cmDum FunriEUJs its membership (nearly 300). Salty the the preoccupation of the people in the Some Major Developments Sea Lion, a kid's series for television, is region." That's how Bob Verrall, head The major developments on the shooting in the Caribbean, along with of English production for the National scene at the moment are John Hirsch, Swiss Family Robinson from the same Film Board started explaining the CBC Drama Head, reaching out for the genre. Police Surgeon is resuming in Board's plan to open more regional pro­ best talent available cross-country. Sec­ , and the CBC has three series duction offices throughout Canada, retary of State Hugh Faulkner being al­ going at present to keep all those dir­ "The basic objective is to reconnect the most ready to announce Phase II of the ectors, AD's and PM's busy. Other than Board to the country which is vast and national film policy, the National Film that — commercials, industrials and a inhabited by people who are less in- Board making plans to truly regionalise few low-budget features. cUned to move into population its production facihties by expanding to The involvement of fresh talent with centres." Winnipeg and Toronto in the fore­ CBC programming is the most exciting The program is well underway with seeable future, a strong showing by news in the wake of the CRTC's tough production units actively filming in Canada at Cannes and of course, Duddy and admirable directives to improve our and Hahfax, and we've just Kravitz being picked up by Paramount public broadcasting system. Pierre received word that Jerry Krepakevich is for a July opening in the States. Juneau might be catching a bit of flak editing a documentary in Winnipeg and The new film policy might not be an­ for his outspoken decision on the CBC, getting settled there as the first staff nounced until after the elections but his judgement is vindicated by the member of the Prairies production of­ though, and the CFDC expected only roster of filmmakers being hired by the fice. Edmonton or Calgary, Quebec City three new project proposals to arrive by Drama Department: Don Shebib, Don and Sudbury are possible locations for its June 10th meeting, along with seven Owen, Peter Carter, , Rene future NFB regional centres, all encom­ re-submissions. The Global network is Bonniere, Eric Till, Ted Kotcheff, and passing the surrounding "region" as tottering on the edge of bankruptcy at John Wright are producing or directing their territory. The Vancouver office, press time, hoping to be salvaged from series episodes or Anthology programs. for example, now covers the Yukon and its $20 million predicament {Variety's Beverley Roberts is working with Till on Alberta, in addition to B.C. And as for figure) by the good graces of its credi­ four drama shows and Julius Kohanyi the Far North, a workshop is being done tors and/or an angel of mercy with a has replaced her as producer of the in Cape Dorset and another is planned fresh bundle. The CRTC has postponed Canadian Filmmakers Series. Julian for Frobisher Bay. its hearings on Canadian content in Roffman, Jim Innis, David Ruskin and But the major point in Venall's an­ commercials until the Fall in order to Maxine Samuels are working with John nouncement was the decision to open a give more time for lengthy briefs to be Hirsch as well, and the list doesn't stop Film Board production centre in prepared by interested groups. Cinema- there. Jack Darcus, Judith Eglington, Toronto possibly by 1975. Whereas be­ tographer Don Wilder CSC is drafting Leonard Yakir, Sylvia Spring and Frank the one for the Council of Canadian Vitale are the first young directors to be fore the prevalent thinking at the Board Filmmakers, which along with ACTRA's approached to take part in the new was that Toronto is a rich town with a and the Director's Guild is sure to ask apprenticeship/observer programme, de­ multi-milhon dollar film industry (and for 100 per cent Canadian content, signed by Hirsch to develop this coun­ therefore not in need of NFB involve­ claiming any lower percentage would be try's dramatic talent. Maureen ment), after their Board of Governors hard to pohce. O'Donnell has been hired as Drama's meeting here in April - when they got new publicist, in the wake of Colum­ to meet many local filmmakers - the CCFM Chairman and Directors Guild bia's pact with Astral which caused a lot powers that be changed their attitude. President has proven to be of unemployment. They would like to estabhsh closer con­ a very active spokesman for our ailing tacts with the people in Ontario who production industry, along with CCFM The CBC is also planning major co- have been sending in many fine ideas to Vice-Chairman Jack Gray, who's also re­ productions both with private com­ the Board but have only been voices on presenting ACTRA's point of view. The panies and the National Film Board. the telephone until now. "Does this Council was going to organise the forum Coup d'Etat, Ultimatum, A Lark in mean that Don Shebib might be hired where Hugh Faulkner was to make his Clear Air and now Agency might be by this new Toronto office to shoot a Phase II pronouncements, but Anne done internally or with the private sec­ documentary on Cabbagetown?" I Dadson from the Minister's office could tor, whereas some NFB staff directors asked Verrall. "Why not?" he replied, not confirm a pre-election policy state­ are being told to clear their scripts with and went on to explain how these of­ ment at this writing. The Secretary of John Hirsch before presenting them to fices would work very closely with the State's Advisory Committee made its re­ the Board's own programming com­ Challenge for Change programme, con­ commendations to Faulkner late last mittees. The theme evenings planned centrating almost entirely on social doc­ year and Ms. Dadson didn't think it was jointly by the two government agencies umentaries and similar genres. unreasonable to wait for a public state­ have aheady been kicked off with the Community access to the media is ment on the matter for over six months. Arctic broadcast, and Adieu Alouette the main object, and the Board also In the meantime, at least some and West are soon to be followed by the hopes to be a centre of non-NFB activi­ people seem to be working, although Coastal Regions. ties in these regions by assistin|M more on television projects and low- "It may be a decision made at head­ groups to express themselves thi0# budget endeavours than feature . quarters to undertake this kind of activ­ audio-visual means. "It doesn't matter if The Directors Guild reports that almost ity but you have to have people in these full employment has been achieved for it's VTR, super 8 or 16mm," continued regional positions who are sensitive to the Head of English Production. "We're 6 Cinema Canada George Csaba Koller

