
* '"*"'*"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 CALL, THURSDAY, APRIL THE SAX FRAXCISCO" ..?.. - ???I \u25a024. 1913. 5

J»-.,"La!>.. _ '- ??\u25a0 S *?-;,.-' . ? t , \u25a0\u25a0--?,-? ?,-..\u25a0 ? -7. \u25a0? CHARLES H. - . . . - . * ' SPEAR Daughter Rescues Parents CHARGES MARSHAL Can Share off $8,750 in Prizes .x\u25a0-&*&)*\u25a0> Vff ..... Q+s , ? ? You Win Your the Ladder to Burning Room REPLIES -'.?-?,.?. in?.;\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0*-\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0-';\u25a0\u25a0The'..;.:-* -. \u25a0.\u25a0.', ?\u25a0':\u25a0". .\u25a0\u25a0'.,...\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0: \u25a0:',\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0.," '."...'..\u25a0\u25a0.,' '...\u25a0..,.,...:Booklovers'?-' \u25a0\u25a0. ."\u25a0 .-\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0.-,.> \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0?-' "..-\u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.Contest,'T?-.. \u25a0?*\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0.\u25a0;\u25a0-. *\u25a0»'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 i .«'..??'.:\u25a0 \u25a0-..\u25a0.\u25a0; :,. j'".',; TO '.:-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0:. 7 ;Call's Greater.:.'.'.v ;'. -..-. REED PREVENTED ARREST \u25a0 : \u25a0? \u25a0. \u25a0* ? ~ - : y GRAND JUXCTIOX' Colo., April Get the* Catalog and the Answer Book and all the pictures published to date FREE; Then start to tell the book 23.?-Jenoie? O'Xell;? 1.% year -;old ' daughter ,of ? correct Mr. and >lr*. Chris Patrolman B. M. Brown of titles the pictures represent. The Catalog contains all the" titles and the Answer Book enables you to AT O'Xell.'.; Moved ? her* parent* ; from to FINAL death in Yy destroyed s make ten answers each picture. MEETING a fire that 1 Berkeley Force Accuses their home near here early this "morning. YOU GET BUSY TODAY. GET THE CATALOG AND ANSWER BOOK AND WIN YOUR SHARE OF Candidate \u25a0* , ? . a Emeryville Officer for Mayor - by -\u25a0 Denies 7 The "sJrl , »»n awnkened the : \u25a0-::.\u25a0 -.:-- THAT $8,750. YOU CAN. Harbor irankc that 'filled; her room." She Board Adminis- rushed from? the" house? to* escape tration the;' flames,,*y then heard the Violation of Section of Penal HOW ANSWER Was in Any * serenm* of ? her parents, who I Knowledge' Is the Greatest Paying Asset THE BOOK HELPS YOU * were' i Way trapped on 7 the ? second Code Alleged in Report jy _-^-^^JHHPt That is what has made the 7;7.?(-i^' .If.you have an Answer Book you can make! 1.i2.* 3. 4. i, -S. 7. ». 9 or 10 an. Inefficient titbry. ,'-'-;\u25a0 swers to each picture, yet you need only 'ONE COPY. of".each picture. , -? Kooning, to the? hnrn she Bl- ----. \u25a0\u25a0~-_. \u25a0??;?-,;\u25a0':.,, .ryyy-y. ~-7 .* ;-y; .X,, Y.YY*7-Yy "7. V ,'.. ??: ....." ? _ \u25a0? Vollmer to So. it , you Book,: riot possibly ~ any ' eared oY.lon it ladder .'and. rained . ; have an Answer there y can be reason it to the window of her parent*' ;for getting" more than one copy of{each of** the 77 pictures, yet you may make HEYWOOD room. npil \u25a0 ? ? 7 MAKES The father j mother BERKELEY, April' 23.? Patrolman a total of 770 7 different answers to the-*"? pictures. - V ' then descended in safety. TWO ADDRESSES B. M. Brown has filed with Chief of 77,7-7 Suppose you * discover In your search through the Catalog seven 7 different Police Vollmer a report that Marshal titles that seem to you might fit a picture. You can not ! decide which" of the.