21 Oct 1998 Legislative Assembly 2589 WEDNESDAY, 21 OCTOBER 1998 Ministerial Papers The following papers were tabled— (a) Treasurer (Mr Hamill)— Annual Reports for 1997-98— Mr SPEAKER (Hon. R. K. Hollis, Redcliffe) read prayers and took the chair at 9.30 a.m. Queensland Treasury Corporation Queensland Machine Gaming Commission REGISTER OF MEMBERS' INTERESTS (b) Minister for Health (Mrs Edmond)— Report Discussion paper on Hairdressing, Beauty Therapy and Skin Penetration. Mr SPEAKER: Order! Honourable members, I lay upon the table of the House the 10th report on the Register of Members' MINISTERIAL STATEMENT Interests. Employment Campaign Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— PETITIONS ALP) (Premier) (9.34 a.m.), by leave: Today, with the Employment Minister, Paul Braddy, I The Clerk announced the receipt of the will be launching a special Government following petitions— campaign to create more jobs for Queenslanders. Notwithstanding the unexpected impact of the Asian economic Local Government Elections, Voting Rights crisis on Queensland and Australia, it From Mr Hobbs (2 petitioners) requesting emphasises that this Government is not simply the House to legislate to ensure that all "going through the motions". We are serious ratepayers (whether they reside on the land on about job creation and jobs, jobs, jobs. The which they pay rates or are absentee campaign complements the Government's landowners) are accorded the democratic right Breaking the Unemployment Cycle initiatives of being able to vote in local government that aim to create 24,500 apprenticeships, elections, thereby giving them a say in the traineeships and job placements over four future of the local government area in which years. These are primarily aimed at young and they have an interest. One vote per person long-term unemployed people. regardless of how many blocks owned is a fair However, while these initiatives will help request. reduce unemployment, the Government cannot address this problem by itself. We must have the support of industry, unions, local Kinkuna Park Reserve authorities and the wider community, including From Mr Slack (144 petitioners) groups and organisations, in a partnership to requesting the House to discard coal port drive employment opportunities. We have proposals and in lieu continue marine park introduced incentives for employers to employ from the north side of Elliott River to Theodolite more trainees and apprentices. And now, with Creek, acquire Coonarr and land adjacent to, this campaign, we are challenging employers developing a continued Kinkuna Park Reserve to do their part in partnership with the towards protection of tourist industry Government. This Government acknowledges expansion. that the private sector is the engine room of economic growth. So the campaign is Petitions received. designed to generate industry support. It makes use of that famous Queensland competitive spirit to encourage industry to PAPERS create more jobs. MINISTERIAL RESPONSE TO A The campaign includes a 30-second PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE REPORT television advertisement and four 15-second The following response to a parliamentary trailers, which invite Queensland employers to committee report was tabled by The Clerk— telephone a 1800 number, 1800 505 627, for response from the Attorney-General and information on Government incentives for job Minister for Justice and Minister for The creation. The television segments will be Arts (Mr Foley) to a report of the Legal, supplemented by some newspaper Constitutional and Administrative Review advertising. The advertisements are a tribute Committee entitled Privacy in Queensland to their participants—a cross-section of 2590 Ministerial Statement 21 Oct 1998 community and business leaders of whom advertisements were placed in newspapers in Queensland can be justly proud. They include: Brisbane and major regional centres on sporting greats, Wally Lewis and Vicki Wilson; Saturday inviting members of the public to prominent Aboriginal representative, Noel have their say. I wish today to encourage Pearson; Golden Circle Managing Director, Queenslanders to take this opportunity to have Barry Kelly; and AJC Metal Products their say on the proposed amendments before proprietors, Greg and John Caulfield. The the second round of consultation ends on 9 advertising campaign is part of the November. Government's efforts to build stronger, more positive relationships with the community, Victims of stalking will receive better industry and unions throughout the State to protection under the proposed new laws. Once help reduce unemployment. It is only through it was thought that the crime of stalking was a forming closer partnerships that we can make problem only for celebrities, but now we know it a difference—a difference the Government is can be a serious problem for many people, determined to make. particularly women. Stalking is a crime which causes great distress to its victims and the Members of the Employment Task Force criminal law needs to be more effective in within the Department