1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation

4. Black History Month a. Isaac “Ike” Mercer Certificate of Achievement Award

5. Work Session a. Budget

6. Approval of Minutes

7. Approval of Total Labor and Outside Claims

8. Department Reports

9. City Manager Report

10. Council Reports a. Mayor Arellano b. Councilman Considine c. Councilman Marshall d. Councilman Marx e. Councilman Venier

11. Boards & Commissions Reports a. Building Report

12. Visitors/Public Comment

13. Ordinances a. Ordinance Vacating Existing Plat of Subdivision and Approval of Re-Plat of Subdivision with respect to Riverview Estates.

14. Resolutions a. Resolution Amending 2018-2019 Budget (Water)

The City of Dixon, in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, requests that persons with disabilities who require certain accommodations to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting or have questions about the accessibility of this meeting or facilities, contact the ADA Coordinator at (815) 288-1485 to allow the City of Dixon to make reasonable accommodations for those persons.



15. Motions a. Discussion and possible approval of bylaws for The Dixon Historic Theatre Group.

16. Executive Session a. To consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act.

17. Adjournment

The City of Dixon, in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, requests that persons with disabilities who require certain accommodations to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting or have questions about the accessibility of this meeting or facilities, contact the ADA Coordinator at (815) 288-1485 to allow the City of Dixon to make reasonable accommodations for those persons.




13. Ordinance a. Hvarre Property, LLC has asked the City to approve a re-plat of Riverview Estates so as to reconfigure the subdivision to allow eight (8) separate two- unit buildings. The existing plat allows four (4) separate four-unit buildings. The City’s Plan Commission reviewed and approved the requested re-plat.

14. Resolutions a. Amend the budget for fiscal year 2018-2019 by amending line items within the budget to accommodate additional Contractual and Telephone expenses for the Water Department

The City of Dixon, in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, requests that persons with disabilities who require certain accommodations to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting or have questions about the accessibility of this meeting or facilities, contact the ADA Coordinator at (815) 288-1485 to allow the City of Dixon to make reasonable accommodations for those persons.



The meeting was called to order by Mayor Arellano at 8:02am.


Councilman Marshall, Marx, Venier, Considine, and Mayor Arellano answered Roll Call.



At 8:02 am Councilman Marshall moved that the Special Council Meeting of Tuesday, January 29, 2019 meet in executive session to discuss collective negotiation matters between public employers and the employees or representatives pursuant to Section 2(c)(2) of the Open Meetings Act. Seconded by Councilman Marx. Voting Yea: Councilman Marshall, Marx, Venier, Considine, and Mayor Arellano. Motion Carried.


Councilman Marx moved that the Special Council Meeting of Tuesday, January 29, 2019 reconvene into Open Session. Seconded by Councilman Venier. Voting Yea: Councilman Marshall, Marx, Venier, Considine, and Mayor Arellano. Motion Carried.


Councilman Venier moved that the Special Council Meeting of Tuesday, January 29, 2019, be adjourned to meet in Regular Session on Monday, February 4, 2019 at 5:30 pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Seconded by Councilman Marx. Voting Yea: Councilman Marshall, Marx, Venier, Considine, and Mayor Arellano. Motion Carried.

The meeting adjourned at 10:03am.



The meeting was called to order by Mayor Arellano at 5:30pm.


Councilman Marshall, Marx, Venier, Considine, and Mayor Arellano answered Roll Call. The Pledge of Allegiance was cited, invocation was given by Reverend Blaine Miner, Dixon Church of Brethren.

--Moved up from Council Reports-- PROCLAMATIONS

Mayor Arellano welcomed the Girl Scouts group to the meeting and read the Proclamation that proclaims March 10-16, 2019 as Girl Scouts Week. He also mentioned that he will be presenting a Proclamation at St. Anne’s School on Friday for their Catholic Schools Week which was January 28 through February 3, 2019. He was unable to present it that week due to the inclement weather that had closed the schools.


Mayor gave a brief recess for the scout members to take pictures and exit the meeting.



Councilman Marshall moved that the minutes of the Regular Session Council Meeting of Monday, January 7, 2019, be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Marx. Voting Yea: Councilman Marshall, Marx, Venier, Considine, and Mayor Arellano. Motion Carried.


Councilman Marx moved that the total labor and outside claims in the amount of $418,390.42 and $3,056,765.26 be approved and ordered paid. Seconded by Councilman Marshall. Voting Yea: Councilman Marshall, Marx, Venier, Considine, and Mayor Arellano. Motion Carried. PAGE 86 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DIXON, ILLINOIS COUNCIL CHAMBERS – CITY HALL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2019 5:30 P.M.


Councilman Considine moved that the year-to-date Financial Summary through December 2018 be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Venier. Voting Yea: Councilman Marshall, Marx, Venier, Considine, and Mayor Arellano. Motion Carried.


Public Works Director/Asst. City Manager Heckman thanked the Public Works, and the Police and Fire departments for their efforts and coordination through the departments dealing with the inclement weather this past week.

Mayor asked about the heating situation at the Public Safety Building. Chief Shipman stated that the boiler’s had flame failures. With the extreme cold the gas usage is too high and it fails. They were able to get them working again.


City Manager Langloss echoed his gratitude to the departments, the crews did a phenomenal job. Downtown parking, he is having a car count this week in the lots and on downtown streets for analysis. Discussion ensued. Budget workshop meetings are going to be scheduled for the opposite Mondays of the Council meetings. There will be an Executive Session meeting on Wednesday to discuss collective bargaining. He has received donations for the Splash Pad, one was for $5,000; total raised so far is around $25,000 to $35,000. Officer Dallas was awarded the Officer of the Year Award. Officer Dallas will be Representative Kinzinger’s guest at the State of the Union Address tomorrow night.


Josie Whaley requested to speak, Mayor Arellano agreed to take public comment at this time. She voiced concern regarding handicapped parking in the downtown and their placement. Wheelchair accessibility with the snow being too deep in the downtown.


Mayor Arellano – He has gotten comments from the public on the snow on public sidewalks, he has had conversations with the Public Works Director regarding the issues. He had his first meeting with the IML Legislation they are focusing on Public Safety pension reform, recreational marijuana and how to handle if legalized, minimum wage adjustments, and adjusted tax assessments. He will be attending the Best of Dixon awards this Friday. Went through a PAGE 87 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DIXON, ILLINOIS COUNCIL CHAMBERS – CITY HALL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2019 5:30 P.M.

follow-up on sale tax comparisons. Enforcement of codes and options from the Municipal Administration Judaification Court. The trade unions expo will be in mid-February in Rockford.

Councilman Considine – Wonderful team work with the snow removal, lucky to have such dedicated people; appreciated.

Councilman Marshall – Fantastic job by the public works. Asked when Chamber Mainstreet will be presenting again, requested they be at a budget workshops to give a presentation to the Council.

Councilman Marx – Praised the public works department, their work and consistency are appreciated. The public schools hosted their own wrestling regionals this past weekend and won! The request to the Hospital Board for letter of support for I-88 signage was approved.

Councilman Venier – February is Black History Month, he met with Pastor Michael Cole to recognize community members at the next Council Meeting. Members that came to mind were: Ike Mercer, Isaiah Roby and Benny Boyd. Spoke about an article in the “Reader’s Voice” section from Lyle Wooyatt, stating that the centennial of the dedication of the Dixon arch is June 11, 2019. He recommended having a simple ceremony to mark a rededication to the principles set forth in 1919. We should do something to celebrate with the National Guard and veterans, etc. He also reiterated that pictures of the arch in the media and public should be with the flag on it.

BOARD & COMMISSIONS REPORTS Building Department Reports


Attorney LeSage explained the process of the zoning variance, that the first step is to just refer the petition, then a recommendation will come back to the Council for consideration. Councilman Venier moved to refer the Petition for Variance for George and Josie Whaley of 605 Marclare Street to the Zoning Board of Appeals for variance. Seconded by Councilman Marshall. Voting Yea: Councilman Marshall, Marx, Venier, Considine, and Mayor Arellano. Motion Carried.



Councilman Marshall moved to approve the disposal ordinance for the 2005 Dodge Ram, plow and dump box. Seconded by Councilman Marx. Public Works Director Heckman and Public Works Manager Phillips explained the reasons for the sale. Voting Yea: Councilman Marshall, Marx, Venier, Considine, and Mayor Arellano. Motion Carried.


Councilman Marx moved to approve the Resolution for the temporary road closure of Illinois Route 2 in connection with the Reagan 5K Run/Walk. Seconded by Marshall. Discussion ensued regarding just Illinois route is being requested due to the closure needing to be approved by Illinois Department of Transportation. Voting Yea: Councilman Marshall, Marx, Venier, Considine, and Mayor Arellano. Motion Carried.


Councilman Considine moved to approve the resolution amending the FY19 budget with respect to the Airport Operating Supplies and Contractual line items. Public Works Director Heckman went through the budget movements. Questioned if it was from capital; not from capital. Voting Yea: Councilman Marshall, Marx, Venier, Considine, and Mayor Arellano. Motion Carried.


Councilman Venier moved to approve the resolution amending the FY19 budget with respect to the Street Department Maintenance and Repairs and Fuel & Oil line items. Seconded by Councilman Considine. Public Works Director Heckman went through the budget request. Questioned if it was from capital; not from capital and what spending on. Voting Yea: Councilman Marshall, Marx, Venier, Considine, and Mayor Arellano. Motion Carried.


Councilman Marshall moved to approve the resolution amending the FY19 budget with respect to the 2015 GMC Canyon. Seconded by Councilman Venier. Public Works Director Heckman explained the request. Discussion ensued. Voting Yea: Councilman Marshall, Marx, Venier, Considine, and Mayor Arellano. Motion Carried.



Public Works Director Heckman explained the amendment. Attorney LeSage stated that we are formalizing our current policy. Councilman Marx moved to approve the first amendment between the City, Lee County Landfill., Allied Waste Transportation, Inc., and Allied Waste Industries of Illinois, Inc. Seconded by Councilman Marshall. Voting Yea: Councilman Marshall, Marx, Venier, Considine, and Mayor Arellano. Motion Carried.


IT Manager Philhower explained the request regarding security, older versions, and Illinois government rates. Councilman Considine moved to approve the purchase of Microsoft Office 2019 Processional Plus Suite from CDW-G under the Illinois Contract. Seconded by Councilman Venier. Voting Yea: Councilman Marshall, Marx, Venier, Considine, and Mayor Arellano. Motion Carried.


Public Works Director Heckman explained the request. Discussion ensued regarding this as phase 2 of the lighting project. Councilman Venier moved to approve the agreement with Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc. for design and special services connection with the rehabilitation of the electrical circuit for Runway 12-30. Seconded by Councilman Considine. Voting Yea: Councilman Marshall, Marx, Venier, Considine, and Mayor Arellano. Motion Carried.


Councilman Marshall moved that the Council Meeting of Monday, February 4, 2019 meet in Executive Session to discuss purchase of sale of real property by the City pursuant to Section 2(c)(5) of the Open Meetings Act. Seconded by Councilman Venier. Voting Yea: Councilman Marshall, Marx, Venier, Considine, and Mayor Arellano. Motion Carried.


Councilman Marx moved that Regular Council Meeting of Monday, February 4, 2019 reconvene into Open Session. Seconded by Councilman Marshall. Voting Yea: Councilman Marshall, Marx, Venier, Considine, and Mayor Arellano. Motion Carried.



Discussion ensued regarding the Nicor property and their plan to demolish the back building, and the flood plain in that area. The property is not for sale.


Councilman Considine moved that the Regular Council Meeting of Monday, February 4, 2019, be adjourned to meet in Regular Session on Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at 5:30 pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Seconded by Councilman Marshall. Voting Yea: Councilman Marshall, Marx, Venier, Considine, and Mayor Arellano. Motion Carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:48pm.



The meeting was called to order by Mayor Arellano at 8:04am.


Councilman Marx, Venier, Considine, Marshall, and Mayor Arellano answered Roll Call. Pledge of Allegiance was cited.


--Moved Open Session to end of meeting--


At 8:07am Councilman Marshall moved that the Special Council Meeting of Wednesday, February 6, 2019 meet in Executive Session to discuss collective negotiation matters between public employers and the employees or representatives pursuant to Section 2(c)(2) of the Open Meetings Act. Seconded by Councilman Marx. Voting Yea: Councilman Marx, Venier, Considine, Marshall, and Mayor Arellano. Motion Carried.


Councilman Marx moved that the Special Council Meeting of Wednesday, February 6, 2019 reconvene into Open Session. Seconded by Councilman Venier Voting Yea: Councilman Marx, Venier, Considine, Marshall, and Mayor Arellano. Motion Carried.



Councilman Considine moved that the Special Council Meeting of Wednesday, February 6, 2019, be adjourned to meet in Regular Session on Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at 5:30 pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Seconded by Councilman Marx. Voting Yea: Councilman Marx, Venier, Considine, Marshall, and Mayor Arellano. Motion Carried.

