
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 Issue No 426 Complimentary


Improving Standards in Our International expert to deliver 2019 CUC GPFL Opening Rally this Schools 91 forms left to verify keynote presentation weekend Two more traffic Corporate Fatalities on Cayman roads support for Police responded to a serious two-ve- Saturday was on Sea View Road in the hicle collision occurred on the morning vicinity of High Rock Drive, in East End, of Saturday, 7 September, in East End. and involved a car and a truck. The two DG 5K The two occupants of one vehicle have occupants of the car where found unre- sponsive and the driver of the truck was the other was not injured. not injured. beenThe con�irmed serious deadtwo-vehicle while the drivercollision of which occurred shortly after 3:00 on ... Continued story on page A4

 (Photo by Cayman Crosstalk) Cayman Airways

successfully  Appleby’s Senior Business Development Manager Claire Lloyd-Hickey presents cheque for $17,500 to Deputy Governor, Hon. Franz Manderson

Fundraising efforts for the Deputy sights; the total funds will be split diverted to Orlando Governor’s 5K Challenge were boost- evenly among three charitable causes: ed on Thursday, 5 September, with the Cayman Islands Crisis Centre, Special presentation of donations from the Needs Foundation Cayman and Alex International Airport event’s biggest sponsors. Panton Foundation. The 2019 Challenge’s ambitious Cayman Airways Limited (CAL) has The Flight, under the command of target of $70,000 is within the event’s ... Continued story on page A6 Frederick Whorms and assisted to New York (JFK) from Grand Cayman oncon�irmed Sunday thatSeptember �light KX7928, 2019, destined was di- Grand Cayman for New York (JFK) on verted to Orlando International Airport scheduleby First Of�icerat 3:30pm Adrian (EST); West, departedapproxi- (MCO) following a smoke indication in one of its cargo holds. ... Continued story on page A3

 Butterfield’s delegation (from left to right) consisting of: Kayleigh Wright, Satisha Bran- don-Dilbert, Maxim Matienzo, Bill McFarland (Senior Manager, Finance and Planning), Zafrin Nurmohamed, Samantha Powell and Richard Maparura present their $5,000 donation to the DG EDITORIAL | COMMUNITY NOTICES | COMMUNITY VOICE PAGE A2 Wednesday, September 11, 2019 | Issue No 426 C�������� T����

