The List of Herbs and Plants / Liste Der Kräuter Und Pflanzen / Spisak Bilja I Biljaka / 草藥和植物名單

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The List of Herbs and Plants / Liste Der Kräuter Und Pflanzen / Spisak Bilja I Biljaka / 草藥和植物名單 The List of Herbs and Plants / Liste der Kräuter und Pflanzen / Spisak bilja i biljaka / 草藥和植物名單 / No. Scientific name English name Deutscher name Srpski naziv 中文 01 Stevia rebaudiana Stevia Stevia Stevia 甜菊 02 Ipomoea aquatica Kangkong Wasserspinat Vodeni spanać 蕹菜 03 Momordica charantia Bitter gourd Bittermelone Momordika; Gorka tikvica 苦瓜 04 Passiflora laurifolia Melon (Marlene) Wassermelone (Marlene) Pasiflora 香瓜 05 Passiflora laurifolia Melon (Hami) Wassermelone (Sean Connery) Pasiflora 哈密瓜 06 Phoenix canariensis Date palm Echte Dattelpalme Kanarska palma 棗子 07.1 Sesamum indicum Sesame Sesam (weiss) Susam 白芝麻 07.2 Sesamum indicum L Black Sesame Sesam (schwarz) Crni susam 黑芝麻 08 Punica granatum Pomegranate Granatapfel Nar 石榴 09 Mesembryanthemum crystallinum Common ice plant Eiskraut Ledena biljka 冰晶花 10 Hibiscus sabdariffa Sorrel Wiesen-Sauerampfer Hibiskus 酸模 Nana; Menta; Pitoma nana; 11 Mentha piperita Peppermint Pfefferminze 薄荷 Metvica 12 Anthriscus cerefolium Chervil Echter Kerbel Krbuljica 細葉芹 13 Artemisia vulgaris Mugwort Beifuß Pelin 艾草 14 Mentha spicata Spearmint Grüne Minze Nana; Klasasta metvica; Menta 荷蘭薄荷 15 Borago officinalis Borage Borretsch Boražina; Volujsko uvo 琉璃苣 16 Ruta graveolens Ruta graveolens Weinraute Ruta; Sedefče 芸香 17 Rosemaryinus officinalis Rosemary Rosmarin Ruzmarin 迷迭香 18 Matricaria recutita Chamomile Kamille Kamilica 德國洋甘菊 19 Salvia officinalis Sage Echter Salbei Žalfija 鼠尾草 20 Sanguisorba minor Burnet Kleiner Wiesenknopf Zmijska trava; Oskorušnica 地榆 21 Origanum vulgare Origanum Oreganum; Dost Vranilova trava 野薄荷 22 Lepidium sativum Garden cress Gartenkresse Vrtni kres 水芹 23 Melissa officinalis Melissa (plant) Melisse Matičnjak 香蜂草 24 Origanum majorana Marjoram Majoran Majoran 馬約蘭花 25 Ocimum Basilicum Basil Basilikum Bosiljak 羅勒 26 Nepeta Catmints Katzenminzen Mačija trava 貓薄荷 27 Thymus vulgaris Thymus Thymian Timjan 百里香 28 Lavandula angustifolia Lavender Lavendel (Gattung) Lavanda 薰衣草 29 Ocimum Basilicum Thai basil Thai-Basilikum Bosiljak 暹羅羅勒 30 Eruca sativa Garden rocket Garten-Senfrauke Rukola 芝麻菜 31 Zea mays Maize Mais Kukuruz 玉米 32 Vigna radiata Mung bean Mungbohne (Gruene Bohne) Grašak zelena vigna 綠豆 33 Oryza satiua Black rice Scharzer Reis Crni Pirinač 紫米 Čurukot crnjika crnika; Primorski 34 Nigella sativa Black seed Echter Schwarzkuemmel 黑種草 kumin 35 Graminis Park lawn (grass) Parkrasen Parkovska trava 草坪 36 Pastio mixture Pasture mixture Dauerweide; Dauerwiese Trava za ispašu 混和牧草 No. Scientific name English name Deutscher name Srpski naziv 中文 36.1 Trifolium mixture Clover mixture Kleemischung xxxxxx 三葉草的混合物 37 Zea mays Sweetcorn Golda Zuckermais Golda Kukuruz šećerac 甜玉米 Domaća crna rotkvica; Zimska 38 Raphanus sativus L. Radish round black winter Rettich Runder schwarzer Winter 蘿蔔 rotkvica 39 Raphanus sativus L. Radish Muencher Bier Rettich Muencher Bier Domaća rotkvica 蘿蔔 40 Helianthus annuuss Sunflower musicbox Sonnenblumen musicbox Suncokret 向日葵 41 Cucumis sativus L. Salat cucumbers Salatgurken Krastavac 黃瓜 Sonnenblumen sunrich Orange 42 Helianthus annuuss