Clifton Town Meeting


US-77-7, US-82-7, US-83-3, US-86-5, US-88-18, US-90-5, US-93-11, US-93-12, US-94-6, US-99-22, US-01-30

Archives and Rare Books Library 808 Blegen Library 2602 MckMicken Circle—P.O. Box 210113 University of Cincincinnati OH 45221-0113 513-556-1959 513-556-2113 (fax)

Clifton Town Meeting 1 Clifton Town Meeting *** (US-77-7) ***


The Records Dating from 1961 to 1977, the records of the Clifton Town Meeting (CTM) were created by the organization’s Board of Trustees, its various committees and officers, other neighborhood and community councils, and various Cincinnati governmental bodies. The Clifton Town Meeting records illustrate the varied activity of the Clifton neighborhood, the evolution and development of a community organization and its relationship to the larger urban community of Cincinnati. In particular, the records reveal the origins and problems of neighborhood-controlled community planning, the prospective uses of zoning, the various attempts to preserve the image of Clifton’s nineteenth-century “village” past (in one case, via retention of gas lighting), and the existing traffic and education conditions of the Clifton community during the 1960s and 1970s. Also, the records highlight the development of other Cincinnati neighborhood and community councils during this period. The records of the Clifton Town Meeting were accessioned by the Special Collections Department of the University of Cincinnati Library in 1977. Periodically, other materials dated from 1977 will be deposited in the Department and increase the scope of the present collection. The Clifton Town Meeting records are part of the University of Cincinnati’s Urban Studies Collection of manuscripts and archival material. There are no restrictions as to access and use placed on the Clifton Town Meeting records.

Clifton Town Meeting 2 The Clifton Town Meeting During the 1960s, urban America seemed to be confronted with a series of crises that threatened it with destruction. Levels of crime and industrial pollution appeared to multiply yearly and ravage the social and visual environment. Transportations and urban core housing deteriorated with alarming rapidity. Even efforts to renew the city had unfortunate consequences: multimillion-dollar economic improvements did not equally benefit the diverse communities residing in the city’s core area The American city thus seemed an unstable governmental unit, decadent and self-destructive, a decaying remnant of the first half of the twentieth-century.1 Catalyzed by this sense of urgency, the Clifton Town Meeting was established in the spring of 1961 to be a community organization dedicated to preserving the Clifton residential suburb as a “desirable neighborhood” of Cincinnati. The Clifton Town Meeting further seeks to promote the cohesiveness of the neighborhood and community, though it advertises to other sections of the city the opportunities for “gracious living” in Clifton. Cincinnati’s 1961 plan to renovate the Avondale-Corryville area was one primary factor in the creation of the Clifton Town Meeting. At that time, Clifton members of the Cincinnati chapter of the League of Women Voters conducted a thorough study of the city’s renewal plan, and in April 1961, this group met with Charles Stamm, Director of Urban Development for Cincinnati, in order to discuss the Avondale renovation project and its relation to Clifton. Stamm elaborated on what he saw as a need for the creation of a semi-governmental neighborhood organization that would represent Cincinnati’s various suburbs and express their communities’ interests and needs to city council. Stamm expressed hoped that such organizations could assist the city in devising and implementing its renewal plans. Thus, Stamm’s comments proved influential and encouraging to the women of the League, for they “decided to take a look at Clifton as a residential community.” However, the principal factor in the creation of the Clifton Town Meeting revolved around the city’s traffic plans for Clifton and the construction of Interstate-75 through Cincinnati. During the early 1960s, the city began to complete its portion of the federal interstate highway that would extend from upper Michigan to mid Florida. In planning the route of this thoroughfare, the city originally proposed to direct it through the suburb of Clifton (via Clifton

1 O’Neill, William L. Coming Apart: An Informal History of America in the 1960s. New York, Quadrangle: 1975. 147-157. 176-177.

Clifton Town Meeting 3 Avenue from a Spring Grove Avenue interchange), into the downtown core area, and thence to the riverfront bridges and Kentucky. In that manner, city planners anticipated the creation of a freeway system inside the city, not around it, though doing so would bisect certain neighborhoods via widened streets and increased automobile traffic. During May 1961, some Clifton residents objected to the physical desecration such a highway route would bring to their community. Charging that the plan would permanently dissolve the physical and aesthetical integrity of the Clifton community, as well as devalue property and trigger a wholesale shift of one portion of Cincinnati’s population to the semi-rural areas of Hamilton County, this group began to organize the Clifton Town Meeting. On May 4th, a steering committee was formed and charted the path toward establishing the Clifton Town Meeting. Participants included residents of Clifton, some affiliated with the University of Cincinnati’s Community Planning Department, and a representative from the city planning firm of Landislas Segoe Associates2. By September, this steering committee conducted a community meeting, attended by some five hundred and fifty Clifton residents, and so the Clifton Town Meeting began to function as a community-welfare organization and fight city hall. Throughout the 1960s, Clifton Town Meeting was kept busy by many community problems, stemming from both Clifton residents and city government. Cincinnati’s periodic attempts to remove all obsolete lighting in the city, including Clifton’s gas lights, provoked the Clifton Town Meeting to defend its community and try to preserve the remnants of Clifton’s “village” history. Between 1961 and 1977, the city and Clifton Town Meeting conducted an ongoing battle as to whether the gas lights should be financed by the city—and thereby be removed due to high maintenance costs—or whether their financial responsibilities should be accorded to property owners. Some Clifton residents even suggested that the city had to maintain the lights, a stipulation emanating from the Clifton-Cincinnati annexation agreement of 1896. By 1977, the gaslights issue was still burning in Clifton, as well as in other city neighborhoods that possessed them. Zoning as a tool for shaping the social patterns of the community was another popular concern of Clifton residents and the Clifton Town Meeting. Desirous of preserving the Clifton

2 Members of the original Clifton Town Meeting Steering/Planning Committee included: Mr. Wolfgang Roeseler of Landislas Segoe, Mrs. Louis Gottschalk, Dr. William Ransohoff, Mr. Alvin Hansen, Mrs. Joseph Sagmaster, Mr. Maurice Costello, Mr. Robert Inkrot, Mrs. Eugene Mihaly, Mr. John Ritter, Mrs. Donald Ross, Mrs. Robert Smith, and Mr. Philip Walters. Mrs. Sagmaster was later elected president of the CTM in 1961-1962.

Clifton Town Meeting 4 neighborhood as one of “single-family houses”—consequently occupied primarily by middle- class, married persons—the Clifton Town Meeting crusaded to better Clifton by zoning. Though they denied that racial exclusiveness was an objective of periodic zoning activity, the Clifton Town Meeting zoning plans sometimes appeared as a bulwark against community migration, especially Cincinnati’s Black neighborhoods. At any rate, zoning was a sine qua non of the Clifton Town Meeting of the period 1961-1969. Paralleling the city’s activity of 1948, the Clifton Town Meeting attempted to create a master plan for the Clifton community, and though the period between 1961 and 1975 witnessed several attempts to create general interest in a long-range plan, only in 1973-1974 did planning enthusiasm grow sufficiently strong to prompt any action. In cooperation with graduate students from the University of Cincinnati’s Department of Community Planning, the Clifton Town Meeting conducted a survey of Clifton’s community needs and priorities with respect to remaining a desirable residential suburb of Cincinnati. In spring 1974, the graduate students revealed the results of this survey, and the Clifton Town Meeting called for an intensive study of Clifton’s existing conditions and its interests for community life during the next generation. As the Clifton Town Meeting remarked, “Despite Clifton’s long history of doing its own community planning, too often Clifton planning was piecemeal and reactive to forces not of the community’s own initiative. The CTM Board of Trustees decided to begin a longterm community planning process for Clifton that would be comprehensive...” The result of the study was The Clifton Community Plan (1976), which again asserted Clifton’s right—as conceived by the Clifton Town Meeting—to define its own community interests and preserve its community heritage. The Clifton Community Plan seemed the logical result of the Clifton Town Meeting’s function as a community-welfare organization, and it was the crowning achievement of the Clifton Town Meeting’s sixteen-year history. The records of the Clifton Town Meeting consist of those generated by the organization of members thereof and those that were created by other Cincinnati and suburban community organizations and collected by the Clifton Town Meeting. These records span the years 1961- 1977, but the bulk of this material covers the years 1961-1968. Only since 1973, with the interest created by the community planning study, does the amount of records preserved show a sharp increase. The Clifton Town Meeting records include the following seventeen series: Creation of the Clifton Town Meeting; Clifton Neighborhood Master Plan, 1961-1976; Board of Trustees

