貧母病兒獲安居 A Warm New Home for the Winter

「我活多久不要緊,最怕兒子沒人照顧⋯⋯」 “I don’t care about myself. I’m just worried that my son will be left alone and helpless…”

Madam Lee used to own a small neighbourhood business to make ends meet. Just as she was about to retire and enjoy her golden years, her son suffered a severe stroke that left him intellectually disabled and 78歲的李婆婆月前才動手術切除膽囊及部分腸臟, partially paralysed. Knowing he would never recover, his 未曾好好休養便四出奔走,只為能與年逾五旬的腦麻痺 wife and daughter left – and at the same time shattered 兒子找個安樂窩。 Madam Lee’s heart. Unable to bear the thought of her son suffering alone, Madam Lee has taken care of his 李婆婆早年經營街坊小生意糊口,本打算安享清福的她 every need for the past 20 years. 驚聞愛兒中風,右腦麻痺導致心智退化,行動不便。眼看 Although built like a wrestler, her son now has the mental 兒子生活無法自理,妻女亦離他而去,李婆婆不禁心如 age of a child. And despite her own weak health, Madam 刀割,自此一力扛起照顧愛兒生活的重擔,一晃就是 Lee takes her son to physiotherapy twice a week. 20年。即使自己大病未癒,李婆婆仍堅持每周兩次 “He lost his balance and fell last week, and had to be 攙扶身形壯碩的兒子到醫院做物理治療。「他上周跌倒 hospitalised. Now I’m physically his crutch, his only pillar 入院,我就是他的拐杖,讓他依靠。」 of strength…”

命運似乎仍要考驗這位慈母,喪夫、生意結束等打擊接踵 In addition to her son’s health issues, Madam Lee also 而來。去年底母子同住40年的唐樓清拆,一老一弱短期 faced the passing of her husband and the failure of her 內難覓容身之所,李婆婆頓時陷入絕望。 own small business – compounded by a notice from her landlord that she needed to move out of their home of 「我自問不是懶人,怎料到會淪落到這田地?」雖在社工 40 years. Devastated by the news, Madam Lee feared 協助下獲批公屋,但貧病交煎的母子倆無力添置雪櫃、 she couldn’t find another place to stay on such short 床褥等基本家具,公益金及時雨基金遂撥出善款助其 notice. 解困。新居入伙,李婆婆寬心不少,承諾盡餘生之力 With the help of a social worker, Madam Lee and her 報答社會恩情。 son moved into a public housing estate – however the penniless mother and frail son couldn’t afford basic 「無論如何,我只想他留在身邊。」手牽愛兒,李婆婆只求 furniture or home appliances. The Community Chest 上蒼給她多點時間,讓母子倆相依到老。■ Rainbow Fund stepped in and promptly allocated to the Lee family helping them make it through their most The 78 year-old Madam Lee recently underwent surgery diffi cult period. Finally settled into her new home, Madam to remove her gall bladder and part of her intestine. Lee was extremely grateful for the community’s timely Barely recovered from the operation, she was spending support. hours on the streets of Hong Kong – looking for a safe place to stay for herself and her severely disabled son in “I’m just glad I can be with my son in the final years of his mid 50s. my life…” she said softly, cradling her son’s hand. ■ 便服日雙十花樣年華 Dress Casual Day Turns 20!

為慶祝「便服日」踏入雙十 To mark the 20th Anniversary of “Dress Casual Day”, the 年華,公益金特別舉辦以 Chest launched a “T Shirt and Slogan Design Competition” 「 20」及「 全 城 參 與 」為 calling for entries that blend two major design themes – “20” and “Everyone Pitching In”. The Chest selected the 主題的T恤設計及標語創作 most outstanding entries from the “Open” and “Student” 比賽,於公開組和學生組芸芸 categories to promote this popular fundraiser, offering 眾多參賽作品中,精心挑選 positive energy to people in need. 別樹一幟的佳作協助宣傳,讓更多人領略到活動的意義, 為有需要人士送上積極能量。 Competition results were announced during the “Dress Casual Day” Launch Ceremony held on 4 September. 賽果於9月4日舉行的「便服日」開展儀式上揭曉。主禮 Guest of Honour, The Honourable Mrs Carrie Lam, Chief 嘉賓政務司司長林鄭月娥女士,聯同公益金執委會主席 Secretary for Administration of the HKSAR; Mrs Margaret 梁高美懿女士、籌委會聯席主席余錦基先生;活動籌劃 Leung, Executive Committee Chairman of the Chest; Mr 委員會主席馮孝忠先生、聯席主席王庭聰先生;董事黎明 Lawrence K K Yu, Campaign Committee Co-Chairman; 先生;便服日20周年設計大賽評審團成員 ﹣著名時裝設計師 Event Organising Committee Chairman Mr Andrew Fung; 鄧達智先生、恒生銀行企業責任主管何卓惠女士、藝人 Co-Chairman Mr Wong Ting-chung; Mr , Board 文詠珊,以及各協助機構代表呼籲市民共襄善舉,攜手支持 Member; Dress Casual Day 20th Anniversary Design 「便服日」。 Competition Judging Panel Members – Mr William Tang, renowned fashion designer; Ms Alison Ho, Head of 黎明先生更親自策劃、執導及製作「便服日」全新電視宣傳 Corporate Responsibility of Hang Seng Bank; and Janice 短片,邀得演藝界名人雷頌德、文詠珊、李治廷、衛蘭及JW Man, artist; as well as representatives from supporting 於短片中示範簡易變身大法,以清新手法帶出全城投入 organisations joined hands to appeal for public support of 「便服日」的訊息。 “Dress Casual Day”.

