Current Topics in Vol. 1, 2006

Viruses in : General principles and future extrapolations

1,* 2,# Luis Villarreal and Frank Ryan 1 Center for Research, Department of and Biochemistry, 2208 Biological Science 3, University of California, Irvine, Irvine CA 92697, USA. 2Department of Animal & Plant Sciences, The University of Sheffield, Western Bank, Sheffield, S10 2TN, UK

ABSTRACT aggressive symbiosis, genetic symbiosis,

There is growing evidence that have , holobiont, holobiontic contributed to host evolution early in the evolution of and throughout the subsequent evolution of INTRODUCTION . It is important, from both a biological Symbiology is a large and expanding discipline and medical perspective, that we grasp the within , yet, though it has essential principles involved. While virologists are long been a source of understanding and research familiar with the contribution of to the in in general, it is not conventionally evolutionary dynamics of the virus-host interaction, taught to undergraduates studying virology and they may be less familiar with the role of few virologists have been involved with partnerships and the principles and dynamics of symbiological research. The reasons for this are symbiosis. We believe that an understanding of viral complex but in part derive from historical symbiosis complements the existing understanding contingency, and in part from the long-standing of virology and offers the potential for novel difficulty in agreeing on the essential nature of virological research. This is of particular importance viruses. Virologists may be familiar with some partnerships (virus-virus complementation, virus- at a time when animal , and the human genome in particular, have been found to contain satellite and virus-defective interactions) but need large amounts of virus-derived DNA, formerly to familiarize themselves with the definitions and dismissed as junk but now increasingly recognized mechanics of symbiogenesis if they are to grasp as contributing to host evolution, embryogenesis the potential it offers for novel virological research and understanding. They also need to grasp how and physiology. In this paper we define the concept of viral symbiosis, clarifying the general symbiogenesis differs, conceptually and dynamically, principles involved before focusing on the particular from mutation-plus-selection, while acknowledging example of the ERVWE1 locus in . that the two dynamics are essentially complementary From this we extrapolate the general principles to rather than contradictory to a broader understanding of the evolutionary situation. future biological and medical research. In the 1930s and 1940s the synthesis of Darwinian KEYWORDS: , virus-host natural selection, mutation and Mendelian genetics interactions, cooperation, partnership, symbiosis, gave rise to the paradigm of “modern ”, also known as “neo-Darwinism”. This has contributed greatly to our understanding of evolutionary *[email protected] dynamics, and particularly so within field of #[email protected] virology. But increasing knowledge of other

Luis Villarreal & Frank Ryan

forces for hereditary change, such as symbiogenesis, arising from copying errors during division. hybridogenesis, horizontal transfer in This definition is conceptually and mechanistically prokaryotes, epigenetics, and mechanisms specific meaningful and it predicates that mutational to evolutionary development, have expanded our change, arising during meiosis and mitosis, is horizons to a diversity of evolutionary possibilities. essentially random in its origins and effects. Thus Many of these dynamics apply to viruses, both in we can predict that mutation may result in the sense of viral evolution per se as well as the insignificant genetic change, deleterious change potential of viruses to co-evolve with, and influence, (giving rise to disease, or ), or occasionally the evolution of their hosts. Viruses are genetic to significant genetic change in individuals. Such parasites long familiar as the cause of endemic , or more likely a series of mutations, and epidemic diseases. Over the last decade or so are capable, under positive selection, of giving we have become increasingly aware of a wider rise to the hereditable genetic change that is role for viruses, possibly in the origins of life essential to the origin of new species. Subsequently, itself and certainly in its subsequent evolution to as additional mechanisms of hereditable genetic biodiversity as we see it today. This relatively change came to be discovered, there was a tendency new, but rapidly growing, field has implications to lump them all within the umbrella concept of for our understanding of life, ecology, human and mutation. But this ignores the fact that mechanisms veterinary medicine, and agriculture. It has led to such as genetic symbiogenesis, hybridogenesis a rapid expansion of novel research extending and hereditable epigenetic change, are conceptually across all of the biological and applied fields. and mechanistically different from genetic change Many virologists, and workers in related disciplines, arising from copying errors in cell division. are currently involved in these advances. This These differences are illustrated in Table 1, where makes it all the more relevant that we consider the it will be apparent that they not only involve role of viruses in symbiogenesis. selection at different levels, but also include genetic symbiosis, a mechanism that allows rapid and Defining symbiosis in relation to virology reticulate virus-host (holobiont) evolution, and which Mutation, as first coined by De Vries [1] and has hitherto been a historically peripheral concept to subsequently developed through most of the virologists. The broader evolutionary implications twentieth century [2], was defined as genetic change of these different mechanisms of hereditary change

Table 1. The operative mechanisms for hereditary change.

