Water–Quality Assessment of the Eastern Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon In Surface Water, 1996–98 NATIONAL WATER–QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROGRAM Water-Resources Investigations Report 01–4175

U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

Technical Assistance

James Giglierano, Iowa Geological Survey Bureau Robert Libra, Iowa Geological Survey Bureau Clint Beckert, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Dana Kolpin, U.S. Geological Survey Craig Harvey, U.S. Geological Survey

Data Collection, Site Construction, Data Entry or Verification

Jim Cerveny, U.S. Geological Survey Eric Sadorf, U.S. Geological Survey Debra Sneck-Fahrer, U.S. Geological Survey Matt Bobier, U.S. Geological Survey Jennifer Tobias, U.S. Geological Survey Joel Galloway, U.S. Geological Survey Jon Nania, U.S. Geological Survey Jim Klaus, U.S. Geological Survey Denise Montgomery, U.S. Geological Survey Jake Freier, U.S. Geological Survey Erik Smith, U.S. Geological Survey Bob Einhellig, U.S. Geological Survey Jeff Harms, U.S. Geological Survey Dave Conell, U.S. Geological Survey Joe Gorman, U.S. Geological Survey Al Conkling, U.S. Geological Survey Jim Sondag, U.S. Geological Survey Pat Lustgraaf, U.S. Geological Survey Mike Turco, U.S. Geological Survey Pat Sweeney, U.S. Geological Survey Daron Tanko, U.S. Geological Survey

Editorial Review

Lanna Combs, U.S. Geological Survey

Technical Review

Mary Skopec, Iowa Geological Survey Bureau Greg Nalley, U.S. Geological Survey Russell Dash, U.S. Geological Survey Patrick Edelmann, U.S. Geological Survey Robert Buchmiller, U.S. Geological Survey John O. Helgesen, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98

By Kent D. Becher, Stephen J. Kalkhoff, Douglas J. Schnoebelen, Kimberlee K. Barnes, and Von E. Miller


Water-Resources Investigations Report 01–4175



U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Charles G. Groat, Director

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The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is committed about water-quality issues and trends in a particular to serve the Nation with accurate and timely scientific stream or aquifer while providing an understanding information that helps enhance and protect the overall of how and why water quality varies regionally and quality of life, and facilitates effective management of nationally. The consistent, multi-scale approach helps water, biological, energy, and mineral resources. Infor- to determine if certain types of water-quality issues mation on the quality of the Nation’s water resources are isolated or pervasive, and allows direct compari- is of critical interest to the USGS because it is so inte- sons of how human activities and natural processes grally linked to the long-term availability of water that affect water quality and ecological health in the is clean and safe for drinking and recreation and that is Nation’s diverse geographic and environmental suitable for industry, irrigation, and habitat for fish and settings. Comprehensive assessments on pesticides, wildlife. Escalating population growth and increasing nutrients, volatile organic compounds, trace metals, demands for the multiple water uses make water avail- and aquatic ecology are developed at the national ability, now measured in terms of quantity and quality, scale through comparative analysis of the Study- even more critical to the long-term sustainability of Unit findings. our communities and ecosystems. The USGS places high value on the communica- The USGS implemented the National Water- tion and dissemination of credible, timely, and relevant Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program to support science so that the most recent and available knowl- national, regional, and local information needs and edge about water resources can be applied in manage- decisions related to water-quality management and ment and policy decisions. We hope this NAWQA policy. Shaped by and coordinated with ongoing publication will provide you the needed insights and efforts of other Federal, State, and local agencies, the information to meet your needs, and thereby foster NAWQA Program is designed to answer: What is the increased awareness and involvement in the protection condition of our Nation’s streams and ground water? and restoration of our Nation’s waters. How are the conditions changing over time? How do natural features and human activities affect the quality The NAWQA Program recognizes that a national of streams and ground water, and where are those assessment by a single program cannot address all effects most pronounced? By combining information water-resource issues of interest. External coordina- on water chemistry, physical characteristics, stream tion at all levels is critical for a fully integrated habitat, and aquatic life, the NAWQA Program aims to understanding of watersheds and for cost-effective provide science-based insights for current and emerg- management, regulation, and conservation of our ing water issues. NAWQA results can contribute to Nation’s water resources. The Program, therefore, informed decisions that result in practical and effective depends extensively on the advice, cooperation, water-resource management and strategies that protect and information from other Federal, State, interstate, and restore water quality. Tribal, and local agencies, non-government organiza- Since 1991, the NAWQA Program has imple- tions, industry, academia, and other stakeholder mented interdisciplinary assessments in more than groups. The assistance and suggestions of all are 50 of the Nation’s most important river basins and greatly appreciated. aquifers, referred to as Study Units. Collectively, these Study Units account for more than 60 percent of the overall water use and population served by public water supply, and are representative of the Nation’s major hydrologic landscapes, priority ecological resources, and agricultural, urban, and natural sources of contamination. Each assessment is guided by a nationally consis- tent study design and methods of sampling and analy- Robert M. Hirsch sis. The assessments thereby build local knowledge Associate Director for Water


Foreword ...... III Glossary ...... IX Abstract...... 1 Introduction...... 2 Importance of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon ...... 2 Purpose and Scope...... 4 Description of Study Unit...... 5 Hydrology ...... 5 Landforms...... 5 Climate...... 7 Land Use...... 7 Methods and Data Analysis ...... 9 Sample Collection and Chemical Analysis...... 11 Quality Assurance and Quality Control...... 11 Statistics...... 13 Relation of Constituent Concentration and Streamflow ...... 13 Hydrograph Separation ...... 14 Load Calculations ...... 14 Concentrations of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon ...... 15 Overall Occurrence of Concentrations ...... 15 Nitrogen ...... 15 Phosphorus and Sediment...... 17 Organic Carbon...... 17 Relations Between Constituent Concentrations and Streamflow ...... 17 Annual Variations ...... 17 Seasonal Variations...... 20 Nonpoint and Point Sources ...... 22 Spatial Variability ...... 22 Nitrogen ...... 22 Phosphorus and Sediment...... 26 Dissolved Organic Carbon...... 29 Transport of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Suspended Sediment...... 31 Loads...... 31 Yields ...... 35 Synoptic Studies ...... 37 Variability Among Basic-Fixed and Synoptic Sites ...... 38 Spatial Variability ...... 40 Variability Among Base-Flow Conditions...... 41 Summary...... 43 References...... 44 Appendix...... 49

FIGURES 1. Map showing landform regions and surface-water-quality sampling sites in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit ...... 3 2. Schematic showing physiography of landform regions in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit...... 6 3. Map showing land cover and location of permitted livestock facilities in relation to surface- water-quality sampling sites in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit ...... 8 4. Graphs of precipitation and discharge at selected sites in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, 1996–98, and map showing site locations ...... 18

CONTENTS V 5. Boxplots showing yearly concentrations of selected constituents in surface-water samples in the Eastern Iowa Basins, 1996–98...... 19 6. Boxplots showing monthly variability of selected constituents in surface-water samples in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, March 1996–September 1998 ...... 21 7. Graph showing relations between nitrite plus nitrate and total phosphorus concentrations and streamflow in the Iowa River at Wapello, Iowa (site 11), 1970–98...... 23 8. Boxplots showing total nitrogen concentrations for indicator and integrator sites in surface-water samples from the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, March 1996–September 1998...... 24 9. Graph showing relation between median total dissolved nitrogen concentrations and percentage of drainage basin in row crops in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit...... 25 10. Boxplots showing total phosphorus concentrations for indicator and integrator sites in surface-water samples from the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, March 1996–September 1998...... 27 11. Graph showing relation between total phosphorus concentrations and suspended-sediment concentrations in surface-water samples from integrator sites in the Eastern Iowa Basins, March 1996–September 1998 ...... 28 12. Boxplots showing suspended-sediment concentrations for indicator and integrator sites in surface-water samples from the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, March 1996–September 1998...... 29 13. Boxplots showing dissolved organic-carbon concentrations for indicator and integrator sites in surface- water samples from the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, March 1996–September 1998...... 30 14. Graphs showing estimated monthly loads of total nitrogen at selected sampling sites in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, 1996–98...... 33 15. Graphs showing estimated monthly loads for total phosphorus at selected sampling sites in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, 1996–98...... 34 16. Maps showing 3-year average estimated yields of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, 1996–98...... 36 17. Graphs showing base flow and total flow at three surface-water-quality sampling sites during low and high base-flow conditions in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, July and August 1997 and April and May 1998...... 38 18. Graphs showing concentrations of selected nitrogen, phosphorus, and organic-carbon compounds in samples from 6 basic-fixed sites and 19 synoptic sites during low and high base flow...... 40 19. Maps showing spatial variability of nitrate and total phosphorus concentrations during low and high base-flow conditions in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit...... 42

TABLES 1. Description of surface-water-quality monitoring sites in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit ...... 10 2. Summary of field-blank and replicate-sample quality-assurance data for nitrogen, phosphorus, suspended sediment, and organic carbon in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, March 1996–September 1998...... 12 3. Statistical summary of nitrogen, phosphorus, suspended-sediment, and organic-carbon concentrations in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, March 1996–September 1998 ...... 16 4. Estimated total nitrogen and total phosphorus loads and yields for streams in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, 1996–98 ...... 32 5. Estimated suspended-sediment loads and yields for selected rivers in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, 1996–98...... 35 6. Statistical summary of selected physical properties and chemical constituents in samples from 25 synoptic sites in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, August 1997 (low base flow) and May 1998 (high base flow) ...... 39 7. Median concentrations of selected nitrogen constituents in samples from 25 synoptic sites in relation to landform region in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, August 1997 (low base flow) and May 1998 (high base flow)...... 41

APPENDIX TABLE Statistical summary of nitrogen, phosphorus, suspended-sediment, and organic-carbon concentrations in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, March 1996–September 1998 ...... 51


Multiply By To obtain Length millimeter (mm) 0.3937 inch centimeter (cm) 0.03937 inch meter (m) 3.281 foot kilometer (km) 0.6214 mile Area square meter (m2) 10.76 square foot square hectometer (hm2)2.471acre square kilometer (km2) 0.3861 square mile Volum e cubic hectometer (hm3) 810.7 acre-foot liter (L) 33.82 ounce milliliter (mL) 0.0338 ounce Flow cubic meter per second (m3/s) 35.31 cubic foot per second cubic meter per second per square kilometer [(m3/s)/km2] 91.46 cubic foot per second per square mile Mass kilogram (kg) 2.205 pound metric ton 1.102 ton, short kilogram per day (kg/d) 2.205 pound per day kilogram per hectare (kg/ha) 0.8924 pound per acre kilogram per square kilometer (kg/km2) 5.711 pound per square mile kilogram per square kilometer per year [(kg/km2)/yr] 5.711 pound per square mile per year gram per kilogram (g/kg) 0.0160 ounce per pound Concentration milligram per liter (mg/L) 1.0 parts per million

Temperature in degrees Celsius (° C) may be converted to degrees Fahrenheit (° F) as follows: ° F = 1.8 (° C) + 32

Concentrations of chemical constituents in water are given in milligrams per liter (mg/L).

Water year is the 12-month period from October 1 through September 30 and is designated by the year in which it ends. For example, the water year ending September 30, 1996, is called water year 1996.

CONTENTS VII Abbreviation Description

DOC dissolved organic carbon EIWA Eastern Iowa Basins Assessment GIS geographic information system LOWESS locally weighted scatterplot smoothing MCL maximum contaminant level MRL minimum reporting limit NAWQA National Water-Quality Assessment NWQL National Water-Quality Laboratory RPD relative percentage difference SAS Statistical Analysis System SOC suspended organic carbon STATSGO State Soil Geographic data base USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency USGS U.S. Geological Survey

N nitrogen P phosphorus ° C degrees Celsius ° F degrees Fahrenheit cm centimeter m meter km kilometer hm hectometer mg/L milligram per liter kg/d kilogram per day kg/ha kilogram per hectare yr year


Ammonia. A compound of nitrogen and hydrogen Eutrophication. The process by which water becomes (NH3) that is a common by-product of animal waste. enriched with nutrients, most commonly phosphorus Ammonia readily converts to nitrate in soils and and nitrogen. streams. Field equipment blank. A solution of water that Analyte. A specific compound or element of interest under- contains analytes of interest below detection limits going chemical analysis. and is subjected to all aspects of sample collection, Atmospheric deposition. The transfer of substances from the processing, preservation, transportation, and laboratory air to the surface of the Earth, either in wet form (rain, handling as an environmental sample but is collected fog, snow, dew, frost, hail) or in dry form (gases, aero- at the sampling site immediately before the environ- sols, particles). mental sample. Hypoxia. Seasonal depletion of dissolved oxygen (less Base flow. Sustained, low flow in a stream; ground-water than 2.0 milligrams per liter) within a water body, discharge is the source of base flow in most places. which is related to eutrophication of the water body. Basic-fixed site. Site on a stream at which streamflow is Most aquatic species cannot survive at such low measured and samples are collected for temperature, oxygen levels. specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, Indicator site. Stream sampling site located at an outlet of a major ions, pesticides, suspended sediment, and drainage basin with relatively homogeneous land use organic carbon to assess the broad-scale spatial and and physiographic conditions; indicator sites have temporal character and transport of inorganic and drainage areas ranging from 320 to 1,080 square kilo- organic constituents of stream water in relation to meters within the Eastern Iowa Basins. hydrologic conditions and environmental setting. Integrator site. Stream sampling site located at an outlet Constituent. A chemical or biological substance in water, of a drainage basin that contains multiple environ- sediment, or biota that can be measured by an analyt- mental settings. Integrator sites are located on major ical method. rivers with drainage areas ranging form 6,050 to Detection limit. The concentration below which a particular 32,400 square kilometers within the Eastern Iowa analytical method cannot determine, with a high Basins. degree of certainty, a concentration of an analyte. Intensive-fixed site. A basic-fixed site with increased Drainage area. The area, measured in a horizontal plane, sampling frequency during selected seasonal periods which is enclosed by a drainage divide. and analysis of dissolved pesticides for 1 year. Drainage basin. The portion of the surface of the Earth that Karst. A type of topography that results from dissolution contributes water to a stream through overland runoff, and collapse of carbonate rocks such as limestone and including tributaries and impoundments. dolomite and characterized by closed depressions or sinkholes, caves, and underground drainage. Drinking-water regulation or guideline. A threshold Load. General term that refers to a material or constituent concentration in a public drinking-water supply, in solution, in suspension, or in transport; usually designed to protect human health. As defined here, expressed in terms of mass or volume. regulations are U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Loess. Homogeneous, fine-grained sediment made up regulations that specify the maximum contamination primarily of silt and clay and deposited over a wide levels for public water systems required to protect the area (typically by wind). public welfare; guidelines have no regulatory status Maximum contaminant level (MCL). Maximum permissible and are issued in an advisory capacity. level of a contaminant in water that is delivered to any Environmental sample. A water sample collected from a user of a public water system. MCLs are enforceable stream or river for the purpose of chemical, physical, regulations established by the U.S. Environmental or biological characterization of the sampled resource. Protection Agency. Equal-width increment (EWI) sample. A composite Mean. The average of a set of observations, unless other- sample across a section of stream with equal spacing wise specified. between verticals and equal transit rates within each Mean discharge. The arithmetic average of individual daily vertical that yields a representative sample of stream average discharges during a specific period, usually conditions. daily, monthly, or annually. Erosion. The process whereby materials of the Earth’s crust Median. The middle or central value in a distribution of are loosened, dissolved, or worn away and simulta- data ranked in order of magnitude. The median also neously moved from one place to another. is known as the 50th percentile.

GLOSSARY IX Minimum reporting limit (MRL). The smallest measured Quality assurance. Evaluation of quality-control data to concentration of a constituent that may be reliably allow quantitative determination of the quality of reported by an analytical method. The minimum chemical data collected during a study. Techniques reporting level is generally higher than the detection used to collect, process, and analyze water samples limit because of unpredictable matrix effects for are evaluated. different waters. – Reference site. Site at the headwater of a drainage basin Nitrate. An ion consisting of nitrogen and oxygen (NO3 ). Nitrate is a nutrient and is very soluble in water. that has been minimally affected by humans. Nonpoint source. A pollution source that cannot be Sediment. Particles, derived from rocks or biological defined as originating from discrete points, such as materials, that have been transported by a fluid or pipe discharge. Areas of fertilizer and pesticide appli- other natural process, suspended or settled in water. cations, atmospheric deposition, manure, and natural Split sample. A sample prepared by dividing it into two or inputs from plants are types of nonpoint-source more equal volumes, where each volume is considered pollution. a separate sample but representative of the entire Nutrient. Chemical element that is essential to plant and sample. animal nutrition. Nitrogen and phosphorus are nutri- Study unit. A major hydrologic system of the United States ents that are important to aquatic life, but in high concentrations, they can be contaminants in water. in which NAWQA studies are focused. NAWQA study These nutrients occur in a variety of forms. Both are units are geographically defined by a combination of affected by chemical and biological processes that can ground- and surface-water features and usually encom- change their form and can transfer them to or from pass more than 10,000 square kilometers. water, soil, biological organisms, and the atmosphere. Synoptic sites. Sites sampled during short time periods Overland flow. The part of surface runoff flowing over land (1 week or less) to evaluate the spatial distribution surfaces toward stream channels. of water quality during specified hydrologic Phosphorus. A nutrient essential for growth that can play conditions. a key role in simulating aquatic growth in lakes and Tile drain (line). A buried perforated pipe designed to streams. Point source. A source of chemical, physical, biological remove excess water from soils. input to a water body at a discrete location such as a Yield. The mass of material or constituent transported discharge pipe, drainage ditch, tunnel, well, concen- by a river in a specified period of time divided by trated livestock operation, or floating craft. the drainage area of the river basin.

