* '"*"'*"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 CALL, THURSDAY, APRIL THE SAX FRAXCISCO" ..?.. - ???I \u25a024. 1913. 5 J»-.,"La!>.. *?-;,.-' . ? t _ , '- ??\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0--?,-? ?,-..\u25a0 S ? -7. \u25a0? CHARLES H. - . - . * ' SPEAR Daughter Rescues Parents CHARGES MARSHAL Can Share off $8,750 in Prizes .x\u25a0-&*&)*\u25a0> Vff ..... Q+s , ? ? You Win Your the Ladder to Burning Room REPLIES -'.?-?,.?. in?.;\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0*-\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0-';\u25a0\u25a0The'..;.:-* -. \u25a0.\u25a0.', ?\u25a0':\u25a0". .\u25a0\u25a0'.,...\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0: \u25a0:',\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0.," '."...'..\u25a0\u25a0.,' '...\u25a0..,.,...:Booklovers'?-' \u25a0\u25a0. ."\u25a0 .-\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0.-,.> \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0?-' "..-\u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.Contest,'T?-.. \u25a0?*\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0.\u25a0;\u25a0-. *\u25a0»'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 i .«'..??'.:\u25a0 \u25a0-..\u25a0.\u25a0; :,. j'".',; TO '.:-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0:. 7 ;Call's Greater.:.'.'.v ;'. -..-. REED PREVENTED ARREST \u25a0 : \u25a0? \u25a0. \u25a0* ? ~ - : y GRAND JUXCTIOX' Colo., April Get the* Catalog and the Answer Book and all the pictures published to date FREE; Then start to tell the book 23.?-Jenoie? O'Xell;? 1.% year -;old ' daughter ,of ? correct Mr. and >lr*. Chris Patrolman B. M. Brown of titles the pictures represent. The Catalog contains all the" titles and the Answer Book enables you to AT O'Xell.'.; Moved ? her* parent* ; from to FINAL death in Yy destroyed s make ten answers each picture. MEETING a fire that 1 Berkeley Force Accuses their home near here early this "morning. YOU GET BUSY TODAY. GET THE CATALOG AND ANSWER BOOK AND WIN YOUR SHARE OF Candidate \u25a0* , ? . a Emeryville Officer for Mayor - by -\u25a0 Denies 7 The "sJrl , »»n awnkened the : \u25a0-::.\u25a0 -.:-- THAT $8,750. YOU CAN. Harbor irankc that 'filled; her room." She Board Adminis- rushed from? the" house? to* escape tration the;' flames,,*y then heard the Violation of Section of Penal HOW ANSWER Was in Any * serenm* of ? her parents, who I Knowledge' Is the Greatest Paying Asset THE BOOK HELPS YOU * were' i Way trapped on 7 the ? second Code Alleged in Report jy _-^-^^JHHPt That is what has made the 7;7.?(-i^' .If.you have an Answer Book you can make! 1.i2.* 3. 4. i, -S. 7. ». 9 or 10 an. Inefficient titbry. ,'-'-;\u25a0 swers to each picture, yet you need only 'ONE COPY. of".each picture. , -? Kooning, to the? hnrn she Bl- ----. \u25a0\u25a0~-_. \u25a0??;?-,;\u25a0':.,, .ryyy-y. ~-7 .* ;-y; .X,, Y.YY*7-Yy "7. V ,'.. ??: ....." Vollmer ? _ \u25a0? to So. it , you Book,: riot possibly ~ any ' eared oY.lon it ladder .'and. rained . ; have an Answer there y can be reason it to the window of her parent*' ;for getting" more than one copy of{each of** the 77 pictures, yet you may make HEYWOOD room. npil \u25a0 ? ? 7 MAKES The father j mother BERKELEY, April' 23.? Patrolman a total of 770 7 different answers to the-*"? pictures. - V ' then descended in safety. TWO ADDRESSES B. M. Brown has filed with Chief of 77,7-7 Suppose you * discover In your search through the Catalog seven 7 different Police Vollmer a report that Marshal titles that seem to you might fit a picture. You can not ! decide which" of the.