635,1* .22.$%855$ 0DJD]LQHRI.DZDX,VODQG1HZ=HDODQG .DZDX,VODQG.RRNDEXUUD “To publish the Kawau Island Kookaburra as a means of communication and as an outlet for news and articles written by interested persons” Kawau Island Residents & Ratepayers Association Rule 3(g) &RUUHVSRQGHQFHDQGFRQWULEXWLRQVWR
[email protected] $GYHUWLVLQJPDQDJHGE\ -XGH:
[email protected] .,55$PHPEHUVKLSLVLQYLWHG &
[email protected] 0HPEHUVKLSLQFOXGHVIRXULVVXHVRI.RRNDEXUUDHDFK\HDU &KHFNRXWRXU.DZDX,VODQGZHEVLWHZZZNDZDXLVODQGRUJ .,55$(;(&87,9(&200,77(( &KDLUPDQ/HV0HOODUV 6HFUHWDU\1LNNL3RUWHRXV 7UHDVXUHU,DQ+HQGHUVRQ *DHO$UFKHU &ROLQ%ULJKW 3HWHU%XFNWRQ 3DP'DOORZ 6KHOOH\)XWFKHU $QGUHZ)\IH $ODQ0DUVKDOO /LQ3DUGH\ 3DXO 7D] 6WUDXVV 0DQG\:HDYHU VHFRQGHG &DUO:HDYHU VHFRQGHG .22.$%855$6SULQJ &RQWHQWV &RPPHQW Cover Photos: Jude Hynes, Jude Wood Michael Marris Comment 3 Mansion House Holiday 32 Spring is a season of reawakening and reju- Europe and so the KI Boating Club will burst venation. I have been enjoying an increasing into life again. Leanne Graham has stunningly Michael Marris Jenny Spring sense that our precious Kawau community is transformed Kawau Lodge. Maree Pickett, as Letter To KIRRA 4 FENZ (Kawau) 34 coming into its own spring. Our Island is out- always, is the consummate café manager both Grant Whitehouse Chris Carding rageously precious to all of us. We monitor its at Sandspit and soon, again, at Mansion House Vivian Bay News 5 Bon Accord Bar & Bistro 36 every little social tremor and seek to take its Bay. We are indeed fortunate. pulse regularly. Fay Richardson Robyn & Davo Lee With this new influx of property owners comes Pembles Bay News 6 Real Estate News 43 There have been some few years of quietness.