21 Oct 1998 Legislative Assembly 2589

WEDNESDAY, 21 OCTOBER 1998 Ministerial Papers The following papers were tabled— (a) Treasurer (Mr Hamill)— Annual Reports for 1997-98— Mr SPEAKER (Hon. R. K. Hollis, Redcliffe) read prayers and took the chair at 9.30 a.m. Treasury Corporation Queensland Machine Gaming Commission REGISTER OF MEMBERS' INTERESTS (b) Minister for Health (Mrs Edmond)— Report Discussion paper on Hairdressing, Beauty Therapy and Skin Penetration. Mr SPEAKER: Order! Honourable members, I lay upon the table of the House the 10th report on the Register of Members' MINISTERIAL STATEMENT Interests. Employment Campaign Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— PETITIONS ALP) (Premier) (9.34 a.m.), by leave: Today, with the Employment Minister, Paul Braddy, I The Clerk announced the receipt of the will be launching a special Government following petitions— campaign to create more jobs for Queenslanders. Notwithstanding the unexpected impact of the Asian economic Local Government Elections, Voting Rights crisis on Queensland and Australia, it From Mr Hobbs (2 petitioners) requesting emphasises that this Government is not simply the House to legislate to ensure that all "going through the motions". We are serious ratepayers (whether they reside on the land on about job creation and jobs, jobs, jobs. The which they pay rates or are absentee campaign complements the Government's landowners) are accorded the democratic right Breaking the Unemployment Cycle initiatives of being able to vote in local government that aim to create 24,500 apprenticeships, elections, thereby giving them a say in the traineeships and job placements over four future of the local government area in which years. These are primarily aimed at young and they have an interest. One vote per person long-term unemployed people. regardless of how many blocks owned is a fair However, while these initiatives will help request. reduce unemployment, the Government cannot address this problem by itself. We must have the support of industry, unions, local Kinkuna Park Reserve authorities and the wider community, including From Mr Slack (144 petitioners) groups and organisations, in a partnership to requesting the House to discard coal port drive employment opportunities. We have proposals and in lieu continue marine park introduced incentives for employers to employ from the north side of Elliott River to Theodolite more trainees and apprentices. And now, with Creek, acquire Coonarr and land adjacent to, this campaign, we are challenging employers developing a continued Kinkuna Park Reserve to do their part in partnership with the towards protection of tourist industry Government. This Government acknowledges expansion. that the private sector is the engine room of economic growth. So the campaign is Petitions received. designed to generate industry support. It makes use of that famous Queensland competitive spirit to encourage industry to PAPERS create more jobs. MINISTERIAL RESPONSE TO A The campaign includes a 30-second PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE REPORT television advertisement and four 15-second The following response to a parliamentary trailers, which invite Queensland employers to committee report was tabled by The Clerk— telephone a 1800 number, 1800 505 627, for response from the Attorney-General and information on Government incentives for job Minister for Justice and Minister for The creation. The television segments will be Arts (Mr Foley) to a report of the Legal, supplemented by some newspaper Constitutional and Administrative Review advertising. The advertisements are a tribute Committee entitled Privacy in Queensland to their participants—a cross-section of 2590 Ministerial Statement 21 Oct 1998 community and business leaders of whom advertisements were placed in newspapers in Queensland can be justly proud. They include: Brisbane and major regional centres on sporting greats, Wally Lewis and Vicki Wilson; Saturday inviting members of the public to prominent Aboriginal representative, Noel have their say. I wish today to encourage Pearson; Golden Circle Managing Director, Queenslanders to take this opportunity to have Barry Kelly; and AJC Metal Products their say on the proposed amendments before proprietors, Greg and John Caulfield. The the second round of consultation ends on 9 advertising campaign is part of the November. Government's efforts to build stronger, more positive relationships with the community, Victims of stalking will receive better industry and unions throughout the State to protection under the proposed new laws. Once help reduce unemployment. It is only through it was thought that the crime of stalking was a forming closer partnerships that we can make problem only for celebrities, but now we know it a difference—a difference the Government is can be a serious problem for many people, determined to make. particularly women. Stalking is a crime which causes great distress to its victims and the Members of the Employment Task Force criminal law needs to be more effective in within the Department of Employment, protecting victims of stalking and in deterring Training and Industrial Relations are already would-be offenders. The key changes visiting regional communities throughout proposed in the draft Bill include clarifying the Queensland to seek input into job creation language dealing with the reasonableness of strategies from a local level. Twenty-eight an alleged stalker's behaviour. The current forums are being held to involve the requirement that a reasonable person would community in finding local solutions to be caused to believe a "concerning offensive unemployment, right from the outset. So far, act" was likely to happen as a result of the eight forums have been held in Bundaberg, offender's course of action would be removed Maryborough, Hervey Bay, Ipswich and and replaced by a simpler and clearer test. Brisbane. An average of 50 people have Currently, the term "concerning offensive act" attended and plenty of ideas have been put is limited to an unlawful act of violence against forward. A report will be compiled soon after a person or property. the forums finish in December. Cabinet will then decide on what further action can be The draft Bill recognises that stalking may taken. We will continue this drive to create cause victims serious mental, psychological or employment opportunities for Queenslanders. emotional harm, not just physical harm. The new Bill also proposes to give the courts the power to order a convicted offender to refrain from contact with a victim of stalking. And the MINISTERIAL STATEMENT current requirements for two or more instances Stalking Legislation of stalking to occur for an offence to be proved would be removed, allowing the courts to find Hon. M. J. FOLEY (Yeronga—ALP) that a course of conduct constituted an (Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and offence. Minister for The Arts) (9.37 a.m.), by leave: On 30 June this year the Honourable Judy These reforms, and others contained in Spence, Minister for Women's Policy, and I the draft Bill, would improve greatly the current started the process of reforming Queensland's legislation by taking into account the needs of laws in relation to stalking, to ensure that victims. The coalition talked of reforming victims of this crime received a fair go, by Queensland's stalking laws but failed to act releasing a discussion paper on how our when it had the opportunity. This failure to act legislation could be improved. The consultation is symptomatic of the coalition's approach to period for the discussion paper on this law and justice issues in Queensland—tough important reform ended on 10 August and all talk and simplistic proposals but very little in submissions received by my department the way of action. before and after that date have been This Government, by comparison, has considered in the preparation of the draft moved to push the issue of victims' rights to Criminal Code (Stalking) Amendment Bill 1998. the centre of our criminal justice system As part of the comprehensive consultation through these proposed reforms and proposed process undertaken in relation to these reforms to the Criminal Offence Victims Act reforms, the draft Bill has been sent to about and amendments to fact finding on sentence. 450 interested parties for comment. It also is I urge Queenslanders to take part in this available on the Internet. In addition, process. 21 Oct 1998 Ministerial Statement 2591

MINISTERIAL STATEMENT prison officer numbers by 50, above and Mr S. J. Cowell beyond the forecast increases. This increase should alleviate any problems regarding the Hon. T. A. BARTON (Waterford—ALP) need for extra prison officers and ease (Minister for Police and Corrective Services) concerns about officers being put in (9.40 a.m.), by leave: On Monday, an inmate dangerous situations. However, I will continue at Numinbah Correctional Centre, Steven John to monitor the situation, especially when Cowell, absconded while on a leave of prisoner numbers continue to rise at a rapid absence to attend an alcohol rehabilitation rate. program. He was subsequently recaptured on Monday night, and police are to be congratulated on their swift action. MINISTERIAL STATEMENT Despite his quick recapture, Cowell's DNA Wildlife Typing Project abscond raised a number of issues which need to be addressed. Firstly, why was a Hon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) prisoner, described by police as dangerous, in (Minister for Environment and Heritage and a low/open security prison and allowed on an Minister for Natural Resources) (9.43 a.m.), by escorted leave of absence? Whenever there is leave: One of the greatest threats to our an abscond or an escape, police have a duty natural heritage is the illegal trading of wildlife. of care to warn the public. They described this Rare and threatened species are being taken inmate as dangerous based on his previous from the wild by unscrupulous and unprincipled offence and to discourage people from people, kept for breeding purposes, or traded approaching the inmate. Police prefer people illegally within Australia or overseas. All not to take the law into their own hands and Australians would agree that this type of instead call police through CrimeStoppers. This criminal activity is an affront to the very core of is exactly what happened with an anonymous our national being and a real threat to the tip-off leading to the inmate's recapture. richness and diversity of our wildlife—wildlife which needs our protection today for The inmate concerned had participated in tomorrow's generation to enjoy. all the necessary rehabilitation programs and had passed through all the necessary security I am pleased to inform the House that classifications up until Monday's event. The Queensland will lead an Australian-first trial of inmate had served 84% of his sentence and world-class technology to protect our wildlife his record on rehabilitation was considered by against these cheats. Taking advantage of the the Queensland Corrective Services most scientifically advanced methods yet Commission to be good enough to enable available, our Government is introducing lower classification. In fact, the inmate was genetic typing, or DNA fingerprinting, of considered to be of such reliable character animals as part of Australia's toughest that, under the previous coalition Government, measures against this illicit trade. the inmate was paroled in December 1996. He The State Government has entered into breached his parole conditions for failing to an 18-month contract with the Queensland report to his parole supervisor and was placed University of Technology's School of Life back in a correctional facility. He managed to Sciences to provide these new measures. We work his way through all the classifications up are placing these wildlife cheats on notice. The until Monday's event. Government is providing total funding of The other issue which needs to be $95,000 this financial year for this project, addressed is complaints from an unnamed including the salary of a full-time research SPSFQ spokesperson about alleged training scientist to further advance the technology. deficiencies for correctional officers on This project is initially concentrating on four bird escorted leaves of absence. I contacted the species classed in Queensland as restricted General Secretary of the SPSFQ, Gordon and kept by specialist recreational wildlife Rennie, and he was unaware of any concerns licensees. These birds are the golden- about officer training for leaves of absence. In shouldered parrot, the red-tailed black fact, Mr Rennie had not given any cockatoo, the yellow-tailed black cockatoo and authorisation for such comments to be made the glossy black cockatoo. Various other by any spokesperson, unnamed or otherwise. varieties on the Opposition benches will not be Despite these unauthorised comments, I have protected. Like many of our unique birds, they asked the QCSC to review the practice of are potential targets in the illicit wildlife trade. escorted leave and make improvements. The project will later be extended to focus The Beattie Government is in the process on the rare green python, which can also be of honouring its commitment of increasing kept by specialist recreational wildlife licensees. 2592 Ministerial Statement 21 Oct 1998

In Australia, this rare snake is found only in reaching deterrent against wildlife thieves and northern Queensland and related species are smugglers ever seen in this country. found in some parts of Papua New Guinea. Queensland and, indeed, Australia has By commencing this trial with recreational some of the most sought after and unique keepers, the Government is not implying these species of wildlife in the world. Despite the best keepers are criminals. On the contrary, most efforts of our State wildlife enforcement are ordinary Queenslanders who go about officers, our Federal Police and customs their chosen hobby with full respect for their services, it has always been difficult to detect animals and the law. These procedures will, and stop illegal trade. These advanced however, enable this Government to free scientific methods being trialled in Queensland recreational keepers of the small minority of by the Beattie Government are a significant cheats who operate amongst them. Under this contribution to long-term solutions to protect trial project, licensed keepers will be required to our natural heritage. take these species to a veterinarian where, in the presence of departmental officers, trace samples of blood or scales will be taken for MINISTERIAL STATEMENT scientific typing at the Queensland University Fire Awareness Week of Technology. At the same time, the animals Hon. M. ROSE (Currumbin—ALP) will be electronically tagged, providing a (Minister for Emergency Services) (9.48 a.m.), method of tracking their whereabouts. by leave: Fire can have costly and, tragically, The samples sent to QUT will be used to often deadly consequences. Each of us must create a unique genetic type for each be made aware of the destructive element of individual animal. Using these DNA fire, be it in the bush, in the city or town, or in fingerprints, the scientists will develop a the home. The concept of fire prevention was database that will enable checks to be made born in the aftermath of the great fire of on protected wildlife claimed to have been Chicago in 1871. Thought to have been bred in captivity or purchased legally. In the caused by an overturned hurricane lamp, that first round of sampling, it is estimated that DNA blaze killed 200 people and destroyed 17,500 material will be isolated from around 400 buildings. animals in the target group. The first Fire Prevention Week in America The real benefit will occur in the next took place in 1922. Australia adopted a similar breeding season, when we will have a program some years later and since 1961 the foolproof method of ensuring that eggs or Queensland Fire Protection Association has chicks are not stolen from the wild illegally. If, joined with our fire services for a week of fire for example, we have a claim from a licensed awareness activities. Every year, fire services keeper of extraordinary success in breeding across the country join together to alert the the green python, we will have a foolproof public to fire safety and fire prevention issues. method of checking this claim by referring to In Queensland, Fire Awareness Week begins the DNA database. Similarly, if we apprehend on Sunday. Community fire prevention and a person in possession of one of the target awareness is of vital importance. Fire is one of species, we will be able to use the DNA the most destructive, devastating and terrifying fingerprinting to verify the origin of the animal. forces of nature, and it is something everyone With further time and work, it is possible that should work together to prevent, or at least even the geographic origin of a particular minimise. Members will remember the graphic animal could be determined using this television footage of the wildfires in the Blue technology. This combination of DNA Mountains and those in the Gippsland area of fingerprinting and electronic tagging is Victoria only last Sunday. Firefighters face a supported by far-sighted legislation introduced constant struggle to make the community fire- in 1994 by the previous Labor Government, safety aware. They work tirelessly in urban and which makes it mandatory for specialist bush communities to push their message recreational keepers to present their animals home. for sampling. A major focus of Fire Awareness Week in Since this project was announced, I am Queensland will be on smoke alarms and their pleased to inform the House that we have value as an early warning in the event of fire. been contacted by the Commonwealth who Research shows that more than one million have expressed interest in establishing a Queenslanders still live in properties that are national database of rare and restricted not protected by smoke alarms. The lifesaving species. The establishment of such a national qualities are evident when one considers that database would create possibly the most far- there has not been a single fatality in a house 21 Oct 1998 Members' Ethics and Parliamentary Privileges Committee 2593 with a properly installed and working smoke such negotiations whilst chairman of the alarm. At a cost of less than $15, alarms must Clydesdales board. Let me put the record be the cheapest form of life insurance there is, straight. and what price a life! My capacity as Clydesdales board Woolworths has once again made a chairman effectively ended, as did that of my number of smoke alarms available to new board, on 17 August when the mothers during Fire Awareness Week. In Rugby League voted not to continue as the partnership with the Queensland Fire and auspicing body for the team. My board was a Rescue Authority, Queensland Health and the subcommittee of the Toowoomba Rugby Fire Protection Association, Woolworths will be League. Consequently, the Queensland distributing free smoke alarm vouchers to Rugby League then called for expressions of every woman who gives birth in a Queensland interest from any organisation to administer hospital during Fire Awareness Week. The new the Clydesdales from next year. Several mother will also receive a fire safety expressions of interest were received. One information package. I cannot think of a more expression came from the south-west division appropriate birthday gift. of the QRL. That expression of interest was successful and on 15 October a new chairman The aim of Fire Awareness Week is to and a new board were appointed by the increase public awareness of fire safety issues. division. I repeat: my involvement as We want to reduce deaths, injuries and loss of Clydesdales board chairman ceased on 17 property. Queenslanders are far too valuable August. Therefore, I have not been in any to lose. In both urban and rural areas, the position to enter into any negotiations with any QFRA has fully embraced the concept. potential sponsor for the Clydesdales, and I Firefighters across the State have organised a have not. wide range of awareness programs. Most of these are local initiatives by locals for their local For his information I can tell the Minister communities. Activities include street banners, that I am also advised that no deal has been a Fire Awareness Expo at Ipswich on Sunday, signed with TABCorp by the Clydesdales board a trade display in Brisbane's King George and that the article that appeared in the Square on 29 October, letter drops, shopping Toowoomba Chronicle on 14 October was centre displays, open days at fire stations, nothing more than pure speculation. Had the public information sessions and fire safety Minister done his homework he would have demonstrations, and free advice to owners of received any of this information. He could have property at risk of fire. People should visit their done that by simply making a few phone calls. local station, pick up a brochure and make He could have phoned me and I would have their property safer. told him. I am just as concerned as the Minister is about the aggressive methodology It is a tragedy when we have to send a of TABCorp in securing market share in fire engine to put out a house fire and an Queensland, hence the urgency for the ambulance to rush badly burned children to privatisation of the Queensland TAB so that it hospital. Every time we see firefighters battling can be out there competing with TABCorp and a house blaze or carrying a child to safety we anyone else for a share of the gambling and should stop, take stock and ask: could this wagering dollar. have been my family? Being aware of fire danger saves lives. The accusations that the Minister made yesterday in this place about me were serious and yet completely untrue. Therefore, I PERSONAL EXPLANATION request that Mr Speaker consider that the matter be brought to the attention of the Toowoomba Clydesdales Rugby League Members' Ethics and Parliamentary Privileges Team Committee. Mr HEALY (Toowoomba North—NPA) (9.52 a.m.), by leave: Yesterday in this House MEMBERS' ETHICS AND PARLIAMENTARY the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Racing PRIVILEGES COMMITTEE made some absolutely outrageous and totally untrue statements alleging that I have been Report involved in some sort of negotiations with the Mr MICKEL (Logan—ALP) (9.54 a.m.): I Victorian TABCorp in relation to sponsorship of lay upon the table of the House report No. 23 the Toowoomba Clydesdales Rugby League of the Members' Ethics and Parliamentary team. He insinuated that it was not right for the Privileges Committee entitled Report on a shadow Minister for Racing to be involved in Citizen's Right of Reply No. 8. I commend the 2594 Private Members' Statements 21 Oct 1998 report and the committee's recommendation If we need any evidence whatsoever to the House. about the folly of right to negotiate, we need only look at what Bill Hayden said after the Century debacle. He said that the right to SCRUTINY OF LEGISLATION COMMITTEE negotiate process was "virtual extortion". We Report know how the right to negotiate process effectively held that project up for years. Even Mrs LAVARCH (Kurwongbah—ALP) after a $90m settlement, we now see (9.55 a.m.): I lay upon the table of the House Aboriginal activists taking action to stop that the Scrutiny of Legislation Committee's annual project. report for the financial year 1997-98. I commend this report to the House and move Time expired. that it be printed. Ordered to be printed. Defibrillators Mr ROBERTS (Nudgee—ALP) (9.58 a.m.): Today in the House I raise the NOTICE OF MOTION efforts of the Queensland Ambulance Service Unemployment to have lifesaving cardiac defibrillators placed in areas where people congregate. Early Dr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the intervention with a cardiac defibrillator Liberal Party) (9.55 a.m.): I move— promotes the chances of surviving a heart "That this House notes the attack to as much as 30% to 40% compared deteriorating job situation in Queensland with a 9% chance of survival when a victim and the failure of this Government to receives manual CPR and late defibrillation. As make any progress towards their stated such, we should be actively developing 5% unemployment target." approaches aimed at promoting the number of defibrillators in existence, especially in areas demonstrated as having a record of heart PRIVATE MEMBERS' STATEMENTS attack occurrences. The Queensland Ambulance Service is currently undertaking a Native Title, Right to Negotiate project to identify target areas such as Hon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers shopping centres and sporting centres for the Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) placement of defibrillators. I place on record (9.56 a.m.): It is interesting that, at long last, my support for this endeavour and raise this this morning the Premier decided to say matter for the attention of the Parliament. something about the jobless situation in In times of scarce resources, we also Queensland. Despite what might be said later need to look at funding options for such an in the day, he has initially informed the initiative. I have been advised that the cost of Parliament that he has taken the incredible defibrillator units ranges from between $2,000 initiative of having a 1800 number listed, he is and $4,500. I understand that the QAS is embarking on an advertising campaign and he currently endeavouring to identify funding is going to have more community forums. sources for its drive to increase the zone of The fact is that the Premier and the survival, that is, the area in which a defibrillator Government inherited the lowest can be accessed within four minutes of an unemployment rate that Queensland had attack. seen in six years. However, the biggest threat One idea that should be considered is a to jobs in Queensland, particularly the resource move to legislate for the provision of sector, is Labor's mad cow disease relationship defibrillators as a condition of all new major in regard to the proposed de facto right to building approvals for sites such as shopping negotiate regime under the member for centres and major clubs. The provision of Brisbane Central's proposed changes to the appropriate training to operators should also native title legislation. What the Premier and be a key element in any such initiative. In his Government are proposing will drive jobs much the same way as fire extinguishers are away from Queensland. They will drive jobs made a mandatory requirement for the interstate and overseas. The fact is that the purpose of saving human lives, I believe we Premier now seeks to impose the right to should also be considering our options for negotiate process, from which he exempted promoting the provision of lifesaving cardiac Chevron through his support of amendments defibrillators. When it comes to saving lives, I in the Federal Senate, on every other mining am sure that all honourable members would resource project in this State. agree that it is incumbent upon us to actively 21 Oct 1998 Private Members' Statements 2595 promote all efforts aimed at promoting the The volunteers give people the safety and wellbeing of the community. opportunity to retain their independence. Meals on Wheels also offers its clients a link to the community through friendships which they Speed Cameras extend every time they deliver a meal, with Mr JOHNSON (Gregory—NPA) (10 a.m.): many of their clients often experiencing the From time to time, Governments have to make difficulties that result from being bound to their hard decisions. Today I rise to speak about homes. I thank all those who volunteer their one of the hard decisions of the former time. In particular, I dedicate this speech to the Borbidge/Sheldon coalition Government, dedicated life members of Cleveland Meals on namely, the introduction of speed cameras in Wheels—Jean Floate, Edith Macfarlane, this State. I have significant evidence to Frances Simpson and Frank Tranter—for their demonstrate to the Parliament today that lifelong commitment to community service. speed cameras are working well in this State. Their example resonates the sentiments of the Today the road toll in Queensland stands recent Seniors Week—"Too Old? Never!" This at 213, as compared with 295 for same period could be no more true than in the case of Mrs last year. That is a significant reduction—some Edith Macfarlane, who just this year celebrated 82 fewer fatalities for the same period. The her 95th birthday. While still keeping her hand Government has been basking in the reflected in at the Meals on Wheels kitchen, Mrs glory of the coalition's hard work but has failed Macfarlane manages all of the youngsters who to provide its support for the many programs prepare the food for the association's kitchen. I that have contributed to the current road toll acknowledge also Mrs Frances Simpson—82 equalling the best results achieved in the late years old this year—who acts as liaison officer 1950s. I place on record the hard yards put in for the association. by Russell Cooper and me with respect to the The Cleveland Meals on Wheels has introduction of speed cameras. I acknowledge recently been given a $10,000 grant for also the great work done by the Queensland additional freezer space for the storage of Police Service and also Queensland Transport meals from the Gaming Machine Community and Main Roads in bringing that to fruition. Benefit Fund—a program established by the In addition to there being 82 fewer Goss Labor Government in 1994. I am fatalities for the same period, probably about pleased that the Gaming Machine Community 300 or 400 people have been saved from Benefit Fund has been able to find available serious injury through road trauma. I urge the funding to support this community service. I Minister for Transport and Main Roads and the believe it is important that the Government Minister for Police to keep up the relentless takes an active partnership with community attack on improper behaviour on our roads service organisations. I congratulate the and walkways so that we can achieve that Beattie Government on continuing a Labor target of 300 that I set in place. I hope and initiative that supports everyday people to pray that 1999 will see another significant achieve extraordinary things for our local reduction in road fatalities and road associated communities, as is the case with Cleveland trauma in this State. Currently, we have the Meals on Wheels. safest roads in Australia, because we have been fair dinkum about those people who do not abide by the law. I ask the relevant Tax Reform; Primary Industries Ministers to oblige. Mr ROWELL (Hinchinbrook—NPA) Time expired. (10.04 a.m.): I wish to draw the attention of members to the misleading of this House by the Minister for Primary Industries in relation to Cleveland Meals on Wheels Association tax reform. Members will recall that in answer Mr BRISKEY (Cleveland—ALP) to a dorothy dixer from the member for (10.02 a.m.): Today I rise to pay tribute to the Mundingburra on 15 September the Minister volunteers and management committee of the alleged that I, while Minister for Primary Cleveland Meals on Wheels Association. In Industries, commissioned an independent the past financial year alone, Cleveland Meals study costing $50,000 to gauge the impact of on Wheels volunteers have delivered almost the Federal Government's tax package on 25,000 meals in the Cleveland area and on primary industries for the purposes of helping North Stradbroke Island. Without this valuable John Howard. program many people would have to face the In response to a question on notice from difficult choice of leaving their home to go into me, when asked whether it was a ministerial or respite, hostel or nursing home care. a departmental initiative, Minister Palaszczuk 2596 Private Members' Statements 21 Oct 1998 then back-pedalled and responded that it was Employer, Longreach Sheep and Cattle a departmental initiative to develop a farming Property system model to evaluate tax changes on Mr FELDMAN (Caboolture—ONP) (Leader primary producers. It has been confirmed that of the One Nation Party) (10.08 a.m.): Today I the DPI received the independent study on 21 rise on behalf of a constituent from Caboolture September—one month ago. Yet in the to personally thank the honourable member response to my question received on 20 for Gregory and the Longreach police for the October—just the other day—the Minister service and assistance that they gave to a 16- claimed that "the report has not been received year-old youth from Caboolture and two other by me". What sort of an operation is the youths from Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast Minister running over there? The Minister on Friday, 9 October 1998—and I do so most continued to stonewall when asked to make sincerely. the report available to the Parliament or the public. However, the plot thickens. After securing a job on a Longreach sheep and cattle property, these youths The general manager of rural discovered that life had dealt them another development and drought services has hard knock. Their employer was not all that his instructed that the report is not to be advertisement in the Courier-Mail and their discussed. What is this Minister hiding? It is subsequent interviews in Brisbane had time that the member for Inala came clean on depicted him to be. These self-motivated this issue. It is a very important issue for youths who sought out what they perceived to primary producers in this State. He should take be a legitimate job had been led down the notice of it. When will the Minister produce the garden path and had placed their personal report? safety at risk, being isolated on this property outside Longreach. Sub judice prevents me from naming these youths or the property Coonarr Coal Port owner at this stage, as proceedings have been instigated in respect of a complaint of Mrs NITA CUNNINGHAM (Bundaberg— indecently dealing with one of these youths. ALP) (10.06 a.m.): This morning a petition was In light of the findings of the Kimmins presented to the Parliament signed by 144 report, the parents of this youth from people opposing the Coonarr coal port Caboolture felt comfortable about sending proposed to be built near Bundaberg. I wish to their child off to this remote area. When I draw to the attention of this House, and in discovered from another source uncomfortable particular to the many new members, that a information in respect of this employer and petition of support was also tabled in this then attempted to verify the validity of my Parliament earlier in the year. This supportive concerns with the Minister for Police and petition was signed by some 7,500 people Corrective Services, I was not provided with from Coonarr itself, the nearby beaches and any information and had to seek verification from throughout the entire Bundaberg region. from a local source at Longreach. This It was collected in just over one week and was occurred on 9 October 1998, and I am still a clear indication of the tremendous support awaiting a response in relation to my concerns that this project has from residents, business from the Minister for Police and Corrective and industry and I believe every local Services. In light of what had occurred and the government from Bundaberg through to danger posed to these young males, my Chinchilla. In fact, I have never in my lifetime constituent and I do not believe the Minister seen Bundaberg people so united on any has responded and reacted appropriately and issue. reasonably under the circumstances, when The Bundaberg region has more than only a standard response was received in double the national average of relation to my allegations. No information at all unemployment, and although there is a small in relation to this employer was given to me. group of opponents this proposed port is seen Time expired. widely as the best opportunity we have had in Mr BARTON: I rise to a point of order. I over 20 years to bring confidence back into our find the allegations of the member for industries and our economy and to provide Caboolture that I have not responded desperately needed jobs. I wish to bring to the appropriately to a matter that is currently attention of the House the fact that there is before the courts, which neither he nor I tremendous support in Bundaberg for this should be commenting on, offensive and I ask project. for it to be withdrawn. 21 Oct 1998 Private Members' Statements 2597

Mr SPEAKER: Order! The member for literacy and numeracy teaching for their clients. Caboolture will withdraw those words. Well done! I hope to be part of this growing Mr FELDMAN: I withdraw the comments community service. that the Minister for Police and Corrective Services finds offensive, but I have some—— Minister for Mines and Energy; Minister for Mr SPEAKER: Order! There is no need to Police and Corrective Services debate it. Mr GRICE (Broadwater—NPA) (10.12 a.m.): There are very few people who should be held in higher regard in our Townsville Adult Voluntary Tutor Group community than people such as police officers Ms NELSON-CARR (Mundingburra—ALP) and those involved in corrective services. Yet, (10.10 a.m.): I would like to recognise the in the past few days, we have seen the efforts of a small group of Townsville performance of Ministers in this Government volunteers. Volunteers form the backbone of questioned by these senior and respected our society at the community level, and the people. In an article in the Townsville Bulletin, particular group to which I refer is no the Minister for Mines and Energy was exception. As a former teacher, I know only described as "irrational" by a senior ranking too well the difficulties experienced by students police officer. who fail to grasp basic levels of literacy and Mr SPEAKER: Order! That matter is sub numeracy. These same students leave the judice. system with low self-esteem which is exacerbated by few job prospects. It is here Mr GRICE: I am quoting from the that the Townsville Adult Voluntary Tutor Townsville Bulletin. Group comes in. Mr SPEAKER: Order! It is still sub judice. This organisation has been around for Mr GRICE: I withdraw. years and was under the auspices of TAFE But now the Minister for Police and until its recent move to autonomy. This group Corrective Services has been condemned by a is a non-profit organisation with several senior instructor of the Proactive Support volunteers who teach literacy and numeracy to Group in an official report for being petulant. adults from a range of backgrounds. The The PSG is the elite intelligence arm of the group of volunteers is a dedicated and caring Queensland Corrective Services Commission. lot of people who offer a very necessary During the graduation parade in July, the service to a growing number of people in our Minister not only caused minor rumblings, but community who would otherwise fail in their he also provoked a full report from the chief attempts to find work and, indeed, would not instructor to the general manager of the have the confidence to do so. Proactive Support Group as well as a strong I was fortunate enough to meet with the letter to the Director-General of the students and their tutors recently, and I have Queensland Corrective Services Commission. to say that I was very impressed with the level In a letter to the director-general, the chief of tutoring in such a caring environment. The instructor described the Minister's performance Townsville Adult Voluntary Tutor Group not on the day as being petulant. He wrote— only teaches literacy and numeracy, but also "My report to the Officer in Charge ... teaches life skills, including relaxation, memory recorded my disappointment at the improvement, self-esteem and communication Minister's petulant performance. skills. The Townsville Adult Voluntary Tutor Group is an organisation willing to help people The inclusion at the start of a with day-to-day living which suits their personal Graduation Parade of a pat-on-the back needs. It addresses low level literacy and political speech highlighting the proud numeracy problems, works through day-to-day record of the QCSC and the initiatives of life skills and helps students set short and the previous Goss Government was an long-term goals. insult to the average Custodial Officer's intelligence." Students discussed with me where they were on arrival to the program and how they He went on to say— had been helped. I commend this wonderful "I find it perplexing that a Labor group of tutors who offer hope to a growing Minister should show such ignorance and number of clients. In fact, many sectors of the arrogance so early in his Ministry." Townsville community, including TAFE and In a further report to the general manager of business, call on this organisation to assist in the Proactive Support Group, the chief 2598 Private Members' Statements 21 Oct 1998 instructor complained about the Minister's lack students to obtaining credit into TAFE of knowledge—— construction and trade courses and Mr BARTON: I rise to a point of order. subsequently apprenticeships. The construction court is needed so that students Mr GRICE: I withdraw. can practise their skills out in the open where Mr BARTON: I rise to a point of order. The they can build a brick wall and generally put member's comments are offensive. He has their theory into practice. It is important to misrepresented my speech, and I table it for promote and foster these skills in the school. the benefit of the House. Not everyone will be able or willing to go on to Mr GRICE: I withdraw. He told the general university. This school provides the opportunity manager that the Minister was in full PR mode for young people to have a choice—a choice for the television cameras present—he had about jobs paths. The focus is certainly on jobs great interest in them. The Minister said to one and social skills. officer, "I'm Tom Barton. I hope you don't have The Man of Steel performance last Friday to use any of these techniques." But then he night attested to the school's—— started to realise that they were burring up, so Time expired. he said to the next one, "I'm Tom Barton. Keep calm, keep calm." Time expired. Ms C. Kernot Mr HORAN (Toowoomba South—NPA) (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) Oxley Secondary College; Montrose Special (10.16 a.m.): The people of rural and regional School Queensland are used to some insults and lack Mrs ATTWOOD (Mount Ommaney—ALP) of service from the Labor Party, but nothing (10.14 a.m.): I would like to draw members' could be greater than this insult. They found attention to a special high school in my out this morning that Ms Cheryl Kernot has electorate called the Oxley Secondary College. been appointed the shadow Minister for On Friday night I was invited to a comedy Regional Infrastructure and Transport and performance of the Man of Steel at the Regional Services. Is this new jillaroo whom Montrose Special School at Corinda. This play the Labor Party has foisted on the people of was produced by students and staff at the the bush the same one who ratted on the Oxley Secondary College at Seventeen Mile Democrats, a leader of the party who jumped Rocks Road in Oxley. It was the first amateur ship? I can tell honourable members what the performance I had seen in a number of years people of the bush like. They want someone and it was fascinating to see such who will stick and stay, not someone who will professionalism shown by students from this jump off and run away at the first taste of the college. drought, the first whiff of a bushfire, the first The Oxley Secondary College provides a smell of a flood or the first hint of crop failure. vast array of learning opportunities for both That is the sort of people we want in the bush: high-school aged students and adults. There people with a bit of character and strength, not are night and day classes which cover a range people who jump ship. of subjects and topics. There is a large number This is the same Cheryl Kernot who told of students from a range of ethnic the Democrats to ignore the people of the backgrounds and a number of students with bush and ignore rural affairs because there learning disabilities. The standard of teaching were no votes there. This is the same Cheryl is of a high level and special attention is given Kernot who, with Paul Keating, brought in the to disadvantaged students. The P & C Native Title Act and made sure that the right to association, which I have visited on a number negotiate was there right across-the-board just of occasions, is a small but enthusiastic group so there are problems for the people of the of committed parents. It provides strong bush. support to the school and the students' It is an absolute disgrace and insult, but it learning needs. But the parents cannot continues the tradition we have seen, I guess, provide everything. from the Beattie Labor Government: $200m in The school has been awaiting a capital works for the bush cut from the Capital construction court for its manual arts Works Program and funnelled down into department unit. It was shelved by the south-east Queensland; the Boulia and previous Government and I intend to get it Barcoo power projects, which the member for back on the agenda. The manual arts Gregory mentioned yesterday, were cut and department provides courses which lead the are gone. We are seeing it non-stop. The 21 Oct 1998 Private Members' Statements 2599

Labor Party tried to stop the Callide C project. hospital. Fifteen hundred angry people It did its level best to stop that. It ignored the crowded the town hall to protest the Isolated Parents and Children's Association downgrading of the intensive care unit. This conference just the other day. Not one Labor Labor Government was forced to back down. politician was at that most important Even after the Beattie Government backflip, conference. What about the jails that we were more than a thousand people still marched in looking at putting in at—— the streets over the issue, promising to hold Time expired. this Government to account for any move to take hospital services or facilities away from this regional centre. Their mistrust of this Chermside Fire Station Government was well founded. Mr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) The latest broken promise from this (10.18 a.m.): Next Tuesday the Minister for Government relates to the paediatric unit at Emergency Services will be opening a much the hospital. Health Minister Wendy Edmond needed facility in the Chermside area, the new promised the people a stand-alone paediatric Chermside Fire Station. unit, a facility which the hospital currently has Mr Gibbs interjected. and which was clearly in the coalition's $17m redevelopment plan for the hospital. In a letter Mr SULLIVAN: I thank the Minister for his to a concerned Maryborough mother dated 24 support on that. That is great. September 1998, Mrs Edmond stated— The relocation of the old fire station was "... paediatric services at Maryborough will brought to the attention of three former remain as a stand alone unit with the Ministers over six years, and they have been same number of beds." to the station to discuss this. As well, I have met with the local firefighters on a number of However, in an article from the Fraser Coast occasions. The need to relocate the station Chronicle headed "Scepticism over hospital has arisen because of the redevelopment of plans", local hospital staff dispute the the Westfield—the former Coles/Myer— Minister's claims. I table that article. Local Shopping Centre, the difficulties of traffic at the hospital staff state in the article that the Health Gympie/Hamilton Road intersection and the Minister plans to reduce the Maryborough problems inherent in locations in residential paediatric unit from 16 beds to eight beds. areas. The location of fire stations must be Eight beds for adults will be located in the worked out to give the best response times for same ward. The Labor Party's redevelopment fire cover. It is difficult to find a spot that is not maps and drawings show that this ward is not inconvenient to local residents. The public a stand-alone paediatric unit. This is clearly consultation over 18 months in relation to the worrying to parents and staff, particularly in Chermside regional centre resulted in a finding regard to security, with adults being mixed in that the station needed to be relocated. with the children's ward. I thank former Ministers, including Mick Maryborough parents have raised the Veivers, who met with the firies and local need for a stand-alone unit personally with the people. There was one poor decision—to Premier; however, their pleas have fallen on locate it at the old K mart site—but after public deaf ears. The Labor Government is still not outcry that proposal was shelved. The current providing the people of Maryborough with the site, on the northern boundary of the Prince hospital services they deserve. Other elements Charles Hospital, is a good location, although of the Labor Government's downgrade include some three houses about 50 metres away will a reduction in bed numbers from the 120 beds be affected in some way. announced by the coalition to 94 beds. I thank Gary "Ace" Hammond, the chief Time expired. fire officer, and the other members of the local Chermside station for their input into the new design. The new station is modern, it will meet Townsville Central Business District the future needs of the residents of the inner Mr REYNOLDS (Townsville—ALP) northern suburbs. It is a much-needed facility. (10.22 a.m.): Stakeholders in the Townsville central business district are reaching consensus on action they believe is needed to Maryborough Hospital revitalise the Cityheart. The CBD has been Miss SIMPSON (Maroochydore—NPA) identified in the Townsville/Thuringowa strategy (10.20 a.m.): Maryborough people spoke plan as a key issue needed to be addressed loudly and clearly last month about the Labor by mall traders, the Townsville City Council, the Party's broken promises in relation to their State Government and other private entities. 2600 Private Members' Statements 21 Oct 1998