Clifton Town Meeting 5 material; Correspondence; Membership, Election, and Community Meetings, 1961-1977; Newsletters and News Clippings; Publicity and Promotional material; Clifton Business Community, 1961-1968; and Use and Zoning in Clifton; Schooling in Clifton; Traffic in Clifton; Cincinnati and Suburban Community Organizations, 1961-1975; Publications and Brochures; Photographs and Memorabilia; and Oversize Maps. The records include various types of material, such as letters, surveys, committee reports, news and publicity items, advertisements, addresses and speech working notes, and secondary publications. Reports, either generated by the Clifton Town Meeting or other Cincinnati community councils, plus correspondence, seem to be the predominant types of material in the Clifton Town Meeting records. Most of the correspondence is between Clifton Town Meeting, or certain members of it, and city government. There is also a large amount of general or miscellaneous correspondence from the Clifton community at large, and, to a degree, it reveals the opinions of the general populace about with regard to such issues as Clifton’s racial minorities, housing and zoning disputes, and general complaints about the visual environment. This correspondence reveals other subject concerns of Clifton, such as the future of urban gaslights and the Ludlow business district, which one urban developer wanted to turn into “one big shopping mall.” The reports follow similar subject lines and consist primarily of working papers and finished documents. The records also contain a small amount of material demonstrating Clifton Town Meeting’s function as an organizer of community activities and events. While the amount of the material is quite small, it nonetheless demonstrates that Clifton Town Meeting conceived of itself as an organization devoted to creating a cohesive neighborhood, one that was filled with exhibitions of Clifton’s accomplishments and talent and exemplified Clifton’s community spirit. This series expresses the ordinary activities of a neighborhood, from trimming the Clifton Christmas tree to planting trees on Arbor Day. Not surprisingly, the predominant theme contained in the Clifton Town Meeting records is the need to preserve Clifton as a “desirable place to live,” the overriding function of the Clifton Town Meeting, expressed in nearly every activity of the organization. Consequently, the Clifton Town Meeting records possess abundant informational value in this regard on a variety of subjects—land use and zoning, traffic, neighborhood schools, and lighting needs. Yet in attempting to preserve the Clifton neighborhood, the Clifton Town Meeting revealed what it

Clifton Town Meeting 6 conceived its primary function and identity was—that of a community government. The evidential value of the records are thus equally as rich and pose an interesting problem for Clifton Town Meeting’s history: how can it act like a semi-governmental body for Clifton when its membership is restricted to those who pay dues? Other collections of material within the Special Collections Department may supplement the Clifton Town Meeting records. The collections of William Jenike and Walter C. Langsam are of possible importance since both were affiliated with Clifton Town Meeting during the 1960s. Then too, the papers of Charles Stamm would be of primary importance in evaluating the reasons for the creation of Clifton Town Meeting. Outside of the University of Cincinnati, the records and archives of Cincinnati city government and various suburban community councils appear of importance in supplementing the Clifton Town Meeting material. The city offices of Safety and Traffic, Urban Development, City Planning Commission, and the Cincinnati School Board might yield some materials and information bearing to the establishment and growth of the Clifton Town Meeting and the problems facing the Clifton community during the 1960s and 1970s. The papers of the various community councils would be helpful for evaluating the interrelationship of Cincinnati’s neighborhood representatives and also for judging the success of the Clifton experiment in community “government.” Presently, the Special Collections Department is engaged in a plan to secure the records of many community councils and document the growth of urban and suburban Cincinnati and America. Finally, such Cincinnati organizations as the Better Housing League and the League of Women Voters may possess interesting and valuable information on the problems facing Cincinnati’s communities over the past fifteen years. While the records adequately document the function of the Clifton Town Meeting, they do not clearly show how the organization was accepted by the Clifton community as its spokesman. Nor do the Clifton Town Meeting records demonstrate to a great extent the organizations influence on city hall. The move to let community councils help the city formulate its plan was a major development in Cincinnati history of the 1960s. However, the Clifton Town Meeting records must be supplemented by other community council records to evaluate the importance of such a federating process. On the other hand, they may have some relative importance in discerning the origins of decentralization in American government at the city level, a phenomenon that appears in conjunction with the centralizing of government power at the federal level. Social historians, as well as urban historians, would find some value in the

Clifton Town Meeting 7 Clifton Town Meeting records. They are further useful for documenting the role of women in American government of the twentieth-century. Finally, the records of the CTM are valuable to the organization itself. They provide a clear guide as to its past, its accomplishments, along with shortcomings, and what needs to be done in the future to secure Clifton’s identity as a “desirable place to live.”

Series Arrangement The following is the principal arrangement and description of the Clifton Town Meeting records, 1961-1977. 1. CREATION OF THE CLIFTON TOWN MEETING, 1961-1962: arranged alphabetically; containing the Clifton Town Meeting constitutions: 1961-1977; the files of the Steering/Planning Committee, which contain minutes, reports and miscellaneous correspondence; and the hearings of city council in April 1962, regarding the widening of Clifton Avenue for expressway traffic 2. CLIFTON TOWN MEETING—CLIFTON NEIGHBORHOOD MASTER PLAN, 1961- 1972: arranged chronologically; containing studies of Clifton needs for community development, the majority of the material being working papers related to the creation of the Clifton Community Plan of 1976; and correspondence between representatives of Landislas Segoe, planning firm, and the Clifton Town Meeting, such latter material comprising the mater plans generated between 1961-1974 3. CLIFTON TOWN MEETING—BOARD OF TRUSTEES: arranged alphabetically; primary contents of this series consisting of officer lists: 1962-1977; definitions of committee functions; financial reports: 1962-1977; minutes of the board: 1973-1975; correspondence with the Board from Clifton residents and city official: 1962-1977; and material concerning the establishment of the Clara Sagmaster Memorial Foundation 4. CLIFTON TOWN MEETING—CORRESPONDENCE: arranged alphabetically and chronologically; the essence of this series consisting of general complaints received by the Clifton Town Meeting from Clifton residents: 1962-1975; general correspondence with city council: 1961-1975; miscellaneous correspondence from Clifton residents and members of other communities (note: this file may be quite useful in determining the various sentiments of Clifton residents toward the Clifton Town Meeting, particularly with regard to some of the

