1947-06-08 [P 8-A]

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1947-06-08 [P 8-A] Champ Gal Cagers Giants, Phillies Trade Here Power Vacationing OTTMEN GET MOUND NEW DEALS Netters In WINSTON-SALEM ACE; Play Rocky HINTED IN LOOP Mount; BASEBALL TEAM AT BEACH by joe reichlek Local Tourney Starts Surf throngs at Wrightsville NEW YORK, June 7— UPl —The Today BRIEF Beach today may have occasion IN power-laden New York Giants, to see some tail gals parading seeking pitching strength to make ROBINSON ON TEAM; the sands, but they needn’t TOBACCO STATE LEAGUE along their surprise bid for the National think Billy Rose is ,in town. BOYS GAME POSTPONED Pet. League pennant more effective, to- 18 when it Won Lost It’s the Hanes’ its toward June 9 .753 just Hosiery traded Babe As the moon wends way j Sanford- 29 day hard-hitting 17 589 Mills’ North and South AAU 1946- form of a “New Moon fishermen j WILMINGTON _ 22 Young to the Cincinnati Reds for With plans completed the local will blossom forth in the .547 i _ 21 18 47 basketball of Wins- Clinton champions veteran Joe Beggs the southeastern section 19 19 -500 righthander Wilmington Tennis club to of North Carolina and especially Warsaw _ ton-Salem, enjoying a weekend at tourney 20 .486 amid that another hot deal better then Lumberton _ 19 reports stait today memaers of fish starting to hit a bit they their favorite beach after sweep- among the will find the _ 19 2U .489 was on the fire. Dunn-Erwin for hurling help club not .425 Carolina honors in clash- in Rocky Mount clashing 10 j Selma-Smithfield _ 17 23 ing cage have during the past days. The Young-Beggs trade was an in an ECTA scheduled the Red Springs- 10 30 .250 es this year, and ending up in match, and many Wal- even with the Giants In fact the fishing has been terrible the National AAU tournament in swap giving tennis picture in Wilmington en- GAMES TODAY a who didn’t fit in the the little woman, mak- a up player larges. have remained home helping at Clinton St. Joseph, Missouri, with tag tonites Sanford (2). for needed the at Dunn. of best the nation. picture very urgently The or sittin’ as they awaited change WILMINGTON sixth in tourament here will be ing garden just plain at Red hurling support. The Reds, on the Smithfield Springs. The Hanes’ gals lost to Des j staged throughout this week, with Warsaw at Lumberton. other are almost certain to ; in ‘Luna.’ Moines Federals 24-21 in the na- hand, semi-finals set for June 14. bass the distance they in weather conditions channel AMERICAN LEAGUE tional finals, but at the get long hitting With the change quarter Meanwhile, a scheduled clash 12 minutes have been looking for in Babe into the suds although George (Drum) W L Pet. G. B. end of the first of between Wilson and should start moving Team bat. Wilmington .585 were and actual- Young’s big ounce catch made Detroit _ 25 17 play behind 10-0, Cannadv has reported a 30 pound eight ; boys’ division here today has New York __ 25 IS .568 1 the Iowa team in the The native New Yorker batted MARY JOHNSON gets one ly outplayed been postponed by the visiting BONEY usually _ 17 .514 3 1-2 during the week and as you know, George Cleveland 18 lost three in more than 100 runs in each oi _EES 1 21 4 periods. club. one are Boston _ 21 .500 If are around and when he only gets they the femmes at the beach his first two seasons as regular they Philadelphia_ 21 22 .488 4 1-2 Among Action at of the first sacker of the Giants, be- Rocky Mount brings Chicago _ 22 25 .468 5 1-2 today is the national queen just scarce. the powerful and undefeated Port Washington_ 18 22 .450 6 cage courts, Conila Lineberry ot fore he was sidelined for slugging SHEA DAZZLES with Mrs. John Mer- women catches have been light St. Louis _ 17 24 .415 7 1-2 City on the courts as top- Reported Jonesboro, and a pretty lass she Johnny Mize obtained from the St. to tell of two favorites to emerge victors, cer of the Atlantic View pier calling sheep- GAMES TODAY is, fans. Her sister forward, Loui Cardinals. heavy One was a three New York at St. Louis (2)—Drews ST. 3-1 and the mens’ division rated at caught at her husband’s quay. Jackie Swain, a six-footer, from Before the Beggs Young trade LOUIS, Jiead being 11-0) and Johnson (2-2) or Wensloff (0- least on a with Rocky Moun other a won the nation’s the was re- par Steve Demos and the vs. Fannin and Kramer (4-3). Winston