Loving Arms Charitable Corporation Go to Links: To make a donation now click on the Child Sponsorship Donate Today image below: Scholarship Sponsorship Senior Sponsorship To sponsor a child click on their picture or email
[email protected] Child Sponsorship Program ($40 per month) The child receives clothing, school shoes, Education medical and dental checkups, Christmas and birthday gifts, and a monthly food $20 pays for school supplies for one child package for his/her family. Every family is $60 pays for a teachers school supplies positively impacted. A more balanced diet $50 educates a child for one month help eliminate malnutrition, improves one's $100 sponsors an English ability to learn, as well as many other health Teacher/Expenses benefits. Our Guatemalan Health Care $300 sponsors a teacher/expenses for a Workers have reported an improvement in month the health of the children since Loving Arms $800 pays for a classroom to be has instituted this Program. refurbished (Adopt A Classroom) Scholarship ($50/mo. or a one-time donation to the Program or Sponsor a Elder / Family Sponsorship program ($20 Specific Child) per month) The Scholarship Program provides This Program provides a monthly food opportunities for impoverished teens/youth package to elders/families. This project to achieve a higher level of education. provides relief and gives hope to those who Students in this Program are able to attend do not have the ability to provide food for a private school, High School or College. themselves or who do not have children Your donation provides the student with who are part of the Loving Arms' Child their registration fees, monthly school fees, Sponsorship.