X GLOSSARY Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98

By Kent D. Becher, Stephen J. Kalkhoff, Douglas J. Schnoebelen, Kimberlee K. Barnes, and Von E. Miller

Abstract Median concentrations of nitrogen, phos- phorus, and suspended sediment varied annually Twelve sites on streams and rivers in the and seasonally. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and Eastern Iowa Basins study unit were sampled suspended-sediment concentrations increased monthly and during selected storm events from each year of the study due to increased precipita- March 1996 through September 1998 to assess tion and runoff. Median concentrations of dis- the occurrence, distribution, and transport of solved organic carbon were constant from 1996 nitrogen, phosphorus, suspended sediment, and to 1998. Nitrogen concentrations were typically organic carbon as part of the U.S. Geological higher in the spring after fertilizer application and Survey’s National Water-Quality Assessment runoff. During winter, nitrogen concentrations Program. One site was dropped from monthly typically increased when there was little in-stream sampling after 1996. Dissolved nitrogen and processing by biota. Nitrogen and phosphorus phosphorus were detected in every water sample concentrations decreased in late summer when collected. Nitrate accounted for 92 percent of the there was less runoff and in-stream processing total dissolved nitrogen. About 22 percent of the of nitrogen and phosphorus was high. Dissolved samples had nitrate concentrations that exceeded organic carbon was highest in February and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s max- March when decaying vegetation and manure were transported during snowmelt. Suspended- imum contaminant level of 10 milligrams per liter sediment concentrations were highest in early as nitrogen for drinking-water regulations. The summer (May–June) during runoff and lowest in median concentration of total dissolved nitrogen January when there was ice cover with very little for surface water in the study unit was 7.2 milli- overland flow contributing to rivers and streams. grams per liter. The median total phosphorus con- Based on historical and study-unit data, eastern centration for the study unit was 0.22 milligram Iowa streams and rivers are impacted by both per liter. About 75 percent of the total phosphorus nonpoint and point-source pollution. concentrations exceeded the U.S. Environmental Indicator sites that have homogeneous land Protection Agency recommended total phospho- use, and geology had samples with significantly rus concentration of 0.10 milligram per liter or higher concentrations of total dissolved nitrogen less to minimize algal growth. Median suspended (median, 8.2 milligrams per liter) than did sam- sediment and dissolved organic-carbon concentra- ples from integrator sites (median, 6.2 milligrams tions for the study unit were 82 and 3.5 milli- per liter) that were more heterogeneous in land grams per liter, respectively. use and geology. Samples from integrator sites

Abstract 1 typically had significantly higher total phosphorus Iowa Drift Plain typically had higher phosphorus and suspended-sediment concentrations than did yields, probably due to physiographic features samples from indicator sites. Typically, there was (for example, erodible soils, steeper slopes). very little difference in median dissolved organic- Synoptic samples collected during low carbon concentrations in samples from indicator and high base flow had nitrogen, phosphorus, and integrator sites. and organic-carbon concentrations that varied Concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus spatially and seasonally. Comparisons of water- varied across the study unit due to land use and quality data from six basic-fixed sampling sites physiography. Basins that are located in areas and 19 other synoptic sites suggest that the water- with a higher percentage of row-crop agriculture quality data from basic-fixed sampling sites were typically had samples with higher nitrogen con- representative of the entire study unit during peri- centrations. Basins that drain the Southern Iowa ods of low and high base flow when most stream- Drift Plain and the Des Moines Lobe typically flow originates from ground water. had samples with higher total phosphorus and suspended-sediment concentrations. Total nitrogen loads increased each year INTRODUCTION from 1996 through 1998 in conjunction with The Eastern Iowa Basins (EIWA) study increased concentrations and runoff. Total phos- unit (fig. 1) is 1 of 15 U.S. Geological Survey phorus loads in the Skunk River Basin decreased (USGS) National Water-Quality Assessment Program in 1997 due to less runoff and decreased sediment (NAWQA) study units activated in 1994 (fig. 1). Infor- transport, but increased in 1998 due to higher run- mation on water-quality conditions in the EIWA is off and increased sediment transport. Total nitro- necessary for planning and management. Part of the gen and total phosphorus loads varied seasonally. assessment of the study unit addressed surface-water The highest loads typically occurred in early conditions. Specific surface-water-quality issues of spring and summer after fertilizer application primary concern in the EIWA include degradation of and runoff. Loads were lowest in January and aquatic ecosystems, soil erosion (sediment), and ele- September when there was typically very little vated concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, organic runoff to transport nitrogen and phosphorus carbon, and synthetic organic compounds (including in the soil to the rivers and streams. pesticides) (Iowa Department of Natural Resources, 1994; Kalkhoff, 1994; Hallberg and others, 1996; Total nitrogen loads contributed to the Goolsby and others, 1997). from the Eastern Iowa Basins during 1996, 1997, and 1998 were 97,600, 120,000, and 234,000 metric tons, respectively. Importance of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Total phosphorus loads contributed to the Suspended Sediment, and Organic Mississippi River from the Eastern Iowa Basins Carbon during 1996, 1997, and 1998 were 6,860, 4,550, and 8,830 metric tons, respectively. Suspended- Nitrogen and phosphorus compounds can sediment loads contributed to the Mississippi occur naturally at small concentrations in stream water River from the Eastern Iowa Basins during 1996, (Hem, 1985). In addition, nitrogen and phosphorus can 1997, and 1998 were 7,480,000, 4,450,000, and be introduced into the environment from sources such as chemical fertilizer, animal manure, wastewater 8,690,000 metric tons, respectively. The highest effluent, atmospheric deposition, soil mineralization, total nitrogen and total phosphorus yields typi- and legume fixation. cally occurred in samples from indicator sites. Nitrogen compounds are a water-quality con- Sampling sites located in drainage basins with cern primarily because they contribute to aquatic plant higher row-crop percentage typically had higher growth, eutrophication, and toxicity. Algae generally nitrogen and phosphorus yields. Sites that were prefer ammonia over nitrate for growth (Brezonik, located in the Des Moines Lobe and the Southern 1973, p. 11), but both the reduced species of nitrogen

2 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 93°

Index Map


k Mason M i City s s i is Eastern s IOWA i

Iowa p p

Basins i

R i

43° v e 7 92° r e a

3 1

j l b Cedar Falls Waterloo m 8 4 9 o c 91° Ames Marshalltown Marion 42° Cedar p f Rapids 5 2 d Coralville 6 Iowa City

g 10

n EXPLANATION Landform regions (modified from Prior, 1991) q 11 Des Moines Lobe 41° Iowan Karst s Iowan Surface r Southern Iowa Drift Plain

Major city 12 Major lakes 0 20 40 60 KILOMETERS State boundary County boundary 0 20 40 60 MILES Study unit boundary

Major river Base from U.S. Geological Survey digital data, 1:250,000, 1967 8 Albers Equal-Area Conic projection Basic-fixed site and map reference number Standard parallels 41°30' and 44°30', central meridian -92° r Synoptic site and map reference number or letter

Figure 1. Landform regions and surface-water-quality sampling sites in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit.

INTRODUCTION 3 (ammonia and organic nitrogen) and the oxidized Sediment is a water-quality concern because it species (nitrite and nitrate) can be used as nutrients can fill reservoirs, prevent sunlight from penetrating for algal growth. the water to reach aquatic plants, and adsorb and trans- Considerable concern in recent years has been port many toxic compounds. Suspended sediment expressed over health effects of nitrate in drinking originates from erosion within streams and on uplands. water (Neill, 1989). Nitrite and nitrate have been Phosphorus is one of the constituents that tends to linked to infantile methemoglobinemia (whereby the adsorb to sediment. blood loses its ability to transport oxygen) and are sus- The organic layer in soils is a major source of pected of causing the formation of carcinogenic nitro- soluble organic compounds (Drever, 1988). Organic samines and nitrosamides (Neill, 1989). In addition, carbon is a water-quality concern because it plays a an association between nitrate in drinking water major role in chemical processes and the transport of and bladder cancer in women has been identified trace metals. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and (Weyer and others, 2001). The maximum contaminant suspended organic carbon (SOC) are normally present level (MCL) for drinking water established by the in surface water from decaying vegetation, living U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) is organisms suspended in the water column such as 10 mg/L of nitrate as nitrogen (U.S. Environmental algae and bacteria, sewage, and manure. Protection Agency, 1996). Phosphorus compounds are a water-quality con- cern because, like nitrogen, phosphorus is an essential Purpose and Scope nutrient for plant growth. To prevent the excessive growth of aquatic plants in water bodies, the USEPA Water-quality data presented in this report recommends that total phosphorus concentrations not were collected at 12 surface-water-quality sites exceed 0.10 mg/L as phosphorus (U.S. Environmental from March 1996 through September 1998 as Protection Agency, 1986). About 95 percent of the part of the EIWA NAWQA. The objectives of this phosphorus transported by rivers is adsorbed to sedi- report are to: (1) summarize nitrogen, phosphorus, ment (Maybeck, 1982). However, algae and other suspended-sediment, and organic-carbon data aquatic plants most readily use the soluble or dissolved in drainage basins both spatially and temporally compounds of phosphorus. Sources of phosphorus during 1996–98; (2) compare nitrogen, phosphorus, include wastewater-treatment-plant effluent, deter- suspended-sediment, and organic-carbon concentra- gents, manure, fertilizers, and sediment from surface- tions among drainage basins and relate differences water runoff. to land use, basin physical characteristics, streamflow, The Midwestern United States has been identi- and human factors; and (3) estimate loads and yields fied as a major contributor of nitrogen and phosphorus of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and suspended to the Mississippi River (Goolsby and others, 1997). In sediment transported by rivers and streams. Twelve nutrient-poor freshwater, inorganic phosphate is often sites were sampled during the first year of the study the factor limiting the growth of aquatic plants and (1996) and 11 were sampled during the last 2 years algae. However, nitrate as nitrogen tends to become of the study (1997–98). In addition, results from the limiting factor when phosphorus is plentiful synoptic studies conducted in 25 small watersheds (Allen, 1995, p. 89). Recent studies in the Gulf of (310–1,480 km2) during high and low base-flow Mexico have indicated areas with small dissolved- conditions are discussed. oxygen concentrations (less than 2.0 mg/L), a condi- tion known as hypoxia. The occurrence of hypoxia in Schnoebelen and others (1999) summarized his- the Gulf of Mexico has been linked to nitrogen and torical surface-water nitrogen and phosphorus data in phosphorus loads discharged from the Mississippi the EIWA study unit collected by various agencies River (Turner and Rabalais, 1994; Goolsby and others, from 1970 through 1995. The present EIWA study 1999). Increases in nitrogen and phosphorus loads to updates nitrogen and phosphorus findings within the the Gulf of Mexico can promote the excessive growth study unit for the sampling period (1996–98) and of algae which eventually die and decompose, deplet- expands information to drainage basins where limited ing the water column of dissolved oxygen, which can water-quality data were available. In addition, EIWA kill or otherwise adversely affect fish and other aquatic water-quality data will be useful for national compari- life. sons with other NAWQA study units.

4 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 DESCRIPTION OF STUDY UNIT Landforms

The EIWA study unit includes three major Hydrology landform regions (Des Moines Lobe, Iowan Surface, Southern Iowa Drift Plain) (Prior, 1991) and one sub- The EIWA study unit consists of four major region (Iowan Karst, a subregion of the Iowan Surface) drainage basins and covers about 49,700 km2 that are based on distinct spatial differences in topog- (Kalkhoff, 1994). The major drainage basins are raphy, geology, soils, and vegetation (figs. 1 and 2). the Wapsipinicon River Basin (6,100 km2), the These regions are broadly coincident with ecoregions Cedar River Basin (20,200 km2), the Iowa River and subecoregions of Iowa (Griffith and others, 1994). Basin (12,200 km2), and the Skunk River Basin The Des Moines Lobe, in the western part of the (11,200 km2) (fig. 1). The four major rivers in the study unit, is one of the youngest landforms in Iowa study unit have their headwaters in the northwestern and is characterized by low local relief (15–30 m) on part of the study unit and flow to the southeast, dis- the land surface. The Des Moines Lobe was formed by charging to the Mississippi River. The Wapsipinicon the last glaciation in Iowa approximately 12,000 to River originates in southeastern Minnesota and is 14,000 years ago (Wisconsinan age) and has been about 362 km long, with an average basin width of altered only slightly since that time (Prior, 1991). The about 16 km. The Cedar River originates in southern topography consists of predominantly flat and slightly Minnesota and forms the largest basin in the study rolling land broken by arcuate bands of “knob and unit. The Cedar River Basin ranges from 32 to 96 km kettle” terrain (Buchmiller and others, 1985). Histori- in width. The Cedar River joins the Iowa River about cally, ponds and wetlands and poor drainage character- 48 km upstream from the confluence of the Iowa and ized the Des Moines Lobe. Extensive ditching and Mississippi Rivers. The Iowa River originates in north- tiling of fields during 1900–20 augmented the natural central Iowa and averages 32 km in width. Together, surface drainage in this area. The potential natural veg- the Cedar and Iowa River Basins cover 32,380 km2 etation is bluestem prairie (Griffith and others, 1994); and drain about 64 percent of the study unit. The corn and soybean crop production presently (2001) Skunk River originates in central Iowa and averages dominates. Stream development is poor with many 39 km in width. small, low-gradient streams that drain into a few larger Overland flow and ground-water discharge are rivers. Surficial material consists of glacial till that has the major sources of streamflow. Flooding occurs as a an average thickness of about 30 m, and alluvium in result of rapid spring melting of the snowpack, often association with the larger streams. Surficial loess is combined with rainfall, or thunderstorm activity. absent (fig. 2). Droughts can result from the shift of the normal sea- The Iowan Surface is characterized by gently sonal atmospheric storm track by high-pressure condi- rolling topography with long slopes and low relief tions, a block or decrease in moist airflows, or lack of (15–30 m). Drainage is well developed, although thunderstorm development. streams generally have slight gradients (fig. 2). Surfi- Interflow is that part of subsurface flow that cial material consists of pre-Illinoian-age (500,000 to moves at shallow depths and reaches the surface 700,000 years old) glacial till covered by a thin veneer stream channel in a relatively short period of time and, of windblown loess that transitions from little to none therefore, commonly is considered part of overland in the north to thicker deposits on the ridges in the flow. During a storm period, interflow slowly south with alluvium near the streams (Prior, 1991). increases up to the end of the storm period, followed Potential natural vegetation includes bluestem prairie by a gradual recession (Viessman and others, 1989). and oak-hickory forest; corn and soybean crop produc- Tile drains (lines) beneath fields can enhance the tion presently (2001) dominates the land surface subsurface-drainage component of flow to streams. (Prior, 1991; Griffith and others, 1994). Yearly total streamflow from the study unit averages The Iowan Karst is a subregion of the Iowan 11,350 hm3 (Kalkhoff, 1994). The mean annual Surface where dissolution of soluble limestone and streamflow from the Wapsipinicon River Basin, dolomite bedrock under a thin or nonexistent cover of the Cedar-Iowa River Basins, and the Skunk River glacial drift has caused localized collapse of the land Basin averages about 1,360, 7,770, and 2,220 hm3, surface resulting in karst topography with numerous respectively. sinkholes. The surface drainage is well developed,


cial till hed gla Leac Calcareous glacial till NOT TO SCALE

Iowan Surface Sand ched glaci wedges Lea al till

Glacial outwash Calcareous glacial till NOT TO SCALE

Southern Iowa Drift Plain

Loess Paleosol

Glacial till


NOT TO SCALE EXPLANATION 9-30 SLOPE—Numbers indicate ranges in slope, in percent

Figure 2. Physiography of landform regions in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit (modified from Oschwald and others, 1965).

6 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 although local direct infiltration to bedrock is com- long duration and of moderate or low intensity, mon. This area is used extensively for agriculture, and whereas precipitation during the late spring and sum- some fields are drained through agricultural drainage mer tends to be of shorter duration and higher inten- wells (gravity based). Field tile lines are connected sity. Snow during the colder winter months can remain to these drainage wells and may become conduits for on the land surface from December to March. The surface runoff to enter the underlying bedrock. Floyd mean annual precipitation ranges from 76 cm in the County, Iowa, located in the Cedar River Basin, has north to 94 cm in the southeastern part of the study the most registered agricultural drainage wells in the unit (Wendland and others, 1992). EIWA study unit (Libra and others, 1996). Sinkholes, a natural feature of the Iowan Karst, can affect ground- water quality in a manner similar to agricultural drain- Land Use age wells. The Southern Iowa Drift Plain is character- Land use is based primarily on agriculture ized by steeply rolling terrain with moderate relief and agriculture-related industry, accounting for (30–91 m) separated by flat, tabular divides (fig. 2). 92.9 percent of the land use in the study unit (fig. 3). Surficial material consists of pre-Illinoian glacial Other land uses are forests (4.0 percent), urban deposits mantled by loess. Soils on the lower slopes (1.8 percent), and other (1.3 percent). The principal commonly are derived from till, whereas soils on the crops are corn, soybeans, oats, hay, and pasture on higher slopes and upland flats are derived from loess. unirrigated land. Iowa ranked first in the Nation in Alluvium is found in association with streams that the production of corn and soybeans in 1995 and form a well-developed drainage pattern. Potential 1996 (Sands and Holden, 1996, 1997). natural vegetation includes bluestem prairie and oak- In addition to row-crop agriculture, Iowa hickory forests (Griffith and others, 1994); the land produces large quantities of hogs, cattle, sheep, and presently (2001) is used for agriculture. poultry. Iowa hog production ranked first in the Nation in 1995 (14.4 million head) and 1996 (12.2 million head) (Sands and Holden, 1996, 1997). Numerous Climate confined-feeding hog facilities began operation in The climate in the study unit is continental, with the 1990’s in the study unit. Figure 3 shows the loca- large differences in seasonal temperatures that result in tion of regulated livestock facilities in the EIWA study distinct winter and summer seasons. Primary climatic unit, and the majority of these facilities are for hog effects in the EIWA study unit are warm, moist air production. Confined-feeding facilities must obtain from the Gulf of Mexico and surges of cold, dry air permits from the Iowa Department of Natural from Canada, which predominate in the summer and Resources before construction if the facility is winter, respectively (U.S. Department of Commerce, designed for an animal weight capacity higher than 1959). Mean monthly temperatures range from –16° C 181,440 kg bovine or 90,720 kg for other animal spe- for the lows in January to 28° C for the highs in July cies (Iowa Department of Natural Resources, 1998). (Wendland and others, 1992). The growing season The numbers of hog facilities have doubled since 1993 (generally April–September) lasts about 127 days and in the upstream parts of the Iowa River and Skunk is characterized by mean temperatures of 19° C in the River Basins (fig. 3). The potential negative effects of southern part of the EIWA study unit to 16° C in the these hog-production facilities on water quality are not northern part. known and are of concern. Precipitation occurs mostly as rain associated The use of chemical fertilizers to increase with thunderstorms that occur from April through crop production increased in the United States from September. About 71 percent of the annual rainfall 1970 to 1994 (Goolsby and Battaglin, 1995). Fertilizer occurs during this period (Harry Hillaker, Iowa use in eastern Iowa has paralleled the national trend. Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, oral In recent years, fertilizer (nitrogen) application rates commun., 2000). Peak precipitation occurs in June and on corn in Iowa decreased from 1985 (162 kg/ha) diminishes sharply during the autumn. Precipitation to 1994 (135 kg/ha), but application rates then during the cooler months of the year generally is of increased from 134 kg/ha in 1995 to 148 kg/ha in


       Land cover (based on satellite imagery from  


 U.S. Geological Survey, EROS Data Center, 1994) 




      Geneva      Row crops  MOWER


      FREEBORN   Urban     Albert  h      5   Austin  Albert Lea


  Lea Lake 



      Bear   Grassland, pasture, hay       

 Lake MINNESOTA       









 State boundary


 Mason  County boundary




 CERRO City 5  Study unit boundary



  Clear   i    


 CHICKASAW 8  Basic-fixed site and map reference number







7   b

       5 Synoptic site and map reference number or letter

   o  92  e

  5   FRANKLIN 1 

5  Livestock facilities  


 WRIGHT   5   BREMER 5 a   Permit issued before 1993


   5   Permit issued during 1993–98  


       j 5 FAYETTE 





  o  BLACK HAWK b w 5 

 l   a R     iv  BUCHANAN    er Cedar   5   

 GRUNDY Falls  m 


     Waterloo    5              



  8     4         


  5 DELAWARE                


     TAMA 5   






 o 5  o  5

 BENTON 91  

Ames Marshalltown Marion  







42     Cedar JONES         







 f Rapids 



 5 CLINTON  Coralville  



 JASPER POWESHIEK Reservoir 2   








  Coralville d   




Iowa City   
































Livestock-facility data from n    


Iowa Department of Natural  5  




Resources (1998) and David  



 WAPELLO JEFFERSON   Johnson, Minnesota Pollution q  




Control Agency, written 





commun., 1997) o  













 s  DES 













0 20 40 60 KILOMETERS

0 20 40 60 MILES

Base from U.S. Geological Survey digital data, 1:250,000, 1967 Albers Equal-area Conic projection Standard parallels 41o 30 and 44o 30, central meridian -92

Figure 3. Land cover and location of permitted livestock facilities in relation to surface-water-quality sampling sites in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit.