Operative Genetic Nature of Level of Pattern of Amenable to # mechanism change change selection phylogeny environmental influences Mutation* Yes Random, Mainly Linear, No cumulative individual gene, branching organism Genetic Yes Non-random, Mainly holobiont Reticulate No symbiogenesis rapid Hybrido-genesis Yes Non-random, Mainly Reticulate No rapid genome Epigenetic No Non-genetic Epigenetic Linear, Yes change in gene inheritance branching expression system

*Mutation in this table is defined as random change during cell division. We acknowledge that mutation affecting developmental pathways could potentially give rise to rapid change. # In certain circumstances selection may work at other levels, such as group level, and in specific circumstances it almost certainly works at more than one level, but this is the most important level at first incorporation of genomic change. Viruses in host evolution have been discussed elsewhere [3]. Here we dynamic of the virus-host relationship. Indeed it confine ourselves to a more detailed discussion of may be difficult to rigidly separate symbiogenesis as a mechanism for hereditary change, from mutualism since most mutualisms arise from and in particular its implications for virology. parasitic states. Given the nature of the evolutionary A common misconception is to equate symbiosis dynamic, such partnerships, particularly when they with mutualism. In fact symbiosis was first defined involve viral persistence, have the potential for evolutionary change at the level of the partnership by Anton de Bary in 1878 merely as “the living together of differently named organisms” [4]. By itself, to bring it to any stage between the extremes “differently named organisms” he meant different of absolute parasitism or absolute mutualism. And species. De Bary’s definition of symbiosis embraced viral persistence in itself can involve partnerships parasitism and commensalism as well as mutualism. with mixtures of viral elements, including defective viruses. It is unnecessary, and probably misleading, All that is required is a living interaction. Viruses are clearly obliged to ‘live with’ their host during to think of the partnership as operating exclusively infection and their ubiquity and diversity suggest in terms of either extreme, though over time a major potential for affecting host evolution. particular dynamic may come to predominate. However, some biologists might object by declaring This will become easier to understand when we deal with specific examples. We also need to viruses are neither living nor organisms so that such partnerships are inconsequential. But, while grasp some differences in perspective. Where acknowledging the difficulties posed by viruses in mutation-plus-selection focuses on the concept of relation to the various definitions of life, it is “fitness” deriving from competition for reproductive evident that, from the evolutionary perspective, success, symbiogenesis focuses on the dynamics viruses behave like living organisms and they of interactive partnerships between different follow the basic rules of evolutionary biology. species. The interacting partners in a symbiotic And many viruses form life-long partnerships relationship are termed “symbionts” and the with host as persistent infections. Indeed, such partnership, which can involve two or more partnerships are much more common than many symbionts, is termed the “holobiont”. Where realize [5]. symbiosis gives rise to evolutionary change it is defined as symbiogenesis [11]. Virologists have traditionally extrapolated the evolutionary dynamics of mutation-plus-selection Virologists may be sceptical of a symbiotic to explain the evolution of viruses per se, or to perspective in what appears to be a situation of explain the evolutionary interactions between viruses outright parasitism. But if for example we examine and their hosts. It is also becoming increasingly the evolutionary dynamics of the AIDS pandemic, evident that virus-host interactions have many of we find that the rate of disease progression is the features of symbiotic evolution. As long ago strongly associated with a particular HLA-B but as 1926, Felix d’Herelle, co-discoverer with Twort not HLA-A allele expression in the human host. of the , argued the case for phage as Here Kiepiela et al. have reported substantially a living organism that, in certain circumstances, greater selection pressure imposed on HIV-1 by was symbiotic with its bacterial host [6]. The HLA-B alleles than by HLA-A. At the same time concept of viral symbiosis is now finding HLA-B gene frequencies in the population are acceptance in symbiology [7-9] and medicine [10], reported to be those likely to be most influenced and the principles of symbiogenesis merit by HIV disease [12]. In other words even at the exploration in the widest sense to the evolution of stage of an acute pandemic, where selection is viruses per se, and to the evolutionary implications obviously working at selfish individual, or of viruses in relation to their hosts. genetic, level on both host and virus, selection is The simultaneous operation of natural selection, at also operating at the level of the partnership, with selfish individual, or genetic, level within virus virus influencing host gene pool frequencies and and host, and at the level of the symbiotic host influencing viral evolution. interaction, or “partnership”, of virus and host, is Symbiotic interaction also takes place at various the key to understanding the real evolutionary levels. We are familiar with the cleaner station