EDITORIAL COMMUNITY NOTICES Improving Standards Customers of UPS may in Our Schools experience delays in When we think of schools our minds student is "turned on" to learning but imported goods often focus on excellent leadership we all know who or what inspired us from our Principals, good teaching and in our past. Now we are also aware The Customs & Border Control teamwork from our teachers, the ethos that the early years are critical to stu- Service (CBC) would like to inform and "climate" that makes a school feel dent learning and success. customers of UPS who may be expe- welcoming, the safety and well being Children the world over are natu- riencing delays with receiving their rally very inquisitive. As parents do imported goods that the delays are not our students are performing in their we take the time to answer the ques- caused by CBC. They are the result of learning.of our students and, signi�icantly, how tions that they ask us about the world a private commercial issue between so that customers are not further im- The recent annual report published around them? The role of the commu- two local on-island agents that provide pacted. nity is also a vital link. Do we visit li- services for UPS. UPS customers should contact their focuses on these matters. It is a well braries and museums and promote a CBC is hopeful that the on-Island on-island agents for further informa- presented,by the Of�ice very of Educationreadable Standardsdocument culture of learning in our homes? Do agents will resolve this issue shortly tion and assistance.  which zeros in on both strengths and we use our elders and the expertise weaknesses of several government of seniors to help build links with our and private schools including some culture and religious heritage? These pre-schools. all play a supportive role in educating Elections Offi ce Update The fact that the Ministry of Educa- our youth and developing their critical thinking skills, moral education and shared publicly indicates its willing- literary appreciation. nesstion isto willing continue for tothese aim �indings for improve- to be Often we are told to look for "low ments in all schools and to celebrate hanging fruit" which we can grasp and successes in the education sector. see immediate effects. This will have Indeed, the Minister's opening state- a positive effect on a school. However, ment refers to nurturing sustainable the big issues such as literacy, numer- relationships that will positively im- acy, science, the arts, physical educa- pact education. This approach is vital. tion and technology are all critical to Some schools and parents will feel student learning and can sometimes pleased with the results. Others inev- take more time to develop, review and itably will feel concerned that there is still much to be done. This fact should Schools need to continue to look at now drive each and every school to goodre�ine. practice in other schools. They identify its strengths and weakness- can borrow successful teaching strat- egies and share excellence. This report improving where there are needs and should also be a continuing point of buildinges and seek on address these �indings, greater collaboration for all schools. Sound teaching and learning and Students, teachers and parents as educational achievement are the busi- well as the Caymanian community are ness of schools. Good practice, excel- all part of a school's success. At the lent curricula and sound guidance start of this school year we must all must be their aim. It is not always easy aim to make Cayman's schools our na- to understand and quantify when a tion's pride.  EDITORIAL | COMMUNITY NOTICES  Elections Office Update on Current Verification Process 6 Sep PAGE 2 Wednesday, October 18, 2017 | Issue No 132 THECaymanian HORNS Times OF A Editorial NoticEs MORAL DILEMMA Have you heard of Eu- — is the conviction that Customs Registration of Importersthyphro? No; that’sbegins nei- the character of God as To help importers start using a system for entry declaration, the Department will ther a country nor a new- revealed in the Bible, as start registering importers starting Monday, 16 October 2017. ly discovered planet. It is well as his nature as re- the name of a character in vealed there, leads us to The registration is required by the implementation of a new online electronic the writings of the ancient believe in a God who is system for entry declaration. Effective 1 November 2017, the Cayman Islands philosopher Plato. Pic- completely good in his Customs Department will implement the new system. This will require importers ture this scene: Socrates being (character) as well to complete and submit entries electronically to Customs using the new gateway is waiting outside of the as omniscient in nature. portal Clifton COLS Hunter (Customs High School Online System). Importers will be able to access the portal Athenian court building  Pastor Alson Ebanks In other words, we would through the website to face trial for suppos- accept that the God of Tips of the Week For individuals who have not yet received training in the use of the system, Customsedly will leadingprovide the in-house youth training.of Athens astray the Bible is not a capricious God who Motivational Tip However, before they can use COLS, importers will have to be formally registered andwhen recognised he encounters as an importer Euthyphro by Customs. who is arbitrarily sets down moral rules sim- The Power of Music This will require each individual to come in and provide Customs with relevant informationlooking including forward toa government-issued his day in court for ply because he can, but that the right- an entirely different reason; he’s going ness of his commands are based on the Do not underestimate the power to court to seek the death penalty for his fact that they are objectively good and of music. Music can heal the sick, their business licence and/or companies registration including directorship. own father. The dialogue between these right, independent of how individuals mend the broken heart, relieve stress identification, e.g., driver’s licence or passport. Additionally, it will be necessary for companies and businesses to provide As a result, Customs will begin the registration process starting Monday, 16 October throughtwo has 27produced October for 2017, us one from of 8:30amthe most or cultures may feel about them. To put and even help you to live longer. Just profound questions — actually consid- it simply, most Christians would con- ask some of our seniors who are still Roberts Drive (locallyMonday known as to Airport Friday Road). 9 am to 6 pm ered by philosophers as a dilemma — in clude that right actions are exactly that playing music and dancing. They will to 4:00pm Monday to Friday. Registration will take place on the 1st floor of Customs Headquarters, located at #42 Owens agree that music has added value to However, if they missSaturday this period to10 be am registered, to 5 pm Customs will continue to registerdebates importers and discussionsduring normal of ethicsbusiness and because God commands them, and that their life and also a few more years. hours. Although most importers were previously registered in the old system, it is necessarymorality. for Theall importers question tois bethis registered (now put this is because God himself is good and After a long stressful day, close your in the new system.Baytown Once registered Plaza. with West Customs, bay importers Road can then submit entrieson electronically your thinking and cap do andbusiness digest with this therefore only commands what is good. eyes turn on your iPod or CD player Customs, without having to attend in person. slowly): Are right actions right because Of course there are those who will argue and just enjoy the mellowing sounds Phone Repairs 943-2355 | Phone Retail 945-2355 God commands them, or are right ac- against this; this is why the question is Cayman Islands Customs Management thanks importers for their cooperation andtions understanding commanded and by looksGod because forward they to referred to as the “Euthyphro dilemma”. of music. If you have energy left you continued .Email - [email protected] may even dance a jig. are right? This was the question posed The relevance of this “thinking point” to Euthyphro by Socrates. Do you see is to draw our attention to the fact that Live longer. Live happier. Live life to the subtle but important difference we are living in a culture that appar- its fullest with MUSIC. Air-Conditioned Storage ently has chosen neither horn of this Sea Grape some actions are right simply because dilemma, but instead have promoted here?Units If we go - Kingbirdwith the �irst Drive option, that Secretarial Services ourselvesAvailable accusing for God Immediate of being arbi- what is right and wrong. The end result traryGod saysin determining they Rental are right, what we is right may �indand ofthemselves this approach as the to �inalethics arbiters and morality as to Services: Work Permits, Trade and Business Applications what is not right. On the other hand, if is a sort of moral relativism that rejects & Renewal Annual Returns, General Letters we concludeVarious that rightSizes actions from are com- not only religion as the basis for right Please call for other services manded by God because they are right, and wise actions, but rejects reason it- Contact: Susan that would80 sq. suggest ft to to 190 us that sq. God ft is not self as the basis for decision making. For Cellular: 345 326-9953 example, whereas marriage was based Health Tip Please call: 326-3800 Address: Unit #2, Grand Plaza ethics and morality, but just like us, he in on the self-evident reality of human het- (Opposite Hi-Tech Electronics) Drinking alcohol and Blood somethe �inal way authority has discoveredor in matters what of isvalues, right erosexuality, a fact that even the most Pressure Email: [email protected] Business Hours: 9am – 5pm, Mon – Fri andEmail: has passed [email protected] that on to us. primitive human understood from the Drinking too much alcohol can Obviously, this dilemma has very long textbook of nature, today we are faced raise blood pressure to unhealthy and sharp horns, so much so that we with the arbitrary notion that marriage levels. Having more than three drinks can’t come anywhere near giving them can be whatever one wants it to be. For- in one sitting temporarily increases justice in this little essay. But it does lead get religion, science and nature. Right is your blood pressure, but repeated Caymanian us to think about why we believe what what we want it to be! What is most dis- binge drinking can lead to long-term we believe about what is right and what heartening about this approach to mo- Caymanianincreases. Times is wrong. AdvertiseAre there objective or abso- rality is that this delusionary approach Heavy drinkers who cut back to Issue # 426 lute grounds for deciding what is right; to community life is fast gaining judicial moderate drinking can lower their l Free Consultation - New Clients Welcome l Full & Partial Dentures or are values, morals and ethics entirely and legislative approval in western cul- systolic blood pressure (the top Publisher: Ralph Lewis up to each individual or each culture? tures. l Specializing in Cosmetic Dentures l Re-Lines/Soft Liners number in a blood pressure reading) your Company: Lewis Cayman Islands Ltd And if the latter is the case, whose mor- This leaves me with the task of re- l Dentures Over Implants l Athletic mouthguards & night guards by 2 to 4 millimeters of mercury #19 Walkers Road (next to Tomlinson Furniture) als should we then follow; or is it “every (mm Hg) and their diastolic blood l Over 30 Yrs Experience l DentureTelephone: Repairs 345 916 2000while you wait! man for himself” as we used to say? today’s moral chaos: Are right actions pressure (the bottom number in a Email: [email protected], Clearly one of the things that those rightvising because the “Euthyphro the Courts dilemma” command to �it blood pressure reading) by 1 to 2 or [email protected] them, or are right actions commanded mm Hg. Heavy drinkers who want to Website: lemma has going for them — at least by the Courts because they are right? lower blood pressure should slowly fromwho optthe forJudaeo-Christian the �irst choice perspective in this di- (Pastor Alson Ebanks)  reduce how much they drink over one to two weeks. Heavy drinkers who stop suddenly risk developing severe high blood pressure for several days. If you have high blood pressure, avoid alcohol or drink alcohol only in moderation. Moderate drinking is generally considered to be: - Two drinks a day for men here younger than age 65 - One drink a day for men age 65 and older Fast, - One drink a day for women of GardenerDesigner any age Cameraman A drink is 12 ounces (355 milliliters) of beer, 5 ounces (148 Efficient, milliliters) of wine or 1.5 ounces (44 milliliters) of 80-proof distilled Caymanian Secretary spirits. Affordable.Lawyer Keep in mind that alcohol contains Times calories and may contribute to Issue # 132 Driver unwanted weight gain — a risk factor for high blood pressure. Publisher: Ralph Lewis Only 48 hours’ Also, alcohol can interfere with Company: Lewis Cayman Islands Ltd the effectiveness and increase the Telephone: 345 916 2000 Dive instruct side effects of some blood pressure Email: [email protected], Director medications. or [email protected] notice required - By Sheldon G. Sheps, M.D. Website: Hairdresser Designer LOCAL NEWS C�������� T���� Wednesday, September 11, 2019 | Issue No 426 PAGE A3 Cayman Airways successfully diverted to Orlando International Airport ... Continued story from page A1 day September 9, 2019. mentWhilst �light an hasinvestigation been arranged is in progress,for Mon- an emergency was declared following there is no evidence at this time of any amately warning an hourlight andindicating a half into the thepresence �light, actual smoke being present in the cargo of smoke in one of its cargo holds; the hold. aircraft landed safely at MCO at 6:17pm “We are extremely mindful that this (EDT). emergency landing and evacuation was With the uncertainty of what was a very distressing event,” commented causing the indication, the 103 pas- Cayman Airways President and CEO, Fa- sengers on board and 5 crew evacuat- bian Whorms. “On behalf of Cayman Air- ed the aircraft through the emergency ways, I offer a most sincere apology to over-wing exits and the deployed door our passengers for having to experience Monday September 9, 2019, as follows: ate on schedule. Passengers on affect- chutes/slides. this emergency landing and evacuation, made to the airline’s �light schedule for All other �lights are expected to oper- Emergency personnel, including par- which was necessary in the interest of 8:45am will now depart at 7:30pm. amedics, were on site to assist and treat the safety of our passengers and crew. • KX793, scheduled to depart JFK at sages.ed �lights will receive updates on their passengers and crew if needed. All pas- We have removed the affected aircraft at 6:05pm will now depart at 10:10pm newAffected �light timespassengers via email may and call text Cayman mes- sengers and crew were cleared to the • KX2606, scheduled to depart GCM Airways Reservations on 345-949-2311 terminal without the need for further complish the required repairs.” 8:10pm will now depart at 12:10am or 1-800-422-9626 (toll free in the Unit- medical attention and were provided fromDue service to the aircraft inde�initely being in removed order to from ac- • KX2607, scheduled to depart KIN at ed States) with any questions or con- with accommodations and a replace- service some necessary changes were Tuesday, September 10, 2019 instead. cerns.  • KX200/201 will now be operated on Registrar Speaks to NPOs on AML/CFT Risks The Registrar for NPOs (non-prof- it organisations) addressed dozens of charitable organisations on their money

