
Introduction to HomePlug 1.0 & AV

Networking-over-mains uses the existing mains power wiring in your home to carry signals. The technology for carrying signals through the mains has been around, notably in the form of wireless baby monitors, and its use for carrying Ethernet signals has been common for some years in the US. This flexible method for distribution is now catching on in Europe.

In its simplest form, HomePlug networking consists of a box at each location requiring a network connection. The box is plugged in to the mains and has one other connection, an Ethernet socket, just like the wired Ethernet socket you could connect with wires. You can use several of the boxes around your home. You can have several isolated networks on the same mains wiring if you wish, each using its own password. The standard to look for is called 'HomePlug'. Any device with this branding should inter-operate.

The range for mains networking is usually stated at 100m but this limitation is important only if you need to reach the garden shed or similar. Generally you will get a connection to any socket in your home as long as you have a single-phase supply. A single-phase supply usually has only one electricity meter, which covers the vast majority of homes.

Here at Solwise we offer our own branded HomePlug 1.0 adapters including 85Mbps Turbo, 85Mbps Turbo Wireless and HomePlug AV. Additionally we stock the VeseNET range which includes 85Mbps Turbo Adapter and 85Mbps Turbo 3 Ethernet Port Unit. We have recently updated our range of AV units to the Push Button version, including one with mains-passthrough.

See our different scenarios below and take what you need from each one.


Scenario 1 - Networking ADSL around the home/office - basic setup This is a typical set-up for a small home office environment. In Room 1 the ADSL comes into the home and you connect to it using your ADSL /Router. At this point you attach a HomePlug device to the Router in order that you can share the ADSL connection with other users in the home/office. If you only have the one computer but it is not located near to the ADSL line, you can attach a HomePlug router to the line which sends the signal along the mains to another room in the home. If you have a router in place already you can attach a HomePlug adapter to this via Ethernet cable for the same results.

In Room 2 you plug the HomePlug device into the power socket and depending on how many computers you need to connect you can either connect one computer direct to the single port HomePlug device using an Ethernet cable or if you have more than one computer, you can use a 3 port HomePlug device. You can continue to follow this example in each room that you require the ADSL/Network.

This example is ideal if you have your ADSL Router already in place. If you are new to ADSL and are looking to set-up from scratch it is worth noting that we supply ADSL modem/routers with the HomePlug capabilities already built-in. This will save you buying two boxes and having two devices where you can get away with one.



Scenario 2 - Networking ADSL around the home/office with multiple computers and games console

As above for room one but in this image we use the ADSL modem router with the HomePlug built in. Room two shows the 3 port unit which is ideal if you have two computers in one room as in a home office or a games console and computer in the kids playroom for example. Room three shows the Wireless HomePlug adapter, this has an Ethernet connector and wireless capabilities, great for computers or games consoles being connected direct to it and the laptop or wireless enabled computer using it wirelessly.


Scenario 3 - Sharing Cable around home/office for one computer

The is a fixed device which you are not allowed to remove from your line. If the modem is placed in a room away from your computer this is a great way setting a very basic network for one computer. Attach a HomePlug adapter to the cable modem via Ethernet Cable. Simple as that! In room two, plug in another HomePlug adapter, either ethernet or wireless and surf away!!


Scenario 4 - Sharing Cable Broadband around home/office for multiple computers and games console

As before, the cable broadband comes into the home via thecable modem, but in this case you will need an Ethernet router to create the actual network. The HomePlug adapter is connected to the router. Room two shows the wireless HomePlug adapter, ideal for connecting a games console and talking wirelessly to a laptop or wireless enabled computer. Room 3 shows a single HomePlug adapter connected to a computer, you could if required use the 3 port device connected to multiple computers etc.


Scenario 5 - Making full use of HomePlug Networking around your home


Scenario 6 - Making full use of HomePlug AV around your home HomePlug AV works in the same way as HomePlug 1.0 but at faster speeds. It is ideal for streaming media around the home.

Louise Barrett Solwise Ltd – 24.06.08