Deepak Chopra,Kristina Tracy | 32 pages | 06 Dec 2010 | Hay House Inc | 9781401925758 | English | Carlsbad, United States 16 Tips for Living a Happy Life Starting Right Now

Aristotle said this more than 2, years ago. And it still holds true today. What is the true purpose of life, if not to live a happy life until we die? Happiness is one of the most sought-after goals in life, yet for many it seems to be elusive. It's easy to delude ourselves into thinking, "When I just have that nice house and new car, then I can be On My Way to a Happy Life. A big house or a new car won't actually make you happier; it's the simple joys in life that bring true happiness. Read on to learn 15 simple ways that you can start living a happier life today. Do What You Love If your passion is playing soccer, writing poems, or teaching children how to swim, make time to do it. You'll find that when you're doing what you love, you're filled with joy. How much better does that sound than forcing yourself do something you don't like? Help Others Sometimes after we've achieved our own personal goals, we still feel empty inside because we haven't made a meaningful contribution to someone else's life. When we volunteer or help others, it feels good to just be of service to someone else. The impact we make feels fulfilling and is a big potential source for our own happiness. Be Thankful When you think of all the things that you have to be grateful for, you realize how blessed you already are. Without even realizing it, we take our basic necessities for granted -- a roof over your head and plenty of food to eat. By appreciating the things that you already haveyou'll begin to feel happier in your life. Share With Others When we share our thoughts, our time, and our abilities with others we feel better for it. A life lived without sharing can become lonely. When you share with others, they'll feel great towards you and help you to feel more joy in your own life. Smile More Practice smiling more and see how it affects you internally, as well as those around you. You can always afford to give a smile. Smiling can make you happier -- even if you have to force it, you'll still feel better. Exercise When was the last time you went to the gym or worked out? Exercise reduces stress and releases endorphinsalso known as a "runner's high. Seek Out a Life Coach A life coach will help you to evaluate your life and why you're not feeling happy in it. Maybe you're holding limiting beliefs or you have an emotional block without realizing it. By speaking to a life coachyou can uncover why you're actually unhappy and what you can do to feel better. Find Ways to Manage Stress On My Way to a Happy Life let stress rob you of your birthright to be happy. You deserve to be happy, and it wouldn't be right to let stress get in the way. Practices such as meditation can help you to manage stress better and feel great. Eat Healthy It's much more challenging to feel truly happy when you're sick. But when you eat right, you feel better both physically and mentally. And you'll avoid that guilty feeling that you just pigged out on junk On My Way to a Happy Life. We're social beings, even if you're an introvert or a loner. People love spending time with their friends and family for good conversation, bonding, and some laughs. Life's too short to live it completely alone. Dump Negative Thinking You already know that negative thinking will bring you down. So how do you stop it? Become more aware of it and try replacing your negative thoughts with some positive ones. Spend less time with negative people and more time with positive people. Give More Gifts You don't have to give expensive gifts; sometimes a poem, a quick note, or a thoughtful email will brighten someone else's day, and yours. Share what you can give to all the wonderful people in your life. Forgive and Forget Holding a grudge will harm you more than the person you're holding it against. Ask yourself, "What would it On My Way to a Happy Life for me to let go of the past? Focus instead on a bright future and On My Way to a Happy Life feel better for it. Take a Walk in Nature Spending time out in nature can be very refreshing and renewing, especially when you're living in an artificial, manmade world. Taking a walk in your local woods or park and getting some fresh air can allow you to appreciate the beauty of the natural world. Want to be happier? Click here to learn how you can live a happy life with life coaching. A life coach is a professional who helps you to be happier, reach your goals, and find your true purpose in life. See how a simple shift in your thinking and attitude towards life can make you feel a whole lot happier. News U. HuffPost Personal Video Horoscopes. Newsletters Coupons. Follow Us. Part On My Way to a Happy Life HuffPost Wellness. All rights reserved. Suggest a correction. Thanks, Zoom. Newsletter Sign Up. Successfully Subscribed! How to Live a Happy Life (for Teens) - Nemours KidsHealth