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symbioses in the oceans, where shrimps or small But if there is a core concept that is important to fish, remove debris and parasites from the skins, grasp, it is the fact that in all symbioses selection, or even within the mouths, of large predators, while still operating at selfish individual, or genetic such as sharks and groupers. These symbioses level, will also operate, to a significant degree, at involve genetically, or epigenetically, programmed partnership, or holobiontic, level. For example, in mutualistic behaviour in otherwise independently the cleaner station symbioses, we can see how the programmed species. At a microbiological level, interacting partners display significant behavioural cryptic prophages help to cope with changes, or , in relation to how they adverse environments, such as oxidative and acid interact with each other, and in hummingbird- stresses, or increasing growth, or influencing biofilm flower symbioses we can see how the elongated formation [13]. Mixtures of cryptic (defective) curved bill of the violet sabrewing hummingbird prophage are also crucial for the highly adaptable and the depth and shape of the columnia flower nature of E. coli O157:H7 [14-15]. Others assist have accommodated to the partnership [23]. host survival through “aggressive symbiosis”, for From an evolutionary perspective, the most example Gifsy-2, which provides its Salmonella important level of symbiotic interaction is at the host with a competitive advantage by killing genetic level. This is of major importance to viral competitors [16]. A similar “aggressive symbiosis” symbiosis and will be discussed in more detail. may be a feature of the plague dynamics of virus-

host relationships in human disease, for example Genetic symbiosis when smallpox gave a competitive advantage to the Conquistadors in their wars with the Incas In symbioses at genetic level, symbionts contribute [17]. A very common level of symbiotic interaction whole pre-evolved or regulatory sequences involves the sharing of metabolites between to their partners, or at its most innovative level, symbionts. 97% of land plants depend on metabolic symbionts unite whole pre-evolved genomes to symbiosis between fungi and roots, known as form a new holobiontic genome. Striking examples mycorrhizae. Many bacterial symbioses also work of genetic symbiosis include mitochondria and , which derived from holobiontic unions of at a metabolic level: for example the rhizobia which fix nitrogen in the root nodules of legumes, the ancestors of animals, plants and fungi with the chemosynthetic bacteria in the trophosomes of photosynthetic and oxygen-breathing prokaryotes tubeworms in the vicinity of hydrothermal vents, and protists [24]. Viruses, notably and which help the worm to metabolize hydrogen , have an extraordinary potential to sulphide, and the many different bacteria and invade, and subsequently unite with, host protists that aid digestion in a wide variety of genomes. Virologists are familiar with the process animals, particularly insects. Recent study suggests of endogenization, in which infectious retroviruses that viruses may also participate in metabolic insert themselves into the of the symbioses, for example by providing or host germ line, to become endogenous retroviruses, other metabolites that are helpful to host or ERVs. This process is currently being observed [13], or even essential for host in the koala retroviral epidemic in Australia. All survival [18]. In similar manner, cyanophage, lineages, and many non-vertebrate encoding both photosystem I and II genes as well lineages, have been extensively colonized in this as electron transport proteins, provide major way by a variety of retroviral lineages. Meanwhile metabolic functions to their infected partners the related genetic entities of LINEs and SINEs [19, 20]. Large DNA viruses of protists have also have spread through widespread retroposition contributed to the lateral transfer of complex throughout the chromosomes of animal genomes, metabolic pathways (i.e. sphingolipid biosynthesis) from marine invertebrates to humans. [21], including a viral p450 gene [22]. From the symbiological perspective, the In practice symbioses frequently operate at more endogenization of retroviruses into vertebrate than one level, for example pollination mutualisms lineages might be seen as the viral equivalent of involve both behavioural and metabolic aspects. the symbiogenetic union of genomes with the