The meeting adjourned at 9:52am.

______CITY CLERK CITY OF DIXON Payment Approval Report - For Agenda Packets Page: 1 Report dates: 5/1/2018-2/19/2019 Feb 15, 2019 09:24AM

Report Criteria: Invoices with totals above $0 included. Paid and unpaid invoices included. [Report].Date Paid = 02/05/2019-02/19/2019

Segment DEPARTMENT Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Inv Amt Amount Paid Date Paid

136 CIVIC SYSTEMS LLC CVC17696 SENSUS ANALYICS INTEGRATION 01/23/2019 2,700.00 2,700.00 02/19/2019 1612 CORE & MAIN LP K045523 2018 METER PROJECT 01/29/2019 344,152.00 344,152.00 02/19/2019 1612 CORE & MAIN LP K067704 2018 METER PROJECT 01/29/2019 540.00 540.00 02/19/2019 1612 CORE & MAIN LP K083550 1/2"-1" GROUND CLAMPS 01/29/2019 750.00 750.00 02/19/2019 1612 CORE & MAIN LP K101034 2018 METER PROJECT 02/01/2019 15,415.00 15,415.00 02/19/2019 1612 CORE & MAIN LP K102118 2018 METER PROJECT 02/01/2019 27,060.00 27,060.00 02/19/2019 327 HERBIG BLACKTOP CONSTRUCTION 18427 PAVE 2048 SQ FT 10/16/2018 3,788.80 3,788.80 02/19/2019 565 NORTH'S OIL COMPANY 3049622 GASOHOL/OCTANE 02/01/2019 1,660.42 1,660.42 02/19/2019 565 NORTH'S OIL COMPANY 3049631 DIESEL FUEL-200GAL 02/11/2019 505.40 505.40 02/19/2019 565 NORTH'S OIL COMPANY 3049632 GASOHOL-200GAL 02/11/2019 418.40 418.40 02/19/2019 565 NORTH'S OIL COMPANY 3049666 DIESEL FUEL-2501GAL 02/11/2019 6,069.93 6,069.93 02/19/2019 565 NORTH'S OIL COMPANY 3049667 GASOHOL-2504GAL 02/11/2019 4,987.96 4,987.96 02/19/2019

Total : 408,047.91 408,047.91

REVENUES REVENUES 1625 AZAVAR AUDIT SOLUTIONS 146776 AUDIT PROGRAM CONTINGENCY PAY 02/01/2019 57.82 57.82 02/19/2019 REVENUES 1625 AZAVAR AUDIT SOLUTIONS 146777 AUDIT PROGRAM CONTINGENCY PAY 02/01/2019 143.62 143.62 02/19/2019 REVENUES 1625 AZAVAR AUDIT SOLUTIONS 146778 AUDIT PROGRAM CONTINGENCY PAY 02/01/2019 43.84 43.84 02/19/2019 REVENUES 1672 US BANK N.A. - CUSTODY 01 2019 CUSTODIAN FEES/JAN 2019 01/01/2019 62.25 62.25 02/19/2019

Total REVENUES: 307.53 307.53

FINANCE FINANCE 1594 AAA CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY CORP 76195 DESTRUCTION OF CONFIDENTIAL MA 02/12/2019 805.20 805.20 02/19/2019 FINANCE 4 ACE HARDWARE 548049 CARD ZIP ANCHOR/SCREW 02/04/2019 1.70 1.70 02/19/2019 FINANCE 1933 CHASE PAYMENTECH 2 2019 CREDIT CARD FEES 01/31/2019 57.47 57.47 02/18/2019 FINANCE 136 CIVIC SYSTEMS LLC 2 2019 ADDITIONAL USER LICENSE 02/05/2019 2,000.00 2,000.00 02/05/2019 FINANCE 271 FREDERICKS, BECKY 02 2019 MILEAGE ICMA CONFERENCE, NORM 02/01/2019 126.44 126.44 02/19/2019 FINANCE 677 SBM STERLING BUSINESS CENTER 437683 CONTRACT #7723-MX3610N-02 02/04/2019 107.00 107.00 02/19/2019 FINANCE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #5661 FILE BOX, COCOA 02/03/2019 23.73 23.73 02/19/2019 FINANCE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #5661 KEY 02/03/2019 11.82 11.82 02/19/2019 FINANCE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #5661 WINDEX, LYSOL 02/03/2019 16.62 16.62 02/19/2019 FINANCE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #9898 GOV ACCT REGISTRATION 02/03/2019 85.00 85.00 02/19/2019 FINANCE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #9898 SOFTWARE RENEWAL 02/03/2019 325.00 325.00 02/19/2019 CITY OF DIXON Payment Approval Report - For Agenda Packets Page: 2 Report dates: 5/1/2018-2/19/2019 Feb 15, 2019 09:24AM

Segment DEPARTMENT Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Inv Amt Amount Paid Date Paid

FINANCE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #9898 ILCMA CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 02/03/2019 350.00 350.00 02/19/2019 FINANCE 1814 XPRESS BILL PAY 38073 JANUARY CREDIT CARD 02/01/2019 478.44 478.44 02/18/2019

Total FINANCE: 4,388.42 4,388.42


Total FIRE/ POLICE COMMISSION: 106.00 106.00

ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #1843 TRAVEL/MEALS 02/03/2019 26.47 26.47 02/19/2019 ADMINISTRATION 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #1843 TRAVEL/MEALS 02/03/2019 36.95 36.95 02/19/2019 ADMINISTRATION 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #1843 BRIEF CASE 02/03/2019 119.99 119.99 02/19/2019 ADMINISTRATION 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #5661 FILE BOX, COCOA 02/03/2019 58.00 58.00 02/19/2019

Total ADMINISTRATION: 241.41 241.41

HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES 1676 MOBRE COUNSELING SERVICES LLC BP002 EAP COUNSELING 01/31/2019 200.00 200.00 02/19/2019 HUMAN RESOURCES 1676 MOBRE COUNSELING SERVICES LLC PO10 EAP COUNSELING 01/31/2019 100.00 100.00 02/19/2019 HUMAN RESOURCES 1676 MOBRE COUNSELING SERVICES LLC PO25 EAP COUNSELING 01/31/2019 100.00 100.00 02/19/2019 HUMAN RESOURCES 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #1843 FEDERAL POSTERS 02/03/2019 307.20 307.20 02/19/2019 HUMAN RESOURCES 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #4367 ST DEPT BFAST 02/03/2019 134.85 134.85 02/19/2019 HUMAN RESOURCES 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #9898 CHRISTMAS PARTY SUPPLIES 02/03/2019 49.96 49.96 02/19/2019

Total HUMAN RESOURCES: 892.01 892.01

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION TECHN 118 CDW GOVERNMENT qtq5196 RUGGED KEYBOARDS 01/23/2019 674.38 674.38 02/19/2019 INFORMATION TECHN 148 COMCAST CABLE 1 2019 #0020 FIRE #8771103010060020 01/26/2019 91.85 91.85 02/18/2019 INFORMATION TECHN 1577 SYNDEO NETWORKS INC 9689 INTERNET SERVICE 02/01/2019 224.99 224.99 02/19/2019 INFORMATION TECHN 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 FACTOR LOGIN SUB. 02/03/2019 240.00 240.00 02/19/2019 INFORMATION TECHN 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 REPLACEMENT CPU 02/03/2019 299.99 299.99 02/19/2019 INFORMATION TECHN 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 PHONE CABLES/CHARGERS 02/03/2019 88.37 88.37 02/19/2019 INFORMATION TECHN 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 NETWORK AND USB CABLES 02/03/2019 76.94 76.94 02/19/2019 INFORMATION TECHN 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 WIRELESS KEYBOARD 02/03/2019 38.33 38.33 02/19/2019 INFORMATION TECHN 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 BULK CABLING/MOUSEPADS/SPEAKE 02/03/2019 552.05 552.05 02/19/2019 INFORMATION TECHN 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 M477 PRINTER TRAY 02/03/2019 159.99 159.99 02/19/2019 INFORMATION TECHN 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 MEMORY CARD 02/03/2019 26.49 26.49 02/19/2019 INFORMATION TECHN 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 HDMI-CEC ADAPTER 02/03/2019 50.35 50.35 02/19/2019 CITY OF DIXON Payment Approval Report - For Agenda Packets Page: 3 Report dates: 5/1/2018-2/19/2019 Feb 15, 2019 09:24AM

Segment DEPARTMENT Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Inv Amt Amount Paid Date Paid

INFORMATION TECHN 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 HDMI CABLES AND TONER 02/03/2019 19.46 19.46 02/19/2019 INFORMATION TECHN 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 PHONE CABLES/CHARGERS 02/03/2019 149.98 149.98 02/19/2019 INFORMATION TECHN 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 CABINET KEYS 02/03/2019 17.74 17.74 02/19/2019 INFORMATION TECHN 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS 02/03/2019 34.95 34.95 02/19/2019 INFORMATION TECHN 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 PHONE CHARGERS 02/03/2019 19.98 19.98 02/19/2019 INFORMATION TECHN 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 COMPUTE STICK 02/03/2019 335.19 335.19 02/19/2019 INFORMATION TECHN 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 POSTAGE FOR RETURN OF MITEL PH 02/03/2019 7.25 7.25 02/19/2019 INFORMATION TECHN 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 43'' TV MONITOR 02/03/2019 168.00 168.00 02/19/2019 INFORMATION TECHN 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 KEYBOARD/MOUSE 02/03/2019 36.82 36.82 02/19/2019 INFORMATION TECHN 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 34'' MONITOR 02/03/2019 335.42 335.42 02/19/2019

Total INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: 3,648.52 3,648.52

GRANT EXPENSES GRANT EXPENSES 1790 COMCAST SPOTLIGHT NW910640 SAFE PASSAGE PSA BROADCASTING 01/31/2019 96.00 96.00 02/19/2019 GRANT EXPENSES 1790 COMCAST SPOTLIGHT NW910641 SAFE PASSAGE PSA BROADCASTING 01/31/2019 915.38 915.38 02/19/2019 GRANT EXPENSES 1316 FEHR GRAHAM & ASSOCIATES 86949 FY2018 BROWNSFIELD ASSES. PRGR 01/31/2019 500.00 500.00 02/19/2019 GRANT EXPENSES 1316 FEHR GRAHAM & ASSOCIATES 86950 FY 2018 BROWNSFIELD ASSES. PRO 01/31/2019 500.00 500.00 02/19/2019 GRANT EXPENSES 569 WRCV-FM 02-1190113491 SAFE PASSAGE 01/01-01/31/19 PSA 01/31/2019 27.00 27.00 02/19/2019 GRANT EXPENSES 569 WRCV-FM 02-1190113494 SAFE PASSAGE 01/01-01/31/19 01/31/2019 448.00 448.00 02/19/2019 GRANT EXPENSES 569 WRCV-FM 02-1190113495 SAFE PASSAGE 01/01-01/31/19 01/31/2019 200.00 200.00 02/19/2019

Total GRANT EXPENSES: 2,686.38 2,686.38

MUNICIPAL MUNICIPAL 4 ACE HARDWARE 548511 PARTS TO MOUNT AED 02/07/2019 5.21 5.21 02/19/2019 MUNICIPAL 52 AUCA CHICAGO MC LOCKBOX 1591718365 CITY HALL MATS 01/29/2019 91.41 91.41 02/19/2019 MUNICIPAL 52 AUCA CHICAGO MC LOCKBOX 1591734653 CITY HALL MATS 02/12/2019 92.26 92.26 02/19/2019 MUNICIPAL 146 COM ED 01 2019 #3014 829 HENNEPIN AVENUE 01/30/2019 21.55 21.55 02/19/2019 MUNICIPAL 157 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 13738767501 78 S GALENA 02/06/2019 497.95 497.95 02/19/2019 MUNICIPAL 157 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 14163637701 105 W RIVER ST 01/29/2019 181.90 181.90 02/19/2019 MUNICIPAL 157 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 14163656601 PEORIA AVE, LINCOLN STATUE DRIVE 01/29/2019 83.94 83.94 02/19/2019 MUNICIPAL 157 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 14172224201 524 E RIVER STREET 01/30/2019 35.32 35.32 02/19/2019 MUNICIPAL 157 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 14182525501 105 E RIVER RD 01/31/2019 757.17 757.17 02/19/2019 MUNICIPAL 157 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 14193833901 117 LINCOLN STATUE DR 02/04/2019 17.93 17.93 02/19/2019 MUNICIPAL 157 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 14219513701 1604 W RIVER 02/06/2019 95.66 95.66 02/19/2019 MUNICIPAL 157 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 14219515501 78 S GALENA AVE 02/06/2019 472.42 472.42 02/19/2019 MUNICIPAL 157 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 14219667401 0 RIVER ST 02/06/2019 454.02 454.02 02/19/2019 MUNICIPAL 358 IL DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT S 2 2019 802413 4TH QUARTER 2018#802413 02/08/2019 2,143.00 2,143.00 02/18/2019 MUNICIPAL 836 WELLS FARGO 01-2019#4425 CITY HALL VACUUM 02/08/2019 112.48 112.48 02/19/2019 CITY OF DIXON Payment Approval Report - For Agenda Packets Page: 4 Report dates: 5/1/2018-2/19/2019 Feb 15, 2019 09:24AM