** as Emeryville seven titles is to\u25a0> your mind the best one to submit. So you the CI "' Edward Carey of .violated '\u25a0 submit all mnkmrnmrnWJf\u25a0 \u25a0"" -\u25a0- JMIIIH\u25a0>.#/\u25a0?»\u25a0:aaaaaaW AmmmmW \u25a0 kmbbbbbbbT AWbbbbbbbt '" .bSbbbbTbbbbYb. seven as 1your picture. you \u25a0"\u25a0 KM *"- -i.- '"'\u25a0 titles answers to 7 that; If have an .Answer ? Book Supporters a .section of pre- -" AmmmmmmmWJPaapV ,-'' B(9 aalB aaHFAmWmmW *\u25a0'\u25a0 7'\u25a0 AmmmmWmmmmmW \u25a0 : MmmmmWAmmmmW bbbbbbbbJbbbbbS 7-' \u25a0'? .BbbbbbbbbW *«fet* ;> ---\u25a0- Aab I Disclaim Knowl- the penal v code jbyY . can titles, you yet Vi ' J9Ef " JmrnmrnW'AmWYYAmW. '\u25a0\u25a0mmWYmmmm\Xi&?^' m\\\\W''\u25a0 *".aT submit the *feven? '-. and need? only one copy of the picture.? edge of LOVE venting him from arresting Max Ammmf \u25a0' -Amm - - - -- - : £4 - : > Suit *.*bbb> OF OF you WIFE AmmW aaal Lafl Labi Laal «P^* an Book must Filed by the \u25a0 Epitzer of 1414 Alice street, Oakland,' .If you do not,have Answer get ' a separate picture and whom he accuses 'of.violating.'the. speed coupon, on .which to ; submit each title. Colonial Social Club 888888" ?-- limit? V Brown pursued.Spitzer into If you want to submit ; a total of 600 titles, and have an Answer Book, yon v Emeryville .down San Pablo, avenue. - need 1 only one copy of each of the 77 pictures. 1 If you do not have an Answer April RICH RANCHER FOR must y coupons your " ' IBook you; secure * 600 ; pictures 'and on which to submit 600 BERKELEY. 23.?Charles H Marshal Carey, the patrolman alleged, \u25a0Pear. titles. candidate for .rnaVor,' undressed interfered When he overtook Spitzer The"- popular car ofythe world.-world. * It laIs knowledgeKnowledge in the deMgnm*?deMgriing his large manufacturing department y In' final mass meeting and to permit to :? that .; has 7 made the Buick the ; service |car.; Answer Book saves time, 7 and money. can easily ing.at this 'even- refused him make the The labor You carry*:*: the. Berk.-lev high audi- Brown lie around with you, with the picture pasted the coupon - school arrest. said telephoned to ! Inside. Read Answer Book torium, FARMHAND to they left of this announcement. And remember that you can replying IS TOLD get to Prof. T. H. Reeds the station, and, that?Sergeant Cosby, six free charges ; picture certificates, good pictures of , Inefficiency in his who talked with Carey, on the tele- for Nos. 36 to 70, with the Answer Book! harbor loard administration. ' , Member of Shoeneman Fam- phone, threatened reprisal if the arrest Charles p. \ was not made. \u25a0 < Heywood, also candidate ; Spitzer last night yin iMml&f Ten of the numbered Answer Book pages have a circle for mayor? spoke ily Who Was Girlhood .was?arrested*"' at two meetings? in Oakland on "warrant. 