The CBD decline over the years was caused I thank Sandy Straits community radio for by residential expansion in outlying areas, providing this opportunity for Mr Rush to go on prompting retailers to move with the population the air. In the 100 years of his colourful life, and transfer to suburban areas, leaving shops this is one of the few things that Jack had not in the CBD empty. As I have said in this done. I congratulate Sandy Straits community Chamber before, this is not unique to radio and give my sincere congratulations to Townsville. Mr Jack Rush. A model for the redevelopment of the CBD will be finalised by the State Government Unemployment, Archerfield Electorate and the Townsville City Council in the near Ms STRUTHERS (Archerfield—ALP) future. The model establishes a core identity (10.25 a.m.): I want us all to put ourselves in for the CBD, setting it apart from retail centres the shoes of someone else for a moment. We elsewhere. As the member for Townsville, I are 45 years of age and we have been have worked solidly over recent months with unemployed for two years. There are many State Government Ministers and the people in Archerfield in this position. In the Townsville City Council to build a suitable past month, several of them have sought my model for the CBD redevelopment process. I support to get them a job. Recent research am delighted that consensus has now been has shown that unemployed men aged 45 reached on the broad parameters of the years and over are, on average, unemployed model. The key to the model is to build up the for two years. Also, in a recent Morgan and CBD's strengths as a centre for tourism, Banks survey, employers considered entertainment, cultural and recreational employees over 45 as inflexible, many services and as the premiere location for professional offices and business preferring employees between 25 and 35 accommodation. years. There is not a lot of hope if Labor is not As the Townsville/Thuringowa strategy elected federally next term. Unemployment plan points out, the range of services and the amongst mature-aged people grew under the level of employment provided in the CBD must Howard Government. What has the Prime be of a higher order of intensity, scale and Minister now done? He has appointed "Grim function than any other centre in the region. Reaper" Reith to the employment portfolio. Mixed use and residential development in the Instead of seeing much-needed direct CBD must be encouraged in order to maintain Government support in the area of the CBD's multifunctional nature. It also makes employment, we are likely to see Mr Reith sense that the regional offices of Governments looking to the trickle-down effect of economic and the private sector ought to be in the CBD. growth to solve these problems. Although It is important to get the redevelopment model there is plenty of work to be done in this right, because we all have to live with the community, the market is not going to deliver outcome for a long time. We need to take a enough paid jobs. We need direct and holistic approach and balance lifestyle and courageous Government action to generate social aspects with the important commercial jobs. aspects of the model which is required for the Townsville CBD. I am encouraged by our Government's efforts and our commitment to our jobs target. I was pleased to co-host an employment Mr J. Rush forum in Archerfield last week, at the initiative of Minister Paul Braddy. There is no doubt that Mr DALGLEISH (Hervey Bay—ONP) we as a Government have a tough job ahead, (10.24 a.m.): I recently had the great pleasure but at least we are taking active steps. We are of sharing some special time with Mr Jack not waiting around for unpredictable market Rush. Mr Rush was born on 10 October 1898 forces to deliver the goods and we have no and has recently turned 100 years of age. I grim reaper on our side. accompanied Mr Rush from his residence in Hervey Bay to another of Hervey Bay's great assets—Sandy Straits community radio, Railway Fences FM107.5. Mr Rush was a guest on a program Mr ELLIOTT (Cunningham—NPA) called Hervey Bay's Living Legends. I (10.27 a.m.): The matter I wish to bring to the commend the staff of Sandy Straits FM for attention of the House and the people of providing the opportunity for our community to Queensland today is the state of repair of share in Mr Jack Rush's own summary of the railway fences adjoining farms on the Darling past 100 years. Downs. At one time, railway employees spent 21 Oct 1998 Questions Without Notice 2601 a tremendous amount of time maintaining Jenny Easlea for their hospitality in hosting the those fences. Gangs worked on those fences meeting on their farm, Shula, that afternoon. all the time. I do not know how much members The member for Ferny Grove also attended, of this House know about fencing, but these as did other members of the Samford and fences have the old steel strainers with cotton Dayboro Dairy Farmers Association. It was a reel type things through them. They can be very informative meeting. The feedback from tightened up very easily, so there is no excuse the meeting is that they have welcomed the for these fences not to be in a state of good Minister's honesty and his openness and the repair. fact that he is willing to communicate on the In this litigious age we live in, one can review of the dairy industry. imagine the concern of farmers adjoining Time expired. railway property. There is potential for stock to Mr SPEAKER: Order! The time for private stray not only on to the railway and perhaps members' statements has expired. have an accident or cause some problem with railway property, but also further on to public roads or on to other people's property—private QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE houses or whatever. Native Title; Mining Industry Mr Grice: Ask Cheryl Kernot about this. Mr BORBIDGE (10.30 a.m.): I refer the Mr ELLIOTT: This will be a good job for Premier to his intention to impose a de facto Cheryl. I will personally lend her a pair of pliers right to negotiate for mining exploration and and a pair of Donaldson strainers. She can go projects on pastoral leasehold land in this out there and start fixing a few fences. That is State, which will destroy jobs and investment in what they were talking about, isn't it? They the mining industry, and I ask: why is it that, were going to fix fences. That will be an under his Government, he supports equal interesting task for her. property rights for gay and lesbian couples but MR COOPER: What about when cheryl not equal negotiating rights for pastoralists with goes feral? Aborigines when it comes to mining on their land? Mr ELLIOTT: She could go feral with the fences, couldn't she? I am not sure which side Mr BEATTIE: Earlier this morning, the of the fence she ought to be on, though. That Leader of the Opposition rose in this House is the problem; she is not really sure. At the and attacked my native title plan without end of the election she thought she was on having even seen it. He has not seen the the wrong side of the fence, but I think detail. Why did he do that? Because he wants yesterday she decided that she was on the it to fail! He wants it to fail because he does right side. I think we should make these fences not want native title or any of these issues a high priority and ensure that there is no associated with mining to be resolved. How problem in relation to safety. I call on the can anybody come in here and attack a plan Minister to look at this situation because I that he or she has not seen? Let the people of believe it is getting out of hand. Queensland understand this: what the Leader of the Opposition wants to do is sabotage the Time expired. only decent plan in this country to resolve native title. That is what he wants to do. How Dairy Industry, Dayboro can a man attack a plan he has not even seen? Mrs LAVARCH (Kurwongbah—ALP) (10.29 a.m.): I know that many regard my Mr Welford: No credibility at all. electorate as being an urban electorate—part Mr BEATTIE: There is, therefore, no of the outer northern Brisbane sprawl. credibility whatsoever in what the Leader of the However, I would like to inform members that a Opposition says in relation to native title. There considerable part of the geography of my was not when he was Premier for 18 months, electorate is engaged in primary industry. This and there is not now. was overlooked by members opposite. What did I do? My Government sat down However, it has not been overlooked by the and, for the past three months, we have talked Primary Industries Minister. I thank the to the stakeholders. There were two pieces of Minister, Henry Palaszczuk, for visiting Dayboro legislation to come out of this. One is already on 24 September and meeting with dairy law. The second one will be introduced at 3 farmers. o'clock this afternoon and will also become We have a considerable dairy industry in law. What does it do? It means that people in the Dayboro area. I also thank Greg and the mining industry can do what they want to 2602 Questions Without Notice 21 Oct 1998 do. They can explore for minerals in this our legislation until the Federal legislation was State—exploration that was delayed for almost passed by the Senate. two and a half years under the Leader of the Mr SPEAKER: Order! There is no point of Opposition's Government. So what will order. happen? There will be jobs, jobs, jobs in the mining industry. That is what will happen. We Mr BEATTIE: For 18 months the Leader will drive it. What else will there be? There will of the Opposition failed to come up with a be a fair outcome for indigenous workable model. What I did was bring together Queenslanders. This plan is sensible. the three stakeholders. This is the only place in Australia where a Government brought Opposition members interjected. together the three stakeholders. Mr BEATTIE: Hear them scream! Do Mr Borbidge: Why didn't it apply to members know why? Because we have a Chevron if it's so good? solution, we have a plan, and we have a direction. All members opposite have is Mr BEATTIE: Hear him scream! He asked destruction. They have no vision; they have no the question, but he does not want to hear the plan. answer, because he is the destroyer. He is trying to create a climate in which jobs are The plan that I will be bringing to the destroyed. That is what the Leader of the Parliament at 3 o'clock today is a sensible, Opposition wants to do. Let us come back to constructive, workable, fair plan—a the facts. At 3 o'clock this afternoon I will Queensland plan. It is a plan that should be introduce—— adopted by every other State in Australia, Mr Borbidge interjected. because this is a visionary plan for the future. What I have achieved in three months, the Mr BEATTIE: Here he goes again—rudely Leader of the Opposition could not achieve in interjecting! The Leader of the Opposition 18 months, and he ought to give us a fair go continues to try to destroy the credibility of—— instead of trying to derail the only way ahead Opposition members interjected. for sensible native title in this State. Mr BEATTIE: If Opposition members want to disrupt the processes of this Parliament, let Native Title; Chevron Gas Pipeline the people of Queensland judge them accordingly. Let the record show that I have Mr BORBIDGE: In asking my second endeavoured to answer this question, but the question, I note that the Premier decided not Leader of the Opposition and other Opposition to answer my first. I direct a further question to members continually seek to disrupt. the Premier. I refer to his intention to impose a de facto right to negotiate for mining Let me come back to the point. At 3 exploration and projects on pastoral land in o'clock this afternoon, I will introduce into this this State—a process that former Labor leader Parliament a visionary model for native title Bill Hayden has described as virtual extortion; that should be adopted by every other State in a process which will destroy jobs and Australia. Do members know what this model investment in the mining industry—and I ask: is? It is fair, it is workable, it will drive jobs, and why will he not advance to every mining project it will remove the bottleneck that has existed in in this State the special exemption that he exploration in this State for the past two and a personally sought for just one project, the half years. That is what it will do. It will Chevron project? Why does he support one accelerate exploration in mining, it will drive law for Chevron and another law for everyone jobs, and it is fair for indigenous else? Queenslanders. This is a model. It is an exciting, visionary model. In fact, it is an Mr BEATTIE: Here we have it again: an historic model that we brought about by attempt by the Leader of the Opposition to getting the stakeholders together. undermine the only workable model in this I take a great deal of pride in this model, country for native title. That is what we have. because this is what Government should do. It Let us be very clear about it. The Leader of should bring the parties together to work out a the Opposition failed for 18 months to resolve model that will not only look after the interests this issue. And what do I have? I have a of this State but will also drive jobs. The model that will work. Let the record show very Leader of the Opposition's credibility on this clearly—— matter is zilch. He attacked it before he even Mr BORBIDGE: I rise to a point of order. saw it. Let everyone in Queensland The Premier is misleading the House. He understand that the Leader of the Opposition moved an amendment that we could not pass sought to sabotage my model on native title 21 Oct 1998 Questions Without Notice 2603 before he had even seen it. How can he do referred—I am advised by my department that that unless he is about politics? This we expect to record fewer transactions in this Government is about a solution. The Leader of financial year than the number carried out by the Opposition is about politics. the coalition Government last year. We are Time expired. talking about issues of credibility. Whether it is in relation to native title, advertising or the power industry, the Leader of the Opposition State Government Advertising has no credibility. Mr SULLIVAN: I refer the Premier to allegations by the Opposition Leader on ABC Native Title; Employment radio on 12 October in relation to Government Dr WATSON: I ask the Minister for advertising, and I ask: is the Premier aware of Employment, Training and Industrial Relations: any further inaccuracies in what the Opposition given that major job generating projects, such Leader said? as Pasminco's Century Zinc mine, are still tied Mr BEATTIE: I thank the member for up in native title issues associated with the Chermside for that intelligent question, right to negotiate and have been for years, because it enables me to again highlight to and that further job creating investment in the House the hypocrisy and double standards Queensland has been delayed with potentially portrayed by the Leader of the Opposition. On thousands of jobs lost, will the introduction of a 12 October, the Opposition Leader made de facto right to negotiate on native title help allegations about Government spending. I or hinder his task as Employment Minister to revealed one aspect of this hypocrisy in the deliver Mr Beattie's 5% unemployment target House yesterday in relation to the Stanwell within the next three years? advertising. Mr BRADDY: The details of just how Let us look at what was the record under successful the Beattie Government has been the coalition. Let us have the facts on the in relation to this particular matter will be table. The coalition Government increased its revealed this afternoon when the Premier spending between the 1996-97 financial year brings the legislation into the House. The point and the 1997-98 financial year by millions of of what has been achieved by the Premier and dollars. In 1996-97, spending on departmental this Government is that there are real advertising under the coalition Government opportunities for sensible processes to be put totalled $8.2m on display advertising. The next into place to ensure that negotiations are year, in 1997-98, spending skyrocketed to conducted in a way that is appropriate. It is not $11.3m on campaign advertising. The my place now to give details of that. They will increase in those ads was a vast and be given this afternoon at 3 o'clock when the outrageous 38%. That compares with legislation is introduced. I can summarise the spending by the last Labor Government of effect of the legislation. We will see a process $7.2m on display advertising in the 1995 that is fair to all sides, that is efficient and that calendar year. The coalition Government is appropriate—a process that no other increased its spending of taxpayers' money on Government in this country has been able to display advertising by well over 50% between achieve, a process that when the coalition was 1995 and last year. Here is the sting in the tail: in Government it did not even try to achieve. how much are we spending on display What the coalition was about was driving advertising in comparison with last year? Let wedges between people. What we are about us judge my Government's performance when is making sure that we have a conciliation and compared with that of the former consultation process that succeeds. National/Liberal Party Government. Between As Employment Minister, I am July and September last year, the coalition comfortable with the processes that have been Government spent $3,102,264. This year, the worked out, which will be revealed this spending is not $3m; it is not $2m; it is not afternoon in the legislation when it is even $1m. We have slashed display introduced and which will be a real progress for advertising to $704,707—a cut of 77% in that mining prospects in Queensland. Mining three-month period. That is the same as a ground to a halt under the coalition, because it householder spending only $23 on a bill wanted to see mining grind to a halt so that instead of $100. Our record speaks for itself. I coalition members could make political capital lived up to the commitment that we gave prior in their electorates, particularly in the western to the election. seats. Finally, as to the number of transactions Mr Borbidge: What do the miners think of to which the Leader of the Opposition it? 2604 Questions Without Notice 21 Oct 1998

Mr BRADDY: The Leader of the planted. Australians spend more than $100m Opposition thought it was more important to per year on imported olives and olive oil. There make political capital out of the exploration is a huge market for olives and olive oil. process coming to a halt under his Instead of sending all that money abroad each Government than making real progress in year, we can keep millions of dollars circulating employment and mining prospects for in Australia through projects like this. As I said, Queensland. He succeeded in his nefarious the money will pay for Australian jobs. This project of ensuring that progress stopped. He project will have 65 direct jobs eventually. succeeded in ensuring that exploration did not A Government member interjected. proceed. The process that will be revealed in the legislation introduced this afternoon goes Mr BEATTIE: I agree. to the process of making sure that exploration The flow-on effect on local employment, and mining can take place again and yet still service provision and tourism will be significant. be fair to the indigenous people of this State. That is exactly the sort of initiative my Government is determined to encourage in Queensland. It adds value to a primary Olive Oil Processing Plant industry and will bring jobs to rural Mr PURCELL: I refer the Premier to his Queensland. I know it should have the full recent visit to Inglewood to start construction of endorsement of all members of Parliament. an olive oil processing plant. I ask: what This is the sort of approach that we are about: implications does that development have for jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs. the Inglewood district and for Queensland? Mr BEATTIE: I am delighted to answer Licence Applications for Bores; Native Title the question by the member for Bulimba, because I ran into one of his old mates, who is Mr SPRINGBORG: I ask the Premier: has growing olive trees these days out there,. a direction been given not to process licence applications for stock and domestic bores on I take this opportunity to urge local freehold properties due to native title councils, industries and entrepreneurs across considerations? If so, why? the State to follow the example being set by the creation of a $7.5m olive processing plant Mr BEATTIE: I am not aware of any such at Inglewood. Recently I was at Inglewood for direction. What I am aware of—— the turning of the first sod. I was joined by the Mr Borbidge: You're the Minister. member for Warwick. This is not only an Mr BEATTIE: I have already said: no. exciting proposition for the Inglewood district What I am aware of is a move by Government but also a model for the rest of Queensland. It to remove bottlenecks and delays that have is the sort of partnership that my Government been around as a result of native title for a supports. What we saw not only at the launch long, long time. but prior to it was a partnership between growers, entrepreneurs, the shire council and Mr Borbidge: You've stopped them. the State Government, who worked closely You've stopped bores being drilled. together on an enterprise that will create jobs Mr BEATTIE: Mr Speaker, listen to him and growth in rural Queensland, where the chide. We get asked questions here. We have jobs and growth are most needed. The Leader limited the time to three minutes and he bleats of the Opposition raises questions about jobs. on every occasion and disrupts question time. Those are the sort of jobs we will drive. The question is very simple. We have That plant will enable an industry to grow removed the delays and the bottlenecks that and flourish. The Inglewood Shire Council has have existed in relation to mining exploration. been very active in persuading farmers to plant That has been one of the problems that has olives. There are now about 300 groves in held back exploration in this State. It was held various parts of south-east Queensland. The up by members on that side of the House council has also helped to provide the land for when they were in Government. We have the plant as well as provide services and some been here for just under four months. The infrastructure at its own cost. The Department proposition I will bring to the House today will of State Development is helping with feasibility remove the bottleneck in mining exploration. assessments, layout and design, equipment The Leader of the Opposition had 18 months. selection and operation management. The He failed. What did we do? We removed the Barkworth Group has taken up equity in the bottleneck. The legislation that I will be company with a share capital injection of $1m. introducing at 3 o'clock this afternoon will be Construction of this processing plant should the greatest injection of enthusiasm and result in many more olive groves being support for the mining industry in more than a 21 Oct 1998 Questions Without Notice 2605 decade. That is the sort of approach new opportunities past the farm gate. I have Queensland gets under this Government. We been working with the department in pursuing are a can-do Government that gets on with the some of those new opportunities, because business—unlike members on the other side: those opportunities will mean jobs for the knockers, whingers, moaners and groaners Queenslanders. who are so bright that they come in here and Last month, Australia's largest milk/dairy attack legislation before they have seen it. foods and juice company, National Foods, That is their negative, whingeing approach. announced that it would spend $26m to From the way they carry on, one would establish a processing and packaging plant at think that the Opposition members were Crestmead, which is south of Brisbane in the delighted with Queensland's level of member's electorate. I believe that National unemployment. That is the way in which they Foods' decision to enter the Queensland behave. We are going to do something about market is expected to lead to many more unemployment. That is why this native title companies in this industry seriously legislation will drive exploration in this State. considering the opportunities that this State We will have the fastest regime for the provides. Given the feelers that have been approval of exploration in the mining industry coming in my direction in relation to anywhere in Australia. This legislation will also opportunities in the industry, I say to members: be fair to all Queenslanders. It will be a watch this space. The decision by National visionary model, one which should be the Foods demonstrates this State's importance model for every other State in Australia. as a growing market for Australia's national While we have been resolving the difficult companies. I believe that we can do pretty issues, while we have been bringing together good in getting more national companies in the stakeholders to come up with a package this industry into this State. that is in the interests of this State, step by The Crestmead plant will be set up early step the Opposition has been trying to next year. It will entail about 50 jobs in the undermine Queensland. We have a construction phase. Queensland model that will overcome the Mr Nelson: And close down farms on the uncertainty and drive development in this tablelands. State. However, it will be a model that will be fair to all Queenslanders and workable. It will Mr SPEAKER: Order! The member for drive this State and the growth of this State. I Tablelands! urge all members to be in the House at 3 Mr ELDER: Eventually, the plant will have o'clock this afternoon when I introduce the an operational staff of 120. Importantly, the vision for our future. employment impacts of this plant and the multiplier employment impacts it will have on Dairy Industry the Logan area will be significant. It is yet another example of this Government getting in Mr MICKEL: I ask the Deputy Premier there and working with companies to attract and Minister for State Development and them to Queensland and providing Minister for Trade: can he outline any opportunities for them. Despite the impact of increased job opportunities which will occur as the Asian economic crisis, which is starting to a result of the post farm gate deregulation of damage some of the opportunities in the Queensland's dairy industry? industry sectors in this State, we are out there Mr ELDER: I thank the member for the trying to attract new businesses and make question. He is one member of this House who sure that we have opportunities to create jobs has a very keen interest and knowledge of this in areas such as Logan and provide particular industry. employment for young Queenslanders. In Opposition members interjected. answer to the interjection by the member for Tablelands, milk comes from cows. Mr ELDER: Members opposite may laugh, but the member knows a lot more about the industry than they do. He has also Energy Industry been a contributor to industry committees that Mr HORAN: I refer the Minister for Mines have actually dealt with this matter. and Energy to the amended notice of motion The fact of the matter is that, from the from last night's debate in which the Minister start of next year, the dairy industry in indicated that a further 6,000 megawatts of Queensland will be deregulated. This process power is under consideration to meet was commenced under the former Primary Queensland's future energy needs, and I ask: Industries Minister, Ed Casey. It will open up can he tell the House the projects that are 2606 Questions Without Notice 21 Oct 1998 under consideration and when they are stakes in Suncorp-Metway and the Bank of expected to commence? Can the Minister also Queensland. In fact, I note that the provide a 100% guarantee to the energy honourable member for Moggill has been a industry that his Government will not enter into strong critic of the Government's decision to power purchase agreements with any sell down its stake in Suncorp-Metway to zero. operators in the market? I note also that his criticisms are focused upon Mr McGRADY: I thank the honourable the perceived danger of a takeover of member for the question. The amendment to Suncorp-Metway with the Government selling the motion that I moved last night stated quite out the whole of its stake. Why was the former clearly that there is some 6,000 megawatts of coalition Government so prepared to sell its power being discussed and debated. The stake in the Bank of Queensland down to zero member, as well as everybody else, would in its May Budget? Obviously, the member for know that that 6,000 includes projects such as Moggill believes that Suncorp-Metway is more Millmerran, Tarong and the proposed pipeline vulnerable than the Bank of Queensland to a from Papua New Guinea to Queensland. They takeover under that sort of policy direction are under consideration. because it was, in fact, the case that the coalition proposed to sell down its stake in the This Government will continue to do what Bank of Queensland to zero in its May Budget. it can to ensure that the lights stay on in I would have assumed that every Minister in Queensland. We have a plan; we have a the former Government would have been strategy. The amendment, which was carried aware of that, because they would have in this Parliament last night, accepted that endorsed that May Budget package at strategy. Quite honestly, it would do this Cabinet before it was introduced into the Opposition more good if it concentrated on Parliament. trying to assist this State with the problem rather than playing the politics of blame. Presumably, the Leader of the Liberal Party, who has been such a strong critic in relation to the Government's sell down of its Bank of Queensland stake in Suncorp-Metway, was a willing party to Mrs LAVARCH: I refer the Treasurer to the full sell down of the Government's stake in the Government's obligation to sell down its the Bank of Queensland. After all, he was a stake in the Bank of Queensland by the end of Cabinet Minister in that Government. 1999, and I ask: is the Treasurer aware of Mr Beattie: He probably didn't know what Opposition claims that the Government should was going on. retain a 10% stake in the bank? What is the Mr HAMILL: He may not have known Government's position in relation to the what was going on. Maybe he was not told. proposed sell down? However, his criticisms of the legislative Mr HAMILL: I thank the honourable protection given to the head office on member for the question. It is indeed the case Suncorp-Metway are most fascinating. He was that the previous coalition Government the Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, undertook to sell down the Queensland who at that time actually brought in those Government's stake in the Bank of provisions to protect Suncorp-Metway's Queensland by the end of next year. As headquarters, yet he is the same person who honourable members would be aware, the only a few weeks ago was saying that those Queensland Government effectively holds legislative protections were no protection at all. 44% of the Bank of Queensland. I think that the Parliament needs to be In response to the last part of the protected from the outpourings of the member member's question as to what is this for Moggill. Certainly, we will look after the Government's policy, we have made it very Bank of Queensland in the interests of the clear all along that we would honour those bank and in the interests of Queensland. undertakings entered into by the previous Time expired. Government. That is exactly what we will do. As to the details of that process, they have yet to be determined by the Government. We will Minister for Police and Corrective Services consult with the Bank of Queensland and with Mr FELDMAN: I ask the Minister for Police other interested parties in relation to that. and Corrective Services: can he explain to my I might say that it is passing strange that constituent, the father of a 16-year-old male the Liberal Party Leader has been such a youth, to this House and to the public of strong critic of the Government's announced Queensland why he or his office could not intentions in relation to the sell down of its apprise me urgently on 9 October of the 21 Oct 1998 Questions Without Notice 2607 serious implications of the station-owner political issue of a matter before the courts. He having control over the 16-year-old youth on has made allegations that I have not acted that remote property at Longreach? The responsibly. However, I have acted in request for the urgent information was faxed to accordance with the normal procedure the Minister's office on 9 October, and I involving letters that relate to police matters received only a standard response on 14 and in accordance with advice provided by the October acknowledging receipt of my letter. Criminal Justice Commission. I believe that this Mr BARTON: We need to put this matter letter was most inappropriate into its proper context. I have a copy of the letter from the honourable member for School-based Apprenticeships and Caboolture. We need to understand that what Traineeships the member raised with me was a police operational matter. I provided a standard Mr ROBERTS: I refer the Minister for acknowledgment that was prepared, signed by Employment, Training and Industrial Relations me and sent to the member. The letter itself to the recent amendments to the retail industry was forwarded to the Queensland Police interim award that allow the State's secondary Service for advice. school students working in the retail sector to combine their studies with paid traineeships, The letter made inferences against an and I ask: what impact will this have in relation individual who is involved in a matter that I to school-based apprenticeships and understand is currently before the courts, so I traineeships? will have to be a little cautious about what I say. The letter states— Mr BRADDY: The Government is very serious about making apprenticeships and "I seek clarification, (in the absolute traineeships available to young people. We strictest of confidence) of whether or not support very strongly the school-based Mr"— concept as it blends a real opportunity to I will not name the person— continue secondary schooling with work and real life experiences. "is in fact a gentleman with whom my constituent can have confidence as to his It is important that the people of son's personal safety." Queensland know about the progress that is being made in the retail industry through the I must say that that started alarm bells introduction by the Queensland Industrial ringing very loudly and very quickly for me and Relations Commission of a variation to the my staff. Not only did we send the State retail industry award relating to part-time correspondence to the Police Service for and school-based provisions. Of course, it was advice and the provision of an answer if not considered appropriate that QWAs appropriate, because this is clearly an continue in relation to minors. The application operational matter and is currently before the of those provisions ensures that increased courts, but we also contacted the Criminal Justice Commission to ask whether or not it traineeships for people who are still at would be appropriate to provide such advice in school—for example, students who spend any case. The clear answer that we were given three or four days at school and one or two days at work—are undertaken in an was that it would not be appropriate. appropriate manner. Therefore, negotiations The office of the Minister for Police and have begun with peak employer and union Corrective Services is not a reference service groups to facilitate an all-encompassing for people seeking information on operational Industrial Relations Commission order to cover matters. It is not a dating agency and it does the remaining industries. That is very not investigate whether or not people are appropriate, particularly in relation to the retail good. My staff and I took the appropriate industry. action, which was to provide the The retail sector currently covers 15% of correspondence to the Police Service, and we the State's work force, which is about 300,000 will seek its advice before we consider sending people. In addition, job numbers in the retail a complete answer. That is the standard sector are expected to increase very process with any ministerial office. dramatically in the coming years. According to In terms of this particular request, the Federal Government's report Work Force unfortunately the member was demanding 2005, in the next decade 22% of all new jobs advice—and I repeat—in the absolute strictest created in Australia will be in the retail sector. of confidence for his own purposes. That was That is a significant jump in retail sector quite inappropriate. Already this morning the employment. Clearly, if we are serious—as we member has most inappropriately made a are—about encouraging a blend of school and 2608 Questions Without Notice 21 Oct 1998 work, we must encourage young school Burdekin community organisation works very students to look at their options in relation to closely. My staff will appraise that document. the retail industry. This recent decision will give In due course, I hope that the Government will an important impetus to those who wish to be in a position to provide the organisation take up such an option. Senior school with some funding. However, that is not a students who want a career in the retail decision for me alone. I am afraid that the industry will be given a real opportunity to member is a little out of touch if he believes commence that career while they are still at that Ministers run around with a big bag of school. We believe that currently about 80% of money from which they can hand out funds to all industries have widespread industrial every worthwhile cause. coverage for school-based arrangements, with I repeat that I believe that the community Queensland leading the country in take-up organisation based in the lower Burdekin is rates. doing an excellent job. It has the full support of both the Ayr and Home Hill Police Stations. Burdekin Integrated Approach Model Police officers from the area have vouched for the great work that the organisation does to Mr KNUTH: I ask the Minister for Police assist them. Although it will not happen within and Corrective Services: does he recall a four weeks, I hope that at some point we will meeting in September with the Burdekin provide funding support for that most Community Association, held in the Burdekin worthwhile cause. Community Centre, during which he pledged to seek funding for the Burdekin Integrated Approach Model? The Minister may recall that Surplus Housing Relocation that model was commissioned by the Queensland Police Service as a means of Mr PEARCE: I refer the Minister for Public taking pressure off our hard-pressed Police Works and Housing to statements he made Service when dealing with sundry matters such following a recent visit to far-western as the victims of crime and suicide. Why has Queensland in relation to the relocation of the Minister not replied to this pressing surplus houses from Blackwater, and I ask: community matter? Will the Minister provide an what are the Minister's plans for the disposal of immediate answer to this pressing community the houses, and will community groups or local matter on the basis that this is a very councils be eligible to buy the houses to add worthwhile cause and concerns many citizens? to their housing stocks? Mr BARTON: I do recall the meeting that I Mr SCHWARTEN: I thank the honourable had with the community organisation in the member for his question and his ongoing Burdekin, which I am very proud to say was interest in the issue of the relocation of homes held in my home town of Ayr. I have known from the Blackwater area, which is in the many of the people associated with that centre of his electorate. community organisation for most of my life. The trial that we have undertaken over Indeed, I was very proud to be associated with the past couple of months of relocating homes the member's grandfather, who was a life from Blackwater to Bedourie and Birdsville has member of the Labor Party. He must be rolling worked very well. Today I place on record my over in his grave at this point. thanks to the member for Gregory, Mr The community organisation presented Johnson, for his support of this program. All me with a very good submission, which I honourable members would know that building discussed with the local Police Service that costs in those outback areas are very high. I afternoon. Instead of having a multitude of think it costs about $180,000 to build a new community organisations each drawing on home in Birdsville and Bedourie. We are public funds, this organisation provides a relocating these homes for between $80,000 whole range of services and it does an and $90,000. It makes good economic sense excellent job, although it is certainly very to pursue this course. strapped for funds. I forget the date of the A couple of weeks ago I was in Quilpie meeting because I do not have a diary with and Isisford to have a look at some of those me, but I understand that it was about mid projects. I was very impressed with the way in September. It is now mid October, so it was which those houses had stood up to their approximately four weeks ago. I have written relocation. The council there is very supportive to the various Government departments that of this project. Currently, we are spending are involved. I have also provided my $85,000 to $90,000 on those homes, which as department with the material that relates to the I said earlier makes good economic sense. Queensland Police Service, with which the The Isisford Shire Council raised with me the 21 Oct 1998 Questions Without Notice 2609 possibility of obtaining some of those houses. about 10 weeks ago. When I was informed of At that stage I was not aware that the the outbreak of sugarcane smut in the Ord Community Housing Program, in which it has River area, I immediately formed a task force been participating for a number of years, did to work together—— not include the option of relocatable homes. I Mr Borbidge interjected. have now made that change to that program. Next week, when the options are advertised, Mr PALASZCZUK: This is not a laughing that option will be one of them, along with matter. This is a very serious issue which could building new homes, buying existing ones and decimate our sugar industry in Queensland. so on. Mr BORBIDGE: I rise on a point of order. The amount of interest in respect of these Mr Speaker, I was merely asking the Minister homes has been great. I thank the honourable to identify the resistant strain that he said member for Fitzroy for his suggestion of people could—— relocating them within his electorate. In a lot of Mr PALASZCZUK: This is not the Leader these places—and this is the case in Bedourie of the Opposition's question. As I was saying, and Birdsville—there is simply no the issue—— accommodation for workers. The increasing Opposition members interjected. number of workers in those places means that they have nowhere to live. I am advised by the Mr SPEAKER: Order! The Minister will be member for Fitzroy that that is the situation in allowed to answer his question. There will be Dingo. There are no public housing waiting lists no more interjections. there simply because there is no public Mr PALASZCZUK: The issue of housing. In Bedourie and Birdsville, the deal sugarcane smut is very important. As I was that we have struck with the councils is that saying previously, I formed a task force to they will lease these premises for 12 months coordinate the efforts of the Bureau of Sugar and buy them thereafter. Experiment Stations—BSES—industry and Today I am pleased to announce that in also the department. We put in place a train of the near future we will increase the number by action and in the end we were able to put in place the protocols necessary to ensure four—two for Birdsville and two for Bedourie. that—— We need to get one of those up and running very quickly, because my colleague the Mr Borbidge: Two minutes to go. Education Minister has said that if we can put Mr PALASZCZUK: The Leader of the a house there he will put a teacher there next Opposition should not worry; I will keep going. year. We want to beat the wet season, which We were able to put in place protocols to we are told will be pretty significant. There is a ensure that sugarcane smut will not be evident real chance for us to do something great. in Queensland. However, the BSES has Time expired. announced that in its work in looking for different varieties of resistant cane—— Mr Rowell: Which ones? Sugarcane Smut Mr PALASZCZUK: The BSES has Mr ROWELL: I refer the Minister for announced that it does have resistant smut Primary Industries to his media release dated varieties available, and they will be announced 18 September in which he stated that shortly. sugarcane growers can head off smut disease by planting resistant varieties. None of the current commercial varieties has been Lithotripsy Services positively identified as being resistant, and Ms BOYLE: My question to the Minister breeding programs will take three to five years for Health relates to the contracting out of to be effective. Imported stock is usually services. Patients from Cairns needing inferior to the varieties bred in Australia. In view treatment for renal stones are currently of these facts, I ask the responsible Minister: travelling to Townsville and Brisbane. I ask: is what resistant varieties was he referring to in there or was there an opportunity to have this his media release? service provided for public patients locally? Mr PALASZCZUK: The honourable Mrs EDMOND: I thank the member for member for Hinchinbrook has raised a very Cairns for her question, but I have to say that important issue in this House, and that is the the question should by rights have been issue of sugarcane smut and the impact it addressed to the former Minister, because that could have on the Queensland sugar industry. is where the proposal to provide this high-cost Sugarcane smut was first detected in the Ord treatment for patients in severe kidney pain 2610 Questions Without Notice 21 Oct 1998 ended up—on the desk of Mr David McClune, Mr Barton: Oh, I miss out. the previous Minister's chief minder and Mr GRICE: The member will keep puppeteer. because he is going off, as he does. I refer the Cairns day surgery put in a proposal to Minister to his statements in the House provide lithotripsy services for Cairns patients in yesterday regarding the Victorian TABCorp April 1998. However, it did not hear anything of negotiations with several sporting clubs in the outcome of the proposal and it has been Queensland, and I ask: does he support the trying to follow this up. The department has efforts of the Rugby League Club consistently claimed that it never received the to secure sponsorship from TABCorp and is he proposal. Dr Gordon insisted that he had helping that club to secure it, as many of the forwarded the proposal. The fact is that the members are from his electorate? tendering proposal went straight to the office of my predecessor—to the desk of the former Mr GIBBS: No, I am not. In fact, I am Minister's policy adviser and chief minder, Mr quite horrified that the Jets have actually David McClune. entered into a contract with TABCorp. In fact, it disturbs me greatly that that club has recently A letter of 29 September 1998 from the purchased a hotel in my electorate, the Cecil general manager of Cairns Day Surgery, Allan Hotel in Redbank Plains Road, Goodna. I Boston, states— understand that that hotel is to be converted "Mr Horan invited us to deal directly into the clubhouse or the entertainment area with his adviser Mr David McClune and a for the Jets and that it will have a battery of proposal was forwarded to him on 23 April poker machines. I am concerned because the 1998." information I have to date indicates that the The letter continues— membership of that particular club is "On 29 May 1998, Mr Horan wrote to approximately 70 people. I have great difficulty us indicating that a formal process to in accepting that the spirit of how the poker consider access for Cairns patients was machines were introduced into Queensland, forwarded to Dr Gordon. I contacted Mr even allowing for the abysmal performance of McClune at that time who indicated that the former Treasurer and her adviser in Dr the previous submission had been Watson in virtually giving away the poker received and as it included doctor's fees, machine industry of this State—even taking that no further submission was required." that into account—has been followed, quite I assume Mr McClune was going to fix it. The frankly, by TABCorp. trouble is that nothing happened, and a I am having a look at it at present in terms contract to service Cairns residents was let to a of my ability under the liquor licensing laws of Townsville company, as the only possible this State. I do not accept a situation in which provider. a rival TAB can come in and plunder profits out I assume that the tender for the Cairns of this State and funnel them into Victoria. Day Surgery sat in Mr McClune's top drawer Ultimately, that has to have an effect on our and, if so, we have to ask why. Or did the gravest concern, and that is the ability to previous Minister stymie it? The department, create jobs in that industry. As the honourable which quite properly was running the tendering member knows, the club industry has been process, was totally ignorant of any offer for one of the major contributors to job creation the Cairns Day Surgery. The final outcome is over the past five years in Queensland, as that Cairns patients in acute pain with kidney indeed has the hotel industry through the stones still have to travel to Townsville or, as introduction of poker machines. they did before, to Brisbane. Yet the previous As I said, I have great difficulty with this. It Minister sits there and does not care, even is a matter which I certainly discussed at length though I drew this to his attention when I was yesterday with a number of people from the in Opposition. I knew the service was available QHA and it is one about which I will be seeking in Cairns but, no, Mr McClune was going to fix discussions with my director from the Liquor it! One hopes that, in his current employment, Licensing Division tomorrow. He is away in he no longer puts possible tenders and Toowoomba at present, but when he gets contracts in the bottom drawer to hide them back tomorrow—and I have already spoken to from the department or any other interested him—we will be having some discussions parties. about it. I had some informal discussions with the Ipswich Jets Rugby League Club Treasurer yesterday about possible action that Mr GRICE: I direct a question to the we may look at taking in relation to his area of Minister for Tourism, Sport and Racing. administration of gaming machines within 21 Oct 1998 Questions Without Notice 2611

