Name : ​ th Date : 12 ​ June 2020 ​ ​ The art experienced: I visited the Museum of the world at the . ​ What evidence do you have that you went :

What happened at the art event:

The museum of the world gave the viewer an opportunity to look at different art pieces from all different ages and over five different continents, including Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania.

It had a variety of different arts, including pictures, sculptures, ceramic pieces, and engravings.

Why did you go to this event?

I was interested in the Africa Art and Culture section of the museum.

What did you like about it and why?

There was three pieces of art that I really liked, they were the Throne of weapons, which was made out of old guns and was supposed to represent peace. The was a war memorial to celebrate the courage of people of and the Mans cloth, which was hundreds of liquor bottle tops stitched together with copper wire to suggest the damage done by traditional society.

Was there anything you didn’t like about it and why?

No I found it all very interesting, although I didn’t look at all the pieces in the museum, I just focused on the African culture.

Would you recommend this event to others? Why/Why not ?

Yes I would recommend others to look at it, because there would be something of interest for everyone and it is easy to access and look around.

What did you learn from the art event?

I learnt that a lot of the art pieces represented something more significant such as peace and commercialism. I also learnt that sculptures are a really good way to express your creativity.

How would you share your review with other people?

I am going to share my review with my art teacher

What arts event would you like to go and see next?

I would like to go and see if there was any other African Sculptures to see