Clifton Town Meeting 8 problems it was requested to deal with, e.g. “odor nuisance,” and the effectiveness of the Clifton Town Meeting in representing the community’s problems to the city) 5. CLIFTON TOWN MEETING—MEMBERSHIP, ELECTIONS, AND COMMUNITY MEETINGS, 1961-1977: arranged alphabetically; containing the minutes from the annual community meetings: 1961-1965, 1971, 1974; the results from the elections to the Board and to the various offices of Clifton Town Meeting, 1966-1977; and material concerning the growth of membership during the period 1964-1977 in the form of membership lists (note: this material is valuable in charting the social position of the Clifton Town Meeting members and their position within Clifton Town Meeting, with the assistance of William’s Directory: 1966-1977) 6. CLIFTON TOWN MEETING—NEIGHBORHOOD ACTIVITIES AND RELATIONS: arranged alphabetically; containing studies, reports, advertisements, and surveys on the varied neighborhood activities promoted by the Clifton Town Meeting (note: this file is valuable for limning the daily life of Clifton as recorded by the Clifton Town Meeting) 7. CLIFTON TOWN MEETING—NEWSLETTERS AND NEWS CLIPPINGS: arranged chronologically; containing the Clifton Town Meeting Bulletin: 1962-1977 and various news clippings collected by the Clifton Town Meeting: 1961-1974 8. CLIFTON TOWN MEETING—PUBLICITY AND PROMOTIONAL: arranged alphabetically; containing various publicity items, such as radio-television editorials distributed by the Clifton Town Meeting, topics including traffic, schools, and zoning in the Clifton area; also, an interesting booster-type document explaining why a Clifton resident should join Clifton Town Meeting 9. CLIFTON BUSINESS COMMUNITY, 1961-1968: arranged alphabetically; containing the records of the Clifton Town Meeting Business Area Committee: 1961-1965; minutes of the Clifton Business Men’s Meeting: 1967-1968; and lists of Clifton merchants: 1961-1963; mostly generated from sources outside the Clifton Town Meeting therefore useful for determining the problems of the Ludlow Business District during the early to late 1960s 10. GAS LIGHTING IN CLIFTON, 1961-1977: arranged alphabetically; consisting of reports and various studies about the city’s attempts to remove gaslights from residential neighborhoods: 1961-1977; also, some news clippings which document the city’s activities in this area: 1962-1967, 1974-1977; produced in part by members of the Clifton Town Meeting

Clifton Town Meeting 9 who were not acting in an official capacity for the organization; a large part of which originates from the office of the Cincinnati City Manager 11. LAND USE AND ZONING IN CLIFTON: arranged alphabetically; consisting of four subdivisions: environmental, housing, zoning, and urban renewal; covering the period 1960- 1974; mostly in the form of reports or studies, hearings, surveys, correspondence, and maps; much of which reveals the functions of the Clifton Town Meeting in preserving the desirable qualities of a single-family neighborhood; mostly originating from outside the Clifton Town Meeting but also containing the responses of the organization to the problems of zoning changes and urban development of Clifton 12. SCHOOLING IN CLIFTON; arranged chronologically; containing the records of the Clifton Town Meeting Schools Committee and the Parent Teacher Association newsletters of Clifton Elementary School: 1961-1963, 1973-1974 13. TRAFFIC IN CLIFTON; arranged alphabetically and chronologically; containing the records of the Clifton Town Meeting Traffic Committee: 1962-1974; miscellaneous proposals and reports dealing with Clifton traffic conditions: 1961-1967; and correspondence with city officials with regard to traffic in Clifton: 1962-1964; mostly originating from city offices 14. CINCINNATI AND SUBURBAN COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS, 1961-1975; arranged alphabetically; containing information collected by the Clifton Town Meeting on various community councils: 1961-1975, and on various Cincinnati organizations, such as the League of Women Voters and the Better Housing League (note: this file is good for documentation of Clifton’s growing interrelationship with other similar community organizations and for documentation of the growth of community “government” or the federating process in Cincinnati 15. PUBLICATIONS AND BROCHURES; arranged alphabetically; containing the secondary publication of the Clifton Town Meeting, concerning the history of Clifton; and the booklet “Clifton: Neighborhood and Community in an Urban Setting: A Brief History,” by Henry D. Shapiro and Zane L. Miller, professors of history at the University of Cincinnati 16. PHOTOGRAPHS AND MEMORABILIA; arranged alphabetically; containing various pictures of Clifton Town Meeting officials and Clifton society, life, homes, and landscape; collected by the Clifton Town Meeting and/or given to it; some of which is dated, though a majority of the photographs are snapshot size and undated

Clifton Town Meeting 10 17. OVERSIZE MAPS; arranged by map number; collected by the Clifton Town Meeting during its fifteen-year history; (note: consult map container listing for a full description of these maps; however, they are of streets, zoning outlines; and city planning maps; consult container listing for location of maps in special collections)


Box 1 Creation of the Clifton Town Meeting 1. Constitution and by-laws: 1961-1977 2. Steering/Planning Committee: 1961-1962 3. Clifton Avenue Controversy: city council hearing: April 1962 Clifton Town Meeting—Clifton Neighborhood Master Plan, 1962-1976 4. Master plan: 1961-1964 5. Needs and priorities of Clifton: 1974 6. “Tentative Objectives for the Clifton Community”: 1974 7. Report critique 8. Task Force I, Environment and Land Use: 1974 9. Task Force II, Business District and Transportation: 1975-1976 10. Task Force III, Human Services and Education: 1975 11. Clifton preliminary existing conditions study: 1975 12. Clifton Existing Conditions Study—The Clifton Plan: 1976, draft copy

Box 2 Clifton Town Meeting—Clifton Neighborhood Master Plan, 1962-1976 13. Clifton Existing Conditions Study—The Clifton Plan, final copy (two): 1976 14. Committee functions and officer lists: 1962-1977 15. Correspondence: letters received, A-Z; letters sent: 1962-1977 16. Financial statements: 1962-1970, 1971-1977 17. Foundations and bequests

Clifton Town Meeting 11 18. Minutes: 1973, 1973, 1975 Clifton Town Meeting—Correspondence 19. Complaints and special problems: 1962-1969, 1970-1975 20. General correspondence with city council, letters received: A-L, M-Z: 1961-1977; also, letters sent: 1961-1977

Box 3 Clifton Town Meeting—Correspondence 21. Miscellaneous correspondence: 1961-1977: letters received: A-L, M-Z; letters sent: 1961- 1969, 1970-1977 Clifton Town Meeting—Membership, Elections, and Community Meetings, 1961-1977 22. Annual meetings: 1961-1965, 1971, 1974 23. Elections: 1966-1977 24. Membership drives: 1964-1974, 1975 25. Membership lists: 1975-1977 Clifton Town Meeting—Neighborhood Activities and Relations 26. Arbor Day 27. : resolutions, studies: 1950, 1973 28. Christmas Tree trimming: 1974 29. Clifton artists’ exhibitions: 1964-1967 30. Clifton racial minorities 31. Leaves and litter 32. Memorial Day parades: 1967-1974 33. Miscellaneous: 1974-1976 34. Miscellaneous Clifton organizations 35. Miscellaneous Clifton streets: Juergens Avenue, McAlpin Avenue, Wood Avenue 36. Pet Shows 37. Probasco Fountain rededication 38. Recreation: Clifton Community Center: 1977; miscellaneous: 1971, 1974 39. University of Cincinnati dormitory proposals 40. Volunteers, special events

Clifton Town Meeting 12

Box 4 Clifton Town Meeting—Newsletters and News Clippings 41. Newsletters: 1962-1977 (see separate sheet for complete list), 1962-1966