** as Emeryville seven titles is to\u25a0> your mind the best one to submit. So you the CI "' Edward Carey of .violated '\u25a0 submit all mnkmrnmrnWJf\u25a0 \u25a0"" -\u25a0- JMIIIH\u25a0>.#/\u25a0?»\u25a0:aaaaaaW AmmmmW \u25a0 kmbbbbbbbT AWbbbbbbbt '" .bSbbbbTbbbbYb. seven as 1your picture. you \u25a0"\u25a0 KM *"- -i.- '"'\u25a0 titles answers to 7 that; If have an .Answer ? Book Supporters a .section of pre- -" AmmmmmmmWJPaapV ,-'' B(9 aalB aaHFAmWmmW *\u25a0'\u25a0 7'\u25a0 AmmmmWmmmmmW \u25a0 : MmmmmWAmmmmW bbbbbbbbJbbbbbS 7-' \u25a0'? .BbbbbbbbbW *«fet* ;> ---\u25a0- Aab I Disclaim Knowl- the penal v code jbyY . can titles, you yet Vi ' J9Ef " JmrnmrnW'AmWYYAmW. '\u25a0\u25a0mmWYmmmm\Xi&?^' m\\\\W''\u25a0 *".aT submit the *feven? '-. and need? only one copy of the picture.? edge of LOVE venting him from arresting Max Ammmf \u25a0' -Amm ------: £4 - : > Suit *.*bbb> OF OF you WIFE AmmW aaal Lafl Labi Laal «P^* an Book must Filed by the \u25a0 Epitzer of 1414 Alice street, Oakland,' .If you do not,have Answer get ' a separate picture and whom he accuses 'of.violating.'the. speed coupon, on .which to ; submit each title. Colonial Social Club 888888" ?-- limit? V Brown pursued.Spitzer into If you want to submit ; a total of 600 titles, and have an Answer Book, yon v Emeryville .down San Pablo, avenue. - need 1 only one copy of each of the 77 pictures. 1 If you do not have an Answer April RICH RANCHER FOR must y coupons your " ' IBook you; secure * 600 ; pictures 'and on which to submit 600 BERKELEY. 23.?Charles H Marshal Carey, the patrolman alleged, \u25a0Pear. titles. candidate for .rnaVor,' undressed interfered When he overtook Spitzer The"- popular car ofythe world.-world. * It laIs knowledgeKnowledge in the deMgnm*?deMgriing his large manufacturing department y In' final mass meeting and to permit to :? that .; has 7 made the Buick the ; service |car.; Answer Book saves time, 7 and money. can easily ing.at this 'even- refused him make the The labor You carry*:*: the. Berk.-lev high audi- Brown lie around with you, with the picture pasted the coupon - school arrest. said telephoned to ! Inside. Read Answer Book torium, FARMHAND to they left of this announcement. And remember that you can replying IS TOLD get to Prof. T. H. Reeds the station, and, that?Sergeant Cosby, six free charges ; picture certificates, good pictures of , Inefficiency in his who talked with Carey, on the tele- for Nos. 36 to 70, with the Answer Book! harbor loard administration. ' , Member of Shoeneman Fam- phone, threatened reprisal if the arrest Charles p. \ was not made. \u25a0 < Heywood, also candidate ; Spitzer last night yin iMml&f Ten of the numbered Answer Book pages have a circle for mayor? spoke ily Who Was Girlhood .was?arrested*"' at two meetings? in Oakland on "warrant. 7 The offense the alleged * to been '\u25a0'\u25a0 Sunday,* printed on them. The the Jefferson school and in the Hill- Friend of Mrs. W. K. was Ihave .last ten starred titles in Contest side club V w*hen'Spltzer?and 1another automlbilistj house. ? it said, raced in San avenue Catalog are the correct titles to ten which go The Vanderbilt Is Sued is Pablo the pictures executive committee of the Hey- at 50 miles an hour.7 Brown, mounted ' wood club issued a statement today, on a motorcycle, pursued-and overtook on the ten circled pages of the Answer Book. s-lgned by all members Spitzer in Emeryville. ofthe commit- (Special Dispatch to The. Call) Being Emeryville tee, denying that rescued by the of- the club or Heywood ,-'SAN April- presenta- ficial, Spitzer, it is said, escaped until **\u25a0-") any knowledge JOSE, 23.?The 1 of or part in the testimony? yesterday when his auto was y located suit ! tion of? of : a sensational In-* He gavo?bail??ofr 7sloo; -! THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL'S Tiled yesterday against Spear, Oakland. 