Treasury. In the end, it has to be said, Beaches on many of these islands are used unfortunately, that those loopholes which have as nesting places during the turtles' egg laying allowed this to happen are a direct result of the and hatching periods from now through till coalition's incompetence in Government and March. the way that it handled that gaming machine Queensland is fortunate to have such legislation. The Leader of the Liberal Party biologically diverse areas, and I can assure stands absolutely condemned for his honourable members that this Government will ignoramus approach to this whole issue. He continue to preserve this world class natural did not know what he was doing. It is as simple heritage for future generations. as that. Time expired. Department of Employment, Training and Industrial Relations, Relieving National Park Estate Arrangements Dr CLARK: I ask the Minister for Mr SANTORO: I refer the Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister for Employment, Training and Industrial Relations Natural Resources: can he inform the House to the decision of his senior executives, what is being done to progress the presumably with his knowledge, to Government's pre-election commitment to incrementally abolish existing relieving ensure Queensland's national park estate arrangements within his department. The grows by 5% in the medium to long term? Minister may be aware that the impact of this will be that many employees within his Mr WELFORD: Since we have taken department will face the very real prospects of office, real progress has already been made wage decreases of around $300 per fortnight. by the Beattie Government in terms of I ask the Minister: did he support the decision protecting our State's unique biodiversity. In of his senior executives to abolish relieving just four months, this Government has arrangements in his department, and does he gazetted two new national parks: Blackbraes support the wage reductions for the National Park in north Queensland and Broad hardworking public servants resulting from this Sound Islands National Park in central decision? Queensland. It is worth noting that, in the entire term of the Borbidge Government, only Mr BRADDY: The administration of the two new national parks were gazetted. This department is, of course, conducted by the Government has made a real commitment to director-general and his senior staff, and they the protection of our native vegetation, wildlife do not seek my approval for all of the things and habitats for future generations. they do. An answer to one part of the member's question is that I played no part in The gazettal of Blackbraes National Park, that decision at all. It is an administrative about 175 kilometres north of Hughenden, decision, a decision made by the director- and three adjacent reserves will contribute general and his senior staff. I make sure that strongly to the protection of our natural fairness applies to staff. If the member has heritage. Lava tunnels, a huge colony of bats any indications of why this particular decision is and gliding mammals are now protected in in any way unfair, he is welcome to write to me one of the largest national parks declared in in relation to it. I will certainly discuss with the Queensland for several years. The three director-general the fact that he has raised this adjacent reserves total more than 22,000 in the House and ensure that fairness is hectares to provide additional habitat adjoining applied in relation to these matters. the Blackbraes National Park. This, of course, is a Government that is We have also gazetted a group of 14 caring about its people and did not enter into islands about 50 kilometres north-east of St the slash and burn process that the member Lawrence in the waters of Broad Sound as the opposite did when he became Minister. We 1,620 hectare Broad Sound Islands National have had two changes only in the department Park. This will conserve a diverse range of in terms of staff leaving: the director-general wildlife, vegetation communities and habitats and the deputy director-general. In all other which might otherwise have been lost. For respects, all other staff jobs were guaranteed example, one of the group—Wild Duck and have continued. I have absolute Island—is the centre of a major rookery for the confidence that what I am being told is correct, threatened flatback turtle, a species occurring that the morale in the department rose only in Australian waters. Included in the new astronomically with the former Minister's park are the Bedwell group of islands and departure and the departure of his director- Mangrove, North Point and Wild Duck Islands. general. It is quite clear that the department's 2612 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998 morale is at an all-time high compared with appears to me from my time as a part-time what it was in the last three years. university lecturer and tutor that after Year 7 Mr Santoro interjected. students only became acquainted with the Australian political system at TAFE or at Mr SPEAKER: Order! The honourable university. This is where Graeme and member will allow the Minister to answer the particularly Wendy fill the void. question. I also commend the work carried out by Mr BRADDY: The morale is at an all-time the secretariats to the various committees of high. No proposition or submission has been this Parliament. For Estimates Committee A, I put to me by the staff or the union in relation particularly commend Leanne Nielsen, Kerryn to this matter. I will say what I said to the Newton and Meg Hoban for the work they did. member opposite before: only two—the two Kerryn came back from her honeymoon to senior officers in the department—were ensure the smooth running of the Committee. changed when we came to Government, and I think this dedication should be recognised by people are very happy. If on my speaking to all members of this Chamber. I also commend the director-general there is any problem that Neil Laurie, Meg and Sandy Musch for the he believes has been raised by this change, I work they carry out in advising members of the will ensure that it is dealt with, but to date I have received no submissions from the union. Ethics and Parliamentary Privileges Committee. Their advice is always timely and Mr Santoro interjected. their entire approach is very professional. That Mr BRADDY: From the union? The union should not go unrecognised in this place. is going to get its head lopped off, is it? What I also pay tribute to the staff in the absolute nonsense the member talks! If the Parliamentary Library. The increased use of former Minister thinks the trade unions are technology in the library assisted me in my going to get their heads lopped off for making previous role as an adviser in this place. a complaint, that shows how little he knows Technology is also of enormous assistance to about them. The notion that trade unions me as a member of this Chamber. I believe would be frightened to raise a matter with the that a properly resourced library is a vital Minister shows what the former Minister for contributor to the proper functioning of this Industrial Relations does not know about trade place. The Opposition simply does not have unions. What absolute nonsense! the resources that Government has available Mr SPEAKER: Order! The time for to it. Library resources are absolutely essential questions has now expired. to the Opposition effectively carrying out its vital role. APPROPRIATION (PARLIAMENT) BILL I particularly now look at electorate offices APPROPRIATION BILL and the staffing and resources given to them. I know that there have been difficulties with Committee (Cognate Debate) email and I know that the Speaker is making Estimates Committee A every attempt to overcome these problems. Report No. 1 Each newly elected batch of MPs will inevitably be more computer literate than the ones who The TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN (Ms preceded them. Accordingly, I ask for a Nelson-Carr): Order! The question is— second computer—not necessarily a new "That the report of Estimates one—to be installed either in the electorate Committee A be adopted." office or in the Parliament House office. Mr MICKEL (Logan—ALP) (11.31 a.m.): I I know that the Parliament gives more will address a number of aspects of the resources to members from far-flung Legislative Assembly report. First, I commend electorates—and I have no problems with the work being undertaken by Graeme Kinnear that—however, I believe consideration should and Wendy Skelcey in Education Services. I be given to members representing rapidly think they have performed outstanding work in growing electorates. By the time of the next improving the understanding of visitors to redistribution, electorates such as Kallangur, Parliament House. It is not just for primary Albert, Noosa, Nerang, Ferny Grove, Logan school students; it is just as important for and Sunnybank will have twice the number of university and TAFE students. electors as the electorate of Warrego, yet no If I may offer a constructive criticism of the extra financial assistance is provided. I believe high school curriculum, it is that Australian the current allowance to MLAs to engage extra history, particularly the Australian political staff should have a weighting attached to it for system, does not seem to loom large. It population above the State average, 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2613 particularly in the lead-up to the next and the fact that members of Parliament had redistribution. If members are well above it, these great views, silver service and all the rest they get the 10.5; if they are well below it, it of it. The silver service we get on the could be weighted. That way there is no extra weekends is putting $2 into the slot in the financial burden being borne by the machine downstairs to get a packet of Smiths Parliament. My colleague the member for Crisps or a Mars bar. I do not think any of us Mackay also says that he is the only member are complaining about that but, to keep things located in the City of Mackay. He represents in perspective, members do have a single the entire population of Mackay. I understand room. It is handy to be able to do the work we that the member for Mirani is based in Sarina. have to do when we come to Brisbane. I ask for an examination of that $10,000 I compliment the Speaker for visiting the allowance. electorate offices. I know that those visits have Finally, I wish to touch on the issue of been greatly appreciated. The Speaker has entitlements for non-Government members. I been able to sit down and have a cup of tea find it the height of hypocrisy that the leader of with some of our electorate officers and talk to One Nation—One Nation members moaned them about particular issues. and whinged about their staffing—could not We have seen an upgrade of security in rouse himself from that stupor he is in to even recent years. That has been excellent and that request an appearance at the Committee so must be maintained. Breaches of security only that he could ask a couple of questions. He happen once in a while. They happen out of has been in the media moaning and the blue and they can be very frightening. whingeing about his resources. If One Nation wants the entitlements, it should not shirk the Mr Sullivan: I will vouch for that. responsibility. All One Nation members do is Mr HORAN: They can be very frightening shirk their parliamentary responsibilities. Their for our staff. I do not know what we can do to leader did not show up; he did not do stop trucks. I know that, in our own case, there anything. I commend the report to the House. have been some instances in which the Time expired. electorate officers—many of whom are females—have been quite frightened at times, Mr HORAN (Toowoomba South—NPA) particularly in relation to drug-related issues. (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) So we are appreciative of security being put in (11.36 a.m.): At the outset I join with the place and being maintained in our electorate previous speaker in thanking the staff of offices. Estimates Committee A—the research directors, Leanne Nielsen and Kerryn Newton, There is one issue that concerns my office research officer Meg Hoban, and executive in particular. We have been endeavouring to assistants Mandy Elcome and Maree Lane. get an email service into the office for four We always got very courteous and excellent months. However, it has been very difficult, assistance. and we have not been able to do it. This has made things difficult, particularly during a Today I will particularly talk about recent telephone hook-up regarding the electorate offices and about the Parliament Estimates process. We wanted some itself. The Parliament itself, particularly for many of us from country or regional information from Hansard, and Hansard staff electorates, is our home, one might were a bit disappointed when they could not say—where we stay for large chunks of the provide that information electronically. year. That particularly relates to Ministers, The previous speaker mentioned the shadow Ministers and those who have senior $10,000 allocation for electorate office staff. leadership positions. They need to be in this That is greatly appreciated. An enormous place for substantial amounts of time. It has amount of work is undertaken in electorate been good over the past couple of years to offices now, with faxes, mobile phones, email see a few little things being done to the and all the rest of it—although we do not have facilities here. I do not think any of us wants to email yet. There is an enormous burden of see anything flash; we just want modest work. People want information back accommodation. I compliment the previous straightaway, and it is beyond the capacity of a Speaker for what he did in making the place a single electorate secretary to handle a lot of little nicer. I also thank the current Speaker for this burden. So that extra $10,000 allowance continuing with that work. is greatly appreciated. People do spend a lot of time here. I The previous speaker also mentioned remember some media articles in the paper in electorates that are above the average size. the past couple of years about the Parliament This Parliament should consider what happens 2614 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998 to some of the rural members of Parliament. I Community Care have forbidden single officers have an inner-city electorate, like many of the to meet with certain constituents. They have Brisbane ones. In common with most of the said, "No women. There must be two males Brisbane members, I can get anywhere within meeting with this person because of the my electorate in 10 or 15 minutes. But that is person's threatening and abusive nature." Yet not the case in some of the country our electorate officers are single electorates. For example, the member for operators—sometimes part-time workers—and Callide looks after Biggenden, Gayndah, they can feel very threatened. Mundubbera, Monto and right up to Biloela, I believe that the information technology then out west through Moura to Rolleston, and resources of our electorate offices need to be then down the other side of the Great Dividing upgraded. I disagree slightly with the former Range to Theodore, Taroom and Wandoan. speaker from this side of the Chamber, who That electorate does not have a weightage, said that maybe members could get second- and the member has to travel huge distances. hand computers and set them up. What we For some of my colleagues, including the need are good, portable computers that will members for Gregory, Warrego and Charters link into the mother computers in our offices. It Towers, it is nothing to drive four or five hours is important that when members are on to a meeting and then drive four or five hours committee work, when they are in Parliament to get home after the meeting. and when they are out of their electorate There are huge burdens on the larger offices they are able to do work so that, when electorates in Queensland. It must be they return to their offices, they can simply considered that we are very different from plug their computers into the network and the some of the smaller States of Australia and electorate officer or they themselves can other smaller countries. One of the things that generate material. people are feeling in the rural and regional In most electorate offices, the electorate parts of the State is that they want to see their officer has a phone and a computer system member. People say, "Give them more around him or her. When someone comes to resources." They do not want to see the front door, that officer is also the resources; they want to see the member. receptionist. That is not very conducive to People will have a cup of tea with my good work. Our constituents expect us to reply electorate secretary. Members have cups of to them, and reply in good time, but that tea with their constituents. cannot happen unless we have the basic tools Time expired. to be able to do that. Time can also be wasted when a member is working with the electorate Mr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) officer on a particular issue and the phone (11.41 a.m.): I rise to support report No. 1 of rings, because that matter has to be attended Estimates Committee A. I also wish to address to before they can resume work. That is the work of electorate officers, who are the inefficient. members for many constituents who phone or The member for Nicklin has impressed me drop into members' electorate offices when we with the number of things that he has are in Parliament, on committee work or in contributed to this Parliament. In relation to the another part of the electorate. Our electorate review of members' entitlements, he has a officers are the front line of contact for our very strict eye on what is going to be constituents. How they handle an initial inquiry happening. I ask him to use basic office has a great effect on how we are perceived to procedures and basic private enterprise be working, or not working, properly for our standards as the criteria upon which to judge constituents. the Parliamentary Service. I know of no person As the previous member pointed out, who is an administration officer, an AO2 in security is a problem. I do have a problem with Government or a receptionist in a small the response times when the duress button is business who does not have his or her own pushed. There have been a number of workstation. Yet members do not have that in occasions when officers have accidentally their electorates. I would like to hold a pressed the button or they have felt competition to see whether any other State threatened and have pressed it, but it was 25 office in Queensland provides its staff with a to 30 minutes before a metropolitan police vacuum cleaner and says, "Go and do your officer responded to the electorate office. I own vacuum cleaning." That quaint little know of circumstances in which the practice has been retained in our electorate Department of Social Security and the offices. I look forward to getting on video our Department of Families, Youth and Ministers vacuuming their offices and the 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2615

CEOs doing theirs, as well. That should be in which you have been Speaker, there is one good. test for you, that is, to get the lifts in the It is unfortunate that members of Annexe to function as they ought to function. Parliament are often the target of media I am sure that no other building in this campaigns to the effect that we are here State—certainly in this city—in any normal indulging in the perks. This issue has been commercial business operation or undertaking referred to previously by some members. It would tolerate the problems and delays that strikes me as ironic that, when they are talking we have experienced with those lifts. I am not about the perks, those very same journalists talking about only minor delays. Lengthy have been enjoying the cut-price meals and delays occur with those lifts, together with service in this very precinct. They are also other general problems. I am sure that there is provided with free accommodation for their not an easy solution to this problem, otherwise studios, but they want to talk about other it would have been solved by previous people's perks. By the way, they are happy to Speakers. Nevertheless, Mr Speaker, as you travel on ministerial planes and to accompany are now in that position, I put to you the parliamentarians, but I guess that just goes challenge of solving the problems with the lifts with the job. It is very destructive of the whole in the Annexe—the ongoing, never-ending of our democracy, and it is about time that problems. some journalists grew up and started to act like Mr Hollis: Put a big ladder up while you're journalists, not crusaders for some petty over there. cause. Mr BEANLAND: The Speaker just referred I wish to thank the Parliamentary Service to a big ladder. He might consider that. The personnel. I had the opportunity to be with the stairs get a lot of use. Of course, when going new members on the induction days; many of up from levels 3, 4 or 5 to levels 12 or 13 it is a them said how helpful the members of the matter of all us young fellows and young Parliamentary Service are. I thank all those women using the stairs. Nevertheless, I believe who work in this precinct. I suppose that it would be speedier to have an efficient sometimes members can take them for elevator operation, which we currently do not granted after a few years, but we do have. appreciate the security, the catering, the I turn now to technology, to which a attendants, the Table Office and Hansard couple of other members have already staff—everyone who helps us in our job. referred. I notice that some $400,000 is Time expired. mentioned in the report in relation to technology. It is particularly important for us to Mr BEANLAND (Indooroopilly—LP) keep in touch with what is happening in the (11.47 a.m.): In rising to speak to the reports wide world in relation to technology. Before the of Estimates Committee A, I wish to commend change of Government, in my former portfolio, the staff not only of Estimates Committee D, of I noticed that people in the courts section and which I was a member, but all staff within the other sections had laptop computers. As committee structure and Parliament generally, members of Parliament, we need laptop who do a very dedicated and timely job in computers. We have a computer in our delivering services for the members and, electorate offices. That is fine for the electorate importantly, for the public of this State of ours. assistant or secretary who operates in that I do not believe that the community at large office. However, with the allocation of $10,000, generally appreciates the wide range of we often have other people come in to help. activities that go on in this place and in the They also need a computer. Of course, only precincts generally. one person can be at the computer at the one There is one matter that has not yet been time. The electorate secretary or assistant raised. While I am very complimentary of uses the computer fairly constantly. Additional former Speaker Turner, who I believe software is needed. Of course, members also introduced a number of excellent innovations need computers, so I believe we need to and made a remarkable contribution in a move to laptops. I am sure that members will number of ways to upgrading the facilities quickly become accustomed to them and within this precinct, there is one aspect that he expert in their use, even though many failed at, and it is now a challenge for the members might not be at this time. When current Speaker. I refer to the issue of the lifts confronted with the issue, we will all have to in the Annexe. This is your test, Mr Speaker. ensure that we are up to speed in our ability to Whereas I congratulate you on the work you use particular software. If it is provided, I am have done to date in the three or four months sure that members will do that to provide 2616 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998 timely service and responses to our also come through inviting people into the constituents, because that is the bottom line. House to share not only the history but also In this day and age, so much information the architecture and cultural heritage of this is coming through the system generally. In the place. Seeing it through the eyes of others short period that I have been in this who have never been here, I find new and place—just over a decade—the material and interesting things. I have spoken to Mr information coming through this House has Speaker about the history of the place. I know multiplied many times over. For members, that the officers of the Parliament all have keeping up with daily tasks has gone from a interesting stories to tell about the history. Mr leisurely chore of reading through material to a Speaker has indicated his desire to put that task that is beyond most members even if they history on paper and his belief that each were to work for 24 hours a day just to read member should share some of the history and the material, let alone to comprehend it and stories that bring this place to life. instigate any necessary action. That is a The report states that the previous particularly important issue to consider. Mr Speaker, Mr Turner, introduced public tours on Speaker, I am sure you will take that on board Sunday. I know that many of my constituents as an issue to consider in the short term, not have availed themselves of that. They the long term, because it is a crucial issue. We welcomed the House being open on Sundays. are fortunate to have a great library with I commend Mr Speaker for continuing to open wonderful librarians to provide us with timely the House on Sundays. responses. Nevertheless, so much of that In common with other speakers, I will refer information can be tapped into via the library to the equipment available to us as members network. of Parliament. I came into this position after Mr Speaker, I know that you will consider having worked in office positions. Even when the issue of electorate offices. I remember that working at Legal Aid I had much more for some time after the last electoral technology available to me than I do in the redistribution there were problems associated electorate office. When I asked for an with electorate offices. One needs to be industrial stapler or a dictaphone, I was told planning for down the track, particularly for that a list was put out in 1995 of equipment when the redistribution of boundaries is that members could ask for. If a member did finalised, and the need for new electorate not get the equipment in 1995, there was no offices. I am not talking about an untimely possibility of getting it now. I am in an response, but there is no point in members unfortunate position because the previous being elected on those new boundaries and member for Kurwongbah was a gun shorthand not having new offices for two years. typist. She did not have any need for a Time expired. dictaphone. She was equipped with much more skill and technology in the office than I Mrs LAVARCH (Kurwongbah—ALP) am. I suggest an audit of the equipment in (11.53 a.m.): This is the first time I have been every electorate office. There is a huge involved in the Estimates committee process difference between electorate offices. Perhaps of this Parliament. we could have a standardised list of Mr Nuttall: It's an experience, isn't it? equipment from shredders to staplers and Mrs LAVARCH: It is. Even though I was a dictaphones. member of the last Parliament, I came in on I would like to have available here in the tail end of the Estimates process and was Parliament House as well as in the electorate not engaged in it. I have been enlightened by office a computer for each member and, as the process. I found that it worked very well. the previous speaker mentioned, for additional In speaking to Estimate Committee A staff members. I found the need so great that Report No. 1, I will raise a couple of matters. In I committed my own funds to providing a relation to Parliament House, 20 years ago I second computer in my office. Even though used to walk past here every day on my way to the office's existing computer is not very old, it the QIT Law School next door. I admired the is so outdated and slow that networking it to outside and did not come in. Over the years, I the new computer that I bought slows down attended a couple of functions here, but I did the whole system. Unfortunately, we have to not really appreciate the beauty of this building keep upgrading technology. The same applies until I became a member of Parliament. As I to our mobile phones. They are dinosaurs sit in this Chamber each day the Parliament compared with the small models that others sits, a different part of the room always attracts have. my eye. My appreciation for the building has Time expired. 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2617

Mr SPRINGBORG (Warwick—NPA) I am sure that the Treasurer and other (11.58 a.m.): It is with a great deal of pleasure members of the Executive arm of Government that I participate in the debate on the report of sitting opposite will appreciate my next Estimates Committee A. I commend all comment, which is that when I became a members of this Parliament who, I believe, Minister I was amazed at how outdated, how have come in here with very strong principles antiquated, the equipment was in the and a very strong desire to do the right thing Ministers' offices. The departments had Word by their constituents and by this Parliament. It 97 package and all sorts of networking is a little unfortunate that, from time to time, it technology—— is the philosophical or ideological issues that Mr Hamill: What's new? tend to divide us in here and in the electorate. Mr SPRINGBORG: I wanted a copy of The member for Chermside often discusses Word 97 for database purposes. The reply the way the media covers the proceedings of from MSB was, "We do not believe that you the House. I believe he raises some very good need that in a ministerial office because you points. A lot of people come up to me and only do word processing." The Ministers are ask, "Why do you people not agree with the supposed to be willing and able to respond. Government or why does the Government not We should at least have some sort of formal agree with you?" I tell them that we do agree coordination between our departments and on 70% to 75% of the pieces of legislation and the Ministers' offices, particularly in relation to issues that are discussed in this Parliament. issues of security. From a word processing However, we have an adversarial system. The point of view, our equipment is okay. However, portraying of a different image by those who if we want spreadsheets or the latest in report this place strikes at the heart of the networking technology, the equipment is image that they have been trying to build of inadequate. This is not the fault of the this place over a long period. So I try to talk to Speaker; we tend to upgrade the equipment in people about the level of common ground that the other arms of Government but we do not we reach in this Chamber. I commend all consider what technology we require. I think members who work very hard in the interests that we need to be far more aware of that. of their constituencies. A very good point was made in relation to I would also like to commend the Speaker mobile phones. I will have a problem because on the establishment of his technology I use an analogue mobile phone. Although it advisory group. I have been nominated as the provides better coverage for most regional Opposition member on that group. I am members of Parliament, the analogue network looking forward very much to participating in is being phased out at the end of next year. providing any advice and information that I can So we need to give consideration to that. to further what the Speaker wants to do and I would like to commend the staff who also to make sure that members of this work very hard in this place. The catering staff Parliament have the resources and the latest do a great job, as do the IT staff, security and in technology that they require to do their jobs. the Hansard staff, who make some of the From time to time I believe that we feel a little speeches in this place that are not delivered bit of frustration—as do public servants and as very well read like the Gettysburg Address in do people who do other work—with information Hansard the next day. overload. Today, work seems to be a lot more An honourable member: Translated into stressful and people are working a lot harder. English. Over the past 10 years to 15 years our capacity to respond to that work has increased Mr SPRINGBORG: Yes, translated into exponentially. However, our ability to get English. Our corporate services staff, our ahead has not improved because everybody committee staff and our gardeners all do an else's ability to respond has gone up at the excellent job. I encourage the Executive arm same rate. Basically, we are level pegging all of Government to continue to appreciate this the way. I am not saying that we will ever be place, to appreciate the independence of this able to stop that. However, over the past few place, and to make sure that it is properly and adequately resourced. years our ability to generate reports and responses has not matched our constituents' Time expired. ability to organise good letter-writing Mr NUTTALL (Sandgate—ALP) campaigns and to be more proactive in the (12.03 p.m.): I would like to raise a couple of way in which they approach members of issues in relation to members' facilities. I also Parliament. That is why I think it is very want to touch on some other issues that are a important that we keep pace with technology. bit delicate at the moment, and they are the 2618 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998 issues of salaries, allowances and attracted to dedicating themselves to public superannuation. I believe that the facilities and life. Until such time as we address those issues the support that we receive from the staff at in a bipartisan way, people with ability and the Parliament are first rate. I take this talent will certainly not put up their hands to be opportunity to thank all the people who work at members of Parliament. Parliament House for the support that they In the past we have attacked each other give to me and to my electorate office. I would on such issues. I think it is time we stopped like to put that on the public record. that. In my view, there is no better scrutiny of Mr McGrady: What about your florist? members' entitlements than what we currently Mr NUTTALL: My florist, who is at have, that is, the Register of Members' Education House, does a great job. As I said, I Interests. The arrangements that have been in want to touch on the issue of salaries and place since the early 1990s have cleared up allowances. The Australian Taxation Office any problems that we have had in relation to deems all of our allowances as income. It is our travel entitlements. Last year the Auditor- appropriate that we currently have the Select General conducted an audit of many Committee on Parliamentary Entitlements members' travel claims and every one of them looking at the issue of the entitlements of was cleared. That was because the system members of Parliament, because I think that is that we have works very, very well. It makes an important issue to consider. people accountable. I believe it is grossly unfair that electorates Mr Veivers: It's the best in Australia. such as Kallangur, which has in excess of Mr NUTTALL: The member for Southport 30,000 constituents, receive the same is right when he says that it is the best in allowance as electorates that have 19,000 or Australia. I am happy to be accountable, as 20,000 constituents. In terms of the members' are, I am sure, the other 88 members of this postage allowance, I think it is grossly unfair to Parliament. However, we need to address ask a member of Parliament who represents seriously the issue of remuneration for all an electorate of 30,000 constituents to members. communicate with his or her constituents on Time expired. the same level as a member who has fewer than 20,000 constituents. Basically, the Mrs LIZ CUNNINGHAM (Gladstone—IND) members' postage allowance entitles a (12.09 p.m.): Before discussing issues relating member to send one letter per household in to Estimates Committee A, I want to make a his or her electorate per year. In terms of trying general comment on the Estimates process. In to communicate with one's electorate, that is a 1992 committee bulletin, Peter Morris, a by no stretch of one's imagination a large former member of Parliament, was initially very allowance. critical of the Estimates committee process. He talked about the armies of senior departmental Mr Sullivan: Even Energex writes to us officers who spend hour after hour, day after four times a year. day, in the corridors waiting for their turn. Mr NUTTALL: That is right. In terms of I was a member of Estimates Committee salaries, superannuation and other benefits to C, not Estimates Committee A, and I was very members, I believe that, from the way the debate about such issues is heading, we as a thankful for the approach of the non- nation are in danger of not being able to Government members. Vaughan Johnson led attract people with the necessary abilities to the charge to ensure that very few give their time to public life because of the lack departmental senior officers were made to of remuneration. I believe that, at times, we stand around unnecessarily, waiting all day for are our own worst enemy: regardless of the what may only be one question. In this year's decision that we make about our salaries and Estimates, the departmental senior allowances, it will not be popular with the administrators from outside the central public. Brisbane area were not required to be in attendance unless one of the members As I said, it is timely that the Select specifically requested it. That attitude was Committee on Parliamentary Entitlements certainly refreshing to see. looks at the issue of members' entitlements. However, the committee should not look at the According to the bulletin, Mr Morris went issue from the point of view of what benefits on to say that, despite criticisms, he supported members should have and should not have; it the principle of Estimates committee scrutiny. should look at the issue in terms of proper Quoting Mr Morris, the bulletin states—— remuneration so that members can do their " 'The Estimates Committee process jobs and so that the right type of people are is an aid to the Parliament's scrutiny 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2619

function and a means of improving the and by the fact that it is being preserved for contact of public administration' by posterity, is something to be very proud of and 'challenging public servants"— needs the allocation of funds to ensure its and I would add Ministers— maintenance. We lose so much history and this piece of history is invaluable. I commend "to lift their standards.' " the current Speaker and the previous Both public servants and Ministers are Speakers for their support in this area. accountable officers in the committee process. As a woman, I value the accommodation Whilst I think we may get a little too adversarial that is made available to members because of in the Estimates committee process, it still its security and proximity. I am sure that all provides a great opportunity for us to examine members value it, because it is very easily the expenditure of the various departments on accessed and it is available to us whether the behalf of the community. House is sitting or not. While discussing Estimates Committee A, Time expired. I wish to thank a number of people. Mr ROBERTSON (Sunnybank—ALP) Remuneration and entitlement issues have (12.15 p.m.): When I put my hand up to speak been raised, and in this regard I shall take in this Estimates committee debate, I intended some time to acknowledge the work and the to speak about what I perceive to be the support that my constituents and I have particular needs of members with respect to received over the past 12 months and, indeed, information technology. However, as speaker over the term of the previous Government. My after speaker has mentioned this topic, I will electorate officer, Kitty McDonald, works well take a slightly different approach to the issues beyond her designated hours, as I am sure all at hand. electorate officers do. Electorate officers have In relation to the demands for upgraded a great rapport with the people who come into information technology—both hardware and the offices. Indeed, they are the linchpins in software—in our offices, electorates or, indeed, the offices as they are the first point of contact. in this place, a number of members have We all value the support that the Speaker of stood up and said, "I would like a laptop", "I the House provides to the electorate officers. I would like another computer", "I would like a know that at the moment committees are network", or whatever. I do not disagree with reviewing the matter of entitlements. that approach and, indeed, it was going to be I particularly wish to thank the staff of my original approach. In the past I have been Parliament House. Over the past four years, to guilty of telling successive Speakers that it me they have been a very constant, very fair would be great to have another computer, and and very nice group of people to have contact I understand that the current Speaker is with. I have never seen them demonstrate any dedicated to the task. However, while listening partiality that could offend. They are very to the contributions of members from both pleasant in their dealings with people and in sides of the House, it occurred to me that great measure they determine the perhaps we are approaching the issue in the environment that we come to work in when wrong way. Parliament is sitting. I speak of all facets of the If we are to upgrade information staff, from security, Corporate Services, the technology, it would be wrong to approach the library, catering, Hansard—the whole gamut of matter by saying that we should appropriate people who work here. Mr Speaker, I ask you money just to give everyone an extra to pass on our appreciation for their computer. We need to take a more holistic accessibility and their affability, which really approach by looking at the needs of members makes a day or a week here much more in the late 1990s and into the next century, tolerable. and work back from that point. I say that on I turn now to the care, which has the basis of my current duties as Parliamentary continued under the previous Speaker and the Secretary to the Deputy Premier, with an current Speaker, of the asset that is interest in industry innovation and technology Parliament House. It has been very pleasant diffusion. It seems to me that basically the to see that the modifications to, rehabilitation Legislative Assembly is falling well behind and maintenance of the House have not current standards of use of information become a party-political issue. This is an technology and innovation in the use of that invaluable asset for our community. Every technology. As I understand it, Mr Speaker young person who sees it must be impressed, has set up a small working group to look at this not by us but by the custodianship of all the issue and I hope that it takes a holistic people who have looked after the old building approach. 2620 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998

We also need to establish some tirelessly to provide a wonderful level of service benchmarks for what we are trying to achieve. to members of the Parliament. For example, we need to ask: are we keeping Hardly a day goes by when we do not up with the services and technology that are at have a group of schoolchildren visiting the the disposal of Federal members? I suggest Parliament. It is important that members in the not. Are we keeping up with the services that Chamber are aware when schoolchildren are in are offered by Brisbane City councillors in their the gallery and that we moderate our ward offices? I suggest that, again, the answer behaviour at those times at least. Those visits is no. We need to establish some provide a good opportunity for young people benchmarks, rather than just spending money to heighten their appreciation of the on extra computers, printers or whatever. parliamentary process, the work of members Mr Sullivan: That's what they're doing. and the beauty of this building. Mr ROBERTSON: I am pleased that the Every member of this Chamber, member for Chermside says that that is the irrespective of their political persuasion, should case. I was merely putting forward a be pleased with and appreciative of the former suggestion, for what it is worth. coalition Government's commitment to the Previously I have spoken to the Speaker delivery of capital works in respect of the about staff allowances, the introduction of Parliament of Queensland. That dedication which I believe was a great move. However, has seen the refurbishment of members' that allowance has now been in place for two parliamentary offices and will see the years and it has not increased. At the very refurbishment of members' residential least it should be increased according to the accommodation in the Parliamentary Annexe. CPI. If the allowance is not increased as the A significant restoration program to the hours worked start to increase, there will be a external facade of the Parliamentary Annexe real reduction in the number of hours at our has also brought the building back to its disposal. Personally, I believe that we should original pristine condition and demonstrates incrementally increase the allowance far the efforts of the previous Speaker and former beyond the CPI, thus increasing the number of Government to institute a responsible and hours of part-time work that can be put at our much-needed asset management and disposal. maintenance regime to protect the significant investment in the assets funded by the As other members have done, I wish to taxpayers of Queensland. pay some compliments to the staff of this place, particularly of the Protocol Office. Given Members have also seen a number of the composition of my electorate, I often call other changes in the precinct over the period on the Protocol Office to conduct tours for of the previous Government. For example, I overseas guests who visit my constituents for cite the refurbishment of the level 3 foyer of vacations or for business. Time after time the the Parliamentary Annexe, where revised Protocol Office has been at my disposal to security measures were introduced during the assist with those guests. The protocol officers' refurbishment. We now have new x-ray sensitivity towards different cultural needs is scanning equipment, metal detectors and a greatly appreciated. The Protocol Office is an security identification card system, which add incredibly professional office and is of great to the already impressive security provided to value to this Assembly. members, staff and guests while in the Mr LAMING (Mooloolah—LP) parliamentary precinct. I wish also to commend (12.19 p.m.): I wish to address the report of the current Speaker, who appears to be Estimates Committee A, which relates to the following in the footsteps of Mr Turner, for Legislative Assembly. At the outset, I must say keeping that work going. that this is a wonderful institution and a place In the short time I have remaining, I wish with which we are proud to be associated. I also to address the issue of electorate office wish also to acknowledge the wonderful accommodation and resources. As a member services provided to me and all other members facing the daunting process of relocating an of this Parliament by the dedicated and often electorate office due to a road widening, I wish unrecognised men and women of the to touch on the provision of services and Parliamentary Service. The Parliamentary resources to members' electorate offices. In a Library staff, the catering staff, the Chamber world and an environment in which there is an attendants, the Hansard reporters and the increasing reliance on information technology, gardeners, whose work makes this precinct I must also highlight the foresight of the such a beautiful visual spectacle for the benefit previous Government, which upgraded the of all Queenslanders, all work hard and computer network for electorate offices and 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2621 introduced email facilities, which have until needs to do more than it is presently doing in recently worked successfully. That has added that regard. an additional dimension for communication I wish also to speak about our electorate between members and their constituents. offices and officers. The other day, my The issue of enhancing electorate office electorate officer attended a housing seminar staffing assistance has been mentioned by run by the Housing Minister and was other members. I wish to go a bit further, instructed, for example, on the guidelines for because I do not think we should mince priority housing so that that officer is able to around with this subject. Electorate officers give proper advice to constituents. In many need considerably more assistance. We all ways, a member of Parliament is a highly paid know the work that has to be done. Mail has to messenger boy. Our electorate officers are be waded through, phones have to be part of that process of providing information to answered and people walking through the the public in relation to departmental services. door have to be attended to. There are usually A similar seminar to that offered by the two people in the office, but if the member is Minister for Housing should also be offered by away one person has to try to attend to all of other Ministers. In the next week or so, my that at once. That cannot be as efficient as it electorate officer will be receiving further ought to be. If we were comparing the services computer training. That is extremely good, and that we are giving with those in private I commend the Speaker for finding the enterprise, we might not look all that good resources to provide that training. when we are under pressure. Technology is changing very rapidly. My electorate officer, Lyn Parker, who is When I was the Speaker, about four of five on holidays this week, has taken her mobile years ago I was advised that we needed to do phone with her in case I or the temporary something about the computer network electorate officer need to ring her while she is cabling in the Parliamentary Annexe; that we on holidays. That should not have to be the needed to go to fibre-optic cabling. I am case. The member for Kurwongbah mentioned pleased to see that that is provided for in this the former member for that electorate, Budget. Margaret Woodgate, who is happily residing in my electorate and who asked me to pass on I wish to speak very briefly also about the her regards. Parliamentary Catering Service. When I was Speaker, there was some pressure to privatise Mr Hollis: I bet she doesn't vote for you. that service. It was suggested that we should Mr LAMING: I do not know about that; pay a large subsidy to a catering group, she might be the one who does. I make a because that is what other Parliaments had request for additional staffing resources to deal done. I am very pleased that we were able to with the ever-increasing workload placed on resist that push in this Parliament. A our electorate office staff. I extend thanks to all Parliament's catering service should be the staff involved in the Estimates committee centrepiece reflecting the status of one's process for their efficiency and dedication on State. The catering services in other the day. Parliaments are second rate compared with Hon. J. FOURAS (Ashgrove—ALP) ours. I am glad that we did not go that way. (12.24 p.m.): I am pleased to join the debate A similar situation applied with respect to on the Estimates of the Legislative Assembly. Hansard. For example, the economic Firstly, I wish to speak about the education rationalists were telling us that we would save services provided by the Parliament. I am very a lot of money by giving the State Reporting pleased that when I was Speaker we set up an Bureau the right to tape-record the education office, because I fervently believe proceedings of Parliament. The independence that the electorate at large should know of the Parliament would have been lost. The whether this Parliament is meeting the levels problem with that advice that the then Premier of accountability and scrutiny that are was getting was that it was absolutely flawed. expected of it. If it is not doing so, the public The actual savings that that would have should be well aware of that so that they can brought about were nowhere near what the jump up and down and try to change that Premier at the time was being told they would situation. have been. It is very good that this Parliament Although the Parliament conducts tours has been able to maintain its independence for schoolchildren and they are able to observe through the provision of services that are the behaviour of members and the beauty of specific to it. We do not want ever again to talk this building, citizenship studies need to be about privatising catering or sending Hansard enhanced, and the Department of Education to the State Reporting Bureau. 2622 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998