nancinglaundering, risks terrorist at an information �inancing, targeted session on�inancial Thursday, sanctions 5 September and proliferation at the Gov- �i- ernment Administration Building. Last Thursday’s meeting also featured EDITORIAL | COMMUNITYpresentations NOTICES from other Government agencies, namely the Anti-Money Laun- PAGE 2 Wednesday, Octoberdering 18, Steering 2017 Group, | Issue the Financial No 132 Caymanian Times Reporting Authority and the Financial Crime Investigations Unit within the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service. ‘Basedotic on their uniqueE spurposes and Editorial Nactivities, these NPOs were invited in for this targeted outreach session to  Paul Inniss helps to oversee Cayman’s  Dozens of charitable organisations were represented at Thursday’s meeting (Photos credit: educateCustoms them on these risks’, saidRegistration Paul NPO sector of ImportersMinistry of Financial begins Services) Inniss, the Head of Compliance at Gen- To help importers start using a system for entry declaration, the Department will eral Registry. the 2020 CFATF (Caribbean Financial ruary 2020, in which it is expected to ty groups registered with Government. start registering importers starting Monday, 16 October 2017. ‘This session will help these NPOs Action Task Force) review of Cayman’s These entities, more typically referred The registration is required by the implementationanti-money laundering of a new online and counter electronic ter- The FATF will review the progress made to as charities, fall within the scope of compliancesystem for withentry local declaration. laws and Effective global 1 November 2017, the Cayman Islands bycorrect the Caymanstrategic Islands AML/CFT and, de�iciencies. at its June standardstoCustoms ful�il their Departmentfor administrativeanti-money will implementlaundering, duties in the newGovernment system. This is workingwill require to address importers the 2020 Plenary, determine if the recom- The law was enacted in accordance with to complete and submit entries electronicallyCaribbeanrorist to �inancing Customs Financial regime. using Action the new Task gateway Force mended actions have been taken. internationalthe Non-Pro�it standardsOrganisations to strengthenLaw, 2017. portal COLS (Customs Online System). Importers(CFATF)’s will March be able 2019 to access assessment the portal of As of 1 September, there were more the Cayman Islands’ regime to counter counteringthrough the the website �inancing of terrorism, Cayman’s AML/CFT regime. The report than 450 churches, sports clubs, phil-  Tips of the Week targetedMrFor Innissindividuals �inancial facilitated sanctionswho have the not and session, yet prolif- received outlines training certain in the userecommended of the system, actions Customs anthropic will provide organisations in-house training. and communi- ing. alongsideeration �inancing’, Ben Evans he ofsaid. Financial Trans- to be taken by the Cayman Islands to money laundering and terrorist �inanc- Motivational Tip parencyHowever, Advisors before (FTA). they canThe use Ministry COLS, ofimporters strengthen will have the to AML/CFT be formally regime. registered The and recognised as an importer by Customs. The Power of Music FinancialThis will Services require haseach contracted individual FTA to come to injurisdiction and provide is underCustoms a one-year with relevant “Obser- information including a government-issued Do not underestimate the power assist with Cayman’s preparations for vation Period” by the FATF, ending Feb- of music. Music can heal the sick, their business licence and/or companies registration including directorship. mend the broken heart, relieve stress identification,As a result, Customs e.g., driver’s will begin licence the or registration passport. Additionally,process starting it will Monday, be necessary 16 October for through companies 27 October and businesses 2017, from to provide8:30am and even help you to live longer. Just ask some of our seniors who are still Roberts Drive (locally known as Airport Road). playing music and dancing. They will to 4:00pm Monday to Friday. Registration will take place on the 1st floor of Customs Headquarters, located at #42 Owens agree that music has added value to However, if they miss this period to be registered, Customs will continue to register importers during normal business their life and also a few more years. hours. Although most importers were previously registered in the old system, it is necessary for all importers to be registered After a long stressful day, close your in the new system. Once registered with Customs, importers can then submit entries electronically and do business with eyes turn on your iPod or CD player Customs, without having to attend in person. and just enjoy the mellowing sounds Cayman Islands Customs Management thanks importers for their cooperation and understanding and looks forward to of music. If you have energy left you continued partnership. may even dance a jig. Live longer. Live happier. Live life to its fullest with MUSIC. Air-Conditioned Storage Sea Grape Units - Kingbird Drive Secretarial Services Available for Immediate Rental Services: Work Permits, Trade and Business Applications & Renewal Annual Returns, General Letters Various Sizes from Please call for other services Contact: Susan 80 sq. ft to 190 sq. ft Cellular: 345 326-9953 Health Tip Address: Unit #2, Grand Plaza Please call: 326-3800 Drinking alcohol and Blood (Opposite Hi-Tech Electronics) or Pressure Email: [email protected] Business Hours: 9am – 5pm, Mon – Fri Email: [email protected] Drinking too much alcohol can  Kim Francis of the FRA spoke to the sanctions regime raise blood pressure to unhealthy levels. Having more than three drinks in one sitting temporarily increases your blood pressure, but repeated binge drinking can lead to long-term increases. Advertise Heavy drinkers who cut back to moderate drinking can lower their l Free Consultation - New Clients Welcome l Full & Partial Dentures systolic blood pressure (the top l Specializing in Cosmetic Dentures l Re-Lines/Soft Liners number in a blood pressure reading) your by 2 to 4 millimeters of mercury l Dentures Over Implants l Athletic mouthguards & night guards (mm Hg) and their diastolic blood l Over 30 Yrs Experience l Denture Repairs while you wait! pressure (the bottom number in a blood pressure reading) by 1 to 2 mm Hg. Heavy drinkers who want to lower blood pressure should slowly reduce how much they drink over one to two weeks. Heavy drinkers who stop suddenly risk developing severe high blood pressure for several days. If you have high blood pressure, avoid alcohol or drink alcohol only in moderation. Moderate drinking is generally considered to be: - Two drinks a day for men here younger than age 65 - One drink a day for men age 65 and older Fast, - One drink a day for women of GardenerDesigner any age Cameraman A drink is 12 ounces (355 milliliters) of beer, 5 ounces (148 Efficient, milliliters) of wine or 1.5 ounces (44 milliliters) of 80-proof distilled Caymanian Secretary spirits. Affordable.Lawyer Keep in mind that alcohol contains Times calories and may contribute to Issue # 132 Driver unwanted weight gain — a risk factor for high blood pressure. Publisher: Ralph Lewis Only 48 hours’ Also, alcohol can interfere with Company: Lewis Cayman Islands Ltd the effectiveness and increase the Telephone: 345 916 2000 Dive instruct side effects of some blood pressure Email: [email protected], Director medications. or [email protected] notice required - By Sheldon G. Sheps, M.D. Website: Hairdresser Designer COMMUNITY | POLICE NEWS PAGE A4 Wednesday, September 11, 2019 | Issue No 426 C�������� T����

 1st Place "Captain D" skippered by Kem and Joey Jackson (Photos by Cayman Catboat  Foster Family with Cayman Catboat Members at the Annual David Foster Memorial Cat- Club Executive Member Eziethamae "Zeta" Bodden) boat Race David Foster Memorial Catboat Race The 15th Annual David Foster Memo- rial Catboat Race took place on 25th Au- ors with a time of 2 hours 30 minutes. gust with some of Cayman’s top catboat outIn the second competition place wasfor �irstthe place‘Brac hon-Cat’ which was sailed by Mr. Rommel title. Ebanks, Mr. Rommel Jr Ebanks and Ms. racersStarting vying from for Gavin this year’sPark in �irst Morgan's place Harbor, West Bay at 9:30am the race of 3 hours and 14 minutes. Andrea‘Whittaker Ebanks Cat and was �inished next’; with in a thirdtime lunch. place. That craft, which was sailed by �in-ishedAfter much in Rum anticipation Point, North and Side some with Mr. Jerris Miller and Mr. NJ Miller and very fun and cordial debate about who Mr. Orneil Galbraith, came it at a time of would win this year’s event - during the 3 hours and 44 minutes. build up to race-day - the results are The ‘Traveler’ came in fourth, re- now in…. It was the ‘Captain D’ sailed by spectively and was sailed by Mr. Bobby Mr. Kem and Mr. Joey Jackson that edged Ebanks.   The Traveler, Brac Cat and Captain D

POLICE NEWS Man Charged with Aggravated Burglary After Being Detained by Occupants of Residence Shortly after 3:00AM on Tuesday man attempted to flee but was caught The man, age 39 of George Town, was lands Hospital for treatment and subse- 3rd September, officers were dis- and detained by one of the occupants, arrested and has been formally charged quently discharged. patched to a report of a burglary at an who held him until the officers ar- with Aggravated Burglary, Consumption Detective Superintendent Peter Lans- address off Smith Road, George Town. rived. Several items were recovered of Cocaine and Possession of a Utensil down of the RCIPS Criminal Investigations A man had entered the residence and from the man, including a knife and Used in the Consumption of Cocaine. He Department says, “While we always urge was discovered by the occupants. The drug utensil. is appearing in court tomorrow morn- members of the public to exercise caution ing, 5 September. and avoid putting themselves in harm’s The occupant of the house sustained way in situations such as this, we wish to minor injuries while detaining the man acknowledge the homeowner for his cou- and was transported to the Cayman Is- rageous actions during this incident.”  Man Arrested for Resisting Arrest & Assaulting Police Following Single-Vehicle Collision At about 1:00AM on Sunday, 1 Sep- and detected the strong scent of alcohol on his breath. As a result, the man was West Bay Road in the vicinity of Gover- breath tested with a result of .131%. TO FIRST nor’stember, House of�icers observed conducting a vehicle patrols travel- on ling at a high rate of speed towards West however he resisted and a struggle en- FIRSTBORN GRANDCHILD Of�icers attempted to arrest the man, hicle but soon discontinued due to the per spray in an effort to subdue him, and rateBay. Of�icersof speed attempted at which itto was follow travelling. the ve- weresued. ableOf�icers to take eventually him into deployed custody. pep-One

ties, and, a few minutes later, came upon juries during the struggle, and was treat- aThe single of�icers vehicle resumed collision normal on Yacht patrol Drive, du- edof theat thepolice hospital of�icers along received with minorthe man. in- just off the Yacht Club Roundabout. It Both were subsequently discharged. was discovered that the vehicle involved The man, age 23 of George Town, was arrested on suspicion of DUI, dangerous observed earlier on West Bay Road. Of- driving, resisting arrest, and assaulting was the same one that the of�icers had police. He is currently on bail. 

�icers spoke to the driver of the vehicle Two more traffi c Fatalities on Cayman roads ... Continued story from page A1

The Department of Environmental

hicles was involved in that fatal accident. HealthThe department later con�irmed is assisting that one the of RCIPSits ve- with their enquiry and will make no fur- ther comment while the investigation is ongoing. We work hard to keep you smiling, offering a wide range The Ministry of Health and the De- of life insurance products to protect you and your family. partment of Environmental Health ex- tended condolences to the families of  #KeepingPromises #SagicorSTRONG the deceased. Let us put a smile on your face!

Let’s talk. Call your Sagicor Advisor at 949-8211 | @sagicorcayman

 (Photos by Cayman Crosstalk) ADVERTISEMENT C�������� T���� Wednesday, September 11, 2019 | Issue No 426 PAGE A5 DG 5K PAGE A6 Wednesday, September 11, 2019 | Issue No 426 C�������� T���� DG’s 5K 2019: Corporate partners collaborate for community causes ... Continued story from page A1