7 i thorough knowledge of the (Buick by a prospective buyer always '".'/*." 'J character was commenced today in the which was forfeited this -vyY-. reiterated his statement that declared morn- means a Buick owner. j ..-;.*-?.\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 .'.'?' ?>\u25a0 Y7Y7;7Y-y 7yy,,y.y? he knew divorce action instituted by James ing when Spitzer failed to appear, in >; Batteries?-Decius and terday A dozen witnesses were examined fratri-jiiry series. : by the Colonial Social club of Have-: King and *: Ilarklns.;- Sigma ;Xn beat Mil ' - San (Trent -*? and the case then went over to stay 15. Delta > to S. and* . d 'No* of the Theta.; 19 Batteries? Kuhl Bar- member 7McLaughlin Heywood club even knew, of the ex- After the filing of a divorce om- ley: (iambic. and.ChilUs. X istence of < the Colonial Social club. The plaint in this city,, in which Mrs. Zuck . PUlt wae as much of a surprise to" us as Sir. Spear say*-It was to,him. , is accused of carrying on a clandestine Berkeley Items We deprecate sincerely the injection of' love affair with Arthur Eugene Wyck- Dwi-gh] way reported" Marie Shirk at 1013 such proposition campaign. Mrs. a into this ; off. a young farm hand, she was taken to the police, that she whs robbed of $'?? Tuesday, We are working the night by man who tested a. mob) la the for election of' to* San Francisco by her husband and a young Mr. Heywood simply because be- forenoon..- 7' ' : * we family. Immediately afterward she .1. Klsten. attorney,and lieve him to be the best man for mayor. -7 -Arthur - alumnus of the Was adjudged Incompetent by the San University of California, has jresigned ? trots 7 the We have not attacked the personal Francisco superior court, and her board t*f directors of the state institution fi>r the character of Mr. Spear, and we consider : Jr.,7was ap- deaf ami blind He", was appointed by Coventor brother? F. J. Shoeneman year? ago.. - - - us he does that the tiling of this suit Johnson two 7 ;-.;", *" V? pointed guardian of her estate. Y77"Yr:Y7 The decennial reunion of the class of. l!*o:: of Mas at this tune unfair?unfair -to the jCniversltv of California willIbe held at. the both sides." attacks: Hl*"B\\l>*s testimoxv .-\u25a0hattucfc hotel-the', evening of? May It). There . Henry H. McPike, attorney for Mrs. being-."jOO; members* of the class resident in; the Zuck, attacked the, testimony of -the bay litres, a large attendance is expected by the committee in charge. *,* "piano"pianoywith a memory."?memory." husband and attempted to show that Baptist *; -call !t the with a. 7 The third annual concert" of the First 7 7 y hear7?anyany -dayday ?> program on the Bungalow nt the time of the alleged misconduct chares choir. will take place.Thursday:*evening at jftY You can hear such a-n played Player you will SAVANT EXPECTS SEXES his client was insane and that after the 8 o'clock. ". A program of* 10 numbers 7 for * be a Y Pianoi at Eilers Music House?'97s.Market Street.' where 7 Call, is jr.