7 The offense the alleged * to been '\u25a0'\u25a0 Sunday,* printed on them. The the Jefferson school and in the Hill- Friend of Mrs. W. K. was Ihave .last ten starred titles in Contest side club V w*hen'Spltzer?and 1another automlbilistj house. ? it said, raced in San avenue Catalog are the correct titles to ten which go The Vanderbilt Is Sued is Pablo the pictures executive committee of the Hey- at 50 miles an hour.7 Brown, mounted ' wood club issued a statement today, on a motorcycle, pursued-and overtook on the ten circled pages of the Answer Book. s-lgned by all members Spitzer in Emeryville. ofthe commit- (Special Dispatch to The. Call) Being Emeryville tee, denying that rescued by the of- the club or Heywood ,-'SAN April- presenta- ficial, Spitzer, it is said, escaped until **\u25a0-") any knowledge JOSE, 23.?The 1 of or part in the testimony? yesterday when his auto was y located suit ! tion of? of : a sensational In-* He gavo?bail??ofr 7sloo; -! THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL'S Tiled yesterday against Spear, Oakland. 7 i thorough knowledge of the (Buick by a prospective buyer always '".'/*." 'J character was commenced today in the which was forfeited this -vyY-. reiterated his statement that declared morn- means a Buick owner. j ..-;.*-?.\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 .'.'?' ?>\u25a0 Y7Y7;7Y-y 7yy,,y.y? he knew divorce action instituted by James ing when Spitzer failed to appear, in >;<t-7-YYlnvestigate the -ißuick; ifmeans knowledge and knowledge means 9 absolutely nothing . you..* « about the Colonial court.: telephoned to the saving of dollars and cents to **...-;?. -, -' -, 7 $8,750 Booklovers Ralph wealthy The defendant . # Y< Zuck. a Gil- | Contest Social club, litigant against rancher.of Edgar that he jj him, Justice of .the-Peace that roy, against Amelia Clara Zuck, a mem- I he owed no such debt, and would appear : tomorrow V and would PICTURE that he was ber of family,which move a rescinding 'of*the forfeiture HOWARD AUTOMOBILE No. 61 * DATE?APRIL 24, 1913 1 political the Shoeneman for CO. j j satisfied animus was at the y y;YFb*RTL.ANI) SAX i,os was prominent in San Francisco so- order?*;"; \u25a0? 7 FRANCISCO??y-?Y y:Y.7? ;? anobles bttStom of the suit. .was The cially Spinier, according to; the police, Heywood statement follows: and financially in the early days. February speeding. in Charles Spear arrested? 15 for 2nd, 3d, "Mr. H. in an inter- Mrs. Zuck was a girlhood friend of Berkeley, and paid a $2571ine.. : 4th, sth, 6th Awards view published in the morning papers, *" I A; has charged his opponents ; link \Y. K. Vanderbilt and her father in the STANFORD FEAT BASEBALL mayoralty contest now pending inla. business associate of Adolph Sutro Berkeley STANFORD I'NIVKR.HITY. April SS. -Beta lsi Eilers Bungalow Player Pianos, $3000 with having Instigated the and 15 1 James G. Fair. I defeated Alpha T:ui Omega, IT to 0,; in tbe Inter- suit which was tiled against him yes- baseball, > Batteries?-Decius and terday A dozen witnesses were examined fratri-jiiry series. : by the Colonial Social club of Have-: King and *: Ilarklns.;- Sigma ;Xn beat Mil ' - San (Trent -*? and the case then went over to stay 15. Delta > to S. and* . d 'No* of the Theta.; 19 Batteries? Kuhl Bar- member 7McLaughlin Heywood club even knew, of the ex- After the filing of a divorce om- ley: (iambic. and.ChilUs. X istence of < the Colonial Social club. The plaint in this city,, in which Mrs. Zuck . PUlt wae as much of a surprise to" us as Sir. Spear say*-It was to,him. , is accused of carrying on a clandestine Berkeley Items We deprecate sincerely the injection of' love affair with Arthur Eugene Wyck- Dwi-gh] way reported" Marie Shirk at 1013 such proposition campaign.
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