Box 5 Clifton Town Meeting—Newsletters and News Clippings 41. (continued) Newsletters: 1962-1977 42. News clippings: Clifton area: 1976-1977; other areas: 1961-1964 Clifton Town Meeting—Publicity and Promotional 43. Editorials and mailers 44. “Why Join CTM?” 45. Miscellaneous Clifton Business Community, 1961-1968 46. Clifton Town Meeting Business Area Committee, miscellaneous reports and studies: 1961- 1965 47. Clifton Business Men’s meeting minutes: 1967-1968 48. Clifton Merchants lists: 1961-1963 Gas Lighting in Clifton, 1961-1977 49. Lighting reports, miscellaneous: 1960-1962, 1963-1965, 1976-1977 50. Lighting survey: 1962 51. “Study of Problems Dealing with Residential Lighting”: 1965 52. News clippings: 1962-1967, 1974-1977 Land Use and Housing in Clifton 53. Environmental: Clifton Town Meeting Visual Aspects Committee: reports and studies: 1961- 1974 54. Clippings and brochures: housing 55. Clifton Town Meeting Housing Committee, miscellaneous reports 56. Cincinnati Housing Strategy Reports: 1-7, 8-9: 1973

Box 6

Clifton Town Meeting 13 Land Use and Housing in Clifton 56. (continued) Cincinnati Housing Strategy Reports: 10-10a, 11-13: 1973 57. Minority housing: addresses: 1961-1963; pamphlets: 1962, 1967 58. Miscellaneous building permits: 1962-1968 59. Miscellaneous reports: 1966-1968 60. News clippings: 1966-1967 61. Sacred Heart Landbank request, in a blue binder: 1974 62. Zoning, miscellaneous hearings and reports: 1961-1962, 1963-1964

Box 7 Land Use and Housing in Clifton 63. Miscellaneous streets: surveys: A-L, M-Z 64. Thriftway-Shiloh controversy: 1961-1962 65. Women’s Club relocation: 1963-1969: proposals; correspondence: 1963; news clippings; and architectural drawings 66. Zoning code, Cincinnati: 1964 67. Miscellaneous zoning maps 68. Urban Renewal: addresses and reports: 1961-1962 69. Urban Development reports: 1961-1963, 1965-1966 Schooling in Clifton 70. Clifton Town Meeting Schools Committee: 1961-1963, 1973-1974

Box 8 Traffic in Clifton 71. Clifton Town Meeting Traffic Committee reports: 1962-1974 72. Correspondence with city officials: 1962-1964 73. Miscellaneous proposals and reports: 1961-1967, 1961-1962, 1963-1967 Cincinnati and Suburban Community Organizations, 1961-1975 74. Better Housing League: 1961-1973: reports: 1961-1963, 1966-1969, 1973 75. Cincinnati Review 76. C.O.P.E.

Clifton Town Meeting 14 77. League of Women Voters: Metropolitan Project: 1975: proposals; reports and newsletters; Imput ’75 Committee 78. Miscellaneous Cincinnati organizations 79. Miscellaneous neighborhood organizations 80. North Avondale Neighborhood Association: 1961-1963 Publications and Brochures 81. Histories of the Clifton community: miscellaneous 82. History of Clifton residences 83. “Clifton: Neighborhood and Community in an Urban Setting: A Brief History,” by Henry D. Shapiro and Zane L. Miller: 1976

Box 9 Photographs and Memorabilia 84. Clifton Town Meeting official photographs 85. Clifton Town Meeting memorabilia 86. Clifton Homes and Landmarks: 8”x10”, gloss finish; 5”x7” and smaller; paper etchings 87. Clifton landscape 88. Clifton society and life: 8”x10”, gloss finish; 5”x7” and smaller; paper etchings

Oversize Maps 1. City plan 420 map 2. Area topographical map 3. Cincinnati street map 4. Street map: Woolper Avenue, Juergens Avenue, and Forest Avenue; zoning obsolete: 1932? 5. Street map: McAlpin Avenue; zoning obsolete: 1932 6. Street map: Bishop Avenue area; zoning obsolete: 1932 7. Clifton and surrounding area map 8. Street map: area south of Ludlow Avenue; zoning obsolete 9. Cincinnati master plan map 10. Dixmyth-Riddle cross-town route map, proposed 11. Clifton zoning map

Clifton Town Meeting 15 12. Clifton land use map 13. Clifton area zoning map 14. Vine Street, Clifton area map 15. City Planning Commission maps: Clifton area: 1963. 1966 16. Burnet Woods, west to McMicken: map 17. 15th Ward map 18. Jefferson Avenue and hospital complex map 19. Avondale area map 20. Lafayette Circle and Avenue to Mill Creek map 21. Clifton—topographical map 22. Ludlow Avenue to Lafayette Avenue 23. Street map: Amazon and Egbert; zoning obsolete 24. Mill Creek area map 25. Map: proposed zoning: out of date 26. Large Clifton area map, mounted on canvas-like shade 27. Street map for study plan: Lafayette Avenue to Middleton Avenue: 1966 28. Street map: Bishop Avenue area 29. Map of the Village of Clifton, 1861: reprint

Clifton Town Meeting Bulletins 1. 1962: January-February, July, October, November 2. 1963: January-December 3. 1964: January, April, June-July, September-December 4. 1965: May, June-July, September-December 5. 1966: February, May, June-July, September-December 6. 1967: January-May, June-July, September-December 7. 1968: January-June, September-December 8. 1969: January-June, October-December 9. 1970: January-June, Summer, October-December 10. 1971: January-June, September-December 11. 1972: February-December

Clifton Town Meeting 16 12. 1973: February-June, September-December 13. 1974: January, May, Summer, October-December 14. 1975: January-June, September-December 15. 1976: January-December: January-July, August-December 16. 1977: January-February, March, May, Summer, September-November

Clifton Town Meeting 17 Clifton Town Meeting *** (US-82-7) ***


Box 1 1. Clifton existing conditions study: 1970 2. Summaries of Hillside reports 1-6 of the Cincinnati Institute: November 1974 3. Hillside Landbank grant request, the Cincinnati Institute: 1974 4. Neighborhood conservation lessons from three cities 5. Community recreation facilities master plan study: 1964 6. Clifton community plan: December 1981 7. Progress report, Clifton Economic Review Committee: February 1977 8. Study of problems dealing with residential street lighting: 9/29/1965 9. Cincinnati urban development: 1975 10. Cincinnati hillsides development guidelines: December 1975 11. The Clifton community plan goals and objectives 12. Reports, minutes, and correspondences from Clifton Town Meetings 13. Development corporations 14. Traffic and safety 15. Business districts 16. Hillsides 17. Historic 18. Recreation 19. Stern/elderly 20. Work program: budget process 21. Zoning 22. City contracts

Clifton Town Meeting 18 23. Community assistance teams 24. Capital investment program (1980-1984) 25. Clean-up, Paint-up, and Beautify Committee

Box 2 1. Street light assessment: 1979 2. Clifton community plan 3. Community development block grant 4. Community gardens 5. NBD report: urban development 6. UMTA/Clifton Senior 7. Planning 8. Clifton Town Meeting: Recreation Committee 9. Miami Purchase Association 10. Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) 11. Community coordinator 12. Housing and zoning 13. Community Work Plan (CWP) 14. Minutes and agendas for Clifton Town Meetings: 1976-1977 15. Minutes and agendas for Clifton Town Meetings: 1978 16. Minutes and agendas for Clifton Town Meetings: 1979 17. Miscellaneous material from Clifton Town Meetings 18. Material on Clifton Town Meeting Memorial Day Parade: I 19. Material on Clifton Town Meeting Memorial Day Parade: II

Maps 1. Map of Ludlow Avenue, showing types of trees planted in area 2. Clifton community plan (Team 4) 3. Clifton HBD streetcase 4. Poster 5. Map of Clifton