-be "courteously received If you ask the pianos t The offer- choir and soloist* ;? has been' prepared. Mlsa ,;M. '\u25a0 to-'hear divorce action Zuck admitted that .his lng, as; grand prizes Jin; the*, great Booklovers"* Contest. "* Y7 ,-.;\u25a0 5 :; was Walton acting;as accompanist/*: The aotatota will ."SLT- Bungalow -. - might- spouse mentally unbalanced and tie IMiss Helen Patterson, 7 Clifford".Hughes. | Miss Or.Or, in slighterlighter vein,';vein, the -Bungalow! will.inlay,;olay, 7as PadereweklYPaderewskl was ready to condone the offense. Rboda Mitchell..Miss= Ruhr Moore, Robert DYMc- not be willing7to: play, the latest ?popular- dance or song music. Or. TO INTERCHANGE TRAITS Zuck took the stand and testified to dure, Miss Ova (ferael] and- C. L. Custer. ? you can play, it. "by* hand" just as- though the player -attachment were his wife is alleged 4 not built into the case.. " verious confessions | ?yY7.;For reasons,;and the only player piano specially to "have made to him In regard to her = these because.lt IB i adapted to the needs of the s small city apartment,| the | Eilers JBungalow, c 7-" relations with Wyckoff. A letter writ- Player: Piano was chosen by The Call for this big contest, as something ; ten by Mrs. Zuck to the farm hand was of interest to every home. - \u25a0 ODr. H. D. Krueger, Touring * introduced to substantiate his testi- The Bungalow Player Piano May Tie Seen at mony. , * ? .\u25a0 77' Ilng * ' World, Says Women This missive was found "by Mr.**. Wyckoff in the grip . of; her son. and ny Be Soldiers r '" V Will turned over to Zuck. It is full of pro- Household ° * °* testations of .love. "*, Many clandestine "* meetings:are hinted at. The letter in-* OAKLAND, April 23.?That women dicates also a jealousy on the part jof H street the writer for ''Rose." It was brought ~ vSras/ T will hate bass voices In Ms* years from - WHAT BOOK DOES THIS PICTURE REPRESENT? out at the hearing that "Rose was CHICKERINGyPIANO ? -, jj now, that-they will serve in the armies Show? \u25a0?' HOUSE OF THE :'-X~ niece, and been en- *'****' Suck's 'that she had Of the world, and that they will be as gaged,to marry."Wyckoff. SATURDAY I Write title and name of author in form below. 11 *-. part: IT ENDS 1975 large end heavy. as men, are some of The letter read in 33 GRAND PRIZES FROM the prognostications made this morn- FEARED BEAUTY WOULD FADE ing »*by Dr. 11. D. Krueger, a German "Gene, Gene, Gene, my darling, oh COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO.. 91,550 long you.- to on a tour of world, how I; for For heaven's sake This added week our :B physician the who PRIZE, T ? sorry.l am now SEVENTH GRAND Valued at ...... 8275 7.Tit1e...... JL Aviv '. -?;* *"?'* **. .*?'.'.'?? r*^.~.~.*? .-.t. r ".'.T'.'r.i; .-.-;. fi this is terrible. How giveS> 1r Regent 7-y .. . : ...... : '.*-.".*-.*..-*.*."...'.-J-. .1 \u25a0 staying, at the renin hotel. Household Show to «1 Columbia- Grafonola and Record*. .'"'.V ...... is < that I did not come to the city months 133 , -* . Doctor Krueger said he had made a ago? ; Now 1 have to return. ; those housekeepers who EIGHTH GRAND Valued at..; ) V * * * PRIZE...... r^... $200: .'.:...\u25a0» ?>?»;.>-. you yes you * Author.. careful study of the situation and that I love Gene, I love dear- g ' 1 Columbia Regent Junior Grafonola and Records...... j.: .-.?.-.-i- | est, and oh, no matter if I look as ;old have not seen it an opportu- * lie believed that in that length of time as the hills and as homely as a pig. . 1 ELEVENTH GRAND PRIZE, Valued at...... $175 'Vrtiir Ttfnina' men and women would practically have nity ?? 1 Baby Regent Your Name .. ?:.;?*?'?'? ? .??*.'? .'.'.-.;.?.?;.:.\u25a0.. .*.*?'.7. jv;.:. I I*must have you dear, so. perhaps; you? to do* so now.. \u25a0 9 -?v v Columbia Grafonola and Records. - . . ..-.>7 . \u25a0 changed placed. - had better be blindfolded. So you will NINETEENTH TO TWENTY-EIGHTH GRAND He based much of this contention" on thiifk of me as I am now and only see * The excellent Free Cook- J * : Street and Number ...... >,. 5 knowledge # PRIZES .. ,..,. liis avowed that the voice me 'so always, for love, '"\u25a0 you must. ing School and special fY;V^ , $400 . ....r^..