8 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 1996 (G.R. Hallberg, University of Iowa Hygienic Integrator sites (table 1) were sampled to assess Laboratory, written commun., 1997). Application rates broad-scale spatial and temporal differences in water- in 1997 and 1998 were 136 kg/ha and 148 kg/ha, quality characteristics in basins that contain a mixture respectively (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1998, of land use and geologic features. Water-quality sam- 1999). pling of the Cedar River near Conesville (site 10, fig. 1) was moved about 8 km upstream because of bridge construction in October 1996. Water-quality METHODS AND DATA ANALYSIS data collected from this upstream location were con- sidered to be equivalent to data collected from the Twelve basic-fixed surface-water-quality sites downstream location because there are no major tribu- were selected on rivers and streams following the taries or urban areas draining into the river within the NAWQA sampling design protocol (Hirsch and others, 1988; Kalkhoff, 1994) to serve as indicator or integra- 8-km reach. Water-quality sampling of the Cedar tor sites (table 1, fig. 1). Indicator sites represent River at Gilbertville (site 8, fig. 1) was discontinued smaller drainage basins (320 to 1,080 km2) with in March 1997 after one full year of sampling because relatively homogeneous land use and geology. Integra- the site did not have a continuous gaging station. tor sites represent larger drainage basins (6,050 to Eleven basic-fixed sites were sampled 32,400 km2) and are affected by combinations of land monthly beginning in March 1996 and ending in use and geology. The basic-fixed sites were monitored September 1998. Additional samples were collected continuously for stream discharge and sampled near peak river stage after significant rainfall events. monthly to assess the broad-scale spatial and temporal The intensive sites were sampled weekly beginning character of water-quality constituents. In addition, in April 1997 (fertilizer application period and early three basic-fixed sites, the Iowa River near Rowan growing season) and biweekly from July 1997 through (site 3, fig. 1), Wolf Creek near Dysart (site 9, fig. 1), November 1997 (after fertilizer application and middle and the Iowa River at Wapello (site 11, fig. 1), were to late growing season). sampled weekly in the spring and early summer of Samples also were collected at 25 synoptic 1997 and biweekly at the end of the summer of 1997 sites during low base-flow and high base-flow condi- (intensive sites, table 1) to determine short-term fluc- tions in August 1997 and May 1998 (fig. 1, table 1) to tuations and variability of selected constituents. better define spatial variability. The synoptic sampling The indicator sites (table 1, fig. 1) were included six indicator basic-fixed sites. The low base- selected to represent typical drainage basins in flow samples were collected as part of the NAWQA the three major landforms—Iowa River near Rowan Midwest Regional synoptic study (Sorenson and (site 3, fig. 1)–Des Moines Lobe; Wolf Creek near others, 1999) conducted by personnel from the Upper Dysart (site 9, fig. 1)–Iowan Surface; Flood Creek near Mississippi River Basin, EIWA, and the Lower Illinois Powersville (site 7, fig. 1)–Iowan Karst (a subregion of River Basin NAWQA study units. Candidate sampling the Iowan Surface); and Old Mans Creek near Iowa sites were selected for drainage basin areas generally City (site 6, fig. 1)–Southern Iowa Drift Plain. The larger than 260 km2 and smaller than 2,600 km2. All primary difference between indicator sites is physio- graphic (soils, topography, and geology) as the land basins represented by the synoptic samples had at least use within these areas is consistently about 95 percent 85 percent agricultural land use (table 1); agricultural agriculture (table 1). In addition, the Wapsipinicon land use among all surface-water-quality sampling River near Tripoli (site 1, fig. 1) was selected as a ref- sites in the study averaged more than 90 percent. erence site because the drainage basin retains a higher Drainage basin selection criteria also included moder- percentage of its stream-corridor wetlands compared ately well drained soils (more than 50 percent of the to other basins in the study unit (table 1). The South basin area in the State Soil Geographic data base Fork Iowa River near New Providence (site 4, fig. 1) (STATSGO) soil hydrologic groups A or B) to poorly was selected as an indicator site to assess the effects drained soils (more than 50 percent of the basin area in of large-scale, hog-confinement facilities on stream- STATSGO soil hydrologic groups C or D) (Sorenson water quality. and others, 1999).

METHODS AND DATA ANALYSIS 9 .6 .6 .6 .1 .9 .1 .9 .9 .5 .2 .2 .2 .3 .1 .2 .2 .1 .7 .1 .1 .1 .4 .2 .1 .2 .1 0.3 2.2 <.1 <.1 <.1 Other water) (barren/ .7 .8 .6 .2 .9 .7 .7 .6 .6 .7 .7 4.2 2.7 1.5 2.1 1.0 1.9 1.9 2.1 1.8 3.0 1.1 1.6 1.0 1.3 1.7 1.5 3.3 1.0 2.2 1.2 Wetland 3 5.1 7.2 1.6 2.6 3.9 4.4 2.8 3.5 1.9 4.4 4.9 7.7 5.0 7.4 6.6 2.8 1.5 3.6 4.7 3.4 3.4 3.0 2.6 2.3 1.4 6.3 1.9 3.3 6.2 8.2 10.0 Forested (percent) 1.8 2.1 1.8 1.5 2.5 2.6 1.1 3.0 1.8 3.3 3.1 2.9 1.3 2.3 2.2 2.2 1.8 2.4 2.5 1.9 1.3 1.1 2.0 1.4 2.0 2.3 3.1 2.2 2.4 2.2 3.3 Urban Land use in contributing drainage area drainage contributing in use Land 88.5 87.4 94.6 95.1 91.0 91.9 95.3 90.7 95.6 89.5 89.0 87.1 90.4 89.0 90.1 94.7 95.4 93.0 91.2 90.7 93.4 95.0 91.4 95.5 95.4 90.8 94.0 93.6 90.5 85.4 87.2 eters; int, integrator site representing drainage basins of 6,050 to to 6,050 of basins drainage representing site integrator int, eters; 97; syn, synoptic site. synoptic syn, 97; Agriculture 9 m 1 Site type Site bfs, ind, syn ind, bfs, int bfs, syn ind, intens, bfs, syn ind, bfs, int bfs, syn ind, bfs, syn ind, bfs, int bfs, syn ind, intens, bfs, int bfs, int intens, bfs, int bfs, syn syn syn syn syn syn syn syn syn syn syn syn syn syn syn syn syn syn syn 900 580 520 320 770 370 380 600 310 500 560 400 610 350 760 370 850 400 570 330 740 420 area 6,050 1,080 7,240 1,500 1,400 (square 13,600 20,200 32,400 11,200 Drainage kilometers) 2 Site name Site Wapsipinicon River near Tripoli, IA Wapsipinicon River near De Witt, IA near River IA Rowan, Iowa South Fork Iowa River near New Providence, IA at River Marengo,Iowa IA IA City, Iowa near Creek Mans Old IA Powersville, near Creek Flood Gilbertville,Cedar at River IA IA Dysart, near Creek Wolf Cedar River nearConesville, IA atIA River Wapello, Iowa IA at Augusta, River Skunk East Fork Wapsipinicon River near Tripoli, IA Little Wapsipinicon River at Littleton, IA IA City, Stone near Creek Buffalo IA Donahue, near Creek Mud Branch East at Belmond,River Iowa IA IA Plaine, Belle at Creek Salt English River nearKalona, IA MN Austin, at Creek Turtle Little Cedar River near Floyd, IA IA Kelsey, near Creek Maynes IA Fertile, near River Winnebago IA Parkersburg, near Creek Beaver IA Waterloo, at Creek Hawk Black IA Junction, Columbus near Creek Long IA City, Story near River Skunk South East Branch Indian Creek near Iowa Center, IA IA at Coppock, Creek Crooked IA Mills, Oakland near Creek Cedar IA Lowell, near Creek Big 05420680 05422000 05449500 05451210 05453100 05455100 05461390 05464020 05464220 05465000 05465500 05474000 05420720 05420900 05421700 05421870 05449200 05452020 05455500 05456510 05457950 05458870 05459300 05462770 05463510 05465310 05469980 05471120 05473060 05473400 05473550 Site number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i j l Description of surface-water-quality monitoring sites in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit study Basins Iowa Eastern in the sites monitoring of surface-water-quality Description f r a c e s b d g h k n o p q m 10 11 12 Site type: bfs, basic-fixed site, sampled monthly; ind, indicator site representing drainage basins of 320 to 1,080 square kilo square to 1,080 320 of basins drainage representing site indicator ind, monthly; sampled site, basic-fixed bfs, type: Site 1997. March in site a basic-fixed as discontinued was Gilbertville at River Cedar 1994. Hitt, from data Land-use (fig. 1) 1 2 3 Map reference Map number or letter 32,400 square kilometers; intens, intensive site sampled weekly in spring and early summer 1997 and biweekly at end of summer 1 summer end of at biweekly and 1997 summer early and spring in weekly sampled site intensive intens, kilometers; square 32,400 Table 1. Table [<, lessthan]

10 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 Sample Collection and Chemical Analysis have not introduced contamination (Mueller, 1998). The same type of deionized water that was used for A complete discussion of the collection and equipment-blank samples was used for field-blank processing of surface-water samples is described samples collected by passing the deionized water in Shelton (1994). All surface-water samples were through all pumps, filter plates, and filters to verify obtained by collecting depth-integrated subsamples cleanliness of sampling equipment. at equally spaced vertical sections across the stream The objective of collecting replicate samples (Ward and Harr, 1990) to integrate water-quality dif- was to estimate the precision of concentration values ferences within the stream. Samples for analysis of from sample processing and analysis. Laboratory anal- organic carbon were collected using a single-point yses of organic constituents generally are more vari- depth-integrated sampler. At each surface-water- able than analyses of inorganic constituents. Each quality sampling site, a minimum of 10 equally replicate sample is an aliquot of the environmental spaced, depth-integrated water samples were collected water sample processed through the cone splitter, using cable-mounted or hand-held samplers (Shelton, passed through the same sample equipment, and pro- 1994). During ice conditions, samples were collected cessed in the same manner. from at least three equal-width vertical sections. Labo- Table 2 summarizes quality-assurance data for ratory analysis for nutrients, suspended sediment, and field-blank and replicate samples. Field-blank sample organic carbon was done using methods described by concentrations for nitrogen and phosphorus constitu- Fishman (1993) and Guy (1969). ents were typically equivalent to the minimum report- Streamflow discharge was obtained from ing limit (MRL) or within a few hundredths of a instantaneous discharge measurements or from dis- milligram per liter of the MRL. This indicates that charge records obtained from continuous-recording there was very little, if any, cross contamination of gaging stations located at each of the sites. Measure- samples from sampling equipment. Low levels of ments of specific conductance, pH, water temperature, DOC were detected in all 15 blank samples. Low-level and dissolved oxygen were made at equal-width incre- contamination from DOC may have originated from ments across the stream cross section. The median methanol that was used in the sampling and decontam- value for each was recorded as the field-determined ination for pesticides, from ineffective decontamina- value. tion of sampling equipment between samples, or from laboratory grade blank water that contained some organic compounds. SOC was detected in 71 percent Quality Assurance and Quality Control of samples, but the concentrations were close to the MRL. The NAWQA quality-control design is Replicate samples were compared to the envi- described in detail by Mueller and others (1997). ronmental samples by calculating relative percentage Equipment-blank samples of deionized water certified differences (RPD). In general, replicate concentrations to be free of organic compounds and inorganic com- for all constituents were generally within 10 percent pounds were passed through all sampling equipment of the environmental sample. RPD between replicate during February or March for each year of the sam- concentrations was calculated by using the following pling to verify initial cleanliness. About 13 percent of equation: the total samples collected for the EIWA study were used for quality assurance (field-blank and replicate ⁄ ()⁄ × samples). RPD= S1 –SS2 1 + S2 2 10,(1) A field-blank sample is a specific type of blank sample used to demonstrate that: (1) equipment has where been adequately cleaned to remove contamination S1 is the concentration from the environmental introduced by previous use; (2) sample collection and sample; and processing have not resulted in contamination; and S2 is the concentration from the replicate (3) sample handling, transport, and laboratory analysis sample.

METHODS AND DATA ANALYSIS 11 7 Number of replicate greater than samples with 10 percent RPD carbon in the Eastern Eastern in the carbon RPD Median Number samples of replicate MRL Number of blank greater than samples with less than; --, no data] concentrations <0.02 4 31 1.7 (mg/L) Median concentration 0.03 (mg/L) Maximum concentration Number of blank samples 0.015 11 1 Constituent MRL Summary of field-blank and replicate-sample quality-assurance data for nitrogen, phosphorus, suspended sediment, and organic organic and sediment, suspended phosphorus, nitrogen, for data quality-assurance replicate-sample and of field-blank Summary The MRL for dissolved ammonia was increased to 0.02 mg/L in November 1997. in November mg/L 0.02 to increased was ammonia dissolved for MRL The 1 Ammonia (as N) plus organic nitrogen, totalnitrogen, organic plus N) (as Ammonia dissolvednitrogen, organic plus N) (as Ammonia dissolved N), (as Nitrite .1 .1Nitrite plus nitrate (as N), dissolved total P), (as Phosphorus dissolved P), (as Orthophosphate 11 11 dissolved P), (as Phosphorus sedimentSuspended dissolved carbon, Organic <.10 .05suspended <.10 carbon, Organic .01 .01 11 <.10 .01 <.10 11 .01 11 .08 11 11 .1 .1 .1 0 .02 0 .02 .03 15 .02 .06 14 -- <.01 31 <.01 31 2.1 <.01 .30 <.01 -- 2.9 6 4.5 2 3 .4 1 1 .1 7 31 -- 7 31 31 1.5 15 31 31 10 4.5 1.3 -- 4.9 7.1 1 23 10 23 7 21 8 1.9 13 8.2 4.9 10 6 8 Ammonia (as N), dissolved N), (as Ammonia Iowa Basins study unit, March 1996–September 1998 1996–September March unit, study Iowa Basins Table 2. Table [MRL, minimum reporting limit; mg/L, milligrams per liter; N, nitrogen; phosphorus; P, RPD, relative percentage difference; <,

12 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 The median RPD for nitrogen, phosphorus, sus- collected during the first week of the month from each pended sediment, DOC, and SOC ranged from site were used in the nonparametric analyses. To avoid 1.3 to 8.2 percent. The number of replicate samples bias and to have similar sample size for comparison, for each constituent with RPDs greater than 10 percent samples that were collected at specific sites weekly is listed in table 2. When comparing the small concen- and biweekly were removed from data sets when run- trations and the slight differences between some repli- ning the Wilcoxon rank-sum, Krustal-Wallis test, and cate samples, the RPDs can be relatively large, which analysis of variance test. is the case for the majority of the RPDs that are greater than 10 percent. Relation of Constituent Concentration and Streamflow Statistics Schnoebelen and others (1999) plotted histori- Water-quality data were analyzed by a variety cal concentration and streamflow for many of the of graphical and statistical methods. Quality-assurance EIWA sampling sites by using data collected from data such as replicate samples were removed from the 1970 through 1995. Data from the present study data set before statistical analysis to avoid biasing the (1996–98) appends historical concentration and data. If a constituent was reported as a less than value, streamflow data compiled for the Iowa River at the value was set to one-half of the detection limit for Wapello (site 11, fig. 1) illustrated in Schnoebelen that constituent. For example, if a dissolved nitrate and others (1999). That site was a sampling site concentration was reported as less than 0.1 mg/L, common to both studies. it would be set to 0.05 mg/L for statistical calculations. The Statistical Analysis System (SAS) software pack- To improve visualization of nonlinear rela- age was used to calculate summary statistics such as tions in the concentration and streamflow data, mean, median, minimum and maximum concentra- LOWESS (locally weighted scatterplot smoothing) tions, and quartiles (Statistical Analysis System, lines (Cleveland, 1979; Helsel and Hirsch, 1992) 1990). In addition, boxplots were used to show were calculated and plotted for nitrite plus nitrate the central tendency and variability of data. In a and total phosphorus. The LOWESS lines illustrate boxplot diagram, a box is drawn from the 25th to relations between concentrations and streamflow the 75th percentile concentrations, and the median is that are difficult to discern in a typical scatterplot. drawn as a horizontal line in the box. Vertical lines are The LOWESS line is computed by fitting a weighted extended beyond the box to data values less than or least-squares equation to the concentration and stream- equal to 1.5 times the interquartile ranges outside the flow data (Helsel and Hirsch, 1992, p. 288–291). quartile. In addition, data values are marked as outliers The “smoothing” used to calculate the LOWESS with asterisks and circles for values beyond the verti- line is a particularly useful technique because no cal lines. assumptions about linearity of the data are required. Nonparametric statistics were used because The smoothing algorithm uses nearby data points to the water-quality data were not normally distributed. calculate a “smoothed value” for every data point. Statistical analysis for Spearman’s rank correlation, Each nearby data point is weighted so that the more the Wilcoxon rank-sum test, the Kruskal-Wallis test, distant points affect the smoothed value less than and analysis of variance test (on the ranks) were points that are closer. A line then is drawn through used for comparison of water-quality data (probability the smoothed values. The number of nearby points less than or equal to 0.05 was used to indicate statisti- used to calculate a smoothed value is controlled by cal significance) among sites (Statistical Analysis the smoothness factor. A smoothness factor of 0.5 System, 1990). The null hypothesis of no relation was used for all LOWESS trend lines in this report. between variables was rejected if the probability This means that the closest 50 percent of all the of obtaining the correlation by chance was less than data points were used to calculate each smoothed or equal to 0.05. In addition, only samples that were value.

