In God’s Image: The Abilities of the


Learning Goals Connection to the ӹӹ God created the universe with His power, Catechism of the understanding, and free will. ӹӹ All living things have a soul. ӹӹ CCC 357 ӹӹ A soul is that which makes a living thing ӹӹ CCC 362-364 alive. ӹӹ CCC 1701-1705 ӹӹ Made in God’s image and likeness, the human soul has been gifted with intellect, free will, and the ability to love. Vocabulary ӹӹ Soul ӹӹ Intellect ӹӹ Will ӹӹ Theology


God created mankind in his image; in the image So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is of God he created them; male and female he perfect. created them. MATTHEW 5:48 GENESIS 1:27

45 Lesson Plan

Materials ӹӹ Creation ӹӹ Image of God ӹӹ The Powers of a Soul ӹӹ Paper, marker and/or colored pencils

DAY ONE Warm-Up A. Review the main ideas from the previous lesson. (We are made in God’s image and likeness. This means that we were created with specific roles: , prophet, king, son/daughter, and spouse. We are also created as male and female in God’s image to be united in marriage.) B. Explain that made in God’s image and likeness means not only that we have specific roles and are created by God as male and female but also that we have been given specific abilities that make us like God. C. Write on the board Jeremiah 10:12 and have a student stand and read the passage aloud: “The one who made the earth by his power, established the world by his , and by his skill stretched out the heavens.”

D. Ask what this passage from Jeremiah tells us about how God created the earth. Answer: God used his power, wisdom, and skill to create everything.


reation A. Put students into pairs or trios, have them

iretions Read about each day of creation from Genesis 1 and 2. Determine and record turn to Creation (page 26), and assign each what God had in mind and what choices He made or actions He took on each day of creation. Refer back to the Bible to support your answers. group one day of the seven days of creation Days of Creation What did God have in mind? God’s choices/actions in Genesis 1 and 2. Have students read the Day 1: Genesis 1:35 account of creation on their assigned day from Day 2: Genesis 1:68 Genesis 1 and 2 and determine and record what

Day 3: Genesis 1:913 God understood on each day and which choices God made and what actions He took each day. Day 4: Genesis 1:1419 Also, have students record what evidence they

Day 5: Genesis 1:2023 found in the text to support their answers.

Day 6: Genesis 1:2431 B. When complete, have groups share their responses and discuss. Have students record Day 7: Genesis 2:13 on Creation responses from the other groups. Guide the discussion to emphasize the fact that we learn from the story of creation that God has divine understanding and the ability to choose and act freely.


Formative Assessment Distribute paper and make markers and/or colored pencils available. Have students draw a picture of their assigned day of creation. Instruct them to include in their drawing all the things that God created on that day and to represent what God understood on each day and which choices God made and what actions He took each day.

DAY TWO Warm-Up A. Review the main ideas of the previous day’s lesson. (God created the universe with His power, wisdom, understanding, and free will.) B. Ask students to brainstorm some of the different abilities they have. Keep a list on the board. Answers will vary but might include artistic or athletic ability or the ability to read, think, run, or walk, and so forth.


Put students into pairs or trios and have them turn e Poers o a ol

to The Powers of a Soul (page 27). With plants iretions Beginning with plants, then animals, and fi nally humans, brainstorm and record the abilities that each group has that make it different from other living things. For example, what abilities do plants have that make them first, then animals, and then humans, have students different from animals and humans? What abilities do animals have that make them different from plants and humans? What abilities do humans have that brainstorm and record the abilities that each group make them different from animals and plants? has that make them different from other living Plants things; that is, what abilities do plants have that make them different from animals and humans?

What abilities do animals have that make them nials different from plants and humans? What abilities do humans have that make them different from ans animals and plants?

Formative Assessment When students have completed this task, ask them to share their responses. Clarify any questions as needed.