9月28日舉行的公益金「便服日」,喜獲 380,000多名來自 Mr Leon Lai directed and produced a refreshing new TV 工商機構、政府部門和學校熱心人士支持,參加者巧用 commercial. Starring celebrities Mark Lui, Janice Man, Aarif 心思,盡顯創意為公益金籌獲為數可觀的善款。 Rahman, and JW, the TV commercial features people from various sectors and professions supporting this meaningful event.

On 28 September, over 380,000 participants from companies, organisations, government departments and schools supported “Dress Casual Day”. Dressed creatively in their favourite attire, they raised a signifi cant amount to support the Chest’s work.

標語創作比賽冠軍劉元先生 Slogan Competition winner Mr Sae Lao Boonma 愛 分享 Love We Share

著名企業家、慈善家、公益金 名譽副會長何鴻燊博士於11月 25日慶祝91歲壽辰。何夫人 藍瓊纓女士與五位子女超瓊、 Dr Stanley Ho, renowned entrepreneur, philanthropist and Vice Patron of the 超鳳、超蕸、超儀和猷龍在賀壽之餘, Chest, celebrated his 91st birthday on 25 November. To mark this special 捐出港幣200萬元支持公益金「賀禮捐 occasion, Mrs Lucina Ho, together with Pansy, Daisy, Maisy, Josie and 公益」項目,與本港逾210萬名有需要 Lawrence, donated HK$2 million in support of the Chest’s work, sharing their 人士共同分享喜悅和福氣。 happiness with over 2.1 million underprivileged in Hong Kong.

公益金執委會主席梁高美懿女士衷心 Mrs Margaret Leung, Executive Committee Chairman of the Chest expressed 感謝何博士的指導和扶持,讓公益金 heartfelt thanks to Dr Ho. Under his guidance and support, the Chest has 得以推出無數精采、獨特的籌款項目, successfully launched a number of fund-raising events, helping to inspire a 成功帶動香港的捐獻文化。她聯同籌委 culture of giving in Hong Kong. Together with Dr Simon Kwok, Campaign 會主席郭少明博士、聯席主席余錦基 Committee Chairman and Co-Chairman Mr Lawrence K K Yu; as well as Event Organising Committee Co-Chairman Ms Shelley Lee, Mrs Leung 先生,以及活動籌委會聯席主席李麗娟 wished Dr Ho all the best on his 91st birthday. 女士,祝何博士身體健康。

小旗貼 集大愛 Every Little Bit Counts

11月17日清晨,近15,000名義工配戴 On the morning of 17 November, nearly 醒目標貼,手持色彩鮮艷的旗袋,代表 15,000 volunteers “geared up” and 公益金在全港18區向市民募捐。不要 went to the streets to appeal for public 小看這張方寸印有公益金標誌的旗貼, support for the Chest’s Flag Day. Their enthusiastic support helped the Chest 它們每年都能夠匯集滴涓,吸引資源 collect greatly needed resources to 投入本港社會福利服務。 enhance local social welfare services.

「公益愛牙日」全城燦笑 Love Your Teeth for a Good Cause

Protect your teeth for a good cause! The Chest, 護齒也能做善事?公益金、 The Hong Kong Dental Association and Oral Health 香港牙醫學會及衞生署口腔 Education Unit of the Department of Health joined 健康教育組攜手呼籲全港 hands to encourage public support for “Love Teeth 12 5 市民支持 月 日舉行的 Day” held on 5 December. With every donation of 「公益愛牙日」,愛護自己 HK$38 or more, participants 牙齒之餘,亦向受助者送上 received “Love Teeth Day” oral 關懷。凡捐款港幣38元或 care product packs in return for 以上的善長,即獲公益金 supporting “Oral Health Services 回饋「愛牙日」口腔護理用品 for the Needy” subvented by the 禮品包一份。保護自己的牙齒,幫助有需要的人展現 Chest. Over 50,000 “Love Teeth 燦爛笑容,怪不得活動甫推出即獲得空前成功, Day” Packs were distributed to 逾50,000份禮品包全部送出。 the participants. 佳釀酩悅公益心 Cheers for Charity 「公益金羅吉德木桐堡慈善夜」已於11月15日假甫翻新的禮賓府宴會廳 舉辦。在舉世聞名的法國波爾多官方一級名酒莊羅吉德木桐堡(Château Mouton Rothschild)全力支持下,該活動總共籌得逾港幣840萬元。 香港特別行政區行政長官梁振英先生攜同夫人 – 公益金會長梁唐青儀 女士,在公益金執委會主席梁高美懿女士、籌委會主席郭少明博士、 活動籌委會聯席主席龐建貽先生、孫道弘先生及余仲行先生陪同下與 近百位嘉賓聚首一堂,當中包括代表家族專程飛抵本港出席盛事的 羅吉德木桐堡主人Mr Philippe Sereys de Rothschild。 羅吉德木桐堡主人特別挑選並捐出多款不同年份佳釀,配以精心設計 的珍饈佳餚,酬謝與會善長將愛心帶給社會上有需要的一群。席間, 亦有多項精品作現場慈善拍賣。當中一瓶5公升裝特別限量版Château Mouton Rothschild 2000,附有行政長官及酒莊主人親筆簽名,由善長 以創新高港幣42萬元成功競投,遠超估價一枝獨秀。 是晚活動喜獲信和集團贊助美饌開支、大亞國際集團的慷慨支持和蘇富 比拍賣行的協助,得以順利舉行。