With respect to the building, ever since I Opposition made without proper consultation. have been here I have noticed that we have We remember, of course, the increase in fees been trying to find extra space. For example, for kangaroo shooters and the oil/tyre levy we have built on top of the Conference Room when the Department of Environment was and the dining rooms downstairs, and there suddenly told to get money because of a are now some nice meeting rooms on the fifth Budget shortfall. But the one that I used to floor. We are running out of space. There is no love to dine out on was, of course, the park doubt that somewhere down the track some pass where park visitors were required to wear Government will have to find the will and the a park pass when they went into a national money to build accommodation between the park. It was fine in isolation, but obviously no- Parliamentary Library and the QUT. That is one had spoken to the member for Noosa where our offices should be. They should be because his electorate includes a national park right next to the Chamber. At some stage we which has a nude beach. Just exactly where will have to find that space. I was pleased to someone was to hang their park pass in the hear the member for Gladstone saying that case of inspection was never adequately the refurbishment has been achieved without explained. a political bunfight. We need to have that The other point was the disintegration of commonsense approach and goodwill to make the Cabinet process under the Borbidge sure that we can get that facility. Ultimately, we Government. The Courier-Mail highlighted this are becoming cramped for space. Hopefully, in earlier this year when it discussed the super the future a Treasurer will say that we can find stadium decision. A strong central policy body the money to provide that additional space. will ensure that all departments are fully In conclusion, can I say that the consulted on submissions. In this way, line atmosphere outside of this Chamber is better Ministers are aware of how each submission than that inside it. The staff are wonderful in impacts upon their department. Timely the way in which they impartially look after the lodgment of Cabinet submissions and interests of all members. That makes it easier adequate consultation is an appropriate way to to come here. Before some sitting weeks I say function. to myself, "I am going to Parliament, but the I also wish to raise the incidence of non- staff here look after us so well." I am pleased appearance of public servants before the to acknowledge their good work. committee. I acknowledge that, under the Time expired. current process, a Minister does not have to Report adopted. allow a public servant to appear. I believe this whole process was debauched two years ago Clauses 1 to 5, as read, agreed to. when, under a different model admittedly, Estimates Committee A required the Estimates Committee A appearance of Wendy Armstrong who, amongst other responsibilities, was appointed Report No. 2 to advise the Opposition when it was in The TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN (Dr Clark): Government. We were fascinated by this role The question is— and wanted to know exactly what advice we could expect. The then Premier ignored the "That Report No. 2 of Estimates committee, overruled its wishes to question Committee A be adopted." Mrs Armstrong and, in fact, defended her non- Mr MICKEL (Logan—ALP) (12.30 p.m.): I appearance. I say that public servants owe it particularly want to commend the Premier on to the Parliament to show up if they have been the establishment of the Policy Coordination listed to attend. I also believe that public Unit. Every contemporary State and Federal servants should provide punctual advice to Government has moved in the direction of a committees. I would ask directors-general to Department of Premier and Cabinet. The ensure that their procedures for previous Government came unstuck because correspondence and advice are up to scratch the Leader of the Opposition was fixated with so that they are fully accountable to this the Office of the Cabinet. It became part of his Parliament. lexicon in speech after speech he made in this I particularly want to pick up also on the Chamber. I knew, as a humble staffer, that he money that was allocated to the Willows, was hopelessly wrong, and in Government he contrary to caretaker conventions and, as I found out that he should have taken steps, as understand it, in clear contravention of the he did, to subtly reintroduce it. Cabinet Handbook. It is unfair to groups in my Honourable members should look at the electorate, for instance, who are told that they absolute howlers that the Leader of the have to go through the proper process. I 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2623 remember that, when the Goss Government staffing increase from 607 to 697, principally to was in caretaker mode after the Mundingburra support a Policy Coordination Unit; and we by-election when I worked for the now Premier, have seen a clandestine attempt to every courtesy was extended to the member reintroduce the despised and hated Office of for Toowoomba South. I believe that, at the the Cabinet and a centralised administration, very best, in turn that courtesy should have which strangled Queensland's Public Service been extended to the Leader of the during the Goss years and also the Opposition, the now Premier, when the Westminster system by bypassing the Borbidge Government went into caretaker Ministers in respect of the conduct of Cabinet mode. Government. Then we have the additional I believe the new State Development staff in the Premier's Office—two staff— Department contains the appropriate collection allegedly to handle the regional Cabinet of former departments to focus on jobs, but I schedule, only marginally more extensive than would like to see the role of overseas trade that of the previous Government. The Cabinet offices particularly focused. I am concerned at secretariat numbers are also up by 50% from 8 the tragic loss to this State of Loftus Harris, to 12. Of course, the Premier first denied this who is now heading up the rival department in and then trotted out the same excuse as for New South Wales. I believe these overseas his own office. We have seen a massive offices should face a constant review, because abuse of public funds by the setting-up within in time we may need to set up a focus on the Premier's Department of essentially a certainly the Indian subcontinent and also the Labor Party centralised control, a unit of party Middle East. It may be that these can be hacks, to make sure that there is central provided if other offices are not measuring up. control and Labor Party domination of the Public Service in this State. I want to finish on one more point. I do not believe, for example, that the excellent I will just touch briefly on the Willows. On decision made by the Borbidge Government to one hand the Premier described the Willows establish an office in Indonesia should be as an unfunded promise, but on the other scrapped at the moment. hand he listed it as one of several projects listed against the Premier's Department Time expired. contingency provision allocation. So he cannot Hon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers say in response to one question that it was Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) unfunded and then say in answer to another (12.35 p.m.): It is a matter of some question from Ms Boyle— disappointment to me that this year we saw "In 1998 major coalition Government the Estimates process become very largely an commitments against these funds exercise in deception and a dumping ground included the following: the Willows Sports by the new Government in respect of the Complex, $3.5m; St John's Cathedral perceived problems of the previous restoration, $200,000. I am not being administration rather than proper scrutiny of critical." this Budget, which is admittedly essentially a reflection of the coalition's May Budget That is what the Premier said. It seems to me presented to this place with some alterations that, as we see so often, this is another around the edges. So much for the claims of backflip and the Premier speaks with a forked the member for Brisbane Central of higher tongue. standards of accountability and greater respect I am sick and tired of the pompous for the parliamentary process! announcements by the Premier in relation to I have previously expressed concern— credit cards when I was the Premier who took and I do so here today—about the credit cards off Ministers except in the case of reintroduction of the Cabinet office. It was overseas travel, which is exactly the situation interesting to hear the comments of my friend that exists now. This Government, contrary to the Chairman of Estimates Committee A, the repeated untruths of the Premier, is "Once an apparatchik always an apparatchik." operating under my rules and, might I say, I just say to the honourable member for Logan what a good set of rules they are. that we should be learning from the lessons of How is it that, in revisions to guidelines the past, and I believe that the Cabinet office approved by the Premier and his Cabinet, in the Goss years, which he championed, was ministerial staff can still have credit cards for one of the reasons for the demise of the Goss domestic travel although the Premier told the Government. Estimates committee that they cannot? Under We have seen the budget of the the new guidelines the number was reduced Premier's Department doubled; we have seen from three to two per office, but guidelines 2624 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998 issued by the Premier dated 3 August 1998 policy development. It reflects Labor's whole- state— of-Government approach to the problems of "Ministers may authorise the director unemployment and to securing jobs, jobs and of MSB to issue official credit cards to more jobs. It realises the imperative to be up senior advisers or equivalent in the office to date with the latest research and with of Minister. Generally a limit of two cards moves in other States and around the world to per office applies. By utilising official credit generate employment. Particularly, it cards, the need for cash advances for recognises that direct attention by economists domestic travel is negated." is necessary if we are to find a solution to unemployment. No longer can we treat Another blatant untruth by the Premier! The unemployment simply as an outcome of low only change is that it is down from three to economic growth, as the previous Government two. The fact is that guidelines trumpeted by did. Rather, unemployment deserves the this Premier are essentially the guidelines I priority and attention that the Treasurer and introduced when credit cards for Ministers were this Government are giving it. withdrawn. I recognise the funding allocated for the Time expired. National Competition Policy review, which is Ms BOYLE (Cairns—ALP) (12.40 p.m.): I very important to those of us in the regions, compliment the staff who provided support to where we believe there have been undesirable Estimates Committee A and the Chairman, the impacts from the National Competition Policy, honourable member for Logan, for conducting particularly on employment and business. the proceedings with style. I am sorry, I compliment the Minister for State however, to follow the member for Surfers Development for the progressive, and yet in a Paradise in this debate in the light of his way obvious, initiative that is State unworthy remarks and his carping attempts to development centres. These one-stop shops rain on Labor's parade. He will not succeed. in regional centres such as Cairns will be My compliments indeed to the Premier welcomed. They will go much further than the and Cabinet for the Premier's budget, which methods of the previous Government, which includes new initiative funding that will benefit timidly approached the issue. Instead, we will the whole State, though of course I must have, as we have already, an integration of make particular mention of the Cairns Premier's with State Development, with Esplanade funding—$3m in this year's budget, economic development and trade, with a further $2m next year and a further $4m regional development and with local business intended as required. That was secured thanks development. to the sterling efforts of the Mayor of Cairns, I applaud several initiatives for Cairns and Councillor Tom Pyne. specifically mention the $750,000 over three I give recognition to the high profile being years that will be provided to the Cairns taken by the Crime Prevention Task Force and Regional Economic Development Corporation. to the multiplicity of methods that we as a Regions can use their own competitive Labor Government will take not only to punish advantages in knowledge to grow industries those guilty of crimes but also to prevent the with a competitive advantage. The crimes in the first place. Government is working in partnership with I give recognition, too, to the quite proper CREDC and other similar organisations funding for Community Cabinet meetings. The Statewide. That is definitely the way to go. first was held at Edmonton, just south of I particularly compliment the Minister on Cairns, and it was a resounding success, as the $10m set aside for the revitalisation of the others have been. The accessibility of Cairns CBD—not the Esplanade, not the city Ministers for people to meet with and raise port, not that fringe of the city. It is a current issues was welcomed. More than that, recognition that the broader area of the city it was a chance for locals to meet those really centre needs assistance to develop a clear running the Government and to chat with them identity and to stimulate the business, and get to know them. The Government did recreational, residential, entertainment and not stand aside at all from offering a public tourist functions that a vibrant city such as forum where questions of all kinds from the Cairns should have. My compliments to all floor could be asked and answered. Ministers involved. I compliment Treasury on a very important Dr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the initiative of this Government, that is, the Liberal Party) (12.45 p.m.): I begin by Employment Secretariat, which will provide a congratulating the Chairman of Estimates focus for labour market research and regulated Committee A on conducting a fair process. As 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2625 did the previous speaker, I congratulate the better. That is referred to on page 7 of the staff for providing to the committee a fair committee's report. representation of its deliberations. I think those The second thing I thought was disturbing things are important. was the fact that the Treasurer, in answering a I was going to say a little about the policy question that I presume was without notice unit of the Premier's Department, but that has asked by the member for Logan, was able to already been covered by the Leader of the spell out for the committee a requirement for Opposition and members on the other side of replacing the taxation and dividend streams the Chamber. I will restrict my remarks to some from QIDC and Suncorp through an amount of of the things that went on in relation to $948m that was going to be required to be Treasury. I found Treasury's representatives invested to replace the dividend and taxation before the committee somewhat streams. The important thing about this is that disappointing. In fact, based on my the $984m is a derived figure. We cannot get recollection of the last few years, I think it was to the $984m without knowing the answers to one of the poorer performances of Treasury a whole series of other questions. When that before the committee. question was asked, neither the Treasurer nor anyone from Treasury could immediately Mr Lucas: You sound like you are provide the answer. And when we requested grading New Faces. the information on notice, it took four full Dr WATSON: It is disappointing that the working days, together with numerous phone quality seems to have deteriorated. I will calls from the committee staff, to get it. That mention some of the issues that I think are information should have been available worth raising. I hope that in the future we will immediately, because we could not derive the not have the same kind of lacklustre Treasurer's figure without having it. And when performance. we did get the information, it read like a When the Treasurer appeared before the concocted answer to satisfy the figure that the committee, I requested more details on the Treasurer gave. I believe that is poor. It is not break-up of capital outlays between the only poor on the part of the Treasurer, but it is Consolidated Fund and the trust funds. I had also poor because that information was not previously asked a question on notice on this available to the committee straightaway. matter, so Treasury and the Treasurer should The member for Logan has already have been well aware that it may have been mentioned that one staff member from raised at the committee hearing. The answer Treasury was not able to attend the committee they gave to my question on notice was hearings. I was concerned about that at the unimpressive and quite obvious. The exact time. More importantly, I was concerned when figure was there on page 219 of Budget Paper I tried to follow up some questions that the No. 2—not the estimate they gave when they CEO of the QTC would have been able to answered the question on notice. Of course, answer. The Deputy Under Treasurer tried to they failed to provide the details. answer it towards the end, but he got the figure wrong, unfortunately. I requested the details from the Treasurer. I thought it was instructive to note that when I Time expired. first asked the question the Treasurer said, Mrs NITA CUNNINGHAM (Bundaberg) "We are making sure that we have the right (12.51 p.m.): I was a member of Estimates answer." The first question, with respect to Committee A, and as this was the first time I franchise fees—I believe that is on page 11 of have taken part in an Estimates committee the Ministerial Portfolio Statements—he got hearing, I place on record my admiration of wrong. He said, "We are trying to make it this democratic process. I also commend the right", but he got it wrong. He proceeded Premier, the Ministers and their staff, through the next series of questions to provide departmental personnel and the staff of the the wrong answer. How do we know the Parliament for the efficient way in which these answers were wrong? Because the correct hearings were conducted and the forthright information was provided in an answer to a way in which the broad cross-section of later question on notice. questions were answered. I thought theirs was a particularly poor It gives me a great deal of pleasure to performance. They should have known these speak in support of the adoption of the questions were coming. They should have had Estimates Committee A report No. 2, which the details. If it was Treasury's fault, they encompasses the financial operations of the should have advised the Treasurer. If it was many diverse sections of the Premier's the Treasurer's fault, he should have known Department, the Treasury Department and the 2626 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998 new State Development Department, which Mr HORAN (Toowoomba South—NPA) was established with the aim of ensuring a (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) whole-of-Government approach to (12.54 p.m.): I would like to add my thanks, as Queensland's economic development. I did when speaking to report No. 1 of The 1998-99 Budget addresses Labor's Estimates Committee A, to the staff who election commitments while retaining the provided help and assistance. What this essential core of the previous administration's particular Estimates committee provided with regard to the Department of State May Budget. On that basis, the report should Development was really what it did not provide. have the support of members on both sides of The department has been in place for some this Chamber and must be extremely difficult four months now, so one would think that they to speak against. The Premier described the would be starting to get their act together. But Budget as one that lays the foundation for a whenever we asked questions of substance better Queensland. In this report, we see that about things such as export and trade, jobs it also lays the foundation to meet that target targets and manufacturing, it was all of reducing unemployment to 5% over the generalisation from the Minister about how he next five years, creating jobs—the major was going to ramp up this and ramp up concern of the people of Bundaberg and the that—how he was going to ramp up this, that major concern of the people of Queensland. and the other thing. I believe that this really My colleague the member for Cairns has showed to members of the committee that outlined advantages for Cairns in the Budget. here is a department that has been totally My electorate of Bundaberg also fared well, preoccupied with getting itself reorganised, with the provision of $14.5m for our base bringing people out of Treasury, the Premier's hospital extensions, $1.6m for refurbishment Department and TSBI, and developing a of the Bundaberg campus of TAFE and $4.5m power base rather than getting on with the job to complete Walla Weir. We will share in and really starting to make some things regional funding for roadworks and for the happen. The Department of State upgrading of railway stations in readiness for Development is the department that is very the tilt train service. Our local governments will important in terms of making some real jobs continue to gain subsidies for water and for Queenslanders if this target of 5% in three sewerage infrastructure capital works and years is ever going to be achieved. It is the grants for public libraries. Funding for the department that has to develop new industry. Bundaberg Base Hospital will allow for extra The department has to develop exports. The dentists, extra mental health services and department has to have some vision. But extra facilities, such as the CT scanner, for more than vision, the department has to make which tenders have already been called. I some things happen. believe that most electorates in Queensland Throughout the Estimates committee have been treated just as fairly and just as procedure, the Minister was unable to provide positively. the committee with any targets for Queensland This Estimates Committee A report No. 2 export sales. We could not get monthly targets is comprehensive. It clearly identifies program or targets on an industry basis. This initiatives, like the very successful Community highlighted the Minister's failure to develop a Cabinet meetings, the State development comprehensive plan that could protect centres that are opening throughout Queensland from the downturn in the Asian Queensland and the jobs forums that are markets. Obviously, the Minister and the already under way. It identifies program department and, therefore, Queensland are enhancements and costings as well as flying blind. I am calling for Queensland to concerns that were raised by committee establish an export intelligence system so that members during the hearings. Most we can provide our exporters with some up-to- importantly, despite negative comments, this date intelligence on overseas markets. report clearly shows that the Budget does If people want to access new markets provide for a better quality of life for all they have to know where the trends are. They Queenslanders. It does provide for industry have to know where the niche markets are, and commerce. It does provide record where the opportunities are, where we have expenditure for capital works within this State. difficulties in getting products in, and other It does provide for more jobs and job security. places where there are new emerging markets. It will address problems in education, health This sort of practical advice, backed up by and safety, and it does, indeed, lay the proper export support on lines of credit and the foundation for a better Queensland. I type of products that are required—joint commend this report to the Committee. ventures and joint partnership arrangements— 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2627 is the sort of thing that is needed. If we are to year. The Minister had no answer. The attempt the development of a target to question took him by surprise, and all he could increase our exports, Queensland must have say was that it was 5% in five years, when we an export intelligence system so that those know that the target is 5% in three years. We who are heavily involved in trade and those have heard that over and over again. who wish to expand into trade can know which Mr Hamill interjected. areas will provide the most benefit. The Queensland Government should work closely Mr HORAN: The Treasurer takes that end with Austrade to develop a more sophisticated of the spectrum and I take the other end. This information system for Queensland exports. Government has no target whatsoever for We must have some monthly projections. We jobs. must have some targets, otherwise the Time expired. department is simply heading nowhere. Sitting suspended from 1 p.m. to Mr Hamill: I didn't think you liked targets. 2.30 p.m. Mr HORAN: We had a target in Health Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— that we reached. We took Queensland from ALP) (Premier) (2.30 p.m.): I take this having the worst waiting lists in Australia under opportunity to thank the committee for its members opposite to the best waiting lists in detailed examination of the units and Australia under us. independent agencies in my portfolio. The With regard to small business—there was majority report of the committee has supported a 68% increase in the budget for the Office of the expenditure proposals for which I have Small Business. Most disappointingly, the ministerial responsibility. I thank those Minister and his departmental officers members for that. I thank them for their good indicated that there would be no benefits judgment. It accurately reflects the information flowing to small business this financial year as provided. a result of a 68% increase in small business. It I note the committee's comments relating is completely unacceptable to small business to establishment costs and processes for to have to wait 12 months to see some—if Independent members. The committee should any—results of a 68% increase in budget. But have ample opportunity to raise questions of I suppose that is just the attitude that is being that nature during the Estimates committee taken towards small business. Small business process. Policies governing the resources for is not even mentioned in the name of the non-Government parties and Independent portfolio. The Small Business Council has not members are currently being finalised in a met since the change of Government. We are handbook. That will be a public document. I seeing an obsession with particular pet should stress that I had indicated after the projects and no work being done by this election that we would ensure that the department on small business, which already Independents, the National Party, the One provides the great majority of jobs throughout Nation Party and the Liberal Party would be Queensland. properly and appropriately funded, and so they I believe that one of the real failures of have been. If my memory serves me correctly, the Beattie Government will be its failure to I think that the One Nation Party received an represent small business. Members can see allocation of resources to the tune of $1.26m. I already the way in which the Labor have signalled to the Opposition parties—by Government has refused to support small that I mean the National Party, the Liberal business in the fight to stop extended trading Party and the One Nation Party—that towards hours—something that all small businesses the end of February next year I will be need. Again, we saw no target in engaging in an assessment of how those manufacturing. Obviously, the Beattie resources are proceeding and whether they Government is not trying to introduce any new are adequate for the purposes for which they manufacturing industries to Queensland. It were intended. does not seem to have a particular target The examination of spending by an there. Estimates committee is an essential part of the The worst and the most disappointing democratic process. I am delighted that we aspect of these Estimates was the jobs target. went through it. I think it is worth putting on At the end of the committee hearings, we record that, contrary to what the now Leader of asked the Minister what was his jobs target for the Opposition has said on a previous these 12 months. We asked what was the occasion, the former Government squibbed percentage he was aiming at, or the reduction the process in that it introduced the Budget in unemployment that he was aiming at, this but did not go through the processes. It is 2628 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998 crucial that Governments do everything they is very simple: the previous Government was can to open their books to legitimate scrutiny. caught out. It allocated funding for cheap That brings me to the main point that the political purposes in an unauthorised caretaker Leader of the Opposition and his two period in Government. I have seen the colleagues make in their minority report of the documents. No bleating by the Opposition committee. As that complaint is in the report, I minority report in this committee report will feel obligated to respond. change the facts. The previous Government The Leader of the Opposition complains abused the caretaker provisions. I have tidied bitterly that the process has examined the it up in the interests of Townsville, sport and spending of the coalition Government. Why is the Willows Sports Complex, and I have done the Opposition Leader unwilling to have his that by making certain that the funding was decisions laid bare to that sort of spotlight? allocated. Bearing in mind that he chickened out of the Time expired. Estimates committee process prior to the election, why should he be afraid to be Mr SEENEY (Callide—NPA) (2.35 p.m.): It accountable? Can this be the same man who, is interesting to sit in this Chamber and listen as Premier in the 1996 Estimates process, to the Premier talk about hypocrisy. Could I answered a dorothy dixer about the costs suggest that the hypocrisy that has been associated with the Government's suite at the displayed by this Government in the short Indy Grand Prix? At that time the member for space of time that it has occupied that side of Surfers Paradise, who complained about some the Chamber sets a new standard unseen Ministers raising issues relating to his anywhere else? However, I have only five Government, was armed with the figures for minutes to comment on the report of the the previous Labor Government's Estimates Committee A. spending—not just for the year before, 1995, A perusal of the transcripts from that but also for 1994, 1993, 1992 and 1991. What committee indicates clearly that the Minister for does that say about the Leader of the State Development and Minister for Trade was Opposition? Hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite, incapable of answering questions about many hypocrite and hypocrite! He gave a lengthy of the basic issues associated with his answer on that occasion about the spending portfolio. He could not provide monthly, of the previous Government going back five industry or country export sales projections. He years. That is yet another example of the could not name a single manufacturing Opposition Leader's hypocrisy—either that or industry that he planned to establish in he has a very poor memory. What was done Queensland next year. He could not even by Ministers was done to ensure that the provide an unemployment target for the next accountability process was handled properly 12 months. That is from a Government that and effectively. It was no different from what has chanted "jobs, jobs, jobs" as its major the Leader of the Opposition did when he was priority. We have heard the chant "5% in five Premier. We all get a bit tired of the hypocrisy. years". It is meaningless. Unemployed people With regard to ministerial staff—I have cannot afford to wait five years to make a implemented a policy whereby ministerial staff determination about whether or not this are not issued with credit cards. The exception Government's strategies are working. If this is for staff travelling overseas with Ministers. Government is fair dinkum about Members of the House would be aware of why unemployment targets, if it sees any value in that is necessary: it is easy to have accounts setting a target, let it be an annual target so sent back from Australian hotels; it is more that its performance can be measured against difficult when one is overseas. I have thus also it realistically. ended the former Government's practice of Another key area covered by the Minister allowing Ministers to charge their own is his role in coordinating the development of expenditure to their staff's cards. It is true to an energy strategy in Queensland. Obviously, say that the revised ministerial handbook energy supply is vital for any realistic State approved in July this year still refers to development. The Minister for State authorisation for issue of cards to ministerial Development has stated publicly that he wants staff. However, on my instructions, no such to see the reamalgamation of AUSTA, yet the cards have been issued. Further amendments Treasurer indicated to the committee that to the ministerial handbook are at present competition in the retail and generation sectors being considered. had resulted in lower electricity costs. That is Non-Government members also express evidence of conflict and confusion. The Beattie concern regarding the funding of the Willows Labor Government is thrashing around in the Sports Complex in Townsville. The bottom line dark looking for an energy strategy. The 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2629

Minister for State Development clearly was not Queensland. The Minister is ignoring small across the issue. He clearly does not business in rural Queensland. understand the issue, yet he was coordinating Mr Hayward: Were you on the council? departmental input into the energy strategy. Is it not curious that the energy strategy is not Mr SEENEY: I was on the council and our the responsibility of the Minister for Mines and council, like so many others—— Energy? It is curious, but it is understandable Time expired. given the performance of the Minister for Hon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) Mines and Energy. (Treasurer) (2.41 p.m.): One of the key An important issue identified in the features of the Budget Speech that I delivered Estimates committee hearing was the Minister was the Government's commitment to Budget for State Development's complete failure to honesty. That is certainly an issue that may support development in rural towns and cities. seem somewhat alien to the Opposition. The Beattie Labor Government is continuing to Certainly, if one considers the statements ignore the bush, just as Labor Governments made today by the honourable member for have done in the past. It is concentrating Moggill in his response to the committee exclusively on the south-east corner and the report, and indeed from the statement of coastline, just as the Goss Labor Government reservations in that committee report, which I did. For six years the Goss Labor Government can only assume were penned by the ripped services out of the bush, closing rail honourable member for Moggill, one can see lines and cutting health services. It is a record that Budget honesty is something with which that cannot be escaped. Do members recall the Opposition has great difficulty grappling. the Premier's statement that he was going to The member for Moggill has highlighted govern for all of Queensland? Once again, the the fact that, at the Estimates committee facts do not support the empty rhetoric. hearing, the Opposition was caught out and Since coming to Government, Mr Beattie caught out badly over its dealings with and his Ministers have attempted to stop Suncorp-Metway. That is consistent with a many major projects across Queensland. series of other examples of asset stripping Callide C is one that is very important to me. It which, I might say, were yesterday highlighted should be very important to the member for by me in this place when I quoted from the Fitzroy, because it involves 1,000 construction testimony of one of those asset strippers, the jobs for Biloela and central Queensland. There honourable member for Western Downs, who have been two ministerial inquiries to examine said that the assets in the electricity industry the contracts in an attempt to sink that project, and what he called "the part privatisation of in an attempt to stop those 1,000 construction Suncorp-Metway" were being stripped to meet jobs being delivered to the people whom I and the Budget shortfalls of the coalition the member for Fitzroy represent. Government. There have also been major delays in During the Estimates committee hearing many smaller projects, such as water we found—and the honourable member for infrastructure projects, which are important to Moggill did not like hearing this—that the my electorate and to other areas in rural and former coalition Government had not been regional Queensland. A classic example is the content with simply seeking to strip the assets extension of Jones Weir at Mundubbera. from Suncorp-Metway but also that it was not Before the 13 June election, this project was even prepared to honour the undertakings that planned and ready to go. Now it has been put it as a Government had given this Parliament on hold. After a whole series of studies to when it brought forward the legislation to determine whether or not this weir will proceed, privatise Suncorp and the QIDC back in 1996. yet another study has been launched into this If members are doubting what I am saying, I river system. In the meantime, the economic refer to the following words of the then benefits, the activity and the jobs that will Treasurer, the member for Caloundra, who on come with it will not be delivered. 8 August 1996 in respect of the State Economic development in rural towns is Financial Institutions and Metway Merger not just about major projects; it is about small Facilitation Bill stated— business. These towns are dependent upon "As the Government sells down its small family businesses, and there is no shareholding through a public float recognition of this small-business sector by the sufficient of the proceeds will be Minister for State Development. Within the reinvested to replace the forgone dividend State Development budget, there is nothing and tax equivalent payments to the that will help small business owners in rural State." 2630 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998

In his statement in the Estimates One may recall that, on 28 June 1996 in committee report, the honourable member for an article in the Courier-Mail, Mr Hamill stated Moggill seeks to suggest that the sum that the merger and then sell off of Suncorp- necessary to be invested to receive that 7% Metway would result in 1,600 job losses and return, which is the going rate, cannot be relied force the closure of 120 branches. It would upon. The member for Moggill says, "No, no, seem that Labor has had a conversion on the the sum that had to be invested would depend road to Damascus. Why has it now decided to upon the return that you were going to get." sell off fully the Government's stake and not So the member for Moggill seeks to justify the retain the 10% to 15% stake that the previous raid on the proceeds of the sale by the former coalition Government intended to retain? coalition Government in terms of, "If you are I will try to come to some understanding getting a better rate of return, you do not have of what is motivating Labor to go down this to invest as much money." By the member for path. I refer to some of the comments that Moggill's own logic, I assume that if one was have been made. The former coalition able to get the odds of 100 to 1 at Doomben Government wanted to keep that shareholding and know that one is on a sure thing, then one so that at least the Government would have a would have to invest relatively little on the nose director on the board so that there would be at Doomben to ensure that one had the some channels of communication to be able revenue stream such as that which has been to try to stave off any sort of takeover. This sell forgone through the sale of Suncorp-Metway. off has left Suncorp exposed. Members should No amount of mealy-mouthed words from not take my word for that; I refer to an article in Opposition members can justify them breaking the Courier-Mail business section on 14 their word with the people of Queensland in September this year titled "Suncorp exposed regard to the investment of the proceeds of to $4b takeover". It states— the sale of Suncorp-Metway. They not only "Suncorp-Metway was likely to face a dudded the people of Queensland but also $4 billion takeover bid from Westpac next they certainly broke the much-vaunted contract year as a result of the Beattie that the former Premier claimed that he had Government's decision to sell down the with the people of Queensland. It was quite state's interest to zero, according to a demonstrable from the hearings of the leading investment house. Estimates committee that the words of the former Government could not be relied upon; ... they could not be trusted. That is very sad. To Macquarie Equities has issued a some degree, I can understand the report on the decision, rating the chance embarrassment of the Opposition members in of a takeover at 75 per cent and singling being confronted with their own falsehoods, out Westpac Banking Corporation as the their own betrayal of the people of most likely predator." Queensland. However, maybe Westpac will not go In relation to the Estimates as a whole, I down that path. The article goes on to state— think that it was quite clear from the "Other potential bidders would questioning during the Estimates committee include the three remaining big banks as that the Budget is recognised as a very well." positive Budget. It is materially different from the Budget that the coalition brought down in So even if Westpac is not interested, there are May. It contained a range of important plenty of other banks that may be. The article employment initiatives, including a jobs plan also goes on to state—and this may explain and a whole range of important social Labor's conversion on the road to Damascus— programs to which the Labor Party committed "Macquarie Equities analysts ... itself in its election campaign, and which it estimate a takeover of Suncorp-Metway delivered in its Budget. would cost Westpac around $4 billion. Time expired. This assumed a share price of $9.30, Mr CONNOR (Nerang—LP) (2.46 p.m.): I which equates to a 30 per cent premium rise to speak in this debate, and to speak above the current 1-for-2 offer adjusted particularly about Suncorp-Metway, which is price of $7.20." most appropriate since the previous speaker The article is saying that this one act will spoke about duds. In relation to this issue, one increase the value of the shares from $7.20 to only has to look closely at his performance and $9.30—a 30% increase. What would motivate his previous comments compared to what he the Labor Party to look for that increase? One says now to be reminded of duds. only has to look at Labor Holdings which, as of 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2631

February this year, had 800,000 shares and, Government and approaching an election not only that, is still buying shares. As I campaign, they refused point-blank to set understand it, as of late February, Labor targets. Therefore, it is a little rich for them to Holdings had purchased an additional 10,000 criticise us when we did set a target. We went exchanging instalment notes—EINs. With to an election campaign saying that we would 800,000 shares, Labor Holdings is likely to do our utmost to reduce unemployment to 5% make a $1.68m profit as a result of a takeover over the next five years. We set a target. bid. That is what is behind this whole process. Mr Seeney: Three years. Why is Labor Holdings buying shares on the one hand when the Government is selling Mr ELDER: No, five in five. They criticise shares on the other hand? The motivation is us, but when they were in Government they quite clear. did not set one target. Even during the lead-up to the election or throughout the previous Mr Hamill: We are not selling shares; we election campaign when they were in are selling instalment notes. Opposition, they did not set one target. It is Mr CONNOR: I know what is being sold: just a little rich that that criticism comes from EINs, which convert to shares. When it is the Opposition. Labor Party money, the Labor Party is buying The second point involved the shares. Why? It wants to make a profit establishment of new industries, which is an because it knows that a takeover bid is equally vacuous criticism. I remind members coming. The Labor Party wants to ensure that that we live in a private sector economy. it makes a profit at the expense of the Unfortunately, I am not the Minister for industry taxpayers; that is the motivation behind this. in China or Romania and I do not have the Members do not need to take our word power that such Ministers have. Queensland for that. One needs to look only at a news has a private sector economy and, as such, release issued by Suncorp-Metway, which we are not involved in the process of states, "The Government legislation which establishing businesses. We support strongly requires the Group's head office and 'nuts and specific initiatives and specific industries, bolts' operations remain in Queensland ... is whether it is the food industry, the energy prohibitive." Suncorp-Metway is in the process industry, multimedia, IT and so on. We actively of trying to get rid of the requirement to have encourage businesses to establish and we its head office in Queensland. Why? Because provide the prerequisites for them to do if Westpac or one of the big four wants to buy business. it, they will want the head office to be where Mr Seeney: So what is the target? their head office is, and that is certainly not in Brisbane. The motivation comes from the fact Mr ELDER: I take the interjection. I do not that a takeover bid is coming, the Labor Party mind taking interjections, although some knows it and Labor Holdings wants to make a opposite have a problem with it. I challenge profit. the member to name one business that the coalition Government established. Time expired. Mr Hamill: Suncorp-Metway. Hon. J. P. ELDER (Capalaba—ALP) (Deputy Premier and Minister for State Mr ELDER: Yes, and they sold it off. The Development and Minister for Trade) coalition did not establish one Government (2.53 p.m.): I spent a few hours at the business. That is the folly—— Estimates committee hearing and what really Mr Davidson interjected. became apparent was the lack of depth in Mr ELDER: No. The Opposition said that Opposition members' questions. The hearing Government had to get in there and establish also showed me the direction from which the businesses. I am not the Minister in China or Opposition was coming. The dissenting report Romania. I do not establish them; I facilitate outlines three main problems that the them. Can the member name one that, as Opposition has with the Department of State industry Minister, he established when in Development: we do not have annual Government? employment targets; we do not have a list of industries that we plan to establish; and we do Mr Schwarten: What about the rhinos? not have a firm list of how much we are going Mr ELDER: He did not get too far with to export and to where we are going to export. rhinos, but I will let that go through to the Raising the issue of employment targets keeper. I do not want to bring up that horny is a bit rich coming from a group of people subject again. who, when in Government, refused point-blank Mr Hamill: I remember a cruise ship to set unemployment targets. Even when in training enterprise. 2632 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998

Mr ELDER: There were also a few private the people of Queensland what he intends to sector ones that did not go too well for him do. He lost the opportunity on day one. when he was the Minister. It is fairly obvious In the past we heard much from the that one does not get involved in the current Premier about sourcing the best establishment of businesses. It is a mixed people in the country who have a talent for economy, a private sector economy. heading departments. Often in this Chamber Government works with new businesses to he has said that if one pays peanuts one will help them to establish; it does not establish get monkeys. But what did they do when they them itself. came to Government? They hired blokes like The third Opposition criticism was that we Ross Rolfe, who does not have any corporate have not set export targets. I went back to see or commercial understanding of the business whether the previous Government had ever world at all, to head the Department of State set export targets. It did not. Do members Development. The Labor Party missed the know why? Because we are an international opportunity to go to the free and open market economy. Exports fluctuate on a daily, weekly and hire the best possible person in Australia and monthly basis. We are a commodity- to head the biggest business department in trading State, so of course we do not set those Australia. You missed the opportunity again targets. We work within the global parameters and again and again. You got three deputy and we work within yearly parameters. That directors-general, and not one of them has shows that the Opposition spokesman may any commercial—— have known a little about running hospitals, The TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN (Mr which I doubt, but he knows very little about Reeves): Order! I remind honourable members international trading or the establishment of of a previous ruling by the Speaker that industry in this State. The criticisms in this members must not use the word "you". They document are vacuous. The Opposition must refer to members by their party. spokesman would have done better if he had not criticised the Government at all, because Mr ELDER: I rise to a point of order. For he showed his complete lack of knowledge clarity and the accuracy of the record, I state and depth in relation to international markets, that I only have two assistant directors-general. the global market and global trading patterns Mr DAVIDSON: And not one of them has or in relation to industry development in this any corporate or commercial experience. The State. The fact of the matter is that those Minister has 25 senior executive officers and criticisms were vacuous. They were just there not one of them comes from the private sector for the former Minister to give himself a little bit or has any real commercial or corporate of practice in taking on the then Leader of the experience. All that the Minister has done is Opposition. make this department into the biggest bureaucracy of all time. For 12 months, TSBI Time expired. and the KPMG consultants worked to structure Mr DAVIDSON (Noosa—LP) ( 2.57 p.m.): a department that would reflect the Before the State election this year, we heard department's core business. We went through much from the Minister for State Development pain and frustration to reduce the number of about the new Department of State executive officers from 11 to three, to give the Development that the Government was going core business of the department a focus and to establish in Queensland. It was going to be to get rid of all the processes and the the "Department of Grunt". I assure the bureaucratic maze. The day that the Minister Chamber that I have yet to hear the Minister walked into this department, he re-established outline a vision for the role of this department. the old DBIRD system. The department has 25 The Minister used the Estimates executive officers, two assistant directors- committee hearings to denigrate the previous general and a director-general who has no Government and to pursue his hatred of commercial or corporate experience in the coalition members. He used every opportunity business sector. possible to try to embarrass the previous The Minister has missed the opportunity. Government. As the Minister for State We know that. The phones are ringing, the Development, why did he not use that crows and the roosters are crowing, and the opportunity to outline his vision for business message is coming loud and clear from all of and industry in Queensland? the officers in his department. They now have to endure frustration because of the structure Mr Seeney: He has not got one. that the Minister has put in place. The Minister Mr DAVIDSON: That is right. He is so missed the opportunity to source the best bereft of ideas that he is at a loss to explain to talent in this State to head that department. 21 Oct 1998 Native Title (Queensland) State Provisions Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2633

Ross Rolfe is not respected in the business First Reading community. A number of people who have Bill and Explanatory Notes presented and spoken to me over the past three months Bill, on motion of Mr Beattie, read a first time. reckon that he is a dud. And he is the head of the "grunt" department! Why did the Minister not go to the open market and source the best Second Reading possible person? Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— I notice that the Minister opened the ALP) (Premier) (3.03 p.m.): I move— Bundaberg business centre. The Minister has "That the Bill be now read a second renamed it the Office of State Development time." and claimed it as an initiative of his Government. We established 16 business This is an historic piece of legislation that centres up and down the State. The Minister could well become a precedent for other knows that. He criticised us when he did that. States. This legislation is the culmination of He criticised us for amalgamating the QSBC three months of intense negotiation with all into the Department of Tourism, Small stakeholders—the only jurisdiction in Australia Business and Industry. However, now the where all the stakeholders have been involved Minister is adopting those business centres as in this process. This Bill provides certainty. It his own and rebadging them as Offices of provides a balanced, practical, workable State Development. He is cashing in on my approach that is fair and drives jobs. But more initiative. The other failure of your Government than any of that, this is an honourable and is your failure to recognise small business principled outcome. In summary, it is a fair and within your portfolio. You have totally failed. sensible solution that will drive jobs. The TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN: Order! Australia as a nation needs to rise above The honourable member will direct his remarks politics and embrace the goodwill towards the through the Chair and will not use the word issue of native title that has been "you", in accordance with the previous ruling of demonstrated by all stakeholders and the Speaker that members will refer to other participants in this Queensland process. This members by their correct title. outcome today has been achieved while honouring Labor policy to maintain the rights Mr DAVIDSON: The Minister has failed to of indigenous people to negotiate about recognise small business. The Small Business resource developments. That is the hub of our Council, which had met 13 times in regional solution—a balanced system. areas of Queensland—an initiative that was applauded by small business in this Every Parliament and every Government State—has not even heard from the Minister. has its important milestones. This is one of He has not even had the decency to contact ours. However, for the previous coalition the Small Business Council. The Minister has Government the first milestone was something not recognised small business in his portfolio. it stumbled and fell over, and every successive He has totally destroyed the structure of small milestone was a repeat of that first stumble and fumble. business in his department. In relation to questions of native title, the Time expired. previous Government had a short-sighted Report adopted. determination to fight indigenous interests Progress reported. every inch of the way, no matter what the issue, no matter what the cost to the mining industry or taxpayers of the State in terms of NATIVE TITLE (QUEENSLAND) STATE jobs or a bottomless pit of lawyers' fees for PROVISIONS AMENDMENT BILL (No. 2) litigation. Far more importantly, it cost us dearly Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— in terms of the trust that ordinary citizens ought ALP) (Premier) (3.02 p.m.), by leave, without to be able to place in their Government to notice: I move— understand their legitimate aspirations, to accommodate them as far as possible, and to "That leave be granted to bring in a balance them fairly with other needs. Bill for an Act to amend the Fossicking Act 1994 and the Mineral Resources Act The most fundamental trust of all lies in a 1989 for native title purposes, and to belief that ordinary citizens and amend the Native Title (Queensland) Act businesspeople ought to feel sure that the 1993." Government is telling them the truth about the great questions of the day, that politicians are Motion agreed to. not trying to frighten the electorate with half- 2634 Native Title (Queensland) State Provisions Amendment Bill (No. 2) 21 Oct 1998 truths and scare tactics. Either deliberately or the House, and I am sure all Queenslanders, through ignorance the coalition sowed seeds are looking for is a decisive lead from of mistrust and division. It wasted opportunities Government in how to accommodate the legal for development and jobs. It bogged the State reality of native title in the conduct of their down in pointless litigation. Ignorance comes everyday business. We have provided at a huge price. Knowledge costs very little but leadership. We have demonstrated leadership can save us immeasurably. in the less than four months that we have If, some time in the future, historians been in Government, and that leadership is come to assess the costs of the coalition reflected in this Bill today. approach, they must wonder at the sheer The Native Title (Queensland) State futility and folly of it. Contrast this, on the one Provisions Act passed in August was the first hand, with the approach of my Government on stage of the Government's strategy for dealing the other. We put a stop to litigation as the with native title issues. This legislation is the only way to resolve these matters. At the micro beginning of the second stage. It will consist of level we have helped individual parties, a coherent package of legislation to deal with including miners, pastoralists and indigenous native title issues with balance and with a groups to negotiate sensible and workable pragmatic view to what is possible. I promised agreements and outcomes in a dignified way, a program of legislation within three months. I and we will continue to do that. On the larger promised this legislation before the end of plane, we have sat down with the pastoralists October. I am delivering on that commitment and the big and small miners, with the fishing and promise today. industry and with indigenous representatives, I believe that, with this legislation, and we will continue to do so. Queensland is about to give the lead to all A defining moment for me came early in other Australian States in how to deal these discussions with stakeholders when one honourably and fairly with native title. We are delegate turned to me and said that this was setting a high standard for others to follow. the first time ever that all the parties had been The native title strategy I announced in July invited to sit in the same room to at least try to alluded to several discrete matters we would thrash out a common approach. What a telling need to deal with, including— reflection on the divisiveness of the coalition. 1: revision of the working procedures of all These discussions have allowed us to gain an Queensland Government departments to understanding of the real big picture issues at accommodate the effects of the hand. Only by understanding the issues can Commonwealth Government's Native Title Governments better deal with them while Act. That has been achieved. knowing where to draw the line in the interests of the whole community. And it is in the 2: development of protocols for interests of the whole community that my indigenous land use agreements. That Government has drafted the legislation that I too has been achieved and will be further am now introducing. refined. It is abundantly clear to anyone who has worked in this area that an My Government's first milestone was the agreement-based approach offers the passage of the Native Title (Queensland) State only viable long-term solution to native Provisions Act that settled once and for all the title. There are many layers and types of question of whether native title was indigenous land use agreements. These extinguished by the granting of certain include regional agreements, agreements tenures. In introducing that legislation, I specific to one property, industry acknowledged the historic difficulty it agreements and mining development represented for the indigenous people of agreements. The Commonwealth Queensland, insofar as it closed one chapter legislation now recognises the force of in the long and tortuous debate about the such agreements, and the Native Title nature of native title. This was balanced by the Services Unit of my department is actively certainty the legislation gave to the owners of facilitating them. I am proud to point to leasehold and other tenures, many of whom, the Western Yalanji agreement that was let it be said, may themselves be indigenous recently signed, bringing to end a long people. and unnecessarily painful series of stand- On that occasion I also spoke of the offs. We played a role in that as a historic opportunity we have to end the division Government. and the suspicion that has characterised this 3: mediation of native title claims. That is debate for too long. The time for blame and being achieved, with some notable recrimination is over. What we on this side of successes in recent weeks where, in 21 Oct 1998 Native Title (Queensland) State Provisions Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2635

contrast, the coalition had tried to deny mining to Queensland. The industry is a major the parties the opportunity to reach employer. It has promoted the development of settlement. My Government's approach large areas of inaccessible and harsh territory. has saved the State literally several It has brought wealth and jobs directly to millions of dollars in legal costs that would individuals and more generally to the have been spent had the Opposition still community through royalties and taxes. occupied this side of the House. This brings me to the second reality about 4: clarify the extent of the mining. The wealth that comes from mining Commonwealth's financial assistance to belongs to the whole community. Mining the State for compensation arising from companies may make their profits, and this native title claims. Although this has been Government hopes the profits are delayed by the recent Federal election, commensurate with the risks miners must take we are working constructively with the to find and exploit the resources and we wish Commonwealth on this matter. them well. Those profits flow to employees, to Finally, and most importantly, to develop shareholders, to the communities in which they a State regime for dealing with native title live and work and to the other businesses that issues in the context of mining activity, depend on them. But let me remind the House which is what this legislation is about that it is the people who ultimately own the today. resources, and it is the Government that grants a licence for their exploitation. It is a Any resolution of the point where native usual condition of granting a licence that the title interests intersect with mining activity has interests of the people who hold title to the to recognise and accommodate five realities. land where the resources are located are First, it has to recognise the simple fact that, recognised and, where relevant, are without sustainable growth and development, recompensed. we all have a limited future. It does not matter Native title exists in many areas of whether we are black or white, or live in Queensland where minerals are found. This is Brisbane or in an isolated community in the the third reality. It is not something to be gulf, that truism remains. It all comes down to frightened of or resisted or denied; it is simply jobs, and the dignity that meaningful work a fact recognised by the High Court and by the brings with it. This is a mantra honourable Howard Government—by the Federal members will hear repeated time and again by Government of this country. Native title holders me and my Government, and it is one which are entitled to some basic expectations: first, has helped to shape the development of this legislation. they may expect to be consulted about the plans of a mining company to explore in areas This legislation deals with the grant of where native title exists; second, this process mining exploration and with mining must give them the opportunity to explain to development approvals. It establishes the mining company where there are sensitive unambiguous and fair processes that will allow specific areas or broader issues arising from mining companies to explore for and exploit the cultural heritage of the indigenous people mineral resources. It integrates the resolution involved. of native title issues squarely with the way in This legislation establishes appropriate which mining applications are processed. This procedures for exploration to happen in a way legislation does not deal with exploration and that is consistent with the requirements of the development of gas and oil or pipeline Commonwealth Native Title Act, with the tenures. On coming to office, the Government practical aspects of mining exploration and took over a review of the legislation regulating with the articulation of native title cultural oil and gas and pipelines development begun heritage. In this context, I have requested my by the previous Government. department and the Department of I recognise that general mining activity Environment and Heritage to expedite a long differs in some important respects from oil and overdue revision of the State's cultural heritage gas, and I have instructed my officers to legislation. This antiquated and conceptually extend the review of that legislation to include flawed legislation simply cannot cope with native title matters. I expect that my Minister contemporary understanding about cultural for Mines and Energy will bring forward new heritage or its management. I expect this legislation as soon as possible, but only after review to be a difficult one, but it will involve appropriate consultation with all stakeholders. I consultation with the stakeholders. Again, as I expect the new legislation will simplify the said, all stakeholders will be given ample granting of petroleum and gas leases. I need opportunity to contribute to the development hardly remind the House of the importance of of relevant and balanced new legislation. 2636 Native Title (Queensland) State Provisions Amendment Bill (No. 2) 21 Oct 1998