Note: Students may object that animals, especially their pets, have the ability to love. In this case, sensitively affirm the closeness and companionship that pets can provide. We even call dogs “man’s best friend!” If needed, differentiate this affection and

Unit 1, lesson 5 47 LESSON PLAN

loyalty from the freely chosen act of self-giving for the good of another. Love is more than an emotion; it is a freely chosen act that requires reason. Animals can love in the emotional sense, but only humans, who have reason, can fully love.

DAY THREE Warm-Up A. Review the main ideas of the previous day’s lesson. (God created the universe with His power, understanding, and free will. All living thing have a soul, which is simply that which makes a living thing alive. Human are made in God’s image and likeness, which means that our share in these abilities of God: intellect (understanding), free will, and the ability to love.) B. Ask students if they’ve heard the saying “nobody’s perfect” or something similar. Then ask if they know that actually calls us to try to be perfect? Write on the board:

“So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.” —MATTHEW 5:48 C. Ask students if they think Jesus was being unreasonable with this command. Damaged by Original Sin as we are, can we really be perfect? The answer is that by cooperating with God’s grace, we can. Ask students to share examples of what it means to live a holy life. Encourage students to think in terms of their intellects, wills, and capacities to love. Keep a list on the board, divided into three columns along these lines.

Activity and Assessment ae o o A. Ask students to turn to Image of God (page iretions Read the essay and complete the focus and refl ection questions. Humans have all the abilities of plants means that our abilities are similar to and animals.heology nlike means plants “faith or animals, seeking God’s abilities. We have an intellect 28). Have students individually read the we alsoT haveunderstanding.” the ability to Theologians understand, use theirand a will and the ability to love, just calledminds the intellect, to understand and the our ability Faith. to St. Thomaslike God. Our image of God has been 5. What arechoose theAquinas abilities freely, is calledof one animals? of the the will. most Humans important distortedand because of sin. Our intellect essay and complete the focus and reflection also haverespected the ability theologians to love, ofbecause all time. Accordingand will do not work as well as they are love requires the freedom to choose to supposed to. We do not always choose to St. Thomas Aquinas, all living things have love. souls. This means that plants, animals,to and love others or ourselves. questions. Refl ection Questionhumans all have souls. That might be hard 6. What areGenesis the abilities 1:27 tells of ushumans? that “God created But God helps us to perfect our human In what waysmankind are toyou believe! insimilar his image; To to understand, your in the parents? image we mustWhy fido rstabilities you think again. you This gift, called grace, are like them?of Godknow he created how St. them.”Thomas In defiother ned a soul. helps us to become more like God. words,A soulGod iscreated what makes human a beingsliving thing in alive.We It have is a part to play too: we have to B. When this activity has been completed, review His imageclear andthat likeness.there is somethingIn part, this very differentcooperate with grace. 7. What does itbetween mean to a be rock made and in a flGod’s ower. image? The fl ower is alive, and the rock is not. That is because and discuss the answers to the focus and 1. Whatthe fldid ower St. has Thomas a soul, Aquinas and the believerock does had not. a soul? It is a soul that makes the fl ower, and any living thing, alive. Every living thing also has reflection questions. certain abilities that begin in its soul. 8. How did sin affect our human abilities? Plants have the abilities of growing, of 2. What is the defi nition of a soul? taking in nutrition, and of reproducing. Animals have all the abilities of plants. They also have the abilities of the senses, desires, and the ability to go after those 3. How is a fl ower different from a rock? desires. Different animals might use these 9. What does God give us to perfect our abilities again? abilities in different ways. A dog can run to get something it wants. A bird can fl y to get what it wants. Both animals have the ability S A 4. Whatto go are after the their abilities desires, of plants? but they can each do so differently.

48 © SOPHIA INSTITUTE FOR TEACHERS Answer Key Day 1: God saw the light was good/ reation He spoke and there was light and He iretions Read about each day of creation from Genesis 1 and 2. Determine and record separated the light what God had in mind and what choices He made or actions He took on each from the darkness day of creation. Refer back to the Bible to support your answers.

