Warlingham Community Directory ‘Our Village’ This Warlingham Community Directory contains essential information for those living in and around Warlingham. We believe it would be especially useful for newcomers and help them to settle in and become part of village life. It is set out alphabetically under main headings followed by individual listings; collectively these offer you, the reader, a unique reference point to come back to whenever you need information. We try to cover most things but have to use some discretion. Generally we include organizations based physically in the Warlingham area, or else nearby if they are regularly used by Warlingham residents. Thank you to the many volunteers who have been involved in preparing this community resource and also to Parish News, its sister publication, for financing this edition. Entries have been checked according to the General Data Protection Regulation and we thank all those concerned for their patience and support. If there are errors, we apologise, and ask you to send them to the editor,
[email protected]. Please acknowledge the Warlingham Community Directory as the source. Accident Services Minor Injuries Unit (for over 18's) 01883 837500 Caterham Dene Hospital, Church Road, Caterham CR3 5RA NHS Choices (Accident & Emergency) www.nhs.uk Minor 111 Urgent 999 Alcoholics Anonymous www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk 0800 9177 650
[email protected] Allotments Allotments - Tandridge District Council 01883 722000 www.tandridge.gov.uk The Warlingham Allotment Garden Association Contact: Derek Butler 01883 623618 St Christopher’s Allotments Contact: Revd Michelle Edmonds 01883 623011 1 Amateur Dramatics ATG Drama Group www.atgdramagroup.co.uk Acting on stage or performing any of the vital off-stage roles Contact: Nicola Newman
[email protected] 07949 024824 Arts and Crafts A Crafty Club Mission Room, Chapel Road, Warlingham Fri 10am – 1pm.