Segment DEPARTMENT Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Inv Amt Amount Paid Date Paid

Total MUNICIPAL: 5,062.22 5,062.22

CAPITAL FUND EXPENSES CAPITAL FUND EXPEN 4 ACE HARDWARE 545807/1 THREADLOCKER,SAW HOLE, LOCTIT 01/10/2019 24.95 24.95 02/19/2019 CAPITAL FUND EXPEN 4 ACE HARDWARE 546371 BALL VALVE, NIPPLES, THREAD SEAL 01/16/2019 32.52 32.52 02/19/2019 CAPITAL FUND EXPEN 4 ACE HARDWARE 546975/1 NIPPLE, VLV, ADAPT, FILTER 01/22/2019 99.84 99.84 02/19/2019 CAPITAL FUND EXPEN 4 ACE HARDWARE 547039/1 ICE SCRAPER, PLUG 01/22/2019 6.18 6.18 02/19/2019 CAPITAL FUND EXPEN 1523 GLOBAL SECURITY SERVICES IA41103 50% DOWN PAYMENT FOR CITY HALL 02/05/2019 7,454.52 7,454.52 02/19/2019 CAPITAL FUND EXPEN 1523 GLOBAL SECURITY SERVICES IA41104 50% DOWN PAYMENT CITY HALL PANI 02/05/2019 398.60 398.60 02/19/2019 CAPITAL FUND EXPEN 1523 GLOBAL SECURITY SERVICES IA41105 50% DOWN PAYMENT CITY HALL FIRE 02/05/2019 9,933.40 9,933.40 02/19/2019 CAPITAL FUND EXPEN 466 LEE COUNTY LANDFILL 4720-000013042 CH 1ST FL REMODEL-DISPOSAL 01/31/2019 30.50 30.50 02/19/2019 CAPITAL FUND EXPEN 662 RP LUMBER COMPANY INC 1901-177814 CITY HALL RENOVATIONS 01/08/2019 55.86 55.86 02/19/2019 CAPITAL FUND EXPEN 1964 SECURITY BUILDERS SUPPLY CO 243666 CITY HALL RENOVATIONS-DOORS 01/31/2019 7,550.00 7,550.00 02/19/2019 CAPITAL FUND EXPEN 1178 SWEDBERG & ASSOCIATES INC. CITY HALL #5 C.HALL 1ST FL IMPROV DRAW #5 02/05/2019 11,782.80 11,782.80 02/19/2019

Total CAPITAL FUND EXPENSES: 37,369.17 37,369.17

BUILDING ZONING BUILDING ZONING 678 SBOC 02 2019 ICC MEMBERSHIP #5196098 02/12/2019 75.00 75.00 02/19/2019 BUILDING ZONING 678 SBOC 02 2019 ANNUAL TRAINING-4 SESSIONS 02/12/2019 500.00 500.00 02/19/2019 BUILDING ZONING 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #5661 SOLAR ENERGY COURSE/JOE BAY 02/03/2019 20.00 20.00 02/19/2019 BUILDING ZONING 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #5661 CERTIFIED MAIL 02/03/2019 13.82 13.82 02/19/2019 BUILDING ZONING 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #5661 CERTIFIED MAIL 02/03/2019 6.91 6.91 02/19/2019

Total BUILDING ZONING: 615.73 615.73

STREETS STREETS 4 ACE HARDWARE 545161 HANDLE, SLDG HAMMER 01/04/2019 27.52 27.52 02/19/2019 STREETS 4 ACE HARDWARE 546628 SHACKLE SCR PIN 01/18/2019 8.98 8.98 02/19/2019 STREETS 4 ACE HARDWARE 546653 SPRING STEEL PUSHER 01/18/2019 45.89 45.89 02/19/2019 STREETS 4 ACE HARDWARE 546653 HARDWARE & SOCKET RATCHET 01/18/2019 19.43 19.43 02/19/2019 STREETS 4 ACE HARDWARE 547673 GALV. NIPPLE, ELBOW 01/28/2019 5.20 5.20 02/19/2019 STREETS 4 ACE HARDWARE 548193 CLEVIS TWISTED 02/05/2019 46.78 46.78 02/19/2019 STREETS 52 AUCA CHICAGO MC LOCKBOX 1591713524 RUGS 01/24/2019 82.86 82.86 02/19/2019 STREETS 52 AUCA CHICAGO MC LOCKBOX 1591729702 MAT SERVICE 02/07/2019 82.86 82.86 02/19/2019 STREETS 85 BONNELL INDUSTRIES INC 0185091-IN WING MOLDBOARD BOLT ASSY-2EA 01/29/2019 179.90 179.90 02/19/2019 STREETS 85 BONNELL INDUSTRIES INC 0185103-IN ECONOMY BLADE GUIDE 01/29/2019 24.00 24.00 02/19/2019 STREETS 85 BONNELL INDUSTRIES INC 0185235-IN MALE PIPE, BEARINGS BOLTS 01/31/2019 87.32 87.32 02/19/2019 STREETS 85 BONNELL INDUSTRIES INC 0185238-IN WIRING-TRUCK TO PULL LEAF VAC 01/31/2019 946.40 946.40 02/19/2019 STREETS 85 BONNELL INDUSTRIES INC 0185344-IN STEWART BC-36-2EA 02/04/2019 77.98 77.98 02/19/2019 CITY OF DIXON Payment Approval Report - For Agenda Packets Page: 5 Report dates: 5/1/2018-2/19/2019 Feb 15, 2019 09:24AM

Segment DEPARTMENT Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Inv Amt Amount Paid Date Paid

STREETS 85 BONNELL INDUSTRIES INC 0185444IN PLOW BLADE 02/06/2019 593.94 593.94 02/19/2019 STREETS 1539 CIVIL MATERIALS 115137 UPM PATCH MIX 16.20TN 01/25/2019 1,944.00 1,944.00 02/19/2019 STREETS 412 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 965901 JD BACKHOE REPAIR 02/05/2019 17.22 17.22 02/19/2019 STREETS 1541 KALEEL'S 2 2019 J. SHERIDAN CLOTHING SHERIDAN 02/08/2019 96.00 96.00 02/19/2019 STREETS 473 LINCOLNWAY AUTO ELECTRIC 0051147 REPAIRS TRUCK #15 01/31/2019 325.00 325.00 02/19/2019 STREETS 1641 MORTON SALT 5401749639 BULK SAF T SALT 159.47TN 01/17/2019 8,265.33 8,265.33 02/19/2019 STREETS 1641 MORTON SALT 5401753898 BULK SAF T SALT 24.62TN 01/22/2019 1,276.06 1,276.06 02/19/2019 STREETS 1641 MORTON SALT 5401757230 BULK SAF T SALT 24.85 TON 01/24/2019 1,287.97 1,287.97 02/19/2019 STREETS 1641 MORTON SALT 5401758855 BULK SAF T SALT 93.40 TON 01/25/2019 4,840.92 4,840.92 02/19/2019 STREETS 1641 MORTON SALT 5401762670 BULK SAF T SALT 69.79TN 01/29/2019 3,617.21 3,617.21 02/19/2019 STREETS 565 NORTH'S OIL COMPANY 3049665 OIL HYDRAULIC-110GAL 02/11/2019 1,604.90 1,604.90 02/19/2019 STREETS 685 SENECA COMPANIES 1568184 REPAIRED NOZZLES 02/07/2019 337.35 337.35 02/19/2019 STREETS 728 STERLING NAPA AUTO PARTS 982168 POWER SERVICE DIESEL 01/25/2019 19.99 19.99 02/19/2019 STREETS 728 STERLING NAPA AUTO PARTS 983046 WIPER BLADE, PLUG, DEF 01/31/2019 172.44 172.44 02/19/2019 STREETS 728 STERLING NAPA AUTO PARTS 983213 DEF 2.5 GAL-2EA 02/01/2019 18.98 18.98 02/19/2019 STREETS 728 STERLING NAPA AUTO PARTS 983491 RELAY 02/04/2019 35.98 35.98 02/19/2019 STREETS 728 STERLING NAPA AUTO PARTS 983620 MUFFLER CEMENT 02/04/2019 9.19 9.19 02/19/2019 STREETS 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 TONER FOR M476 PRINTERS 02/03/2019 63.99 63.99 02/19/2019 STREETS 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4781 BULK LP RESALE GAL 02/01/2019 41.64 41.64 02/19/2019

Total STREETS: 26,203.23 26,203.23

PUBLIC PROPERTY PUBLIC PROPERTY 4 ACE HARDWARE 547220 GARBAGE CAN LIDS-XMAS DECOR 01/24/2019 32.38 32.38 02/19/2019 PUBLIC PROPERTY 4 ACE HARDWARE 548093 EAR PLUGS, KLEENEX 02/05/2019 23.39 23.39 02/19/2019 PUBLIC PROPERTY 52 AUCA CHICAGO MC LOCKBOX 1591721646 SHOP RAGS 01/31/2019 7.55 7.55 02/19/2019 PUBLIC PROPERTY 85 BONNELL INDUSTRIES INC 0185026IN 2004 SNOW PLOW MAINT. 01/28/2019 53.50 53.50 02/19/2019 PUBLIC PROPERTY 122 CENTURYLINK 2 2019 #7798 #304007798 02/11/2019 75.31 75.31 02/18/2019 PUBLIC PROPERTY 728 STERLING NAPA AUTO PARTS 982665 POP UP TOWEL AND KNOB 01/29/2019 20.93 20.93 02/19/2019 PUBLIC PROPERTY 728 STERLING NAPA AUTO PARTS 982841 BOOSTER PACK, BATTERY CHARGER 01/30/2019 243.99 243.99 02/19/2019 PUBLIC PROPERTY 728 STERLING NAPA AUTO PARTS 982999 BATTERY 01/31/2019 69.02 69.02 02/19/2019 PUBLIC PROPERTY 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #4367 XMAS DECOR STORAGE RENTAL 2/19 02/03/2019 257.00 257.00 02/19/2019 PUBLIC PROPERTY 836 WELLS FARGO 02-2019 #4417 CHRISTMAS DECORATION PARTS 02/03/2019 1,875.05 1,875.05 02/19/2019

Total PUBLIC PROPERTY: 2,658.12 2,658.12

CEMETERY CEMETERY 4 ACE HARDWARE 548093 EAR PLUGS, KLEENEX 02/05/2019 23.40 23.40 02/19/2019 CEMETERY 52 AUCA CHICAGO MC LOCKBOX 1591721646 SHOP RAGS 01/31/2019 7.56 7.56 02/19/2019 CEMETERY 85 BONNELL INDUSTRIES INC 0185026IN 2004 SNOW PLOW MAINT. 01/28/2019 53.50 53.50 02/19/2019 CEMETERY 157 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 14172223201 416 S DEMENT 01/30/2019 161.21 161.21 02/19/2019 CITY OF DIXON Payment Approval Report - For Agenda Packets Page: 6 Report dates: 5/1/2018-2/19/2019 Feb 15, 2019 09:24AM

Segment DEPARTMENT Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Inv Amt Amount Paid Date Paid

CEMETERY 728 STERLING NAPA AUTO PARTS 982828 LUBRICRANTS 01/30/2019 15.98 15.98 02/19/2019 CEMETERY 728 STERLING NAPA AUTO PARTS 982841 BOOSTER PACK, BATTERY CHARGER 01/30/2019 243.99 243.99 02/19/2019 CEMETERY 728 STERLING NAPA AUTO PARTS 982999 BATTERY 01/31/2019 69.02 69.02 02/19/2019 CEMETERY 836 WELLS FARGO 02-2019 #4417 BULK LP 02/03/2019 62.25 62.25 02/19/2019