Platinum sponsor Appleby has com- mitted $17,500 to the event, with gold

Credit Union and Dart committing $5,000sponsors apiece. EY, The Butter�ield, half-way point Davenport, spon- sor CINICO has also donated $4,000 to the cause. The donors met with Deputy Gover- nor Hon. Franz Manderson MBE this week to present their cheques. Mr. Man- derson thanked the sponsors for their generosity in continuing to support the event, now in its sixth year. “I am thrilled we are on track with our ambitious fund-raising goal this year and can provide real support to the Cay- man Islands Crisis Centre, Special Needs Foundation Cayman and Alex Panton Foundation,” Mr. Manderson stated. He added: “it is only possible thanks to the generosity of our sponsors. Pro- viding tangible assistance to great caus-  Dart’s Wellness Committee co-chairs Dominic Ross (Community  Jeff Short, Partner at EY, presents gold sponsorship cheque of es like these is testament to the spirit of Development Manager) and Kelly Fiebig (Senior Accountant, Family $5,000 to Deputy Governor in support of this year’s charitable Caymankind in both the public and pri- Office Group) present cheque for $5,000 to Deputy Governor causes vate sectors, who come together for the good of the community and to promote This year, the DG’s 5K Challenge is discount. Please mention DG’s 5K when el between Grand Cayman and Cayman healthy exercise.” committed to promoting a more sus- making the reservation and note you Prospective participants can regis- tainable Cayman Islands, so please bring will need to provide proof of residen- • from Grand Cayman on 13 – 14 Sep- ter now on the CaymanActive website your own water bottle to the event. cy (passport or voter’s ID) to waive the temberBrac for �lights: Discounts for travel to the Cayman room tax. To make reservations, please • to Grand Cayman on 15 – 16 Sep- 400 participants to register will receive Brac event on Sunday, 15 September are call 345-948-1323. tember. special, limited-edition cap thanks The �irst to also available. Cayman Brac Beach Re- Cayman Airways is also offering a The discount is available for online platinum5335 | CAYMAN sponsor, NATIONAL BANK Appleby. | VEHICLE LOAN FAIR | CAYMAN COMPASSsort HP is | offering 5 SEP 2019 | participantsBB&P GRAND CAYMAN a | 10% +1 345 949room 2933 | [email protected]% discount | BBANDP.COM to economy fares for trav- purchase only on www.caymanairways. com using the promotional code AHC12. All provisions and rules of the fare pur- chase will apply. 

 Shakira Gourzong, from Credit Union’s Board of Directors presents cheque for $5,000 to Deputy Governor

Drive a great bargain at the Vehicle Loan Fair

 CINICO CEO Michael Gayle presents sponsorship cheque for the half-way stop to Mr. Manderson

Advertise Saturday 14th September, 10am­2pm your JOBS here Cayman National Recreation Field (across from our main Elgin Avenue branch) Take advantage of our low loan rates and make that new car possible: FAST 95% 6.75% 0.5% financing interest rate commitment fee EFFICIENT Meet with our dealer and insurance partners. View a variety of vehicles, boats AFFORDABLE and watercraft on site. Plus: spot prizes, kids bouncing castle and refreshments.

Only 48 hours’ notice required PERSONAL BANKING | BUSINESS BANKING | FIDUCIARY SERVICES | FUND SERVICES | INVESTMENT SERVICES Call 916-2000 LOCAL NEWS | BUSINESS C�������� T���� Wednesday, September 11, 2019 | Issue No 426 PAGE A7 International expert on nuclear politics and �inancial crime prevention to deliver keynote presentation at proliferation �inancing seminar Former member of The UN Secretary General’s Advi- sory Board on disarmament and international expert will be speaking at the next FTS seminar on Prolifera- tionon �inancial Financing crime in Cayman prevention, on September Dr.Togzhan 17th. Kassenova With recent changes to the Cayman Island’s regulato- ry framework to better protect the jurisdiction against vide important information on the new requirements andrisks ways of proliferation to improve compliance�inancing, this procedures seminar towill allevi- pro- ate the dangers. Dr. Togzhan Kassenova will be joined by Ms. Kim France, Sanctions Coordinator of the Cayman Finan- cial Reporting Authority who will address the recent dressedCFATF Mutual in the CaymanEvaluation Islands. Report which identi�ies pro- liferation“This seminar �inancing is asessential one of forthe compliancekey areas to profes- be ad- sionals, directors and CEOs to attend in order to un- identifying the risks and mitigating them,” said Paul  Dr. Togzhan Kassenova Byles,derstand Director proliferation of FTS. �inancing key requirements,  Kim France The seminar will take place on Tuesday 17 September, nancial hub, to develop and stay abreast policies to 2019 at The Westin Beach Resort and Spa, from 8.30am This seminar is organised by FTS and made possible “It is important for Cayman, as an international �i- – 11.30am. Registration is USD$225 and includes break- thanks to our sponsor The Ministry of Financial Ser- fast. To register visit vices.  protect the global �inancial system against money laundering and terrorist �inancing,” said Mr Byles. APPLEBY CONTINUES TO SUPPORT THE DEVELOPMENT OF YOUNG CAYMANIANS proved overseas university, and subse- has continued its ongoing investment quent professional practice courses, and in Leadingthe local offshore community law with �irm, its Appleby Legal is worth more than USD100,000 over the Scholarship Award for the 2019-2020 duration of the degree and professional school year. Charles Allen, who recent- practice courses. It includes tuition fees, ly completed his A-Levels at Cayman examination fees, as well as the cost of Prep and High School, was awarded the necessary textbooks, a monthly living scholarship for his legal studies at Kings allowance and four weeks’ work experi- College in London. Charles joins the ence each summer in one of Appleby’s four other students who are currently Practice Groups. in Appleby’s scholarship programme at Appleby also welcomed Caymanian various stages of their respective legal Kerseanna Ewers as a new articled clerk studies. The Appleby Legal Scholarship pro- na recently completed her Bachelor of  Charles Allen and Keseanna Ewers gramme was created in the early 1980’s Lawsat the and �irm subsequently in September her 2019. Professional Kersean- Practice Course (with Distinction) at the business, not only through our strong of their ambition to become lawyers and Caymanians intending to pursue a ca- Truman Bodden Law School. community investment programme, but look forward to watching them grow.” reerto provide in law. �inancial The programme assistance toprovides young through the development of our local For more information on the oppor- funding for the law degree course at the ner in Cayman commented; “Supporting people. We are delighted to support both tunities available at Appleby, visit www. Truman Bodden Law School, or an ap- ourBryan local Hunter,community Of�ice is at Managing the core of Part- our Charles and Kerseanna in their pursuit  Oasis Aqua Park donates funds to the Cayman Heart Fund The Cayman Heart Fund (CHF) recent- Angelique Bodden, Coordinator of support of the campaign said “Oasis was one to focus on their hearts and encour- ly received a generous donation from Cayman Heart Fund contacted local happy to help Cayman Heart Fund raise age them to get their families, friends Oasis Aqua Park in support of World companies asking them to participate money for World Heart Day 2019. It’s and communities involved. Heart Day 2019. in the World Heart Day campaign. This not much we give but how much love we The Cayman Heart Fund (CHF) is a World Heart Day is a global campaign year’s campaign is about wearing RED put into giving.” during which individuals, families, com- on Friday September 27th 2019 and Dr. Bella Beraha, CHF Vice-Chairper- zation dedicated to the reduction of munities and governments around the help Cayman Heart Fund spread this life son, said It means a great deal to the heartnon-pro�it, and circulatory non-government disease organi-in the world participate in activities to take saving message and raise funds. CHF when local businesses support us Cayman Islands. Heart and circulatory charge of their heart health and that of Mr. Talbert Tatum owner of Oasis in our effort to eradicate heart disease disease, known as cardiovascular dis- others. Aqua Park decided to donate CI $500 in in the Cayman Islands. World Heart Day ease (CVD), is the number one health is a great example of an international problem in the Cayman Islands. Cay- campaign designed to spread aware- man Heart Fund is dedicated to edu- ness educating the public. We encour- age businesses and individuals to par- and supporting access to high quality ticipate, donate and spread the message healthcarecating the through public, in�luencingvarious programs policy during September’s World Heart Day. and initiatives. Angelique Bodden, Coordinator of For more information contact: 345- Cayman Heart Fund said, World Heart 916-6324 or info@caymanheartfund. Day is a fantastic way to remind every- com. 


