Current POLFAR Consortium Activities

Andrzej Krankowski Leszek Blaszkiewicz Chair of POLFARO Consortium

Space Radio-Diagnostics Research Centre (SRRC/UWM), University of Warmia and Mazury in ,

BALTICS SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Latvia, Jmala, 5 December 2018 POLFARO August, 2015

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, the leader of the POLFARO Consortium - (coordinator: prof. Andrzej Krankowski)

Jagiellonian University, Krakow - (dr hab. Marian Soida, prof. UJ)

Space Research Centre of PAS, - (dr hab. Hanna Rothkaehl, prof. CBK)

PCSS/PIONIER- (Robert Pekal) ż Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of PAS in Warsaw, Torun (d ab. Jaa Dyks, prof. CAMK) The Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun (NCU) (dr hab. Magdalena Kunert-Bajraszewska) University (dr hab. Ewa Szuszkiewicz, prof.US) Ue f Zea Ga (d ab. Jaa Ka, prof.UZ) Wca University of Environmental and Life Sciences (prof. Bernard Kontny) LOFAR- The Key Science Projects

Epoch of Reionisation


Transients ż

Cosmic Rays


Sun, Space Weather Baldy, Borowiec, Lazy LOFAR stations






Big help from the GLOW (D. Schwarz and Bielefeld group mainly) (We are using GLOW observational and raw data reduction tools and them well known software like DPSR and PSARCHIVE) ż

Close cooperation with Zielona Góra pulsars team

POLFARO Sun and scintillations

Big help in observations initiating and support in solar LOFAR research from Richard Fallows (ASTRON), Derek McKay (Sodankyla Geophysical Observatory and STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, UK) and Gottfried Mann (Leibniz-Institut fur Astrophysik Potsdam) from KSP team. ż Close cooperation on data analysis with University of Wroclaw solar team (prof. Pawe Rudawy and prof. Micha Tomczak)


1. Solar Physics and Space Weather with LOFAR. (Solar KSP, Leibniz-Institut fr Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP) and German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Communications and Navigation, Neustrelitz, UWM Olsztyn, CBK Warsaw) 2. Properties of the interstellar medium from studies of pulsar signals. (Transients KSP, Bielefeld, UWM Olsztyn, UJ Krakow, CBK Warsaw, UZ Zielona Gora) 3. Radio emission and magnetic fields of nearby dwarf and spiral galaxies. Studies of processes shaping radio spectra at low frequencies, radio-infrared correlation at low frequencies, studies of cosmic ray transport. (Magnetism KSP, Bonn University, MPIfRż in Bonn, Bochum University, UJ Krakow, UWM Olsztyn) 4. Cosmological evolution of galaxies - exploration of deep blank fields”. Investigation of the population of (Ultra)Luminous Infrared Galaxies. Probing galaxies and intergalactic medium in galaxy groups and clusters. (Surveys KSP, Hamburg University, Tautenburg University, MPIfA in Garching, Bochum University, UJ Krakow, UWM Olsztyn) 5. Investigation of diffuse extended structures of double radio galaxies. (Surveys and Magnetism KSPs, Hamburg University, UJ Krakow, UWM Olsztyn) 6. Archive Operations – cooperation between Poznan (PSNC) and Jlich POLFARO

ż H2020 INFRADEV-01-2017

Participant Participant organisation name Country No * 1 Stichting ASTRON, Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy NL (Coordinator) (ASTRON) 2 Uniersitt Bielefeld (UNIBI) ż DE 3 Centrum Badan Kosmicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk (CBK PL PAN) 4 Stichting International LOFAR Telescope (ILT) NL 5 Observatoire de Paris (OBSPARIS) FR 6 Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola AB (CHALMERS) SE 7 Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) UK 8 The Provost, Fellows, Foundation Scholars& the other members of IE Board of the College of the Holy & Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin (TCD)

POLFAR representative in ILT bodies

POLFARO a) prof. dr hab. Andrzej Krankowski, UWM in Olsztyn: - ILT Board member, - Core Tea member f KSP Sa Physics and Space Weather ih LOFAR, b) d hab. Kf Ch, f. UJ, UJ i Krakow: - Core Tea member f KSP Surveys Key Sciece Pjec (SKSP) ad c-chair f Nearby Galaxies, - Core Tea member f KSP Magnetism Key Sciece Pjec (MKSP c) dr hab. Hanna Rothkaehl, prof. CBK PAN, SRC PAS in żWarsaw: - Core Tea member f KSP Sa Physics and Space Weather ih LOFAR, d) d Ba Dbki, UWM i O: - Core Tea member f KSP Sa Physics and Space Weather with LOFAR