On My Way to a Happy Life all want to discover how to live a happy life. We only get in our own way through the thoughts we believe, and the ideas we think we should follow. The choice to be happy has to come before wanting to have success, fame, wealth, love, and everything else on your list. We feel our thoughts. We know this because other people are in the same circumstances as you, but they experience it differently. On one hand, we have depressed billionaires. On the other, we have tribal folk in the Amazon rainforest that are dancing with joy. Almost every limit in our lives is set by ourselves. You alone hold the keys to your happiness. But if I let that thought be, another thought will come along. You can choose whether to take your mind seriously or not. Learning how to live a happy life is about learning how you work. I read the books that call out to me. If you get stuck on always working on yourself, you get in the way of your happiness, because your head is full of thoughts of trying to get somewhere. There are times when you want to set clear goalsand there are times when you want to live without goals. I can trust my inner GPS, my inner wisdom. But I re-focus on what I can do with what I know. I start where I am, because that is all I can do. I might have comparison thoughts enter my head, but I can re-focus on just putting one foot in front of the other. Even seeming detours, like learning cartooning, can be integrated into what I do. The more you challenge your mind like this, the more you see that your mind is like an out of control 4-year-old. Nothing happens without action. When you break down each chapter into five segments, and break down those five segments into five paragraphs, it almost becomes easy. But remember, your goals are there for you to have something to aim at. There is no eternal happiness. Not in achieving success, or even in achieving spiritual enlightenment. There is just life, falling apart and coming together again. When you truly see this, you start to relax. I used to push myself during these times, but no longer. The drive always returns. Most of us know what our heart yearns for, but we are afraid to go after it. I remember a few years ago before I started this blog. I was afraid that I had nothing to contribute to the world with my writing. As the years passed, I became sick of my excuses and negative thoughts. Like a kid who stands up to his bully, I decided to stand up to myself and take action despite the fear-mongering of my mind. As I started writingdozens of people read and responded to my words. Today, tens of thousands of people read my content every single month. When On My Way to a Happy Life are ready to take that step into the unknown even though you are On My Way to a Happy Life, your life will transform. You have an inner GPS within youwaiting to guide you through life. It simply means you pay attention to what you find interesting. What is life bringing you, and what feels magnetic? No thing, no person, and no accomplishment will make you happy. I say this not to depress you, but to free you. That includes things that are difficult. Life may be scary, especially when you decide to go after what makes you come alive. But is it as scary as looking back at your life on your deathbed, knowing that you never lived at all? You can smile at the antics of your mind, and you can take a tiny step toward what you find interesting. This is your life. Do what you want with it. Photo On My Way to a Happy Life Stuart. Join the exclusive newsletter and grab your free report: 5 Steps to Finding and Following Your Passion. Henri, I enjoy your writing about happiness and setting goals. Happiness is elusive to many because they never make the first correct decision and that is to be happy. I remember when I decides to make it my life goal to be happy, a remarkable life came from that one decision. I now enjoy a life of happiness and bliss. You are correct about reading and learning about On My Way to a Happy Life happiness. The tools can be learned but then like you have written they must be used. I hope that each person reading this will make being happy your main goal because if you are pursuing happiness the rest of your goals will fall into place. Good article Henri. You are providing much for many with each seed of thought you plant. Health, happiness and a life of bliss, Lee. The more you learn and apply, the more you grow. And never underestimate the power of setting goals. I am very grateful that God put people like you in the world, Henri, to encourage the rest of us onward. I have been reading your articles for a while now and they always help me. Thank you for being you! My own personal struggle is knowing what I want to do but On My Way to a Happy Life no confidence I will be able to support myself and two boys doing it. I have winnowed and pared our lives to bring our expenses as low as possible, and we live simple lives, so that is not the issue. So I find myself paralyzed at a crossroads, trying to decide whether to take a more financially profitable path which includes work I am sure I would enjoy as well or follow my heart and create for a living and a life. If I knew, positively, that I could support us as a maker, I would choose that path and never look back. I tell myself that if I follow my heart, somehow it will all work out. Having two others dependent on me, though, that changes things. That voice in the back of On My Way to a Happy Life head wants the best for you, but it is usually the voice of other people and the limitations they have forced upon you to keep you safe. A great way to get started would be to get in touch with artists that are already doing what you do and ask them how they did it. Hi Kathie, Your comment really resonated On My Way to a Happy Life me. I used to be a massive certainty freak. But you can never know, positively or otherwise, none of us can. There are no certainties in life bar death and taxes as the infamous line goes maybe the best thing under the circumstances would be to do a risk assessment? Lay out a case for both options, pros and cons, and then weigh up the risks. There are no certainties but you can regain power over all