Day 2: God wanted to Days of Creation What did God have in mind? God’s choices/actions separate the bodies Day 1: Genesis 1:35 of water/He placed a dome in the middle of the waters to Day 2: Genesis 1:68 separate them and He called the dome sky Day 3: Genesis 1:913 Day 3: God wanted land to appear and Day 4: Genesis 1:1419 He wanted to fill the land and He saw the goodness of the land Day 5: Genesis 1:2023 and vegetation/He gather the water into a single basin and He Day 6: Genesis 1:2431 spoke and vegetation appeared on the land Day 7: Genesis 2:13 Day 4: God wanted lights in the sky to mark time, govern the day and night, and illuminate the earth and saw their goodness/He set the sun, moon, and stars into the dome of the sky Day 5: God wanted there to be animal life in the sea and sky and he saw the goodness of the life of the sea and sky/He spoke and the seas and sky teemed with life Day 6: God wanted to fill the land with life and He wanted to create human life in His image and likeness to have dominion over all He created. He saw the goodness of the life on land and thought that human life was very good/He spoke and created animal life and human life. He also blessed the human life and He gave them all of the plants to eat and He gave them dominion over all of creation Day 7: God saw the completion of His work/He rested and blessed the seventh day and made it holy

Unit 1, lesson 5 49 e Poers o a ol

iretions Beginning with plants, then animals, and fi nally humans, brainstorm and record the abilities that each group has that make it different from other living things. For example, what abilities do plants have that make them different from animals and humans? What abilities do animals have that make them different from plants and humans? What abilities do humans have that make them different from animals and plants?




Accept reasoned answers


iretions Read the essay and complete the focus and refl ection questions.

heology means “faith seeking Tunderstanding.” Theologians use their minds to understand our Faith. St. Thomas Aquinas is one of the most important and respected theologians of all time. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, all living things have souls. This means that plants, animals, and humans all have souls. That might be hard to believe! To understand, we must fi rst know how St. Thomas defi ned a soul.

A soul is what makes a living thing alive. It is clear that there is something very different between a rock and a fl ower. The fl ower is alive, and the rock is not. That is because the fl ower has a soul, and the rock does not. It is a soul that makes the fl ower, and any living thing, alive. Every living thing also has certain abilities that begin in its soul.

Plants have the abilities of growing, of taking in nutrition, and of reproducing.

Animals have all the abilities of plants. They also have the abilities of the senses, desires, and the ability to go after those desires. Different animals might use these abilities in different ways. A dog can run to get something it wants. A bird can fl y to get what it wants. Both animals have the ability to go after their desires, but they can each S A do so differently.

Unit 1, lesson 5 51 Answer Key 1. St. Thomas

Aquinas believed Humans have all the abilities of plants means that our abilities are similar to all living things and animals. nlike plants or animals, God’s abilities. We have an intellect had souls: plants, we also have the ability to understand, and a will and the ability to love, just called the intellect, and the ability to like God. Our image of God has been animals, and choose freely, called the will. Humans distorted because of sin. Our intellect humans. also have the ability to love, because and will do not work as well as they are love requires the freedom to choose to supposed to. We do not always choose 2. A soul is what love. to love others or ourselves. makes a living Genesis 1:27 tells us that “God created But God helps us to perfect our human mankind in his image; in the image abilities again. This gift, called grace, thing alive. of God he created them.” In other helps us to become more like God. words, God created human beings in We have a part to play too: we have to 3. A flower is alive His image and likeness. In part, this cooperate with grace. and therefore has

a soul. A rock is 1. What did St. Thomas Aquinas believe had a soul? not alive and does

not have a soul.