Viruses in host evolution

ancestral microbes of mitochondria and plastids. There are very few mechanisms by which such However, we also need to consider that symbiotic coordinated multipoint genetic change might viruses will make contributions that are otherwise occur by classical selection. fundamentally different to bacteria, in ways that This symbiogenetic potential will include a number depend on the quintessential nature and evolutionary of possibilities, such as the contribution of viral dynamics of viruses. To understand what this genes novel to the host and the contribution of the implies we need to consider the basic genomic viral regulatory regions, the LTRs, to holobiontic structure, and functional dynamics, of a . genomic function. Virologists are familiar with the basic retroviral Invading retroviruses will often endogenize the genome, which comprises three genetic domains, germ lines of their hosts again and again, with up conventionally referred to as the genes, env, gag to a thousand or so different sites of integration and pol, which code for a variety of proteins (see randomly distributed throughout the chromosomes, Figure 1). For example gag codes for the proteins each integration site offering the possibility of necessary for viral assembly, including matrix and future symbiogenetic potential. In human terms, core shell proteins, pol codes for the enzymes although many such insertions have been “switched necessary for , such as reverse off” by the policing action of selection, such is the transcriptase, protease, ribonuclease and integrase, massive volume of viral insertions that a significant while env codes for the surface and trans- number have positively contributed to the virus- membrane glycoproteins. The flanking LTRs host genetic union, adding new complexity to the contain the viral regulatory regions. Thus, when a evolving holobiontic genome. Indeed reproductive retrovirus invades the host chromosomes, it tissue in particular will often retain the capacity to introduces a pre-evolved genome that is not only express many retroviral elements as presented below. novel to the host genome, but is also a holistically Such genetic symbioses afford considerable potential functional unit whose genes, and LTRs, are pre- for evolutionary change both in the short and long evolved to interact with and regulate key aspects term, and this will inevitably include novel potential of host genetics, immunity, and physiology. deriving from the quintessential nature of viruses Indeed, retroviral integration is not random and and their pre-evolved potentials to control and shows a very strong bias towards 5’, 3’ and intron manipulate key aspects of the host physiology and regulatory sequences [25, 26]. The invasion of the genome. We must also consider that with the host germ line is potentially hazardous, and embedding of whole viral genomes within the host inbuilt defence mechanisms will attempt to switch germ line - with pre-evolved abilities to interact with, off the invading viral genome, initially through and manipulate the host genome - there now exists epigenetic mechanisms such as methylation, and a new potential for symbiogenetic interaction at more long term through stop mutations, insertions genetic level. As we have seen with symbiosis at all and deletions. However, at the same time, the levels, where selection will often begin in large invading viral genome will also offer the potential degree at selfish individual, or genetic, level, in such of novel holobiontic genomic evolution - much as symbiogenetic unions of viruses and their hosts, the invasion of the oxygen-breathing bacterium there will be a new, and powerful selection pressure, offered the potential of oxygen breathing to the that will operate at partnership - or holobiontic - level. protist host long ago. Indeed, as retroviral invasions typically involve numerous scattered Here we see how a symbiotic perspective adds to elements (LTRs), they also provide the potential our understanding of the potential evolutionary for introducing new complex regulatory networks. outcome. It implies is that there will be selection for

