Drought, Mud, Filth, and Flood: Water Crises in Australian Cities, 1880S–2010S
Drought, Mud, Filth, and Flood: Water Crises in Australian Cities, 1880s–2010s In this exhibition, we invite visitors to consider the historical relationship of “water crises” of various kinds to the development of urban water systems, through the experience of the driest inhabited continent on earth, Australia. We have chosen a range of different departures from water-related business as usual—from shortage to flood, pollution to drainage—in the five mainland Australian state capitals from the late nineteenth century to the present. The part of this exhibition devoted to each city focuses thematically on just one or two kinds of crisis, while the timeline covers a wider range of events in each place. Curated by A. Gaynor, M. Cook, L. Frost, J. Gregory, R. Morgan, M. Shanahan, P. Spearritt, S. Avey, N. Etherington, E. Gralton, and D. Martin. Text licensed CC BY 4.0 international. Click here for image copyright information. http://www.environmentandsociety.org/node/8800 How to cite: Gaynor, Andrea, Margaret Cook, Lionel Frost, Jenny Gregory, Ruth Morgan, Martin Shanahan, Peter Spearritt, Susan Avey, Nathan Etherington, Elizabeth Gralton, and Daniel Martin. “Drought, Mud, Filth, and Flood: Water Crises in Australian Cities, 1880s–2010s.” Environment & Society Portal, Virtual Exhibitions 2019, no. 3. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society. doi.org/10.5282/rcc/8383. ISSN 2198-7696 Environment & Society Portal, Virtual Exhibitions Source URL: http://www.environmentandsociety.org/node/8383 PDF created on: 25 November 2020 12:48:58 56*+%-%"&-78"262%2*3 This exhibition arose from an Australian Research Council (ARC) funded research project on “Water and the Making of Urban Australia: A History Since 1900” (DP180100807).
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