Total CEMETERY: 636.91 636.91

VETERANS PARK VETERANS PARK 122 CENTURYLINK 2 2019 #9556 #446099556 VETS MEM PARK 02/04/2019 131.55 131.55 02/18/2019

Total VETERANS PARK: 131.55 131.55

PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING PUBLIC SAFETY BUILD 52 AUCA CHICAGO MC LOCKBOX 1591702132 RUG SERVICE PSB 01/15/2019 83.41 83.41 02/19/2019 PUBLIC SAFETY BUILD 52 AUCA CHICAGO MC LOCKBOX 1591729712 RUG SERVICE FOR PD SIDE OF PSB 02/07/2019 61.41 61.41 02/19/2019 PUBLIC SAFETY BUILD 1173 DIRECT IN SUPPLY 106968 TRASH BAGS 01/24/2019 78.38 78.38 02/19/2019 PUBLIC SAFETY BUILD 1523 GLOBAL SECURITY SERVICES IA39322 REPLACE DOOR STRIKE 06/04/2018 210.89 210.89 02/19/2019 PUBLIC SAFETY BUILD 503 MECHANICAL INC- FREEPORT FRE109186 REPAIRS 12/30/2018 1,146.39 1,146.39 02/19/2019 PUBLIC SAFETY BUILD 503 MECHANICAL INC- FREEPORT FRE109187 AHU REPAIR #2 12/30/2018 1,836.42 1,836.42 02/19/2019 PUBLIC SAFETY BUILD 836 WELLS FARGO 01-2019#4425 DOOR CLOSER PSB 02/08/2019 90.00 90.00 02/19/2019

Total PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING: 3,506.90 3,506.90

DOWNTOWN MAINTENANCE DOWNTOWN MAINTEN 4 ACE HARDWARE 545133/1 GOOF OFF REMOVER 01/04/2019 13.98 13.98 02/19/2019 DOWNTOWN MAINTEN 4 ACE HARDWARE 546650/1 SECURITY SCREW, UPS CHARGES 01/18/2019 211.00 211.00 02/19/2019 DOWNTOWN MAINTEN 1119 GROSHANS, JOHN FEB.1-MARCH 1, 2019 CONTRACT MAINTENANCE 02/01/2019 2,075.00 2,075.00 02/19/2019

Total DOWNTOWN MAINTENANCE: 2,299.98 2,299.98

TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE TRAFFIC MAINTENANC 1437 BROOK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY S008208655.002 LED STREET LIGHTS 01/29/2019 1,733.33 1,733.33 02/19/2019 TRAFFIC MAINTENANC 1437 BROOK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY S008208655.004 LED STREET LIGHTS 02/04/2019 5,222.22 5,222.22 02/19/2019 TRAFFIC MAINTENANC 148 COMCAST CABLE 1 2019 #6520 612 E SEVENTH 01/27/2019 49.95 49.95 02/18/2019

Total TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE: 7,005.50 7,005.50

WATER WATER 4 ACE HARDWARE 545164 GRINDER, AIR PLUG, GRIND POINTS, 01/04/2019 61.30 61.30 02/19/2019 WATER 4 ACE HARDWARE 545339 CLEANING SUPP 01/07/2019 10.41 10.41 02/19/2019 WATER 4 ACE HARDWARE 545446 CEMENT, ADPTR, COUPLE, ELBOWS, 01/07/2019 18.39 18.39 02/19/2019 CITY OF DIXON Payment Approval Report - For Agenda Packets Page: 7 Report dates: 5/1/2018-2/19/2019 Feb 15, 2019 09:24AM

Segment DEPARTMENT Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Inv Amt Amount Paid Date Paid

WATER 4 ACE HARDWARE 546253 SMALL TOOLS 01/15/2019 8.09 8.09 02/19/2019 WATER 4 ACE HARDWARE 546658 SMALL TOOLS 01/18/2019 20.67 20.67 02/19/2019 WATER 4 ACE HARDWARE 546689 CLEANING SUPP 01/18/2019 10.79 10.79 02/19/2019 WATER 4 ACE HARDWARE 547039 ICE SCRAPER, GALV 3/4", TUBE WINT 01/22/2019 6.18 6.18 02/19/2019 WATER 4 ACE HARDWARE 547974 RENTAL SUMP PUMP 02/01/2019 31.90 31.90 02/19/2019 WATER 4 ACE HARDWARE 547980 SW DRILL/DRIVE SET 02/01/2019 26.99 26.99 02/19/2019 WATER 4 ACE HARDWARE 548038 PNT MRKR RED, TORCH HEAD TRIGG 02/04/2019 72.75 72.75 02/19/2019 WATER 54 AUTOZONE INC. 1916445962 ANTIFREEZE 02/07/2019 170.88 170.88 02/19/2019 WATER 122 CENTURYLINK 2 2019 #1885 #304001885 02/04/2019 360.25 360.25 02/18/2019 WATER 1933 CHASE PAYMENTECH 1 2019 #5945769 MERCHANT 5945769 01/31/2019 3,726.62 3,726.62 02/18/2019 WATER 148 COMCAST CABLE 2 2019 #8038 1025 NACHUSA AVE #87711030102580 02/06/2019 136.85 136.85 02/18/2019 WATER 148 COMCAST CABLE 2 2019 #8608 1329 N GALENA #8771103010258608 02/05/2019 136.85 136.85 02/18/2019 WATER 1681 DUFFIELD CONSULTING ENGINEERS 429 RADIATION TRAINING 01/30/2019 783.00 783.00 02/19/2019 WATER 1211 DYNEGY ENERGY SERVICES 146635319011 420 E RIVER (WL#5) 01/31/2019 1,840.75 1,840.75 02/19/2019 WATER 1211 DYNEGY ENERGY SERVICES 146635419021 92 ARTESIAN #0045036075 02/05/2019 5,408.98 5,408.98 02/19/2019 WATER 1211 DYNEGY ENERGY SERVICES 146635519021 1552 DUTCH RD #0127095069 02/05/2019 1,645.83 1,645.83 02/19/2019 WATER 1211 DYNEGY ENERGY SERVICES 146635719021 1125 N JEFFERSON #0822025034 02/05/2019 4,511.27 4,511.27 02/19/2019 WATER 1211 DYNEGY ENERGY SERVICES 146635919021 0 CHICAGO AVE #2607077030 02/05/2019 410.34 410.34 02/19/2019 WATER 1211 DYNEGY ENERGY SERVICES 146636019021 1329 N GALENA #5526002009 02/05/2019 5,193.71 5,193.71 02/19/2019 WATER 1211 DYNEGY ENERGY SERVICES 146636119021 1512 S COLLEGE #5547096047 02/05/2019 460.38 460.38 02/19/2019 WATER 1211 DYNEGY ENERGY SERVICES 146636219021 1025 NACHUSA AVE #5610052004 02/05/2019 3,658.43 3,658.43 02/19/2019 WATER 1211 DYNEGY ENERGY SERVICES 146636319021 1100 WARP RD #5946131009 02/06/2019 5,008.64 5,008.64 02/19/2019 WATER 1211 DYNEGY ENERGY SERVICES 146636419021 1952 LOWELL PARK RD 02/05/2019 439.00 439.00 02/19/2019 WATER 1211 DYNEGY ENERGY SERVICES 146636519021 2019 LOWELL PARK ROAD 02/05/2019 114.66 114.66 02/19/2019 WATER 1211 DYNEGY ENERGY SERVICES 146636619021 1740 N BRINTON 02/05/2019 241.37 241.37 02/19/2019 WATER 1427 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 0315633 LF CAMB COUP COMP 1300-1700 01/29/2019 342.22 342.22 02/19/2019 WATER 272 FREEDOM MAILING SERVICES INC. 35285 WATER DEPT-BILLING QUARTERLY 02/02/2019 360.85 360.85 02/19/2019 WATER 272 FREEDOM MAILING SERVICES INC. 35285 WATER - POSTAGE 02/02/2019 123.77 123.77 02/19/2019 WATER 272 FREEDOM MAILING SERVICES INC. 35318 WATER - POSTAGE 02/05/2019 13.11 13.11 02/19/2019 WATER 272 FREEDOM MAILING SERVICES INC. 35318 SHUT OFF NOTICES 02/05/2019 69.00 69.00 02/19/2019 WATER 1688 MDS DOOR COMPANY LLC 8-0155 RIVER RD/GREEN SHED/TIGHTEN BE 12/20/2018 110.00 110.00 02/19/2019 WATER 1688 MDS DOOR COMPANY LLC 8-0157 EAST BLDG(CENTER DOOR) 12/19/2018 110.00 110.00 02/19/2019 WATER 518 MILLER BRADFORD RISBERG INC PO8162 RINGS, WASHERS 01/24/2019 37.03 37.03 02/19/2019 WATER 518 MILLER BRADFORD RISBERG INC PO8163 WHEEL ASSY 01/24/2019 441.00 441.00 02/19/2019 WATER 518 MILLER BRADFORD RISBERG INC PO8163 FREIGHT WHEEL ASSY 01/24/2019 15.00 15.00 02/19/2019 WATER 518 MILLER BRADFORD RISBERG INC PO8242 BOLTS, NUTS 02/01/2019 148.40 148.40 02/19/2019 WATER 555 NICOR 2 2019 #0232 2019 LOWELL PARK ROAD 01/28/2019 273.10 273.10 02/19/2019 WATER 555 NICOR 2 2019 #6015 1952 LOWELL PARK ROAD 01/28/2019 99.62 99.62 02/19/2019 WATER 580 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC 1379-331084 ANTIFREEZE 02/07/2019 125.93 125.93 02/19/2019 WATER 594 PDC LABORATORIES I9354743 TRACE METALS 01/31/2019 81.00 81.00 02/19/2019 WATER 594 PDC LABORATORIES I9354744 ARSENIC TESTING 01/31/2019 11.50 11.50 02/19/2019 CITY OF DIXON Payment Approval Report - For Agenda Packets Page: 8 Report dates: 5/1/2018-2/19/2019 Feb 15, 2019 09:24AM

Segment DEPARTMENT Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Inv Amt Amount Paid Date Paid

WATER 596 PEST CONTROL CONSULTANTS 99667 MTHLY PEST CONTROL 02/01/2019 68.00 68.00 02/19/2019 WATER 627 QUALITY READY MIX CONCRETE INC 28860 RTE 2 EMERGENCY 01/12/2019 526.50 526.50 02/19/2019 WATER 627 QUALITY READY MIX CONCRETE INC 28861 9TH/SHERIDAN 01/15/2019 999.00 999.00 02/19/2019 WATER 627 QUALITY READY MIX CONCRETE INC 28862 9TH/SHERIDAN 01/15/2019 333.00 333.00 02/19/2019 WATER 629 QUILL CORPORATION 4732688 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01/31/2019 54.57 54.57 02/19/2019 WATER 728 STERLING NAPA AUTO PARTS 980430 HOSE END FITTINGS, HOSE, CRIMP 01/12/2019 214.14 214.14 02/19/2019 WATER 728 STERLING NAPA AUTO PARTS 982511 ADAPTER 01/28/2019 1.99 1.99 02/19/2019 WATER 728 STERLING NAPA AUTO PARTS 982614 IMPACT TOOL 01/29/2019 374.99 374.99 02/19/2019 WATER 755 THE AUDIO VIDEO CONNECTION 19679 RADIO INSTALLATION 01/15/2019 488.97 488.97 02/19/2019 WATER 780 TOTAL WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS 0793426 DI SERVICE TANKS 01/30/2019 78.92 78.92 02/19/2019 WATER 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #1843 FEDERAL POSTERS 02/03/2019 102.40 102.40 02/19/2019 WATER 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #3949 MAIN BREAK/IDLE OAKS 02/03/2019 368.52 368.52 02/19/2019 WATER 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #3949 OPERATING - PUMP 02/03/2019 568.09 568.09 02/19/2019 WATER 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #3949 PEROXIDE, VINEGAR 02/03/2019 24.89 24.89 02/19/2019 WATER 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #3949 PEROXIDE, VINEGAR 02/03/2019 33.77 33.77 02/19/2019 WATER 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 TONER FOR M476 02/03/2019 191.97 191.97 02/19/2019

Total WATER: 41,306.53 41,306.53

SEWAGE TREATMENT SEWAGE TREATMENT 4 ACE HARDWARE 544985 SMARTFLO, WASHER HOSE, NOZZLE 01/03/2019 77.09 77.09 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 4 ACE HARDWARE 546318 SHOVEL, HARDWARE 01/15/2019 12.01 12.01 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 4 ACE HARDWARE 546381 BATTERY, WATER 01/16/2019 20.37 20.37 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 4 ACE HARDWARE 547378 TORCH KIT PRO MAXPR0GAS 01/25/2019 44.99 44.99 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 4 ACE HARDWARE 547599 ICE BEETER, BAR CLAMP,CULTIVATO 01/28/2019 60.26 60.26 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 52 AUCA CHICAGO MC LOCKBOX 1591718384 RUGS 01/29/2019 53.70 53.70 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 52 AUCA CHICAGO MC LOCKBOX 1591726477 RUBBER MATS 02/05/2019 53.70 53.70 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 1933 CHASE PAYMENTECH 1 2019 #5945769 MERCHANT 5945769 01/31/2019 3,726.63 3,726.63 02/18/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 1992 CJL & M LLC 101 CONTRACTUAL 02/01/2019 4,128.00 4,128.00 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 152 COMPLETE AUTOWERKS REPAIR SE 12822 FIX TRAILER TOW 01/24/2019 62.70 62.70 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 157 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 14163655101 1670 BRANDYWINE LANE 01/29/2019 62.40 62.40 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 157 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 14182440601 926 E RIVER ROAD 02/01/2019 61.29 61.29 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 157 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 14182457001 706 E FELLOWS 02/01/2019 67.58 67.58 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 157 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 14182493801 976 TAYLOR COURT 02/01/2019 153.27 153.27 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 157 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 14182588901 128 LIBERTY COURT 01/31/2019 43.16 43.16 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 157 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 14182593901 LOWELL PARK ROAD 01/31/2019 249.95 249.95 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 1211 DYNEGY ENERGY SERVICES 146635819011 2600 W THIRD #1226400005 01/31/2019 21,304.82 21,304.82 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 272 FREEDOM MAILING SERVICES INC. 35285 WATER DEPT-BILLING QUARTERLY 02/02/2019 360.85 360.85 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 272 FREEDOM MAILING SERVICES INC. 35285 SEWER - POSTAGE 02/02/2019 123.76 123.76 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 272 FREEDOM MAILING SERVICES INC. 35318 SEWER - POSTAGE 02/05/2019 13.11 13.11 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 272 FREEDOM MAILING SERVICES INC. 35318 SHUT OFF NOTICES 02/05/2019 69.00 69.00 02/19/2019 CITY OF DIXON Payment Approval Report - For Agenda Packets Page: 9 Report dates: 5/1/2018-2/19/2019 Feb 15, 2019 09:24AM