Figure 1. Schematic of the basic retrovirus genome. Luis Villarreal & Frank Ryan former host or viral genes, or regulatory sequences, single-letter code for the amino acid complementary or whole functioning genetic units comprising to the t-RNA primer binding site that initiates genes plus relevant regulatory sequences, that transcription. Thus, for example, a HERV-K initiates enhance survival of the new holobiontic organism; transcription with lysine and HERV-W with meanwhile there will be selection against former tryptophan. Each family and subgroup is thought host or viral genes, or regulatory sequences, or to represent an independent evolutionary lineage, whole functioning genetic units, that impair which would imply that the ancestral human survival of the new holobiontic organism. This genome has been subject to a large series of level of understanding is helpful in constructing a independent retroviral colonisations. Although many logical experimental methodology, capable of of these unions took place during our mammalian confirming holobiontic evolution of virus and ancestry, at least eight full length HERV-K host. This is illustrated, in a series of logical steps, viruses are unique to humans having entered the in Table 2, which outlines the type of evidence human germ line after humans diverged from that supports virus-host holobiontic selection. chimpanzees [27, 28]. The symbiogenetic potential of such massive viral invasion, and subsequent Some 8% of the human genome is derived from holobiontic interaction, is likely to be major. human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) and, if we extend this to HERV fragments and virus- It is instructive to examine one important locus of symbiogenetic viral interaction as the exemplar. dependent entities, the retroviral legacy amounts to almost half of the human DNA. Where this was Known as the ERVWE1 locus, this is a genetic previously dismissed as “junk DNA”, there is region that humans share with the other great growing evidence that HERVs, and related retroviral apes, and which plays a vital role in reproductive biology, consistent with early and recent proposals sequences, have made a major contribution to for such a role [29, 30]. human evolution, and are playing important roles in human embryology, reproduction and day-to-day The ERVWE1 Genetic Locus physiology. HERVs are conventionally divided into Syncytin-1 is a viral that plays an essential 30-50 different HERV families, subdivided into role in the differentiation of the syncytiotrophoblast some 200 different subgroups, which originated cells of the human placenta [31, 32]. It’s genetic from exogenous retroviral invasion and resulted in coding, and regulation, is through the ERVWE1 multiple integrations. The families and subgroups locus, based around a HERV-W insertion located are commonly characterised on the basis of the on human 7 (7q21.2), as shown in

Table 2. Step-wise evidence for viral symbiosis at genetic level with selection operating at holobiontic level.

1. Strict preservation of viral genetic sequences in host genome over long periods by comparing sequences between widely separated populations, or races, within species.

2. Strict preservation of viral gene sequences in host genomes between related species within genera or more widely disparate evolutionary taxa, for example between great apes including humans. 3. Strict preservation of viral gene plus its viral promoter or other regulatory sequences as in 1 and 2. 4. Evidence for functional interaction between viral and host genetic sequences in the embryogenesis or physiology of the host. 5. Discovery of conserved viral regulatory sequence having replaced earlier host regulatory sequence, with viral sequence now playing a functional role in host embryology or physiology. 6. Discovery of conserved viral genetic sequence within intron or open reading frame of functional host gene or regulatory sequence. 7. Discovery of expressed protein product of viral gene, with playing a significant role in host embryology or physiology. Viruses in host evolution

Figure 2. Schematic illustration of the ERVWE1 locus.

Figure 2. This has been adapted from the genetic clarified, but the complexity of such cooperative study published by Gimenez and Mallet [33]. It is interactions between the various viral entities and clear that the locus contains a complete HERV-W, non-viral components of the human genome in with gag, pol and env genes flanked by the human placentation is a remarkable feature of the regulatory LTRs. The viral genome is further holobiontic genome [43]. In effect, selection at flanked by the isolated LTRs of a second endogenous holobiontic level must involve selection for retrovirus of the MaLR family. The HERV-W is cooperative interactions between different viral thought to derive from germ-line invasion by an elements as well as between viral and non-viral exogenous retrovirus between 20 and 30 million elements. It is likely that similar cooperative years ago, and while the gag and pol genes have interactions between viral and non-viral elements been inactivated by deletions and stop codons, the play a part in reproduction in other animals. Two env gene has been strictly conserved in humans, endogenous retroviruses are also known to be chimpanzees, gorillas and orang-utans. This env involved in murine placentation [44], and viral gene thus fulfils steps 1, 2 and 7 of Table 2. It also elements are critical to placentation in sheep [45] fulfils step 3 in that its promoter is within the and possibly cattle [46], suggesting that viral selectively conserved 5’LTR of the HERV-W, and symbiosis has been central to the evolution it fulfils step 4 in the finding that additional of placentation throughout the mammals. The upstream regulation is provided by host-derived complexities of such retrovirus-host symbioses elements within the non-viral regulatory region. has been illustrated in particular by the ongoing ERVWE1 is also enlightening in illustrating the work of Massimo Palmarini and others in the example of the sheep Jaagsietke virus [47]. potential for cooperation between disparate viral elements in host evolution. The regulation of Virus-host symbioses will fundamentally alter the syncytin is further dependent on conserved elements interactive relationship that results from the union. within the 5’LTR of the MaLR virus. We also One potential outcome might be the capacity of know that placentation in humans is dependent on viral release from the holobiontic genome in some the cooperative interaction of the HERV-W that later circumstance, as a provirus or prophage that codes for syncytin with three additional HERVs, might contribute to host competitiveness or survival. HERV-FRD [34], ERV-3 [35] and HERV-K [36], This is seen in phage-bacterial interactions as as well as a number of additional HERVs [37-42] described above. Another potential outcome might that are also thought to play various, if as yet poorly involve the induction of resistance in the host for defined, roles in human reproduction (Table 3). the same exogenous virus, or a related strain. Many retroviral env glycoproteins possess an Virus-host symbioses will fundamentally alter the immunosuppressive domain (ISU), so that the interactive relationship that results from the union. cooperative interaction of the ISUs of several One potential outcome might be the capacity viral placentally-expressed HERVs may also play an release, as a provirus or prophage, in some later important role in immune regulation at the circumstance. Another potential outcome could maternal-foetal interface. Much remains to be involve the induction of resistance in the host for