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 Talbert T. Tatum, Oasis Aqua Park Owner, and Angelique Bodden, Cayman Heart Fund Call 916-2000 • or mail: [email protected] Coordinator LOCAL NEWS | LOCAL SPORTS PAGE A8 Wednesday, September 11, 2019 | Issue No 426 C�������� T���� “Paint for Bahamas” Disaster Relief Fundraiser In light of the recent devastation our fundraising goal of CI$10,000 to aid caused by Hurricane Dorian to The Ba- in recovery and relief efforts. We will be hamas, Art Nest Creative Studio will be partnering with the Red Cross to ensure hosting a Paint and Sip fundraiser on that funds are legitimately applied to re- Monday, 16th September as a part of covery efforts in the Bahamas.” its “Art Changes Lives” charitable pro- The event will take place from 7:00pm gramme. to 10:00pm with guests welcome to come For a donation of CI$100, patrons will and go as they please throughout the have the opportunity to add their own evening. Artist Avril Ward will be on hand personal touches to a large communal providing tours of Award Art Gallery as painting depicting an idyllic scene of a well as providing guidance for donors lighthouse located on the Bahamas’ Par- wanting to add their own brush strokes adise Island with iconic Atlantis Resort to the large communal art work in con- in the background. The lighthouse in the junction with Art Nest instructors. The painting is the oldest and best-known lighthouse in The Bahamas and the oldest surviving lighthouse in the West chaselarge �inishedof $25 ticket piece ahead will be of availabletime (which for Indies. It is located at the western tip canraf�le be at thepurchased end of the online event at with same the timepur- of Paradise Island, marking the north- as event entrance ticket), with 100% of west entrance to New Providence and proceeds going towards the relief efforts the Port of Nassau. It was built in 1817, in the Bahamas. Guests can purchase as when the island was known by its previ- ous name, Hog Island. Local musicians will provide live mu- The communal painting is inspired by sicmany for raf�le this eventtickets and as theythere like. will be other an original painting entitled “Lighthouse artists and crafts people on hand with at Paradise Island” by British painter live demonstrations and artwork avail- Judi Leblanc who graciously granted able for viewing. Art Nest permission to reference her Other local businesses are encour- piece for this fundraiser. Leblanc is no aged to participate in fundraising efforts stranger to The Cayman Islands and  Reference piece of “Lighthouse at Paradise Island” by Artist Judi Leblanc through sponsorship of this event. has also painted scenes from our own Art Changes Lives is an Art Nest ini- shores in addition to other paradisiacal Café and complimentary bubbles and Art Nest Founder Christina Pineda tiative that uses the arts to help at risk neighbours like the Bahamas. Canapes wine by Jacques Scott, after which a said “We want to be able to host over 100 youth, senior citizens and fundraise for will be provided by Saucha Conscious cash bar will be available. people for this event in order to reach worthy causes locally and abroad.  Primary School football returns this weekend The always entertaining primary Schools scheduled to participate in school football returns this weekend as this year’s Girls’ Opening Rally include the CUC Girls’ Primary Football League Cayman Prep, Cayman International (GPFL) Opening Rally kicks-off the 2019 School, St. Ignatius Catholic School, Sir primary school football season on Sat- John A. Cumber Primary, George Town urday, September 14 at the T.E. McField Primary School, Bodden Town Primary, Field (Annex Field) in George Town Triple C School and Savannah Primary. starting at 9:00 a.m. The annual Rallies are designed to The boys kick-off their season with give players an opportunity to ready the CUC Primary Football League (PFL) themselves for the rigors of the 10- Opening Rally next Saturday, September week season following the long sum- 21, also at the Annex Field, and the CUC mer break. They are exciting, fast-paced PFL and GPFL regular seasons will be- one-day tournaments with games being gin on Saturday, September 28 at venues a short 10 minutes per half with no off across Grand Cayman. sides. Games must end with a winner. If This Saturday, the girls take cen- games are tied at the end of the 20 min- tre stage as Cayman Prep defend their utes, penalties will decide the victor. 2017 and 2018 GPFL Opening Rally ti- The format for the 2019 GPFL Open- tles. Last September, the young ladies ing Rally will again be round-robin with from Cayman Prep went undefeated schools getting a chance to play each  Defending GPFL Opening Rally champions Cayman Prep (blue) aim to make it three-in-a-row in a round-robin tournament securing school once. the 18 maximum points, besting sec- fans of “the powerful game” and youth Special thanks to contributing spon- ond-placed Savannah Primary by seven successful development of our young sports to make their way to the T.E. sors Progressive Distributors, exclusive points and St. Ignatius Catholic School footballersA signi�icant is support, contributing which factor is why to CUC the McField Sports Field (Annex Field) this suppliers of Gatorade for the CUC PFL who grabbed third spot by eight points. and participating schools encourage Saturday to cheer on the young ladies. and GPFL.  REGIONAL C�������� T���� Wednesday, September 11, 2019 | Issue No 426 PAGE B1 CARIBBEAN AIRLINES PARTNERS WITH FEEL FOUNDATION TO DELIVER RELIEF SUPPLIES TO THE BAHAMAS Piarco, , W.I. September 6, 2019 – Caribbean Airlines has collaborated with The Foun- dation for the Enhancement and Enrichment of Life (FEEL) to support humanitarian relief efforts for The Bahamas in the wake of Hurricane Dorian. Starting on Sunday September 08 and in the coming weeks, Caribbean Airlines will use its services to airlift

Preparedness and Management (ODPM) disaster relief programme,supplies donated for distribution via the FEEL to familiesand Of�ice displaced of Disaster and most affected by the hurricane. Garvin Medera, Caribbean Airlines CEO stated, “We are extremely saddened by the devastation in Grand Bahama and Abaco, and Caribbean Airlines is doing its part to ensure that the much needed aid is delivered to the Islands of The Bahamas. The Bahamian Government plies will be distributed, and our partnership with FEEL allowshas identi�ied the people trusted of Trinidad partners & through Tobago which the opportunity relief sup- to support The Bahamas through their donations.” 