挑戰至高點 ICC Vertical Challenge at ICC

The Community Chest and Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) staged the very first “Race to ICC-100 – SHKP Vertical Run 公益金及新鴻基地產於 for the Chest” at International Commerce Centre, the tallest building in Hong Kong, on 2 December. The event challenged 12月2日首次合辦「勇 contestants’ stamina and team spirit while supporting a worthy 闖ICC-100 – 新地公益 cause. 金慈善跑」。參賽者在 挑戰體能、加強團隊精 48 teams and 103 individual runners raced up 2,120 steps to 神,支持公益善舉之餘 the Sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck on the 100th floor of 更可一嘗「居高臨港」 ICC, where they were rewarded with a spectacular 360-degree 隊際接力賽冠軍:九巴(A隊) 的滿足感。 view of the world renowned metropolis. The event raised Corporate Relay Race Champion: KMB (Team A) over HK$5 million in support “Children and Youth Services” 48支參賽隊伍及103名 subvented by the Chest. 個人參賽者一口氣衝上2,120級樓梯,在位於環球貿 易廣場100樓的「天際100香港觀景台」衝線,360度 鳥瞰世界聞名的香港繁華景致,並為公益金資助的 「兒童及青年服務」籌得超過港幣500萬元。 “The Community Chest Château Mouton Rothschild Evening” was held on 15 November in the newly renovated Ballroom of Government House. With staunch support from Château Mouton Rothschild, the Bordeaux classifi ed First Growth, this special evening brought in over HK$8.4 million for the Chest.

The Honourable C Y Leung, Chief Executive of the HKSAR; and Mrs Regina Leung, President of the Chest; accompanied by Mrs Margaret Leung, Executive Committee Chairman; Dr Simon Kwok, Campaign Committee Chairman; Event Co-Chairmen Mr Paulo Pong, Mr Stanley Sun and Mr Lucian Yu greeted around 100 Chest supporters – including Mr Philippe Sereys de Rothschild, co-owner of Château Mouton Rothschild, who represented the Rothschild family.

Guests were treated to a fi ne collection of critically acclaimed wines specially selected by owners of Château Mouton Rothschild to match the evening’s cuisine while making a meaningful contribution to the community. Several special items were presented for charity auction, including a jeroboam of Château Mouton Rothschild 2000 Special Limited Edition with autographs of Chief Executive of the HKSAR and co-owner of the Château – which surpassed its high estimate by fetching HK$420,000.

With support of Food Sponsor Sino Group, Event Sponsor Altaya Group, and the professional assistance of Sotheby’s Hong Kong Limited, the event was a great success.

鐵漢盡展公益心 Precious Gifts to the Community

Jointly organised by The Hong Kong Police Force and the Chest, “Police Night 2012” was held on 23 and 24 November at the Hong Kong Police Academy. In support of the Chest and this meaningful event, BOCHK Charitable Foundation and the community donated a total of HK$3.8 million.

The two-night charity event was officiated by The Honourable C Y Leung, Chief Executive of the HKSAR; and Mr Andy Tsang, Commissioner of Police respectively. Brilliant performances by various Police units captivated the entire audience.