Segment DEPARTMENT Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Inv Amt Amount Paid Date Paid

SEWAGE TREATMENT 509 METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES INC 002332 DATA SERVICE 01/15/2019 30.00 30.00 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 594 PDC LABORATORIES I9319691 PHOSPHATE TOTAL 04/26/2018 209.90 209.90 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 594 PDC LABORATORIES I9323161 PHOSPHATE TOTAL 05/25/2018 209.90 209.90 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 594 PDC LABORATORIES I9326383 PHOSPHATE TOTAL 06/22/2018 209.90 209.90 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 594 PDC LABORATORIES I9326609 ARSENIC TOTAL/CORROSION CONTR 06/25/2018 677.00 677.00 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 594 PDC LABORATORIES I9329554 AMMONIA/ARSENIC ETC. 07/18/2018 533.35 533.35 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 594 PDC LABORATORIES I9330903 PHOSPHATE TOTAL 07/27/2018 215.90 215.90 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 594 PDC LABORATORIES I9335912 PHOSPHATE TOTAL 08/31/2018 222.40 222.40 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 594 PDC LABORATORIES I9336812 AMMONIA/ARSENIC ETC. 09/07/2018 352.48 352.48 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 594 PDC LABORATORIES I9339892 PHOSPHATE TOTAL 09/27/2018 222.40 222.40 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 594 PDC LABORATORIES I9343688 PHOSPHATE TOTAL 10/26/2018 222.40 222.40 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 594 PDC LABORATORIES I9347060 PHOSPHATE TOTAL 11/23/2018 222.40 222.40 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 594 PDC LABORATORIES I9350765 PHOSPHATE TOTAL 12/22/2018 222.40 222.40 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 594 PDC LABORATORIES I9350794 ARSENIC TOTAL/CORROSION CONTR 12/24/2018 349.10 349.10 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 594 PDC LABORATORIES I9350918 ARSENIC TOTAL/CORROSION CONTR 12/24/2018 696.20 696.20 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 631 RAILROAD MANAGEMENT COMPANY 386463 LICENSE FEE RENEW 5/19-5/20 01/30/2019 957.48 957.48 02/19/2019 SEWAGE TREATMENT 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #1843 FEDERAL POSTERS 02/03/2019 51.20 51.20 02/19/2019

Total SEWAGE TREATMENT: 36,353.05 36,353.05

FIRE FIRE 4 ACE HARDWARE 544833 FURNACE FILTER 01/02/2019 21.49 21.49 02/19/2019 FIRE 4 ACE HARDWARE 545255 STUDS 01/06/2019 16.52 16.52 02/19/2019 FIRE 4 ACE HARDWARE 545343 SPRK PLUG 01/07/2019 2.51 2.51 02/19/2019 FIRE 4 ACE HARDWARE 546307 WALLPLATE 01/15/2019 4.49 4.49 02/19/2019 FIRE 4 ACE HARDWARE 547370 UTILITY BLADE 01/25/2019 3.23 3.23 02/19/2019 FIRE 4 ACE HARDWARE 547806 KEROSENE 01/30/2019 11.98 11.98 02/19/2019 FIRE 4 ACE HARDWARE K45666 VELCRO 01/09/2019 3.59 3.59 02/19/2019 FIRE 4 ACE HARDWARE K45696 GLUE 01/09/2019 5.39 5.39 02/19/2019 FIRE 1087 BERGEMANN, ERIC 01-2019#BERGEMANN MILEAGE- WHEATON 01/10/2019 92.65 92.65 02/19/2019 FIRE 122 CENTURYLINK 01 2019 #4498 FIRE PORTION OF PSB PHONE BILL 01/19/2019 280.00 280.00 02/18/2019 FIRE 1490 DINGES FIRE COMPANY 52588 FIREFIGHTER GLOVES 12/14/2018 89.25 89.25 02/19/2019 FIRE 1490 DINGES FIRE COMPANY 53143 HELMET FRONT- NEW HIRE AND PRO 01/09/2019 86.62 86.62 02/19/2019 FIRE 1490 DINGES FIRE COMPANY 53289 HELMET FRONT- MARKEL 01/14/2019 86.62 86.62 02/19/2019 FIRE 241 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS IN 2044867 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 01/17/2019 598.60 598.60 02/19/2019 FIRE 241 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS IN 2046682 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 01/25/2019 177.33 177.33 02/19/2019 FIRE 339 HUFFMAN CAR WASH 142782 VEHICLE WASH 01/02/2019 5.75 5.75 02/19/2019 FIRE 339 HUFFMAN CAR WASH 142911 VEHICLE WASH 01/29/2019 9.25 9.25 02/19/2019 FIRE 1049 KALEEL'S CLOTHING AND PRINTING 3038 DEPARTMENT UNIFORMS 01/21/2019 141.00 141.00 02/19/2019 FIRE 474 LINEN EXPRESS 759251 LAUNDRY JAN 2019 01/31/2019 52.20 52.20 02/19/2019 FIRE 2024 M & M MARINE 0990 REPLACEMENT PROP 09/01/2018 500.34 500.34 02/19/2019 CITY OF DIXON Payment Approval Report - For Agenda Packets Page: 10 Report dates: 5/1/2018-2/19/2019 Feb 15, 2019 09:24AM

Segment DEPARTMENT Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Inv Amt Amount Paid Date Paid

FIRE 504 MEDICAL PRODUCTS GROUP OF 342111 OXYGEN D 02/02/2019 8.75 8.75 02/19/2019 FIRE 504 MEDICAL PRODUCTS GROUP OF 342270 OXYGEN M 02/02/2019 16.00 16.00 02/19/2019 FIRE 504 MEDICAL PRODUCTS GROUP OF 342274 OXYGEN D 02/02/2019 17.50 17.50 02/19/2019 FIRE 504 MEDICAL PRODUCTS GROUP OF 342396 OXYGEN D 02/02/2019 17.50 17.50 02/19/2019 FIRE 504 MEDICAL PRODUCTS GROUP OF 342451 OXYGEN M 02/02/2019 21.00 21.00 02/19/2019 FIRE 504 MEDICAL PRODUCTS GROUP OF 342665 OXYGEN M 02/02/2019 16.00 16.00 02/19/2019 FIRE 1040 PALACZ, MARK 01-2019#PALACZ PER DIEM @ ORLANO PK 02/04/2019 470.00 470.00 02/19/2019 FIRE 675 SAUK VALLEY MEDIA 011910126243 BUSINESS CARDS- ARNOULD 01/31/2019 35.00 35.00 02/19/2019 FIRE 677 SBM STERLING BUSINESS CENTER 435687 COPY MACHINE 02/12/2019 139.12 139.12 02/19/2019 FIRE 2025 SHIPMAN, JOSH 01 2019 J. SHIPMAN PER DIEM FIRE ACADEMY 02/04/2019 940.00 940.00 02/19/2019 FIRE 693 SHOPKO STORES OPERATING CO. 5373 STATION SUPPLIES 12/27/2018 62.50 62.50 02/19/2019 FIRE 693 SHOPKO STORES OPERATING CO. 7594 GLUCOSE SUPPLIES 01/14/2019 52.27 52.27 02/19/2019 FIRE 693 SHOPKO STORES OPERATING CO. 7689 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 01/14/2019 280.75 280.75 02/19/2019 FIRE 693 SHOPKO STORES OPERATING CO. 8790 STATION SUPPLIES 01/23/2019 15.98 15.98 02/19/2019 FIRE 836 WELLS FARGO 01-2019#4425 DUTY PANTS 02/08/2019 191.09 191.09 02/19/2019 FIRE 836 WELLS FARGO 01-2019#4425 COFFEE POTS 02/08/2019 76.78 76.78 02/19/2019 FIRE 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 TONER M 477 02/03/2019 108.79 108.79 02/19/2019

Total FIRE: 4,657.84 4,657.84


Total CONFISCATED PROP EXPENSES: 3,400.00 3,400.00

POLICE POLICE 4 ACE HARDWARE 546694 50 FT PARACORD 01/18/2019 8.09 8.09 02/19/2019 POLICE 54 AUTOZONE INC. 1916439174 WIPER BLADES 01/24/2019 55.98 55.98 02/19/2019 POLICE 54 AUTOZONE INC. 1916441002 WIPER BLADES 01/28/2019 55.98 55.98 02/19/2019 POLICE 1662 BARBECK COMMUNICATIONS 444353 RADIO MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 02/01/2019 420.74 420.74 02/19/2019 POLICE 122 CENTURYLINK 01 2019 #4498 POLICE PORTION OF PSB PHONE BIL 01/19/2019 1,064.55 1,064.55 02/18/2019 POLICE 152 COMPLETE AUTOWERKS REPAIR SE 12859 MOUNT NEW TIRES ON #81 01/30/2019 76.78 76.78 02/19/2019 POLICE 250 EXPERIAN CD1910030146 CREDIT CHECKS 01/25/2019 27.22 27.22 02/19/2019 POLICE 339 HUFFMAN CAR WASH 1563 25 CAR WASHES FOR JANUARY 01/30/2019 100.00 100.00 02/19/2019 POLICE 1016 INTOXIMETERS INC. 618301 DRYGAS CYLINDER AND DRAIN TOOL 01/23/2019 239.75 239.75 02/19/2019 POLICE 467 LEE COUNTY TREASURER 03 2019 POLICE DISPATCHING - MARCH 03/01/2019 14,489.67 14,489.67 02/19/2019 POLICE 1676 MOBRE COUNSELING SERVICES LLC 01312019 EMDR PROTOCAL MEETING 01/31/2019 150.00 150.00 02/19/2019 POLICE 1676 MOBRE COUNSELING SERVICES LLC 01312019 FIRST RESPONDER PARTNER TRAINI 01/31/2019 300.00 300.00 02/19/2019 POLICE 939 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS - STARCOM 40634123118 FEB. SUBSCRIPTION FEE FOR TWELV 02/01/2019 216.00 216.00 02/19/2019 POLICE 629 QUILL CORPORATION 4468270 2 COPY STAMPS 01/22/2019 20.38 20.38 02/19/2019 POLICE 629 QUILL CORPORATION 4490444 3 SANDISK FLASHDRIVES 01/23/2019 77.07 77.07 02/19/2019 CITY OF DIXON Payment Approval Report - For Agenda Packets Page: 11 Report dates: 5/1/2018-2/19/2019 Feb 15, 2019 09:24AM

Segment DEPARTMENT Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Inv Amt Amount Paid Date Paid

