deputising for before his auntie Billie and her friends and this issue. “Wat ‘n lewe my seun!” family took over. Their impressive new fish smoker was gainfully employed, suggesting The last few months have been a time of re- greatly improved fishing. newal for Pembles Bay. Shipworm has taken At the Fyfe compound, big brother Gregor its destructive toll on the Templeton and Fyfe christened his new battery powered Stihl jetties. Max and Michal have replaced at least chainsaw and put his wood chipper to good nine pylons, essentially ending up with a brand use, as Kirsty and he continue their hard work new jetty. Dad’s wharf also boasts a replace- in creating their Kawau ‘Garden of Eden’.