Sunflower sunrich orange F1 Suncokret 向日葵 F1 43 Phaseolus vulgaris L. Bushbean Prinzessa Buschbohne Prinzessa Pasulj 菜豆 44 Raphanus sativus L. Big radish - Vitessa Radies Riesenbutter-Vitessa Rotkva 大蘿蔔 45 Aceracea Maple Ahorn Porodica Javora 楓樹 46.1 Acacia Acacia (Whistling Thorn) Akazien (Moldova) Akacija 金合歡 46.2 Acacia Acacia (Whistling Thorn) Akazien (Philippines - Boracay) Akacija 金合歡 46.3 Acacia Acacia (Whistling Thorn) Akazien (Serbien) Akacija 金合歡 47 Oryza sativa Asian rice Reis (weiss, Standort Janiuay) Pirinač 稻米 48 Pyrus communis Pear Kulturbirnen Kruška 梨子 49 Litchi chinensis Lychee Litschibaum Liči 荔枝 50 Luffa aegyptiaca Vietnamese gourd Luffa / Schwammkürbis Krastavac spužva 絲瓜 50.1 Luffa cylindrica (L.) – Bailey Sponge gourd Schwammgurke Krastavac spužva 絲瓜 51 Pisum sativum var. macrocarpon Snap peas Zucker / Knackerbsen Zimski grašak 豌豆 52 Brassica Pekinsensis Chinese cabbage Peking / Japankohl (Michihili) Kineski kupus 白菜 53 Cucumis melo var. saccharinus Hami melon Honig / Zuckermelone Slatka dinja 哈密瓜 54 Citrullus lanatus Watermelon Wassermelone (Sugarbaby) Lubenica 西瓜 55 Chaism Chaism Chaism Kaism 芥藍菜 56 Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra Chinkang green bucks China Kohl Raštan 甘藍 57 Pumpkin Pumpkin Kürbis Bundeva 南瓜 58 Brassica oleracea Wild cabbage Markstammkohl INKA Divlji kupus 甘藍 59 Brassica rapa Turnip Herbstrübe RONDO Repa 無菁 60 Phacelia tanacetifolia Phacelia Phazelie ANGELIA Facelija 法色草 61 Trifolium incarnatum Crimson clover Inkarnatklee Ljubičasta djetelina 絳三葉 61.1 Trifolium repens White clover Weissklee Bijela djetelina 白三葉草 62 Physalis alkekengi Bladder cherry Lampionblume Pljuskavac 酸漿 63 Paulownia tomentosa Paulownia tomentosa Blauglockenbaum Paulovnija 毛泡桐 64 Synsepalum dulcificum Miracle berry Wunderbeere Magično voće 神秘果 65 Camellia oleifera Tea-oil camellia Ölkamelia; Ölteestrauch Zeleni čaj 山茶花 66 Prunus cerasoides Wild Himalayan cherry Wilde Himalaya Kirsche Himalajska trešnja 野生喜馬拉雅山櫻花 67 Dipteronia sinensis Dipteronia Dipteronia Dipteronija 金錢槭 Momordica charantia Linn. var. abbreviata 68 Wild bitter gourd Wilde Bittermelone Divlja gorka tikvica 山苦瓜 Seringe 69 Acer palmatum Japanese Maple Fächer-Ahorn Japanski javor 日本楓樹 No. Scientific name English name Deutscher name Srpski naziv 中文 70 Anethum graveolens Dill Dill Mirođija 蒔蘿 71 Platycodon grandiflorus Balloon flower Ballonblume Balončić; Balon cvijet 桔梗 72 Alchemilla Lady's Mantle Frauenmantel Gospin plašt 斗蓬草 73 Oenothera odorata Sundrops Nachtkerzen Noćurak žuti 月見草 74 Arctium lappa Greater burdock Große Klette Veliki čičak 牛蒡 75 Ulmus parvifolia Chinese elm Chinesische Ulme Brest 中國榆樹 76 Thymus vulgaris Common thyme Echter Thymian Timjan 百里香 77 Perilla frutescens Perilla Perilla Perila 紫蘇 78 Hyssopus officinalis Hyssop Ysop Miloduh 牛膝草 79 Chamaemelum nobile Roman chamomile Römische Kamille Rimska Kamilica 羅馬洋甘菊 80 Petroselinum crispum Parsley Petersilie Peršun 香菜 81 Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus Artichoke Artischocke Artičoka 朝鮮薊 82 Artemisia dracunculus var. sativa Tarragon Estragon Estragon 龍蒿 83 Agastache rugosa Korean mint Ostasiatische Riesenysop Korejska nana 韓國薄荷 84 Mentha pulegium Pennyroayal Polei Minze Metvica 普列薄荷 85 Zea maiz Blue corn Hopi Mais Meksicki kukuruz 紫玉米 86 Zea mays convar. saccharata var. rugosa