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Table 3. HERVs that play various roles in human reproduction, notably placentation. Many of these roles are not yet fully determined but the cooperative interplay between the different viral entities and non-viral genes and regulatory regions is remarkable [31-42].

HERV Role in reproduction

ERVWE1 (HERV-W) Syncytiotrophoblast differentiation and cell fusion to form syncytium. HERV-FRD Syncytiotrophoblast fusion. Also thought to play a role in placental defence against maternal immune rejection of foetus. ERV-3 Syncytiotrophoblast fusion (May not be essential since a small minority lack this role but can still create a functional placenta). HERV-K Expressed in cytotrophoblasts and probably contributes to normal placentation. Possible contribution to immune protection of the foetus.

HERV-E.PTN HERV insert in growth factor pleiotrophin gene (PTN) led to a phylogenetically new promoter driving the expression of functional HERV-PTN transcripts which are expressed in the proliferative and invasive trophoblasts of gestational

tissue as well as the malignant trophoblasts of choriocarcinomas. LTR10A of HERV-1 Placenta-exclusive expression of nitric acid synthase gene (NOS3). HERV-H7/F(XA34) Trophoblast-specific transcription, with reduced expression in placentas

from pregnant women suffering from pregnancy-induced hypertension. HERV-Fb1 Trophoblast-specific transcription, with reduced expression in placentas

from pregnant women suffering from pregnancy-induced hypertension. HERV-HML6-c14 Trophoblast-specific transcription. In contrast to syncytin, HERV-FB 1 and HERV-H7/F(XA34) transcripts were localized to the nucleus and expression was raised in placentas from women suffering from pregnancy-induced

hypertension. Unknown HERV LTR Human-placenta-specific expression of Human Insulin family gene, INSL4, during differentiation of cytotrophoblast into syncytiotrophoblast cells is regulated to a significant degree by a HERV-3LTR. HERV-E LTR Contributes to the expression of endothelin B receptor (EDNRB), one of two

receptors that mediate the vasoconstrictor effects of endothelins. HERV-E LTR Alternative tissue-specific transc riptional regulator of the human Opitz gene, Midl, which encodes a microtubule-associated protein.

the same exogenous virus, or a related strain. yet unknown roles in the normal human brain Indeed, small regulatory RNA transcribed from [49-53]. Although not yet published, Larsson et al. the integrated viral elements should have significant have demonstrated widespread and dense expression affect on the virus-host selection. The sheep of the env-coded proteins syncytin-1 and syncytin-2 Jaagsietke virus exists in two closely homologous in the cortex of the developing human brain, forms, one of which has been endogenized into indicating what may prove to be structural or the sheep genome and the other remains physiological function, or both [54]. Given the exogenously active as a pandemic virus infection complex regulatory functions that must be used in sheep. The endogenous symbiont within the during human brain evolution, symbiosis of HERV sheep genome has enabled the host to present a and other elements would appear an attractive dual physiological blocking of entry, through the way of generating such complexity. A symbiotic genital tract, meanwhile the exogenous virus has perspective may also be relevant to the growing evolved ingress through the respiratory route [48]. evidence that HERVs may contribute to diseases There is some evidence, albeit preliminary, that involving the central nervous system [55]. There different HERV families may be contributing as are two additional considerations of holobiontic