METHODS AND DATA ANALYSIS 13 Hydrograph Separation is to 1, the better the fitted equation explains the varia- tion in the data. Water-quality data from January 1996 Sources of streamflow at the time of sampling through December 1998 were used in the model cali- were estimated by separating streamflow hydrographs bration. The data set consisted of at least one water- into their base-flow and surface-water-runoff compo- quality sample per month at each site, with the excep- nents using the USGS program HYSEP (Sloto and tion of January and February 1996 and October Crouse, 1996) and the Base-Flow Indicator (BFI) pro- through December 1998 when no water-quality data gram (Wahl and Wahl, 1995). The data were used for were collected for any of the sites. Water-sample col- comparisons of base flow for the low base-flow and lection occurred on a monthly basis including high- high base-flow synoptic studies. flow event samples that covered a wide range of streamflow and seasonal concentrations. In addition, Load Calculations the 3 years of the study included a below-normal year, a normal year, and an above-normal year for runoff. The 1996–98 annual loads for total nitrogen Thus, the sampling covered a wide range of stream- (dissolved nitrite plus nitrate plus total ammonia flow, runoff, and seasonal conditions that adequately plus organic nitrogen) and total phosphorus were represented the study unit. estimated for each sampling site by using a mini- To run ESTIMATOR, daily mean discharges mum variance unbiased estimator (Cohn and others, (for each day of the month) for the complete water 1989). The Fortran program ESTIMATOR (Cohn year must be entered into the model. The South Fork and others, 1989) uses daily mean discharge and peri- Iowa River near New Providence (site 4), Flood Creek odic nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations to esti- near Powersville (site 7), and Wolf Creek near Dysart mate the annual and monthly loads for a site. The (site 9) were established in late October of 1995 and following equation was applied to the estimation thus did not have daily mean discharge records for the of loads for each site: early part of October 1995. The Wapsipinicon River near Tripoli (site 1) was not established until the mid-

2 dle of April 1996 and did not have daily mean dis- 1n (N)= B0 ++B1 1n(Q) B2 1n(Q) +B3T charge from October 1995 to the middle of April 1996. (2) 2 Because 1997 was a normal runoff year for most of the ++B T B sin()2πT + B cos()2πT +ε 4 5 6 study unit, 1997 daily mean discharge data were used for South Fork Iowa River near New Providence, where Flood Creek near Powersville, Wolf Creek near N = estimated load, in kilograms per day; Dysart, and Wapsipinicon River near Tripoli where B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6 = regression these sites had missing daily mean discharge data coefficients; in water year 1996. Water year 1996 was a below- Q = daily mean stream discharge, in cubic normal year for runoff in the study unit, so the 1996 feet per second; loads for the four sites (South Fork Iowa River near New Providence, Flood Creek near Powersville, T = time, in decimal years; and Wolf Creek near Dysart, and Wapsipinicon River ε=error term. near Tripoli) probably are biased high during the The same regressors for load calculations winter months and for total load estimates for water were used for each site for consistency between year 1996. However, when running the model, the sites and with other national studies (Donald Goolsby, time period that had water-quality data (March 1996 U.S. Geological Survey, oral commun., 1998) within through September 1998) was used for calibration. the Mississippi River Basin. The squares of the multi- The use of the 1997 daily mean discharge data for ple correlation coefficient (R2) and the plots of residu- these four sites probably had only a minimal effect als were used to determine which regression equation on the overall constituent loads in the drainage basins had the best fit for the load model. The nearer that R2 because the data represented a low-flow period.

14 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 The 1996–98 annual loads for suspended CONCENTRATIONS OF NITROGEN, sediment were estimated for the Wapsipinicon River PHOSPHORUS, SUSPENDED SEDIMENT, near Dewitt (site 2), Iowa River at Wapello (site 11), AND ORGANIC CARBON and the Skunk River at Augusta (site 12) using the program SEDCALC (Koltun and others, 1994). USGS and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers observers at these Overall Occurrence of Concentrations three sites collected daily suspended-sediment sam- ples. SEDCALC load estimates (calendar year) for Four hundred and fifty-five samples were the Iowa River at Wapello (site 11) and Skunk River at collected at 12 basic-fixed sites in the EIWA study Augusta (site 12) were obtained from May and others unit from March 1996 through September 1998. Table 3 summarizes the statistical data for each (1996, 1997, 1998) and Nalley and others (1999). constituent collected. Summary statistics for each Suspended-sediment data for the Wapsipinicon basic-fixed site are given in the Appendix at the end River near Dewitt (site 2) were obtained from of the report. Water-quality data collected in the EIWA the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and calculated study unit are published in data reports by Akers and using the SEDCALC program. others (1999, 2000). Nitrogen, phosphorus, and The determination of daily sediment concentra- suspended-sediment concentrations are affected tions and daily loads was accomplished by first plot- by many environmental and human factors such ting the instantaneous sediment concentrations and as climate, in-stream processes, soils, and proximity discharge daily unit values. A curve was developed to sources, land use, and magnitude of runoff events. between points, mainly by straight-line interpolation, DOC concentrations in rivers vary with the size of the with additional points added to better define breaks river, climate, and the nature of vegetation in the river in the concentration curve. SEDCALC calculates an basin (Thurman, 1985). equal-interval sediment discharge using the following At least one form of dissolved nitrogen and equation: phosphorus was detected in every sample. The frequency of detection of individual dissolved nitrogen compounds ranged from 65 to 98 percent. Dissolved Q = Q Ck (3) s w phosphorus was detected in 90 percent of the samples collected. DOC and suspended sediment were detected where in 100 percent of the samples collected. SOC was detected in 99.8 percent of the samples collected. The Qs = instantaneous suspended-sediment discharge, in tons per day; high percentage of detection for nitrogen and phos- phorus in EIWA rivers and streams is not unexpected Qw = instantaneous stream discharge, in cubic because there are many potential sources of these feet per second; constituents. C = instantaneous suspended-sediment concen- tration, in milligrams per liter; and Nitrogen k = a units conversion constant (0.0027). Nitrogen in the EIWA streams and rivers is present mainly as dissolved nitrate. About 92 percent After equal-interval sediment discharges have of the median total dissolved nitrogen concentration been computed, daily sediment discharges are deter- was in the form of nitrate. Dissolved ammonia concen- mined by numerical integration. The integration is trations ranged from less than 0.015 to 1.2 mg/L, accomplished by summing the equal-interval instanta- with a median concentration of 0.03 mg/L. Dissolved neous sediment discharges for the calendar day and nitrite concentrations ranged from less than 0.01 to dividing by the number of intervals per day. For this 0.25 mg/L, with a median concentration of 0.04 mg/L. report, tons per year were converted to metric tons Nitrite plus nitrate concentrations ranged from less per year. than 0.05 to 22 mg/L, with a median concentration

CONCENTRATIONS OF NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS, SUSPENDED SEDIMENT, AND ORGANIC CARBON 15 .25 1.2 7.5 3.1 1.9 1.4 1.3 3.4 22. 22. 22. 44 17 3,500 Maximum .6 .05 .06 .13 .13 .34 study unit, unit, study

0.09 1.7 9.7 9.7 4.4 4.2 10. 181 75th percentile .4 .36 .04 .08 .08 .22 0.03 1.1 6.6 6.6 7.2 3.5 1.6 82 (mg/L) Median Concentrations .6 .3 .2 .04 .04 .03 .1 .8 3.6 3.6 4.4 2.8 33 <0.02 25th percentile 4 .2 .01 .3 .8 <.1 <.1 <.1 <.01 <.05 <.05 <.01 <.01 <.1 <0.015 Minimum 294 450 425 425 436 448 448 455 409 409 455 454 446 448 Number of detections 455 455 455 455 455 455 455 455 455 455 455 454 446 449 samples Number of dissolved 2 dissolved 3 dissolved Constituent 1 Statistical summary of nitrogen, phosphorus, suspended-sediment, and organic-carbon concentrations in the Eastern Basins Iowa Eastern in the concentrations and organic-carbon suspended-sediment, phosphorus, nitrogen, of summary Statistical Ammonia (as N), dissolved N), (as Ammonia N), total (as nitrogen organic and Ammonia dissolved nitrogen, organic and Ammonia Organic nitrogen (as N), dissolved N), (as Nitrite dissolved N), (as nitrate plus Nitrite N), (as Nitrate total, (as N), Nitrogen dissolved P), (as Phosphorus dissolved P), (as Orthophosphate total P), (as Phosphorus sediment Suspended Organic carbon,dissolved suspended carbon, Organic Dissolved nitrite plus nitrate minus dissolved nitrite. ammonia. dissolved minus nitrogen organic and ammonia Dissolved nitrogen. organic and ammonia dissolved plus nitrate plus nitrite Dissolved 1997. in November mg/L 0.02 to increased was level reporting minimum ammonia Dissolved 1 2 3 4 Table 3. Table 1998 1996–September March [mg/L; milligrams per liter; N, nitrogen; phosphorus; P, <, less than]

16 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 of 6.6 mg/L. About 22 percent (101 out of 455) of the Relations Between Constituent nitrate samples collected exceeded the USEPA MCL Concentrations and Streamflow of 10 mg/L for drinking water. Dissolved ammonia and organic-nitrogen concentrations ranged from Streamflow in the EIWA varied during the study less than 0.10 to 3.1 mg/L, with a median concentra- with generally below-normal flows in 1996, normal tion of 0.4 mg/L. Dissolved organic-nitrogen concen- flows in 1997 (with the exception of the Southern Iowa trations ranged from less than 0.10 to 1.9 mg/L, with Drift Plain), and above-normal flows in 1998. The a median concentration of 0.36 mg/L. Total ammonia streamflows varied across the study unit with varying rainfall, as figure 4 shows. Figure 4 shows the histori- and organic-nitrogen concentrations ranged from less cal monthly fiftieth percentile of long-term discharge than 0.1 to 7.5 mg/L, with a median concentration and the 1996–98 streamflows from selected sites of 1.1 mg/L. Total dissolved nitrogen concentrations across the study unit. Iowa River near Rowan (site 3), ranged from 0.2 to 22 mg/L, with a median concentra- which is located in the northwestern part of the study tion of 7.2 mg/L. unit, and the Iowa River at Wapello (site 11), which is located in the southeastern part of the study unit, Phosphorus and Sediment showed a similar pattern of rainfall and streamflow. The southern part of the study unit (Southern Iowa Dissolved phosphorus concentrations ranged Drift Plain) was extremely dry in 1997 as figure 4 indi- from less than 0.01 to 1.4 mg/L, with a median con- cates. The timing of rainfall-runoff events and location centration of 0.08 mg/L. Dissolved orthophosphate of runoff events affects the concentrations and trans- concentrations ranged from less than 0.01 to 1.3 mg/L, port of constituents. In 1997, the southern part of the with a median concentration of 0.08 mg/L. Total phos- study unit received less runoff than the rest of the phorus concentrations ranged from 0.01 to 3.4 mg/L, study unit, which is reflected in the constituent con- with a median concentration of 0.22 mg/L. About centrations that are discussed later in this section. 75 percent of the total phosphorus concentrations (341 out of 455 samples) exceeded the USEPA Annual Variations recommended concentration of 0.1 mg/L to prevent excessive growth of aquatic plants in water bodies Concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1986). compounds, suspended sediment, and organic carbon Suspended-sediment concentrations ranged from less varied annually. Median concentrations of all nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, with the exception of than 0.3 to 3,500 mg/L, with a median concentration dissolved ammonia, increased from 1996 to 1998. of 82 mg/L. Figure 5 shows boxplots of yearly concentrations for total dissolved nitrogen, total phosphorus, suspended Organic Carbon sediment, and DOC. The increases in concentrations Excluding water draining swamps and follow the trend for overall increased streamflow from 1996 to 1998 for the study unit. Median total dissolved wetlands, the normal range in DOC concentrations nitrogen concentrations increased from 4.7 mg/L in for natural water is from about 2 to 15 mg/L, with a 1996 to 6.7 mg/L in 1997 and to 9.4 mg/L in 1998. mean of about 4 to 6 mg/L (Degens, 1982). DOC con- Median total phosphorus concentrations increased centrations in water draining swamps and wetlands from 0.18 mg/L in 1996 to 0.21 mg/L in 1997 and to range from about 5 to 60 mg/L, with a mean of 0.26 mg/L in 1998. Median suspended-sediment con- 25 mg/L (Thurman, 1985). DOC concentrations in centrations increased each year (62 mg/L in 1996, EIWA samples ranged from 0.8 to 44 mg/L, with a 71 mg/L in 1997, and 125 mg/L in 1998). Median median concentration of 3.5 mg/L. The highest con- DOC concentrations remained the same from 1996 to centration of 44 mg/L occurred at Wolf Creek near 1998 with a concentration of 3.5 mg/L. SOC did not Dysart (site 9) in May of 1997 during an increase follow the same trends as the other constituents. The in flow. SOC concentrations ranged from less than median SOC concentration decreased from 1.90 mg/L 0.1 to 17 mg/L, with a median concentration of in 1996 to 1.4 mg/L in 1997 and then increased to 1.6 mg/L. 2.0 mg/L in 1998.


PRECIPITATION, 0 5 IN INCHES 2,000 MONTHLY ° Iowa River near Rowan, IA 93 PRECIPITATION, 0 1,500 40,000 MINNESOTA Iowa River at Wapello, IA 1,000 30,000 j 500 S C h e MEAN MONTHLY e d 20,000 FEET PER SECOND IOWA l a l r DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC R R o 0 i o c v 1996 1997 1998 k e 10,000 r R MEAN MONTHLY FEET PER SECOND DICHARGE, IN CUBIC W e 0 s k 1996 1997 1998 ° t 43 F 92° o 7 e rk C 1 ed n ar 3 R a iv f er m b p W a p s q ip 8 in ic 9 on s 4 R ° Io C 91 wa ed R ar ° t ive R 42 r g i ve N r o S r o th 5 2 u S th k E S u ngl k n ish R u k iver d n R 6 k iv R e I i r o ve h w 10a r a i R iv e 15 r Burlington, IA 10 u r S k 11 u n 41° k 5 v R iv IN INCHES MONTHLY er w 12


20,000 Base from U.S. Geological Survey digital data, 1:250,000, 1967 Skunk River at Augusta, IA Albers Equal-Area Conic projection 15,000 Standard parallels 41°30' and 44°30', central meridian -92°


DICHARGE, IN CUBIC 0 20 40 60 80 MILES 0 1996 1997 1998

EXPLANATION 7 Basic-fixed site and map reference number e Site sampled in August 1997 and May 1998 and map reference number or letter Blue shading in stream hydrographs is middle 50th percentile of long-term discharge Precipitation data from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Figure 4. Graphs of precipitation and discharge at selected sites in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, 1996–98, and map showing site locations.

18 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 TOTAL DISSOLVED NITROGEN (128) (202) (125) 30




TOTAL PHOSPHORUS (128) (202) (125) 10





(128) (201) (125) 10,000





DISSOLVED ORGANIC CARBON (128) (193) (125) 100



0.1 1996 1997 1998

EXPLANATION (128) Number of observations Outlier data value more than 3 times the interquartile range outside the quartile Outlier data value less than or equal to and more than 1.5 times the interquartile range outside the quartile Data value less than or equal to 1.5 times the interquartile range outside the quartile 75th percentile Median 25th percentile

Figure 5. Yearly concentrations of selected constituents in surface-water samples in the Eastern Iowa Basins, 1996–98.

CONCENTRATIONS OF NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS, SUSPENDED SEDIMENT, AND ORGANIC CARBON 19 Seasonal Variations because crops and vegetation are not growing or using the nitrogen at that time, the rate of uptake by algal Concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, and aquatic plants decreases with the lower water tem- suspended sediment, and organic carbon varied perature and shorter days, and ground water contain- seasonally in surface-water samples from the EIWA. ing nitrogen is a significant component of streamflow Boxplots of monthly concentrations for total dissolved during base-flow conditions. Dissolved nitrate concen- nitrogen, total phosphorus, suspended sediment, and trations in the study unit commonly exceeded the DOC are presented in figure 6. Median total dissolved USEPA MCL of 10 mg/L for nitrate as nitrogen during nitrogen concentrations were highest during May high flows after spring fertilizer application and during (9.7 mg/L) and June (11.5 mg/L). The maximum low flows in the winter. The MCL refers to drinking- total dissolved nitrogen concentration occurred in water supplies; and the Iowa Department of Natural June (22 mg/L) in a sample from the South Fork Resources and the USEPA are currently developing Iowa River near New Providence (site 4). The median nutrient criteria for Iowa streams (U.S. Environmental total dissolved nitrogen concentrations decreased from Protection Agency, 1998). August (6.0 mg/L) to October (0.7 mg/L). The median total dissolved nitrogen concentration increased again Median total phosphorus concentrations varied in November (6.8 mg/L), December (7.6 mg/L), and on a seasonal basis from 0.09 to 0.36 mg/L (fig. 6). January (7.8 mg/L), followed by a gradual decrease Median total phosphorus concentrations were slightly in February (6.7 mg/L) and March (5.4 mg/L). higher during February (0.33 mg/L) and March Higher median concentrations of total dissolved (0.36 mg/L) than the rest of the year. In addition, nitrogen in the spring and early summer (April–June) the maximum concentration of total phosphorus probably result from the transport of nitrate accumu- was detected in March (3.4 mg/L) in a sample from lated in the soil after the application of chemical Old Mans Creek near Iowa City (site 6). The lowest fertilizers and manure during the spring and previous median concentration of total phosphorus was detected autumn. The excess nitrate is transported to rivers and in December (0.09 mg/L). The higher total phosphorus streams from spring snowmelt and rainfall events. In concentrations during February and March may be the late summer and early autumn (August–October), related to increased runoff from snowmelt which total dissolved nitrogen concentrations decrease transports sediment and phosphorus. In addition, because crops and other vegetation have utilized much manure that was applied to the frozen fields during of the fertilizer and because there is less runoff from the winter may be a source of the increased phospho- rainfall to transport the nitrogen and phosphorus. Dur- rus during this time period. ing stable hydrologic conditions in the late summer, Suspended-sediment concentrations followed relatively low dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus con- the trend of precipitation and streamflow. During high centrations have been measured in Iowa streams that runoff, suspended-sediment concentrations increased contained substantial amounts of algae, as indicated by across the study unit. Median suspended-sediment phytoplankton chlorophyll-a concentrations (Sorenson concentrations were highest in May (132 mg/L), June and others, 1999). Isenhart and Crumpton (1989) also (204 mg/L), and July (133 mg/L) when the most reported significant losses of nitrate in a central Iowa intense storm events usually occur. The maximum stream from algal nitrogen assimilation during low- concentration of suspended sediment occurred in flow conditions during August. May (3,500 mg/L) in a sample from the Skunk River During late autumn, fertilizers were applied to at Augusta (site 12). Median suspended-sediment con- about 47 percent of the land used for row-crop produc- centrations were the lowest during January (17 mg/L) tion in the EIWA (Iowa Agricultural Statistics, 1996, when the rivers and streams are ice covered and 1997, 1998a). The percentage of row-crop acreage streamflow is mostly from ground water. Median that received autumn fertilizer application increased suspended-sediment concentrations increased in from 31 percent in 1996 to 60 percent in 1998 (Iowa March (106 mg/L) when there was increased precipita- Agricultural Statistics, 1996, 1997, 1998a). The timing tion and very little vegetation in the fields to hold sedi- of chemical fertilizer and manure application with run- ment in place. off events is important to the transport of nitrogen and DOC had a similar seasonal pattern as total phosphorus within the study unit. The total dissolved phosphorus. Median DOC concentrations varied nitrogen concentrations increased during late autumn on a seasonal basis from 2.7 to 5.0 mg/L (fig. 6).