Fruit corn Zuckermais Slatki kukuruz 水果玉米 87 Acer shensiense Maple 1 Ahorn 1 Kineski javor 楓樹 88 Acer grosseri Pax var. grosseri David’s snakeskin maple Schlangenhaut Ahorn Hersijev javor 葛蘿槭 89 Acer cappadocicum var. sinicum Cappadocian maple Kolchicher Ahorn Kapadocijski Javor 小叶青皮槭 90 Acer catalpifolium Maple 2 Ahorn 2 Kaltapolistni Javor 梓葉槭 91 Tagetes erecta L. Tagetes (Marigold) Tagetes Kadifa 萬壽菊 92 Flower mixture Flower Mixture Bienenmischung Mješavina cvijeća 混合花種 I 93 Rubus idaeus Raspberry POLANA Himbeere POLANA Malina 樹莓 94 Ribes uva-crispa Gooseberry Hinnomäki yel. Stachelbeere Hinnomäki gelb Ogrozd 醋栗 95 Salvia hispanica Mexican Chia Mexikanischer Chia Žalfija španski 奇亞仔 96 Flower mixture II Flower mixture II Bienenmischung Mješavina cvijeća 混合花種 2 97 Leucaena glauca benth White Leadtree - Newton Tree Myanmar Weißkopfmimose 銀合歡 98 Lagenaria siceraria Bottle gourd Flaschenkürbis Tikva sudovnjaca; lagenarija 葫蘆 99 Carica papaya Papaya Papaya Baum Papaja 木瓜 100 Abelmoschus esculentus Okra Gemüse Eibisch Bamija 秋葵 101 Trichosanthes cucumerina Snake gourd Schlangenhaargurke Tikva zmija 蛇瓜 102 Vigna angularis Adzuki Bean Adzuki Bohne (warm) Adzuki 紅豆 103 Not yet known Orhi Herb Myanmar Know yet known 104 Phaseolus vulgaris Black turtle bean Schwarze Bohne Pasulj; Grah 黑豆 105 Urtica dioica Nettle Brennessel (grosse) Kopriva 蕁麻 106 Hordeum vulgare L. sensu lato Barley Futtergerste Ječam 大麥 106.1 Hordeum „imperialis“ Imperial barley Fisser Gerste; Imperialgerste Carski ječam 帝國 大麥 106.2 Hordeum “purpureum” Red barley Rotgerste / Ebner Rotgold Cerveni ječam 紅薏仁 107 Calendula officinalis Common marigold Ringelblume Neven; Nevenovo cveće 萬壽菊-金盞花 108 Spilanthes oleracea L., Acmella oleracea Eyeball plant, paracress Parakresse Zuboboljka 桂圆菊 109 Zantoxylum piperitum Sichuan pepper, Chinese coriander Szechuan Pfeffer Kineski paprika 胡椒木 No. Scientific name English name Deutscher name Srpski naziv 中文 110 Ocimum basilicum var Minimum “Minette” Eyeball plant, paracress Kleinblättriger Basilikum Bosiljak (sitnolisti) 灌木罗勒 111 Spinacia aleracea Spinach (domestic) Spinat (einheimisch) Spanać 菠菜 112 Hypericum perforatum L. St John’s wort Johanniskraut Kantarion 贯叶连翘 113 Carpobrotus edulis Ice plant, Hottentot fig Hottentottenfeige Karpobrotus; Kamena biljka 莫邪菊 114 Fallopia multiflora Chinese knotweed Vielblütiger Knöterich 何首乌 115 Phaseolus vulgaris Bean (domestic) Bohne (domestik) Bob 四季豆 Sunroot, sunchoke, earth apple, 116 Helianthus tuberosus Topinambur 洋薑 topinambour 117 Simmondsia chinensis Jojoba Jojoba jojove 服飾 118 Coriandrum sativum Coriander Koriander 芫荽 119 Symphytum officinale Comfrey Beinwell 聚合草 120 Lactuca sativa Salad 1 Salat 1 萵苣 121 Lactuca sativa Salad 2 Salat 2 萵苣 122 Lactuca sativa Salad 3 Salat 3 萵苣 123 Lactuca sativa Salad 4 Salat 4 萵苣 124 Lactuca sativa Salad 5 Salat 5 萵苣 125 Helichrysum arenarium / italicum Dwarf everlast; Immortelle Sand Strohblume Smilje 沙生蜡菊 126 Dimocarpus longan Longan Longan; Drachenauge 龍眼 127 Elaeis guineensis Oilpalmtree Ölpalme 油棕 128 Malva sylvestris ssp. Common mallow Mauretanische Malve 欧锦葵 129 Citrus maxima (citrus grandis) Pomelo Pomela / Taiwan 柚子 130 Alcea rosea Hollyhocks Stockrose 蜀葵 131 Linum usitatissimum Flax Blauer Lein 亞麻 132 Campanula lat.
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