Clifton Town Meeting 19 6. Map of the Village of Clifton: March 1861 7. Map of new road behind Good Samaritan Hospital and Hebrew Union College 8. Map of lots of Clifton and Surrounding Areas 9. Map of McAlpin Avenue lot numbers with names of property owners 10. Miscellaneous maps

Clifton Town Meeting 20 Clifton Town Meeting *** (US-83-3) ***


Box 1 1. Clifton Town Meeting house tour: 5/24/1964, 5/8/1966 2. Clifton correspondence: 1980-1982 3. House tour: 5/4/1969 4. House tour: 5/23/1971 5. House tour: 1976 6. House tour: 1974 7. Tour houses publicity, AVG: 1978

Clifton Town Meeting 21 Clifton Town Meeting *** (US-86-5) ***


Box 1 1. Miscellaneous 2. Wendy’s legal documents 3. Clifton Town Meeting and Wendy’s 4. Clifton Town Meeting documents relating to Wendy’s 5. CCURC 6. Clifton Town Meeting complaints and brainstorming 7. Clifton Town Meeting orientation material: April-May, 1984 8. Clifton Town Meeting current materials 9. Clifton Town Meeting annual meeting: 1982 10. Clifton Town Meeting: September 1983 11. Clifton Town Meeting membership: 1983-1984 12. 3668 Clifton Avenue 13. NHC workshops 14. Clifton Town Meeting, current issues for members: 1984 15. Clifton Town Meeting library 16. Clifton Town Meeting: 1981-1982 17. Clifton Town Meeting SNAP Review Board, Year V 18. Joyce’s materials 19. Bulletin: November 1979-December 1980 20. Bulletin: January 1981-May 1982 21. Membership Committee report 22. Area chairman: 1989

Clifton Town Meeting 22 23. Membership 24. Membership 25. Nancy Shapiro 26. Additional copies of minutes, police reports, et cetera 27. Nancy Shapiro 28. Miscellaneous 29. Clifton school principal: 1983 30. Sarah: Clifton school evaluation 31. Clifton existing conditions study 32. Clifton community plan: May 1980 33. Clifton community plan: 1982 34. Clifton residential infill development study 35. Minutes and scraps 36. Loose-leaf binder, minutes, et cetera: 1983-1985 37. Clifton MulitAge Alternative: bulletin

Clifton Town Meeting 23 Clifton Town Meeting *** (US-88-18) ***


Box 1 1. Constitution and by-laws Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meetings 2. Minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting: April-December 1963 3. Minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting: 1964 4. Minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting: January-June 1965 5. Minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting: June 1966 6. Minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting: January-December 1971 7. Minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting: 1972 8. Minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting: 1976 9. Minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting: 1977 10. Minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting: 1978 11. Minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting: 1979 12. Minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting: June-December 1980 13. Minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting: January, March-May 1981 14. Minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting: 1982 Minutes of the General Meetings 15. Minutes of the general meetings: 1964 16. Minutes of the general meetings: 1965 17. Minutes of the general meetings: 1971-1972 18. Minutes of the general meetings: 1974 19. Minutes of the general meetings: 1975 20. Minutes of the general meetings: 1977

Clifton Town Meeting 24 21. Minutes of the general meetings: 1978 22. Minutes of the general meetings: 1979 23. Minutes of the general meetings: 1980 24. Minutes of the general meetings: 1981 25. Minutes of the general meetings: 1982 Committees 26. Clean-up Committee minutes: 1979 27. Clean-up Committee report: undated 28. Clean-up Committee correspondence: 1979-1980 29. Combines special events and ways and means report: 1968-1969 30. Communication Committee report: 1976 31. Alumni/Leadership (Community Leadership) Committee: 1984 32. Economic Review Committee minutes: 1977 33. Economic Review Committee correspondence: 1979-1984 34. Economic Review Committee report (two copies): 1977 35. Education Committee minutes: 1973-1979 36. Executive Committee minutes: 1976 37. Executive Committee minutes: February-November 1977 38. Executive Committee minutes: 1978 39. Executive Committee minutes: 1979 40. Historic Preservation Committee reports: 1980, undated 41. Historic Conservation Committee correspondence: 1975-1979 42. Housing Committee report: 1979 43. Housing and Zoning Committee minutes: 1977 44. Housing and Zoning Committee minutes: 1978 45. Housing and Zoning Committee report: 1977 46. Housing and Zoning Committee report: 1979 47. Housing and Zoning Committee report: 1980 48. Intergovernmental Affairs Committee report: 1976 49. Land Use Committee minutes: 1976 50. Land Use Committee report: 1976

Clifton Town Meeting 25 51. Land Use Committee report: 1977 52. Membership Committee report: 1979 53. Committee of Names: 1984-1985 54. Nominating Committee meetings: 1976 55. Nominating Committee report: 1977 56. Planning Committee reports: 1973, 1977-1979, undated 57. Planning Committee correspondence 1978-1980 58. Planning Committee report: no date 59. President’s report: 1963 60. Recreation Committee report: 1974 61. Recreation Committee report: 1977 62. Recreation Committee report: undated 63. Recreation Committee financial report: 1976 64. Recreation Committee correspondence: 1972-1980 65. Recruit a Community Coordinator Committee: 1981 66. Sacred Heart Committee minutes: 1977-1978 67. Sacred Heart Committee correspondence: 1978-1980 68. Safety Committee report: undated 69. Traffic Committee report: 1977 70. Treasurer’s report: 1963-1965 71. Treasurer’s report: 1975-1980 72. Zoning Committee report: 1964 73. Clifton Town Meeting correspondence: 1965-1979 74. Clifton Town Meeting correspondence: 1980 75. Clifton Town Meeting correspondence: 1981 76. Clifton Town Meeting correspondence: 1982 77. Attendance lists 78. Area meeting information

Box 2 Office Files

Clifton Town Meeting 26 1. Adopt-a-Home Campaign 2. Better Housing League 3. Board members: 1976-1980 4. Bulk rate mail: 1979-1980 5. Bulletins: May 1966-April 1978 6. Bulletins: 1981 7. Bulletins: 1982 8. Marsha Caplan 9. City of Cincinnati brochures 10. City funding requests: 1979-1980 11. Cincinnati Institute Hillside Landbank grant request: 1974 12. Cincinnati Hillside Landbank grants endorsements: 1974 13. Cincinnati Hillside Landbank grant documentation: 1974 14. Cincinnati Hillside ordinances nos. 357.1976 and 297.1977 15. Clifton environmental quality districts 16. Clifton Senior Citizen Multiservice Center: 1979 17. Committee lists 18. Committee membership surveys 19. Community Assistance teams: January 1979 20. Community coordinator: 1977 21. Community coordinator: January-November 1978 22. Community coordinator: December 1978 23. Community coordinator: 1979-1981 24. Community development block grant: 1978-1979 25. Community development block grant: 1980 26. Community development block grant: 1981 27. Community development block grant, federal government “Housing & Development Reporter”: undated 28. Community development block grant, federal government “Housing & Developing Reporter”: 8/27/1979, 12/31/1979 29. Community development revolving loan fund

Clifton Town Meeting 27 30. Community directions 31. Community resources 32. Community support work 33. Community work program: June 1977 34. Community work program: 1978 35. Community work program: 1979 36. Construction plan proposed by Bob Stern: 1977 37. Hearings and streetscape 38. Hillside development, Rue de la Paix 39. House tour: 1964 40. House tour: 1966 41. House tour: 1969 42. House tour: 1971 43. House tour: 1974 44. House tour: 1976 45. House tour: 1978 46. House tour photo: no date 47. Invest in Neighborhoods, Inc. 48. Memorial Day parade: 1965 49. Memorial Day parade: 1967 50. Memorial Day parade: 1968 51. Memorial Day parade: 1969 52. Memorial Day parade: 1970 53. Memorial Day parade: 1971 54. Memorial Day parade: 1973 55. Memorial Day parade: 1974 56. Memorial Day parade: 1975 57. Memorial Day parade: 1976 58. Memorial Day parade: 1977 59. National Conference on Neighborhood Concerns: 1983 60. National trust preservation