Persons wishing to support, may drop off donations of relief supplies to the FEEL of�ices located at: Warehouse 22, Unit 2208  Nadine Jardine, Caribbean Airlines Cargo Operations Manager POS & Southern Caribbean receives donated relief supplies Fernandes Industrial Centre from Kevin Williams and Christian George of The Foundation for the Enhancement and Enrichment of Life (FEEL). The do- Eastern Main Road, Laventille. nated supplies will be airlifted to Nassau, Bahamas via Caribbean Airlines scheduled service on Sunday 8 September. CIBC DONATES US$150,000 TO HURRICANE DORIAN RELIEF EFFORTS CIBC is donating US$150,000 to sup- ing, Commercial Banking and Wealth port humanitarian relief in areas im- Management, and Capital Markets pacted by Hurricane Dorian with a focus businesses, CIBC offers a full range of on the Northern Bahamas. The funds, advice, solutions and services through which include a donation through CIBC its leading digital banking network, FirstCaribbean’s ComTrust Foundation, and locations across Canada with of- will be distributed through the Red Cross. the world. Ongoing news releases "We stand with all communities im- and�ices more in the information United States about and CIBC around can pacted by the devastating hurricane in be found at https://cibc.mediaroom. the Bahamas and surrounding areas," com/. said Colette Delaney, Chief Executive About CIBC committed to helping our clients, team FirstCaribbean membersOf�icer, CIBC and communities FirstCaribbean. recover "We and are CIBC FirstCaribbean is a relationship rebuild." bank offering a full range of market In the Northern Bahamas, CIBC First- Caribbean will also be extending special Corporate and Investment Banking, Re- banking assistance to affected clients to tailleading and �inancialBusiness servicesBanking throughand Wealth our aid in their recovery efforts, added Ms. Management segments. We are locat- Delaney. ed in sixteen (16) countries around Canadians wishing to support relief the Caribbean, providing the banking efforts, can donate to the Hurricane Do- rian Appeal. Money raised will enable through approximately 3,000 employ- the Red Cross to provide relief and re- services that �it our customers’ lives tise, integrity and knowledge gained ital Markets - CIBC offers a full range of covery activities in response to the dis- from banking in the Caribbean since products and services through its com- aster. nancialees in 68 services branches institutions and of�ices. in the We Eng- are 1836. prehensive electronic banking network, lishone and of theDutch largest speaking regionally Caribbean, listed with �i- CIBC FirstCaribbean is a member of About CIBC over US$11 billion in assets and market the CIBC Group. CIBC is a leading Cana- CIBC is a leading North American capitalization of US $2 billion. We also thebranches world. and of�ices across Canada with with 11 million personal banking and of�icesFor morein the Unitedinformation States aboutand around CIBC personal banking, business, public of banking is changing throughout the businessdian-based clients. global Through �inancial our institutionthree ma- FirstCaribbean, visit , sector�inancial and institution institutional with clients. 10 millionAcross worldhave an and of�ice CIBC in FirstCaribbean Hong Kong. The intends face jor business units - Retail and Business Facebook, Twitter , LinkedIn, Instagram Personal and Small Business Bank- to lead these changes with the exper- Banking, Wealth Management and Cap- or YouTube.  RBC Royal Bank evacuates employees and their families from Abaco Today (Sept. 6), RBC Royal Bank structure, we’re asking everyone who (RBC) announced it successfully evacu- wants to help to please donate to the ated employees and their families from Bahamas Red Cross. This organization is the island of Abaco in the aftermath of on the ground helping with water, food, Hurricane Dorian. “While many areas of The Bahamas they need our support.” were affected by Hurricane Dorian, �irstRBC aid branches and other on forms New ofProvidence, relief and conditions on Abaco are particularly se- Exuma, and Eleuthera are open for busi- vere,” said LaSonya Missick, Managing ness and the Advice Centre is fully oper- Director and Head of Personal Banking ational to help clients with their banking for RBC in The Bahamas. “We acted to needs. Clients with internet services can ensure the safety and security of our also access the bank’s digital and mobile employees who were essentially strand- platforms to perform most day-to-day ed on the island. As conditions begin banking transactions or they can visit to normalize and the infrastructure is an RBC ATM at various locations across re-established, we will begin the pro- the country. cess of restoring RBC banking services to our clients and the community.” About RBC in the The RBC branch in Marsh Harbour Caribbean was hit hard by the hurricane. The full With more than 110 years of ded- extent of this damage is not yet known. icated service to the region, RBC has a As a result, the branch is closed until presence in 17 countries and territories, further notice. When conditions im- with 60 branches and over 3,500 em- governments. For more information, gest bank, and one of the largest in the prove and there is a better understand- ployees serving more than one million please visit world based on market capitalization, ing of the needs on the ground, RBC will clients. As one of the Caribbean’s lead- look at ways to re-establish banking ser- About RBC with a focus on innovation and provid- vices for the community while clean-up nies, RBC provides personal and com- ingwe haveexceptional a diversi�ied experiences business to our model 16 efforts get underway. mercialing diversi�ied banking, �inancial wealth services management, compa- nancial institution with a purpose-driv- million clients in Canada, the U.S. and 34 “In this time of crisis the outpouring corporate and investment banking, en,Royal principles-led Bank of Canadaapproach is ato global deliver- �i- other countries. Learn more at of support from our employees, clients, insurance and trust and asset manage- ing leading performance. Our success We are proud to support a broad range and communities across the Caribbean ment services to a wide range of clients, comes from the 86,000+ employees who of community initiatives through dona- and in other parts of the world has been including individuals, small businesses, bring our vision, values and strategy to tions, community investments and em- overwhelming,” added Missick. “Until general commercial entities, regional life so we can help our clients thrive and ployee volunteer activities. See how at there is more information and infra- and multi-national corporations and communities prosper. As Canada’s big-  INTERNATIONAL SPORTS PAGE B2 Wednesday, September 11, 2019 | Issue No 426 C�������� T���� Riders start third title bid in style have their riors beat by 13 runs in sights set on making history in the lat- est series of the annual Caribbean Pre- Patriots by eight . mier League. This is the seventh staging theirHere’s �irst an game outline and thenof the St star-studdedKitts & Nevis of the CPL and promises to be the most teams in the CPL that runs for another matches as did last year’s runners-up Guyanaexciting. Amazon The Riders Warriors. won their �irst two �ive weeks. The Knight Riders - who opened the Last year: Sixth defence of their T20 crown against St Kitts & Nevis Patriots - are bidding to of the table in 2018 after winning only secure an unprecedented hat-trick of The Tridents, who �inished bottom titles. tunes. On paper, they should certainly An all-round show by New Zealander dotwo better of their - the �ixtures, squad hope includes for better West for- In- Jimmy Neesham helped the Riders beat dies skipper , along with versatile wicketkeeper-batsman Shai Park Oval, Port of Spain, Trinidad last Hope and left-arm quick Raymon Reif- Wednesday.the Patriots in the �irst match at Queen's er. England batsman Alex Hales should add some explosive power at the top 152 for 7 with captain of the order, while the overseas top-scoringBatting �irst, with Knight47 off 32 Riders and Neesh- scored contingent also includes Pakistan pace- am and scoring 33 each. man Wahab Riaz and Nepal leg-spinner Neesham then picked 3 for 18 from 2.4 Sandeep Lamichhane.  