香港警務處與香港公益金於11月23日及24日連續 During the event, Mr He Guang-bei, Vice Chairman and Chief 兩晚假香港警察學院(黃竹坑)舉行「香港警察 Executive of the Bank of China (Hong Kong); Mr Andy Tsang, 公益金慈善夜」。中銀香港慈善基金和各界人士為 Commissioner of Police; Event Organising Committee Chairman 支持公益金及是次活動,合共捐出港幣380萬元善款。 Mr Jason Tang; and Co-Chairmen Dr Peter Chu, Dr Albert Wong and Dr Edward Chan presented the donations to the Chest’s 慈善夜首晚由特首梁振英先生擔任主禮嘉賓,翌晚 Patron, The Honourable C Y Leung, Chief Executive of the HKSAR; 活動則由警務處曾偉雄處長主禮。慈善夜以一小時 Mrs Regina Leung, President of the Chest; Mrs Margaret Leung, 精采匯演揭開序幕,令觀眾目不暇給。 Executive Committee Chairman and Dr Simon Kwok, Campaign Committee Chairman. 晚宴上,中國銀行(香港)副董事長兼總裁和廣北先 生聯同曾偉雄處長、活動籌委會主席鄧耀邦先生、 In addition to maintaining community stability, the Hong Kong Police Force has been an ardent supporter of the Chest – donating 聯席主席朱嘉樂博士、王嘉恩博士及陳國民博士, an accumulated total of over HK$13 million through charity 將善款轉交公益金名譽會長 ─ 特首梁振英先生、會 initiatives held in 2000, 2004 and 2009. 長梁唐青儀女士、執委會主席梁高美懿女士及籌委 會主席郭少明博士。

警務處服務市民之餘亦不忘投入公益善行,曾於 2000年、2004年及2009年夥拍公益金舉辦警民同 樂的籌款活動,累積籌得逾港幣1,300萬元善款。 挑戰潛能 參加公益慈善馬拉松 The Community Chest Corporate Challenge Half Marathon

逾2,000名運動健兒挑戰自我, Over 2,000 runners laced on their trainers to support “The 參加1月13日於西貢北潭涌舉行的 2013 Community Chest Corporate Challenge Half Marathon” 「公益慈善馬拉松」,透過十公里 on 13 January at Sai Kung Pak Tam Chung Country Park. By 及半馬拉松賽事,為公益金資助的 participating in either the 10Km Run or Half Marathon Race, runners have the opportunity to demonstrate their athletic 「復康及善導服務」籌款。眾跑手 prowess and community spirit, while raising funds to support 爆發每分能量,為社會上有需要 “Rehabilitation and Aftercare Services” subvented by the 人士全力衝線。 Chest.

海洋公園十月全城哈囉喂 – 公益金中銀香港慈善夜 Ocean Park Halloween Bash – BOC Charity Night for the Chest

有賴海洋公園及中銀香港慈善基金鼎力支持, Sponsored by Ocean 「海洋公園十月全城哈囉喂 - 公益金中銀香港 Park Hong Kong and BOCHK Charitable 慈善夜」已於9月19日圓滿舉行。一眾參加者 Foundation, “Ocean 玩盡園內鬼屋,率先體驗萬聖節的驚嚇氣氛, Park Halloween Bash – 同時為有需要人士籌得善款逾港幣200萬元。 BOC Charity Night for the Chest” was held on 當晚主持開幕典禮嘉賓包括公益金籌委會主席 19 September. Treating 郭少明博士、聯席主席余錦基先生、中國銀行 guests to a hip and (香港)副總裁楊志威先生、海洋公園主席盛 haunted Halloween experience, the event 智文博士、行政總裁苗樂文先生、副行政總裁 also raised over HK$2 李繩宗先生等均悉心打扮,配合慈善夜「潮爆 million for the Chest. 型格」主題,攜手為活動揭開序幕。 Guests of Honour officiating at the opening 中銀香港慈善基金全力贊助活動外,更特別邀請 ceremony included Dr Simon Kwok, 來自公益金會員社福機構 - 香港家庭福利會、 Campaign Committee Chairman of the Chest and Co-Chairman Mr Lawrence 鄰舍輔導會、香港復康力量及香港國際社會 K K Yu; Mr Jason Yeung, Deputy Chief 服務社的1,000名受惠人士參與慈善夜,並動員 Executive of Bank of China (Hong Kong); 近百名「中銀香港愛心活力義工隊」成員分組 Dr Allan Zeman, Chairman of Ocean Park; 陪同受惠人士挑戰嘩鬼和鬼屋,感受非一般 Mr Tom Mehrmann, Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive 的萬聖節氣氛。 Mr Matthias Li, dressed up as stylish and trendy Halloween spirits to match the “Hip” event theme. In addition to sponsorship, BOCHK Charitable Foundation also invited 1,000 beneficiaries from the Chest’s member agencies – namely Hong Kong Family Welfare Society, Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council, Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power and International Social Service, Hong Kong Branch – to join the occasion and share the spooky fun. The Foundation also mobilised nearly 100 volunteers to experience the haunted houses together with the Chest’s beneficiaries, creating lasting, meaningful memories for everyone. 綠茵競技襄善舉 Hit the Greens for Charity

青山環抱,風景如畫,綠草如茵。 Nestled amongst mountain greenery, the 位於粉嶺的香港哥爾夫球會一向是 scenic Hong Kong Golf Club is one of the 高球愛好者競技的不二之選。 preferred venues for golf lovers in Hong Kong.

2013年3月15日,一項特殊的競技 — On 15 March 2013, “The Community 「公益金中銀香港慈善高爾夫球賽」 Chest BOCHK Charity Golf Day” will be 將在此拉開戰幕。來自工、商及 staged at the historic club, attracting 銀行界的高球好手將雲集綠茵場 golfers from all industries and sectors in 上,揮桿一較高下,為公益金資助 Hong Kong. Proceeds from the event will 的「精神病患者及康復者服務」籌集 go towards “Services for Mentally Ill and 善款。 Ex-mentally Ill” supported by the Chest.