POLICE 629 QUILL CORPORATION 4663008 TISSUES AND A CHAIR MAT 01/29/2019 40.28 40.28 02/19/2019 POLICE 629 QUILL CORPORATION 4681621 4 MEMORY CARDS 01/30/2019 61.00 61.00 02/19/2019 POLICE 634 RAY O'HERRON CO INC 1905257 10 CASES OF .40 CAL DUTY AMMO 01/28/2019 2,700.00 2,700.00 02/19/2019 POLICE 665 RUSS' AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE & TOWI 01262019 TIRE REPAIR 01/26/2019 20.00 20.00 02/19/2019 POLICE 704 SLIM-N-HANK'S 11835 SQUAD TOW 12/25/2018 10.00 10.00 02/19/2019 POLICE 704 SLIM-N-HANK'S 12129 SQUAD TOW 01/27/2019 25.00 25.00 02/19/2019 POLICE 801 UNIFORM DEN INC 97649-05 NAMETAG FOR MATT COFFEY 01/31/2019 16.95 16.95 02/19/2019 POLICE 801 UNIFORM DEN INC 99169 3 DETECTIVE'S BADGES 01/31/2019 317.40 317.40 02/19/2019 POLICE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019#1308 TLO TRANSACTION ACCT 02/03/2019 25.00 25.00 02/19/2019 POLICE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019#1308 FBINAA ANNUAL DUES 02/03/2019 115.00 115.00 02/19/2019 POLICE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019#1308 POSTAGE 02/03/2019 9.70 9.70 02/19/2019 POLICE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019#1308 POSTAGE 02/03/2019 20.10 20.10 02/19/2019 POLICE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019#1308 POSTAGE 02/03/2019 34.25 34.25 02/19/2019 POLICE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019#1308 SQUAD REGISTRATION 02/03/2019 103.37 103.37 02/19/2019 POLICE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019#4383 15 LONG TUBE EARPHONES 02/03/2019 628.20 628.20 02/19/2019 POLICE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019#4383 FBINAA ANNUAL DUES 02/03/2019 115.00 115.00 02/19/2019 POLICE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019#4383 SHIPPING CHARGE 02/03/2019 12.24 12.24 02/19/2019 POLICE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019#4383 NAPWDA ANNUAL DUES 02/03/2019 45.00 45.00 02/19/2019 POLICE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019#4383 DIGITAL THREAT ASSESSMENT TRAIN 02/03/2019 798.00 798.00 02/19/2019 POLICE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019#4383 VEST COVER FOR OFFICER FARIAS 02/03/2019 184.15 184.15 02/19/2019 POLICE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019#4383 STAMPS.COM MONTHLY FEE 02/03/2019 15.99 15.99 02/19/2019 POLICE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019#9714 MEALS AT CRISIS INTERVENTION TR 02/03/2019 119.31 119.31 02/19/2019 POLICE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019#9714 MEALS AT CRISIS INTERVENTION TR 02/03/2019 50.22 50.22 02/19/2019 POLICE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019#9714 MEALS AT CAD DEMO 02/03/2019 74.68 74.68 02/19/2019 POLICE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019#9714 DEPT PHOTOS 02/03/2019 20.00 20.00 02/19/2019 POLICE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019#9714 SHIPPING CHARGE 02/03/2019 15.47 15.47 02/19/2019 POLICE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019#9714 LODGING DURING STREET CRIMES I 02/03/2019 92.13 92.13 02/19/2019 POLICE 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019#9714 MEALS DURING OFFICER EVALUATIO 02/03/2019 138.80 138.80 02/19/2019 POLICE 836 WELLS FARGO 2 2019 #4359 TONER FOR M477 PRINTERS 02/03/2019 217.58 217.58 02/19/2019

Total POLICE: 23,327.03 23,327.03

LIBRARY LIBRARY 1775 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1H4G-RTQF-7DN1 2 ROLLS ARTKRAFT PAPER DUO-FINI 02/06/2019 61.54 61.54 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 1775 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1W6K-QT9R-W79M 2 BEAN BAG CHAIRS - YOUTH DEPT 02/07/2019 79.76 79.76 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 1775 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1YGG-FHWG-FD7G ART2 ROLLS KRAFT PAPER 02/03/2019 58.32 58.32 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 1453 APPLE BOOKS 110168 8 BOOKS 02/06/2019 159.60 159.60 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 122 CENTURYLINK 2 2019 #0193 #304050193 02/04/2019 217.74 217.74 02/18/2019 LIBRARY 1872 CINTAS LOC #19M 19M152076 MATS/WET MOP 01/31/2019 29.85 29.85 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 1872 CINTAS LOC #19M 19M152076 SUPPLIES 01/31/2019 16.80 16.80 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 1872 CINTAS LOC #19M 19M153635 MATS/WET MOP 02/07/2019 29.85 29.85 02/19/2019 CITY OF DIXON Payment Approval Report - For Agenda Packets Page: 12 Report dates: 5/1/2018-2/19/2019 Feb 15, 2019 09:24AM

Segment DEPARTMENT Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Inv Amt Amount Paid Date Paid

LIBRARY 1872 CINTAS LOC #19M 19M153635 SUPPLIES 02/07/2019 27.08 27.08 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 2028 COUGHLAN COMPANIES LLC 148210 11 BOOKS 01/25/2019 188.41 188.41 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 184 DEMCO INC 6539376 DVD CASES & ALBUMS 01/29/2019 107.81 107.81 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 389 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 38490369 ADULT MTLS 01/23/2019 63.46 63.46 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 389 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 38490369 CHILDREN MTLS 01/23/2019 1,202.35 1,202.35 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 389 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 38538557 ADULT MTLS 01/25/2019 8.39 8.39 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 389 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 38538557 CHILDREN MTLS 01/25/2019 274.93 274.93 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 389 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 38614519 ADULT MTLS 01/30/2019 899.44 899.44 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 389 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 38614519 CHILDREN MTLS 01/30/2019 7.88 7.88 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 389 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 38614520 YOUNG ADULT 01/30/2019 502.42 502.42 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 389 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 38647697 ADULT MTLS 01/31/2019 239.67 239.67 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 389 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 38647697 CHILDREN MTLS 01/31/2019 10.79 10.79 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 389 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 38685088 ADULT MTLS 02/04/2019 271.89 271.89 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 389 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 38685088 CHILDREN MTLS 02/04/2019 10.16 10.16 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 389 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 38711799 ADULT MTLS 02/05/2019 119.68 119.68 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 389 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 38711799 YOUNG ADULT 02/05/2019 7.79 7.79 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 389 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES 38711799 CHILDREN MTLS 02/05/2019 36.19 36.19 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 1227 MIDWEST TAPE 96914484 AUDIOBOOK 01/29/2019 29.99 29.99 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 2029 ROSEN PUBLISHING RSL135850l BOOKS 01/31/2019 213.31 213.31 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 1649 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 7208366468-1-1 PRICE MATCH - SORTKWIK 11/20/2018 2.20- 2.20- 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 1649 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 7208366468-1-1 PRICE MATCH - BOOK TAPE 11/20/2018 1.30- 1.30- 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 1649 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 7208366468-1-1 PRICE MATCH - ELMERS GLUESTICK 11/20/2018 1.20- 1.20- 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 1649 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 7208366468-1-1 PRICE MATCH - CLD/SELF ADHSVE L 11/20/2018 3.87- 3.87- 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 1649 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 7211690181-1-1 PRICE MATCH - CORK BOARD 01/30/2019 4.51- 4.51- 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 1649 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 7211690181-1-1 PRICE MATCH - BOOK TAPE 01/30/2019 3.90- 3.90- 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 1649 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 7211690181-1-1 PRICE MATCH - SCOTCH MAGIC TAPE 01/30/2019 3.55- 3.55- 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 1649 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 7213191397-0-2 SHARPIES, BOOK TAPE, DYMO BLAC 02/08/2019 87.51 87.51 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 1178 SWEDBERG & ASSOCIATES INC. 5416 LIGHTS IN WORK AREA, REPAIR BATH 01/31/2019 10,030.09 10,030.09 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 1178 SWEDBERG & ASSOCIATES INC. 5416 HVAC REGISTERS, GROUT, TAPE, BA 01/31/2019 509.91 509.91 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #1843 FEDERAL POSTERS 02/03/2019 51.20 51.20 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #7655 PIZZA RECEIPT FOR PROGRAM EVEN 02/05/2019 30.50 30.50 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #7655 SUPPLIES FOR PROGRAM 02/05/2019 8.24 8.24 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #7655 FOOD SUPPLIES FOR PROGRAM EVE 02/05/2019 20.27 20.27 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #7655 EDU KIT 02/05/2019 125.00 125.00 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #7655 CRAFT SUPPLIES 02/05/2019 74.03 74.03 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #7655 CRAFT SUPPLIES 02/05/2019 45.74 45.74 02/19/2019 LIBRARY 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #7655 CRAFT SUPPLIES 02/05/2019 97.87 97.87 02/19/2019

Total LIBRARY: 15,934.93 15,934.93 CITY OF DIXON Payment Approval Report - For Agenda Packets Page: 13 Report dates: 5/1/2018-2/19/2019 Feb 15, 2019 09:24AM

Segment DEPARTMENT Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Inv Amt Amount Paid Date Paid

LIBRARY GRANT LIBRARY GRANT 690 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 1058-4 PAINT/TAPE 01/28/2019 112.28 112.28 02/19/2019 LIBRARY GRANT 836 WELLS FARGO 02 2019 #7655 COURSE FOR SUMMER LIB PROGRA 02/05/2019 112.50 112.50 02/19/2019

Total LIBRARY GRANT: 224.78 224.78

AIRPORT AIRPORT 52 AUCA CHICAGO MC LOCKBOX 792149940 RUBBER MATS 02/07/2019 80.33 80.33 02/19/2019 AIRPORT 143 CMT 0202487 PROF SERVICES 11/2018-12/2018 01/24/2019 1,290.63 1,290.63 02/19/2019 AIRPORT 157 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 14172097601 1650 FRANKLIN GROVE ROAD 01/30/2019 924.87 924.87 02/19/2019 AIRPORT 157 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 14182493701 1650 FRANKLIN GROVE ROAD 01/31/2019 43.27 43.27 02/19/2019 AIRPORT 1870 OPTICAL SCIENTIFIC INC S419030-SVC ON SITE AWOS MAINTENANCE 01/30/2019 1,378.97 1,378.97 02/19/2019

Total AIRPORT: 3,718.07 3,718.07



Grand Totals: 634,774.72 634,774.72

Report Criteria: Invoices with totals above $0 included. Paid and unpaid invoices included. [Report].Date Paid = 02/05/2019-02/19/2019 City of Dixon - Department of Building & Zoning Monthly Summary Building Permit Report - January 2019

Type November New/Renew Contractor Reg 14 New Residential 0 New Multi-Family 0 New Commercial 0 Resid Add/Rem/Repair 2 Non-Resid Add/Rem/Repair 4 Roof 1 Siding, windows 1 Deck, porch, patio 1 Demolition 0 Driveway, sidewalk 1 Garage 0 Utility shed 1 Parking lot 0 Pool 0 Fence, retaining wall 0 Sign, temp sign 1 Sewer, water connect 0 Sewer, water repair 0 Electrical 0 R.O.W 0 Rubbish Dumpster 1

Total Contractors/Permits/Sidewalks 27 Total Permit/Other Fees $4,226.75 Total Construction Costs $1,537,756.00 COUNCIL ACTION FORM

Date: February 19, 2019 Presented By: Shiaras

Subject: Re-Plat of SubdivisionAgenda Item: 13A Description: Hvarre Property, LLC, is the owner of record of certain real property being part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 6, Township 21 North, Range 9 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, Dixon Township, Lee County, Illinois, and submits herewith a final re-plat of subdivision, known as “The Re-subdivision of Riverview Estates” in substitution of the existing final plat of subdivision approved by the City Council on May 2nd, 2011 and recorded on May 10th, 2011 as DocumentNumber 2011002197

The plans and specifications for the improvements of said re-plat have been approved by the Plan Commission of the City of Dixon at a public hearing held on January 24, 2019.


Is this a budgeted item? YES NO

Line Item #: Title:

Amount Budgeted:

A c t u a l C o s t :

U n d e r / O v e r :

Funding Sources:


Is this item in the CIP? YES NO CIP Project Number: COUNCIL ACTION FORM

Any previous Council actions: Action Date


Required Action

ORDINANCE✔ 5(SOLUTION 027,21 12$&7,215(48,5('

Additional Comments:

MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: 029(TO approve the ordinance vacating existing plat of subdivision and approval of re-plat of subdivision Northeast Quarter of Section 6, Township 21 North, Range 9 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, Dixon Township, Lee County, Illinois.

CITY COUNCIL VOTES Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman VOTES Arellano &RQVLGLQH 0DUVKDOO Marx Venier YES NO ABSENT ABSTAIN











Published in pamphlet form by authority of the Council of the City of Dixon, this 19th day of February, 2019 ______



BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Dixon:

SECTION 1: Hvarre Property, LLC, an Illinois limited liability company, is the owner of record of certain real property being part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 6, Township 21 North, Range 9 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, Dixon Township, Lee County, Illinois, and submits herewith a final re-plat of subdivision, known as “The Re-subdivision of Riverview Estates” in substitution of the existing final plat of subdivision approved by the City Council on May 2nd, 2011 and recorded on May 10th, 2011 as Document Number 2011002197.

SECTION 2: The aforementioned re-plat conforms in all respects to the ordinance requirements of the City of Dixon governing plats and subdivisions and the subdivisions shown therein provide for streets and grounds in conformity with the applicable requirements of the official plan of the City of Dixon and with the ordinances of the City of Dixon, including Chapter 12, Part A of the City of Dixon Zoning Ordinance with respect to planned unit developments.

SECTION 3: The plans and specifications for the improvements of said re-plat have been approved by the Plan Commission of the City of Dixon at a public hearing held on January 24, 2019.