This legislation before the House also negotiate. The time scales that provide the establishes procedures for companies to framework for these discussions are develop the resources they may have found deliberately tight, but they give all parties an through exploration. It is only at this stage that adequate chance to put their case. If they the parties involved, including the State, can attempt to employ unfair delaying tactics, they gain a clear understanding of the nature of the run the risk of the procedural clock rolling on resource and the impact of its exploitation both regardless. When they get to the in general terms and specifically on the determination stage, they run the risk of losing interests of the native title holders. It is the altogether. assessment of these interests that presents The fifth reality is that whatever the greatest challenges to all parties involved, Queensland does must be consistent with the but it is impossible to assess an interest Commonwealth Native Title Act, which I will without an adequate chance to articulate it. refer to as the NTA. The NTA imposes This is just plain commonsense. It is the fourth restrictions on what we can do at the State reality. level but also gives us some flexibility to mould It is not sufficient—in fact, it is downright the regime to suit Queensland's negligent—to say that only courts and lawyers circumstances. Before this Commonwealth Bill are able to decide these matters and that, becomes law in Queensland, it must first be therefore, the only viable approach is to approved by the appropriate Commonwealth establish the bare minimum procedural rights Minister and the Senate. While I am confident allowed by the Commonwealth Native Title Act. this Bill has been drafted to meet the Let us be very clear. The difference between Commonwealth criteria, there is a possibility we the Opposition and the Government in relation may be asked to consider technical to this matter is that the process I am outlining amendments at a later time to ensure in this Bill is designed to remove lawyers from compliance. I put Parliament on notice to that making this a minefield for themselves. The effect today. other side of politics is about clogging these Western Australia and the Northern matters in the courts. Territory have already had the experience of A system based on bare minimum the Commonwealth requiring changes to their procedural rights across-the-board leads first attempts at legislation in this field. I do not inexorably to the door of the courthouse, anticipate that being a problem for us. I note it because it only encourages one or both for the record. Indeed, the history of the native parties to raise the stakes. I think that lawyers title debate in Australia leads one to be have done well enough out of native title. This cautious about predicting practically anything may serve the interests of those who prefer that might arise from it. I can give members of the litigation route, such as the Opposition, or Parliament, industry and indigenous who make their living from it, but it does not representatives an assurance that I will be serve the interests of the community who want keeping a very careful eye on the debate as it only to see projects approved and jobs flowing, unfolds to make sure this legislation remains and that is what we want. technically correct and practical. Indeed, the community is completely The legislation I am introducing balances frustrated by the legal fun and games and the the books in many senses of that term. Let me politics of the coalition. My Government does now come to certain aspects of the legislation not wish to see any more players going for in detail. To help those opposite, I can sum up unreasonably high stakes. There is no point in the intent of the legislation by saying that it tacitly encouraging the pursuit of either ambit imposes a minimum but adequate set of claims or the ambit denial of reasonable requirements for dealing with native title during expectations. Legal trench warfare is about as the exploration phase of mining activity. These productive as its namesake on the Western are linked to sections 26A and 43A of the Front in 1917. Commonwealth Native Title Act. My Government's approach emphasises In relation to exploration in particular, we constructive negotiation about all relevant have developed a streamlined but fair process. issues that arise from the mining project and a I recognise that some indigenous interests speedy resolution, including the making of would prefer something more comprehensive, determinations by a Queensland-based but the simplified exploration procedural tribunal, if resolution cannot be achieved by requirements reflect our recognition of the negotiation. need to get the mining industry moving again The procedures established in this Bill after the drought caused by the former allow for both sides to state their case and to coalition Government's fumbling after two and 21 Oct 1998 Native Title (Queensland) State Provisions Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2637 a half years of a freeze which cost this State incorporates it in the Native Title (Queensland) thousands of jobs. Act. In the second, development, phase of In situations where section 43 land exists, mining, there are more comprehensive it is necessary to ensure that section 43B of requirements about the way native title parties the NTA can be taken advantage of so that can be involved in discussions about the the applicant may decide later whether to impact of the mining activity on their native title proceed with exploration on that part of the rights and interests. These reflect an exploration permit or mineral development innovative blend of section 43 and 43A criteria. licence that is situated on unallocated State It also reflects my Government's practical way land. of dealing with these issues. The section 43A provisions for exploration A. Exploration tenures will only include the minimum requirements of section 43A to ensure that the The Bill deals with exploration tenures 1,000 or so exploration permits and mineral including prospecting permits, exploration development licences that are applied for each permits and mineral development licences. year in Queensland can be progressed as There are amendments to the Mineral quickly and as simply as possible. It is Resources Act necessary to take advantage of intended that exploration tenures will be able sections 26A and 43A of the NTA for to be granted in three stages: freehold and exploration tenures. A limited number of exclusive possession tenures in the usual exploration projects will comply with section course, alternative provision areas after 26A of the NTA, because of the requirement complying with the maximum six-month that it be "unlikely to have a significant impact section 43A process, and unallocated State on the particular land or waters concerned" (s. land after complying with the full section 43 26A(3)). Queensland is currently in the process process. The section 43A process for of identifying the types of activities that satisfy exploration will be as follows— those requirements. Notification—2 months—the applicant Amendments to Part 3 (Prospecting must notify in writing: registered native title Permits), Part 5 (Exploration Permits) and Part claimants, registered native title bodies 6 (Mineral Development Licences) of the corporate, and representative bodies. Mineral Resources Act are included to enact Objection—the notice must provide that provisions that comply with section 26A of the registered native title claimants and NTA. This will allow "low impact exploration" to registered native title bodies corporate proceed without triggering the right to may lodge an objection to the granting of negotiate. It is intended that the notice the exploration tenure so far as it affects provision will apply before grant and the registered native title rights and interests. consultation requirement will apply before entry. Consultation—2 months—the applicant must consult the registered native title For those exploration projects that require claimants and registered native title activities that do not satisfy section 26A(3) of bodies corporate who object about ways the NTA, i.e. "high impact" activities, the of minimising the impact of the Commonwealth's right to negotiate provisions exploration tenure on registered native would apply unless Queensland enacts title rights and interests, including about alternative State provisions to take advantage any access to the land or waters or the of section 43A and 43 of the NTA. That is what way in which any thing authorised by the this Bill achieves. Accordingly, this Bill contains Act may be done. amendments to Part 5 (Exploration Permits) The parties may agree to seek mediation and Part 6 (Mineral Development Licences) of (whether private or via the independent the Mineral Resources Act that comply with arbitral body which the Government will section 43A of the NTA. These provisions will also establish) any time during the two- apply to high impact exploration tenures on month period. They may also use the land that satisfies the definition of "alternative conference provisions of the Mineral provision area". This includes pastoral leases Resources Act. and the majority of reserves in the State. Hearing of objections—2 months—if Exploration tenures will be able to exclude objections are not withdrawn they will be unallocated State land (using what has been heard by the tribunal within 2 months. referred to as the "swiss cheese approach") by virtue of section 43B of the NTA. To make this Section 43 clear, a section is included in the Bill which For high impact exploration tenures on repeats section 43B of the NTA and unallocated State land, it will be necessary to 2638 Native Title (Queensland) State Provisions Amendment Bill (No. 2) 21 Oct 1998 comply with the NTA section 43 process that framework understanding between the Small will be contained in Part 7A for mining lease Miners Association and peak indigenous applications on unallocated State land. bodies to allow small mining to proceed. B. Fossicking permits Similarly, representatives of the commercial fishing sector and indigenous representatives Amendments to the Fossicking Act are are working cooperatively to ensure the long- being made to allow fossicking to proceed as a term viability of the industry and dealing with low impact future act. This will be done by native title matters, including training and job specifically excluding the grant of fossicking opportunities for indigenous people. It just permits over land subject to an approved shows what can be achieved if you sit down determination of native title. and listen to what people are saying to you, C. Mining tenures and get agreements about the real issues instead of playing base politics. Mining tenures include mining claims and mining leases. Section 43A Section 26B In this Bill, Queensland is enacting Amendments to Part 4 (Mining Claims) legislation that complies with section 43A of and Part 7 (Mining Leases) of the Mineral the NTA for mining leases and mining claims, Resources Act are included to enact provisions but that provides additional procedural rights that comply with section 26B of the NTA for than the basic section 43A process. We have mining claims and mining leases for alluvial canvassed options for a combined section 43 gold and tin mining. These amendments will and 43A process that sought to meet the enable the grant of mining claims or mining requirements of both provisions, but that leases for gold and tin mining over land where required a slightly lesser standard of native title may exist, without following a right procedural rights on section 43A land. After to negotiate or section 43 or 43A process, consultation with the Commonwealth, providing the following procedures are Queensland now intends to enact separate, followed— but similar, section 43A and 43 processes. The Commonwealth made it clear that it was two months for notification to the necessary for an enhanced section 43A registered native title claimants, native title process to clearly and completely address body corporates and representative body each of the criteria in section 43A. ("interested native title parties"); It is proposed that the section 43A two-month consultation period with the process will, for the most part, be similar to the registered native title claimants about the section 43 process, except as follows. The things set out in section 26B(8) of the right to object will be fully enunciated to ensure NTA; and compliance with section 43A(4)(b). It will allow automatic referral to the tribunal for consultation and mediation about those determination within three months if matters required by section 43A(4)(d), that is, agreement cannot be reached after the the impact of the proposed tenure on two-month consultation period has registered native title rights and interests, expired. including about ways of minimising that Section 26C impact, about access to the land or waters concerned, and the way in which anything Amendments are made to Part 7 of the authorised by the Act may be done. It will also Mineral Resources Act (mining leases) to allow include a mutual obligation for negotiation with approved opal and gem mining areas. At this a view to obtaining the agreement of the point I wish to express my appreciation for the registered native title parties to the granting of efforts of the representatives of the small the tenure. The scope of the negotiations will mining sector and the Indigenous Working be defined by enunciating the criteria that the Group who have worked closely under the tribunal must or may take into account in umbrella of the Native Title Task Force to get determining the matter. We have borrowed the small mining sector back on track. I am concepts from section 39 of the NTA to assist appalled at the stupidity of the previous the tribunal in making its determinations, but in coalition Government's freeze on mining a two-tier fashion which separates those activity in Queensland which almost drove the matters which must be considered from those small mining sector to the wall. This Bill gives relevant matters which may be taken into them a breath of fresh air and a new hope. account. It expressly excludes a determination I am very pleased to announce that my being made about matters relating to the officers are currently preparing a Statewide profits or royalties of the mining venture. 21 Oct 1998 Native Title (Queensland) State Provisions Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2639

Section 43 State for a decade. I have mentioned several Queensland proposes a section 43 times a Queensland tribunal that is to be process that complies with section 43 of the established to make determinations. This body NTA, but that adapts and extends the will be established by legislation which the minimum requirements of that provision to suit House will be asked to consider in the very Queensland—in other words, a Queensland near future. It is possible that the body will be model, a Queensland approach to suit brought into being by amalgamating several Queensland's situations. The main features existing judicial-type functions which allow for (that differ from section 43 itself) are as economies of scale as well as increased follows— specialisation and consistency of decision making. That decision has not yet been made, Notification—three months and it will be the subject of consultation with The applicant mining company notifies the stakeholders and my ministerial (including public notice) up to three colleagues. months before lodging its mining lease Finally, I would like to address some application. There will be an "opt out" remarks to members on the other side of the provision for registered native title House, and especially to the Leader of the claimants who do not object to the grant Opposition. I ask the Leader of the Opposition of the tenure. There will be an overlap to consider this. The Bill represents a new month, after the three-month period, to beginning for the mining industry. It represents allow claims to be registered. This will be a firm and clear foundation for the dignified the first month of the negotiation stage. resolution of native title matters on two Consultation and Negotiation—three levels—one pragmatic and one driven by months principle. From my discussions with people on all sides who conduct successful resolution of The parties may agree on the role that native title issues, this Bill largely reflects what the Government party will play in the process. During the first month (the they now do in the way they approach overlap month) the applicant must consult negotiations. In that sense it is pragmatic the registered native title parties about the legislation. details of the project. This will require the If there are parties who, for reasons of presentation of the same information that their own, choose to follow the path of litigation goes to ordinary title holders. The at all costs, then that is their business. But I registered native title parties must then suspect that they will be a rapidly diminishing detail and document the effect of the species and will not be doing their tenure on registered native title rights and shareholders, or their constituents, any interests. There will be some clear criteria favours. This is not pragmatism. This approach established for how the parties should is designed to get the issue of native title out approach the negotiations and what they of the courts and resolved by negotiation. should negotiate about. The tribunal will There is a tribunal, if agreement cannot be have power to adjourn the hearing for achieved, to resolve it quickly and effectively. three months (maximum) if the applicant The time lines that are set out in this legislation or the Government party have not will ensure it. Let me say again that my approached the negotiations in an honest Government is about jobs. This legislation is attempt to reach agreement. If the about getting the jobs back into the mining registered native title party has not industry and the businesses which depend on approached the negotiations in the same it. It is about getting the jobs back into the spirit, the tribunal can still make its regions where the mining industry is so determination. important to the local economy. If this is pragmatic then I am very happy to lead a Determination pragmatic Government. This will be combined with the hearing Let me talk about principle. On the level under the Mineral Resources Act 1989 to of principle, my Government is committed to ensure that there is only one establishing a regime that is nothing short of recommendation to the Minister for Mines fair and balanced and equitable. In this light, I and Energy about the grant of the lease. draw the attention of the Leader of the The package of measures in this Bill Opposition to the recent Damascus-like represents a streamlined process for dealing experience of the Prime Minister in relation to with mining activity insofar as it intersects with reconciliation between all Australians. If the native title matters. This will be the biggest Prime Minister can establish a Minister for shot in the arm for exploration and jobs in this reconciliation in this country, then surely the 2640 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998

Opposition can adopt a constructive, positive and balance and to drive the creation of new attitude to resolving the issue of native title. If jobs. It is the only solution that has been the Prime Minister can see the error of his arrived at as a result of consultation in ways, so can members opposite. If they do Australia. That is why I urge the Federal not, they will be marooned in a barren and Government and the Senate, the Democrats mean-spirited ideological wasteland, while the and the Independents to ratify this Bill as soon rest of Australia passes them by. as possible. I commend the Bill to the House. Queenslanders and other Australians are sick Debate, on motion of Mr Borbidge, of the politics of native title. They want a model adjourned. that will work, and we have delivered that model to the Parliament today. Australians are watching Queensland at APPROPRIATION (PARLIAMENT) BILL this moment. They are watching to see APPROPRIATION BILL whether Queensland, which has been the Committee (Cognate Debate) arena for all the momentous native title Estimates Committee B decisions and developments, can rise to the occasion and settle this matter fairly without a Report grubby political brawl. That is what they are Resumed from p. 2633. seeking. Members of this Parliament should The TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN (Mr not be sidetracked by anything the Leader of Reeves): Order! The question is— the Opposition might pull out of his back pocket. I suspect the Leader of the Opposition "That the report of Estimates might be tempted to try to reduce this Committee B be adopted." legislation to a bare minimum procedural Mr PURCELL (Bulimba—ALP) scheme. The time for divisive tactics is (3.42 p.m.): I would like to give a few thank finished. This morning in this House we saw yous. I would like to thank my fellow committee the Leader of the Opposition attack this members: the Deputy Chair, Mr Lawrence legislation before he had even seen the detail Springborg, the member for Warwick; Mr Jim of it. The people of Queensland expect better Fouras, the member for Ashgrove; Mr Allan than that, and so do I. I ask members of this Grice, the member for Broadwater; Mr Ted House to keep their attention focused upon Malone, the member for Mirani; and Mr Grant the big issues involved here and not to play Musgrove, the member for Springwood. I petty politics. thank also the staff: Mr Rob McBride, our Let me close by paying tribute to the research director; Miss Alison Wishart, our representatives of the many business and senior research officer; and Miss Sandy indigenous organisations who have Musch, our executive assistant. The participated in the recent discussions. I expect committee covered three portfolios: the to hear from them again when they have had Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and the chance to fully consider all the provisions the Minister for The Arts, Minister for Police of the Bill, with which they were provided earlier and Corrective Services, and the Minister for today, and I welcome their comments. It is Emergency Services. important to understand that, during this As to the portfolio of the Attorney-General process, there was a constructive and positive and Minister for Justice and Minister for The attitude adopted by the pastoralists, the Arts—I point out that that portfolio had a Indigenous Working Group and the $42.5m increase on last year's expenditure, Queensland Mining Council, all of whom which is not quite a 10% increase. As I think represented their interests with dignity, and most people would realise, that increase is they represented their interests well. I also wish absolutely needed in the justice section. to acknowledge the untiring work of the Native Funding for legal aid has been increased by Title Task Force in my department in $5m. $15.8m has been made available for developing this legislation. In particular, I legal aid this year. The appointment of another acknowledge the hard work of Terry Hogan, judge has been badly needed for some time Paul Smith and his team. In fact, some of to catch up on appeal matters. Funding has them worked so hard that, last night, a couple been allocated for a review of the impact of of them did not go to bed; they worked to get the Criminal Code on women and a review of this legislation before the House today. It is freedom of information legislation. important that I acknowledge the contribution Funding has been provided for the that they have made. extension of the Brisbane Biennial Festival of This Bill offers a workable solution. It is a Music into regional Queensland, which is not solution that is available now to offer fairness before time. The Minister should be 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2641 congratulated for that. That festival will much on the straight and narrow. I did not put become the Queensland Biennial Festival of in a dissenting report for Estimates Committee Music. We will bring that to our country cousins B in relation to the portfolio of Justice and as well as people in the city. Funding for the Attorney-General. However, there are a couple Regional Arts Development Fund has been of matters about which I have some concern. increased. They are issues that I raised in the Estimates As to capital works—cultural infrastructure committee with the Attorney-General and has been provided in regional Queensland: Minister for Justice and matters that I would $16m in Townsville, $2.2m in Maryborough, also like to raise in this Assembly today. $0.5m in Ipswich to do up the old town hall, Those matters extend to my concerns $0.1m for the development of the Caloundra over the abolition of the Inquiry Legal Regional Art Gallery, and $50,000 for the Representation Office, the issue of the Redcliffe Cultural Centre. If we do not continue Brisbane Magistrates Court, legislation for the to spend money in those regional centres, our coming year and the requirement—either now arts infrastructure will die on the vine. or in the future—of additional magistrates or Turning to the Police portfolio, it is District Court judges. I acknowledge that there pleasing to see that its budget increased by is an additional Justice of the Court of Appeal, 10.6%. I congratulate the Minister on making which is very important. However, the bulk of funds available in this year's budget for the the trial work—both criminal and civil—is done Morningside Police Station. That will probably in our Magistrates and District Courts. I believe be finished in next year's budget. I thank him we need to forward plan a little more for this very much for that. Funding has been provided area. When I questioned the Attorney-General for the completion of the Palm Beach Police on this, he indicated that although there is Station, Centenary Police Station and the always a demand in that sector, nothing had Gladstone district headquarters and watch- been planned for now or in the future. That house. The Brisbane City Watch-house will concerns me a little. We indicated that we receive a good boost of almost $11.4m, which would like to see an additional District Court is overdue. The Public Works Committee judge placed in Toowoomba. That cannot be considered that project and found that it done if it does not appear in the Budget qualified for that funding. papers. Turning to the Department of Emergency On the matter of the new Brisbane Services, the Queensland Ambulance Service Magistrates Court at Queensland Place, I say and the Queensland Fire and Rescue to members of this Parliament that that is very Authority—that budget for the Department of much overdue. The former coalition Emergency Services has increased by 22.9%. Government had allocated $2m in its Budget That is not before time. Those people are very for planning work and identification work, and important to our communities. that was carried through by the Attorney- General. It is all right for the Attorney-General I will comment on the dissenting report. I to sit opposite and pooh-pooh the matter, but I thought that the Minister handled well the am trying to be constructive and identify some matter in regards to funds that were there and of the issues that are of concern. I know that those that were not there in relation to the getting $114m from the Attorney-General's figure of $118m. I can very well remember a colleague the Treasurer is not an easy issue. Minister in the previous Government who, The same goes with Treasury in general. when there was $1.2 billion in the WorkCover However, we cannot just say, "No, we are not fund, destroyed the WorkCover scheme in this going to get the money. We have the money State—which was the best WorkCover scheme to do the planning, but we are going to have in Australia—on the basis of an auditor's report to worry about the construction at some later that was a guesstimate. I believe that the time." If getting the $114m in funding for it is raising of that issue was not the doing of the the big problem, then let us look at other ways Opposition committee members. I believe it of doing it. As I indicated to the Attorney- was the doing of someone else, because General during the Estimates committee nothing was mentioned at the committee hearing, let us involve the private sector. If we meeting. cannot find the $114m to construct this Time expired. building and the private sector can, we might Mr SPRINGBORG (Warwick—NPA) be able to buy it back or lease it back off them (3.47 p.m.): I thank the other members of the over a period. committee and, in particular, Mr Pat Purcell for The Attorney-General knows as well as I his chairing of the committee. I think he did an do that there is a problem with this building. excellent job. He kept the committee very The accommodation is inadequate. Since the 2642 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998 late 1970s it has been used as the Sheldon, the then Treasurer, say, "Mr Magistrates Court, but it was never purpose Speaker, I am pleased to advise the House built for that use. It is not a very secure place that the prison population has doubled under and it is not a place that is conducive to a our regime." I said, "Congratulations, Joan", good working environment for our magistrates. and she smiled back. She must have thought On the issue of ILRO, previously I have that that was a compliment from the member expressed my concern on the record about the for Ashgrove. In fact, it was a criticism; it was a Government not continuing with the Inquiry piece of sarcasm. I think that it is appalling that Legal Representation Office. During the we want to go down the way of California—the Estimates committee, I pursued the Attorney- richest State in the richest country in the General on this matter. He indicated that he world—which has seven times the per capita believes that that function can be fulfilled in a prison population of Australia. I respect Mr more cost-effective and better way, maybe Springborg, the Opposition Justice through legal aid or through other avenues. spokesman, as a friend. However, I think that We talked about ILRO costing $1m last year, he is on the wrong tram when he starts but that it might not cost that amount this pushing a political agenda such as truth in coming year. However, we did not really sentencing. receive a proper definition of the future costs During the Estimates committee hearing, I for legal aid or whoever doing this work. That was pleased to hear the Minister talk about was my concern. It is all right to say that ILRO restoring the parole board to a truly was costing $1m, but maybe by spending that independent board. I believe that it is very $1m we saved $1.5m or $2m. I was trying to easy—and in this regard to some degree both get cost projections as to how much was going sides are responsible—for good politics to be to be saved by doing things the way in which put before good policy. I think that it is the Attorney-General was going to do them. appalling that we do not agree that prisoners I was pleased to see the additional are to be rehabilitated and that, in that funding for legal aid, which was very important. rehabilitation process, the parole process is It was a matter that the former coalition necessary. Having a person on parole is like Government recognised as well in its May having him or her on a string: if that person Budget. Another important issue was the cuts the string, back to jail he or she goes. It increased money for victims of crime. However, costs $1,000 to $2,000 a year to keep a I believe that we need to continue to pursue person on parole whereas it costs $40,000 to our Commonwealth colleagues with regard to $50,000 a year to keep that person in prison. their liabilities and obligations in areas of the law. I understand that the Minister is going to increase the number of beds available in Time expired. community correctional places, such as St Hon. J. FOURAS (Ashgrove—ALP) Vincent de Paul. I commend the Minister for (3.52 p.m.): I am pleased to take part in the that. There are prisoners who are ready to debate on the report of this Estimates leave prisons and go to halfway houses and committee. I want to refer specifically to who are ready to be assisted in fitting back into Corrective Services. I note in the Budget the community. The recidivism rate of people papers that in a full year, at a cost of $3m, we who have gone through the St Vincent de will have 50 additional correctional officers. Of Paul halfway house that is located in my course, that increase is necessary because of former electorate of South Brisbane is so low the increase in prison numbers. Also, we have that I wonder why we do not provide that an absolutely massive capital works budget of opportunity for a lot more people. Again, I $178m, which is more than double the $80m congratulate the Minister on doing that. allocation in the previous year. I chair a community training program in Irrespective of the fact that that increased my electorate. We took on a pilot project funding will create some 2,000 jobs, I believe involving 20 young people who were mostly that in the interests of the society that we recruited from the John Oxley Youth Centre. serve we must think very seriously about the We put them through a 16-week program. We crime statistics. It is absolutely appalling that, took them to Moreton Island for three days even during the term of the Goss Labor and we made them undergo three types of Government, in Queensland the prison training: commercial cleaning, retailing and population increased by 40% and, during the welding. We also fitted into the program term of the previous Government, it doubled. literacy and numeracy tests and self-esteem I remember listening to the previous courses. Out of 19 people—one person did Budget that was not passed and hearing Joan not finish—15 people have now found work. 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2643

What is the future for these young people Queensland in a very important area of the from juvenile correction centres? They are arts. It is of great concern not only to Brisbane dole-collection centres, and they are very, very but also for the whole of Queensland that the expensive. We must get back to being fair Government does not show a genuine dinkum about preventing crime and attacking commitment to the establishment of this the causes of crime. I think that it is very, very cultural centre by the year 2000. important that we in this Chamber look at how Clearly, Government members have no much crime is costing us—a more than interest in this matter, as is evident by their doubling of capital works spent on constructing claim that they will review the issue. When in prisons. I do not want to see a prison-led Opposition, Labor members had plenty of time economic recovery. I do not want to see a to look at the subject. In fact, at that time they society that treats its prisoners so harshly that were very supportive of it and said that they they have no hope of becoming worthwhile would bring forward additional sums of money citizens again. for it. However, now that they are in The Greeks once said that the test of a Government, they have got cold feet, so much democracy is the extent to which they so that the project has simply been put on the minimise their socially disadvantaged. We backburner and there is every prospect of it should look at how progressive a society we withering on the vine. This is a very important are in terms of the way in which we look after matter to the arts community of this vast State. prisoners. It is easy to go along with the I turn now to the Corporate Administration masses and say that we need to be very Agency. When in Opposition, the current tough on prisoners and inflict upon them all Minister was very critical of the agency. In fact, the vengeance that they deserve. However, in this is another example of a great Labor the end we should ask people for a bit of backflip. In last year's Estimates committee compassion. We should also consider our hip hearings the then shadow Minister was highly pockets. It is appalling that we come into this critical of the establishment of the agency. Chamber and congratulate ourselves on That criticism was so vehement that one could spending so much money on prisons. have assumed that, on coming to Time expired. Government, the Labor Party would have acted very quickly indeed to dismantle the Mr BEANLAND (Indooroopilly—LP) agency. However, it would appear that time (3.57 p.m.): In rising to speak to this Estimates has mellowed that criticism, or perhaps the committee report, I wish to refer to The Arts current Minister has discovered how misguided portfolio. In its May Budget, the coalition his criticism of that very worthwhile initiative provided some $10m for the design costs of was. It appears that the Minister no longer has the Queensland cultural heritage centre and a problem with the role performed by the the gallery of modern art. In its Budget, the Corporate Administration Agency. In fact, the minority Beattie Labor Government has Estimates committee transcripts seem to imply slashed that commitment to just $4m. It did that the agency is proving to be a great this even though it made an election success indeed. One can only assume that commitment to advance an additional $15m the former shadow Minister was engaging in a for the project over and above the $10m political exercise to create a stir and was simply promised by the coalition. In fact, if one looks playing a game of politics and that he now at the election documents of the former Labor considers the establishment of the agency to Opposition in relation to this matter, they state be a very worthwhile initiative. The project will that nevertheless there is scope for some certainly continue and, if it was not a reprioritising of capital spending with $40m worthwhile initiative, the Government has had allocated to the Cultural Centre Stage 6 in ample time to give it the chop. However, that 1999-2000 being advanced in keeping with has not been the case at all. Labor's commitment to accelerate capital spending. In relation to a number of areas raised in the Estimates committee hearings, particularly Instead of an acceleration of spending, Opera Queensland, the Queensland we have seen a rapid deceleration, because Symphony Orchestra and the Queensland funding for the project has dropped back to a Philharmonic Orchestra, the Minister seems to figure of some $4m. So the Labor lack vision and direction. He likes to describe Government has not only not advanced the himself as the self-styled patron of the arts—I additional $15m on top of the former coalition hear that regularly—yet it is quite clear that he Government's commitment of $10m but also is not very self-styled when it comes to the cut back that $10m to $4m. We find yet direction in which those bodies are heading. another broken promise to the people of The comments that the Minister made in the 2644 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998

Estimates committee hearings show that he I was somewhat amazed to hear the has little vision or direction. I certainly hope member for Western Downs criticise the Roma that in the coming years—not just the next 12 watch-house. He attacked the Minister for months—those bodies continue to receive the Police and Corrective Services over the Government support that they are so worthy of delivery in the Budget of a so-called $320,000 receiving. cruel blow to the Roma watch-house. I was It is quite clear that there have been interested to learn through the committee that that watch-house is in fact finished. The watch- some changes in a number of other areas. house, which is in the member's electorate, is The Minister likes to talk about celebrating the sitting there waiting to be opened. For the diversity of the regional areas of our State member to raise issues in the media about a through the Queensland Biennial Festival of cruel blow to his own electorate when all he Music. Of course, the diversity of the regional had to do was walk down the street and see a areas of the State is not an issue, because the brand spanking new watch-house was certainly festival is only going to Brisbane, Mackay and enlightening to me. I was pleased that the Townsville; it is not going to all the regional Minister gave an undertaking to take the centres of the State. member to his own electorate to see the new Time expired. watch-house first-hand. Mr MUSGROVE (Springwood—ALP) Mr Roberts: Maybe he thought it was (4.02 p.m.): In relation to the arts, the member only a sample. for Indooroopilly has been whining and trying Mr MUSGROVE: Maybe, but I to claim credit for initiatives provided for in this understand that the new watch-house is bigger Budget. One thing that was not in the Budget and better than that promised by the coalition presented by the previous Government was Government. An additional $500,000 was the Youth Arts Program. I am very proud that expended and it is a fantastic project for the the Attorney-General has chosen to support people of Roma. I am sure the local member that program. Half a million dollars will be will be delighted when he finds out that it is made available for the Youth Arts Program. there. Mr Schwarten: Instead of wasting money I was also delighted that 2,000 direct jobs on the Connolly/Ryan inquiry. years will result from the $178m Capital Works Program. However, I was disappointed to see Mr MUSGROVE: Indeed. The allocation the correspondence from the member for of $500,000 will be used to provide 30 youth Broadwater which was in the report. He radio traineeships, subsidise rehearsal spaces asserted that the committee agreed and provide affordable entertainment for unanimously that Hansard was wrong. That is young people. In addition, 100 young people certainly not my recollection. My recollection is over three years will benefit from the music that we agreed that the chairperson could mentorship program. raise that matter with the Minister, which, in my I turn firstly to the area of Police and opinion, is distinctly different from agreeing Corrective Services. I was particularly pleased that Hansard was wrong. to see that, for the first time in this State's I turn to the portfolio of Emergency history, Queensland will benefit from the Services. It was great to see in the State protection provided by a total of 7,000 police. Budget that 850,000 Queenslanders will That is a magnificent effort and many benefit from the program to provide free Queenslanders will feel much safer because of ambulance services for pensioners, Seniors it. The member for Broadwater showed some Card holders and their dependents. Of course, encouraging signs of moderation during the the bad news that was outlined by the Estimates committee hearings. I was Honourable Minister, Merri Rose, was the particularly pleased to hear his question about tragic neglect of the trust fund by the former the relationship between the homosexual Minister and the forecast debt of $118m. It is community and the Queensland Police no wonder that we have had to prop up the Service. That was an encouraging and QFRA. The previous Minister was aware of this progressive sign from the member for crisis in May 1997 at the very latest, but he did Broadwater, who has been historically nothing. It is no wonder that the previous somewhat further to the Right. Perhaps with Government's Budget did not go through the the advent of One Nation in this place some Estimates process. Coalition members did not new ideological ground has been found that want to go through the Estimates process, the member for Broadwater can occupy. I because they did not want the Labor congratulate him on that. Opposition to uncover facts such as the 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2645 looming $118m debt and the fact that the decreasing by the day—it will be interesting to Minister was doing absolutely nothing about it. see what sort of funding and projections it will I congratulate the staff of the Estimates be making when it has to stand on its own two committee, who served us very well. I feet and put in place its own strategies and congratulate the chairman on the magnificent priorities. job that he did. He was very impartial and Despite this Government's professed even-handed, in the true spirit of the Estimates commitment to being a Government for all process. Queenslanders, it has not gone unnoticed that Time expired. residents in seats held by coalition parties have been singled out for retribution. During Mr GRICE (Broadwater—NPA) (4.08 p.m.) the Estimates committee hearing, the Minister First of all, I thank the committee members. was forced to concede that of the 12 Police The committee functioned as a group of parliamentarians should function, no doubt led Beat programs not a single one would be by the warm, quiet, dulcet and encouraging located in a coalition-held seat. So much for tones of the chairman, the member for being a Government for all Queenslanders! Of Bulimba! To correct something that was said the 12 additional Police Beat programs, nine by the member for Springwood—nowhere will be located in Labor Party seats and the have I mentioned in this case or any other that other three will be located in seats that One Hansard was wrong. I suggest that, if the Nation narrowly won off Labor only four member consults with the chairman, he will months ago. It is apparent that Ros Kelly's find out what happened. whiteboard has materialised within the office of the Minister for Police and Corrective Services. I take this opportunity to welcome the It is an indictment on this Government that it projections that an extra 809 police and 571 puts its own political needs ahead of the very civilians will be provided by August 1999 as a real crime protection needs of the community direct result of the programs that were put in at large. place by the former Borbidge Government. Equally, I applaud the Budget Estimates which On the issue of representation, I should indicate that there will be an extra 317 police point out that I was disappointed that not a this year, again as a direct result of the policies single member of the newest party in this of the former Borbidge Government. Those Chamber—the One Nation Party—bothered to projections are a direct result of the foresight of partake in the Estimates committee process the former Government, and particularly the for Police and Corrective Services. There are former Police Minister, Russell Cooper. several members in the One Nation Party who have extensive police histories—and I mean This year's additional police have not that in a positive sense—who could have materialised from thin air since the minority contributed enormously to the scrutiny of the Beattie Government scraped together just over Police and Corrective Services budget, but three months ago; rather, these police will be they did not. The leader of the party did delivered this year because they are already in breeze in and sit at the back of the room training. They were put in training through the before leaving, but that was the extent of the Police Academy under a coalition contribution. Government. Nothing the current Minister has done has had anything to do with the extra However, of even greater concern to the police expected on our streets during the year. community was the Minister's use of the Beyond that, it then becomes this Minister's Estimates committee to outline his plans to responsibility. Indeed, these extra police introduce more lenient parole guidelines. It recruits have not only been the result of the was ironic that he chose to make such an coalition's commitment to increasing police announcement on the same day that he numbers; the bulk of these recruits will be criticised the cost of recapturing prison processed through an entirely new police escapee Brendon Abbott. It seems to have academy designed, funded and built by the escaped the Minister's notice that the former Government—a police academy that community does not want one cent spared members of the current Government were so when it comes to the recapture of such evil vehemently opposed to. people. However, the Minister's feigned Insofar as police strength and funding is concern about the cost of prison escapees concerned, this year's Budget papers basically was exposed when he was asked for a regurgitated the achievements of the former breakdown of the cost of prison escapes in the Borbidge Government. Should this period between 1989 and 1996. Government get an opportunity to deliver a The one procedural matter to which I took further Budget—and the likelihood of that is exception, and in respect of which I took the 2646 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998 option of making a comment at the end of the projects. Let me just mention Townsville in statement, concerned a question that was put particular. We have allocated over $16.3m for in the right spirit to the Minister. It was not a the completion of the Townsville Museum of trick question. It was a question that the Tropical Queensland. Importantly, that means committee unanimously agreed that the jobs and it means jobs in Townsville. Minister should have taken, and this was We have inherited problems. The discussed by the all-party committee. The honourable member for Indooroopilly does not decision of the Minister not to take that want to talk about the empire building and the question runs counter to the interests of open $7.5m that was designated as a recoverable and accountable government. loan by the previous Government, which has Time expired. left a very significant financial problem to be Hon. M. J. FOLEY (Yeronga—ALP) dealt with by the current Government in (Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and addressing that issue. Minister for The Arts) (4.13 p.m.): This Budget Mr Beanland interjected. delivers upon the election promises of Labor Mr FOLEY: It is significant also that the and boosts jobs in the areas of Justice and the honourable member for Indooroopilly, who so Arts. We promised to boost Legal Aid by $5m loudly complains—— per annum and we have delivered on that promise, with $2.5m in this current financial Mr BEANLAND: I rise to a point of order. year and $5m in each subsequent year. We If the Minister wants me to participate, I am promised to boost assistance to victims of only too pleased to do so. crime by an extra $1m, and we have delivered The TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN (Mr on that promise in this Budget. We promised Reeves): Order! There is no point of order. to find the funds to review the impact of the Mr FOLEY: This is the very man who Criminal Code on women, and we found those promised to build the Brisbane Magistrates funds. We promised to boost regional arts, Court at Queensland Place. There was only and we found the money to boost regional arts one thing missing—$114m! $2m was provided through the Regional Arts Development Fund, for. It is a $116m project. It was not in the from $1.5m up to $2m—fully a one third previous Government's Budget. It was not increase. We promised to revive the biennial provided for in its Forward Estimates. It is such that was scrapped shamefully by the previous an embarrassment that the current shadow coalition Government, and we delivered on Attorney-General, the member for Warwick, that promise, with $2m. And we did not just has to be reduced to the indignity of having to confine it to Brisbane; we have extended it to say, "Let's go and find funds from the private Mackay and also Townsville, which is delivering sector", because he has been left with the some of the benefits into regional shocking embarrassment that the former Queensland. Attorney-General announced that without We promised to do the right thing by having funds provided for in the Budget. That young people in the arts in respect of is why it is so important that proper planning delivering jobs—for example, in radio has been put in place to deliver in the area of traineeships and in music mentorships. I justice and the arts. It is important for the jobs mention in passing the great success of of Queensland. It is important for the strength and at the ARIA of our justice system and it is important for Awards. They are really helping to put cultural life and creativity. The shadow Minister Queensland music on the map. We are for The Arts blithely overlooks the boost of over helping, too, through the half a million dollars $47m in consolidated funding for the arts. This in this Budget and the million dollars in represents a serious commitment from this subsequent Budgets dealing with youth arts. Labor Government—a serious commitment to We found the funds to appoint another judge jobs and a serious commitment to regional to the Court of Appeal and in so doing to Queensland. boost the Director of Public Prosecutions by a Time expired. further $400,000, with a further $300,000 to Legal Aid. Mrs GAMIN (Burleigh—NPA) (4.18 p.m.): In joining this debate on the report of We have set in place a public art agency Estimates Committee B, I wish to speak about to work out the mechanics of applying our justices of the peace in Queensland. I note policy of 2% for public art, which will generate from Hansard the Minister's comment that the jobs for art workers across the length and future role of justices of the peace is currently breadth of this State. Against that background, under review by the Queensland Law Reform we have invested heavily in capital works Commission. I know that a discussion paper 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2647 has been released, and we look forward to the their due, they settled down and did it properly commission's finalisation of that review. I note and then they passed. also that training is being beefed up for the As members of Parliament, we offer a justice of the peace (Magistrates Court) lending service of appropriate manuals qualification, particularly for island and remote through our electorate offices. Some justices in communities, such as Thursday Island and my electorate have expressed interest in Kowanyama. justice of the peace (Magistrates Court). I The ancient and honourable office of understand that Islander and Aboriginal justice of the peace, JP, dates back to the communities and rural and remote 14th century when local peace officers courthouses are being dealt with first and, assisted travelling judges who dispensed the when this training is under control, then other King's justice. As the King's representatives justices will be chosen to train for JP they often achieved great power, especially (Magistrates Court). during the 15th and 16th centuries. Justices of The training courses offered through the peace perform a variety of voluntary duties TAFE colleges and the training and working in the United Kingdom and in the United manuals are truly excellent. Dr Keith Tronc has States, but they do not necessarily have any done great work in terms of training manuals professional or legal qualifications. In France and in-service courses for commissioners and and Italy, justices of the peace are paid justices. A variety of publications is on offer at professionals and members of the career nominal cost, as well as badges of office, wall judiciary. plaques, letterbox signs, window stickers and In Queensland and in Australia, voluntary other articles. Like all members, I process or unpaid justices of the peace are an integral many applications for commissioner for part of the justice system. Prior to legislative declarations and for justice of the peace changes in 1991, appointments as justices of (Qualified). In my electorate office, the services the peace were inclined to be more of a of a justice of the peace are in great demand recognition of worthy citizens. Training may by the general public because my electorate have been available and recommended but secretary is, of course, a justice of the peace. was not required, and ultimately a very large It is a very necessary qualification for an body of justices was built up—tens of electorate secretary. thousands in Queensland—and some were I encourage banks and other commercial more active and effective than others. So the institutions to put forward their employees for new legislation was welcomed and it is consideration, yet banks, real estate agents effective. and a host of other enterprises constantly As members of Parliament, we are all send their clients to my office for JP services. familiar with the process of applications and My secretary would process 10 to 15 requests appointments for commissioners for every day. When my secretary first went on declarations and justices of the peace leave after I came into Parliament some years (Qualified). A thorough study of the ago, it was a nightmare from the very first appropriate manual is absolutely vital and, of morning as I turned away or redirected many, course, reference material can be taken into many requests for JP services. As a result, I the examination room by applicants for justices had to organise the nomination of my regular of the peace (Qualified) as it is an open-book relief staff as commissioner for declarations to exam, but all applicants are strongly cope with the volume of requests. encouraged to participate in one of the It is pleasing to note that people wanting excellent training courses on offer through to access the whereabouts of commissioners TAFE colleges. for declarations or justices of the peace will soon be able to find this information on the There is absolutely no excuse for failing Internet and that, as from next year, names the examinations or failing to correctly answer and addresses will be included in the Yellow the four questions on the commissioner for Pages. In conclusion, this ancient and declarations form. When the new legislation honourable office is performed by a wide came in at the end of 1991, two or three older variety of persons from all walks of life who are justices in my area were quite put out about it dedicated to their communities and they do it all. They thought they knew it all. They did not on a totally voluntary basis. want to be part of any new systems, but they sat for the examination to upgrade to JP Time expired. (Qualified) without the new manual and without Hon. T. A. BARTON (Waterford—ALP) updating their antiquated knowledge, and they (Minister for Police and Corrective Services) were very cross when they failed. To give them (4.23 p.m.): I would like to join with other 2648 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998 members in thanking the committee for its relation to a question that he tried to put on report and for the very good work that it did, notice in breach of the Sessional Orders for particularly the splendid job performed by the the Budget Estimates. He did not give me the chairman, an old union colleague of mine with opportunity to answer the question on the day. whom I have worked over many, many years. It was, in fact, when the fine chairman was This is a good Budget—a Budget which I am summing up that the member for Broadwater proud to have debated in this House, a tried to place an additional question on notice. Budget which delivers on Labor's commitment When he indicated that he had a to the people of Queensland, particularly in the question—he was waving it around—I thought areas of Police and Corrective Services. I am it was one that I had already accepted earlier very pleased at the unanimous in the proceedings on another matter; I endorsement—there was no amendment or thought that it had been written out. I think it is dissent—of the report by Estimates Committee absolutely atrocious that he should try to imply B as it relates to the Police and Corrective that I was required to answer a question in Services issue. I think that says something breach of the Sessional Orders. It was very about the quality of this Budget. clear from the Hansard, as his attempts to The highlights from my perspective place that question on notice were not include the fact that the Police budget has a recorded. However, my comments certainly 10.6% increase over last year's budget and were recorded when I made the point that the that it is over $8m higher than the budget that proceedings had run so smoothly that only was introduced in only May this year. It is not one question on notice had to be taken. That the same budget, as the member for is well and truly recorded. Broadwater tried to imply; it is a much better It is also upsetting that the member for budget. It is a total budget of $706m, Broadwater should imply that he had the providing $42.135m in capital works and an unanimous support of the entire committee to additional 317 police officers, which will help write that reservation statement. Not even his reach the target of 7,132 police officers in this own colleagues were prepared to sign his State by the end of this financial year. It puts reservation statement. That is how much in place our community policing initiatives by support he had—absolutely none—and I think providing for 12 Police Beats and six he should be shown up for what he is: an shopfronts this year in addition to those absolute charlatan when it comes to making already in place. outrageous statements of that nature. Quite In relation to prisons, I am very pleased frankly, I was totally within my rights because I that we have been able to put $3m extra into am not required to answer a question that has recurrent funding, with $1.5m this year to not been put on notice. provide 50 extra prison officers over and above I think I also need to point out the fraud the normal growth areas. That is because we that he has perpetrated by saying that the know that the coalition cut prison officer entire Police budget and extra police were a numbers too greatly. The budget provides result of the coalition's Police budget. In the $1m for basic equipment for prison officers two years that it was in office, the coalition that they badly need which the coalition would supplied 160 police one year and 268 the not provide them with while it wasted money next; we will be providing 317 this year. That on useless vehicles such as the Hummers. puts it in the proper context. In relation to The State Budget has allocated a total prisons Police Beats, yes, three are provided in One budget of $437m, providing $178m in capital Nation electorates and there are none in works, which will generate—and this is most coalition electorates. That is not an indication important—more than 2,000 job years this that we are not looking after coalition financial year in prisons alone and provide for electorates. One only has to look at the 1,093 additional cells. massive amounts of money being spent in I should make one point. I noted in the western areas such as Roma on the watch- transcript of proceedings that I was quoted as house and many of the police stations to see saying that prisoners were paid $5 a week that that is not true. when they worked. I do not know whether I Time expired. slipped up and misread it or whether Mr HEGARTY (Redlands—NPA) somebody else did, but I should correct that (4.28 p.m.): I was not a member of the and indicate that it is in fact $5 per day. Estimates committee, but when reading the The member for Broadwater made great report from Estimates Committee B on the play about my failure to answer a question and Department of Emergency Services, the he wrote a reservation statement. That was in Queensland Ambulance Service and the 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2649

