Equalities in Brighton & Hove: Data snapshot for equalities groups across the city Local Insight report for Brighton & Hove October 2015 Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion (OCSI) Address 1A Isetta Square, Brighton, BN1 4GQ, UK Tel +44 1273 810 270 Email
[email protected] Web www.ocsi.co.uk Twitter @ocsi_uk Contents Section 1. Introduction 4 1.1. Why look at outcomes for groups, based on their characteristics? 4 1.2. Data and methodology 4 Section 2. Gender 5 2.1. Introduction 5 2.2. Population by gender in Brighton & Hove 7 2.3. Outcomes by gender 8 2.4. Further information 29 Section 3. Transgender 31 3.1. Introduction 31 3.2. Outcomes for trans people 31 3.3. Further information 37 Section 4. Age, including special focus on Children and Older People 39 4.1. Introduction 39 4.2. Estimating the population by age in Brighton & Hove 41 4.3. Outcomes by age 44 4.4. Outcomes for children 52 4.5. Outcomes for older people 60 4.6. Further information 63 Section 5. Ethnicity and nationality 65 5.1. Introduction 65 5.2. Population by ethnicity and country of birth 66 5.3. Characteristics by ethnicity in Brighton & Hove 71 5.4. Outcomes by ethnicity group 72 5.5. Further information 90 Section 6. Religion 92 6.1. Introduction 92 6.2. Estimating the population by religion in Brighton & Hove 92 6.3. Characteristics of religion in Brighton & Hove 95 6.4. Outcomes by religion 97 6.5. Further information 104 Section 7. Sexual orientation 106 7.1.