this by choosing. Choose how much uncertainty you can deal with. Choose if the risk of failing as an artist is worth it. Choose to maybe find a middle ground where you work part time in a more financially secure job whilst building your art business up at the same time. Great post Henri! I love the feeling of being myself without all of the baggage layers covering On My Way to a Happy Life up. This is our real essence and I am happy to see that others are removing their own layers of limiting beliefs. There are a lot of people out there with myriad problems. They have all the money in the world. They have diamonds, rubies, emeralds. They own fancy cars. They On My Way to a Happy Life in the lap of luxury. Daily, we are witness On My Way to a Happy Life their sordid saga. They are frustrated about life, do stupid and idiotic things, and land up behind bars. Without naming names, you already know who these people are. When the Beatles achieved glory: fame, fortune, romance—they still felt like something was missing from their lives. The world was at their feet, but deep down inside, there was a hole. So, they traveled all the way to India to meet a naked fakir in an ashram near the Himalayas. This sage provided them with the message they were looking for. In my case, I never found serenity until the day I started to meditate. 15 Ways to Be Happy Alone and Live a Full Life

There might be affiliate links on this page, which means we get a small commission of anything you buy. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Please do your own research before making any online purchase. Do you remember when you were younger—maybe 12 On My Way to a Happy Life 13—and your parents would go out to run errands or something and leave you home alone? Fast forward however many years to the present, and, for many people, the formerly coveted time of having no one around may not feel quite as indulgent. Of course, we all need some time to ourselves to either tend to our responsibilities or simply take a break from our hectic lives, but many people ultimately want to have someone in their corner to come home to at night. And even if you do have a family that you still come home to every night, that sense of isolation is still lurking. People come by happiness in various ways. Studies show that the three main things that make people happy are:. No matter what challenges, crossroads, and lifestyle changes you encounter, at the end of the day, your happiness is what truly matters the most. And that is exactly what we are addressing in this article. When you can identify and engage in the things that make you happy, practice self-caremaintain positive habits, and leave some room to challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zoneyou will be able to see how empowering being alone can be. You can be happy On My Way to a Happy Life and resist feelings of loneliness, and doing so will support you in living a full life. Side note: Another positive way to improve your life is to read and learn something new every day. A great tool to do this is to join over 1 million others and start your day with the latest FREE, informative news from this website. To figure out what makes you happyyou need to take the time to do some serious self-reflection and get to know yourself. How can you not know yourself? The good thing about being alone is that it gives you the freedom to be selfish with your time and put your needs, desires, and ambitions above all others. Not only will answering these questions help you uncover what truly makes you happy, it can also help you refocus your energy to head in a new and improved direction. Yes, it is healthy to have a routine. You have to keep yourself stimulated with things happening in your life and give yourself opportunities to grow and evolve. Turn off your autopilot and get excited about the possibilities that are available to you. And you can start small. Sometimes all it takes to feel refreshed and happy is to change something simple about your daily routine. By changing something about your surroundings or about your day-to-day life, you can start fresh and rid yourself of feelings that your life is stagnant. If you want to start a new hobbydo it. If you want to travel somewheredo it. If you want to paint your living room neon yellow, do it. Many of us are our own worst critics. We often take striving for excellence and doing our best to the next level, which is striving for perfection. This leads us to unnecessarily beat ourselves up over our mistakes. Studies show that there are three main elements to having compassion for yourself:. There are a lot of ways to increase your love for yourselfwhich will prevent you from placing blame on yourself for things that are out of your control and increase On My Way to a Happy Life satisfaction with your life. Having some time alone will allow you to be mindful of your thoughts and surroundings. You will be On My Way to a Happy Life to feel happiness and peace and know that you already have everything inside of yourself that you need to be completely fulfilled. If you find yourself avoiding making plans, try committing to something upfront. For example, pay for a week kickboxing class or sports league. Once you have made that upfront commitment, you will be On My Way to a Happy Life likely to back out when the time comes to actually do it. Side note : One of the best ways to build a healthy lifestyle is to start each day by drinking this healthy green juicewhich provides your body with a proprietary alkaline greens blend of organic wheatgrass, wheatgrass