> J of women is becoming deeper with each When I am old and gray you will still Jp Ten prizes: Regal Graphophones and Records,** $40 each. generation and the voice of the male young ~ be and handsome and. will be demonstrations of desirable, § THIRTY-FOURTH TO FIFTY-THIRD GRAND City or Town ....-..-.-.*...... >.. ~:..._ A.;,l lighter. lie said the remarkable de- tempted by young end pretty girls, or in which ? 7 wares, below, § FRIZES $500 velopment change? women but darling, I am willing to risk that, listed; will r. ?' began would be prizes J Lyric Graphophones $25 each. TOTAL NUMBER OF PICTURES. 77. Contest Feb. 23. Each he prophesied accomplished to 'see people grin and turn away, yes and "flay a different i picture appears in this,space..--.-Cut them out. Save I the world, but that amply repay you for your All of the above prizes are furnished "by Columbia ,Phonograph ; ; them § eventually* all over even to hear them?say, 'That woman ?the! until the last picture appears on May 10.&Don't send'* in partial lists. .* Wait § yy Company. 334 jSutter £ street, ; ?; are ; ex- would occur much more quickly in crazy' I you, and hope '$ San Francisco. These machines '\u25a0 ion you have all the answers to the 77. Read Rnles.YDaHy Story and Spe- | it must.be for love call. ". «\u25a0'"\u25a0*\u25a0.'-"; hibition there and the public is cordially invited to call at any J.imo'and until anywhere cial | Announcements in an part this Ylt will help you America than else. ? you will always love and make of VInspect the machines ;'\u25a0 y ;77 y'7 YY:..' Y-Y7"Y'"' other *of paper. win a I Krueger a of a poor. me. l * fiand? records. V 7Y *\u25a0*~* prize. Extra pictures and coupons of any date that have appeared may be i Doctor is graduate Remember that I can "hot j today 7 registering your name. university and he practiced for always look as I YY V THIRTY YEARS OF KNOWING HOW- s had -at Be. Enter without . Merely* save Pic- 1 German do now, dear. 7 These ! tures and Coupons ns they' appear. 7 V.," , V * j many years in Berlin. years are my best; looking days.? And 'Records,-; ..' ' ' 7" Free School « Makes HAAS' CHOCOLATES Famous Now! I thank God that He has been so kind j 120 "-"\u25a0\u25a0?-? ;?.?.i.;.5870 as to give me that now. ? ?* '§xV 7-350 BOXES .."..'*\u25a0_ OAKLAND AD MEN you ;7?tA four page 7 pamphlet giving all details of this contest was printed' in Xf"So'.l have darling and I pray HOSTS AT DINNER you will not change.'" " ?; .'7? this newspaper some time ago. ./If you did not see it, send a 2 cent stamp or of Cooking -'_ y \u25a0 HUSBAND ' call at the office/??/ \u25a0 ,_ ~ ._ **f - SYMPATHIZES WITH Miss Mary 7E. Yoorhees San Francisco Brethren Will lie Their The writer sympathizes with her ~ Reception husband ('iirMs at Inform«l \ V for the love she. believes he is .giving valuable .lessons , has her, USE THIS ORDER BLANK FOR CATALOG Evening for but says she is unhappy j This with him because her : each day from 2:30 to 5* 7 If you cut this ? order form, fill It out and send or brinE It in with" of 7 love for designated, « I OAKLAND, April 23?Oakland Ad- Wyckoff. The letter concludes:, 7y??? the sum you will 5 receive :*the OfficialV Copyrighted Contest fl host; to you \ .P. M. FREE. *-;-.". Catalog «of V about 5,000 book titles. V and 7 seven-? certificates redeemable Jj vertising association will be , "Gene, must, must, must must "i ; In the 7; the catalog ail 1 .. for first "pictures are correct the « 35 contest. In the i members of the San Francisco*Ad«club come to me? I7 must have you alone. titles to the 77 pictures. Catalogs, 35 cents at this office, 40 cents by mall."I. at an informal reception and get lOh I must have some -love. I'll just We : demonstrate together dinner tomorrow evening ;at jhave to tell R. tonight- that 'I must see BOOKLOVERS' CONTEST EDITOR: ? 