Queensland Fire and Rescue Authority, I was appropriateness of funding allocated to the pleased to see that an improvement in funding Queensland Fire and Rescue Authority. and resources that were established under the Despite the Minister's accusation that the previous coalition Government was continuing. QFRA fund was in financial trouble and facing Some of the new initiatives, such as the debt, she did admit, after probing by the pensioner and Seniors Card holders' free former Minister and member for Southport, ambulance service, will be welcomed by many that the fund's balance as it appeared in the Queenslanders, especially those on limited Budget papers bearing her own signature was incomes. However, there is the question of in surplus by over $18m. That surplus figure what will be the impact of the cost of that in should speak for itself and should put to rest later years, particularly on the budget of the any claims by the Minister that the fund is Department of Emergency Services. It is facing debt. hoped that when the full cost is determined It is regrettable that a Minister chooses to after the scheme is implemented next year use the Estimates process, a process that is there will be no resulting cutbacks in services supposedly designed to allow for transparency or equipment to fund the shortfall in revenue. and accountability, to refuse access by the The commitment to carry on projects committee to legitimate information needed to initiated in previous coalition Government perform its task. Emergency Services is Budgets is also welcomed, particularly in undoubtedly one of the most important capital works. I mention projects in my Government functions for communities across electorate, such as the new ambulance station Queensland. We must properly fund the at Redland Bay—$450,000 was allocated in service to meet the growing needs of all the previous Budget and I am pleased to say Queenslanders. that work is due to start soon—and the Earlier this week the Minister released combined fire and ambulance station on meteorological reports that warn that Macleay Island, which will be welcomed by the Queensland could be facing one of its worst stalwarts who man the Rural Fire Service and and most vicious summers in decades. The the ambulance services on that island, as well Minister warned particularly of a severe cyclone as the other islands in my electorate. season which is expected to have a great Unfortunately, Opposition committee impact in the State's north and far north. members were forced to submit a dissenting Despite her own warnings of violent summer report over the Minister's refusal to weather patterns, the Minister decided to slash provide copies of the so-called the Emergency Services budget by nearly 2%, PricewaterhouseCoopers report into the or just over half a million dollars. This is alleged mismanagement of the Queensland unfortunate in the extreme, as the Minister has Fire and Rescue Authority. The Minister made chosen to slash the budget allocation to the the claim that this report showed the fund State Emergency Service, which plays the would be facing a deficit of $118m in six years' most vital of roles at times of severe storms, time. It is only reasonable, therefore, that the floods and fires. Estimates committee members should have The Budget papers produced by the been furnished with a copy of this report so Minister show clearly that the budget funding they could properly analyse the alleged for volunteer SES vehicles will be cut, as will findings and determine if the budget the level of subsidies provided for SES allocations to the Queensland Fire and Rescue buildings. I think it is ironic that the Minister Authority over the next 12 months and beyond announced these cuts at a time when there were appropriate. This was despite the Minister are projections of severe weather patterns. It admitting that the report had been fully funded would be amusing if it were not so serious. I by the QFRA's own budget and was not an think the Minister should pay particular expense incurred by the Minister's office. attention to those shortcomings in the budget If there were an element of truth in the in order to provide Queenslanders with the Minister's accusations that the fund was facing level of services they deserve. financial trouble, then the Minister would have Time expired. tabled the report and provided the Estimates Hon. M. ROSE (Currumbin—ALP) committee with the facts, but she failed to do (Minister for Emergency Services) (4.34 p.m.): I so. When she was asked during the Estimates am delighted to be able to participate in the committee hearing to furnish members with a debate on the report of Estimates Committee copy of the report, she again refused. B. I was pleased to have the opportunity to be These actions of the Minister made it part of the Estimates committee process and I impossible to properly analyse the congratulate the chairman and committee 2650 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998 members on the way they conducted the saying that the former Minister did absolutely process. I also acknowledge the hard work of nothing about it. I ask that she retract that so many officers in the Department of statement. Emergency Services. Mrs ROSE: I withdraw. Everybody has The report of Estimates Committee B is been saying that I will not release the report. It actually a very good one. It talks about the is at my discretion to release that report when I free ambulance service for pensioners from believe it is appropriate to do so. The previous 1 January, enhanced funding for the Rural Fire Minister commissioned the Masters report, and Service, new vehicles for rural fire services, the what did it say? The Masters report also new hot fire training facility for the QFRA, an indicated the parlous future of the QFRA fund. extensive capital works program and a record The PricewaterhouseCoopers report has budget for the Department of Emergency stated that the QFRA fund is spiralling Services. downwards towards insolvency—unless we do Then we turn the page and what do we something about it. I will do something about find? We find a dissenting report signed by the it. I am presently working with the Premier and shadow Attorney-General and Minister for the Treasurer to come up with a rescue Justice, who, I must admit, was present for the package for the QFRA fund, to ensure the entirety of the committee hearings; the future financial security of the QFRA fund and shadow Minister for Police and Corrective the future financial security of the Queensland Services, who did not ask one question but Fire and Rescue Authority. The took off after about half an hour; and the PricewaterhouseCoopers report is a sad shadow Minister for Emergency Services, who indictment on the previous Minister. It is a sad I acknowledge is away this week. They must indictment on the previous Government. have delegated the task to the member for Time expired. Redlands, who knew absolutely nothing about Hon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) the hearings of Estimates Committee B into (4.39 p.m.): I want to take part in this debate the Department of Emergency Services. He just to put some truth on the record. I have obviously has not read Hansard. listened to the Minister for Police, the member When I first saw this report I thought, for Waterford. Over the few months since he "What possible motivation could those three has taken on that portfolio, all I have heard members have had for signing this dissenting from him have been mainly barefaced report?" The only conclusion I can come to is untruths. He has been putting a false twist on that they are trying to provoke me into again things, and that is a silly thing to do. When revealing in this Chamber the incompetence of there have been massive increases in the former Minister for Emergency Services budgets, he may as well recognise that and and member for Southport. They just want to welcome them. hear me keep talking about the shocking state During the past three years there have of the QFRA fund when we took Government. been massive increases in the Police budget I have never said that the fund was in the and in the prison system. In our final year, the red for this financial year. I have continually increase in the prison system budget was talked about the financial future of the QFRA about 45% and the infrastructure increased by fund. As I said at the Estimates committee 113%. Those were massive increases. The hearing, I really do not think the previous Police budget averaged a 9% increase over Minister had any idea. Actually, I do not think three years, which was well and truly above the he was able to even comprehend what budget level of CPI increases. We also saw massive figures were all about. All he could see was improvements in police numbers from an all- that there was enough money in the budget time low. In the last three years of the Goss for the current financial year. He had Government, police numbers increased by absolutely no idea about the next year or any about 29. of the out years. He had absolutely no idea. Mr Schwarten: You say that all the time. Either he could not comprehend what was Mr COOPER: It is true. These figures are happening with the QFRA fund or he was from QPS statistics. The Minister is working on aware of it and he sat on his hands and did them now, we worked on them in the past, so absolutely nothing about it. He commissioned he may as well admit that. We must increase the Masters report. Those opposite talk about police numbers over the next 10 years. We me not releasing the PricewaterhouseCoopers had a figure of 2,780, but members opposite report. had a figure of 1,360. Admittedly, the Mr JOHNSON: I rise to a point of order. Government has now targeted that figure of The Minister is misleading the Committee by 2,780. 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2651

When we first started to increase police When we left office last time, members numbers, it took time to do the catch-up work opposite let the prison system down and it and to get recruits into the academies. We went into disarray. I can see exactly the same also started a new academy at Townsville, sort of thing happening again. One can tell lies which the then Opposition opposed totally and only for a short period before one gets caught said they would abolish. I notice that they are out. And eventually, the Minister will be found keeping it going. And why would they not? out, too. Unfortunately, the corrective services There is a real need for more police on the system will suffer enormously. I can see it streets, so we established that new academy coming—the same old rhetoric and the same in Townsville and filled the Oxley academy with old falsehoods. Unfortunately, the police and new recruits. With the Police Powers and the prison system will find it very hard to Responsibilities Bill, the Bingham review and continue. all of those sorts of things, the Police Service Time expired. never had it so good during our three years in Government. We will keep an eye on that. We Report adopted. will continue to use Queensland police statistics to demonstrate the truth. If the Estimates Committee C Minister for Police was big enough, he would welcome those massive increases in police Report numbers. He really does not have the best The TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN (Ms interests of the Police Service at heart, and he Nelson-Carr): Order! The question is— is quite happy and prepared to continue telling "That the report of Estimates total untruths. Committee C be adopted." I turn now to crime prevention Mr FENLON (Greenslopes—ALP) partnerships, which we funded in eight regions (4.44 p.m.): It is a great pleasure to rise in this across the State. Those partnerships need debate. Firstly, I thank the members of the nurturing and cultivating to make sure that we committee which I chaired. In particular, I get them right. Crime prevention is the go; thank the member for Gregory, who was the there is no question about that. We introduced deputy chair, and the other members of the those innovations and had plans for crime committee: the members for Mount prevention partnerships in 25 other locations. Ommaney, Gladstone, Mooloolah and However, I notice that those plans have been Mansfield. I also acknowledge the wonderful discontinued. That is tragic, especially for crime and very professional contribution of the prevention. committee staff: Rob Hansen, research As to school-based constables, I can only director; Barbara Petrie-Repar, research officer; pick the eyes out of some of the best and Linda Philip, executive assistant. They programs. We started off with five school- certainly were of great assistance to the based officers and increased that number to committee. I also thank the members of the seven in a total of 22 schools. We funded that committee in general in terms of their program over the next three years at a cost of collegiate approach to the task and their sense $1.4m, covering a total of 40 police officers of working cooperatively to produce a sound servicing about 80 schools across the State. report. Again, those numbers have not increased to The first portfolios dealt with by the anything like what we had intended, and that committee were those of the Minister for Public is a tragedy. Those school-based constables Works and Minister for Housing. The coverage work extremely well and are very well accepted of the committee's work was quite extensive in the community. That is what it is all about. and comprehensive. There are a few matters As to the prison budget, our Cabinet that I would like to touch upon in relation to made the decision to build three new 200-cell these particular portfolios. For some years, the prisons in Roma, Inglewood, Maryborough or overall tendency within the departments has Yarraman—one site was to be dropped. Of been towards privatisation, commercialisation course, all sites have been dropped, so and various other forms of rationalisation of nothing will happen in those areas. We also services. The Department of Public Works and said that we would increase prison officer the Department of Housing have been shaken numbers. We had already recruited 630 staff up very substantially, and perhaps in an over- in two years. Another 640 were expected to be enthusiastic manner, by previous funded over the next three years. However, Governments in that the employees have this Minister has said that we will get an extra been very alienated from the departments and 50. The spin that has been put on this augurs there has been some suffering in terms of very badly for the future of the prison system. service delivery out in the field. I am very 2652 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998 pleased that the general tenor that is being very remiss of me if I did not recognise that the displayed by the current Minister is one of Public Works and Housing Department was obtaining a greater sense of balance in this also a party to Estimates Committee C. I thank respect. Indeed, we do have to proceed the Minister for Public Works and the Minister towards greater efficiency in these for Housing, Rob Schwarten, for his recognition departments. As members would know, the of the need for improving isolated and remote entire world has been pushing us towards housing. He reflects that a Minister who has these ends, but we must retain some balance. lived and worked in isolated and remote areas This Minister has shown a clear vision and a of Queensland is better able to know and wish to adhere to some social principles in understand the needs of people in those terms of service delivery and in terms of areas. I thank him for his contribution. maintaining an efficient service. The main sector that I will discuss is the These portfolios are also extremely Transport and Main Roads portfolio, for which important in terms of this Government's overall the budget is $1.158m. I will not elaborate too job creation program, the scale of its budget much except to say that that Budget allocation and its sensitivity to the building industry and is virtually a carbon copy of the allocation in other industries that are a very substantial the coalition's Budget that was brought down foundation for job creation in Queensland. I in May. It is great to see that this Government am very pleased that the Budget indicated has endorsed the policies of the coalition in that there are substantial increases: a $46.6m carrying out those programs. In his increase, or 18.5%, in Public Works; and an contribution, the Chairman of Estimates $11.9m increase in Housing, or 5.5%. Committee C mentioned the $750m There are other major challenges in these motorway. Approximately 3,000 jobs are being portfolios, particularly Housing, in terms of created through that project. Those jobs providing safe and modern premises that are extend from Hervey Bay in the north to Coffs regularly maintained for residents and dealing Harbour in the south where materials have with issues such as the private management been produced for that motorway project. In of those facilities. In my electorate, the issue of this case the benefits flow to Queensland and private management has generally been given New South Wales. That is a fantastic project. I the comprehensive thumbs down by the hope that the new Government has the vision recipients of services in that sphere. to carry on the capital works programs that I put in place as Minister. The other portfolios of Transport and Main Roads were comprehensively covered. I know When considering the Pacific Motorway, that the Minister has a very strong we should consider the Transport budget of commitment, which has been manifested in $1.217 billion for the Pacific Motorway. That is this budget, to rural and regional roads. a significant contribution. As members we talk Indeed, he has a great empathy for that sector about the importance of the South East in his electorate. The Pacific Motorway will Transit Project and the importance of its provide great challenges in this portfolio. interfacing with the Pacific Motorway. I could Indeed, it has a significant impact on my discuss numerous other matters, but time electorate. I look forward to working with the does not allow. I support totally the programs Minister in that particular portfolio. I also that have been maintained. welcome the Minister's undertakings, which he The member for Greenslopes touched on has given to me personally, in terms of the regional and rural roads. It is great to see that need for residents in those adjacent suburbs in the Government is considering those roads my electorate to maintain access to the South and that an extra $48.79m has been provided East Freeway. Overall, this Budget provides for them. The people of rural and regional infrastructure. Queensland certainly applaud that. Time expired. I turn now to the tilt train. I touched on this Mr JOHNSON (Gregory—NPA) matter during the Estimates committee (4.49 p.m.): In rising to speak to the debate on hearings. I asked the Minister about the the report of Estimates Committee C, I tendering process, which has been bypassed. endorse and second the applause that the That concerned the Opposition members of chairman of the committee, the member for Estimates Committee C. That is a project of Greenslopes, bestowed on the committee. I some $122m. I believe that it is only proper thank Rob Hansen, Barbara Petrie-Repar and that not only Walkers of Maryborough but also Linda Phillips. I thank also the other members other companies be able to tender for a of Estimates Committee C. In speaking to the contract of that magnitude. If the coalition in report of Estimates Committee C it would be Government bypassed the tendering 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2653 processing, we would be criticised severely. building trades to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Nobody tries to cut back on jobs. We are Islander communities. I was very pleased to certainly not trying to cut back on jobs at learn that the Minister for Public Works and Walkers; however, the process has to be Minister for Housing, Robert Schwarten, has handled professionally, properly and in a fair- thrown his support behind a scheme at minded, commercial manner. That has not Woorabinda that will initially see nine taken place here. I will be having more to say Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people about that as the project progresses. The offered apprenticeships in trades, such as people of Queensland should know that that carpentry, bricklaying and painting. They will be project will not cost $122m. I have evidence involved in the $4m Woorabinda hospital from Queensland Rail that shows that it will project and in work on other community cost in excess of $1 billion. I do not think that buildings as well as housing. that can be denied. The cost of the upgrade of Today I would like to appeal for support the northern track from Rockhampton through right across the political and bureaucratic to Cairns and other associated infrastructure spectrum for that pioneering project, which is improvements along it will come in well over intended to later be spread to other Aboriginal $122m. and Torres Strait Islander communities to I applaud the Government on the create additional training and employment Integrated Regional Transport Plan for the rest opportunities. To succeed, such projects will of Queensland. The IRTP for the south-east is need the support of many Queensland working well. It is a living, working document. It Government departments and agencies as is a flexible document that can change from well as those of the Federal Government. I am year to year. A plan exists for the rest of happy to acknowledge that the members of Queensland. That is fantastic because it gives the previous State Government supported us as legislators an opportunity to put in place similar projects in ATSI communities, although proper management procedures for planning not of the scale that is now planned. I appeal for roads, rail infrastructure, water pipelines, to them to continue bipartisan support for that power lines, etc., without cost to communities vital work. in years to come through the loss of personal If the project is to succeed to the ideal assets because of poor planning in the years point at which those communities become self- before. sufficient in the development and Time expired. maintenance of their own infrastructure, long- term strategies are required. Long-term plans Mrs ATTWOOD (Mount Ommaney—ALP) and thinking are needed to cater for our skills (4.54 p.m.): Estimates Committee C was my needs in the future. Our education system is a first involvement with an Estimates committee basis and starting point for careers. People hearing. It impressed upon me the absolute must be prepared through the education accountability in Government within the system for entry into apprenticeships. They Budget process and the Public Service. It must be employed for long enough terms to serves its purpose in relation to opening up the fully qualify. What is the point of providing process to scrutiny. Members will be aware training if there are no opportunities to practise that this Government's chief priority is the one's skills? If morale is to be maintained and creation of jobs, with a target of 5% the unemployment cycle is to be broken, there unemployment by 2003. It is not impossible. must be job prospects at the end of the Along with that pledge goes a determination to training period. I believe that that program has increase job security and to strongly increase the potential to develop role models in ATSI traineeships and apprenticeships, particularly communities and to give members of the for young people, the long-term unemployed communities a greater sense of ownership of and the disadvantaged. Those young people their own buildings to which they have much and long-term unemployed deserve and need contributed. I commend the program and some hope. appeal for it to be given the widest possible The Department of Public Works and the support. Department of Housing will be driving Youth unemployment is a major issue in significant elements of that program. Today I my electorate of Mount Ommaney. We need will take this opportunity to focus briefly on a to change the job culture, and then the number of elements of those employment- attitudes of our young people will change. By creating activities that are planned or under providing opportunities for their future, we are way. During the Estimates committee changing the culture and the choices available hearings, I sought information on the efforts for our children. I was pleased to learn during QÐBuild was making to extend training in the the Estimates committee hearings of the 2654 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998 substantial increases in apprenticeships that within the organisation. They still have to will arise from the Beattie Government's $4.8 operate within the total budget. billion Capital Works Program. That will serve The committee was also advised that the to satisfy some of our skill shortages in years budget criteria for the deamalgamation costs to come. I was also encouraged to discover was that the total corporate costs would that the Department of Public Works takes remain exactly the same and that the director- active steps to encourage women and general and assistant director-general disabled people to apply for employment and positions were created in Housing but funded training opportunities. Both those groups are from savings elsewhere. The prime still disadvantaged as we move into the next consideration was that the corporate budget millennium, but this Government is continuing would still remain the same. I look forward with to address that issue of equity. The interest to ascertaining next year that the department is involved in the National Minister's intentions in this regard are fulfilled. Association of Women in Construction and also participates in a program called On a number of occasions in this Tradeswomen on the Move. Job opportunities Chamber I have spoken about unemployment in the trades sector for men only will become a and its associated issues. I can only applaud thing of the past. I take this opportunity to let any genuine efforts by any Government to women know that I will continue to encourage create new jobs, particularly if those efforts this Government to maintain its commitment to prove to be successful. In the Governor's providing training opportunities for women in Speech, we were advised that the Department the Capital Works Program. of Public Works would be employing most of the 500 public sector apprentices within Overall, I believe that the Estimates QÐBuild. In response to a question on notice, committee examination of Public Works and the Minister advised that the proposed intake Housing achieved its objectives in regard to of apprentices for 1998-99 will be 140. I extracting explanations from the Minister and applaud the increase, but the department will the department about where Government have to sustain this level of intake each year to money is being spent and how the reach the target of 500. The next challenge will Government will achieve its aims, particularly in be to keep them all gainfully and efficiently relation to increasing employment employed. The introduction of female opportunities. indigenous apprentices into the ATSI Housing Mr LAMING (Mooloolah—LP) (4.59 p.m.): Program as additional staff is also welcomed. As the Government's budget for Public Works One can only wonder, though, what effect and Housing has to a large extent followed the all of these contributions will have on the pattern of sound fiscal management displayed Premier's 5% unemployment target. Then in the coalition's excellent Budget delivered in again, how serious was that 5% bid? The dust May, my attention was predominantly directed had hardly settled from the State election to those areas in which the Government has when all the escape routes from delivering on decided to take an alternative approach. The that undertaking were trotted out. There was main area is the deamalgamation of the the Asian economic crisis, which was quite former Department of Public Works and apparent before the election—in fact, it was Housing into two separate departments. It is a apparent as far back as September 1997. challenge to accept that such an initiative can Then there was the Prime Minister's tax reform be achieved without incurring extra costs. package. I can recall the Premier's words on At its meeting of 12 October, the radio, "The GST will make the 5% job target committee was given the opportunity to direct almost impossible." Similarly, the tax reform further questions to Mr Col Clapper, Mr Tony package, including a GST, was clearly on the Woodward, Mr Warren Pashen, Mr Ian Fulton agenda prior to the Premier's 5% and Mr Eric Carfoot. I acknowledge their unemployment target claim during the State assistance in providing further advice to clarify election campaign. It might have been issues raised in the Minister's answers to foolhardy to claim a 5% target, but to renege questions taken on notice during the hearing. so quickly is, to say the least, very The committee was advised that the total disappointing. I believe those unemployed funding from consolidated revenue has not who are genuinely seeking work would have changed between the two Budgets. There preferred the commitment, however unrealistic, may be some prioritisation between the to the cop-out. different units but, overall, the increases Very briefly, in relation to the other associated with the new initiatives are funded portfolio areas of Estimates Committee C, that from other parts within the corporate area and of Main Roads and Transport, I acknowledge 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2655 the Minister's assistance, but I cannot let the This Government has in the short term comments of the Minister on the Sunshine taken a number of significant steps to address Motorway pass unchallenged. The motorway is important issues of public housing. The a good road; it is the kind of good road that all Minister, Robert Schwarten, has made it clear Queenslanders expect to have in their own that the very tiny minority of tenants who area in return for their taxes. It is not an annoy their neighbours, damage their homes interregional alternative route. Motorists cannot or do not pay their rent will not be tolerated. At move effectively on the Sunshine Coast the same time, he has declared his intention without using it. I acknowledge the Minister's to do everything in his power to remove the undertaking that the tolls will not be undeserved stigma that still exists in some reintroduced. sections of our community towards public housing. Secondly, during the committee hearings I raised the question of the Camcos study into A small symbol of this is the re- future transport corridors on the Sunshine introduction of the gardening competition, Coast. I will be contacting the Minister again to which was slashed by the heartless economic request a full feasibility study into what modes rationalists who now occupy the Opposition of public transport will be the most efficient benches. from a commercial, social and environmental Mr Schwarten: What a success it's been. perspective. This must be done prior to final Mr REEVES: Certainly it has. This corridors being decided. I also acknowledge Government has also seized the opportunity to the ongoing assistance of the Minister and his take advantage of the provision of public works staff with the continuing problem of the and public housing to extend benefits powerlines over the Sunshine Coast University. throughout the community. Those benefits Finally, I thank the Minister for Public include massive job creation that will extend Works and Minister for Housing for his from my electorate to the regional and remote responses to questions on notice, questions areas of Queensland. Also, there will be during the hearings and questions taken on sharply accelerated opportunities for building notice. I thank the large number of public trade apprentices and trainees. servants who assisted by providing detailed During the Estimates committee hearing, information at and following the hearing; the the Minister assured me and my fellow parliamentary staff, in particular Rob Hansen committee members that 140 apprenticeships, and his crew; the chairman, the member for rather than the 90 allocated in the previous Greenslopes; and my parliamentary budget, will be engaged in the coming year. colleagues on the committee. He also guaranteed that 40 people who will be coming out of their time next year will be Mr REEVES (Mansfield—ALP) (5.04 p.m.) retained by Q-Build. This is an important I am pleased to rise to speak to the report of contribution to addressing both the skills Estimates Committee C. Firstly, I congratulate shortage in the building industry and the the chairperson, the member for Greenslopes, persistent problem of youth unemployment in on a sterling job, as well as all the members Queensland. who participated, the Minister for Public Works and Minister for Housing and the Minister for I turn now to the Department of Transport Transport and Main Roads. I also give a and Main Roads. The committee heard the special thanks to the parliamentary staff and Minister's frustration with Federal road funding. the public servants, especially those who at During the Federal election campaign, the short notice came to the third committee Prime Minister announced funding for roads. meeting to help the committee out on a However, a lot of that funding was directed couple of questions that needed clarification. towards the electorates of his coalition mates to help them get re-elected and did not take I represent an electorate that has a higher into account the need for such funding in proportion of public housing than many others Queensland. For example, under the Roads of in this State. For that reason, I take very National Importance Program, $34m was seriously my responsibilities to those tenants. allocated to a road in the electorate of the However, I am also aware that I have an equal former Federal Transport Minister, John Sharp. responsibility to their neighbours. I am proud to The road is known as Main Road 92, which is be a member of a Government that accepts probably a very appropriate name for it that it has a responsibility to ensure that the considering that the New South Wales RTA standards of public housing and the presence report indicated that a massive 92 cars a day of our tenants enhance the quality of life in our use this road! Yet this road has been allocated neighbourhoods rather than detract from it. $34m worth of Federal funding. So while 2656 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998 federally funded roads, such as the Mount Mrs LIZ CUNNINGHAM: That is right. It is Gravatt-Capalaba Road and Kessels Road in important to retain housing for Government my electorate, upon which tens of thousands employees, particularly during the high cycle. of cars travel, need major expenditure to rectify When the rental market has a 3% margin, it present and future problems, funding is does not matter, but in peak periods of allocated to a road that has only 92 cars construction and industrial development things travelling on it a day. get very difficult. That will continue. There is a In that regard, I believe that all the cyclical effect that will certainly not disappear. committee members realised the Minister's An issue that I raise with what some might frustration. Even the former Minister regard is monotonous regularity is the demonstrated his frustration with the previous millennium bug. However, this is an important Federal Government's Transport Minister. Let issue. This was the only Estimates hearing that us hope that the new Federal Government I sat in on—— Transport Minister, John Anderson, will rectify Mr Schwarten: What about the group those problems and look at needs rather than apprenticeship scheme? helping out his mates. Mrs LIZ CUNNINGHAM: That is coming. It The Transport Minister also referred to the is important that all departments be ready. major increase in funding for the Pacific Only one department representative Motorway. I am happy to be going down there specifically raised concerns about the bug, and on Friday to verify that increase in funding and I am pleased that he did that. I am pleased to look at the motorway's progress. The boost that the Minister gave him the freedom to in funding to $225.1m to fund the continuation make those comments. That was in the area of the Pacific Motorway will not only accelerate of public works, particularly in relation to the the progress of the construction of the Pacific hospitals that may not be millennium bug Motorway but also increase job creation. proofed yet. The busways project, particularly the Mrs Lavarch: We may not even be Garden City busway, is of major importance to millennium bug proofed. many people in the Mansfield electorate. The acceleration of that project will be well received Mrs LIZ CUNNINGHAM: That is a worry in by the people of the Mansfield electorate. In itself. Considering the critical role that hospitals conclusion, I thank all the committee play in public health, if that system is not members. This report is well worth acceptance prepared the impact on patients and their by the Parliament. families will be significant. Again I thank the Minister for allowing his officers the freedom to Mrs LIZ CUNNINGHAM (Gladstone—IND) be as candid as they were. The other (5.10 p.m.): As I am sure other speakers have departments indicated that they were fine. We done, I acknowledge the cooperative spirit of have to be vigilant about this and we are Estimates Committee C, the work of the Chair running out of time in which to make ourselves and the cooperation of the Ministers ready. Within the State, we should be showing throughout the hearings. A couple of matters private as well as public enterprise that we are were raised during the hearings that I wish to ready for the challenge of the new millennium. comment on. During the hearing into the Public Works and Housing portfolio, we dealt The Minister expected that I would raise with the matter of Government employee the issue of the group apprenticeship scheme, housing and the fact that upgrades are and I do so now. In discussions, the Minister proposed for a number of houses in has indicated his support for the allocation of Queensland. Gladstone is one of the few houses for group apprentices and I thank him areas that has retained Government housing for that. In my discussions with him, he has for employees, but not without good cause. been very positive. I look forward to that support being transferred into a tangible Mr Schwarten interjected. document that will allocate the houses that are Mrs LIZ CUNNINGHAM: Yes. We have a necessary for a concrete training program for very dynamic population. When a big industry the life of an apprentice's indenture. That has comes in, the margin for rental housing not occurred yet, but as I said to date the disappears altogether. Tenants have even Minister has been very supportive been evicted by landowners because the In the area of Transport and Main Roads, rental levels go up so markedly. The owners one of the chestnuts in my area is Monto remove the tenants and put somebody else in Road. We did not get down to the details in for $30, $40 or $50 more a week. the Estimates hearing because I had already Mr Schwarten: Hundreds. spoken with members of the Minister's 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2657 department about the Monto Road. The other members is that it is very difficult to give a night a public meeting was held on the issue. commitment to an apprentice that they will be The meeting was less heated than the able to serve their time unless one has a clear previous meeting that was held to discuss indication of how many houses are going to be capital allocations. The people have agreed built. My aim is to get a four-year program that bitumen works will be a priority on the together. All honourable members would be southern end of the road unless there are aware that the problem is that that runs over safety issues that take precedent. People from the term of a Government, but I do not think both the north and the south appeared to be that that is an insurmountable problem; it is happy with that proposal. That is quite an just something that has not been done before. achievement in itself. The Department of Main Roads certainly has a The tilt trains were discussed and I pass five-year planning program and I cannot see on to the Minister my appreciation for the why we cannot tie it into this program. press release that he issued some weeks ago I give this commitment: within the next on the development of the tilt train. This is not couple of weeks, the department will be in a a big issue for city dwellers, but country people position to nominate exactly how many houses who use the trains were concerned that will go to each group apprenticeship scheme the tilt train would pass through their stations next year. The member's friends in Gladstone, without stopping. Those people are least able mine in Rockhampton and others in Mackay or to access the major stations in order to catch wherever will have a clear indication of exactly the train. It was confirmed that when bookings how many houses they will have to build over are made at one of the stations in my the next 12 months. They will be able to plan electorate, Mount Larcom—and I am sure that on that basis. Then we will get cracking on this is replicated up and down the eastern rolling that program out. seaboard—the tilt train will stop and pick up Ms Boyle: And that means jobs. passengers. In the urban areas, people can catch suburban trains to the major stations, Mr SCHWARTEN: It does indeed mean but places like Mount Larcom are isolated. jobs. The member for Mansfield mentioned Confirmation that the tilt train will stop at such the fact that this year Q-Build will employ 50 places has caused a lot of confidence to be new apprentices, which is a quite an returned to the community. I thank the Minister achievement in itself. To retain the for that. tradesperson per apprentice ratio, we will have to keep approximately 40 on. Some of those Revenue from speed cameras was an apprentices will be plumbers who previously issue that, rather than going to consolidated were excluded after they had finished their revenue should be—— fourth year. We will keep them for their fifth Time expired. year so that they can get a licence and be Hon. R. E. SCHWARTEN (Rockhampton— much more employable. Governments should ALP) (Minister for Public Works and Minister for do that to make people more employable at Housing) (5.15 p.m.): I thank honourable the end of their contracts. members for their comments. I place on record I see our responsibility as primarily being a my thanks to the Chair of the committee and, training agency and Q-Build does that very indeed, to all members of the committee for well. The sort of work that Q-Build does is not what turned out to be a very useful Estimates necessarily the sort of work that is picked up by procedure. As Ministers, the valuable thing the private sector, especially in renovation work that we get out of that procedure is the and the sort of stuff that I started working on. opportunity to explore various items that do They do a very intensive training course and I not always come to a Minister's desk and do am very proud to be associated with it. I am not always pop into a Minister's head. I very proud to be able to stand in the House welcome the opportunity of placing the entire today and say that we will employ those extra finances and policies of the department before apprentices and that 140 kids who have not the Parliament. got jobs at the moment will have just that in The previous speaker, the member for the next couple of months. Gladstone, raised a couple of issues that are The member for Gregory raised the issue dear to my heart, not the least of which is the of housing, which I think we could all get HIP scheme and the problems that we have behind. As I indicated this morning, the had previously in making it more useful in the houses at Blackwater have come about as a training of apprentices. The point that has quirk of nature. The mining companies entered been made to the member for Gladstone, into an arrangement with the Queensland myself and, no doubt, to other honourable Government when they were building those 2658 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998 houses. The houses are now progressively those programs will be delivered so that they coming back to us as the accommodation can plan their budget, funding and works leasing situation is rationalised. We could put programs around them. Once again, it is easy all of those houses on the market and have a to get the rhetoric right, but we will be watching big auction, but I do not think that that would to make sure that the Transport Minister help the real estate market in Queensland, delivers. especially when local authorities in such places Having served on local authorities during are looking for extra houses for their workers the term of the last Labor Government, I know and are trying to help sustain population that the record that he inherits is not a good growth in their areas. one. The threats that local authorities had to The member for Gladstone mentioned face with respect to funding from the last the millennium bug. I am advised reliably that Labor Government that served in this State there is enough cash in the bucket to deal with caused a deal of anguish for local authorities the problem. It may need some internal up and down the State. Given the current reallocation of funds, but I am advised that Minister's background, it is with some that will occur. scepticism that I await the delivery of those We have a housing budget of programs. approximately $588m this year and I am Mr Bredhauer: What are you gibbering pleased that we have been able to increase about? the budget by not handing back some $30m Mr SEENEY: The Socialist Left to John Howard and his mob. Over the last philosophy is all about bikeways and buses, couple of years, we have given back $130-odd isn't it? I have some doubt whether there is million. any true appreciation of the effect that Main Time expired. Roads funding has on small communities. I Mr SEENEY (Callide—NPA) (5.20 p.m.): I have some doubt also about the degree to appreciate the opportunity to make some which these things are appreciated by the comments about the report of Estimates current Minister. I have some concern about Committee C. I took particular interest in those the degree of emphasis that is placed on parts of the transcript of the hearing that bikeways, buses and those other things that related to Main Roads funding. I have an are dear to the heart of the Socialist Left. extensive background in local government and We will watch closely when the Roads I know well the effect that Main Roads funding Implementation Program is published. It is a programs have on the budgets of local little curious to me that it is taking so long. governments, particularly those in my From my experience in local government, I electorate, which contains quite a number of know the way in which projects are planned relatively small local governments. and put together in that document. It is a little I was particularly grateful to note that in curious that it has taken so long. No doubt reply to a number of questions the Minister there is a perfectly good reason. We will watch gave assurances that agreed price closely when that document is delivered. performance contracts—APPCs—and routine In all sincerity, I commend the Minister for maintenance performance contracts— the comments that he made at the Estimates RMPCs—would continue to be offered to local committee about maintaining employment governments to allow them to maintain their levels throughout those small shires. The shire work forces and to take away the peaks and work forces are incredibly important to the troughs in the funds available to them. I must economy of small towns. Any threat to those admit that I had some concerns that that work forces not only threatens the 15, 20 or 30 would not happen, but the Minister gave a jobs involved; it threatens the wellbeing and number of assurances when answering some continued functioning of the whole community. of the questions that he was asked that those I believe the Minister appreciates that, and I programs would continue. I am grateful for commend him for that. In all sincerity, I hope that. We will watch closely to make sure that that those programs can be delivered in such the Minister's rhetoric is matched by action. a way that those work forces can continue to I note that the Roads Implementation function in the way they are now and can Program has not been released yet. We will be continue to contribute to the economic base of paying particular attention to that program those communities. when it is released. It very quickly becomes the Hon. S. D. BREDHAUER (Cook—ALP) bible for a lot of small local authorities. They (Minister for Transport and Minister for Main need to know that those programs are there. Roads) (5.24 p.m.): For the edification of the They need to have a sense of security that previous speaker, I advise him that for the nine 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2659 years that I have been the member for Cook I roads infrastructure. In this area, I am pleased have had approximately 35 local governments to say that the Government is providing in my electorate. It is all right for him to stand substantial funding from our roads budget for up in here and pontificate after four months in infrastructure improvements in local Parliament, but I suggest to him that I have government as well as in Aboriginal and Torres forgotten more about employment in local Strait Islander communities. Our commitment government as a result of road funding than to supporting rural and regional communities he has ever known. Sometimes it is better to can be highlighted from the continuation of the keep one's mouth shut and be thought a fool popular Transport Infrastructure Development than to stand up and say something and Scheme, or TIDS, and in an ongoing $30m remove all doubt. allocation to the Rural and Regional Roads I take the opportunity to thank the Improvement Program, which is new money in member for Greenslopes, as the Chair, and our Budget that did not appear in that of members of Estimates Committee C for their members opposite. Under TIDS, more than courtesy and professionalism in running the $61m, including carryovers, has been Estimates committee. In that regard, it is allocated to local governments for roadworks opportune to highlight some of the good work on the local government controlled network. and successes of my extensive portfolio. The Mr Seeney: Most of it is carryover. Government recognises that transport is the lifeline for Queensland's future prosperity. Mr BREDHAUER: I beg the honourable Therefore, the State requires secure, reliable member's pardon. I said "including carryovers". and efficient services and essential transport $8.6m is carryover. When $8.6m became infrastructure not just for industry but for the most of $61m it must have been when the community as a whole. member did maths out the back in the cow shed, not when I went to primary school. The real difference in focus of this Government has been our determination to By assisting with key road infrastructure use our capital works program in Main Roads, needs, the Rural and Regional Roads Queensland Transport and Queensland Rail to Improvement Program will help support rural drive issues of employment and job security and regional development, population growth and to look at economic development in the and industry development throughout regions. A quick breakdown highlights some of Queensland. Other major allocations include the programs that this Government has $534.1m for State controlled roads and already put in place to help achieve its target $10.1m for black spot funding. of 5% unemployment by 2003 while also There are other areas where significant contributing to the State's future growth and effort is being put into improving the State prosperity. It is about building on our economic transport systems. Here in Brisbane, the South and infrastructure base while providing job East Transit Project, currently responsible for opportunities for Queenslanders. the construction of the South East Busway As part of our planning for the future, between Brisbane and Eight Mile Plains, is a record funding of more than $1 billion has good example. This $520m project is now been provided for all regional road programs entering the construction phase, which will see undertaken by Main Roads. That record $1 employment opportunities spring up at various billion roads budget reflects the Government's stages over the next three years between the strong commitment to road projects, such as Brisbane central business district and Logan the Pacific Motorway. Funding for the Pacific City. Motorway for this year is $225m, with an We are also planning some initiatives with additional $120m provided to complete the respect to Queensland Rail. $75m will be project. In total, roads will contribute to State spent on 90 new electric cars for the Citytrain employment growth by providing more than network. $35m has been committed over four 17,000 direct and indirect jobs in the roads years for an enhanced railway station safety industry. I reiterate my commitment not to project, and a further $125m will be spent allow the Federal Government to shirk its acquiring high capacity coal wagons and responsibility to pay its fair share of road upgrading others. An exciting element in rail funding in Queensland, which after all boasts a travel is just beginning with the introduction of significant number of kilometres of Federally our new state-of-the-art tilt train, which begins controlled roads. service between Brisbane and Rockhampton Nevertheless, this Labor Government has on 6 November. There is also the diesel tilt committed record funding for roads in 1998- train service to run between Brisbane and 99, with more than $1 billion to be spent on Cairns, which is due to start in 2001. 2660 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998