11 ILT accepted proposals – cycles: 5, 6, 7 and 8

DDT5_004: Interferometric Tracking of Coronal Mass Ejections with LOFAR, POLFARO LC5_006: Magnetisation of the universe - the LBA studies of NGC 4449, LC5_016: "A low frequency study of double-double radio galaxies", 3 LC6_002: Interferometric imaging observations of the Sun with LOFAR, LC6_017: Magnetizing the universe with starbursting dwarf galaxies, 3 LC6_015: LOFAR surveys: Opening up a new window on the Universe, LC7_007: Interferometric imaging observations of the Sun with LOFAR, LC7_012: Deep Polarization Observations of the GOODS-N Field with LOFAR, LC7_016: Magnetizing the universe with dwarf galaxies, 5 LC7_020: The curious case of HCG15: a little cousin of the Comaż cluster? LC7_024: The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey: Opening up a new window on the Universe LC8_012: Interferometric imaging observations of the Sun with LOFAR LC8_013: Interferometric Observations of the Active Regions in Radio Domain Before and After the Total Solar Eclipse on 21 August 2017 LC8_001: Monitoring Scintillation above LOFAR LC8_020: Gravitational lenses at low frequencies 9 LC8_014: Nearby galaxies in LoTSS LC8_008: Multifrequency study of a newly discovered double- double source J0028+0035 LC8_022: The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS): Opening up a new window on the Universe LC8_030: Study of the evolution of compact radio sources LC8_008: Starting the LOFAR LBA Survey ILT accepted proposals – cycles: 9 and 10


LC_9 001 “Monitoring Scintillation above LOFAR” 4 LC_9 004 “Low frequency study of J1740+1000 using the interferometric imaging method” LC_9 012 “Gravitational lenses at low frequencies” LC_9 024 “Interferometric imaging observations of the Sun with LOFAR”

LC10_002 “Continuing 3d-VLBI of scattering-induced echoes in B1508+55” LC10_005 “Shaping the planetary nebula K 3-17 by magnetic fields” LC10_006 “Long wavelength tail of the radio spectrum of NGC 6826:ż evidence for a temperature gradient in the planetary nebula” LT10_002 “Advancing Space Weather Science with LOFAR and the Parker Solar Probe”, 5 LT10_010 “The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey: Opening up a new window on the Universe”

13 PL 612 observations in local mode

Solar monitoring Ionospheric scintillations monitoring (Cas A & Cyg A) Pulsar monitorin

In February 2017, we started the regular pulsurs solar monitoring in local mode. These observations were performed every Friday and Sunday, when the station became available for local projects. Statistics for pulsar observations with PL612

The observations of 111 pulsars have been done (76 with detection > 10 sigma) The total observation time exceeds 1000 hours 1 and 2 hour durations with 10s integrations mainly We also do single pulse mode observations for selected pulsars We are able to start the observation and send data between 3 Polish stations The observations Results – Results - modularity

PSR 0329+54 – 150 MHz

Białkowski et al., 2018 LBA Observations (J1509+5531) Sun (LOFAR PL612) 2017-09-08 Type III

Observations of the Sun using LOFAR Bady station Sun (LOFAR PL612) 2018-03-30 Type III

Observations of the Sun using LOFAR Bady station Sun (LOFAR PL612) 2018-05-06 Type I

During this event, the GOES satellite did not register any significant events.

Observations of the Sun using LOFAR Bady station PL 612 observations in local mode CasA

Observations of the Sun using LOFAR Bady station PL 612 observations in local mode CygA

Observations of the Sun using LOFAR Bady station LC8_013 (2017) proposal

Interferometric Observations of the Active Regions in Radio Domain Before and After the Total Solar Eclipse on 21 August 2017

Callisto spectrometer LC8_013 (2017) proposal Comparision of IGS (CODE) and ILT IONEX regional TEC maps ILT IONEX regional TEC maps 15-minute 5-minute ftp server: ftp IP: login: password:

Ionex file with 5-minute interval Ionex file with 15-minute interval 15-minute European TEC maps 2015-03-15 - 2015-03-20 5-minute European TEC maps 2015-03-15 - 2015-03-20