20 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 TOTAL DISSOLVED NITROGEN (23)(23) (46) (42) (61)(67) (39) (43) (35)(28) (25) (23) 30



0 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS (23)(23) (46) (42) (61)(67) (39) (43) (35)(28) (25) (23) 10





(23)(23) (46) (42) (60)(67) (39) (43) (35)(28) (25) (23) 5,000




DISSOLVED ORGANIC CARBON (23)(23) (46) (42) (53)(67) (39) (43) (35)(28) (24) (23) 100





(23) Number of observations Outlier data value more than 3 times the interquartile range outside the quartile Outlier data value less than or equal to and more than 1.5 times the interquartile range outside the quartile Data value less than or equal to 1.5 times the interquartile range outside the quartile 75th percentile Median 25th percentile

Figure 6. Monthly variability of selected constituents in surface-water samples in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, March 1996–September 1998.

CONCENTRATIONS OF NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS, SUSPENDED SEDIMENT, AND ORGANIC CARBON 21 Median DOC concentrations were highest during Spatial Variability February (4.6 mg/L) and March (5.0 mg/L). The lowest median concentration of DOC was detected Nitrogen in December (2.7 mg/L). The higher median DOC concentrations in February and March may be Median total dissolved nitrogen concentrations due to decaying vegetation held in place over the in samples from the indicator sites ranged from 6.3 winter and then released during snowmelt. Decaying to 10 mg/L (fig. 8). Median total dissolved nitrogen crop residue and DOC originating from manure concentrations in samples from integrator sites ranged also may be a source of the higher median from 4.2 to 6.9 mg/L (fig. 8). The median total concentrations. dissolved nitrogen concentration in samples from all of the integrator sites was 6.2 mg/L compared Nonpoint and Point Sources to 8.2 mg/L in samples from all the indicator sites. The lowest median concentration for total dissolved Schnoebelen and others (1999) reported that, nitrogen of 4.2 mg/L was from the Cedar River at in general, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations Gilbertville (site 8), which had only 1 year (1996) of in surface-water samples from the EIWA study unit data collection. Samples from the Cedar River near during 1970–95 were not linearly related to stream- Conesville (site 10) had the lowest median concentra- flow. Figure 7 shows the same relation in samples tion of 5.5 mg/L for the 3-year sampling period. Sam- from the Iowa River at Wapello (site 11), which drains ples from the Cedar River near Conesville (site 10) about 64 percent of the EIWA study unit. The concen- had a lower median concentration of total dissolved trations of nutrients associated with nonpoint sources nitrogen than the rest of the sites, perhaps due to generally increased as streamflow increased because its morphologic features. The Cedar River is wide of runoff and(or) agricultural tile-drain flow, reflecting and shallow compared to the Iowa River. Therefore, a positive relation between concentration and stream- there is more surface area for light penetration to pro- flow (fig. 7A). The increase in concentration occurred mote algal growth and more contact with bed material only up to a certain level beyond which concentrations for denitrification in the Cedar River compared to the then decreased with increasing streamflow. The Iowa River. These differences support more in-stream decrease in concentration at the higher rates of stream- processing of nutrients in the Cedar River. flow is probably due to dilution of the nitrate once it has reached a maximum rate of release. These non- Total dissolved nitrogen concentrations in point relations are complex and are affected by ante- samples from indicator sites South Fork Iowa River cedent soil conditions, timing of fertilizer application, near New Providence (site 4), Flood Creek near land cover, and the location, duration, and intensity of Powersville (site 7), and Wolf Creek near Dysart precipitation. (site 9) were significantly higher (p < 0.05, Kruskal- The opposite effect typically is observed for Wallis test) than in samples from the rest of the indica- point-source constituents. Concentrations of constitu- tor and integrator sites, with the exception of the Iowa ents associated with point-source locations tend to River near Rowan (site 3). The lower total dissolved decrease in the stream due to dilution as streamflow nitrogen concentrations in samples from integrator increases, reflecting in a negative relation between sites relate to many factors, including the amount concentration and streamflow. Rivers and stream and type of riparian zones, the effects of in-stream point-source inputs often have higher concentrations processing by plants, and the amount of ground- at the lowest streamflows because point-source water discharge. contaminants discharged to the stream can remain There may be several reasons for the higher constant and are not diluted during periods of low total dissolved nitrogen concentrations in samples streamflow. Schnoebelen and others (1999) reported from South Fork Iowa River near New Providence a permitted point-source location upstream from the (site 4), Flood Creek near Powersville (site 7), and Iowa River at Wapello site. Figure 7B represents a Wolf Creek near Dysart (site 9). All three of these typical LOWESS line of a point source of phosphorus sites have at least 80 percent of their total drainage during low-flow conditions. basin areas used for row-crop agriculture. There

22 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 A. Nitrite plus nitrate as nitrogen 20

LOWESS line Historical data, 1970–95 (Schnoebelen and others, 1999) Study data, 1996–98 15




B. Total phosphorus 1.4







0 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 STREAMFLOW, IN CUBIC METERS PER SECOND

Figure 7. Relations between nitrite plus nitrate and total phosphorus concentrations and streamflow in the Iowa River at Wapello, Iowa (site 11), 1970–98.

CONCENTRATIONS OF NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS, SUSPENDED SEDIMENT, AND ORGANIC CARBON 23 Indicator sites (headwaters streams or Integrator sites tributaries with one predominant (large rivers with mixed landform or land use) landforms and land uses) (36)(52) (38) (39) (34) (54) (35) (34)(34) (53) (34) 30 Site 4

20 Site 7 Site 9 Site 1 Site 3 Site 2 Site 6 Site 12 Site 5 Site 10 Site 11


TOTAL DISSOLVED NITROGEN CONCENTRATION, 0 Reference siteDes Moines LobeDes Moines LobeSouthern (animal IowaIowan Drift Plain Karst Iowan Surface Wapsipinicon R.,Iowa De R.,Witt MarengoCedar R., ConesvilleIowa R., WapelloSkunk R., Augusta feeding operations)



(36) Number of observations Outlier data value more than 3 times the interquartile range outside the quartile Outlier data value less than or equal to 3 and more than 1.5 times the interquartile range outside the quartile Data value less than or equal to 1.5 times the interquartile range outside the quartile 75th percentile Median 25th percentile

Figure 8. Total nitrogen concentrations for indicator and integrator sites in surface-water samples from the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, March 1996–September 1998.

24 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 is a correlation between total dissolved nitrogen con- permitted in this drainage basin (Iowa Department of centrations and row-crop agricultural practices as indi- Natural Resources, 1998). Also, the South Fork Iowa cated in figure 9. However, the correlation coefficient River has significantly higher (p < 0.05, Kruskal- (R2) of 0.59 suggests other factors also affect the water Wallis test) total nitrogen concentrations than the Iowa quality at these sites. River near Rowan, which is located in the same physi- Another explanation for higher total dissolved ographic region (Des Moines Lobe) and has similar nitrogen concentrations in samples from the South row-crop percentages. By comparison with Iowa River Fork Iowa River near New Providence (site 4) may near Rowan, the combination of row-crop agriculture be that the sampling site is located in an area of and large-scale animal feeding operations might intense hog production (site 4, fig. 3). Since 1987, explain the water-quality variations within the South approximately 23 large-scale hog facilities have been Fork Iowa River Basin.


Predicted 12 Measured—Number is map reference number for basic-fixed sampling site

9 4 10


12 7 6 5 11 1 2 10


Median total dissolved nitrogen concentration = 0.110 (percentage of row crop) –0.405 Correlation coefficient (R 2 ) = 0.59

Cedar River at Gilbertville (site 8) not included in data set 0 50 60 70 80 90 PERCENTAGE OF DRAINAGE BASIN IN ROW CROPS

Figure 9. Relation between median total dissolved nitrogen concentrations and percentage of drainage basin in row crops in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit.

CONCENTRATIONS OF NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS, SUSPENDED SEDIMENT, AND ORGANIC CARBON 25 The higher total dissolved nitrogen concentra- phosphorus concentrations were significantly higher tions observed in samples from Flood Creek near (p < 0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test) in samples from inte- Powersville (site 7, fig. 2) when compared to other grator sites than in samples from indicator sites. Total sites may be due to differences in geology at the sites. phosphorus concentrations in samples from the Iowa Flood Creek is located in an area of karst landform River at Marengo (site 5) and the Skunk River at where soil thickness is minimal compared to other Augusta (site 12) were significantly higher (p < 0.05) sites. Karst landforms commonly can provide a rapid than in samples from the Wapsipinicon River near pathway for migration of water to the stream. De Witt (site 2) and in samples from all of the indica- Wolf Creek near Dysart (site 9, fig. 2) had the tor sites. The differences probably are related to physi- second highest row-crop percentage and the highest ographic features which include slope, soil erodibility, median total dissolved nitrogen concentration. Con- and point sources. The total phosphorus concentra- centrations of total dissolved nitrogen at Wolf Creek tions in samples from indicator sites at Iowa River typically are higher than at most sites throughout near Rowan (site 3), Old Mans Creek near Iowa City the year. Even when concentrations decreased during (site 6), and Wolf Creek near Dysart (site 7) were sig- late summer and autumn at other sites, Wolf Creek nificantly higher (p < 0.05) than samples from indica- typically had high total dissolved nitrogen concentra- tor sites Wapsipinicon River near Tripoli (site 1) and tions throughout the year. Initially, it was thought Flood Creek near Powersville (site 7). that Wolf Creek may have had some point-source Phosphorus commonly is strongly adsorbed to discharge upstream from the sampling location, but a sediment. The higher median phosphorus concentra- synoptic sampling of Wolf Creek and its tributaries for tions in samples from integrator sites may be related nitrate upstream from the sampling location proved to to increased sediment transport. However, the correla- be inconclusive. The reason for the year-round high tion coefficient (R2) was only 0.62 when total phos- concentrations of total dissolved nitrogen is unknown. phorus concentrations were plotted against suspended- sediment concentrations in samples from integrator Phosphorus and Sediment sites, which indicates that other factors also influence total phosphorus concentrations (fig. 11). In addition, Median total phosphorus concentrations in the integrator sites represented drainage basins that samples from indicator sites ranged from 0.07 to typically had point-source inputs that may contribute 0.2 mg/L (fig. 10). Median total phosphorus concen- additional phosphorus and which may explain trations in samples from integrator sites ranged some of the differences in total phosphorus concentra- from 0.23 to 0.35 mg/L (fig. 10). The median total tion between samples from indicator and integrator phosphorus concentration in samples from all of the sites. integrator sites was 0.29 compared to 0.12 mg/L Median suspended-sediment concentrations for samples from indicator sites. Samples from the in samples from indicator sites ranged from 20 to Iowa River at Marengo (site 5) had the highest median 100 mg/L (fig. 12). Median suspended-sediment total phosphorus concentration, 0.35 mg/L. Samples from the South Fork Iowa River near New Providence concentrations in samples from integrator sites ranged (site 4) had the lowest median total phosphorus from 43 to 211 mg/L (fig. 12). Samples from the Iowa concentration, 0.07 mg/L, but as the boxplot indi- River at Marengo (site 5) had the highest median cates in figure 10, South Fork Iowa River near New suspended-sediment concentration, 211 mg/L. The Providence had a wide range of total phosphorus lowest median concentration of suspended sediment concentrations. for the 1996–98 sampling period was 20 mg/L, in Median total phosphorus concentrations were samples from the Wapsipinicon River at Tripoli higher than 0.20 mg/L for samples from all integrator (site 1). sites and typically were 0.20 mg/L or less for samples Samples from the Iowa River at Marengo from all indicator sites. Nine of the 12 sampling sites (site 5) and Skunk River at Augusta (site 12) were had median total phosphorus concentrations exceeding significantly higher (p < 0.05) in suspended-sediment the USEPA recommended level of 0.1 mg/L to prevent concentrations than samples from the remaining sites, excessive growth of aquatic plants in water bodies with the exception of the Iowa River at Wapello (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1986). Total (site 11). About 75 percent of the Skunk River at

26 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 Indicator sites (headwaters streams or Integrator sites tributaries with one predominant (large rivers with mixed landform or land use) landforms and land uses) (36)(52) (38) (39) (34) (54) (35) (34)(34) (53) (34) 10

5 Site 6 Site 12 Site 10 Site 3 Site 9 2 Site 4 Site 7 Site 5 Site 2 1 Site 11 Site 1






0.01 Reference siteDes Moines LobeDes Moines LobeSouthern (animal IowaIowan Drift Plain Karst Iowan Surface Wapsipinicon R.,Iowa De R.,Witt MarengoCedar R., ConesvilleIowa R., WapelloSkunk R., Augusta feeding operations)



(36) Number of observations Outlier data value more than 3 times the interquartile range outside the quartile Outlier data value less than or equal to 3 and more than 1.5 times the interquartile range outside the quartile Data value less than or equal to 1.5 times the interquartile range outside the quartile 75th percentile Median 25th percentile

Figure 10. Total phosphorus concentrations for indicator and integrator sites in surface-water samples from the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, March 1996–September 1998.


Predicted point Measured point

2.5 Total phosphorus concentration = 0.0005(sediment concentration) + 0.2317 Correlation coefficient (R 2 )= 0.62





Figure 11. Relation between total phosphorus concentrations and suspended-sediment concentrations in surface- water samples from integrator sites in the Eastern Iowa Basins, March 1996–September 1998.

Augusta (site 12) drainage basin is located in the Cedar River near Conesville (site 10). It is unclear Southern Iowa Drift Plain, which has steeper slopes why samples from Iowa River near Rowan (site 3) had than the rest of the study unit and contains loess higher suspended-sediment concentrations than the deposits that are easily eroded (Schwarz and rest of the indicator sites. The physical characteristics Alexander, 1995). The Iowa River at Marengo of the Iowa River near Rowan drainage basin do not (site 5) drainage basin is about 44 percent within suggest any characteristics that would cause higher the Des Moines Lobe, 37 percent within the Southern suspended-sediment concentrations. Iowa Drift Plain, and 18 percent within the Iowan Suspended-sediment concentrations in samples Surface. Channelization upstream from Iowa River at from the Wapsipinicon River near Tripoli (site 1) Marengo (site 5) has caused increased channel aggra- were significantly lower (p < 0.05) than the rest of dation (Eash, 1995). The channel aggradation may the sites in the EIWA study unit. The drainage basin lead to more bank erosion, thus increasing sediment represented by the Wapsipinicon River near Tripoli transport and increasing total phosphorus concentra- (site 1) has a lower percentage of row-crop agriculture tions adsorbed to the sediment. (64 percent) and fewer channeled segments when Suspended-sediment concentrations in samples compared to the rest of the study unit and contains a from the Iowa River near Rowan (site 3) were signifi- higher percentage of wetland and undisturbed flood cantly higher (p < 0.05) than concentrations in samples plain than the rest of the drainage basins represented from all of the indicator sites and one integrator site, by the sampling sites in the study unit.

28 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 Indicator sites (headwaters streams or Integrator sites tributaries with one predominant (large rivers with mixed landform or land use) landforms and land uses) (36)(52) (37) (39) (34) (54) (35) (34)(34) (53) (34) 10,000

5,000 Site 5 Site 4 Site 11 2,000 Site 9 1,000 Site 2 Site 3 500 Site 7 Site 1 200





5 Site 12 Site 10 Site 6


0 Reference siteDes Moines LobeDes Moines LobeSouthern (animal IowaIowan Drift KarstPlain Iowan Surface Wapsipinicon R.,Iowa De Witt R., MarengoCedar R., ConesvilleIowa R., WapelloSkunk R., Augusta feeding operations)


EXPLANATION (36) Number of observations Outlier data value more than 3 times the interquartile range outside the quartile Outlier data value less than or equal to 3 and more than 1.5 times the interquartile range outside the quartile Data value less than or equal to 1.5 times the interquartile range outside the quartile 75th percentile Median 25th percentile

Figure 12. Suspended-sediment concentrations for indicator and integrator sites in surface-water samples from the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, March 1996–September 1998.

Dissolved Organic Carbon Creek near Powersville (site 7). The highest DOC median concentration of 4.2 mg/L was detected in Median DOC concentration in samples from samples from the Iowa River near Rowan (site 3) indicator sites ranged from 1.5 to 4.2 mg/L (fig. 13). and the Skunk River at Augusta (site 12). Median DOC concentrations in samples from integra- DOC concentrations were significantly tor sites ranged from 3.0 to 4.2 mg/L (fig. 13). The lower (p < 0.05) in samples from Flood Creek near median DOC concentration in samples from all of the Powersville (site 7) than in samples from all other integrator sites was 3.6 mg/L compared to 3.5 mg/L in basic-fixed sampling sites. This is probably due to the samples from indicator sites. The lowest median DOC karst landform characterized by very thin soils. DOC concentration was 1.5 mg/L in samples from Flood concentrations were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in

CONCENTRATIONS OF NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS, SUSPENDED SEDIMENT, AND ORGANIC CARBON 29 Indicator sites (headwaters streams or Integrator sites tributaries with one predominant (large rivers with mixed landform or land use) landforms and land uses) (36)(50) (38) (37) (34) (52) (35) (34)(34) (52) (34) 30 Site 3

20 Site 12 Site 7 Site 9 Site 6 Site 4 Site 1 Site 11 Site 10


DISSOLVED ORGANIC-CARBON CONCENTRATION, 0 Reference siteDes Moines LobeDes Moines LobeSouthern (animal IowaIowan Drift Plain Karst Iowan Surface Wapsipinicon R.,Iowa Dewitt R., MarengoCedar R., ConesvilleIowa R., WapelloSkunk R., Augusta feeding operations)


EXPLANATION (36) Number of observations Outlier data value more than 3 times the interquartile range outside the quartile Outlier data value less than or equal to 3 and more than 1.5 times the interquartile range outside the quartile Data value less than or equal to 1.5 times the interquartile range outside the quartile 75th percentile Median 25th percentile

Figure 13. Dissolved organic-carbon concentrations for indicator and integrator sites in surface-water samples from the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, March 1996–September 1998. samples from the Iowa River near Rowan (site 3), the sites in the EIWA study unit. However, the drainage South Fork Iowa River near New Providence (site 4), basin represented by the South Fork Iowa River near and the Skunk River at Augusta (site 12) than in sam- New Providence (site 4) had soil samples with the ples from most other sites. On the basis of STATSGO lowest average organic-carbon concentration of data (Schwarz and Alexander, 1995), the drainage (4.2 g/kg), but still had surface-water samples with basin represented by the Iowa River near Rowan high DOC concentrations. The drainage basin repre- (site 3) had soil samples with higher average soil sented by the Skunk River at Augusta (site 12) had organic-carbon concentrations (35 g/kg) than the soils with average organic-carbon concentrations of rest of the drainage basins represented by sampling about 10 g/kg (Schwarz and Alexander, 1995).