7 ? | of you. Oh Gene, just the Hotel Oakland. The members i I.must. I 'shiver; alii Wagner THE SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. t'j? San Francisco organization: will at- ! over when I say jI,must. Oh, to be *In Aluminum Goods PS CALL. I their wives and ladies, the jyour dear, 7 Inclosed find ;40 cents, for which send me a Booklovers* Contest Catalog I; tend with "arms, and kiss- 6,000: being a ladies' night. ing me.; f~- ;\u25a0: y Bisseil , Electric Cleaner V* Of about* book., titles and -the seven certificates- redeemable for the B function J ," \u25a0' ?'?'"'"? ?'\u25a0-""'?" pictures. i Tho guests will arrive at I o'clock, i "How I hope tfle day will come when ? first 135 77 y V-fffiix'.'f *.'' \u25a0lxl V '-'?. \u25a0'!'" and will be-shown about the city in; you can call me your darling'wife;- Oh, Maiining'Bowman Wares bet., Informal re- j the Gene, ' belong ;-.*\u25a0-? A ...... ;...... j that Word, when I to an- *'\u25a0"" Name .*.-...... -...... -...... | automobiles? 7 V?-V-7 m* 7 \u25a0--: ', ,B7> J ** j.'- \u25a0 \u25a0-.-.\u25a0.- i. \u25a0' v ; ?h. i*. TB ception preceding the dinner, Fred j other,- oh, I help Angelas Asbestos Mats ' : club,7 | but can't it. God for- * Hall president" of the Oakland jgive me for writing this -way, I " ' ' Candy Stores ' " Street and '*N0....-...... «v...... - .'.".. .v...... '-;...."... 1 of: welcome and .but? Simplex Electric Devices 4 ... jj 'give address my - will the ; ;am true. It is from heart. God Woodhead San; Francisco] William of' Ibless: you. my darling. * v City;.....'...... 5tate...... ?*ii respond, Glen C. Barnhart of the j loving girl; Caloric Fireless Cookers ...... will "Your Mollle." acting as : toastmaster. BBBBBBBSSBBBnBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBSSaBBBBBSBaSSBSSBSSBBSSSBBBBBSBBSBSSBBBnSaaSBSSraBBBBaBSBS^ Oaklanders .of, TEI.L OF BUGGY RIDES ; p ' will be impersonation-- "Homeplate" 8t There 2i9221223 street BBBBBSBaBBBBBBBBBaSaBBBBBBBBBBBaSaBBaaaSBasasaaaSBas^^ prominent men. In the; advertising j A number of witnesses from Gil- world and musical selections. roy were examined today on the part RAiJKI &LO ° Tlie following committees are In j of the.; plaintiff in -an effort to show Call or write the intimacy: of Mrs.7Zuck; and Wyck- for our free 'i Get An Answer Book:- - charge: - . . ! ! on S£&££ -0 BertilUoo, chsj*- off. They testified, in regard to buggy ? ,of Specialize Sterling Silver Vanity Ticket* and Finance-1. booklet housewares. "I rides to Gilroy and of late returns to -W. F. D. and Pictures ndenee nnd Promotion the Zuck home. \u25a0;?-..-\u25a0 'V * HOUSEKEEPER'S Cases, and display largest variety 35 Free Uregs, "\u25a0 **? \u25a0 -?'??-">\u25a0 ?YY "THE GUIDE" the Brown, chairman; G. E- &***% stiff fight by . ] /? A was made the defense ' 7 Touican;make; 10 answers to each picture, yet only need but one copy j against * : C the introduction, ofY.evidence on the Pacific Coast. « picture. x- 7.7 7 '\u25a0- '\u25a0 - Wedding Silver designs. , from 1 to ilO book titles which you have selected for the picture pasted I* J^r^slitation-f" of showing that Mrs. Zuck and -Wyckoff j $ of newest above. Y.Y,y7. .7 '.;':; y.y yy.Y ':..-\u25a0,-. : :" n*o Kahn. chairman; Fred K. \u25a0 Y'£. \f \u25a0 f'X>i \u25a0\u25a0:.' j; Hugh S. Carpenter, ! ran up a big telephone bill each month Nathan- ? ?Y6u»saVft time, labor and expense with an Answer helps? j' A \-n n.