Salem, was confirmed, deal pound specimen hooked by 0) (2-3) after their first league win over Miller. The latter Washington at Chicago (2)—Masterson runner up honors in free throw ported to the Associated Press by ST. LOUIS, June 7 —VP)— Pitch and half landed by Gerald Kinston last week. CHICAGO. Ju k j four ponder (4-5) and Pieretti (1-1) vs. Papish (2 ;2) was to the source also contests, and named a very reliable who and of Miller was for whitings, using and Gillespie (3-0). ing with confidence poise John- was caught as casting All-American that the Giants were trying The ladies, led by Mary ■cago White Sox wt Philadelphia at Cleveland (2)—Mar- squad. said Bill a veteran, rookie Frank Snea reg- son, ranking star in the state, an^ shrimp for bait. children (4-3 and Fowler (4-5) vs. Fell- The lone member of the team to trade the one-time brilliant straight victory frot istered his seventh consecutive Bland. No. 2 have Kure and Fort er (6-5) and Embiee ♦ 4-3)- whc doesn’t live in North Caro- Voiselle to the Philadelphia Phils Mary player today as reliefer JnC > A fetv blues have been reported at as Boston at Detroit—Ferriss (4-4) vs. victory, a sterling three-hitter, through victories over Fisher lina, is Eunies Futch, a 6’ 2” for righthander Tommy Hughes swept tered four Fisher although Mayor Kure and E. 0. Page at Ft. I Newhouser (5-6*. the New York Yankees defeated and Wilson Sena: guard from Jacksonville, Fla. and southpaw Oscar Judd. Goldsboro, Raleigh, catches.” NATIONAL LEAGUE the St. Louis Browns 3-1 today to (twice. Slated to see action in ad- innings lor a 4-0 c:■..... both report “light Ruth Phelps, 5’ 10” eager from The Phils denied the report with Team W L Pet. G. B. even the two-game series. dition to Miss Johnson and Miss Starter I But while fishermen are bemoaning the the Twin City, vho was voted the manager Herb Pennock Johnny Wilmington _ general Brooklyn 26 18 .591 Shea’s loss of the campaign Bland are: Coleen Gann, White Sox most outstanding player in the there was “noth- only Nancy; retired afte- St. Regis, New York -- 25 18 .581 1-2 declaring today lack of fish young Buddy James, 14-year-old handed him the Boston Brown, Jean Tillet and Joy Metts. Chicago_ 24 19 558 1 1-2 Northwest North Carolina tourna- to it.” But whether the Phils was by land Haynes, son-.r-ia.. Montana thanks he had several trout in his ing initial start. p...‘ youth gave 'Boston _ 25 20 .556 1 1-2 ment this is also at the Red Sox 1-0 in his a triumph season, get him or some other club, Voi- The men, boasting dent Clark Griffith o* w that Philadelphia __ 20 25 .444 6 1-2 creel, according to a dispatch from city. beach. Others include Irma Will- headed for The victory cut a halt game over Kinston, and a forfeited win four ‘Cincinnati_ 20 27 .426 7 1-2 selle seems definitely yielded only singles t::5 rt-: Helen Greer, another All- off the first Detroit over Beaufort-Morehead aft- of James said he was now a firm believer in the phrase Pittsburgh _ 18 24 .429 7 ard, anotner outfit before the June 15 margin place City, the way. St. Louis _ 18 25 .419 7 1-2 American, Frances McBride, and deadline. Tigers who, now lead the Yankees er losses to Raleigh, Goldsboro “Toss ’em a Fish.” trading After Chicago picked TODAYS Ruth Fulk, a newcomer to the one game. and Wilson (twice), will be paced GAMES Voiselle, off to a splendid start by runs off Mickey HL;... It like this: St. Louis at New York (2)—Munger team. Browns to hit by Bob Andrews and Les Boney, happened in nis 1944 freshman year when The managed fifth, Haynes double:: : ; (4-1 and Brazle (3-3) vs. Koslo (5-2) with a newcomer, Robin- a bear and two cubs took after Hanes, with its male and female and lost Shea safely in two innings, Gerry fourth hose marker i James was fishing and and Kennedy (4-1) or Hartung (4-1). he won 21 games 16, only | and baseball team doubles Paul Lehn son. c-x-Davidson star, also slated Chicago at Brooklyn—Laae (3-2) vs. cagers a that to 14 victories in 1945 and combining by Luke him. James: dropped Gene Appling, wr.o Says Barney (3-1). at this the er A1 Zarilla to tally their for action. Archie Fountain, is, writing, leading City nine last year. This season he has and ored with his firs; me after I had landed my limit of Cincinnati at Boston (2)—Vander Meer in has the fourth.

—— Preview end. ——

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