Clifton Town Meeting 28 61. Neighborhood brochures

Box 3 Office Files 1. Neighborhood business district: 1976 2. Neighborhood business district: January-April 1977 3. Neighborhood business district: June 1977 4. Neighborhood business district: undated 5. Neighborhood housing and conservation 6. Neighborhood housing, miscellaneous correspondence: 1984-1985 7. Neighborhood housing, Work and Events Task Force 8. Neighborhood newsletters: 1976-1977 9. Neighborhoods United: 1987 10. Newspaper articles: 1964-1969 11. Newspaper articles: 1970-1976 12. Newspaper articles: 1977-1979 13. ODT capital assistance grant, guide and form 14. OKI capital assistance grants: 1979 15. Ohio Garage information 16. SNAP: 1980 17. SNAP and NSP 18. Section 8 housing 19. Street lighting: 1977-1979 20. Tax exemption application: 1978 21. Time and mileage logs 22. Urban Redevelopment Corps 23. Clifton Community Redevelopment Corps 24. Kennedy Heights Redevelopment Corps 25. Mount Auburn Redevelopment Corps 26. Urban homesteading program 27. Zoning: 1977

Clifton Town Meeting 29 28. Zoning: 1978 29. Zoning: 1979 30. Zoning: 1980 Reports 31. “Cincinnati Hillside Development Guidelines”: December 1975 32. “Cincinnati Housing Profile,” from the Cincinnati Planning Commission: 1982 33. “Cincinnati Urban Development”: 1985 34. “City of Cincinnati Capital Investment Program”: 1980-1984 35. “City of Cincinnati Coordinated City Plan”: December 1976 36. “Clifton: Appendix to the NBD Urban Design Plan”: 1977 37. “Clifton: Policies for the NBD Urban Design Plan” 1977 38. “Clifton Community Plan”: May 1980 39. “Clifton Community Plan: Goals and Objectives”: 1975 40. “Clifton Community Plan,” preliminary draft: September 1979 41. “Clifton Existing Conditions Study”: 1979 42. “Preliminary Clifton Existing Conditions Study”: 1975 43. “The Community Assistance Program: A Report on Its Design and Operation”: 1/11/1977 44. “Community Recreation Facilities Master Plan for Cincinnati Recreation Commission: Clifton Corryville, Clifton Heights/Fairview, University Heights”: 1974 45. “Comprehensive Park & Recreation Study of the Community of Clifton”: 1974 46. “Housing Monitoring System: Housing Production Report, 1980-1982,” from the Cincinnati City Planning Commission: 1983 47. “An Issue Report: Neighborhood Conservation Lessons from 3 Cities,” by Phyllis Meers and Gordon Binder: 1977 48. “Report of the 1979 Neighborhood Assessment Study” 49. “Study of Problems Dealing with Residential Street Lighting,” by Tweddell and Wheeler: 1965 50. “Track Diversion Study,” from OKI: 1981 51. “Report on the Traffic Survey of Clifton, McAlpin, and Woolper Avenues”: 1964

Box 4

Clifton Town Meeting 30 One bag of bumper stickers and pins, “Improving Schools Together—Vote for Issues 3 & 4”: undated

Box 5 Binders 1. University of Cincinnati 1984 Seminar in Community Leadership: 1/28/984-2/25/1984 2. City Hall Open House Committee, 1984, notes 3. Miscellaneous newspaper articles 4. Boston University Neighborhood Conservation Workshop: June 16-22, 1984 5. Information Update Newsletter: PAMSS/Cincinnati Planning Commission, vol. V: 1981 6. One folder: National Trust Historic Preservation

Clifton Town Meeting 31 Clifton Town Meeting *** (US-90-5) ***


Box 1 1. Arn Bortz for Council Committee finance report: 1983 2. Blackwell for Council Committee finance report: 1983 3. Citizens for Mann Committee finance report: 1983 4. City of Cincinnati Council budget: 1986 5. Fellerhoff for Council Committee finance report: 1983 6. Gluckenberger for Council Committee finance report: 1983 7. Luken for Council Committee finance report: 1983 8. Return Sterne Campaign Committee finance report: 1983 9. Spencer for Council Committee finance report: 1983 10. Strauss for City Council Committee finance report: 1983 11. Esquire Theatre renovation, architect’s plans: 1985 12. The Esquire Theatre budget: 1986 13. The Movies, builders’ estimates: 1987 14. City council: 1984-1987 15. Clifton community plan 16. Clifton existing conditions study 17. Community Development Advisory Council (CDAC): The Movies: 1984-1986 18. Additional copies of Clifton Theatre Corporation 19. Correspondences and articles 20. Additional copies of correspondences, et cetera 21. Esquire Theatre, development of property: 1986 22. Economic base market potential

Clifton Town Meeting 32 23. Eminent domain: CD 24. Expenses, bills, and receipts 25. Cincinnati Film Society: 1987 26. The Movies, financing, conventional banks: 1986 27. Flyer 28. Fundraising: 1984-1987 29. Neighborhood development demonstration program, grant application: 1984 30. Invest in Neighborhoods, grant application: 1985-1986 31. The Movies, legal: 1987 32. Clifton Town Meeting #3919, legal actions with regard to The Movies 33. Legal case (two folders): 1987

Box 2 1. Legal case 2. Letters 3. Limited partnership (two folders): 1985 4. Liquor permit: 1986 5. Clifton Theatre Corporation membership and board 6. Clifton Theatre Corporation minutes 7. Music for The Movies 8. Keep The Movies: Music for Movies: 1987 9. Neighborhood organizations: 1984-1985 10. Additional copies of clippings 11. Newspaper clippings 12. Notes and thoughts 13. Tony Palazzolo: 1986 14. The Movies, petitions (three folders) 15. EQD and city, public hearings 16. Council background documents: 1986 17. Additional copies of public notices, et cetera: 1984-1985 18. Additional copies of public hearings EQD documents

Clifton Town Meeting 33 19. Bob Simminger, National Cinema Supply 20. Clifton Theatre Corporation, tax return: 1985 21. Updates, Clifton living: 1986 22. Volunteers 23. Clifton Theatre Corporation volunteers and phone contacts 24. Wendy’s correspondence: 1984 25. Zoning 26. Zoning law and fast food restaurant, planning: 1984 27. F-F zoning panel

Box 3 1. Clifton Town Meeting #3913, legal actions regarding The Movies 2. Esquire Theatre real estate contracts 3. Franchise Developer, Inc. and Alvin Lipson, Trustee vs. The City of Cincinnati Town Meeting; nine volumes: 1984-1986 4. Clifton Clean-up Committee and Clifton Clean Team, program information and photographs: 1984-1985

Box 4 1. Greenup Day correspondence (two folders): 1989 2. Park Board Community Affairs Council 3. Mailing list: 1989 4. Meeting: February 1989 5. Greenup meeting: 3/14/1989 6. Greenup Day publicity center: 1989 7. CUP, community fund application 8. Greenup Day Boy Scout projects: 1989 9. Greenup Park Board voucher forms: undated 10. Greenup Distributions: (Tom Blalock, Captain); Bellevue Hill Park (Mike Boylan, Captain); Burnet Woods (Kristi O’Donnell, Captain); Durham Center (Lenora Handra, Captain); (Susan Scardina, Captain); Fernbank Park (Jane School, Captain);