30 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 TRANSPORT OF NITROGEN, includes flow and nutrient loads from both the PHOSPHORUS, AND SUSPENDED Cedar and Iowa River Basins because the rivers join SEDIMENT about 16 km upstream from Wapello. The Cedar River contributes the higher percentage of the total nitrogen load between the two rivers, possibly due to Loads its larger drainage area. The Iowa River upstream from the confluence with the Cedar River contributed an Load is the mass of a constituent passing estimated 44 percent (25,700 metric tons) in 1996, through a stream transect per given unit of time. Loads 30 percent (22,900 metric tons) in 1997, and 37 per- for all of the nitrogen and phosphorus compounds cent (57,000 metric tons) in 1998 of the total nitrogen were estimated for 1996–98 for 11 of the 12 (table 4) load estimated at the Iowa River at Wapello. Total basic-fixed sites using a minimum variance unbiased phosphorus loads did not increase each year for every estimator (ESTIMATOR; Cohn and others, 1989). For site listed in table 4 and were more variable with run- this report, only total nitrogen and total phosphorus are off events that moved large sediment loads. reported because they represent total loads for the Estimated total nitrogen and total phosphorus main nutrient compounds of concern. loads varied seasonally both at indicator sites and inte- Annual and monthly loads were calculated for grator sites (figs. 14 and 15). Estimated loads for total 11 basic-fixed sites. Cedar River at Gilbertville (site 8) nitrogen and total phosphorus at the 11 basic-fixed had only 1 year of concentration data and no discharge sites listed in table 4 followed a similar seasonal trend data; therefore, loads were not calculated for this site. as did concentrations. The highest loads typically Values of the squares of multiple correlation coeffi- occurred in early spring and summer after fertilizer cient (R2) ranged from 0.91 to 0.97 for the total nitro- applications and runoff. Estimated loads began to gen model and ranged from 0.82 to 0.95 for the total decrease in the late summer and autumn as the avail- phosphorus model. The equations with lower R2 val- able nitrogen and phosphorus were processed by ues may still provide satisfactory estimates of loads, plants as less runoff was available to transport the even with a regression that does not have an ideal fit nitrogen and phosphorus. The loads then increased (Cohn and others, 1992). The calculated loads are strictly estimates used to characterize differences again in late autumn and early winter after autumn between drainage basins in the EIWA study unit and application of fertilizer and lack of processing due loads that are transported to the Mississippi River. to vegetation die-off and dormancy. Total estimated Iowa River at Wapello (site 11), which repre- monthly loads were lowest in January and September sents drainage from 64 percent of the study unit, had when there is typically very little runoff to transport the highest estimated total nitrogen load for each year nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil to streams and (1996, 57,600 metric tons; 1997, 75,100 metric tons; rivers. Loads increased in February when snowmelt 1998, 154,000 metric tons) and the highest estimated transported nitrogen and phosphorus to rivers and total phosphorus load in 1997 (3,120 metric tons). streams. Some of the sites had higher total estimated Skunk River at Augusta (site 12) had the highest esti- loads in the autumn of 1998 than in the spring of 1998. mated total phosphorus loads in 1996 and 1998 (3,960 The autumn of 1998 was relatively wet and had higher and 4,140 metric tons, respectively). The highest total nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations than in 1996 nitrogen load at an indicator site was in 1998 at Wolf and 1997. Creek near Dysart (site 9) (4,780 metric tons). Old The three major basins draining eastern Iowa Mans Creek near Iowa City (site 6) had the highest and southeastern Minnesota (Wapsipinicon River, total phosphorus load at an indicator site in 1996 with Iowa River [includes the Cedar River], and Skunk a load of 390 metric tons. During 1996, a large spring River) contributed an estimated total of 97,600 metric runoff event occurred that transported large loads of tons of nitrogen and 6,860 metric tons of phosphorus total phosphorus from this watershed. to the Mississippi River in 1996. Estimated loads of Total nitrogen loads typically increased total nitrogen and total phosphorus transported into every year for each site during the study period the Mississippi River in 1996 represent about 19 per- with only a few exceptions (Old Mans Creek and cent of the estimated sources of nitrogen and 9 percent Skunk River in 1997), which were probably related of the estimated sources of phosphorus (Becher and to less runoff. The Iowa River at Wapello (site 11) others, 2000). However, these estimations of sources

TRANSPORT OF NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS, AND SUSPENDED SEDIMENT 31 Table 4. Estimated total nitrogen and total phosphorus loads and yields for streams in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, 1996–98

[kg/km2, kilograms per square kilometer]

Site name Total nitrogen Total phosphorus (map reference Year Load Yield Load Yield number) (metric tons) (kg/km2) (metric tons) (kg/km2) Wapsipinicon River near Tripoli (1) 1996 2,040 2,260 66 73 1997 2,830 3,150 63 70 1998 3,570 3,960 85 95 Wapsipinicon River near De Witt (2) 1996 9,990 1,650 540 89 1997 21,700 3,580 440 73 1998 31,100 5,120 760 130 Iowa River near Rowan (3) 1996 1,490 1,380 44 41 1997 2,210 2,050 96 88 1998 3,150 2,920 140 130 South Fork Iowa River near New Providence (4) 1996 1,040 1,890 39 68 1997 2,000 3,440 100 180 1998 3,790 6,540 240 420 Iowa River at Marengo (5) 1996 11,900 1,650 760 100 1997 19,300 2,670 720 100 1998 35,500 4,900 1,140 160 Old Mans Creek near Iowa City (6) 1996 1,600 3,080 390 750 1997 920 1,780 150 280 1998 3,170 6,100 170 320 Flood Creek near Powersville (7) 1996 240 760 2.2 7 1997 610 1,910 20 62 1998 1,510 4,730 12 36 Wolf Creek near Dysart (9) 1996 1,050 1,360 26 33 1997 1,920 2,490 47 62 1998 4,780 6,200 180 230 Cedar River near Conesville (10) 1996 31,900 1,580 1,560 77 1997 52,200 2,580 1,860 92 1998 97,000 4,800 2,470 120 Iowa River at Wapello (11) 1996 57,600 1,650 2,360 73 1997 75,100 2,320 3,120 96 1998 154,000 4,740 3,930 120 Skunk River at Augusta (12) 1996 30,000 2,680 3,960 350 1997 23,500 2,100 990 89 1998 49,400 4,410 4,140 370

did not include estimation of a mass balance of inputs rain in the Skunk River Basin, which resulted in lower and outputs within the basins. Soil mineralization and sediment concentrations to transport the phosphorus nitrogen fixation by legumes can be a significant that adsorbs to the sediment particles. In 1998, an source of nitrogen (Burkhart and James, 1999). In estimated 234,000 metric tons of nitrogen and 1997, an estimated 120,000 metric tons of nitrogen 8,830 metric tons of phosphorus were transported and 4,550 metric tons of phosphorus were transported to the Mississippi River. The higher loads of nitrogen to the Mississippi River from EIWA. The lower load and phosphorus in 1998 compared to previous years for phosphorus in 1997 compared to 1996 probably (1996–97) can be attributed to higher concentrations is related primarily to less intense rains and lack of and higher runoff.

32 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 100,000 50,000 Iowa River near Rowan (site 3, fig.1) 20,000 10,000

5,000 1996 1997 1998 2,000 1,000 500

200 100 50

20 10 5

2 1


0.2 0.1


50,000 Iowa River at Wapello (site 11, fig.1) 1996 1997 1998

20,000 10,000 5,000 MONTHLY LOADS, IN METRIC TONS 2,000 1,000 500

200 100 50

20 10 5

2 1 0.5


Figure 14. Estimated monthly loads of total nitrogen at selected sampling sites in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, 1996–98.

TRANSPORT OF NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS, AND SUSPENDED SEDIMENT 33 5,000 Iowa River near Rowan (site 3, fig.1) 2,000 1998 1,000 1996 1997 500

200 100 50


10 5


1 0.5

0.2 0.1 0.05

0.02 0.01

5,000 Iowa River at Wapello (site 11, fig.1) 2,000 1996 1997 1,000 1998 500




10 5


1 0.5

0.2 0.1 0.05


Figure 15. Estimated monthly loads for total phosphorus at selected sampling sites in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, 1996–98.

34 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 Goolsby and others (1999) reported that Table 5. Estimated suspended-sediment loads and yields for selected rivers in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, the average estimated total nitrogen load was 1996–98 74,200 metric tons for the Iowa River at Wapello (site 11) from 1980 to 1996 and was 22,450 metric [km2, square kilometer] tons for the Skunk River at Augusta (site 12). The his- Suspended sediment torical average total nitrogen load for these two sites Site name (map reference Year Load Yield was less than the total nitrogen loads estimated in this (metric (metric number) report for 1996 through 1998, with the exception of tons) tons/km2) the Iowa River at Wapello (site 11), which was less Wapsipinicon River near 1996 580,000 95.4 De Witt (2) than (57,600 metric tons) the historical average in 1997 450,000 74.0 1996. In addition, Goolsby and others (1999) reported 1998 490,000 80.6 that the average total phosphorus load for 1980–96 Iowa River at Wapello (11) 1996 3,000,000 92.6 was 3,076 metric tons for the Iowa River at Wapello 1997 1,800,000 55.6 (site 11) and 1,338 metric tons for Skunk River at 1998 2,900,000 89.5 Augusta (site 12). Estimated total phosphorus loads Skunk River at Augusta (12) 1996 3,900,000 348 for the Iowa River at Wapello (site 11) were less than 1997 2,200,000 196 the 1980–96 average in 1996 and greater than the 1998 5,300,000 473 1980–96 average in 1997 and 1998. Estimated total phosphorus loads for the Skunk River at Augusta (site 12) were greater than the 1980–96 average in Yields 1996 and 1998 but less than the 1980–96 average in 1997. Yield is the mass of a constituent that has been Suspended-sediment loads were calculated for transported from a unit of area per specific amount of the three sites (Wapsipinicon River near De Witt, Iowa time (kg/km2)/yr. Table 4 lists the estimated yields for River at Wapello, and Skunk River at Augusta) that 11 basic-fixed sites for 1996–98. Indicator sites typi- were near the mouths of the main river systems in the cally had higher yields for total nitrogen than did inte- EIWA. These three sites had daily suspended-sediment grator sites. The South Fork Iowa River near New samples collected by observers at each site. Table 5 Providence (site 4) had the highest estimated total lists the estimated suspended-sediment loads for these nitrogen yield (6,540 kg/km2 in 1998). Flood Creek three sites. Sediment transport is highly variable and is near Powersville (site 7) had the lowest estimated total highly dependent on timing of runoff events. In 1996, nitrogen yield (760 kg/km2 in 1996) during a dry year sediment transport was high during the late winter and when there were many days with no flow. Total nitro- spring during runoff events when there was very little gen yields typically increased every year for each site vegetation to hold sediment in place. Sediment trans- during the study period with only a few exceptions port was generally lower throughout the EIWA in 1997 (Old Mans Creek and Skunk River in 1997), which when there were few major runoff events during the were probably related to less runoff. This can be attrib- late winter and early spring. In 1998, sediment trans- uted to the overall increase in runoff and higher con- port increased due to runoff events, especially in the centrations each year of the study. The average Skunk River Basin. The Skunk River Basin drains estimated total nitrogen yields for the Cedar River the Southern Iowa Drift Plain, which has easily and the Iowa River during the study period were about erodible loess deposits. The Skunk River at Augusta the same [2,990 and 2,900 (kg/km2)/yr, respectively]. (site 12, fig. 1) had the highest load of the 3 years Figure 16 shows the 3-year average nitrogen and phos- with 5,300,000 metric tons transported in 1998. phorus yields for each site in the study unit. The total suspended-sediment load transported from Old Mans Creek near Iowa City (site 6) these three sites to the Mississippi River from 1996 had the highest estimated total phosphorus yield of to 1998 was 7,480,000, 4,450,000, and 8,690,000, 750 kg/km2, in 1996. Flood Creek near Powersville respectively. (site 7) had the lowest estimated total phosphorus yield

TRANSPORT OF NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS, AND SUSPENDED SEDIMENT 35 93° EXPLANATION Total nitrogen yield, kilograms per square kilometer per year 2,120 to 2,470 2,471 to 2,990

2,991 to 3,120 43° 7 92° 1 3 3,121 to 3,650

3,651 to 3,960 4 9 5 Number is map reference number 91° used in tables ° 42 5 2

6 10

0 20 40 60 KILOMETERS 11 0 20 40 60 MILES 41° 12


EXPLANATION Total phosphorus yield, kilograms per square kilometer per year 37 38 to 97

98 to 120 43° 7 92° 3 1 121 to 270

447 4 5 9 Number is map reference number used in tables 91° 42° 5 2

6 10

11 0 20 40 60 KILOMETERS 41° 12 0 20 40 60 MILES

Figure 16. Three-year average estimated yields of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, 1996–98.

36 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 of 7 kg/km2 in 1996. Again, this low yield can be 120.5 (kg/km2)/yr for the Skunk River at Augusta attributed to low flow in Flood Creek during 1996. (site 12) sampling site. Estimated total phosphorus The 11 basic-fixed sites in table 4 typically had yields for Iowa River at Wapello (site 11) were less increases in total phosphorus yields for each year of than the 1980–96 average in 1996 but were higher the study with a few exceptions. In 1997, Old Mans than average in 1997 and 1998. Estimated total phos- Creek near Iowa City (site 6) and the Skunk River at phorus yields for the Skunk River at Augusta (site 12) Augusta (site 12) had lower total phosphorus yields were higher than the 1980–86 average in 1996 and than in 1996 and 1998. This was due to less runoff 1998 but were lower than the 1980–86 average in and less intense rain events in the associated drainage 1997 [89 (kg/km2)/yr]. basins. However, with the exception of 1997, the Skunk River at Augusta (site 12, fig. 1) had drainage basins represented by Old Mans Creek the highest estimated suspended-sediment yield of near Iowa City (site 6) and Skunk River at Augusta 473 metric tons/km2 in 1998. Iowa River at Wapello (site 12) had higher estimated total phosphorus (site 11, fig. 1) had the lowest estimated suspended- yields than other drainage basins within the study unit. sediment yield of 55.6 metric tons/km2 in 1997. Samples from these two sites had higher suspended- The average suspended-sediment yields for the sediment concentrations during runoff events than did Wapsipinicon River near De Witt (site 2, fig. 1), Iowa samples from the other sites, which may explain the River at Wapello (site 11, fig. 1), and the Skunk River higher total phosphorus yields at these two sites. In at Augusta (site 12) were 83, 79, and 339 (metric addition, Old Mans Creek near Iowa City (site 6) tons/km2)/yr, respectively. Again, the variation in and Skunk River at Augusta (site 12) mainly drain suspended-sediment yields in the EIWA is due to run- the Southern Iowa Drift Plain, which consists of off events and the landform type that the watershed loess deposits that erode relatively easily, which drains. can increase sediment and phosphorus loads to rivers and streams. The South Fork Iowa River near New SYNOPTIC STUDIES Providence (site 4) had large increases in estimated total nitrogen and total phosphorus yields each year Two synoptic studies were conducted to better of the study. This site had the highest yields for total understand water quality and variability during low nitrogen and total phosphorus in 1998, which may base-flow and high base-flow conditions in medium- reflect the large number of hog confinement opera- sized (320–1,300 km2) drainage basins of the EIWA tions in this drainage basin, which in turn may be study unit. Hydrographs of stream discharge and affecting the water quality. Other drainage basins that ground-water inflow at surface-water-quality sampling have a high number of hog confinement operations, sites distributed from north to south across the such as the Iowa River near Rowan (site 3), showed study unit (fig. 17) show that ground water contributed similar increasing total nitrogen and total phosphorus most of the streamflow during the synoptic sampling yields, but not as substantial as the South Fork Iowa periods (August 1997 and May 1998). The median River near New Providence (site 4). stream discharge per unit drainage area was more Goolsby and others (1999) reported that the than five times higher during the high base-flow average estimated total nitrogen yield for 1980–96 sampling in May 1998 [0.046 (m3/s)/km2] than at the Iowa River at Wapello sampling site (site 11) during the low base-flow sampling in August 1997 was 2,290 (kg/km2)/yr and at the Skunk River at [0.008 (m3/s)/km2]. Ground water may have been con- Augusta (site 12) was 2,020 (kg/km2)/yr. Estimated tributed by direct infiltration from adjacent aquifers or total nitrogen yields at the Iowa River at Wapello from tile-line flow. Streamflow during the low base- (site 11) and Skunk River at Augusta (site 12) were flow period in August 1997 was characterized by greater than the 1980–96 average from 1996–98, with decreasing stream discharge. During the month before the exception of the Iowa River at Wapello (site 11, sampling, rainfall produced little runoff. Although fig. 1), which was less than (1,650 kg/km2) the histori- streamflow was decreasing and consisted primarily of cal nitrogen yield (table 4). The average total phospho- ground-water inflow in the weeks before sampling in rus yield for 1980–96 at the Iowa River at Wapello May 1998, several storms in April produced substan- sampling site (site 11) was 94.9 (kg/km2)/yr and tial runoff events before sampling.

SYNOPTIC STUDIES 37 Iowa River near Rowan (site 3, fig. 1) low base-flow sampling. Stable flow conditions and 50 possibly lower turbidity in late summer than in spring

40 may have been conducive to the growth of oxygen- producing plants and algae in the streams. 30

20 Variability Among Basic-Fixed and 10 Synoptic Sites

0 Six basic-fixed/synoptic sites on medium- Wolf Creek near Dysart (site 9, fig. 1) 2 50 sized drainage basins (320–1,300 km ) were selected initially to represent the range of environmental set- 40 tings found in the EIWA study unit. The settings 30 generally vary due to differences in landforms and agricultural land-use practices. The drainage basins of 20 the six basic-fixed/synoptic sites (sites 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, and

10 9) account for about 5 percent of the drainage area of the EIWA study unit. The representativeness of the 0 entire study unit by these basic-fixed/synoptic sites Cedar Creek near Oakland Mills (site r, fig. 1) 200 is unknown. Comparison of water-quality data among

DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC METERS PER SECOND the six basic-fixed/synoptic sites and the 19 synoptic 150 sites would answer this question, at least for the condi- tions during the synoptic sampling periods. The syn- 100 optic drainage basins represent about 30 percent of the EIWA study unit. 50 Comparison of water-quality data suggests that the water quality from the six basic-fixed/synoptic 0 July Aug Apr May sites is representative of the entire study unit during 1997 1998 periods of low and high base flow when most stream- flow originates from ground water. None of the con- EXPLANATION centrations of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds Base flow analyzed were significantly different (p < 0.05, Total flow Kruskal-Wallis test) in samples from the 19 synoptic sites than in samples from basic-fixed/synoptic Figure 17. Base flow and total flow at three surface-water- sites. Selected nitrogen, phosphorus, and organic- quality sampling sites during low and high base-flow condi- carbon compounds are shown in relation to the type of tions in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, July and site in figure 18. Although not significantly different, August 1997 and April and May 1998. concentrations in samples from the 19 synoptic sites were generally more variable than in samples from the basic-fixed/synoptic sites. Increased variability is at With the exception of stream discharge and least partially due to the larger number of synoptic dissolved-oxygen concentrations, overall stream sites. conditions at the time of sampling were very similar Only water temperature was significantly differ- (table 6). Specific conductance, pH, water tempera- ent between the basic-fixed/synoptic and synoptic ture, and suspended sediment were not significantly sites. The median water temperature was significantly different (p > 0.05) during the two synoptic sampling less (p < 0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test) in samples from the periods. However, samples from the streams did con- basic-fixed/synoptic sites (18.2° C) than in samples tain higher dissolved-oxygen concentrations and were from the 19 synoptic sites (21.0° C) during low base more highly oxygen saturated during the August 1997 flow. The reason for this difference is unknown.