SECTION 4: The re-plat known as The Re-subdivision of Riverview Estates is hereby accepted by the City of Dixon, and the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to accept and approve said re-plat upon its face prior to the filing of the re-plat in the Recorder's Office. The City further approves the concept plan, attached hereto as Exhibit A and submitted with the re-plat, for the reconfiguration of the structures on the property from four (4) separate four-unit buildings to eight (8) separate two-unit buildings.

SECTION 5: The final plat of subdivision for Riverview Estates approved by the Dixon City Council on May 2nd, 2011 is hereby vacated.

SECTION 6. A copy of the re-plat is to be filed with this Ordinance and made a part hereof and a certified copy of this Ordinance shall filed with the original re-plat in the Recorder's Office of the County of Lee, State of Illinois.

SECTION 7: The provisions and sections of this Ordinance shall be deemed to be separable, and the invalidity of any portion of this Ordinance shall not affect the validity of the remainder.

SECTION 8: That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed.

1 SECTION 9: That the City Clerk is hereby directed to publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form.

SECTION 10: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage and approval, and publication as required by law.

Passed by the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Dixon on the 19th day of February, 2019.



______City Clerk








2 Exhibit A

(attach concept plan of Riverview Estates)



Date: 2/19/2019 Presented By: Heckman/Huyett

Subject: Amend Budget-Water DepartmentAgenda Item: 14A Description: The Water Department is in need of additional funding for its budgeted Contractual and Telephone line items.

The resolution will increase the contractual line item by $10,000 and reduce the Postage line item by $10,000. The additional funds needed for the Contractual account is due to credit card fees incurred from customer payments now being taken from the Contractual line item.

The resolution will also increase the Telephone line item by $3,500 and reduce the Postage line item by $3,500. The additional funds needed for the Telephone line item is due to the need for internet service at 2 water towers. The service is needed to complete communication between the new water meters and City Hall.


Is this a budgeted item? YES NO

Line Item #: Title:

Amount Budgeted:

A c t u a l C o s t :

U n d e r / O v e r :

Funding Sources:

Departments: Water

Is this item in the CIP? YES NO CIP Project Number: COUNCIL ACTION FORM

Any previous Council actions: Action Date None

Recommendation: Approve the resolution.

Required Action ✔ ORDINANCE RESOLUTION 027,21 12$&7,215(48,5('

Additional Comments:

MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: TO approve the resolution amending the FY19 budget with respect to the Water Department Contractual and Telephone line items.

CITY COUNCIL VOTES Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman VOTES Arellano &RQVLGLQH 0DUVKDOO Marx Venier YES NO ABSENT ABSTAIN RESOLUTION NO. ______


WHEREAS, pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/8-2-9.6, the City Council may amend the annual budget of the City of Dixon by a vote of two-thirds of the corporate authorities then holding office; and

WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the needs of the City of Dixon and deems it advisable and in the best interests of the City of Dixon to amend the budget for fiscal year 2018- 2019 by amending line items within the budget to accommodate additional Contractual and Telephone expenses for the Water Department; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dixon that the Finance Director of the City is hereby authorized and directed to amend the budget for fiscal year 2018-2019 by decreasing the Water line item “Postage” by $13,500 and increasing the line item for “Telephone” within the Water budget by $3,500; and increasing the line item “Contractual” within the water budget by $10,000.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council finds that all of the recitals contained in the preambles to this Resolution are full, true and correct and does incorporate them into this Resolution by reference.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all resolutions and parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage and approval, and publication as required by law.

This Resolution read and approved this 19th day of February, 2019.

______Mayor Attest:

______City Clerk



The Dixon Historic Theatre Group is an Illinois Not-For-Profit Corporation (hereinafter cited as "Corporation"). The purposes of the Corporation are:

A. Said corporation is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational and scientific purposes, including for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).

B. The specific purpose of the Corporation is to own, operate, restore and preserve the historic Dixon Theatre as a community resource providing a variety of performing arts and entertainment events and to provide education and foster appreciation of the arts in all its forms for the citizens of the Dixon community.

C. No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, Directors, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth above. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law); or (b) by corporations whose contributions are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).

D. Upon the dissolution of the corporation, the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all of the liabilities of the corporation, dispose of all of the assets of the corporation exclusively for the purposes of the corporation in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) as the Board of Directors shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Circuit Court of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.

The Corporation also has such other powers as now or may hereafter be granted by the General Not-For-Profit Corporation Act of the State of Illinois.


The Corporation shall have and continuously maintain in the State of Illinois a registered office, and a registered agent whose office is identical with such registered office, as required by the Illinois General Not-For-Profit Corporation Act. The registered office may be, but need not be, identical with the principal office in the State of Illinois, and the address of the registered office may be changed from time to time by the Board of Directors.


The Corporation shall have no members.


SECTION 1. General Powers. The affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by its Board of Directors.

SECTION 2. Initial Board of Directors. Directors named in the Articles of Incorporation shall constitute the initial Board of Directors. Thereafter, the Board of Directors shall be elected to office as provided in Article IV, Section 3.

SECTION 3. Number, Tenure and Qualifications.

A. The number of Directors of the Corporation shall be seven. The number of Directors may be increased from time to time by amendment to these bylaws; provided, however, that the number shall in no event be less than three. The then-serving Mayor of the City of Dixon or the Mayor’s designee shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors. The ex-officio member shall be entitled to attend every meeting of the Board of Directors, to discuss any item and to make and second motions, but he or she shall not be entitled to a vote on any matter.

B. At the first annual meeting of the Board of Directors, the Directors shall designate two Directors to serve for an initial one-year term (the “Class 1 Directors”), two Directors to serve for an initial two-year term (the “Class 2 Directors”), and the remaining Directors to serve for an initial three-year term (the “Class 3 Directors”). Following the expiration of the initial term, the terms shall be three years. Thereafter, at each annual meeting of

-2- the Board of Directors, Directors whose terms then expire, shall be elected or appointed as follows: with respect to Class 1 Directors, one Director shall be elected by the Board of Directors and one Director shall be appointed by the City of Dixon; with respect to Class 2 Directors, one Director shall be elected by the Board of Directors and one Director shall be appointed by the City of Dixon; and, with respect to Class 3 Directors, two Directors shall be elected by the Board of Directors and one Director shall be appointed by the City of Dixon. Directors appointed by the City of Dixon shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council and may be removed at any time with or without cause by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council.

C. Directors need not be residents of the State of Illinois.

D. Directors shall consist of interested persons distinguished by their achievement and good judgment and who have expertise in areas which would aid the Corporation in the development of programs and policies.

SECTION 4. Regular Meetings. A regular annual meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held the third Tuesday of March - each year for the election of Board Members whose terms expire and the transaction of such business as may come before the meeting. The Board shall provide by resolution for the holding of additional regular meetings which may be held without notice, other than such resolution.

SECTION 5. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by or at the request of the Chairperson or any two of the Directors. The person or persons authorized to call special meetings of the Board may fix any place, within the State of Illinois, as the place for holding any special meeting of the Board called by them.

SECTION 6. Notice. Notice of any special meeting of the Board of Directors shall be given at least five (5) days previously thereto to each Director at his address and/or other contact information, including, without limitation, facsimile numbers and electronic mail (e-mail) addresses, as shown by the records of the Corporation. Any such notice sent by regular mail shall be deemed given forty-eight (48) hours after the same is mailed. Notices sent by United States Express Mail or overnight courier that guarantee next day delivery shall be deemed delivered twenty-four (24) hours after delivery of the same to the Postal Service or courier. Notices transmitted by facsimile transmission shall be deemed delivered upon telephonic confirmation of receipt (confirmation report from fax machine is sufficient), provided a copy is also delivered via personal delivery or mail. Notices transmitted by e-mail shall be deemed delivered upon electronic confirmation of receipt provided a copy is also delivered via personal delivery or mail. Any Director may waive notice of any meeting. The attendance of a Director at any meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting, except where a Director attends a meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business because the meeting is not lawfully called or convened. Neither the business to be transacted at, nor the purpose of, any regular or special meeting of the Board need be specified in the notice or waiver of notice of such meeting, unless specifically required by law or by these bylaws.

-3- SECTION 7. Quorum. A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board, provided that if less than a majority of the Directors are present at said meeting, a majority of the Directors may adjourn the meeting to another time without further notice.

SECTION 8. Manner of Acting. The act of a majority of the Directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board of Directors, unless the act of a greater number is required by law or by these bylaws.

SECTION 9. Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors, shall be filled at a regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corporation. The Director elected by the Board of Directors to fill said vacancy shall complete the unexpired portion of the term of the vacating Director.

SECTION 10. Compensation. Directors as such shall not receive any stated salaries for their services, but by resolution of the Board of Directors may be reimbursed for their expenses of attendance at meetings of the Board; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to preclude any Director from serving the Corporation in any other capacity and receiving compensation therefore.

SECTION 11. Informal Action by Directors. Any action required by law to be taken at a meeting of the Directors, or any action which may be taken at a meeting of the Directors, may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed by all of the Directors.

SECTION 12. Indemnification. The Directors shall be indemnified against all personal liability arising out of any suit or claims arising out of action taken, or omitted to be taken, by them in the good faith discharge of their duties to the Corporation.

SECTION 13. Conflict of Interest. The Corporation hereby adopts the following Conflict of Interest policy:

A. Purpose. The purpose of the Conflict of Interest policy is to protect the Corporation’s interest as a tax-exempt organization when it is contemplating entering into a transaction or arrangement that might benefit the private interest of an officer or Director of the Corporation or might result in a possible excess benefit transaction. This policy is intended to supplement but not replace any applicable state and federal laws governing conflicts of interest applicable to nonprofit and charitable organizations.

B. Definitions and Considerations. For purposes of this policy, the following definitions and consideration are adopted:

1. Conflict of Interest. A Conflict of Interest arises when an Interested Person may benefit personally from a decision he or she could make.

-4- 2. Financial Interest. A person has a Financial Interest if he or she has, directly or indirectly, through business, investment, or family:

a. An ownership or investment interest in any entity with which the Corporation has a transaction or arrangement;

b. A compensation arrangement with the Corporation or with any entity or individual with which the Corporation has a transaction or arrangement; or

c. A potential ownership or investment interest in, or compensation arrangement with, any entity or individual with which the Corporation is negotiating a transaction or arrangement.

3. Interested Person. Any Director, officer, or a member of a committee with Board of Directors delegated powers or a person who is in a position to exert a substantial influence over the affairs of the Corporation, who has a direct or indirect Financial Interest.

4. Compensation includes direct and indirect remuneration as well as gifts or favors that are not insubstantial. Compensation does not include reimbursement to Directors approved by resolution of the Board of Directors as set forth in Article IV, Section 10.

5. A Financial Interest is not necessarily a Conflict of Interest. Under Article IV, Section 15. B. 2., a person who has a Financial Interest may have a Conflict of Interest only if the Board of Directors or appropriate committee decides that a Conflict of Interest exists.

C. Procedures.

1. Duty to Disclose. In connection with any actual or possible Conflict of Interest, an Interested Person must disclose the existence of the Financial Interest and be given the opportunity to disclose all material facts to the Directors and members of committees with Board of Directors delegated powers considering the proposed transaction or arrangement.

2. Determining Whether a Conflict of Interest Exists. After disclosure of the Financial Interest and all material facts, and after any discussion with the Interested Person, he or she shall leave the Board of Directors or committee meeting while the determination of a Conflict of Interest is discussed and voted upon. The remaining Board of Directors or committee members shall decide if a Conflict of Interest exists.

3. Procedure for Addressing the Conflict of Interest.

-5- a. An Interested Person may make a presentation at the Board of Directors’ or committee meeting, but after the presentation, he or she shall leave the meeting during the discussion of, and the vote on, the transaction or arrangement involving the possible Conflict of Interest.

b. The chairperson of the Board of Directors or committee shall, if appropriate, appoint a disinterested person or committee to investigate alternatives to the proposed transaction or arrangement.

c. After exercising due diligence, the Board of Directors or committee shall determine whether the Corporation can obtain with reasonable efforts a more advantageous transaction or arrangement from a person or entity that would not give rise to a Conflict of Interest.

d. If a more advantageous transaction or arrangement is not reasonably possible under circumstances not producing a Conflict of Interest, the Board of Directors or committee shall determine by a majority vote of the disinterested Directors or committee members whether the transaction or arrangement is in the Corporation’s best interest, for its own benefit, and whether it is fair and reasonable. In conformity with the above determination, it shall make its decision as to whether to enter into the transaction or arrangement.

4. Violations of the Conflict of Interest Policy.

a. If the Board of Directors or committee has reasonable cause to believe a member has failed to disclose an actual or possible Conflict of Interest, it shall inform the member of the basis for such belief and afford the member an opportunity to explain the alleged failure to disclose.

b. If, after hearing the member’s response and making further investigation as warranted by the circumstances, the Board of Directors or committee determines the member has failed to disclose an actual or possible Conflict of Interest, it shall take appropriate disciplinary and corrective action.