公益「行」善齊參與 Walk for a Better Future for Families and Children

公益金踏入2013年首個大型籌款活動,「港島、 One of the Chest’s signature fund-raising activities, “Hong Kong 九龍區百萬行」,已於1月6日舉行。活動由香港 and Walk for Millions”, was held on 6 January 2013. 大球場出發,並以香港仔郊野公園遊客中心為 Started at Hong Kong Stadium and finished at the Aberdeen 終點,全程長十公里,行畢全程需三至四小時。 Country Park Visitors Centre, it took 3 to 4 hours to complete this 10km charity walk. 「新界區百萬行」謹訂於3月3日舉行,起點設於 “New Territories Walk for Millions” will take place on 3 March. The 白石角海濱長廊(近香港科學園海洋廣場),沿 Walk begins at Pak Shek Kok Promenade (near Ocean Square 吐露港單車徑,至大埔海濱公園(近香港回歸 at Hong Kong Science Park), proceeds along the Tolo Harbour 紀念塔)為終點,全程長五公里半,步畢約需 Cycle Track and ends at Tai Po Waterfront Park (near the Lookout 兩小時。 Tower). It will take approximately 2 hours to complete this 5.5km charity walk. 本年度「百萬行」籌得的所有善款,將全數撥予 資助本地「家庭及兒童福利服務」。公益金誠意 This year, all funds raised through the Walk programme will be 邀請大家一同參與,趁著假日共叙天倫的時光, passed on in full to subvent local “Family and Child Welfare 齊展愛心腳步! Services”. Come and join us to support the community! 小小紀念品 溫暖百萬心 Touch a Million Hearts with Your Meaningful Souvenirs

如何給一份小小的紀念品注入暖人心 How can you honour your guests with a thoughtful gift 扉的深意? they’ll always remember?

機構和學校凡透過「樂捐公益謝 By donating your gift purchasing budget to the Chest, you can make a meaningful contribution to support 嘉賓」活動將購買各式紀念品的開支 Hong Kong’s needy. Our “Souvenirs for the Chest” 捐出,公益金會為機構或學校特別 programme will channel your donation to the Chest’s 印製紀念狀,讓他們以公益愛心禮敬 beneficiaries, providing you with a unique certificate 嘉賓的支持。從今天開始,讓您的 bearing the name of your event, organisation and 貼心禮物更添非凡意義。 guests. Act now. Your generous donation will warm the hearts of millions. 公益金探訪會員機構 Member Agency Visits

為了回應瞬息萬變的社會需求,鼓勵會員機構 Encouraging member agencies to continually introduce quality 繼續提供適切及高質素的服務,公益金每年均 social welfare services and facilitate communication, the Chest 舉辦多次會員機構探訪活動,藉此進一步了解 arranges regular visits for donor representatives to various service 各會員機構的運作,確保寶貴的資源能夠發揮 centres – giving donors the opportunity to see first-hand how their donations are helping to serve Hong Kong’s community. In 最大效益,使社會上更多有需要人士受惠。9月 September and October 2012, the Chest’s committee members 至10月份期間,公益金聯同各委員會成員及捐款 and donor representatives visited nearly 40 member agencies to 機構代表分別探訪了接近40間會員機構,並將 present allocated donations for 2012/2013. 2012/2013年度撥款轉交各機構。 學校講座 推動青年投入公益 Empowering Youth through School Visits

「講座令我意識到幸福不是必然。 「參加慈善活動令我更加珍惜身邊的一切。 社會上仍有好多人需要大家關懷。」 我會繼續參與義務工作幫助別人。」 “The talk made me realise that we can’t take our good fortune for “Participating in charity events has granted. There are still many enriched my life. I will continue underprivileged people who serve the community as a volunteer.” long for our help.”

Since the Chest introduced the School 公益金「學校探訪」計劃自2010年 Visit Campaign in 2010, it has received encouraging feedback from participating 推行以來,獲得師生們的積極支持 「公益金將全數善款都用於香港, students and teachers. Looking forward, 和真切回響。公益金將繼續努力推 非常值得支持。」 動更多新一代積極回饋社會,向有 the Chest will continue its efforts in “The Chest uses every dollar I donate 需要人士獻出愛心。 nurturing community spirit amongst the to help the local needy. I will continue young generation. support their work.”