«lsrb«. | Book and it ~y Venison. Wells I>ntry. on long/distance ycalls? \u25a0-?.?""7 \u25a0'?\u25a0?.\u25a0-"" «I y Diamonds at European prices. you to win. ?.\u25a0--*..Y.7*-.-- '\u25a0:'-"?.-.'" \u25a0'". "x:.- '--"-.' p A} chairman; 111. S?| Upon? one occasion, Zuck said, ", he' j . ~*' Morelwuse,:? ; K 1 hßt 0 took down receiver; in a | " the "'different THE'ANSWER;BOOK {' llorwinski,; Clyde M. and ? tJSE' THISBORDER FORM FOR Kdl>* - room: heard ja portion ofytheytalk j Dohrmann Co. < \u25a0 ,i " ?r\*ln ! Additional Gifts from Radke 6t Co.Go. -^..^.??^.-^...... -^...?bsmb \u25a0\u25a0,! .i. .I.i \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ,"?? __' ... 7 '\u25a0 - I* Sc M. his wif She « Fred E. Reed, chairman: *y U. between eandiWyckoff.y im- j TheHousp > Latb-r. G. C. Barn- mediately? detected hLsy presence 7 j ofHousewares to the Value of / ? - - ft A. and % .. . . . «n ggUV rlmJmZi ii iimi ii- in hi i- ii \u25a0-in S^riS remarked: "That darned old ? Ralph is j Geary and Stockton Streets «g,.-.;: < \u25a0 i \u25a0 i t i 11 i mm in i i ~ 4 ... ' ' "1913. nearh, Lesser. L. BbbklOVersV Editor, .. J. 11. Contest I'enfleld; :rubbernecking, I'll call you again." fix The ;San Call, . ; ; ,e Charles 11. F.dmund San Cal. ! PRIZES "Francisco* ]\u25a0 ''\u25a0'l\- ,iiunsaeker,i lfl,inni A.' Francisco, 114 GRAND BY "* r ?*-',.-y~: Y'-l'-fx. y ,.t \u25a0\u25a0: ?.,"."*?."._., .;'?--\u25a0.\u2666 I FURNISHED San Francisco? Cal. -ll* n chairman; Warren : 59 (75 for Which*'your orge W. Fitch, \u25a0 ???«^???\u25a0???»?? Ppf Find herewith cents cents. at eltice),' deliver to Cr^j'c L/*e j '»? \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0? ?«JM? HARPER & BROS., $1,582. : me I" Hi Alameda News Notes | mmm prizes, "Answer Book and 6 certificates returnable as the' pictures appear, in the V £(*r? n 7 \u25a0' \u25a0 » '\u25a0"~" \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 and ORANR EACH ' s I . oth tOth 9300 » T-''''-ti;;.^ 'n "v ; chairman:*.L??W.: ?*\u25a0?r?r ~ " \u25a0» ''" - i,>?- ?lSt> contest Pictures NOSY 36 to 70. In consideration of the jabove I agree to j D AY. J. Ashford,.A. J. : : by.-the '" »5 -....:. Choice «ofl25 volumes ? complete works Ot Mark Twain or 2*l Volumes ! take, : to i information. given tout? . take, or continue your paper for period of ?o Veiotdltid ' " ' of to three months from l! pXrC**<-,lrth. j Southern I'aeiflc jnanaKemeiit.-.Mlie'. company ex- S**-'.'-'.' complete Works "William Thackeray. date. .a TOrTo',«lnt'; rresldoDt-RcreptionReception Committec-A.(ommittcc? A. i,J. ix-it> to be able to institute its etfamtewn sarvtee S I2th nail 13th GRAND PRIZES, «Si RACK. »162 ;' front to station ill 'History T :\?f,f *? T- McDotsald. ; ..this city' 1the Six tectith street ; ? 27? volumes American -Nation. f and i. \u25a0'>\u25a0 r... A ;n&? n»c 1. c i Oakland about June J. \u25a0 r : 7 V \\% s tnfnnnation lTthYrturtUsth't;RAND*PHlkE* # *f49 EACH ? - , 15th. iCth? EACH...... uresj, a. -" Browningf :- <*lty, 14tli? Kama -chairman; U..K. t. aasw \u25a0 i Prank *X."7 retired from \u25a0'! the i CompletesComplete works of Walter Scott. Charles SDickehftYYWilliatriDickens, William Thsjpkeray,*^-^ ...... nertlllion.' flork's ioflieeYyesteriiaj'.*!-.* He will; depart today, worhslofiaWalterl *. ': ' * GeorgeGeorgeiE]iot;and*Harper'siEdition;ofEliot and Harper's Kdition of jßhakeepeare.HhakeSpeare. f"t- Pimeaix, Ariz., t" F...T.^iayhew, !by* atttotnofede where '\u25a0. he'ls ;.....% '"r tfhs. j. etigajie.in business.'?\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 He by T. C. 99thSOthtoYSSd'aRANDiPRI'tES...... :,...... to 33d GRAND PRIZES » ' 91(53' ' ' a. iecestss. ; was, CUCCCedM tIR3 v ! each, S N0...... *.....'