D. Records of Proceedings. The minutes of the Board of Directors and all committees with Board of Directors delegated powers shall contain:

1. The names of the persons who disclosed or otherwise were found to have a Financial Interest in connection with an actual or possible Conflict of Interest, the nature of the Financial Interest, any action taken to determine whether a Conflict of Interest was present, and the Board of Directors’ or committee’s decision as to whether a Conflict of Interest in fact existed.

-6- 2. The names of the persons who were present for discussions and votes relating to the transaction or arrangement, the content of the discussion, including any alternatives to the proposed transaction or arrangement, and a record of any votes taken in connection with the proceedings.

E. Compensation.

1. A voting member of the Board of Directors who receives compensation, directly or indirectly, from the Corporation for services is precluded from voting on matters pertaining to that member’s compensation.

2. A voting member of any committee whose jurisdiction includes compensation matters and who receives compensation, directly or indirectly, from the Corporation for services is precluded from voting on matters pertaining to that member’s compensation.

3. No voting member of the Board of Directors or any committee whose jurisdiction includes compensation matters and who receives compensation, directly or indirectly, from the Corporation, either individually or collectively, is prohibited from providing information to any committee regarding compensation.

F. Annual Statements. Each Director, officer and member of a committee with Board of Directors delegated powers shall annually sign a statement which affirms such person:

1. Has received a copy of the Conflict of Interest policy;

2. Has read and understands the policy;

3. Has agreed to comply with the policy; and

4. Understands the Corporation is charitable and in order to maintain its federal tax exemption it must engage primarily in activities which accomplish one or more of its tax-exempt purposes.

G. Periodic Reviews. To ensure the Corporation operates in a manner consistent with charitable purposes and does not engage in activities that could jeopardize its tax-exempt status, periodic reviews shall be conducted. The periodic reviews shall, at a minimum, include the following subjects:

1. Whether compensation arrangements and benefits are reasonable, based on competent survey information, and the result of arm’s length bargaining.

2. Whether partnerships, joint ventures, and arrangements with management organizations conform to the Corporation’s written policies, are properly

-7- recorded, reflect reasonable investment or payments for goods and services, further charitable purposes and do not result in inurement, impermissible private benefit or in an excess benefit transaction.

H. Use of Outside Experts. When conducting the periodic reviews as provided for in Article IV, Section 15. G., the Corporation may, but need not, use outside advisors. If outside experts are used, their use shall not relieve the Board of Directors of its responsibility for ensuring periodic reviews are conducted.


SECTION 1. Officers. The officers of the Corporation shall consist of a Chairperson, a Treasurer, and a Secretary. The same person may hold the offices of Treasurer and Secretary.

SECTION 2. Mode of Selection. At each annual meeting, the officers shall be elected to serve until the succeeding annual meeting. The officers of the initial Board of Directors shall be elected at the initial meeting and shall serve until the first annual meeting. At the first annual meeting, and thereafter at each annual meeting, officers shall be elected to serve until the succeeding annual meeting. Vacancies in any office, whether occurring on account of resignation, death or other cause, shall be filled by the election by majority vote of the members of the Board at the next meeting following notice or determination of the existence of a vacancy.

SECTION 3. Removal. Any officer may be removed from office at any time by a two- thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 4. Duties.

A. Chairperson. The Chairperson shall preside at the meetings of the Board of Directors, may convene special meetings of the Board of Directors, may appoint members of the Board of Directors to serve on and chair such committees as may be necessary or desirable and shall perform such other duties as may be required by law or as assigned by the Board of Directors.

B. Secretary. The Secretary shall record the proceedings at all meetings of the Board of Directors, maintain records of the Corporation, except for financial records in custody of the Treasurer, ensure that all notices are duly delivered in accordance with the terms and provisions of these bylaws or as required by law, be custodian of the corporate records and of the corporate seal of the Corporation, and perform such other duties as may be required by law or as assigned by the Board of Directors.

C. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for depositing contributions received, for making such disbursements for expenses, and to recipients, of such monies as are authorized by the Board of Directors to be distributed for those activities consistent with the purposes of the Corporation, for investment of funds and for the maintenance of records

-8- concerning all of the aforesaid transactions and for such other duties as may be required by law or assigned by the Board of Directors. If required by the Board of Directors, the Treasurer shall give a bond for the faithful discharge of duties in such sum and form as the Board of Directors shall determine.

D. Assistant Treasurers and Assistant Secretaries. The Assistant Treasurers and Assistant Secretaries shall perform such duties as shall be assigned to them by the Treasurer or the Secretary, respectively, or by the President or the Board of Directors. The Assistant Secretaries may sign with the President, or a Vice-President, or any other officer thereunto authorized by the Board of Directors, certificates for shares of the Corporation, the issue of which shall have been authorized by the Board of Directors, and any contracts, deeds, mortgages, bonds, or other instruments which the Board of Directors has authorized to be executed, according to the requirements of the form of the instrument, except when a different mode of execution is expressly prescribed by the Board of Directors or these by-laws. The Assistant Treasurers shall respectively, if required by the Board of Directors, give bonds for the faithful discharge of their duties in such sums and with such sureties as the Board of Directors shall determine.


SECTION 1. Committees with Board of Directors Authority. The Board of Directors, by resolution adopted by a majority of the Directors in office, may designate and appoint one or more committees, each of which shall consist of one or more Directors and such other persons as the Board of Directors may designate. The committees, to the extent provided in said resolution and not restricted by law, shall have and exercise the authority of the Board of Directors in the management of the Corporation; but the designation of such committees and the delegation thereto of authority shall not operate to relieve the Board of Directors, or any individual Director, of any responsibility imposed upon it, him or her by law.

SECTION 2. Other Committees. Other committees not having and exercising the authority of the Board of Directors in the management of the Corporation may be appointed in such manner as may be designated by a resolution adopted by a majority of the Directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present. Except as otherwise provided in such resolution, members of each such committee need not be Directors of the Corporation. Any members thereof may be removed by the person or persons authorized to appoint such member whenever in their judgment the best interests of the Corporation shall be served by such removal.

SECTION 3. Term of Office. Each member of a committee shall continue as such until his or her successor is appointed, unless the committee shall be sooner terminated or unless such member shall cease to qualify as a member thereof.

SECTION 4. Chairperson. One member of each committee shall be appointed Chairperson by the person or persons authorized to appoint the members thereof.

-9- SECTION 5. Vacancies. Vacancies in the membership of any committee may be filled by appointments made in the same manner as provided in the case of the original appointments.

SECTION 6. Quorum. Unless otherwise provided in the resolution of the Board of Directors designating a committee, a majority of the whole committee shall constitute a quorum and the act of a majority of the members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the committee.

SECTION 7. Rules. Each committee may adopt rules for its own government not inconsistent with these bylaws or with rules adopted by the Board of Directors.



Such employed staff as may be necessary to support the organization shall be hired and discharged by the Board of Directors. The employed staff shall report directly to and are accountable to the Board of Directors.



SECTION 1. Action by Other than Corporation. The Corporation shall indemnify any person who was or is a party or is threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative (other than an action by or in the right of the Corporation) by reason of the fact that such person is or was a Director, officer, employee or agent of the Corporation, or is or was serving at the request of the Corporation as a Director, officer, employee or agent, of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, against expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement, actually and reasonably incurred by such person in connection with such action, suit or proceeding if such person acted in good faith and in a manner which such person reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the Corporation, and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable cause to believe the conduct was unlawful. The termination of any action, suit or proceeding by judgment, order, settlement, conviction, or upon a plea of nolo contendere or its equivalent, shall not, of itself, create a presumption that the person did not act in good faith and in a manner which the person reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the Corporation, and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had reasonable cause to believe that the person's conduct was unlawful.

-10- SECTION 2. Action by Corporation. The Corporation shall indemnify any person who was or is a party or is threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending, or completed action or suit by or in the right of the Corporation, to procure a judgment in its favor by reason of the fact that such person is or was a Director, officer, employee or agent of the Corporation, or is or was serving at the request of the Corporation as a Director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, against expenses (including attorneys' fees) actually and reasonably incurred in connection with the defense or settlement of such action or suit if such person acted in good faith and in a manner such person reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the Corporation and except that no indemnification shall be made in respect of any claim, issue or matter as to which such person shall have been adjudged to be liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of duty to the Corporation unless and only to the extent that the court in which such action or suit was brought shall determine upon application that, despite the adjudication of liability, in view of all the circumstances of the case, such person is fairly and reasonably entitled to indemnity for such expenses which the court shall deem proper.

SECTION 3. Expenses. To the extent that a Director, officer, employee or agent has been successful on the merits or otherwise in defense of any action, suit or proceeding referred to in Sections 1 and 2 above, or in defense of any claim, issue or matter therein, such person shall be indemnified against expenses (including attorneys' fees) actually and reasonably incurred in connection therewith.

SECTION 4. Prerequisites. Any indemnification under Sections 1 and 2 above (unless ordered by a court) shall be made by the Corporation only as authorized in the specific case upon a determination that indemnification of the Director, officer, employee or agent, is proper in the circumstances because the Director, officer, employee or agent, has met the applicable standards of conduct set forth in Sections 1 and 2. Such determination shall be made (1) by the Board of Directors by a majority vote of a quorum consisting of Directors who were not parties to such action, suits or proceedings, or (2) if such a quorum is not obtainable, or, even if obtainable a quorum of disinterested Directors so directs, by independent legal counsel in a written opinion.

SECTION 5. Advances by Corporation. Expenses incurred in defending a civil or criminal action, suit or proceeding may be paid by the Corporation in advance of the final disposition of such action, suit or proceeding as authorized by the Board of Directors in the specific case upon receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of the indemnified person to repay such amount unless it shall ultimately be determined that such person is entitled to be indemnified by the Corporation as authorized in this Article.

SECTION 6. Other Remedies. The indemnification provided by this Article shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights to which such Director, officer, employee or agent may be entitled under any agreement, vote of interested directors or otherwise, both as to action in an official capacity and as to action in another capacity while holding such office, and shall continue as to a person who has ceased to be a Director, officer, employee or agent, and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors and administrators of such a person.

-11- SECTION 7. Insurance. The Corporation shall have power to purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of any person who is or was a Director, officer, employee or agent of the Corporation, or is or was serving at the request of the Corporation as a Director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise against any liability asserted against him or her and incurred by him or her in any such capacity, or arising out of his or her status as such, whether or not the Corporation would have the power to indemnify him or her against such liability under the provisions of this Article.


SECTION 1. Contracts. The Board of Directors may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents of the Corporation, in addition to the officers so authorized by these bylaws, to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Corporation, and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances.

SECTION 2. Checks, Drafts, etc. All checks, drafts or orders for the payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of the Corporation, shall be signed by such officer or officers, agent or agents of the Corporation and in such manner as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of the Board of Directors. In the absence of such determination by the Board of Directors, such instruments shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the Chairperson of the Corporation.

SECTION 3. Deposits. All funds of the Corporation shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of the Corporation in such banks, trust companies or other depositaries as the Board of Directors may select.

SECTION 4. Gifts. The Board of Directors may accept on behalf of the Corporation any contribution, gift, bequest or devise for the general purposes or for any special purpose of the Corporation.

SECTION 5. Restricted Gifts. Donors may make contributions for specified purposes and such funds shall be held and disbursed by the Treasurer for the specified purposes so long as the specified purpose is approved by the Board of Directors and is consistent with the purposes of the Corporation; and provided that if it is determined by the Board of Directors that changed conditions or other reasons have rendered the application of the contribution to the specified purpose illegal, unnecessary or impracticable, and such funds cannot be returned to the donor, said funds shall be used for such other purposes of the Corporation as will best carry out the intentions of the donor.

SECTION 6. Investment. The Treasurer shall invest the contributions received in such financial institutions or securities as may be approved by the Board of Directors.



The Corporation shall keep correct and complete books and records of account and shall also keep minutes of the proceedings of its voting members, Board of Directors and committees having any of the authority of the Board of Directors, and shall keep at its registered or principal office a record giving the names and addresses of the voting and contributing members. All books and records of the Corporation may be inspected by any member, or his or her agent or attorney, for any proper purpose at any reasonable time.


The year end of the Corporation shall be December 31. At the close of the fiscal year or at such other times as the Board of Directors may authorize, the Board of Directors may provide for an independent audit of all assets and accounts of the Corporation.



Whenever any notice is required to be given under the provisions of the Illinois General Not-For-Profit Corporation Act or under the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation or the bylaws of the Corporation, a waiver thereof in writing signed by the person or persons entitled to such notice, whether before or after the time stated therein shall be deemed equivalent to the giving of such notice.



These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors; provided, that, amendment of any provision of Article IV shall require the prior written consent of the City of Dixon.
