Gabions Being Used As a Headwall
Gabions being used as a headwall. Gabions - Their Applications on the Golf Course by JOHN DREW Superintendent, Winters Run Golf Club, Maryland ROSION IS a basic part of We who are within the influence of 100 years. Unfortunately, Winters Run nature, and indications are that streams and rivers tend to become con- does not understand such definitions Ethe forces that tear down and cerned when the rain starts coming and will pro bably flood a few more build up are not tired yet. One of these down hard. times in our lives. forces that we in the golf course business Our golf course, like so many others, Many ideas have been proposed to have to deal with is that of water and contains some land that is not suitable prevent creek bank erosion. Vegetation, resultant erosion. Creek, pond, stream, for housing or farming. Forty-eight of logs, rip-rap, railroad ties, concrete, or wave erosion affect almost all of us 180 acres are in a flood plain. Winters and steel sheet piling have been used at some time. Run, a major stream, meanders through with varying degrees of success and / or Erosion caused by running water can the course, giving it character, beauty, failure. In our case, we decided that be extremely devastating. These pro b- floods, erosion, and silt. The last named rip-rap would protect our eroding creek lems become magnified in areas of items caused us to look for protection banks most effectively and at minimal increasing population. Water runoff from water damage early in the clu b's cost.
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