Kieron Pollard started the CPL in style overs to bowl Patriots out for 141 in 19.4 overs, sealing victory by 11 runs. Amazon Warriors hope the great entertainer can inspire St Kitts & Nevis Patriots It was a comfortable win for the Raid- Last year: Runners-up a return to glory after persuading him Last year: Third ers who beat the by to return home from St Kitts & Nevis. Despite the departure of Gayle, the Pa- 22 runs in their second game. The War- ishing second twice in the past three With the line-up also including anoth- triots have another T20 titan stepping Still seekingyears, their the �irst Warriors title after will �in- er T20 veteran in and up to take over the captaincy in Carlos again look to Shimron exciting young West Indies bowler Os- Brathwaite, who put in some memorable Hetmyer to lead their hane Thomas - who took 18 wickets last performances at the 50-over World Cup challenge. The West In- season - there should be no shortage earlier this summer. Fast bowler Shel- dies left-hander was the of entertainment. New Zealand's Glenn don Cottrell, who picked up 11 wickets tournament's third-high- Phillips, who scored more runs than in last year's tournament, will send sev- est run-scorer last season, any other Tallawahs batsman in 2018, eral more batsmen on their way with a hitting 440 runs at an av- returns alongside fellow Kiwi George military salute, assisted by West Indies erage of exactly 40, and he Worker and Afghanistan left-arm spin- team-mate Alzarri Joseph. South Africa's is joined again by interna- ner Zahir Khan. returns to the Pa- tional team-mate Nicolas triots for a second season and the bat- Pooran. St Lucia Zouks ting line-up should also be strengthened Of the overseas contin- Last year: Fifth by the inclusion of hard-hitting Sussex gent, Pakistan all-rounder The Zouks, who competed in the batsman . Shadab Khan lines up for tournament until 2017, are back as Guyana, along with expe- the result of a falling-out between the Trinbago Knight Riders rienced compatriot Shoaib league organisers and the owners of Last year: Winners Malik and Australia's Chris their replacement franchise, the Stars. leads the defending Green, who returns after Neither of the St Lucia teams has ever champions - who certainly look like the taking 10 wickets for the won the competition and their hopes team to beat again - with a line-up that Warriors in 2018. of mounting a challenge this time will also includes his brother Darren and be pinned on the island's best-known Pollard, who averaged 47 for the Stars Jamaica player, all-rounder Darren Sammy. last season. New Zealand opener Colin Tallawahs The Zouks also include West Indies' Munro amassed more runs in last year's Last year: Fourth John Campbell and the eye-catching tournament - 567 - than anyone else was one of Rahkeem Cornwall, while Sri Lanka the main factors behind all-rounder Thisara Perera features games due to international commit-  is starring for the Guyana Amazon Jamaica's two previous ti- along with New Zealand's Colin de ments,and, although the Knight he missesRiders havethe �irst drafted three in Warriors tle victories - so they will Grandhomme. as his replacement.  Anthony: I’ll take McGregor calls back up role out bitter rival Carmelo Anthony's Conor McGregor has search for a new home in challenged Khabib Nur- the NBA continues despite magomedov after the Russian’s victory at UFC does not mind starting on 242 on Saturday night. thehim bench. �inally admitting he Unbeaten Nurmag- The 10-time All-Star's omedov beat Dustin Poirier in three rounds league's current model of with a rear-naked choke ballgame movement doesn't �it and in today'sthree- to extend his record to point shooting, most pun- 28-0. McGregor hasn’t dits say, which is why An- stepped inside the oc- thony at 35 is desperate to  Carmelo Anthony is desperate to end his free agency tagon since his defeat to Nurmagomedov last The view is that Anthony would prob- He has changed his tune since, admit- October. ably�ind ahave home. to join a veteran team with a ting he just wants to play and is willing But after the light- veteran coach and show a willingness to to take a backup role. weight champ’s win accept a certain type of role. Since most teams have their rosters over Poirier in Abu After the 2017-18 season with the set leading into training camp at the end Dhabi, McGregor post-  Khabib Nurmagomedov is unbeaten in 28 fights Oklahoma City Thunder, Anthony an- of the month, Anthony may have to keep ed a message on Twit- nounced he didn't feel like a bench waiting until an injury occurs or teams ter which read: “Book my rematch for role was something he had to accept: want to add a scoring presence off the Moscow.” and McGregor at UFC 229 last year was "When I feel like I'm ready to take that bench. Nurmagomedov retorted with a marredThe �ight by events between immediately Nurmagomedov after as role, then I'll take that role. Only I know Melo averaged 13.4 points and 5.4 re- swipe at McGregor. “Me and Dustin both camps were involved in a brawl. when it's best for me to take that role. bounds in 10 games with the Houston Poirier have showed MMA is about re- Nurmagomedov received a ninth- I'm not going to do that in a situation Rockets in 2018-19. The New Yorker spect not trash-talking,” he said. “This month suspension plus a $500,000 where I still know my capabilities and owns a career scoring average of 24.0 what I can do." points per game in 16 seasons.   �ight had so much respect unlike my �ine, while McGregor was banned for last �ight with that b******t guy.” six months and �ined $50,000. Joshua changes lifestyle to regain title Britain's Anthony Joshua says he has The pair faced off last week during an international media tour for the rematch his shock defeat by Andy Ruiz in June. madeJoshua signi�icant lost his lifestyle IBF, WBA changes and WBOsince heavyweight titles as he was knocked thewith news Ruiz conference. - who �ights under a Mexican down four times before a sev- �lagJoshua - wearing vowed a to sombrero regain his throughout titles and enth-round stoppage in New York - one insisted "stopping isn't in my DNA". The of boxing's biggest upsets. The pair bout has attracted criticism since it was announced it would be in Saudi Arabia. on 7 December. Human rights organisation Amnesty will"Boxing �ight again was inalways Diriyah, the Saudieasiest Arabia part International has highlighted the coun- for me. The struggle was always keeping try's "abysmal" human rights record. my life in check," Joshua, 29, said. "There Heavy restrictions on freedom of ex- pression and women's rights have been I will be smarter. Getting knocked down raised, as has the use of the death penal- waswill begood. no aftershock after the �irst �ight. ty for offences not recognised as crimes "I have made some drastic changes, under international law. lifestyle stuff. Family, circles, what is im- The Kingdom has sought to stage portant, priorities. The effort it takes to sporting and entertainment events in stay on the straight and narrow is chal- a bid to attract visitors and move away lenging." from its oil-dependent economy.   Anthony Joshua is confident of winning the rematch PUZZLES | COMICS C�������� T���� Wednesday, September 11, 2019 | Issue No 426 PAGE B3

Word Search Breeze Gale Sirocco Calm Gust Squall Chinook Harmattan Trades Cyclone Hurricane Typhoon Doldrums Mistral Westerly Easterly Monsoon Zephyr Foehn Simoom

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CURTIS By Ray Billingsley


JUDGE PARKER By Woody Wilson & Mike Manley ADVERTISEMENT PAGE B8 Wednesday, September 11, 2019 | Issue No 426 C�������� T����



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