學校巡迴演講查詢熱線:2599 6111。 Interested schools can contact the Chest at 2599 6111 for more information. 企業義工配對計劃 Corporate Volunteer Matching Scheme

公益金推行「企業義工配對計劃」,擔當企業 The Chest’s “Corporate Volunteer Matching Scheme” helps line up 與會員社會福利機構間之橋樑,讓企業員工 voluntary services for corporate donors with its 153 member social 透過參與其153家會員社會福利機構的義工 welfare agencies. Through this programme, employees can truly 服務,貢獻技能、愛心與時間,幫助有需要 make a difference by volunteering their professional knowledge, efforts and time to serve those in need. 人士。

30/6 6/7

香港環境污染問題日趨嚴重,要締造 《經濟一週》的義工聯同賽馬會官立 怡人舒適的生活環境,實有賴大家 中學一班師生齊集伸手助人協會, 共同參與。新濠集團帶領香港單親 探訪寶林賽馬會老人之家的長者。 協會一班小朋友遠赴環保園,一齊 當天節目緊湊豐富,同學們的戳力 認識保護環境的重要。 表演讓長者度過了充滿歡笑的一天。 Hong Kong suffers from heavy A group of volunteers from Economic pollution, and it requires concerted Digest, as well as students and efforts to create a clean and healthy teacher from Jockey Club Government living environment. Volunteers from Secondary School, gathered at the Melco Group accompanied children Po Lam Jockey Club Housing for from the Hong Kong Single Parent the Elderly of Helping Hand. The Association to visit EcoPark, learning enthusiastic students delivered about the importance of environmental brilliant performances – creating a protection. fun and memorable day for the senior audience.


永亨銀行的義工達人與來自香港宣教會恩霖社區 服務中心的小朋友牽手並肩,暢遊尖沙咀、中環 和山頂,一嘗乘搭各類交通工具的樂趣,認識 香港的迷人風采。 A group of lovely kids from HKEC Yan Lam Community Service Centre explored Hong Kong through various forms of transport together with seasoned volunteers from Wing Hang Bank.


致富集團(香港) 有限公司一班熱心的義工踏入蝴蝶灣浸信會老人中心探訪長者, 和他們玩遊戲,做運動,豐富退休生活。 Volunteers from Chief Holdings (H.K.) Limited visited Butterfly Bay Baptist Church Social Centre for the Elderly. They played games and participated in physical exercise with senior citizens, helping to enrich their lives after retirement.


一個風和日麗的星期六,衞生署義工隊 聯同蘇屋邨社區服務隊,帶著手信到 元州邨探訪獨居長者和兩老家庭,送上 29/9 關懷和愛心。 On a sunny Saturday, the Department 精神奕奕、笑容可掬的思捷環球義工帶著由聖雅各福群會準備 of Health Volunteer Team and So Uk 的手信,出發探訪長者,和他們聊聊天,閒話當年。 Estate Community Service Team brought A group of volunteers from Esprit visited elderly residents souvenirs and caring hearts to visit single in their district, distributed packs of souvenirs prepared by elderly residents and senior couples living St. James’ Settlement and demonstrated their care for senior in Un Chau Estate. members of the community. 公益金及時雨基金 The Community Chest Rainbow Fund

公益金及時雨基金,向身陷財困的個人和家庭提供 The Community Chest Rainbow Fund provides rapid response 緊急援助。2010/2011年度,及時雨基金擴大資助 to individuals and families in emergency financial crisis. In Year 範圍,向意外失去家庭支柱,或天災導致重大損失 2010/2011, the fund expanded its scope of service to support 個案提供即時協助。及時雨基金自2004年推出以來 survivors and victims of accidents and natural disasters. The Chest has allocated over HK$58 million through 77 assessment 透過遍佈港、九及新界各區的77個批核中心,累積 centres across Hong Kong, and has helped more than 32,000 撥出逾港幣5,800萬元,幫助超過32,000名有需要 people since the Rainbow Fund was established in 2004. 人士解決燃眉之急。

14/7/2012 29/9/2012 搭棚工人意外失足墮斃,遺下妻兒三人失支柱。 電工在工業意外中觸電身亡,遺下妻子及兒子。 A construction worker fell to his death from construction site An electrician was killed by electric shock in an scaffolding, leaving his wife and two children in fi nancial hardship. industrial accident, survived by his wife and a son.

19/7/2012 6/10/2012 電工師傅工作期間墮斃身亡,家人頓失經濟支柱。 An electrician – who was the sole breadwinner for his family – fell 內地車禍奪去一名男士及兒子性命,其妻子及女兒亦告受傷。 to his death on the job. A mainland traffic accident took the life of a Hong Kong man and his son. His wife and daughter were also injured.