Clifton Town Meeting 34 Kennedy Park (Emily Suikes, Captain); Greenup Day, Mount Airy; Mount Echo Park (Mary West and Lenora Aandra, co-Captains); Mount Storm (Joe Schott, Captain); Pleasant Ridge (Don Johnson, Captain); Rapid Run Recreation Center (Bob White, Captain); Roselawn Arches (Caryl Fullman, Captain); Ryan Playfield (Steve Siemendinger, Captain); Seasongood Park/Martin Luther King/Stella Park (Georgie Davis, Captain); Stansbury Park (Connie Lorig and Tami Voss, co-Captains); Tanglewood Park (Cheryl Shelby, Captain); Westwood; Wilson Commons (Lenora Handra, Captain); Winton Commons/Hanaford Park (Geneva Stevens, Captain) 11. Greenup Day park plans 12. Greenup Day correspondence: 1988 13. Greenup Day expense reports: 1988 14. Greenup Day bicentennial information: 1988 15. Greenup Day Cinti Flower Growers logo: 1988 16. Greenup Day letterhead: 1988 17. Greenup Day, Dennis McKeonwn (NATORP) 18. Greenup Day, minutes of meetings: 1988 19. Greenup Day miscellaneous documents (2 folders) 20. Greenup Day list of nurseries and supplies for each park 21. Greenup Day proclamations by the Mayor of Fort Square 22. Greenup Day program 23. Greenup Day Cinti Growers promotion 24. Greenup Day publicity: 1988 25. Greenup Day, additional releases 26. Greenup Day park safety directors 27. Greenup Day small parks rec. report 28. Greenup Day, all park plans (two folders) 29. Greenup Day plant plans 30. Greenup Day safety 31. Greenup Day volunteer form/release form 32. Greenup Day, 33. Greenup Day, Ault Park

Clifton Town Meeting 35 34. Greenup Day, Bellevue Hill Park plans 35. Greenup Day, Bellevue Hill Park water and weed project 36. Greenup Day, bicentennial park programs 37. Greenup Day, Burnet Woods 38. Greenup Day, Fairview Park 39. Greenup Day, Fernbank Park 40. Greenup Day, Fort Square, Loveland 41. Greenup Day, Middle School Stage Day: 5/16/1998 42. Greenup Day, Hannaford Park 43. Greenup Day, 44. Greenup Day, Mount Storm 45. Greenup Day, Roselawn Arches 46. Greenup Day, Stansbury Park 47. Greenup Day, Westwood Town Hall 48. Greenup Day, Winton Commons 49. Greenup Day, Bicentennial Parks Kickoff, Fountain Square: 5/16/1988 50. Greenup Day, Cincinnati Parks Neighborhood Council: 1988 51. Greenup Day: 1987 52. Greenup Day, Ransohoff dedication program: 5/14/1988 53. Greenup Day, Ransohoff, Rabbi Alan D. Fuchs 54. Greenup Day, Ransohoff, honored guests mailing list 55. Greenup Day, Ransohoff invitation list, 56. Greenup Day, Jerry Springer 57. Greenup Day: 1987 58. Evaluation forms 59. Safety contracts, first-aid lists 60. Bellevue Park 61. Greenup Day, Bellevue Hill Park: 1986 62. Clifton Town Meeting, cleanup 63. Cincinnati campaign: 1982

Clifton Town Meeting 36 Clifton Town Meeting *** (US-93-11) ***


Box 1 1. Financial: paid bills, deposits: 1978 2. Financial: paid bills: 1979; deposits: 1979-1980 3. Financial: paid bills: 1980-1981, 1984 4. Financial: savings account info: 1981 5. Financial: paid bills, correspondence: 1982 6. Financial: paid bills, deposits, salaries: 1985 7. Financial: paid bills, deposits, salaries: 1986 8. Financial: SNAP: 1980 9. Miscellaneous financial correspondence 10. Stubs for checks: 1975-1982

Box 2 1. Cincinnati Institute’s proposal for a grant for Sacred Heart property 2. Clifton Town Meeting Sacred Heart Committee 3. Clifton Town Meeting journal 4. Clifton Town Meeting ledger sheets: March 1977-March 1979 5. Insurance policy information: 1969-1979 6. Clifton summary 7. Appendix to Clifton NBD urban design plan 8. Clifton community plan and preliminary draft: 1979 9. Clifton existing study conditions 10. Clifton community plan goals and objectives: May 1975

Clifton Town Meeting 37 11. Clifton Town Meeting bulletins, correspondence, proposals, memos, and programs: 1987 12. Treasurers report: 1979 13. Clifton Town Meeting reports: 1984-1986 14. Clifton Town Meeting receipts, reviews, correspondence, and notes: 1981-1983 15. Support workers timesheets: 1980 16. Tax records, report forms: 1976, 1979, 1981, 1985 17. Time logs, receipts, forms: 1976

Clifton Town Meeting 38 Clifton Town Meeting *** (US-93-12) ***


Box 1 Minutes 1. Minutes: 1/10/1983 2. Minutes: 3/7/1983 3. Minutes: 4/4/1983 4. Minutes: 6/6/1983 5. Minutes: 9/12/1983 6. Minutes: 10/3/1983 7. Minutes: 11/7/1983 8. Minutes: 12/7/1983 9. Minutes: 1/9/1984 10. Minutes: 2/6/1984 11. Minutes: 3/5/1984 12. Minutes: 4/2/1984 13. Minutes: 5/7/1984 14. Minutes: 6/4/1984 15. Minutes: 9/10/1984 16. Minutes: 10/1/1984 17. Minutes: 11/5/1984 18. Minutes: 12/3/1984 19. Minutes: 1/7/1984 20. Minutes: 2/4/1985 21. Minutes: 3/4/1985

Clifton Town Meeting 39 22. Minutes: 4/1/1985 23. Minutes: 5/6/1985 24. Minutes: 7/1/1985 25. Minutes: 9/9/1985 26. Minutes: 10/7/1985 27. Minutes: 11/4/1985 28. Minutes: 12/2/1985 29. Minutes: 1/6/1986 30. Minutes: 2/3/1986 31. Minutes: 2/10/1986 32. Minutes: 3/3/1986 33. Minutes: 4/7/1986 34. Minutes: 5/5/1986 35. Minutes: 7/7/1986 36. Minutes: 9/8/1986 37. Minutes: 10/6/1986 38. Minutes: 11/3/1986 39. Minutes: 11/17/1986 40. Minutes: 12/1/1986 41. Minutes: 12/15/1986 42. Minutes: 1/5/1987 43. Minutes: 2/2/1987 44. Minutes: 3/2/1987 45. Minutes: 4/6/1987 46. Minutes: 5/4/1987 47. Minutes: 6/1/1987 48. Minutes: 9/14/1987 49. Minutes: 10/5/1987 50. Minutes: 11/2/1987 51. Minutes: 12/7/1987 52. Minutes: 12/5/1988