Viruses in host evolution

viral integration that need to be grasped. Where a endothelin B receptor and apolipoprotein C-I genes specific HERV has inserted many times into [67], and in the control of the human leptin receptor different chromosomes, and where one or more [68]. Symbiotic retroviruses have also contributed of its insertions have become conserved for to the evolution, and tissue specific expression, an essential genetic function, selection is likely of the enzyme amylase in humans [69, 70], and to exert a “policing” control on the unwanted HERV sequences have contributed functional genes, expression of homologous genetic sequences from or parts of genes, to the human genome, including other insertion sites, which might otherwise give integrase [71] and transaldolase [72]. rise to dysregulation of the conserved role. This is In fact the viral roles in human genomic function further complicated by the fact that viral sequences, are so widespread, yet still underestimated, that even if truncated or silenced by stop codons, may Flockerzi and colleagues have suggested the need be capable of reactivation and expression through for a specialised human endogenous retrovirus recombination between related HERVs, in vitro transcriptome project [73]. and possible even in vivo [56, 57]. They may also be capable of inhibiting retroviral and other gene Extrapolating viral symbiosis to biology in expression via small regulatory RNA expression general from ERV elements [58]. A similar complex, multi-faceted contribution of The need for a HERV transcriptome project viral symbiosis is increasingly found throughout all the biological disciplines, working at many HERVs and their products appear to play an levels of virus-host interaction, and including both equally pervasive role in normal adult structure exogenous and endogenous viruses [74]. Virus- and physiology. The phylogenetically conserved host symbioses are critical to the highly successful env genes presented above are also observed to be evolution of the parasitic ichneumonid and braconid conserved in screens of human transcripts, especially wasps, which involve approximately 25,000 species in the placenta [59]. The LTR of ERV-L controls of wasps and approximately 20,000 species of most of the gene transcripts of the human gene polydnaviruses. These include genetic and non- β 3GAL-T5 in the human colon [60], and two other genetic virus-host symbioses that have been HERV LTRs help regulate the human genes conserved by selection at holobiontic level for SLC4A8 (sodium bicarbonate co-transporter) and more than 70 million years [75-77]. Viral genes IFT172 (intraflagellar transport protein 172) [61], are expressed in the Lepidopteran caterpillar prey, and more than 50% of the human-specific HERV- where they block the cellular (haemocyte) immune K LTRs are active promoters for non-viral DNA rejection of the eggs, disrupt the caterpillar endocrine transcription [62]. An example is the placenta system, suppressing the thoracic gland and thus specific NOS3 expression via HERV LTR10A the metamorphic development, while inducing the [63]. In another illustrative example of selection production of sugars to feed the wasp larvae. working at holobiontic level, the LTR of ERV-9 By their very nature, viruses cooperate with host plays a key role in transcriptional control of the elements in their replication and expression systems. β -globin gene cluster of humans [64, 65], a role They must both use existing host genetic code and that has been conserved throughout at least 15 also extend it with new viral information. But million years of primate evolution, and in which viruses can also cooperate with other viruses. the viral promoter appears to have displaced several This would suggest interesting possibilities for non-viral promoters within the locus control future research into the investigation of the action region. Many virus-related or dependent elements, of selection at holobiontic level on the interaction including SINEs (Alus), LINEs, and LTRs, are of exogenous viruses and host in a multitude of found in a large number of human protein-coding situations throughout biology. For example, humans genes, where most are inserted into introns, where appear to be especially prone to harbour various they appear to influence some 533 genes [66]. human specific herpes family viruses. And, LTRs also act as alternative promoters, or splice interestingly, herpes viruses often appear to receptors, for example in the control of the evolve via the action of retroviruses [78, 79].

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