of Employment, protecting victims of stalking and in deterring Training and Industrial Relations are already would-be offenders. The key changes visiting regional communities throughout proposed in the draft Bill include clarifying the Queensland to seek input into job creation language dealing with the reasonableness of strategies from a local level. Twenty-eight an alleged stalker's behaviour. The current forums are being held to involve the requirement that a reasonable person would community in finding local solutions to be caused to believe a "concerning offensive unemployment, right from the outset. So far, act" was likely to happen as a result of the eight forums have been held in Bundaberg, offender's course of action would be removed Maryborough, Hervey Bay, Ipswich and and replaced by a simpler and clearer test. Brisbane. An average of 50 people have Currently, the term "concerning offensive act" attended and plenty of ideas have been put is limited to an unlawful act of violence against forward. A report will be compiled soon after a person or property. the forums finish in December. Cabinet will then decide on what further action can be The draft Bill recognises that stalking may taken. We will continue this drive to create cause victims serious mental, psychological or employment opportunities for Queenslanders. emotional harm, not just physical harm. The new Bill also proposes to give the courts the power to order a convicted offender to refrain from contact with a victim of stalking. And the MINISTERIAL STATEMENT current requirements for two or more instances Stalking Legislation of stalking to occur for an offence to be proved would be removed, allowing the courts to find Hon. M. J. FOLEY (Yeronga—ALP) that a course of conduct constituted an (Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and offence. Minister for The Arts) (9.37 a.m.), by leave: On 30 June this year the Honourable Judy These reforms, and others contained in Spence, Minister for Women's Policy, and I the draft Bill, would improve greatly the current started the process of reforming Queensland's legislation by taking into account the needs of laws in relation to stalking, to ensure that victims. The coalition talked of reforming victims of this crime received a fair go, by Queensland's stalking laws but failed to act releasing a discussion paper on how our when it had the opportunity. This failure to act legislation could be improved. The consultation is symptomatic of the coalition's approach to period for the discussion paper on this law and justice issues in Queensland—tough important reform ended on 10 August and all talk and simplistic proposals but very little in submissions received by my department the way of action. before and after that date have been This Government, by comparison, has considered in the preparation of the draft moved to push the issue of victims' rights to Criminal Code (Stalking) Amendment Bill 1998. the centre of our criminal justice system As part of the comprehensive consultation through these proposed reforms and proposed process undertaken in relation to these reforms to the Criminal Offence Victims Act reforms, the draft Bill has been sent to about and amendments to fact finding on sentence. 450 interested parties for comment. It also is I urge Queenslanders to take part in this available on the Internet. In addition, process. 21 Oct 1998 Ministerial Statement 2591 MINISTERIAL STATEMENT prison officer numbers by 50, above and Mr S. J. Cowell beyond the forecast increases. This increase should alleviate any problems regarding the Hon. T. A. BARTON (Waterford—ALP) need for extra prison officers and ease (Minister for Police and Corrective Services) concerns about officers being put in (9.40 a.m.), by leave: On Monday, an inmate dangerous situations. However, I will continue at Numinbah Correctional Centre, Steven John to monitor the situation, especially when Cowell, absconded while on a leave of prisoner numbers continue to rise at a rapid absence to attend an alcohol rehabilitation rate. program. He was subsequently recaptured on Monday night, and police are to be congratulated on their swift action. MINISTERIAL STATEMENT Despite his quick recapture, Cowell's DNA Wildlife Typing Project abscond raised a number of issues which need to be addressed. Firstly, why was a Hon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) prisoner, described by police as dangerous, in (Minister for Environment and Heritage and a low/open security prison and allowed on an Minister for Natural Resources) (9.43 a.m.), by escorted leave of absence? Whenever there is leave: One of the greatest threats to our an abscond or an escape, police have a duty natural heritage is the illegal trading of wildlife. of care to warn the public. They described this Rare and threatened species are being taken inmate as dangerous based on his previous from the wild by unscrupulous and unprincipled offence and to discourage people from people, kept for breeding purposes, or traded approaching the inmate.
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