At this stage I take the opportunity to by bus. A 15 kilometre single trip by car costs clarify some issues that arose in the Estimates $15.90, $5.30 for car pooling and $3.20 by committee hearing raised by the committee bus, and so on. I think we have to look at this regarding the capacity of the two tilt trains. The thoroughly and encourage the use of cars by capacity will depend on the mix of sitting and more than one person. I know that we are sleeper cars and the overall configuration. It is trying to encourage that at present. Certainly likely that the four tilt train round trips per the world will not condone the continuation of week—two per train—will replace the current single-person car trips. sitting capacity but not the full sleeping I also take this opportunity to comment on capacity of the existing Sunlander service. public housing accommodation. The Time expired. Department of Housing has been doing a fantastic job over the length of time that I have Mr STEPHAN (Gympie—NPA) been the member for Gympie—about 19 years (5.30 p.m.): Along with the Minister and the now. Most people can look after the former Minister who have spoken to this report, accommodation, but some people cannot. It I too would like to comment on the introduction only takes one or two people to take of tilt trains. I would like to congratulate the advantage of their neighbours or not be Government for the program that it will be reasonable when they are out and about to developing. A lot of people are waiting very make it difficult for everybody concerned. I also anxiously to use this faster way of travel. The congratulate the number of Ministers who tilt trains will provide a great service, particularly have been looking after Q-Build apprentices, to the people of my electorate—Gympie—as who are trained as a result the programs that they will cut another half hour off the train trip have been put in place. As I said before, the to Brisbane. With those sorts of savings in Department of Housing provides housing time, I hope that in future there will not be just assistance to people in need, and it does it one service a day; that it will be twice a day. I well. congratulate the Minister and his predecessor on their work. Time expired. I also want to make mention of Walkers in Mr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) Maryborough and the expertise that its people (5.35 p.m.): I rise to support the Estimates possess. However, I do not like to see proper Committee C report and congratulate the tendering processes bypassed. Of course, Minister for Public Works and Housing, who those processes should be worked through, has a very practical approach to his Ministry. but in this instance that was not the case. In He also is very keen on creating jobs, and the this case, though, I believe Walkers has got capital works aspect is going to be a key the runs on the board and should be driving force of the economy in Queensland. I congratulated on that. also am very appreciative of his approach to and support of Department of Housing I also want to comment on the integrated tenants, a large number of whom I have in my ticketing project. I was a member of one of the electorate. I appreciate the work done by the parliamentary committees that was badgering now retired Lex Thompson, the former area the Ministers to go down that track. manager at Chermside. Commonsense deems that people should be able to purchase a ticket that will take them With respect to the Department of Main from one destination to another without having Roads and Transport, the Minister has a very to look for different ticket sellers and without difficult task because it is almost like there are having to check that people have the correct two . There is that vast area of tickets. Queensland with a very small population where people want wider roads, sealed roads I also want to comment on the utilisation and larger and better bridges. of public transport. There is a difference in the Mr Seeney: That is the real one. utilisation of public transport between the city and the country. The number of vehicles that Mr SULLIVAN: I believe that the real travel along the roads of Brisbane with just one Queensland is both sides. I am not going to person leaves a lot to be desired, especially be narrow and nor should he. Different when one considers the costs involved. For problems face his constituency and mine. example, a single trip by car of seven Maybe we can work together. The Minister has kilometres costs about $12. Car pooling over a very delicate balance to try to meet both sets the same distance costs $4.70 and bus travel of needs. That vast area is where the costs $2.20. A 10 kilometre single trip by car construction of new roads, new highways, costs $13.60, $4.40 for car pooling and $2.80 wider roads and bridges is very welcome. 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2661

We then come to the south-east corner In the south-east corner we have quite where, although small in area, we find the the opposite problem. Some new roads will highest population and the highest density of have to be built and some tough decisions will population. Here we find that residents, small have to be made. I would ask for some businesspeople, city workers and transport agreement, wherever possible, on both sides companies want to be able to get to their point of the House. of destination. They want to be able to hop in I was sad to hear a speech made last their car, van or truck and go about their night by the member for Clayfield in which he business, but there is a major problem. People was being his typical parochial self. He is going do not want the traffic going past their own to look after only his own backyard. He does homes and these two desires do not and not take the approach of looking at the wider cannot marry. Where there is a high density of community. We need to take a bipartisan population and a high number of approach to some of these issues, public businesses—manufacturing and production transport in particular. I commend both businesses—there are transport needs that Ministers. must be met. Mr ROWELL (Hinchinbrook—NPA) We have the situation in which the (5.40 p.m.): I rise to speak on the report of planning of earlier days did not take into Estimates Committee C. Unfortunately I was account what was going to be needed in this unable to be at the hearing, but I will address highly developed and highly industrialised a number of extremely important issues. I am society. Therefore, there are going to be well aware of the work being done right significant tensions within our society as we throughout the State in the area of public develop. We do not want to go down the path housing. It is extremely important that people of some other States so that we are have a place to live. decreasing in population and decreasing in our economy. With the growth of population and There is little doubt that we have had economy comes tremendous pressure on a problems over a period of time in dealing with number of services, the most obvious of which constituents in the electorate, in relation to is transport. maintenance of houses in particular. We often I believe there are some things that we find that people from the lower socioeconomic have to look at that could help us in this group do not look after houses as well as they planning. One is integrated planning. This is should. We have had all sorts of problems, where I applaud Minister Mackenroth working particularly between the Cairns office and the Townsville office, in making sure people with Minister Bredhauer in the planning of an comply with the requirements in relation to area so that the transport, housing, looking after homes properly. I think both of recreational and service needs can be looked those offices do an excellent job. There is little at right from the word go and so we do not find question of that. Often, difficult situations arise ourselves in the situation in which an old area, whereby people have to be forced to comply such as inner city Brisbane, is needed for with the requirements, to make sure the commercial development, but the location of houses are kept in reasonable condition. nearby residences creates tension. Often, the mess left when people leave the As well, we have to put a lot of effort into houses is quite astounding. I think it is not very public transport. This is a problem because, becoming of the people who have lived there. until a full network is in place, people will not use the system. So hundreds of millions of I mention Aboriginal housing. There are dollars are going to have to be spent on a quite large groups of Aboriginal people public transport network so that people will dispersed throughout different areas of the start to use that, just as we have to spend northern part of the State. Once, when driving hundreds of millions of dollars on the great through the community of Wujal Wujal, I was development roads in the far west and the far quite disturbed to see grass growing out of the north of our State. I do not begrudge one cent guttering of the houses. I thought, "They are being spent on the Cape York development certainly not looking after the houses in the road, even though there is a very small manner they should." They were quite population and it has a relatively low usage reasonable houses and I thought it was compared with, say, Gympie Road, which runs extremely disappointing. Areas in my own through my electorate. However, I recognise electorate, such as Jumbin, have problems that that money has to be spent in those with drainage from time to time. areas. It has to be spent to open up those I think the apprenticeship scheme is quite areas and to link people in remote useful. In fact, some time ago we did work on communities. a program that would enable young Aboriginal 2662 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998 people to go to TAFE and do some training to "That the report of Estimates enable them to do general maintenance on Committee D be adopted." those houses. Mr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) Mr Schwarten: That is happening now. (5.45 p.m.): I am pleased to speak on the Mr ROWELL: It has happened in the report of Estimates Committee D. I thank the past, too. People from a farm at Jumbin did a committee members, the Ministers involved course in diesel fitting at Johnstone TAFE. I and the committee staff for the smooth think that was quite beneficial. They may not operation of that committee. One of the key be fully trained in terms of apprenticeships, but things that came out of that hearing related to they were able to do basic maintenance on funding by the Department of Families, Youth the tractors and other equipment. I think that and Community Care for intellectual disability augurs well for their future development. services. Another thing that concerns me is the I think back to the move of residents from level of maintenance done on schools. the Challinor Centre to Chuwar under the Education has an involvement there and coalition. This was a massive bungle. The Public Works is constantly trying to keep up contract was very suspect and there was a 20- with the need. There are massive problems year fraudulent deal done. I compare that with mildew in the wet tropical areas. At times it situation with the move made under the is very difficult to keep up with the current Minister, where the residents of maintenance in places such as Tully, which is Challinor will be located at Loganlea. between two areas of responsibility. It was In coming to that decision and bringing changed from the Cairns area to the that about, the Minister and the department Townsville area and is now back in the Cairns had face-to-face consultation with the local area. Maintenance has fallen behind up there residents. Members of the department over a period of time. That program is in a doorknocked residents, and local people met catch-up state at present. I only hope that the with the Minister and with the families of maintenance requirements are fulfilled, people who have a disability. As a result of because the school is quite good and sound. that consultation process, the operation has Work definitely needs to be continued there, gone extremely smoothly and there is great as it does in many of the other schools acceptance within the community of those throughout the north. It is all very well to go people. ahead building schools, but the maintenance of them has to be kept up. The cost of repairs That is compared with a situation on the and, inevitably, the cost of rebuilding is quite north side a couple of years ago. I was high. Maintenance has to be addressed to disgusted to read that some residents of a ensure the buildings and property are northern suburb were opposing the preserved. establishment of a residence in which some I move very quickly to the very important people with disability would be housed. I think issue of roads. At present the northern sector at that stage the member for Aspley, Mr Goss, is having massive problems with rain. Roads supported the local residents. I would hope are falling apart. The program needed to keep that that sort of attitude has gone from the the roads in a reasonable condition will be north side and from our thinking. I hope that quite extensive in the future. There is a high what occurred at Loganlea could occur in the demand on roads because a lot of the future—that local residents can be informed produce and products for north Queensland about what is happening and be very travel on those roads in heavy transport. accepting of people within their area. Currently, sugar mills are collecting cane from I refer to an earlier interjection made by places that are 80 kilometres to 100 kilometres the member for Callide. I believe that in along the main highway. We can see that the country towns where people know the families roads are starting to break up as a result of the and the people with disabilities there is great B-doubles and semitrailers using those roads acceptance of those people because they are for transporting cane. That is something that known. In the city, overcoming the fear is a needs to be attended to. problem because we do not have the same Time expired. intimacy that smaller communities have. I think Report adopted. that is something we can learn from the smaller rural towns. Gaining information about the people with disabilities and meeting them Estimates Committee D and their families will help overcome fear. The TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN (Ms This is the biggest single injection of Nelson-Carr): Order! The question is— funding into the area of disability services since 21 Oct 1998 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 2663 this whole area was funded by Governments. relation to that matter. All staff have been $15m for the half year has already been cleared, as I understand it. My information is injected and will be injected into this area. That that no-one has been charged in relation to is part of the Government's promised $126m that matter, and we should be careful not to over four years. The Beattie Government, malign people. In fact, I understand that through this Minister, is delivering to people discussions are probably taking place in with disabilities. The very fact that this Minister relation to the compensation that is required has the name "Minister for Disability" says to following that matter. The point is that the these people and their families, "You are of issue was referred to the Criminal Justice such significance to us that someone will be Commission and, as I understand it, all people particularly responsible for your area and for involved have been cleared. your needs." I congratulate the Premier on I turn now to the committee itself and the that move. This contrasts starkly with the Minister appearing before the committee. coalition's promise of $30m per year under Since taking office, this Government has had former Minister Lingard. Of course, he some months—four months, in fact—to put in delivered almost nothing. place arrangements in relation to initiatives The Beattie Labor Government, through that were first announced by the former Minister Bligh, is meeting the commitments of National/Liberal coalition Government, namely, industrial awards. We all saw the disaster of a electricity concessions for low-income, seriously couple of years ago where the SACS Award ill people who have been on life-support was being negotiated and was coming to oxygen concentrators. As I understand it, the fruition, yet money was not set aside in order machine is provided free of charge through to meet those commitments. This contrasts Queensland Health. Yet over that period, and starkly with previous enterprise bargaining still today, the Minister does not have that arrangements, whereby teachers and nurses initiative in place. were in discussions with Government Recently, the Minister for Mines and departments and money was set aside in Energy was asked a question about this anticipation of a result. It was an absolute matter. The Minister indicated that the matter disgrace that people in the community services was still subject to discussion. Of course, that and family services sectors were not given the is what we get from this Minister—a Minister same respect or treatment. When people say, who is long on rhetoric but short on action. "We don't want to waste money. We need She does not like to do the homework. That is money for services such as", they are all pathetic. Of course, this is a result of paralysis saying "health and education". I hope that of Government. There has been a lack of every member of this Assembly would add a action on the part of this Government in a third one to that: family services. number of areas, and particularly this one. One judgment of a civilised society is how Members of this Government sit around we treat those who are least advantaged. I and allow people in that particular position to believe that unless we start to look at family suffer unnecessarily, because this callous services funding in greater depth and start to Government will not make the decisions. It will address those with greatest need, we will not not do the hard work that is necessary. show ourselves to be as civilised and as committed as we should be. I commend the Instead, all we get are excuses, excuses and report to the Chamber. more excuses while fellow Queenslanders suffer. The concessions would mean a saving Mr BEANLAND (Indooroopilly—LP) of something like $48 a quarter for the people (5.50 p.m.): In rising to speak to this Estimates on oxygen concentrators and $32.25 per committee report, I want to thank the chairman quarter for those eligible users of kidney of the committee, my fellow committee dialysis machines. Yet what we get are members, the committee staff and the excuses. A number of people are now starting departmental officers who appeared before to question the Government's sincerity in the committee. I am concerned about the relation to that particular matter. previous speaker's comments about Chuwar and the Challinor Centre. Comments were Furthermore, this Minister did not do the made that some fraudulent decisions were necessary homework in relation to questions made in relation to a contract for Chuwar. on notice. How lazy can one get! When we Some questions were certainly raised about started asking questions at the Estimates the issue. However, I would be concerned committee hearing, we discovered that the about the intemperate language which the Minister's answers to questions on notice were member used a few moments ago. I incorrect. understand that the CJC has cleared people in Ms Bligh interjected. 2664 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill; Appropriation Bill 21 Oct 1998

Mr BEANLAND: The Minister has not I thank my fellow committee members for answered the questions correctly. The Minister their cooperation during the hearings and cannot deny that, because that is in the commend the report to the Chamber. record, and the record speaks for itself. On two Hon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) occasions the Minister provided incorrect (5.57 p.m.): I was also pleased to take part in answers: firstly, in relation to a machinery of the Estimates process. When Estimates Government matter and, secondly, in relation committees were established a few years ago, to task forces, committees of review, inquiries they were a farce, and people were mainly and so forth. I understand why the Minister indulging in point scoring. Slowly we have would want to disown them, because grown up and matured. I believe that the continuously there are inquiries and task Primary Industries section of Estimates forces. Today we heard that "forums" is the Committee D went pretty well. I asked 26 new terminology. I am sure that it will not be questions in 92 minutes. The chairman did a long before this Minister is into forums, too. very equable job without an adversarial But that does not excuse the Minister for approach, which really is not necessary if one misleading this Parliament on that very is seeking information and asking questions. I important issue. Tonight the Minister was do believe that the Minister gave honest rushing off to a press conference. The Minister answers, and I am pleased with that. is quick to put out press releases, but it requires more than that to be a Minister of the The main purpose of Estimates Crown. It requires hard work—something which committees is to provide information to help this Minister is not doing. Members are seeing industry—whatever industry it happens to be. that daily in relation to two issues, one of which In primary industries there is a range of involves the misleading of the Parliament. people, from sugar growers, wheat growers, wool growers—— As to the Children's Commissioner, there has been a cutback of funding in the Mr Palaszczuk: No smut this afternoon. Children's Commission—quite a sizeable Mr COOPER: No, the Minister has had decrease of funding. enough smut. It is smutty stuff. I must admit Time expired. that I felt sorry for the Minister when he got that one. Mr WELLINGTON (Nicklin—IND) (5.55 p.m.): I stand today to speak to the Mr Palaszczuk: No need. report of Estimates Committee D. I was very Mr COOPER: I understand that there is proud to be involved in this committee and no need to feel sorry for the Minister for publicly recognise the excellent work Primary Industries. performed by the support staff assisting the During the committee hearing, I raised the committee: research director, Mr David issue of President Clinton's address to the Thannhauser; research officer, Ms Penny National Farmers Union on 15 September, Sullivan; and executive assistant, Ms Maree when he made it very clear that American Lane. I also congratulate the committee farmers are in deep trouble and that, over the chairman, the member for Chermside, on his past five years, their income has fallen by chairmanship of the committee. 40%. Similar problems exist in Australia, in the During the hearings of the committee the common market and in Britain. This all augurs expenditure of three departments was extremely badly for primary industries. That is analysed. I was very impressed with the why the people who get off the ground first Ministers' and their officers' responses to and fastest by nailing down niche markets and questions. I observed various members of the specialist markets and those who are market public sitting in on the hearings, and in this smart are going to have a chance of survival in regard I support the continuation of the public the next year, which is going to be grim. Let us hearings of the Estimates committees. After make no mistake; we do not actually have the hearings, I spoke to a number of members friends—be it the Americans, the British or of the public about the conduct of the anyone else. They will compete as hard as hearings. All those with whom I spoke anyone. We need to recognise that they are indicated to me that they were very impressed trading competitors, not necessarily partners. with the conduct of the hearings and were Not many industries are going well at the disappointed that more Queenslanders were moment, and more will be in trouble in the not aware that the hearings were open to the future. public. In this regard, I hope that more The Minister is aware that we have work members of the public will come along next to do for the dairy farmers. The Minister is year to these hearings. about to bring in the legislation for the so- 21 Oct 1998 Unemployment 2665 called deregulation. It has to be done by 1 UNEMPLOYMENT January 1999. We know that we will have to Dr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the work on that with the dairy farmers to ensure Liberal Party) (6.03 p.m.): I move— that we give them as much protection as we possibly can to see them through a difficult "That this House notes the time. deteriorating job situation in Queensland and the failure of this Government to The committee discussed sugarcane make any progress towards their stated smut. The Minister was most concerned with 5% unemployment target." quarantine. I believe that he was not satisfied with the quarantine procedures at some This morning in this House we were Queensland airports. That is something about ridiculed for criticising Labor's Jobs Plan before which he has to be satisfied, because we had seen it. Now that we have seen it, it is sugarcane smut is far too dangerous to play quite obvious who should be ridiculed: Labor. around with. We have to protect Queensland's Its so-called Jobs Plan, although noble in cane industry and ensure that the cane intent, is totally lacking in content. It provides industry in other parts of the nation is false hope, because it is focused almost solely protected, because it is an extremely important on training. We know what creates jobs. We industry to the nation as a whole. do not have to have seminars or send out Of course, the committee discussed surveys. We know what creates jobs. Members aquaculture. The Government is proceeding on this side of the House who have been in with the Green Island Reef Fish Aquaculture business, such as my colleague beside me, Facilities. That is a project that the coalition know what creates jobs. What creates jobs is started. We also started the western increased business confidence. I do not see Queensland freshwater aquaculture program anything in Labor's so-called Jobs Plan—a with an allocation of approximately $1m. That special campaign to create more jobs—that was not proceeded with. I have discussed that increases business confidence. I do not see project with the Minister, because we need to any real incentives for employers to create real get those diversified projects going in jobs. Queensland. Western Queensland is not just It is ironic that Labor is using Wally Lewis Cunnamulla and Thargomindah; western to launch a program that is so training Queensland is anywhere west of Ipswich and oriented. "The King", the greatest player west of the Great Divide. It takes in a huge has ever area of the State. The project is not under produced, was never known as a great trainer. control at this point, because the Government However, he was magnificent in the real has not implemented it. The Government must games. The real game here should be to obtain the funds to implement it, back it and create real jobs. All that a three-week support it. Then primary producers will be able advertising campaign will do is create a few to diversify into other industries. They are very advertising jobs in Brisbane. Let us be brutally happy to get into aquaculture. frank here: no cash-strapped employer is I acknowledge the chairman. He handled going to give someone a job because he or the hearings fairly and well. David she sees Noel Preston on TV. Thannhauser and Penny Sullivan were Mrs Edmond interjected. certainly efficient and helpful. The departmental officers who turned up for the Dr WATSON: I should say Noel Pearson; Estimates committee hearings were sensible. Noel Preston would be even worse. There were not too many smart alecs among An employer will give someone a job if he them. They addressed themselves to the or she has confidence that their business is issues and the problems, which is what I going to grow. How can one have confidence expect them to do. I also acknowledge Brad that one's business is going to grow when Henderson in the Office of the Opposition, who Labor is trying to wind back our industrial helped me put together a very comprehensive relations laws? How can one have confidence list of questions. We wanted answers to those that one's business is going to grow with questions in order to help the industry conduct Labor's native title solution holding one back? its business throughout the year. That is what the Estimates process is about. It is not just of I note with interest that in the press benefit for one day or two days of glorifying release today for Labor's Jobs Plan there is no oneself in the media; it is a process of mention of the 5% unemployment target. Has information gathering for the ensuing year. it been forgotten already? Has it been chucked in the too-hard basket already? Let us Time expired. suppose for the purpose of this debate that Progress reported. the 5% target still exists. Unemployment in this 2666 Unemployment 21 Oct 1998

State currently stands at 9.2%. We are not What hypocrisy from Mr Beattie! He knew the even one ninth of the way into Labor's first projected growth rates and he knew the effect term, and "jobs, jobs, jobs" has become of the Asian crisis well before the election. In "excuses, excuses, excuses". The fact, in this place 25 days before the election, unemployed people of Queensland do not Mr Beattie in his speech in response to the want excuses; they want a real plan. Where coalition Budget said— are the real job targets? "Economic growth is forecast to drop On 19 May, Mr Beattie said on ABC radio from 4.4% this year to 3.75% next year, that the target of 5% unemployment will be and 3.5% the year after... Access etched in every Minister's mind and that he Economics, however, predict that Asia will would be reviewing it and driving it. Ministers have a greater effect two years out, with would go to bed at night thinking about it. If Mr Queensland likely to grow at only 2.6%." Beattie is driving it, where is the road map? The Premier knew the figures; he knew the Where are the milestones? Is it a three-year facts. However, he still persisted with his hollow target or a five-year target? In the Queensland promise to vulnerable Queenslanders, and Times of 30 May this year, the honourable that is inexcusable! member for Ipswich, the Treasurer, is quoted as saying— The Premier's second excuse for backing away from the 5% unemployment target was "Originally we thought the target was the GST. Although the rest of the nation could realistic in the next term. What Peter see the obvious job-creating benefits of putting Beattie has said is that it should be a goal an extra $50 a week in the pockets of the for three to five years." majority of taxpayers, Mr Beattie could not. Which is it—three years or five years? I think The Premier claimed that a GST would attack the people of Queensland need something a the job security of the 125,000 Queenslanders little less vague. When does Labor's plan who rely on the tourism sector for their officially kick in? Do we have to wait until five employment. The Premier dismissed an minutes to midnight—four years, 11 months independent assessment by Morgans and 29 days from when Labor was sworn Stockbroking of the effect of the GST on in—for its real jobs plan to activate? I call on tourism. That assessment said that the GST the Premier to either produce a real timetable will result in business costs to tourism falling by or apologise to the people of Queensland for 2.8%. In turn, that should generate an extra making false promises. Since making that 5% 9,600 tourism jobs across Australia, 2,100 of target the cornerstone of Labor's campaign, all which will be in Queensland. Clearly, the GST that has followed from Mr Beattie are excuses excuse is no excuse. as to why it will be very difficult to achieve. It did not take long for the first excuse to come The Premier's third excuse was the tumbling out. The polls had not even closed Chevron gas pipeline. I refer to an article on on election day and already Mr Beattie was in the Courier-Mail of 3 October, in which the excuse mode. His first excuse was the Asian Premier stated— financial crisis. "If we cannot deliver Chevron, our Mr Santoro: It dawned on him. 5% unemployment target becomes more difficult." Dr WATSON: He got a message. What will be the Premier's next excuse? In an article in the Courier-Mail on Saturday, 15 August, John Lehmann wrote— Mr Beattie: The Opposition. "After running hard during the Dr WATSON: The Opposition! Will the election on his ambitious goal of cutting next excuse be power cuts? Will the next unemployment to 5 percent in three to excuse be that the unions would not let him five years, Mr Beattie said his 'heart sank' cut youth wages? Will the next excuse be that when visiting polling booths on the Queensland did not win the Sheffield Shield? Saturday morning of the election." Mr Beattie: That's a thought. In the article Mr Beattie is quoted as saying— Dr WATSON: Those are the kinds of " 'I got a pager message that Japan excuses that the Premier is starting to make. I was in recession while I was at the Wilston am glad that the Premier decided to join us for State School. I thought, that's a smack in this debate. I say to him that job seekers do the head we don't need. It will make it not want his excuses; they want his real plan. much harder to achieve the jobs Earlier, I called on the Premier—and I again target—I'd be dishonest if I didn't say call on him now—to put up or shut up. He that.' " should do one of two things: he should either 21 Oct 1998 Unemployment 2667 admit that he misled the people of However, what do we see from the Queensland when he said that he could Beattie minority Government? I believe that all reduce the unemployment rate to 5%—he of us in this House genuinely would like to see should admit that he sold them a pup; he employment increase. We would like to see should admit that he was elected under false young people finishing Year 12, or having pretences—or he should stop making excuses gone through TAFE or university, get a job. and start setting real targets and real We would like to see middle-aged benchmarks. That is what he should be doing. people—people in their 40s and 50s—who are The Premier should be showing us in this looking for a job to be given the opportunity of Parliament and the people of Queensland his getting some employment. real numbers. He ought to be showing us his The Opposition is going to keep up the real interim targets. pressure on the Labor Government to make Mr Briskey: You had no target. sure that something happens or to demonstrate to the people of Queensland the Dr WATSON: The Government set the failures of the Labor Government. However, at target at 5%. When the former coalition a time when people are crying out desperately Government brought down its Budget, it for jobs, we have an announcement of a 1800 indicated what it thought the unemployment phone number, some TV ads with Noel rate would be. The Labor Party ridiculed that Pearson and a number of other dignitaries in and set a 5% unemployment target. The them, and forums. That must be the growth Premier should show us his interim target. He industry in this State. Up and down the coast, should show us how he is going to achieve an we have regional forums. unemployment rate of 5%. He should show us the jobs, jobs, jobs; not simply give excuses, Mr Santoro: Task forces. excuses, excuses. Mr HORAN: I will come to task forces and reviews. Up and down the coast there are Mr HORAN (Toowoomba South—NPA) forums. There is nothing much at all (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (6.13 p.m.): happening inland. Although the little forums I second the motion. This debate is a very, are going to be held up and down the coast in very important one. At the most, we have only the marginal seats that Labor is trying to win two and a half years left of this Beattie minority back, we have now forced the Government to Labor Government and already we have seen consider holding a forum somewhere between the unemployment rate go up from about Ipswich and Toowoomba. 8.4% to 8.6% to 9.2%. The Government has a target of trying to achieve a 5% unemployment Then we have, day by day, a whole raft of rate within three to five years. It was interesting reviews and task forces coming out of to note that, during the recent Federal election department after department. We all realise campaign when Mr Beazley tried the same that a certain amount of planning needs to be stunt and said that Labor was going to aim for done to try to establish a system and a plan to a 5% unemployment rate, surveys showed get job creation under way. However, the that no-one believed him. Only 25% of the Government has come out with a 1800 population of Australia believed that there number, glossy, subtle TV advertising of the would be any chance that he could achieve it. Labor Government and more and more Why was there so much mistrust? Obviously, forums. I do not think that people in the people of Australia saw what happened in Queensland know which forum to go to Queensland. They have seen this empty, because there is such a raft of them. We really hollow promise made and they have seen the want to see some real jobs so that following an unemployment rate go up. They have seen ad in the paper people can apply, get a job that this target was nothing but a stunt and and, at the end of the week, get a pay packet theatrics. that they can take home. If we are going to have this raft of forums, training schemes and When the Beattie minority Government all the rest of it, but at the end of the day no came to power, it inherited a State that led the jobs, it will not take long for the people of rest of Australia in terms of jobs—a State that Queensland to wake up to what this is all created 40% of the new jobs in Australia, even about. though it had only 18% of the population. In This State really needs decent capital November last year in the Sydney Morning works programs. The former coalition Herald, a front-page story showed graphically Government provided a Capital Works how, in terms of the provision of new Program in its Budget. It is good to see that employment, Queensland led the rest of the Labor Government has continued with it. Australia by a country mile. However, that program has to continue year 2668 Unemployment 21 Oct 1998 after year after year. Under the former coalition This Labor Government is proud of its Government, that Capital Works Program was commitment to target a Queensland providing an enormous number of jobs. unemployment rate of 5% over a period of five It is desperately disappointing to see that years. It does not run away from it. Since the engine room of this State—or what should assuming Government on 29 June 1998—less be the engine room—that is, the Department than four months ago—already this of State Development, does not have a target Government has started to get the ball rolling. for jobs. If we have a 5% unemployment target This Government is about getting to be achieved after three years, why does not Queenslanders back to work and creating the Department of State Development have a more jobs, and more secure jobs, for our target for this year, the next year and the year future. after? Surely, the department has some sort of From the first days of this Government, barometer by which to gauge where they want we worked hard at developing the initiatives of to achieve a certain number of jobs or where our Breaking the Employment Cycle they want to make a contribution towards commitments. The Government's $283m reducing the unemployment rate by X per cent Breaking the Unemployment Cycle strategy is a year. But no, this key, leading agency does designed to create 24,500 jobs over the next not even have a target. If anything displays four years. That includes the creation of 6,500 that this target is all a publicity and theatrical traineeships and apprenticeships in the public stunt, it is the fact that the Department of sector, a subsidy program to provide an State Development does not have a target. additional 7,500 apprenticeships and We have to be genuine and sincere about traineeships in private sector industries getting these jobs and that means having suffering skills shortages, or in regions with proper targets and real jobs. poor employment prospects and subsidies of Time expired. up to $2,000 for additional apprenticeships. Hon. P. J. BRADDY (Kedron—ALP) Subsidies up to $1,000 for additional (Minister for Employment, Training and traineeships will also be available. Industrial Relations) (6.18 p.m.): I rise in this An additional 1,500 apprentices in the House in response to the motion moved by building and construction industry will be the honourable member for Moggill in relation achieved by enforcing the 10% training rule on to the achievement of this Government's jobs Government public works projects and strategies. I would like to inform the House of a expanding the Housing Industry Trade Training number of relevant facts that must be Program. Under legislation currently before the considered in relation to the motion. However, House, the Government and industry aim to I first move the following amendment to the create 3,000 extra apprenticeships over four motion— years. Nine thousand places for the long-term "Delete all words after 'notes', unemployed will be created on essential public insert— works, community and environmental projects 'the following key initiatives of the Beattie for three to six months. The Government's Labor Government which will provide Community Jobs Program will help to provide increased employment opportunities for work experience so that the long-term Queenslanders— unemployed can gain valuable skills that will help them find permanent employment. ¥ $283m 'Breaking the Unemployment Cycle' initiative which will create The Government has also established a 24,500 jobs over the next four years; Jobs Policy Council that is currently ¥ $4.8 billion capital works program undertaking a regional consultation process in which will provide 65,000 jobs, 28 centres across Queensland on jobs and job including 17,800 new jobs and creation in our community. Tonight that ongoing employment for 47,800 program was ridiculed by the first two speakers workers; for the Opposition, which shows how out of touch they are with the Queensland ¥ the Community Renewal Program community. This consultation is critical to which provides $15m in a full year to encourage industry and the community at a revitalise communities with high regional level to consider how they can create unemployment levels; and more employment, to inform industry and the ¥ specific regional employment community of the assistance that is available strategies such as the $10.8m through DETIR for job creation programs and Bowen Jobs Plan, the first of many to encourage industry and the community to programs of this nature.'." implement job creation initiatives such as 21 Oct 1998 Unemployment 2669 those innovative programs that are available Turning to some of the few things that I under the Community Jobs Plan initiative. will have an opportunity to talk about in the Today the Premier launched a community short time available to me, let us look at the education campaign, highlighting the benefits first 100 days of my Government. To begin of the Breaking the Unemployment Cycle with, we put the mechanism of Government in initiatives for both urban and regional place to drive jobs. We have established new Queensland. As members would have seen portfolios to drive Queensland into the next today, this campaign is supported by a wide century as part of the can-do State that we will cross-section of business, community and lead. union leaders. Once again I thank them for Mr BEATTIE: They include not only the their support. One of the key messages of this Minister for Employment, but the new campaign is the need to develop a partnership Department of State Development to drive job between Government and industry as part of a creation and regional development, and the community-wide effort to get on with creating new Ministry for Communication and jobs. While there is a role for everyone in Information to drive the development of the creating jobs, the Government is taking the State's fourth largest industry. This is about lead, as it should, through the creation of developing new jobs, new opportunities and 6,500 apprenticeships and traineeships in the new industries. We have mentioned the new public sector. Department of Employment, which will bring At the time that the coalition lost down unemployment, increase job security Government, there was no jobs policy; there and provide people with the skills to earn a was no policy to generate employment. The living. number of Queenslanders who were At the first Cabinet meeting, we made an unemployed for 12 months or longer had additional $5m available to promote increased from 35,821, or 21.4% of the total Queensland as a tourist destination to unemployed when the Goss Government left generate 1,410 new jobs. The Budget office, to 44,411, or 30% of the total supports 65,600 jobs from capital works alone. unemployed when the Borbidge Government We accelerated the Capital Works Program to lost office. The previous Government was drive job opportunities at a time when there culpable of not only presiding over this was an impact from the Asian economic crisis. situation but also of contributing to it by In addition, 24,500 job placements, abolishing a range of employment programs apprenticeships and traineeships will be that were targeted at assisting the long-term created under the Breaking the unemployed and young people. Unemployment Cycle initiatives over the next I shall give some examples of the four years. Also, 685 new teachers, 995 more employment programs that the coalition in health workers and more than 370 more police Government abolished. The coalition and civilian support staff will be provided for. abolished the Youth Employment Service, the The forecast unemployment rate by June next Job Training and Placement Program and the year is 8.5%. Self Employment Venture Scheme. It A $5.4m package has been provided to abolished incentive payments to Government boost building and construction jobs, with up to departments to take on trainees. 3,000 apprenticeships being created from a Time expired. special fund created in the industry. We are Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— working on the skills to drive employment ALP) (Premier) (6.23 p.m.): In this short debate opportunities. The Government contributed in which I have only five minutes, I will not funding to the $68m Institute of Medical have the time to set out the Government's Research at the Royal Brisbane Hospital. comprehensive strategies and policies to drive About 200 long-term jobs for staff will be employment in this State, although I will go created, as well as more than 25,000 weekly through some of them. However, at the outset pay packets during construction. Departments were ordered to accelerate capital works I am prepared to say that it seems to me that projects by awarding as many contracts as the Opposition is simply delighted to see that possible before the end of December. there is a high level of unemployment in this State. They are relishing in it for cheap political I hosted a signing ceremony for a contract purposes. What we want is solutions to between Burton Coal and China Steel unemployment and what the community wants Corporation of Taiwan. Expansion of the is solutions to unemployment. They do not company's Glenden mine will result in 150 want politics. extra jobs. 2670 Unemployment 21 Oct 1998