25/7/2012 年輕父親工作時觸電身亡,妻子及剛出生女兒前路茫茫。 8/10/2012 A young father was killed by electric shock while working. His 38歲工人意外中失去右手,妻子及14歲兒子陷入財困。 wife and newborn daughter lost all means of support. A 38 year-old worker lost his right hand in an industrial accident, leaving his wife and a 14 year-old son in financial hardship. 1/8/2012 工人魂斷地盤,遺下雙親、妻子及8歲女兒。 A worker died at a construction site, leaving behind his wife and 8/10/2012 8 year-old daughter. 地盤工人因工業意外身亡,家人頓失經濟支柱。 A construction worker was killed in an industrial accident, and 12/8/2012 his family lost all means of support. 尼泊爾裔父子遇溺不治,獨遺妻子頓失依靠。 A Nepalese father and son drowned in Tuen Mun, survived by a grieving wife/mother without any 11/10/2012 means of support. 巴基斯坦裔裝修工人工作時觸電身亡,妻子及兩名女兒頓失所依。 A Pakistani worker was killed by electric shock at workplace, 20/8/2012 survived by his wife and two daughters. 53歲泥水工人工作期間意外重傷,妻子及三名兒子陷入財困。 A 53 year-old construction worker was seriously injured in an industrial accident, leaving his wife and three sons in fi nancial hardship. 25/10/2012 裝修工人意外失足墮斃,遺下年邁母親、妻子及兩名兒子。 27/8/2012 A decoration worker fell to his death at work, leaving 30歲修車工人工作時遭旅巴壓斃,遺下雙親和5歲女兒頓失所依。 his aged mother, wife and two sons behind. A coach under repair fell from a hoisting jack and killed a 30 year-old worker. His parents and a 5 year-old daughter lost all means of support. 29/10/2012 3/9/2012 50歲工人地盤工作時意外不治,遺下85歲高齡母親和女兒。 A 50 year-old worker died at his workplace, survived by his 裝修工人工作時意外喪生,遺下妻子及兩名尚在求學兒子頓失經濟支柱。 A decoration worker died in an accident at work, survived by his 85 year-old mother and a daughter. wife and two school-age sons.

29/10/2012 11/9/2012 地盤工人工作時意外墮斃,遺下妻子及3歲女兒失支柱。 年輕清潔工人工作時被行李運送車撞倒失去左腳,雙親陷入財困。 A construction worker fell to his death while on the job, leaving A young cleaner lost his left leg in a work-related accident, his wife and a 3 year-old daughter in financial hardship. leaving his parents in financial crisis.

13/9/2012 30/10/2012 地盤工人工作時意外重傷,妻子及兩名兒子陷入財困。 工人意外身亡,家人頓失經濟支柱。 An industrial accident seriously injured a construction worker, A worker was killed in an industrial accident. His family lost all leaving his wife and two sons in financial hardship. means of financial support.

公益金及時雨基金網頁:http://www.commchest.org/hk/rainbow_01.aspx The Community Chest Rainbow Fund Webpage : http://www.commchest.org/en/rainbow_01.aspx 二十四小時查詢熱線/24-hour Hotline:2854 5111 公益金及時雨基金報告( 2012年7月至2012年10月) The Community Chest Rainbow Fund Report (July 2012 - October 2012) 請數目 Number of applications: 559 資助個案 Number of approved cases: 543 受惠人數 Number of benefi ciaries: 1,131 此期間發放援助總額 Total amount granted for this period: HK$3,055,539 受助的弱勢社群 Deprived Groups Assisted 殘障 / 智障人士 1% The Physically / Mentally Handicapped 少數族裔人士 3% Ethnic Minorities 釋囚 / 藥物濫用者及復康者 Ex-offenders / Substance Abusers & 8% Ex-substance Abusers

新移民 6% The New Arrivals

長者 4% The Elderly

精神病患者 8% The Mentally Ill 低收入或沒有收入家庭 51% Low / No Income Families

露宿者 4% Street Sleepers

長期病患者 6% 經濟遇上困難的人士 5% The Chronically Ill People with Financial Diffi culties

家庭遭逢突變的人士 4% People with Family Crisis

遺愛贈公益 積福在天暖人間 Bequest for the Chest

「人生有盡愛無涯...」,一位善心婦人為紀念先夫,早前捐出帛金外,更在周年紀念日 捐款支持公益金,並表示將每年作出捐獻回饋社會,發揮取之社會、用於社會的精神, 藉以將其丈夫的關愛留傳於世。 The end of one journey marks the beginning of another…. In addition to donating the condolence money, a woman has pledged to make annual donations to the Chest in memory of her late husband and in support of community development. Her contributions have helped to brighten the lives of many people in need.

公益金之友 聯繫地區網絡 Friends of The Community Chest Appointment Ceremony

多年來不論透過 For many years, “Friends 參與「百萬行」, of The Community Chest” 或自行籌辦活動 (FOCC) has participated 為公益金募集善 in Chest events such 款,18區「 公 益 as “Walks for Millions” 金之友」委員會 and organised own 均積極匯聚各界 fund-raising activities, 善長的力量,將 to pitch in support with 愛心帶到社區每一角落,惠及全港逾210萬名 its substantial network – delivering a caring message across the 有需要人士。 community to benefit more than 2.1 million local needy.