juice, and matcha green tea, supplying your body with the nutrients and energy you need to get through the day. Some other ideas include:. The On My Way to a Happy Life part of building a healthy lifestyle is to look at your dietwhich can impact both your mental and physical health just as much as your activity level. Keep a food journal for a week to get a quick reality check of your eating habits and then make any necessary changes. By controlling your portion sizesyou will help keep yourself healthier and happier and reduce feelings of lethargy. One of the best benefits of being alone is that you can take up the whole bed without getting kicked or nudged in your sleep! And if you're feeling fatigued in the morning, then you can check out this masterclass on how to increase your energy. I look back on some pictures from years ago when I was out with friends, bar hopping and staying out late. And I knew it at the time, too! Honestly, sometimes the On My Way to a Happy Life types of social plans are the ones that are cancelled. Because, chances are, a number of people in that picture would probably rather be in your shoes than in their own. For example, if you love animals, why On My Way to a Happy Life volunteer once a week at your local shelter? There is never any harm in trying something new, and sometimes it takes some trial and error and experimentation to find your passion. Trying new things will get you out of the house, allow you to be around new and positive people, and help you renew your confidence for learning new things. This will also help you meet new people and make new connections. Instead, do things that will benefit your inner self. If you end up meeting someone in a romantic sense, it will be someone that you genuinely have something in common with. Stepping out of your On My Way to a Happy Life zone and trying new things can lead to new friendships and amusing experiences. You just need to be willing to put yourself out there instead of waiting for things to come to you. Seeing other people smile is contagious, so if you start the smile train, others will reciprocate and you will both be in great moods. A good way to get out of your comfort zone is to try a day habit every month. You may even find some hobbies you end up adopting for a lifetime. Many people might think that the answer to being happy is a simple one: just do things that make you happy. However, due to psychological attachmentsthis is not true at all. You may enjoy chowing down on a quart of Rocky Road ice cream. You may enjoy watching an entire season of Dexter in a single sitting. But will these things bring you happiness in the long run? They will bring you feelings of guilt and remorse. Watching meaningless TV shows or eating your favorite comfort food might sound like a good idea at the time, but for the purpose of achieving happiness, they are often counterproductive. Read a great biography, watch an inspirational documentarystart a new business, or create a new website. Lose yourself in your art, music, woodworking, cooking or any other meaningful work. Need some inspiration? Spend all day at a gallery or museum and let your mind experience different reactions and emotions to the exhibits or educational experiences. When you lose yourself fully in your work, you will become proud of what you have created, which will leave you feeling fulfilled and happy. Start off small and focus on your most important tasks first. Why not take this time to focus on one or two aspects of your life that you have wanted to improve? The only part of your mistakes that should dictate your future are the lessons that you got out of them. And make time in your busy schedule to stop and be mindful of the things around you, your achievements, and the positive aspects of your life. Researchers have found that taking the time to recognize the good things around you can increase your positive emotions, improve your sleep, help you show more kindness and compassion toward others, and even strengthen your immunity. Your house. Your car. Your family. Your On My Way to a Happy Life. Your education. The fresh flowers growing along the side of the road. Whatever it is that you have in your life that brings you joy deserves a second thought. In fact, the simple act of keeping a gratitude journal can significantly increase your satisfaction with life. In theory, this seems like a pretty easy fast track to an improved life. To benefit from practicing gratitude, you need to learn to stop and notice new things that make you happy every day. The reason gratitude journaling works is because it slowly adjusts how you observe situations by altering your focus. Becoming more aware of your surroundings will enhance your gratitude practice. Try to notice new things every day. Here are some tips to strengthen relationships or form new ones:. Helping other people is rewarding, and doing so allows you to feel connected to your community and to other people. Here are some great tips to help you find a suitable volunteering opportunity in your city that matches up with your skills and interests. Where do you want to be both personally and professionally in 10 years? What would be required to do to accomplish those goals? On My Way to a Happy Life your plans down will help guide your everyday decisions. No matter what your goals are, go after them. Having firm plans that you can obviously modify as your life unfolds can give you more hope and help you stay optimistic today about the opportunities for tomorrow. If you feel like you truly need advice, reach out for it.