Registration of Members’ Interests

This form is for notifying the Council’s Monitoring Officer of your registrable interests as defined in the Members’ Code of Conduct. It is designed for use both by councillors and by independent and co-opted members of committees.

Registration of interests is a legal requirement: the initial notification must be given within 28 days of election or appointment; any subsequent change must also be notified, within 28 days of the change taking place. This form may be used for either purpose.

Notes to help with completion are attached. Please read these notes before completing the form.

The notification may either be submitted in hard copy form or by e-mail (for an electronic copy of this form please e-mail or telephone (01865) 815279). You can check existing entries in the register of interests on the Council’s web site1.

To: The Monitoring Officer, Oxfordshire County Council c/o Democratic Services, , Oxford OX1 1ND

Notification of the current financial and other interests of: (your name - please print) Norman Bolster

X This is a first notification or a complete replacement (please complete all the boxes, entering NONE where appropriate)

This is a change notification (please check

appropriate box) (please show only the relevant additions, deletions and any other changes)

Signed: Dated: 12/6/09

Membership of other bodies

Bodies of which you are a member or in which you hold a position of general control or management:

(a) Bodies on which you represent the County Council

Governor at Kings Meadow Primary School, (LEA Governor)


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(b) Public authorities and other public bodies

Cherwell District Council Community Governor – Brookside Primary School, Bicester

(c) Charitable bodies


(d) Bodies influencing Public Opinion or Policy (including political party or )

Member of The Conservative Party Member of Unison – Trade Union Member of The Conservative Councillors Association

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Employment or business

(e) Your employment or business (f) Name of employer, firm or company

Laboratory Manager School of Life Sciences Oxford Brookes University Gipsy Lane, , Oxford OX3 0BP

Member District Council House, Bodicote, Oxon OX15 4AA

Expenses (g) Name of anyone who has contributed towards your expenses

North Oxfordshire Conservative Association 8 Gorwell Watlington Oxon OX49 5QE

Companies (h) Names of any companies in which you have a beneficial interest


Contracts with the Council

(i) Description of any contracts you/your company have with the County Council


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Land in Oxfordshire

(j) Location of any land in Oxfordshire in which you have a beneficial interest

19 Hambleside, Bicester, Oxon OX26 2GA – principal residence

Land rented from the Council

(k) Location of any land rented from the County Council


Land held on licence

(l) Location of any land in Oxfordshire which you hold on a licence


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Registration of Members’ Interests: Gifts and Hospitality

Receipt of a gift or hospitality over the value of £25 in your capacity as a councillor or co- opted member.

Notification of receipt by: (your name - please print) Norman Bolster

of the following gift(s) or hospitality, estimated in each case to be over the value £25:

Description of gift, hospitality or sponsorship offered

Lunch at Varsity Polo Match, Kirtlington Park, Oxon

Name of person or organisation making the offer

Bicester Village

Reason for the offer

Corporate event sponsored by

Best estimate of its market value or cost

Over £25.00 - below £50.00

Date and place of receipt

7th June 2009 – Kirtlington Polo Club

Signed: Dated: 12/6/09

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