There will be an increase of nearly 150 Government in respect of initiatives that we staff at prisons and correctional centres across inherited. The honourable member opposite the State. A further $3m was allocated in the has never had the common decency to do Budget for the employment of 50 more prison that. It is a good thing that we had been the officers. Government when he came to office, A Government initiative secured the otherwise he would have had nothing to world's biggest sporting event of 2001, the announce tonight. There would have been Goodwill Games. That has a forecast benefit nothing on his list. We would have had an to Queensland of 1,800 new jobs and an empty list from an empty Premier and an economic boost of about $167m. empty Government. Cabinet added $7.5m to the $19.5m due The facts are these: 60% more people to be spent on the crime-cutting urban renewal were on the unemployment queues by the programs in 13 areas throughout the State. time Labor left office than when it took office. Scores of jobs will be created in the renewal In most of the period that Labor was in process. Government, the percentage of unemployment was in the 9s, 10s and 11s. In BP has selected Brisbane for a $500m oil the first six months of this year, the coalition refinery expansion, which will provide 700 new Government recorded the lowest construction jobs. The Government won 400 unemployment rates in Queensland for six new jobs by persuading Stellar years, which were constantly in the 8s. What is Communications to locate its Asian call centre it now? It is 9.2%. It is getting worse under operation in Queensland as part of the State Labor while the situation has stabilised in the Government's call centre strategy designed by rest of the country. the Department of State Development to attract call centres to Queensland. Some 91,000 new jobs were created in the last year of the coalition Government— The Minister for Natural Resources 40% of all new jobs generated in Australia. intervened to save the jobs of 25 sawmill That was the legacy we left the honourable workers in the central coast by allocating a new member opposite. That is the legacy that he logging area. A record $8.5m was made will not acknowledge. What did we get today? available under the Statewide Sports We got the new you-beaut jobs initiative. We Development Program to Queensland sporting got a 1800 telephone number, an advertising organisations to create jobs for sports campaign, community forums and 24,000 administrators, coach directors and traineeships over four years. Mr Speaker, do development officers. you know how many school leavers there will We delivered on an election commitment be over the next four years? The Government by providing a $10.7m rescue package for the is providing 24,000 traineeships and there will depressed Bowen area to help generate jobs. be 160,000 school leavers over the next four Three hundred and five contract employees years. In the last year that we were in office, have been offered full-time jobs with the coalition generated 91,000 new jobs—40% Queensland Rail. There is the PNG gas of all new jobs across Australia and more than pipeline, and the list goes on. I table that for every other State combined. That is the the information of the House. record. The Government has a clear jobs Everyone on this side of the House and in strategy. We inherited a mess from the the press gallery knows how the Premier coalition and we are fixing it. It is not going to arrived at his target of 5% unemployment. be easy; of course it will be difficult. I have Originally, it was 5% over three years and then never said that my target will be easy to meet, it was 5% over five years. What is the bet that but this is a can-do Government that will get next year it will be 5% over 10 years? Eighteen on with the job. We will not be sitting around months ago, the current Premier, when making excuses, whingeing and whining with Opposition Leader, was holding a press all the negativity that we hear from members conference and one of the journalists asked on the other side of the House. We will do the now Premier what he thought was a something. reasonable unemployment target for the State of Queensland. The current Premier looked to Time expired. the back of the room at one of his minders, Hon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers who held up his hand to say, "No". What did Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) the current Premier do? He took that to mean (6.28 p.m.): When I became Premier, one 5%. That is how the member for Brisbane thing I always endeavoured to do was to give Central arrived at the 5% unemployment target credit to the former Premier and the former that he now says is Labor's mission in life. If 21 Oct 1998 Unemployment 2671 we talk to the press gallery, they will tell us the in those days the Employment Minister, used story. To have an objective is good, but to to tell us of ad nauseam. But it was important provide unrealistic expectations only generates that we knew about it, because it was the cynicism that is rampant in the electorate delivering employment and training today. That is precisely what this Government opportunities. is doing. That commitment is amply demonstrated This Government inherited the strongest in the policies of this Government—this jobs growth in Australia. If we look at the Government that came to office but a few unemployment figures in Queensland for the months ago on a clear commitment to first six months of this year, we see that they employment and training programs, programs were the lowest they have been in six years. which we are delivering in this Budget which is That is the mess that the member for Brisbane yet to pass the Parliament. However, we have Central refers to—the lowest unemployment not waited for the final vote to be taken on the figures in six years. He ignores the fact that, Budget. No, not at all. My colleague the under Labor, unemployment was 8%, 9%, Minister for Employment and Industrial 10% and 11%. In fact, in July 1992 it was Relations and his department have been 11.1% and thereafter chronically in the 10s preparing the program for its implementation. and 9s for the balance of Labor's term in All we are waiting for is the unanimous vote of office. Under the coalition, employment growth this Parliament to let us have the money to put was running at just over 4%—double the that employment program into place to offer national rate. Of course, in this State those apprenticeship opportunities and to unemployment is now 9.2%, whereas it has provide those traineeships—to do all of those stabilised across the rest of Australia. What is things which Labor in Opposition said it would the excuse from the Premier? He is gaining do when in Government. momentum! Incredibly hypocritical statements have Time expired. been uttered by a succession of speakers from Hon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) the Opposition benches in relation to this (Treasurer) (6.33 p.m.): The Leader of the Government's commitment to employment Opposition believes that if he can say the and job creation. What was the first thing that same untruth time and time again people they did in 1996 in relation to employment? might just believe him. Let us be clear about They scuttled it by cutting dead the this. I will cite the official figures for the Accelerated Capital Works Program which was unemployment rate in Queensland. The put in place by the Goss Government in late forecast average unemployment rate for this 1995 when we realised that the drought was year will be the lowest rate in Queensland finally draining the economic fibre of the State. since 1994-95. Who was in Government in We put in place an Accelerated Capital Works 1994-95? No, it was not the coalition or the Program to push economic activity back out honourable member for Surfers Paradise, it into the regions. What did they do? They was the Goss Labor Government. At that time, chopped it off. But not content with that, they unemployment in Queensland was below the put in place the most incredibly stupid, rate applying across the rest of Australia. irresponsible and incompetent policy of putting in place a capital works freeze. If we look at the record through the early 1990s, we see that more times than not I take on board the comment made by unemployment in Queensland was at a rate one of the Opposition speakers who said, less than that for Australia as a whole. Well "Isn't it good that they have carried on our might we ask why that was so. That was Capital Works Program?" We made it because traditionally the unemployment rate in abundantly clear that we would not follow the Queensland has been lower than the national folly of which the Opposition is guilty, that is, its figure. I suggest that it was because at that freezing of a Capital Works Program when it time in the early 1990s we had a Labor tumbled into office without wit, wherewithal or Government in this State which was prepared any comprehension of the sorts of tasks that it to put its money where its mouth was in had to fulfil as the Government of relation to employment, training and Queensland. endeavouring to build a platform for economic We said that we would deliver on capital growth in this State. That was a time when works. We are delivering on capital works. Why Labor Governments were committed to are we delivering on capital works? Because training programs such as our then Community this is a Government committed to Jobs Plan. We had a $150m Jobs Plan that I employment, employment growth and regional remember my colleague the Attorney-General, development. We are doing that through a 2672 Unemployment 21 Oct 1998

$4.8 billion Capital Works Program that will They do not like the dismantling of the provide not only job security for people who coalition's equitable unfair dismissal laws, the have been working in capital works reintroduction of compulsory unionism and already—and there are about 48,000 of union preference clauses. They do not like the them—but also new jobs for about 18,000 Labor Party's intention to reintroduce closed others. shops. They do not like the idea of union Time expired. officials being able to have unrestricted access to small business, to be able to view the books Mr SANTORO (Clayfield—LP) (6.38 p.m.): of employees, irrespective of whether they are Tonight we have heard again a very clear union members or not. It is those types of outline of the Government's Jobs Plan. It is policies which have been announced by the worth reiterating what its component are. Government, on which the Government will be Firstly, we have the target, which as we have looking to the Independents and to the One just heard from the Leader of the Opposition Nation members for support, that small was very scientifically arrived at—a very businesses do not like. That is the point that considered exercise of policy development the Minister, the Premier and the members based on sound logic and reason! We then opposite are missing. The fear is not of the have the task forces, or as they call them the task force, the forums and all the other public councils, that are travelling around the State relation exercises that this Government is talking to people and encouraging businesses going about; the fear is of their policies. to take on people because it is a good thing to do and the Government is doing its bit. As I have said in this place before, and Related to the task force and the councils, we will continue to say as long as the we also have the forums. Of course, the Government is implementing those policies— forums are meant to be warm and fuzzy. They not the target, but the dream—that 5% target get about 50 people. A good number of them will remain a dream and will never be are trade unionists, a few public servants and achieved. Just in case anybody is fooled about a few other citizens, and the forums are so training, the Leader of the Opposition and the very, very important! Of course, today we saw Leader of the Liberal Party are right; we need the unveiling of a fourth component of the real jobs to accompany training. There is no Jobs Plan by the Labor Party: the Government that is more successful in advertisements, the public relations exercise, providing training and apprenticeships than the the politics of imagery, the politics of coalition Government. In fact, in 1997 perception—in this case, the politics of approvals for traineeships and apprenticeships deception. That is the fourth plank. more than doubled under the coalition. In 1997 under the coalition, new approvals The part of the Jobs Plan of the Labor totalled 30,864, compared with only 13,239 in Party that is really having impact is its policies; 1995 under Labor. Our record is a proud one. it is the fear of the small business community With only 18% of the population in Australia, of the policies which the Labor Party is about we produced 23.9% of all trainees and to implement if this Parliament allows it. That is apprentices. the reason why already, before the first Labor Party Budget begins to bite, the The community and, in particular, small unemployment figures and the employment business want the capacity and the incentive creation figures within this State are trending to generate real, long-term, sustainable private against the national trend. The reason they enterprise jobs, and this Government with its are doing that is obvious: the people of policies will not be able to generate that Queensland do not like, for example, the plans incentive; it will not be able to generate that by the Labor Government to amend the willingness and ability in small business to workers compensation system, to redefine the generate jobs. Because of that, the dream of definition of "worker", to redefine the definition a 5% unemployment rate will fade rapidly. The of "injury", to redefine and reintroduce 5% target will not be achieved, and we will unrestricted recess and journey claims and to remind the public of Queensland of the cynical throw out the workers compensation reforms way that the Premier and Labor in Opposition which will again force up premiums for every and even now are manipulating the public worker who is put on and in itself create a perception that they are economically disincentive for small businesses to take on responsible and have an ability, a capacity and people. Small business does not like the a willingness to generate jobs. It is not going to industrial relations policy of the Minister and happen because their policy platform is flawed. the Government opposite. Time expired. 21 Oct 1998 Unemployment 2673

Hon. J. P. ELDER (Capalaba—ALP) certainty and confidence that it needs to get (Deputy Premier and Minister for State on with its job and that we would provide the Development and Minister for Trade) budgetary support for those areas that I have (6.43 p.m.): This is the sort of activity that just outlined. makes people outside this place sceptical I heard the member for Toowoomba about our worth. We have said that time and South say today that we spend too much time time again. Tonight we have an Opposition on big projects and not enough on small which in Government failed to set any targets business. It is not true. Let me say this: I or goals for employment—none! Time and realise that, in some instances, big businesses time again, it walked away from doing that. It and small businesses are not the same, but failed to outline any plans or put them on the the point I would stress to the honourable record. Its members still feel free to come in member and the Parliament is that big projects here, mount the high horse and rail against us bring with them money, and that money flows because we have a plan, but it is not detailed into the community. enough for them. They deserted the field when they were in Government. They did not Mr Beattie: Long-term jobs. set objectives and plans—none—for the entire Mr ELDER: They do provide the long-term time that they were in Government. jobs. Townsville is a good case. One has only to look at how Townsville is benefiting from the The public would be better served by big ticket items: Korea Zinc and the minerals having a full and frank debate about creating province—both, I might say, Labor Party jobs—all of us involved in that—instead of this, triumphs. They were triumphs of the ALP when "You said that and you said that", because, at we were in Government and we delivered on the end of day, the public will be none the wiser or better off for it. We have always said those. For places like Townsville, those that this would be a difficult task and one that projects have meant that more money is would not occur overnight. We have never circulating and there is more money to spend, misled anyone in relation to that. A number of and that flows down to the smaller businesses. factors will be required to fall into place and a I see the member for Thuringowa shaking number of factors will be required to be put his head, but it is right. The money from those into place. That will require investment, more projects falls into those communities and it falls education, better training systems, and a into the small businesses in those dedication of Government money for capital communities: the supermarkets, the fruit works, which it has from this Government, and stores, the butcher shops, the shoe shops, the not just in the traditional areas of schools, book shops—all of the little shops whose education, hospitals or bridges. Money will also survival depends on those projects and whose be required to be spent in new and upcoming survival depends on having the money in the areas of infrastructure which takes us into the projects to benefit from them. That close information age. That sort of resourcing from relationship between big business and small Government will be required, and this business is not understood by the member for Government will provide that. Toowoomba South. All of that takes time. It is one of the Those opposite are keen to keep the reasons why we deliberately set out and chose spotlight on us. Let me say that, in spite of all a five-year time frame. We did it because we their moaning that I have heard today about knew it would not happen overnight. It would support for small businesses in country towns, not suddenly come to pass that a Labor they know that in Government they did nothing Government would be elected and all those for them. In fact, they walked away from half people who require training would be trained, the regional development plans that I put in all the unemployed would be employed place when I was Industry Minister. If they go overnight and all the Government contracts back and have a look at the record, they will that were there to be let would be let. I can tell find that they walked away from most of those honourable members that the tenders are plans. So it is hypocritical for them to come in being let because we would not support and here and moan about the impact on small could not support—and neither could the country towns when they did nothing for them. economy—the freeze on capital works that All they are doing at the moment is gathering members opposite put in place when they first that resentment, walking in here and trying to came to Government. All of those benefit from it. They did very little at all for prerequisites that I just mentioned will need to them when they were in Government. be put in place. We did say that we would set I say to the new member that the best the target, we would straighten it out and we thing he can do is go back and read the would provide the private sector with the Budget papers of the past couple of years to 2674 Unemployment 21 Oct 1998 realise how the National Party deserted the How the Beattie Labor Government can bush when it was in Government. At the end create jobs, jobs, jobs in such an environment of the day, it is about putting policies in place only Premier Beattie would know, because he that increase the jobs and job opportunities in must be a magician to pull jobs out of an this State, and we will get on and do it. empty economic barrel that is already void of Time expired. any job-creating talent. He has about as much chance of achieving his target on jobs as an Mr BLACK (Whitsunday—ONP) ice cube has of surviving in a blast furnace in (6.48 p.m.): I support the motion that this hell. House notes the deteriorating jobs situation in My suggestion to the Premier is this: Queensland and the failure of this dump the failed policies of economic Government to make any progress towards its rationalism, stop selling off the national estate, stated 5% unemployment target. It really put Queenslanders instead of Asia first, stop boggles the imagination how this Beattie getting into ruinous debt and set up a people's Labor Government is going to get bank to deliver low-cost finance to allow unemployment down during depressed times workers to own their own homes, small when previous Governments with boom businessmen to own their own businesses and conditions overseas could not dent this farmers to own their own farms. The Premier deplorable unemployment scourge. The scoffs at this, no doubt, but this is the policy of Premier is treating Queenslanders like fools a previous Labor Government—a Government when he grandstands about jobs, jobs and in which men like King O'Malley were really more jobs. Asia is in turmoil and he no longer dinkum about jobs and which led the way to has Hanson to blame for this. Japan is falling economic recovery and prosperity; two vital on hard times, and they are not going to help elements that Labor has long forgotten. I us get out of the trouble that successive endorse this motion, with the observation that Federal and State Governments have got us the only way Premier Beattie will obtain his into. much lampooned 5% unemployment target is This Government is trapped between the if the level is now 4%. failing globalist policies of successive Federal Mr BRISKEY (Cleveland—ALP) and State Governments and the economic (6.52 p.m.): I am pleased to speak in support rationalist disasters visited upon Asia. of the amended motion and to place on the Successive Federal and State Governments record my support for the programs this have placed all of Australia's goodies into the Government has initiated to create jobs and Asian community and it is being paid back in drive down the State's unemployment level. economic turmoil, unstable markets and falling Unemployment is the most serious economic exports. and social issue facing this nation and this The Premier continues to globe trot about State. Creating long-term and sustainable jobs Asia, spouting motherhood and God is the Beattie Government's highest priority. declarations like an oracle, but none of his This Government was elected on a grand pronouncements appear to be bearing commitment to job security and job creation, fruit. But wait! I do the Premier wrong. One of and just over a month ago this Government the Asian enterprises is bearing fruit in a big brought down a Budget which had at its heart way, that is, the illegal drug trade being significant funding for labour market programs organised out of Hong Kong. One must ask and job creating capital works projects. I was what the Premier is doing about this. Did he therefore somewhat surprised by the original even raise the issue when in China recently? If wording of this motion and the hypocrisy of its he did not, the Premier simply is not fair authors, the members opposite, to assert in dinkum on this or anything else—and that this debate that the Government does not includes jobs, jobs, jobs. have a plan to reduce Queensland's Jobs are still exported by Government unemployment rate. Our accusers were, after design. What a sham! Australian industry is still all, Ministers in the previous Government—a being sold out to foreign multinationals. Government that did nothing to reduce Australians are still being ripped off by Queensland's unemployment rate. excessive taxes to allow the foreign The figures speak for themselves. Job multinationals to live literally tax free, and creation, as recorded by the trend employment Australians are still being entertained by the growth figure, slowed to a snail's pace under razzle-dazzle of the shadow-boxing between the Borbidge Government. In 1995, the last Liberal and Labor in Canberra and here, year of the Goss Government, 87,800 jobs without any solutions being produced. were created. This compares with only 18,100 21 Oct 1998 Adjournment 2675 jobs created in the first year of the Borbidge ADJOURNMENT Government. The figures speak for Hon. T. M. MACKENROTH (Chatsworth— themselves. Only State Labor Governments ALP) (Leader of the House) (7.01 p.m.): I create jobs at the rates needed to reduce move— unemployment. "That the House do now adjourn." The members who now seek to criticise the Beattie Labor Government's employment initiatives are the same people who were Nerang-Broadbeach Road Upgrade responsible for scrapping the Goss Mr CONNOR (Nerang—LP) (7.02 p.m.): I Government's community renewal program, raise the issue of the upgrade of the Nerang- which was directed at communities that had Broadbeach Road within my electorate. Main high levels of unemployment. They are the Roads recently went through an expensive same people who put a six-month freeze on all public consultation process to supposedly capital works projects—a decision which had a decide between extending Nielsens Road or severe impact on the building and construction upgrading the Nerang-Broadbeach Road. industry, a major Queensland employer. They There have been allegations at and before this are also the same people who abolished the consultation that the whole process was a Queensland Government's employment sham and that the decision had already been programs. made that the Nerang-Broadbeach Road Yes, the mob who tonight stand up here would be the preferred option simply to save and criticise the Beattie Government did not money. This has become a contentious issue even have an employment department. Under within my electorate because the previous ALP the Borbidge Government, it was the Government had promised that it would be Department of Training and Industrial Nielsens Road. The Nerang-Broadbeach Road Relations. Any reference to employment was option will seriously affect the safety and scrapped. That says a lot about the priority the amenity of more than 400 adjacent homes, previous Government gave to employment. It plus a caravan park and mobile home park. As is these people, the members opposite, who well, it has been estimated that it could result now wish to debate the Beattie Government's in in excess of a $40m decrease in the value employment creating plan. The hypocrisy of those houses. astounds me. The previous Government had As I said, allegations have been made of no employment plan; it did not even have an a sham in relation to the decision having employment department. It refused to set already been made. As a result of that, a letter targets or goals for creating jobs. came into my possession that was signed by Time expired. John Worrall, the district director, dated 28 November 1996. I called in John Worrall in Question—That Mr Braddy's amendment relation to this issue and asked him, firstly, be agreed to—put; and the House divided— "Was the decision to go ahead with the AYES, 42—Attwood, Barton, Beattie, Bligh, Boyle, Nerang-Broadbeach Road option made prior Braddy, Bredhauer, Briskey, Clark, E. A. to the public consultation?" He said, "No." I Cunningham, J. I. Cunningham, Edmond, Elder, then asked him, "At any time prior to the Fenlon, Foley, Gibbs, Hamill, Hayward, Lavarch, consultancy, did you inform anyone that the Lucas, Mackenroth, McGrady, Mickel, Mulherin, decision had been made?" On both occasions Musgrove, Nelson-Carr, Nuttall, Palaszczuk, Reeves, he replied unequivocally, "No." I then showed Reynolds, Roberts, Robertson, Rose, Schwarten, him a copy of that letter and asked him Spence, Struthers, Welford, Wellington, Wells, whether he recognised his signature on the Wilson. Tellers: Sullivan, Purcell bottom. He said, "Yes." He then read a NOES, 40—Beanland, Black, Borbidge, Connor, highlighted part. I table that letter, which Cooper, Dalgleish, Davidson, Elliott, Feldman, Gamin, states— Goss, Grice, Healy, Hobbs, Horan, Johnson, Kingston, Knuth, Laming, Lester, Lingard, "It has become clear, from advice Littleproud, Mitchell, Nelson, Paff, Pratt, Prenzler, from Council, that the Nielsens Road Quinn, Rappolt, Rowell, Santoro, Seeney, Simpson, alignment cannot be developed to a Springborg, Stephan, Turner, Veivers, Watson. reasonable flood immunity for a State- Tellers: Baumann, Hegarty controlled road. Therefore it has been Pairs: Fouras, Sheldon; Pearce, Slack; D'Arcy, decided to retain the existing alignment Malone for upgrading the Nerang-Broadbeach Road." Resolved in the affirmative. I asked Mr Worrall to explain, because Motion, as amended, agreed to. that obviously contradicted what he had just 2676 Adjournment 21 Oct 1998 said to me. His answer to the first question was supported Senator Colston for the deputy that things had changed. To the second presidency so he could get an additional question, he admitted that it was factually $16,000 per year in pay. I will never forget as different from what he had said. I then asked long as I live the look on Colston's face—not him to supply me with a letter in which Main unlike a rabbit caught in a spotlight—when Roads officially informed the council that the Kerry O'Brien of the ABC said, "Most people decision as mentioned in that letter had been resign from political parties on a question of changed. At this stage, Mr Worrall has not principle. Senator Colston, what question of supplied this evidence, although I maintained high principle did you resign on?" The truth is that he needed to have it here before now. that he sold his soul for a lousy $16,000 per Mr Worrall needs to explain why, in 1996, year to become Deputy President of the he said that the Nielsens Road alignment Senate. He sold away 38 years of membership cannot be developed. Now he maintains that it of Australia's oldest political party—one of its can be. He has not explained that. Nor has he great political institutions—a party which, demonstrated where he has explained that to despite its failings, has continued to be the the council. Mr Worrall quite clearly lied to me only political party capable of delivering a on the second question—deliberately trying to decent standard of living and real dignity to all cover up the letter. On the first question, he Australians regardless of class, gender, race or still has not shown me proof that he was not creed. lying about that, too. If Mr Worrall does not Not all members of this House would supply me with reasonable proof that the realise its role in the Malcolm Colston saga. decision was not made in 1996, I will be forced Colston was Labor's nominee in 1975 to to refer this matter to the CJC on the grounds replace deceased Senator Bert Milliner when of official misconduct in relation to the Joh Bjelke-Petersen tore up convention and consultancy and other associated matters. supported Albert Patrick Field. Colston was then supported by Labor in the succeeding Senate election and was elected and had Senator M. Colston Labor's support for the next 21 years. How Mr LUCAS (Lytton—ALP) (7.05 p.m.): sickening that a man, originally a victim of There will always be some debate about how National/Liberal lack of principle, sold his own much a particular member of Parliament's principles in a dirty deal with them. How ironic support comes from a personal vote and how that, only a few months after his defection, the much comes from their party endorsement. Liberal Party jettisoned Malcolm Colston when Even Independent members here are elected the stench of its dirty deal with him became so as such, and part of their support would come bad that he was a political liability to it. The real from the fact that they are independent just as lesson is from time immemorial: rats, grubs much as if their particular identity would be and defectors get a pat on the back from the John Smith, Independent. This, of course, is other side while they are of use to them, but far less a factor in Upper House elections, as soon as they no longer matter they end up when members of the Upper House are discarded, despised by all and respected by elected from the State at large. none. In Queensland, at each Federal election, An Opposition member: What about the State elects six senators by a ballot Cheryl? process that uses either above or below the line voting. In Senate elections this gives a Mr LUCAS: Unlike Cheryl Kernot, Colston, true indication of the actual strength of the like Don Lane and Brian Austin, swapped party vote as compared with the vote for sides but did not have the integrity to resign individual senators. This is important, because and face the people. Former senator Cheryl we have seen, and will continue to see, a Kernot had that integrity. When she resigned perversion of democracy in this country by the from the Democrats to join Labor, she also continued presence in the Senate of Senator immediately resigned from the Senate, thus Mal Colston. giving the Democrats the ability to appoint her replacement, and also at the expense of her Senator Colston was last elected to the parliamentary pension. To even think of Mal Australian Senate for a six-year term as an Colston ever considering for one second such Australian Labor Party senator at the 1993 principle as displayed by Cheryl Kernot is Federal election. In August 1996, Senator laughable. Colston resigned from the ALP because he wanted to be Deputy President of the Senate. In the 1993 Queensland Senate In a tawdry, disgusting political deal, the elections, the ALP polled 729,065 votes, or Liberal Party in the Australian Senate 39.41%. In Senate elections, voters are given 21 Oct 1998 Adjournment 2677 an opportunity to vote for individual senators of Dalby—working with me and with Vince below the line. In 1993, Colston got 1,053 Lester, the then Minister for TAFE—worked votes, or 0.06% below the line. That was how very hard and long to reach a stage at which much people then thought of his individual we acquired a piece of land and had forward candidacy. He was elected on the basis of the planning to build a freestanding TAFE college Labor vote alone. Yet he now sits in the in Dalby to be opened in 1991. It is now history Senate on the basis of Labor voters' votes but that, when there was a change of votes to sell one third of Telstra, and no doubt Government, the funding for that college will support the sale of the rest, and also a suddenly went elsewhere. Dalby has been GST. languishing ever since with substandard TAFE The people of Queensland have had an courses. opportunity to adjudicate on now Independent To the credit of the former Minister, Santo Senator Mal Colston in the most recent Santoro, the problem looked like being October Federal election. Senator Colston overcome. He commissioned the Long report. himself was not a candidate, but his wife, Mr Dennis Long, a former Regional Director of Dawn, and son David were. So how did the Education serving out of the Darling Downs bogus Colston "Queensland first" team go? In area, was commissioned to meet with a total, the team got eleven and a half thousand committee of people in the Dalby area to do a votes, or 0.58%. Below the line, Dawn Colston study of the training needs. Acting on the got 59 votes, or three-thousandths of a advice and recommendations coming from the percent, and David Colston got 904 votes, or Long report, funding was put aside in the five-hundredths of a percent. Budget of the Borbidge Government so that the people of Dalby could have redress for a The fact is that now there can be no project that was taken away from them in shadow of a doubt that Malcolm Colston has 1990. no right to claim any mandate to sit in the Federal Senate on behalf of Queenslanders. If I have taken note of what was said during he were to have any principles, he would the Estimates committee hearings. The resign immediately from the Senate and allow Minister said at first that he did not know a Labor nominee to be placed in the Senate anything about the report. Since then, he has for the remainder of his term. Colston has a replied to a question that I put on notice hide as thick as a rhinoceros. I do not expect stating that the report has come to hand. I that he is remotely interested in looking appeal to the Minister, who is in the House objectively at the true facts of his 1993 election today, to think about the equity and the justice and the even more compelling facts of the issues for the people of Dalby and the fact that recent Senate vote, but I ask him to take the Dalby has been shown to be the place with next few weeks before the Senate resumes to probably the biggest unmet demand for TAFE reflect on his conduct and to ask himself how courses anywhere in Queensland and provide he wants history to remember his contributions the facilities that were recommended in the to Australian public life. I say to Senator independent Long reported handed to Santo Colston: try to salvage something of your self- Santoro. esteem, honour and dignity by leaving the Dalby has a population of 10,000 people. Senate now. You will never repair the damage The Dalby district has a population of 16,000 done to your reputation among the Labor people. For the past three or four years, TAFE Party and, more importantly, Labor voters, but courses have been taught in an office block. at least you might show some of us that in That is quite unsuitable. When the students your total self-interested, self-absorbed break from class, they sit on the footpath or avaricious self—— eat their lunch in the aisle of the office block. Time expired. The location is quite unsuitable. A Government member: Quite unsuitable. Dalby TAFE Mr LITTLEPROUD: The response that I Hon. B. G. LITTLEPROUD (Western received from Minister Braddy last week about Downs—NPA) (7.10 p.m.): The people of the TAFE in Dalby stated that the hours being Dalby and district were treated shabbily by the offered had doubled. I admit that that may be Goss Government in 1990. Unless the present the case, but the reports coming to me from Minister for Training and Industrial Relations the people who work there and also people reviews his attitude, Dalby and district could be who would use those activities—— treated shabbily again by the Beattie Mrs Edmond: He must be doing a good Government. In the years 1987-88, the people job if the numbers have doubled. 2678 Adjournment 21 Oct 1998

Mr LITTLEPROUD: The numbers have attend the inaugural meeting of the Blackall doubled, but there is still more to do in terms Range Branch of the Association of of having the right sort of premises. The Independent Retirees. I am informed that the project does not involve too much association had a signed-up membership of money—something in excess of $2m. When approximately 101 members for the inaugural we were debating the Appropriation Bills and meeting. I am further informed that the also when we were debating a motion of association is staffed by volunteers and is non- confidence in the Government, I was amazed party political and non-profitmaking and to hear backbench members of the new speaks for retirees who feel disadvantaged by Government speak about the promises that Federal, State and local governments and for had been made and how much money was to retired or semiretired people who do not be spent. $1m was promised to do something receive the full Government age pension. about the TAFE in Greenslopes. A $4m loan I am informed that the aim of the was promised for educational purposes in the association is to protect and advance the Barron River electorate. Money was put aside interests of retirees who have funded in whole for Dalby and a report had identified the very or in part their own retirement. During the drastic need for the people of Dalby for course of the meeting, favourable reference adequate TAFE courses; yet the money has was made to the recent decision by the been taken away. Federal Government to grant some pensioner People should understand that if there health benefits to independent retirees from 1 are suburbs in Brisbane where people do not January next year. Also specifically mentioned have ready access to TAFE courses, those were the recent decisions by this Parliament to people can travel to the next suburb or travel extend to Seniors Card holders—and hence to to a TAFE that is two suburbs away, which is many self-funded retirees—the motor vehicle not too far. If a person living in Dalby wants to registration concessions previously enjoyed pursue a TAFE course, the nearest option is to only by pensioners and to provide free go to Toowoomba—50 miles away, one hour's ambulance service and transport from 1 driving. For the many people who live in the January. country, it is even further. The costs associated However, concern was also expressed with relocating a child to do a TAFE course are about the benefit discrepancies that still exist a bit like those associated with providing a between Government-funded pensioners and tertiary education in a university. It is abnormal. the 570,000-odd self-funded retirees who have Many people cannot afford it. I appeal to the invested their life savings prudently so that Minister to do something about it and put a they can continue to support themselves. In TAFE college of the correct standard in Dalby. particular, the meeting referred to the need for That college will not only look after those this Parliament to consider granting free people who are after professional training but drivers' licences for all Seniors Card holders, also provide prevocational training for children the pensioner concessions for local in Years 11 and 12. government rates to be extended to fully self- That will happen in Chinchilla, because we funded retirees and the eligibility age for were able to put forward the planning of the Seniors Card holders to be reduced from 65 to previous Minister, Mr Santoro. Next year, 60 for persons funding their own retirement. In Chinchilla will have a TAFE annexe within the asking for those concessions, the Blackall grounds of the high school. That will allow Range Branch of the Association of prevocational training in Years 11 and 12 and Independent Retirees says that for far too long give very relevant training to these students Australia has treated retirees in two distinct who do not have the academic ability to go on categories. It believes that the retirees and to university but who need modern skills to seniors who are able to support themselves enter the work force. I appeal to the Minister to and are still contributing to the nation's do something about the plan that was put economy should be rewarded with lifestyle forward following the Long report and not treat benefits at least equivalent to those enjoyed the people of Dalby and district as shabbily as by publicly funded retirees. After all, the more they were treated by the Goss Government in self-funded retirees there are, the greater is 1990. the relief on public funds. I am also informed that the inaugural president is Mr Bob Taylor; the vice president, Association of Independent Retirees, Mr Reg Price; the honorary secretary, Una Blackall Range Branch Robinson; and the honorary treasurer, Mr Mr WELLINGTON (Nicklin—IND) Robert Moran. I commend those matters to (7.15 p.m.): In September I was privileged to the attention of the House. 21 Oct 1998 Adjournment 2679

Inglewood Olive Processing Plant of the action of Rob Borbidge. In December Mr SPRINGBORG (Warwick—NPA) 1996, he went out to Inglewood. At that stage, (7.18 p.m.): This morning in this place the the community was on a little bit of a downer. Premier referred to his recent trip to Inglewood It had lost various Government services as a where he had the pleasure of driving a grader result of the economic rationalism that took and turning the first sod for the new Inglewood place in the early 1990s, and Government was multimillion-dollar olive processing plant. I a part of much that occurred. There was also the fall of the tobacco industry in the 50s and enjoyed the opportunity of being there with the the 60s. Inglewood had lost people from the Premier on that day. I think he did a fairly good railway and other public services and there was job. As to his grading skills, for the first time on also a downturn in the local feedlot industry. a grader, he did not do a bad job once he got As a result, people were fairly melancholy. it levelled up. The Premier mentioned the significance of that project for the Inglewood Mr Borbidge, the member for Surfers region. He mentioned the 65 or so jobs that Paradise, committed a significant amount of will be created once that particular project is up money to the Inglewood Shire Council for an and going. economic development officer. We agreed to I commend Mr Mark Troy and the pay two years' wages to assist the council in Inglewood Olive Processing Group for their the appointment of a person so that it would commitment to our community and to our have somebody designated to work on region and for having the foresight to invest in attracting new industries into the Inglewood the Inglewood Shire, and to each and every area. That person, Bob Neville, has been one of those people out there who are going doing a great job in the time that he has been to invest money over the next few years in the working for the Inglewood Shire Council. As planting of olive groves. This morning, the well, the former Premier committed $100,000 Premier also mentioned the $100m worth of to the council to assist it with a feasibility study olive products that we import and consume in into new and alternative industries for the Australia each year in the form of table olives Inglewood Shire. That has been very, very and olive oil. If we can get this project up and positive. That is one of the greatest things that going, we can make Inglewood the olive we can do in our cooperation with councils. capital of Australia. To back up its State Government can do so much, but commitment, this company bought out a major councils are the grassroots level of olive enterprise in South Australia so that it government. If we can assist councils to could have fruit for the first stage of its employ an economic development officer, they processing, because we are looking at can then do a lot to assist themselves. In the something like three or four years down the case of Inglewood, which is a small shire, the track before we have the right amount of olives assistance of the former Premier at that stage from the local area for the industry to be self- was extremely valuable. I believe that it has sufficient and to be able to grow. taken a lot of potential new industries to this next step. The motivation of Bob Neville and At the moment, the olive industry in the Inglewood Shire Council has also certainly Australia is somewhat fragmented. We have played a great part. people with a few trees here, 100 trees there, and 1,000 trees there. The industry needs to This project has happened because of be brought together, and the Inglewood Olive the commitment of the former Government— Processing Group will be bringing it together. the former Premier, Rob Borbidge—in working Barkworth, which is located just over the border with the council. I note the commitment of the from my electorate in New South Wales, is current Premier, Peter Beattie, and the Office planting a very large number of trees. When of Economic and Trade Development in they come on line, no doubt they will be a fairly assisting to bring this project to fruition. It is major supplier as well, along with a lot of other going to be a great project for the Inglewood people who are branching out and investing Shire. I say as well that the power of positive money to diversify their businesses. For thinking is a marvellous thing. Two or three example, woolgrowers may want to diversify, years ago, this community was in a big funk. as may other people who grow small crops. Now, with a bit of positive thinking and a bit of good publicity, one could be mistaken for The Premier's commitment is noted. thinking that the area is one of the emerging However, I would also like to commend very economic powerhouses in south-west much the action of Rob Borbidge when he was Queensland. Premier, because a lot of the revival that is happening in the Inglewood Shire is as a result Time expired. 2680 Adjournment 21 Oct 1998

Moreton Bay Water Taxis; Mansfield ALP transport services, such as buses and trains, Branch provide seniors and pensioners with 50% Mr BRISKEY (Cleveland—ALP) concessions. As the member representing the (7.23 p.m.): The Beattie Government's first people living on the islands of Moreton Bay, I Budget contained funding for a small but by consistently argued that it was only equitable no means insignificant transport initiative: the that this Government service be extended to extension of the 50% pensioner and Seniors the main form of public transport for those Card concessions to water taxi services in people living on those islands. The 50% Moreton Bay. I am delighted that the Budget concession on water taxis will be available to contained the funds to extend this concession anybody holding a Seniors Card issued by the scheme to commuter ferries, because it will Department of Families, Youth and directly improve the standard of living for a Community Care, a pensioner concession card large number of my constituents who live in issued by the Department of Social Security or the Moreton Bay island communities. Department of Veterans Affairs, or a repatriation gold card issued by the It is an initiative that both I and the former Department of Veterans' Affairs. member for Redlands, John Budd, The start-up date has been set for 1 campaigned on at the last election, and it is January 1999, because time is required to great news for the communities on North negotiate a funding arrangement between the Stradbroke, Russell, Lamb, Macleay, ferry or water taxi operators and the Karragarra and Coochiemudlo Islands, who will Queensland Department of Transport. The benefit because water taxis are the main form negotiations are expected to result in five-year of transportation to and from the mainland for service contracts being entered into between these island residents. From 1 January 1999, the ferry and water taxi operators and pensioners and seniors using the water taxi Queensland Transport. These contracts will service of Moreton Bay will have their transport provide greater certainty and allow longer-term costs halved. This effectively allows pensioners planning while also ensuring that ferry services and seniors living in the island communities to are integrated into the public transport system make twice as many trips to the mainland as and that there is better coordination with other their budget currently allows, opening up more public transport services, such as buses and opportunities to access cheaper shopping and trains. the range of services provided on the mainland. This 50% concession will also have The extension of the pensioner a positive impact on the social lives of many of concessions for water taxis in the Moreton Bay my island constituents, because now many area is a Government initiative that has been island residents will be able to enjoy social warmly welcomed by my constituents. It is activities available on the mainland, which they another example of the Beattie Labor had been denied in the past because of the Government's commitment to supporting local prohibitive cost of frequent island-to-mainland communities and ensuring that all trips. Queenslanders, regardless of where they live, can afford to access the public transport The Beattie Government is effectively services necessary to live an active social and halving the cost of a water taxi trip to the community life. mainland for the majority of Moreton Bay island residents. The decision to extend the In the last minute available to me, I would concession scheme to the water taxi service like to make mention of the wonderful people in the Mansfield electorate who tonight are does not represent special treatment for the sitting above us in the gallery. I would like to island communities. In fact, at long last it welcome them all. They are fine members of brings water taxi services into line with the the Australian Labor Party. I would like to concessions offered to pensioners and Seniors thank them most especially for working so hard Card holders on other forms of public transport to see a fine member for Mansfield elected. services. I have always argued that extending Without this member, Labor would not be on the concession scheme to water taxis and this side of the House. So I thank very much other commuter ferries in Moreton Bay was a those members of the Mansfield ALP. I assure simple matter of equity. It was just not fair that them that their hard work has elected a people living in the island communities were marvellous member for the seat of Mansfield. being denied public transport concessions simply because their only form of public Motion agreed to. transport was the water taxi. Mainland public The House adjourned at 7.28 p.m.