Clifton Town Meeting 40 53. Minutes: 1/3/1989 54. Minutes: 2/6/1989 55. Minutes: 3/6/1989 56. Minutes: 4/5/1989 57. Minutes: 5/1/1989 58. Minutes: 6/5/1989 59. Minutes: 9/5/1989 60. Minutes: 10/2/1989 61. Minutes: 11/7/1989 62. Minutes: 12/4/1989 63. Minutes: 1/2/1990 64. Minutes: 2/5/1990 65. Minutes: 3/5/1990 66. Minutes: 4/2/1990 67. Minutes: 5/7/1990 68. Minutes: 6/4/1990 69. Minutes: 9/4/1990 70. Minutes: 10/4/1990 71. Minutes: 11/5/1990 72. Minutes: 12/3/1990 73. Minutes: 1/7/1991 74. Minutes: 2/4/1991 75. Minutes: 3/4/1991 76. Minutes: 4/1/1991 77. Minutes: 5/6/1991 78. Minutes: 6/3/1991 79. Minutes: 9/9/1991 80. Minutes: 10/7/1991 81. Minutes: 11/4/1991 82. Minutes: 12/2/1991 83. Minutes: 1/6/1992

Clifton Town Meeting 41 84. Minutes: 2/3/1992 85. Minutes: 3/2/1992 86. Minutes: 4/6/1992 87. Minutes: 5/4/1992 Bulletins 88. Bulletin: February 1988 89. Bulletin: March 1988 90. Bulletin: April 1988 91. Bulletin: May 1988 92. Bulletin: June 1988 93. Bulletin: September 1988 94. Bulletin: October 1988 95. Bulletin: November 1988 96. Bulletin: January 1989 97. Bulletin: April 1989 98. Bulletin: June 1989 99. Bulletin: September 1989 100. Bulletin: October 1989 101. Bulletin: November 1989 102. Bulletin: January 1990 103. Bulletin: February 1990 104. Bulletin: March 1990 105. Bulletin: April 1990 106. Bulletin: May 1990 107. Bulletin: June 1990 108. Bulletin: October 1990 109. Bulletin: November 1990 110. Bulletin: January 1991 111. Bulletin: February 1991 112. Bulletin: March 1991 113. Bulletin: April 1991

Clifton Town Meeting 42 114. Bulletin: May 1991 115. Bulletin: June 1991 116. Bulletin: September 1991 117. Bulletin: October 1991 118. Bulletin: November 1991 119. Bulletin: December 1991 120. Bulletin: January 1992 121. Bulletin: March 1992 122. Bulletin: April 1992 123. Bulletin: May 1992 Crime Analysis Statistics 124. Crime analysis statistics: 4/1/1990 125. Crime analysis statistics: 6/4/1990 126. Crime analysis statistics: August 1990 127. Crime analysis statistics: 1/7/1991 128. Crime analysis statistics: January 1991 129. Crime analysis statistics: February 1991 130. Crime analysis statistics: April 1991 131. Crime analysis statistics: May 1991 132. Crime analysis statistics: July 1991 133. Crime analysis statistics: August 1991 134. Crime analysis statistics: September 1991 135. Crime analysis statistics: October 1991 136. Crime analysis statistics: November 1991 137. Crime analysis statistics: January 1992 138. Crime analysis statistics: March 1992 139. Crime analysis statistics: May 1992 Financial Reports 140. Financial report: May 1985 141. Financial report: September 1985 142. Financial report: January 1986

Clifton Town Meeting 43 143. Financial report: September 1986 144. Financial report: October 1986 145. Financial report: December 1986 146. Financial report: April 1987 147. Financial report: Clifton Town Meeting revenue and expenses for the year 1987 148. Financial report: July 1989 149. Financial report: March 1990 150. Financial report: May 1990 151. Financial report: June 1990 152. Financial report: July 1990 153. Financial report: August 1990 154. Financial report: September 1990 155. Financial report: October 1990 156. Financial report: November 1990 157. Financial report: December 1990 158. Financial report: January 1991 159. Financial report: February 1991 160. Financial report: March 1991 161. Financial report: April 1991 162. Financial report: May 1991 163. Financial report: June 1991 164. Financial report: July 1991 165. Financial report: August 1991 166. Financial report: October 1991 167. Financial report: November 1991 168. Financial report: December 1991 169. Financial report: January 1992 170. Financial report: February 1992 171. Financial report: March 1992 172. Financial report: April 1992 District Five Crime Prevention Periods

Clifton Town Meeting 44 173. District five crime prevention period 9/1/1985-9/28/1985 174. District five crime prevention period 10/27/1985-11/231985 175. District five crime prevention period 12/22/1985-1/18/1986 176. District five crime prevention period 9/28/1986-10/25/1986 177. District five crime prevention period 11/23/1986-12/20/1986 Period Crime Report 178. Period crime report 9/1//1991-9/3/1991 179. Period crime report 11/1/1991-11/30/1991 180. Period crime report 12/1/1991-1/10/1992 181. Period crime report 2/1/1992-2/29/1992 Miscellaneous Correspondence 182. Correspondence: 2/9/1983 183. Correspondence: 3/22/1983 184. Correspondence: 4/2/1984 185. Correspondence: 4/29/1985 186. Correspondence: May 1985 187. Correspondence: 5/17/1985 188. Correspondence: 5/19/1985 189. Correspondence: September 1985 190. Correspondence: September 1986 191. Correspondence: 2/3/1986 192. Correspondence: 2/27/1986 193. Correspondence: 1/5/1987 194. Correspondence: 5/11/1990 195. Correspondence: 5/14/1990 196. Correspondence: 5/18/1990 197. Correspondence: 6/4/1990 198. Correspondence: 4/21/1991 199. Correspondence: thirteen additional letters: undated

Clifton Town Meeting 45 Clifton Town Meeting *** (US-94-6) ***


Box 1 1. Budget: 1987 2. Clifton Town Meeting, taxes: 1987 3. Taxes and payroll: 1988 4. Deposits: 1988 5. Paid bills: 1988 6. Bank deposits: 1989 7. Clifton Town Meeting, payroll taxes: 1989 8. Paid bills: 1989 9. Bank statement: 1989 10. Taxes: 1989 11. Monthly treasurers reports: July 1989-December 1990 12. Deposits: 1990 13. Bank statements 1990 14. NSP: 1990 15. Bills paid: 1990 16. Payroll: 1990 17. Gradison, Gateway, and Thomas McKinnon 18. Taxes: 1990 19. Merrill Lynch Clifton Town Meeting special account (Clifton Theatre Corporation) 20. Star Bank: 1991 21. Bills: 1991 22. Blockwatch and NSP: 1991

Clifton Town Meeting 46 23. IRS: 1991 24. Payroll: 1991 25. Menill: 1991 26. Gradison: 1991 27. Treasurers report: 1991 28. Paid bills: 1992 29. Financial reports: 1992 30. NSP and Invest in Neighborhoods: 1992 31. Gradison: 1992 32. Star Bank: 1992

Box 2 1. Receipts: 1982-1983 2. Cancelled checks and financial statements: 1983 3. Cancelled checks and financial statements: 1983-1985 4. Cancelled checks: 1985-1986 5. Cancelled checks and financial statements: 1985-1986 6. Cancelled checks: 1987 7. Receipts: 1987-1988 8. Cancelled checks: 1988-1990 9. Cancelled checks: 1991 10. Receipts: 1991-1992 11. Cancelled checks: 1992

Clifton Town Meeting 47 Clifton Town Meeting *** (US-99-22) ***


Box 1 1. Miscellaneous papers, correspondences, et cetera 2. Hosea since 1977 3. Hosea Avenue closure 4. Hosea: Clifton Town Meeting, Hosea Avenue 5. Power notes 6. Miscellaneous papers, correspondences, et cetera 7. Miscellaneous blueprints, papers, et cetera 8. Miscellaneous photocopies of photographs 9. One small box containing correspondences and slides

Clifton Town Meeting 48 Clifton Town Meeting *** (US-01-30) ***


Box 1 Not yet inventoried

Clifton Town Meeting 49