於12月14日假香港會議展覽中心舉行的委任狀 At the Appointment Ceremony held on 14 December at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Guest of Honour Mr Jack Chan, 頒授典禮上,主禮嘉賓民政事務總署副署長 Deputy Director of Home Affairs - accompanied by Dr Dennis T L 陳積志先生在「公益金之友」主席孫大倫博士 Sun, Chairman of FOCC and Mr Chau How-chen, Co-Chairman (NT) 及新界區聯席主席周厚澄先生陪同下,委任 – presented Certificates of Appointment to the 18 FOCC District 各地區委員會成員,並鼓勵他們在未來兩年 Committee Chairmen and Members. He encouraged all Members to 任期中發揮團結精神,協助公益金扶助弱勢 work closely with the Chest to help Hong Kong’s needy. 社群。 印刷品 公益金第二十期通訊(二零一三年一月) Printed Matter The Community Chest Newsletter Issue 20 (January 2013)

為善最樂,坐言起行 Give. Make a difference. 活動綜覽 捐款人資料 Donor’s Information Event Update 姓名 Name : 10/2012 – 3/2013 地址 Address : 環保為公益 日間聯絡電話 Daytime Contact Number : 電子郵件 E-mail : Greening for the Chest 捐款類別(請於適當方格內加上 ✓)Type of Donation (please ✓ where appropriate) 6/1/2013 □ 每月捐款 Monthly Donation □ 單次捐款 One-off Donation 港島、九龍區百萬行 * 捐款金額 Donation Amount Hong Kong and Kowloon Walk for Millions □ HK$100 □ HK$200 □ HK$300 □ HK$500 □ 其他 Other 付款方法(請於適當方格內加上 ✓) Payment Methods(Please ✓ where appropriate) 13/1/2013 □ 抬頭「香港公益金」之劃線支票。 Cheque made payable to“The Community Chest of Hong Kong” 公益慈善馬拉松 □ 將款項存入以下其中一個「香港公益金」銀行戶口,並將入數紙寄回公益金辦事處: The Community Chest Bank into the following Chest’s accounts and mail the bank-in slip to the Chest office. Corporate Challenge Half Marathon ( ) 中國銀行 香港 Bank of China (Hong Kong) 012-874-0-008588-4 3/3/2013 恒生銀行 Hang Seng Bank 367-6-004678 渣打銀行 Standard Chartered Bank 411-0-160769-3 □ 透過信用卡捐款 Via Credit Card □ Visa □ Master □ AE 新界區百萬行 New Territories Walk for Millions 信用卡編號 Credit Card No : 持卡人姓名 Credit Card Holder: 15/3/2013 信用卡有效日期至 Credit Card Validity : 公益金中銀香港慈善高爾夫球賽 持卡人簽署 Authorised Signature : The Community Chest BOCHK 每項透過VISA、萬事達及美國運通信用卡之捐款,服務公司均會向公益金按百分比收取手續費。該筆手續費不會由 閣下捐款中扣除。 Charity Golf Day The Service Company will charge The Community Chest a percentage fee for every donation made through VISA, Master Card and American Express. However, this charge will NOT be deducted from your donation to the Chest. 21/3/2013 * 請填妥表格,郵寄、傳真(2506 1201)或電郵至 [email protected] 公益金辦事處。 公益行善「折」食日 Please send the completed form to the Chest Office by mail, via fax (2506 1201) or by email at [email protected]. Skip Lunch Day 閣下亦可登上公益金網頁 www.commchest.org 進行捐款。捐款港幣一百元或以上可獲發正式收據。 If you wish to donate online, please click onto www.commchest.org. Official receipts will be issued for donation of HK$100 or above. ✓ ✓ □ 如 閣下不願意收到公益金資料,請 方格。 If you do not want to receive any mailing from us, please the box. 恆常籌款活動 您從何得悉公益金籌款活動?(請在適當位置加上✓) How do you learn about Chest’s events? (please ✓ where appropriate) Year Round Events □ 電視/電台廣告 TV/Radio Commercials □ 報章/雜誌廣告 Newspaper/Magazine Advertisements □ 公益金網頁 The Chest’s Website □ 公益金通訊 The Chest’s Newsletter □ 親友介紹 Relatives and friends 賀禮捐公益 □ 公司/學校之內部宣傳品 (如電郵、海報等) □ 社交網站 (如Facebook、部落格等) □ 其他 (請註明______) Celebrations for the Chest Internal publications (e.g. Email, posters, etc.) Online Social Media (e.g. Facebook, blogs, etc.) Others (please specify) 商業及僱員募捐計劃 Corporate and Employee Contribution Programme GD55S 一般捐款 香港公益金有賴慈善夥伴 — 香港賽馬會資助行政費用,將從各界籌得的善款,100%全數撥捐153間會員社會福利機構,惠澤社群。 General Donations The Hong Kong Jockey Club, our Partner in charity, generously supports The Community Chest in helping to subsidise our administrative costs, enabling 100% of the donations to be allocated to our 153 member social welfare agencies. 午砲籌款為公益 Noonday Gun for the Chest 香港公益金:香港灣仔告士打道39號夏愨大廈18樓1805室 The Community Chest of Hong Kong: Unit 1805, 18/F Harcourt House, 39 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 樂捐公益謝嘉賓 電話 Tel No: 2599 6111 傳真 Fax No: 2506 1201 電子郵件 E-mail: [email protected] 網址 Website: http://www.commchest.org Souvenirs for the Chest