..'.,...'. .;"»;?..* By n*^... ?nglilhi. .: 7...:.-';<.-_ 7. \u25a0.-::.: -. ;- 1; ;..;-?._» - Five3-pHzesFive prises .ofof *631631 consisting of complete works ?oi'.Qeorkcot George Street and It' '??." Hardy,Hardy...... Dickens ' grant-. Eliot, Thomas Walter t"cott Charles 17,3 Police 1Kef Albert -Kani p.*; who has !*\u2666« a ScottSCharleasCfckens.ahdAWlUiamf* ahd William FOR HURTS member of the police department tor 2V years," Is 7 7 lThackeray.1hft oX© i**iy ? ETS DAMAGES year. ** GRAM) . - *\' h * \u25a0 retire this He «ill receive. a -pension of 68th CJRANft a, Itn ! Bttb54tb to sStb PRIZES ?. ;;9t*>sJ25 City *....V...... '.... /,.. I i...... :, jfor, a month, one-half. of.his present* salary. "f.XtXS, Five*.prizes"five prizes -at?s2sSeach.Ycth-sistlng,'of{tombleteat 525'feach. eetiolstins; of complete works Of-O.of O. 0018'?Gold- State...-.....:... ? fi .Townsend Awarded *-',000 w for Kaytnetid Ihtrney. who .'was s driving."the* auto- smith, Wilson's American People, Works and Harper's >v C. 7- and f' Bronte's SPECIAL ATTENTION NON-SUBSCRIBERS; By the payments of $1.00 l that down, .... . mobile fatally injured I! year* Encylcopedia Auto Accident i ran of the United States. our office, or $I.IC by mail, you will receive the Answer Book p > :-fyi old lnttelioig Hymn on "April It. was. exonerated 50th (IRANI) PRIZES At without jury. .",.* :?.-; i\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0,--.- '-7, to 04th *00 the i35 ,pictures. Brina* or send the necessary amount as* stated in 'this order IVY?A of by a 7 -v _ v >>>.y Harper's Hooks?approximate XKI-VKD; April verdict? \u25a0 : : * 6 prizes of value $12 per set. get! % O -.7 lodge Of 'installed, following" The is Tou had better subscribe to this paper and the 35 free pictures ij personal injuries Alameda ! Moose tbe Harper's books.as listed are subject, to change " ' . damages?for?' ih selection, but not and the lesser price. --* [] s» officers'lastYnisht: I'astdb-tatorYYAY^F.YSRt.*! t , 006' " - against -\u25a0 \u25a0->..\u25a0-.-:\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0. i _ .-:?:--....,'-._ ' j, in value. ;--:.>\u25a0'-v .'^ir-:':«\'rfl.,ijv,^ '-'..:? was -iven'William C. Townsend Sure: diets tor, > Frank B. ; Quigley: , ice dictator? '.".'- ? - \u25a0'?\u25a0'"' jury prelate. ('.- \ 65th to 168th GRAND PRIZES ??.'. (V $540 sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbblbbbb^ by .inyJudge. (l?fA.^l-t'roux; Dr. IM. Pond; sergeant ??..'. '... rh*irW'W.Y Keith a? i *|p)H*f prises of Sets of books $6 per w*js*gESS^ ;K*-3-^'*''r---*-*~ ".;ki-s. -r? , * \u25a0-. -\u25a0--- .--.'- atjarnis*KdWard7llorrisberger:7secretaryArAnE^- H1 salt vlssl IsWI 90 at set. :'?-.*- t , - mm courtv today. Townsend?anegedj books principal,'^«^>'' in connection ...this contest '~ trace's I.orlr-i*:. treasurer. .(. 1,. Itargones; i.iiiiM,r'ii.'uard.** All of above are fnrnlnhcd by Harper at Brother*, Publishers, The features with are copyrighted that knocked7from ; hismotor-;- Gimnai l'i.viini: outer 'guard.': y.I.Y*Paris, atnl New York nnd London. by th* Francisco, -lie was: Booklovers' Contest Company,; San Cal. by Keith-srautomobile.Ysustaming trustees.YCliailes F. l'.uut.'t.S T. U Judilr I*. 1.. .' \u25a0 "" \u25a0 -".. ." \u25a0... -...... cvHe injuries. Kt-Utlib and A. 1". Nt. Sure. leg and other \u25a0\u25a0«\u25a0..-\u25a0 .1..-.\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-7*.Y;:.:.7'. ...\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 7 .'\u25a0-' a\.'if "X.'. -. -I. :X?£s-\u25a0: - a" broken' - '"" " i7 I