38 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 Table 6. Statistical summary of selected physical properties and chemical constituents in samples from 25 synoptic sites in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, August 1997 (low base flow) and May 1998 (high base flow)

[<, less than detection limit indicated]

Base-flow Property or constituent value Coefficient Constituent type Minimum Median Maximum of variation Physical properties Stream discharge, in cubic meters per second Low 0.11 0.79 2.1 0.61 High 49. 119 147 .59 Specific conductance, in microsiemens per centimeter Low 396 573 1,220 .27 at 25 degrees Celsius High 436 590 792 .15 pH, in standard units Low 7.5 8.0 8.4 .03 High 7.7 8.0 8.2 .02 Water temperature, in degrees Celsius Low 15.5 20.5 25.5 .11 High 15.0 20.5 24.0 .11 Dissolved oxygen, in milligrams per liter Low 4.9 9.4 13.8 .22 High 6.8 8.1 9.2 .08 Dissolved oxygen, percent saturation Low 56 106 168 .24 High 79 91 106 .08 Suspended sediment, in milligrams per liter Low 6. 40 330 1.2 High 12 86 171 .58 Constituent concentrations, in milligrams per liter Ammonia (as N), dissolved Low <.015 <.015 1.3 3.4 High <.02 .04 .08 .56 Ammonia ammonia plus organic nitrogen (as N), total Low .20 .39 2.1 .81 High .17 .40 .78 .47 Organic nitrogen, dissolved Low .12 .39 1.0 .54 High .15 .38 .71 .41 Nitrite plus nitrate (as N), dissolved Low .05 1.5 8.3 1.0 High 8.5 12 14 .15 Nitrogen (as N), total, dissolved Low .46 2.3 8.5 .74 High 8.9 12 15 .15 Phosphorus (as P), dissolved Low <.01 .04 .31 1.1 High <.01 .06 .13 .70 Orthophosphate (as P), dissolved Low <.10 .04 .31 1.4 High <.10 .03 .09 1.1 Phosphorus (as P), total Low <.01 .12 .16 1.1 High .02 .10 .32 .63 Organic carbon, dissolved Low 1.6 3.7 7.5 .42 High 1.3 2.3 5.1 .34 Organic carbon, suspended Low .30 .80 4.5 .88 High .60 1.2 2.7 .49

SYNOPTIC STUDIES 39 (6) (19) Spatial Variability 20 Total dissolved nitrogen Although water quality did not vary among the 15 basic-fixed/synoptic and synoptic sites, spatial variabil- ity was evident during both low and high base-flow conditions. Much of the spatial variability was related 10 to landform type and geologic and hydrologic differ- ences among drainage basins. Nitrogen and phosphorus 5 concentrations were significantly different (p < 0.05) in samples from sites in at least one landform region in 0 the study unit (table 7) during low and high base-flow 1.0 conditions. Orthophosphorus was the only constituent Total dissolved phosphorus that had similar concentrations in samples from all landform regions for both base-flow periods. Ammonia, organic-nitrogen, phosphorus, and organic-carbon compounds commonly transported 0.5 on and with suspended sediment were generally present in higher concentrations in drainage basins on the Des Moines Lobe and the Southern Iowa Drift Plain than in basins draining the Iowan Surface and Iowan Karst. Even though median concentrations of 0 suspended sediment were low (less than 110 mg/L) 10 (table 7) in samples from the Des Moines Lobe and Dissoved organic carbon Southern Iowa Drift Plain, suspended-sediment and 8 DOC concentrations were generally higher than

CONCENTRATION, IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER those in stream samples from the Iowan Surface and 6 Iowan Karst. The presence of higher concentrations of organic compounds (organic enrichment) suggest one 4 or more of the following: (1) biological production by

2 algae, zooplankton, and bacteria; (2) input of organic compounds from soils with higher organic content; 0 and (3) input of organic compounds from animal- BFS SYN feeding operations. Determining the source of organic EXPLANATION enrichment is beyond the scope of this report, but a (6) Number of observations combination of the three sources may be possible. Outlier data value more than 3 times the In contrast, nitrite plus nitrate concentrations interquartile range outside the quartile varied among landform regions only during low base- Outlier data value less than or equal to and more than 1.5 times the interquartile range outside the quartile flow conditions. Nitrite plus nitrate concentrations Data value less than or equal to 1.5 times the were high throughout the study unit during the high interquartile range outside the quartile base-flow sampling in May 1998 (fig. 19). Nitrate plus 75th percentile nitrite concentrations were higher than 10 mg/L Median at all but three sites. The highest nitrite plus nitrate 25th percentile concentrations were in samples from streams draining parts of the Iowan Surface and Iowan Karst in the Low base flow northern part of the study unit. During low base-flow High base flow sampling (August 1997), algal populations, as indi- cated by chlorophyll-a concentrations, were inversely Figure 18. Concentrations of selected related to dissolved nitrate concentrations. This rela- nitrogen, phosphorus, and organic-carbon tion suggests that when conditions are conducive for compounds in samples from 6 basic-fixed sites growth, algal production may be a factor in reducing (BFS) and 19 synoptic (SYN) sites during low and high base flow. nitrogen in streams.

40 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 Table 7. Median concentrations of selected nitrogen constituents in samples from 25 synoptic sites in relation to landform region in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit, August 1997 (low base flow) and May 1998 (high base flow)

[Concentrations are in milligrams per liter except chlorophyll-a; N, nitrogen; P, phosphorus; <, less than]

Median concentrations in samples Base-flow type from each landform region (bold type indicates (defined by Prior, 1991) Constituent concentrations in one Des Moines Southern Iowa or more landforms are Iowan Karst Iowan Surface Lobe Drift Plains significantly different) (2 sites) (9 sites) (7 sites) (7 sites) Ammonia (as N), dissolved Low <0.015 <0.015 <0.015 0.08 High .05 .03 .04 .05 Ammonia plus organic nitrogen (as N), total Low 1.1 .3 .5 1.2 High 1.1 .3 .6 .7 Organic nitrogen, dissolved Low .4 .3 .2 .4 High .6 .2 .3 .3 Nitrite plus nitrate (as N), dissolved Low 1.5 5.2 3.4 .2 High 13 12 11 12 Nitrogen, total dissolved Low 1.8 5.4 3.6 1.2 High 14 12 11 12 Phosphorus (as P), dissolved Low .04 .03 .04 .08 High .06 .03 .04 .08 Orthophosphate (as P), dissolved Low .03 .02 .03 .06 High .02 .07 .01 .06 Phosphorus (as P), total Low .18 .02 .05 .2 High .10 .09 .06 .1 Sediment, suspended Low 69 14.5 21.5 72 High 109 22 71.0 61 Organic carbon, dissolved Low 4.1 2.0 2.4 5.2 High 3.0 1.6 2.1 2.3 Organic carbon, suspended Low .6 .6 .5 2.5 High 1.4 .6 1.2 1.2 Chlorophyll-a (micrograms per liter) Low 72 15 13 50 High 29 3.7 8.0 12

Variability Among Base-Flow Conditions of 1997 and the spring of 1998, with a statewide average application of 14,800 kg/km2 of nitrogen Three of the 10 selected nitrogen and phospho- (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1999) before sam- rus compounds had significant concentration differ- pling took place. Manure, another source of nitrogen ences between the low base flow in August 1997 and and phosphorus, commonly is applied in the autumn high base flow in May of 1998. Concentrations of dis- after harvest and in early spring before planting. The solved ammonia and nitrite plus nitrate were signifi- availability of nitrogen and phosphorus in a drainage cantly higher (p < 0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test) during basin decreases during the summer because of uptake high base flow than during low base flow (table 6). by plants and possible denitrification in underlying The higher concentrations may be due to the availabil- aquifers. Ground-water inflow from tile lines, which ity of nitrogen for transport to streams in spring. More have been shown to transport substantial amounts of than 90 percent of the corn acres had been fertilized nitrogen (Soenksen, 1996; Cambardella and others, (Iowa Agricultural Statistics, 1998b) in the autumn 1999), normally decreases during late summer due

SYNOPTIC STUDIES 41 Nitrite plus nitrate h h

k k i i

7 e 7 e 1 1 a j j a 3 b 3 b m m 4 l 4 l 9 9 o c o c p p f f d d 6 6 g g n n q q r Nitrite plus nitrate concentration r s in milligrams per liter s 0 - 2.99

3 - 9.99 Low base flow High base flow (August 1997) 10 - 15 (May 1998)

Total phosphorus h h

k k i i

7 7 e e 1 1 j a j a l 3 b 3 l b m m 4 4 9 9 o c o c p p f f d d 6 6

g g n n q q

r s Total phosphorus concentration r in milligrams per liter 0 - 0.049 s

0.05 - 0.099 High base flow Low base flow (May 1998) (August 1997) 0.1 - 0.8

Landform region

Des Moines Lobe Iowan Surface

Iowan Karst Southern Iowa Drift Plain

Figure 19. Spatial variability of nitrate and total phosphorus concentrations during low and high base- flow conditions in the Eastern Iowa Basins study unit.

42 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 to reduced precipitation and increased evapotranspora- compounds, with the exception of dissolved tion. The pattern follows the seasonal trend described ammonia, showed increases in median concentra- in the “Seasonal Variations” section of this report. tions from 1996 to 98. Median concentrations of Although concentrations of many nitrogen and suspended-sediment increased from 1996 to 1998. phosphorus compounds were similar, the relative vari- Median concentrations of DOC remained the same ability was higher during low base flow in late summer from 1996 to 1998. than during high base flow in late spring. Higher vari- Concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, ability may be due to the effects of differences in geo- and suspended sediment varied seasonally, and con- logic and hydrologic factors among landform regions. centrations were higher in the spring after fertilizer application and runoff events. In winter, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations increased when there SUMMARY was little in-stream processing by biota. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations decreased in late summer Twelve streams and rivers in the Eastern when there was less runoff and in-stream processing Iowa Basins (EIWA) study unit were sampled monthly of nitrogen and phosphorus was high. Suspended- from March 1996 through September 1998 for nitro- sediment concentrations were highest in early summer gen, phosphorus, suspended sediment, and organic during runoff events and lowest in January when there carbon. One sampling location was discontinued was ice cover with very little overland flow. DOC con- after 1996. centrations were highest in February and March when At least one compound of dissolved nitrogen decaying vegetation and manure were transported to and phosphorus was detected in every sample. About streams during snowmelt events. 92 percent of nitrogen was in the form of nitrate. Historical and study-unit data indicate there About 22 percent of the nitrate concentrations are trends that show both nonpoint- and point-source exceeded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency pollution in eastern Iowa streams and rivers. Typically, maximum contaminant level of 10 mg/L as N for for nonpoint sources, the chemical concentrations drinking water. Total nitrogen concentrations ranged increase as runoff increases. A decrease in concentra- from 0.20 to 22 mg/L, with a median concentration tion at the highest rate of streamflow indicates that of 7.2 mg/L. Dissolved phosphorus was predominately after extended periods of runoff, nitrate available for in the form of orthophosphate. Total phosphorus con- transport to streams changes little, and further rainfall centrations ranged from 0.01 to 3.4 mg/L, with a median concentration of 0.22 mg/L. About 75 percent and runoff dilute the nitrate concentrations. Com- of the total phosphorus concentrations exceeded the pound concentrations for point sources typically are U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommended high during low flow and decrease as flow increases total phosphorus concentration of 0.1 mg/L to mini- due to dilution. mize algal growth. Suspended-sediment concentra- Samples from indicator sites that have homoge- tions ranged from less than 0.1 to 3,500 mg/L, with a neous land use and geology had significantly higher median concentration of 82 mg/L. Dissolved organic- (p < 0.05) concentrations of total dissolved nitrogen carbon (DOC) concentrations ranged from 0.80 to (median, 8.2 mg/L) than did samples from integrator 44 mg/L, with a median concentration of 3.5 mg/L. sites (median, 6.2 mg/L) that are more heterogeneous Concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in land use and geology. Samples from integrator sites varied both annually and seasonally and were related had significantly higher (p < 0.05) total phosphorus to precipitation, runoff, and fertilizer application. concentrations (median, 0.29 mg/L) than did samples Precipitation and runoff varied during the 3-year from indicator sites (median, 0.12 mg/L). Integrator study. In 1996, the study unit received below-normal sites had significantly (p < 0.05) higher suspended- precipitation and runoff. In 1997, precipitation and sediment concentrations (median, 114 mg/L) than did runoff were normal except for the southern part of indicator sites (median, 55 mg/L). There was little dif- the study unit, which received less precipitation ference in median concentrations of DOC in samples and runoff. In 1998, precipitation and runoff from indicator and integrator sites (3.5 and 3.6 mg/L, were above normal. All nitrogen and phosphorus respectively).

SUMMARY 43 Statistical analysis of chemical concentrations Synoptic sampling during low base-flow indicated that there were differences in water quality and high base-flow conditions in 25 selected sites for nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended sediment indicated that there were no water-quality differences among sites, which are related to land use and differ- among samples collected from six indicator basic- ences in landform regions. Drainage basins with large fixed sites and 19 other synoptic-sampling sites; thus percentages of row-crop agriculture and animal- the six basic-fixed sites selected as indicator sites were feeding operations typically had higher nitrogen representative of the entire study unit. There were concentrations than did drainage basins with lower spatial differences in compound concentrations in percentages of row-crop agriculture and animal- samples from the 25 synoptic-sampling sites. Ammo- feeding operations. Basins that drain the Des Moines nia, organic nitrogen, and phosphorus—chemicals Lobe and Southern Iowa Drift Plain typically had commonly transported by and with suspended higher total phosphorus and suspended-sediment concentrations than did other basins in this study. sediment—were present in higher concentrations in basins draining the Des Moines Lobe and Southern Total nitrogen and total phosphorus loads were Iowa Drift Plain than in basins draining the Iowa typically proportional to the size of the drainage basin. Total nitrogen loads increased each year from 1996 Surface and Iowa Karst. Concentrations of nitrogen through 1998 in conjunction with increased concentra- and phosphorus were generally higher during high tions and runoff. Total phosphorus loads decreased in base-flow conditions than during low base-flow 1997 due to less runoff in the southern part of the conditions. study unit, which contributes large sediment concen- trations. Total nitrogen and total phosphorus loads vary seasonally. The highest loads typically occurred REFERENCES in early spring and summer after fertilizer application and runoff. The loads were typically lowest in January Akers, K.K.B., Schnoebelen, D.J., Savoca, M.E., Roberts, and September when there was very little runoff to L.R., and Becher, K.D., 1999, Water-quality assess- transport nitrogen and phosphorus adsorbed to the soil ment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Hydrologic and to the rivers and streams. ecological data, water years 1995–96: U.S. Geological Total nitrogen loads contributed to the Survey Open-File Report 99–66, 153 p. Mississippi River from the EIWA from 1996, 1997, Akers, K.K.B., Montgomery, D.L., Christiansen, D.E., and 1998 were 97,600, 120,000, and 234,000 metric Schnoebelen, D.J., Savoca, M.E., and Becher, K.D., tons, respectively. Total phosphorus loads contributed 2000, Water-quality assessment of the Eastern Iowa to the Mississippi River from the EIWA during 1996, Basins—Hydrologic and biologic data, October 1996 1997, and 1998 were 6,860, 4,550, and 8,830 metric through September 1998: U.S. Geological Survey tons, respectively. Suspended-sediment loads contrib- Open-File Report 00–67, 153 p. uted to the Mississippi River from the EIWA during Allen, J.D., 1995, Stream ecology—Structure and function 1996, 1997, and 1998 were 7,480,000, 4,450,000, and of running waters: New York, Chapman and Hall 8,690,00 metric tons, respectively. The highest total Publishers, 388 p. nitrogen and total phosphorus yields typically Becher, K.D., Schnoebelen, D.J., and Akers, K.K.B, occurred at indicator sites that were dominated by 2000, Nutrients discharged into the Mississippi River row-crop agriculture land use and within a single from eastern Iowa streams, 1996–97: Journal of the landform region. Sampling sites located in drainage American Water Resources Association, v. 36, no. 1, basins with a higher row-crop percentage and that p. 161–173. contained more animal-feeding operations typically Brezonik, P.L., 1973, Nitrogen sources and cycling had higher yields of total nitrogen. In addition, land- in natural waters: U.S. Environmental Protection form regions are a determining factor in yields. Sites Agency, Office of Research and Development, that were on the Des Moines Lobe and the Southern EPA–660/3–73–002, 167 p. Iowa Drift Plain typically had higher total phosphorus Buchmiller, Robert, Gaillot, Gary, and Soenksen, P.J., 1985, yields than sites on the Iowan Surface and Iowan Water resources of north-central Iowa: State of Iowa, Karst. Iowa Geological Survey Water Atlas 7, 93 p.