2. What is the defi nition of a soul?

3. How is a fl ower different from a rock?

4. What are the abilities of plants?

52 © SOPHIA INSTITUTE FOR TEACHERS Answer Key 4. Plants have

the abilities to 5. What are the abilities of animals? grow, to take in

nutrition, and to reproduce. 6. What are the abilities of humans? 5. Animals have the

abilities of the senses, desires, and the ability 7. What does it mean to be made in God’s image? to go after their desires. 6. Humans have 8. How did sin affect our human abilities? the ability to understand (intellect), the ability to choose (free will) and the 9. What does God give us to perfect our abilities again? ability to love. 7. To be made in God’s image means to share similar abilities as God: intellect, will, and the ability to love.

8. Sin has distorted our human abilities so that they do not work the way that they are supposed to.

9. God gives us His grace to perfect our human abilities.

Unit 1, lesson 5 53 Answer Key Reflection Question: Accept reasoned answers. Refl ection Question In what ways are you similar to your parents? Why do you think you are like them?


Directions: Read about each day of creation from Genesis 1 and 2. Determine and record what God had in mind and what choices He made or actions He took on each day of creation. Refer back to the Bible to support your answers.

Days of Creation What did God have in mind? God’s choices/actions

Day 1: Genesis 1:3-5

Day 2: Genesis 1:6-8

Day 3: Genesis 1:9-13

Day 4: Genesis 1:14-19

Day 5: Genesis 1:20-23

Day 6: Genesis 1:24-31

Day 7: Genesis 2:1-3

26 Unit 1, Lesson 5 The Powers of a Soul

Directions: Beginning with plants, then animals, and finally humans, brainstorm and record the abilities that each group has that make it different from other living things. For example, what abilities do plants have that make them different from animals and humans? What abilities do animals have that make them different from plants and humans? What abilities do humans have that make them different from animals and plants?
















Unit 1, Lesson 5 27 Image of God

Directions: Read the essay and complete the focus and reflection questions.

heology means “faith seeking Tunderstanding.” Theologians use their minds to understand our Faith. St. Thomas Aquinas is one of the most important and respected theologians of all time. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, all living things have souls. This means that plants, animals, and humans all have souls. That might be hard to believe! To understand, we must first know how St. Thomas defined a soul.

A soul is what makes a living thing alive. It is clear that there is something very different between a rock and a flower. The flower is alive, and the rock is not. That is because the flower has a soul, and the rock does not. It is a soul that makes the flower, and any living thing, alive. Every living thing also has certain abilities that begin in its soul.

Plants have the abilities of growing, of taking in nutrition, and of reproducing.

Animals have all the abilities of plants. They also have the abilities of the senses, desires, and the ability to go after those desires. Different animals might use these abilities in different ways. A dog can run to get something it wants. A bird can fly to get what it wants. Both animals have the ability to go after their desires, but they can each St. Thomas Aquinas do so differently.

28 Unit 1, Lesson 5 Humans have all the abilities of plants means that our abilities are similar to and animals. Unlike plants or animals, God’s abilities. We have an intellect we also have the ability to understand, and a will and the ability to love, just called the intellect, and the ability to like God. Our image of God has been choose freely, called the will. Humans distorted because of sin. Our intellect also have the ability to love, because and will do not work as well as they are love requires the freedom to choose to supposed to. We do not always choose love. to love others or ourselves.

Genesis 1:27 tells us that “God created But God helps us to perfect our human mankind in his image; in the image abilities again. This gift, called grace, of God he created them.” In other helps us to become more like God. words, God created human beings in We have a part to play too: we have to His image and likeness. In part, this cooperate with grace.

1. What did St. Thomas Aquinas believe had a soul? ______


2. What is the definition of a soul? ______


3. How is a flower different from a rock? ______


4. What are the abilities of plants? ______


Unit 1, Lesson 5 29 5. What are the abilities of animals? ______


6. What are the abilities of humans? ______


7. What does it mean to be made in God’s image? ______



8. How did sin affect our human abilities? ______



9. What does God give us to perfect our abilities again? ______


30 Unit 1, Lesson 5 Reflection Question In what ways are you similar to your parents? Why do you think you are like them?











Unit 1, Lesson 5 31