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REFERENCES 47 APPENDIX .15 .37 .29 .58 .46 .09 .22 .99 0.88 3.0 2.2 1.4 5.0 3.0 1.2 1.1 7.3 5.0 na 15 15 16 14 15 15 15 200 840 udy unit, udy unit, Maximum t .1 .6 .06 .06 .06 .17 .07 .5 .5 .04 .23 .09 .33 0.08 1.0 8.5 8.4 9.0 4.2 1.4 2.0 8.7 8.7 8.9 4.1 5.0 36 75th 210 percentile .6 .4 .3 .04 .03 .03 .09 .9 .02 .4 .3 .03 .09 .06 .23 0.03 5.6 5.5 6.3 3.2 1.7 6.2 6.1 6.4 3.3 2.8 20 92 Median Concentrations, in milligrams per liter .5 .3 .2 .02 .02 .02 .05 .4 .3 .2 .02 .05 .01 .16 2.8 2.8 3.1 8.5 2.7 1.0 1.4 1.4 1.7 2.8 1.4 <.02 25th 51 <0.02 percentile .2 .2 .11 .4 .01 .3 .3 .2 .11 .09 .3 .04 .2 2.0 2.1 7.0 2.1 <.1 <.01 <.02 <.01 <.01 <.02 <.1 <.01 <.01 <.01 <0.02 Minimum 4 <.01 8 na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na 15 32 Number of Number of detections greater than MCL or RAL 21 36 36 35 34 35 35 36 30 32 36 36 36 35 18 35 33 33 34 35 35 35 27 29 35 35 35 34 Number of detections Site 1—Wapsipinicon River near Tripoli (indicator site, fig. 1) fig. site, (indicator Tripoli near River 1—Wapsipinicon Site 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 Site 2—Wapsipinicon River Sitenear 2—Wapsipinicon River De Witt 1)(integrator site, fig. samples Number of dissolved dissolved 3 3 Constituent Statistical summary of nitrogen, phosphorus, suspended-sediment, and organic-carbon concentrations in the Eastern Iowa Basins s Basins Iowa in the Eastern concentrations organic-carbon and suspended-sediment, phosphorus, nitrogen, of summary Statistical dissolved dissolved 2 2 dissolved dissolved 1 1 MCL, Maximum Contamination Level; RAL, recommended action level; N, nitrogen;phosphorus; P, na, not applicable; <, less than] Ammonia (as N), dissolved N), total (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia N), dissolved (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia nitrogen, Organic Nitrite (as N), dissolved N), dissolved (as nitrate plus Nitrite Nitrate (as N), total, N), (as Nitrogen dissolved P), (as Phosphorus dissolved P), (as Orthophosphate total P), (as Phosphorus sediment Suspended dissolved carbon, Organic suspended carbon, Organic Ammonia (as N), dissolved N), total (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia N), dissolved (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia nitrogen, Organic Nitrite (as N), dissolved N), dissolved (as nitrate plus Nitrite Nitrate (as N), total, N), (as Nitrogen P) (as phosphorus Dissolved dissolved P), (as Orthophosphate total P), (as Phosphorus sediment Suspended dissolved carbon, Organic suspended carbon, Organic Appendix table. table. Appendix March 1998 1996–September [

APPENDIX 51 Maximum tudy unit, unit, tudy 75th percentile Median Concentrations, in milligramsper liter 25th percentile Minimum Number of detections greater than MCLRAL or Number of detections Site near 3—Iowa River Rowan (indicator 1) fig. site, samples Number of Site 4—South Fork Iowa River near New Providence (indicator site, fig. 1) fig. site, (indicator Providence New near River Iowa Fork 4—South Site dissolved 52 52 dissolved na 1.5 38 3.7 6.8 38 9.4 na 15 .4 5.0 10 15 22 3 3 Constituent Statistical summary of nitrogen, phosphorus, suspended-sediment, and organic-carbon concentrations in the Eastern Iowa Basins s Iowa Basins the Eastern in concentrations organic-carbon and suspended-sediment, phosphorus, of nitrogen, summary Statistical dissolved 52 51 dissolved na .2 38 .3 38 .4 na .5 1.6 .2 .3 .4 .5 1.4 2 2 dissolved 52 52 dissolved 9 1.2 38 3.0 6.3 37 9.0 17 14 .02 4.1 9.5 14 22 1 1 MCL, Maximum Contamination Level; RAL, recommended action level; N, nitrogen; P, phosphorus; na, not applicable; <, less than] less <, applicable; na, not phosphorus; P, N, nitrogen; level; action recommended RAL, Level; Contamination Maximum MCL, Nitrogen (as N), N), total (as Nitrogen N), total (as Nitrogen Nitrite (as N), dissolveddissolved N), (as nitrate plus Nitrite N), (as Nitrate 52 52 52 51Nitrite (as N), dissolved nadissolved N), (as nitrate plus Nitrite N), (as Nitrate na 1.2 <.01 3.0 38 38 .03 6.3 38 .04 9.0 35 na 14 .06 na .02 .14 <.01 4.2 .02 9.5 14 .04 .07 22 .14 Ammonia (as N), dissolved N), (as Ammonia total N), (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia dissolved N), (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia Organic nitrogen, 52 52 51 52 52 na 35 na dissolved N), (as Ammonia total N), (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia <.1 nadissolved N), (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia .2Organic nitrogen, 38 <0.02 .4 38 .7 <0.02 38 .4 38 1.0 38 0.04 .6 1.5 na 25 na 0.10 2.7 3.9 1.2 na .2 .4 <.02 .3 .5 <.02 .4 .6 .04 .6 1.4 .08 2.4 5.6 1.1 Phosphorus (as P), dissolved P), (as Phosphorus dissolved P), (as Orthophosphate total P), (as Phosphorus sedimentSuspended Organic carbon, dissolved suspended carbon, Organic 52 52 50 52 51 51 52 50 dissolved P), (as Phosphorus dissolved 52 P), (as Orthophosphate na na total P), (as Phosphorus 51 52 50 sedimentSuspended Organic carbon, dissolved 41 <.01suspended carbon, Organic <.01 na na na .06 38 .06 38 .05 13 2.7 .3 .09 .09 32 38 30 .11 60 38 3.6 37 38 .12 .7 .13 .2 38 na na 100 4.2 38 1.1 37 38 1.4 1.4 .27 16 <.01 140 <.01 5.3 2.6 na na na 1.5 420 .01 18 .02 .02 5.0 13 2.5 .4 .06 .04 .05 24 3.1 .14 .6 .16 .07 47 4.0 1.3 1.4 .9 .34 110 4.5 1.9 1.6 1,900 15 5.0 [ March 1998—Continued 1996–September Appendix table. table. Appendix

52 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 Maximum tudy unit, tudy unit, 75th percentile Median Concentrations, in milligrams per liter 25th percentile Minimum Number of Number of detections greater than MCL or RAL Number of detections Site 5—Iowa at River Marengo (integrator 1) fig. site, Site 6—Old Mans Creek near Iowa City (indicator site, fig. 1) samples Number of dissolved 34 34 dissolved na .4 39 4.5 6.9 39 9.3 na 13 .4 2.7 6.4 11 15 3 3 Constituent Statistical summary of nitrogen, phosphorus, suspended-sediment, and organic-carbon concentrations in the Eastern Iowa Basins s Basins Iowa in the Eastern concentrations organic-carbon and suspended-sediment, phosphorus, nitrogen, of summary Statistical dissolved 34 33 dissolved na .1 39 .3 39 .4 na .5 .8 .1 .3 .4 .6 1.9 2 2 dissolved 34 32 dissolved 4 <.05 3.9 39 6.5 37 8.9 10 13 .04 2.2 4.9 10 15 1 1 MCL, Maximum Contamination Level; RAL, recommended action level; N, nitrogen;phosphorus; P, na, not applicable; <, less than] Nitrogen (as N), total N), (as Nitrogen total N), (as Nitrogen Nitrite (as N), dissolvedNitrite plus nitrate (as N), dissolvedNitrate (as N), 34 34 33 33Nitrite (as N), dissolved naNitrite plus nitrate (as N), dissolvedNitrate (as N), na <.05 <.01 3.9 39 39 .02 6.5 37 .03 37 8.9 na .05 13 na <.05 .13 <.01 2.20 .03 4.90 10 .05 15 .09 .25 Ammonia (as N), N), dissolved (as Ammonia N), total (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia N), dissolved (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia nitrogen, Organic 34 34 33 34 34 na 21 na N), dissolved (as Ammonia N), total (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia <.1 na N), dissolved (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia .3 nitrogen, Organic 39 <0.02 .3 39 1.1 <0.02 39 .4 1.4 38 39 0.03 1.9 .6 na 35 na 0.06 3.8 1.2 0.43 na .2 <.1 <.02 .3 .5 .03 .4 .7 .08 1.6 .7 .14 7.5 3.1 1.2 Phosphorus (as P), dissolved P), (as Phosphorus dissolved P), (as Orthophosphate total P), (as Phosphorus sedimentSuspended dissolved carbon, Organic suspended carbon, Organic 34 34 30 34 31 34 34 34 dissolved P), (as Phosphorus 34 dissolved P), (as Orthophosphate na na total P), (as Phosphorus 34 34 34 sedimentSuspended dissolved carbon, Organic 34 suspended <.01 carbon, Organic <.01 na na na .06 39 .08 39 .13 2.2 11 .1 .12 .13 38 39 39 .27 2.9 39 81 39 38 1.3 .16 .16 .35 39 na na 3.2 211 39 3.0 39 38 .37 .40 .51 25 3.8 390 <.01 .01 4.3 na na 1.3 na 2,500 7.4 .04 .03 .05 5.1 1.8 7.0 .2 .06 .08 .09 2.9 16 .11 .8 .11 .17 3.6 69 .85 1.1 .91 .52 4.4 220 1.9 3.4 3,500 16 10 [ March 1998—Continued 1996–September Appendix table. table. Appendix

APPENDIX 53 Maximum tudy unit, unit, tudy 75th percentile Median Concentrations, in milligramsper liter 25th percentile Minimum Number of detections greater than MCLRAL or Number of detections Site 8—Cedar River at Gilbertville (integrator site, fig. 1) fig. site, (integrator Gilbertville at River 8—Cedar Site Site 7—Flood Creek near Powersville (indicator site, fig. 1) fig. site, (indicator Powersville near Creek 7—Flood Site samples Number of dissolved 34 34 dissolved na 3.8 12 6.8 8.6 12 12 na 19 2.1 3.4 4.2 7.0 12 3 3 Constituent Statistical summary of nitrogen, phosphorus, suspended-sediment, and organic-carbon concentrations in the Eastern Iowa Basins s Iowa Basins the Eastern in concentrations organic-carbon and suspended-sediment, phosphorus, of nitrogen, summary Statistical dissolved 34 24 dissolved na 1.1 12 1.3 1.5 11 2.4 na 16 .2 .3 .3 .4 .5 2 2 dissolved 34 34 dissolved 10 3.2 6.2 12 8.3 12 12 1 19 1.7 3.2 3.7 6.2 11 1 1 MCL, Maximum Contamination Level; RAL, recommended action level; N, nitrogen; P, phosphorus; na, not applicable; <, less than] less <, applicable; na, not phosphorus; P, N, nitrogen; level; action recommended RAL, Level; Contamination Maximum MCL, Nitrogen (as N), N), total (as Nitrogen N), total (as Nitrogen Nitrite (as N), dissolveddissolved N), (as nitrate plus Nitrite N), (as Nitrate 34 34 34 33 dissolved N), (as Nitrite nadissolved N), (as nitrate plus Nitrite N), (as Nitrate na 3.3 <.01 6.3 12 12 .03 8.4 12 12 12 .04 na .07 19 na 1.8 .18 .03 3.2 .03 3.8 .04 6.2 .06 11 .08 Ammonia (as N), dissolved N), (as Ammonia total N), (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia dissolved N), (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia Organic nitrogen, 34 34 24 30 34 na 22 naAmmonia (as N), dissolvedtotal N), (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia <.1 na <.1dissolved N), (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia Organic nitrogen, <.1 12 <0.02 12 .2 <0.02 .2 11 12 .4 12 0.03 .3 na .8 na 9 0.06 2.3 2.9 <.1 0.96 .6 na .3 1.0 <.02 .5 1.3 <.02 1.6 .6 .04 3.1 1.1 .26 .80 Phosphorus (as P), dissolved P), (as Phosphorus dissolved P), (as Orthophosphate total P), (as Phosphorus sedimentSuspended Organic carbon, dissolved suspended carbon, Organic 34 34 33 34 33 34 34 34 dissolved P), (as Phosphorus dissolved 34 P), (as Orthophosphate na na total P), (as Phosphorus 34 34 34 sedimentSuspended Organic carbon, dissolved 15 <.01suspended carbon, Organic <.01 na na na .06 12 .06 12 .03 1.1 .3 .1 .08 .07 12 9 .05 8 12 1.3 11 12 12 .09 .3 .09 .09 12 na na 1.5 28 12 12 12 .92 .98 .6 .16 11 <.01 <.01 2.4 75 na 1.0 na na 1.1 <.01 16 <.01 200 .06 3.0 2.5 5.0 .2 .08 .07 .18 23 2.7 .14 .8 .15 .22 43 3.0 .23 2.0 .21 .24 62 3.6 4.4 .51 190 4.0 5.0 [ March 1998—Continued 1996–September Appendix table. table. Appendix

54 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 Maximum tudy unit, tudy unit, 75th percentile Median Concentrations, in milligrams per liter 25th percentile Minimum Number of Number of detections greater than MCL or RAL Number of detections Site 9—Wolf Creek near Dysart (indicator site, fig. 1) Site 10—Cedar River near Conesville (integrator site, fig. 1) fig. site, (integrator Conesville near River 10—Cedar Site samples Number of dissolved 54 54 dissolved na 3.5 7.6 34 10 34 13 na 16 .5 3.1 5.5 8.6 12 3 3 Constituent Statistical summary of nitrogen, phosphorus, suspended-sediment, and organic-carbon concentrations in the Eastern Iowa Basins s Basins Iowa in the Eastern concentrations organic-carbon and suspended-sediment, phosphorus, nitrogen, of summary Statistical dissolved 54 42 dissolved na .1 34 .2 34 .3 na .4 .6 .2 .3 .4 .5 .9 2 2 dissolved 54 54 dissolved 27 3.1 6.9 34 10 34 13 2 16 .11 2.6 4.9 8.0 12 1 1 MCL, Maximum Contamination Level; RAL, recommended action level; N, nitrogen;phosphorus; P, na, not applicable; <, less than] Nitrogen (as N), total N), (as Nitrogen total N), (as Nitrogen Nitrite (as N), dissolved N), dissolved (as nitrate plus Nitrite Nitrate (as N), 54 54 54 53Nitrite (as N), dissolved na N), dissolved (as nitrate plus Nitrite Nitrate (as N), na 3.2 <.01 6.9 34 34 10 .03 34 .04 13 34 na .06 16 na .13 .12 .01 2.7 4.9 .02 8.0 .03 12 .03 .06 Ammonia (as N), N), dissolved (as Ammonia N), total (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia N), dissolved (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia nitrogen, Organic 54 54 42 54 54 na 31 naAmmonia (as N), dissolved N), total (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia <.1 na N), dissolved (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia .2 nitrogen, Organic 34 <0.02 .2 34 .4 <0.02 34 .3 34 34 .6 0.02 .5 na 1.2 na 21 0.09 .9 4.2 0.40 .2 na .3 .3 1.0 <.02 1.6 .4 <.02 2.3 .03 .6 5.4 .10 1.5 .94 Phosphorus (as P), dissolved P), (as Phosphorus dissolved P), (as Orthophosphate total P), (as Phosphorus sedimentSuspended dissolved carbon, Organic suspended carbon, Organic 54 54 54 54 53 53 54 53 dissolved P), (as Phosphorus 54 dissolved P), (as Orthophosphate na na total P), (as Phosphorus 53 54 53 sedimentSuspended dissolved carbon, Organic 33 suspended <.01 carbon, Organic <.01 na na na .04 34 .04 34 .03 1.5 13 .3 .07 .08 28 34 27 .08 2.0 34 35 34 33 .10 .7 .10 .13 34 na na 2.4 34 81 34 33 .29 1.2 .34 .32 32 3.8 <.01 <.01 150 na 2.5 na 1.5 na 44 1,000 .02 .01 .06 5.0 2.2 12 .3 .11 .12 .22 3.1 40 1.4 .18 .21 .26 3.6 78 4.5 .26 .31 .35 4.3 150 5.0 1.8 2,500 8.6 17 [ March 1998—Continued 1996–September Appendix table. table. Appendix

APPENDIX 55 Maximum tudy unit, unit, tudy 75th percentile Median Concentrations, in milligramsper liter 25th percentile Minimum Number of detections greater than MCLRAL or Number of detections Site 11—Iowa River at Wapello (integrator site, fig. 1) fig. site, (integrator Wapello at River 11—Iowa Site Site 12—Skunk River (integrator at Augusta 1) fig. site, samples Number of dissolved 53 53 na .3 4.2 5.9 8.1 12 dissolved 34 34 na .2 4.7 6.8 9.2 13 3 3 Constituent Statistical summary of nitrogen, phosphorus, suspended-sediment, and organic-carbon concentrations in the Eastern Iowa Basins s Iowa Basins the Eastern in concentrations organic-carbon and suspended-sediment, phosphorus, of nitrogen, summary Statistical dissolved 53 51 dissolved na .2 34 .3 34 .3 na .4 1.3 .2 .3 .4 .5 1.3 2 2 dissolved 53 52 dissolved 3 <.10 3.6 34 5.9 34 8.9 6 12 .04 3.6 5.9 8.9 13 1 1 Dissolved nitrite plus nitrate minus dissolved nitrite. dissolved minus nitrate plus nitrite Dissolved ammonia. dissolved minus nitrogen organic plus ammonia Dissolved Dissolved nitrite plusnitrate plus dissolvedammonia plus organicnitrogen. 1 2 3 MCL, Maximum Contamination Level; RAL, recommended action level; N, nitrogen; P, phosphorus; na, not applicable; <, less than] less <, applicable; na, not phosphorus; P, N, nitrogen; level; action recommended RAL, Level; Contamination Maximum MCL, Nitrogen (as N), N), total (as Nitrogen N), total (as Nitrogen Nitrite (as N), dissolveddissolved N), (as nitrate plus Nitrite N), (as Nitrate 53 53 52 48Nitrite (as N), dissolved nadissolved N), (as nitrate plus Nitrite N), (as Nitrate na .02 <.01 3.6 34 34 .02 5.4 32 .03 7.7 32 na 11 .04 na .02 .13 <.01 3.7 .02 6.0 .03 8.9 13 .06 .11 Ammonia (as N), dissolved N), (as Ammonia total N), (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia dissolved N), (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia Organic nitrogen, 53 53 51 53 53 na 33 na dissolved N), (as Ammonia total N), (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia <.1 nadissolved N), (as nitrogen organic plus Ammonia .4Organic nitrogen, 34 <0.02 .3 34 1.1 <0.02 34 .3 1.5 34 34 0.03 2.0 .5 na na 23 0.08 3.4 2.1 0.84 .2 na .5 <.02 .3 .9 <.02 .4 1.3 .03 3.8 .7 .12 7.0 1.5 .79 Phosphorus (as P), dissolved P), (as Phosphorus dissolved P), (as Orthophosphate total P), (as Phosphorus sedimentSuspended Organic carbon, dissolved suspended carbon, Organic 53 53 43 53 46 52 53 53 53 na na 52 53 53 52 <.01 <.01 na na na .02 .01 .07 13 2.5 .3 .08 .12 .24 84 3.2 1.4 .14 .21 .29 130 3.7 4.5 .47 .31 .38 240 4.4 5.0 .83 1,700 30 17 Phosphorus (as P), dissolved P), (as Phosphorus dissolved P), (as Orthophosphate total P), (as Phosphorus sedimentSuspended dissolved carbon, Organic suspended carbon, Organic 34 34 32 34 33 34 34 34 34 na na 34 34 34 34 <.01 <.01 na na na .10 .11 .12 17 .8 .3 .14 .14 .22 3.2 99 1.7 .16 .16 .33 180 4.2 3.9 .36 .38 .83 600 5.2 5.0 2.6 3,500 18 10 March 1998—Continued 1996–September Appendix table. table. Appendix [

56 Water-Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 Becher and others—Water–Quality Assessment of the Eastern Iowa Basins—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Suspended USGS/WRIR 01–4175 Sediment, and Organic Carbon in Surface Water, 1996–98 Printed on recycled paper