convinced, by the way, that VTR and Productions: fore. As a result of the many rejections Super 8 is the exciting technology for recent/current/imminent hardly any films are being made in Mon­ regional activity." The concepts formu­ treal or Toronto or Vancouver. . . . Yet, lated at the Fogo Island conferences of The Canadian Film Development Cor­ as no one other than the CFDC is seeing 1968 and 1972 seem to have captured poration had a meeting on June 10th, at the screenplays, is it possible that most the imagination of enough people in which ten submissions came under dis­ of them are of doubtful quahty? And power that many of them are now being cussion. Only three of them were new what are the qualities that make good actually implemented cross country. projects, however, the other seven re­ films? Is a good film a bad picture that The Film Board's present five-year plan submissions. No big budget productions makes money or a sensitive, recogniz­ incorporates a great deal of the Fogo are on the horizon, according to Ted ably Canadian subject, that might not Process and Philosophy, but a fuller dis­ Rouse, the CFDC's Toronto representa­ do as well at the box office? Is it that cussion of these matters must wait until tive. The reason for this was delved into more and more producers, running the next issue of Cinema Canada. at the recent ParUamentary hearings scared, with no faith in Canadian wri­ The Ted Kotcheff/Mordecai Richler/ into the activities of the Corporation ters, actors and directors, are trying to John Kemeny collaboration, The (see Kirwan Cox' analysis and letters by pressure the CFDC into putting up Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz shall Michael Spencer and Peter Pearson con­ money for films which are pale imita­ henceforth go down in Canadian film cerning the situation further back in this tions of America's best, with largely history as the first completely indigen­ issue), where the two chief officers were second rate American casts and crews? ous theatrical feature to be purchased questioned at length and with a sense of It by a major U.S. distributor. Paramount urgency not only by the members of the "It is no secret," continued Pratley's has committed a reported $750,000 as Standing Committee on Broadcasting, insightful article, "that one film which an advance on rentals and for a big pro­ Films and Assistance to the Arts, but everyone thought would be essentially motional campaign, and plans to open also by CCFM President Pearson. The Canadian and successful. The Appren­ the film in New York and CFDC was instructed to sit down with ticeship of Duddy Kravitz (the official in July. In spite of the Cannes rejection the CCFM and try to work out some Canadian entry rejected by Cannes) con­ fiasco, which elicited no mild words common solutions to the obviously tains so many American players, that from director Kotcheff and star Lanctot common problems. most Canadian actors feel betrayed and at a luncheon a week prior to the festi­ Certain segments of the private sec­ rejected. It is likely that it will be finan­ val (they both characterised official tor, however, seem to be bypassing the cially successful, but at what cost to Canadian reaction to the affair as CFDC, having become fed up with Canadian confidence?" At what cost, in­ "spineless" and "gutless") Duddy seems either the strong Canadian content stip­ deed. On film financing, the head of the ;to have a lucky star, and it's not just ulations, scathing comments from Ontario Film Institute and Theatre, and Richard Dreyfuss either, Canada-wide 'anonymous' script readers, or just cor­ the moving force behind the Stratford tallies are approaching $500,000 as it porate procrastination. Gerald Pratley International Film Festival and many opens in more and more theatres cross raised some excellent questions in the other wonderful projects through the country. Could be the real big winner Cannes festival issue of Variety: "the years, had this to say: "No one is really we were all waiting for. Cannes did fine qualifications (if any) of the largely un­ quahfied to talk about film financing, by Canada this year nevertheless, as known names who sit in judgment of because - as in all countries - most Marc Gervais' detailed account reveals the screenplays submitted to the CFDC producers seldom really tell the truth further back in these pages. are being questioned more than ever be- about grosses for very obvious reasons {we would add distributors and exhibi­ Boh Verrall, Head of English Production at the Film Board tors to that) and it takes so long to get the returns that the final costs may not be computed for several years. But one thing is very obvious: the non-creative middle men get theirs some way or the other, while the creative people are left with little or nothing." {our emphasis for the simple reason that eloquent truths are hard to come by and are easily overlooked). It's easy enough to paint Messrs. Gelinas and Spencer as the arch villains in our present feature production lag, but very few seem to notice that many in the private sector are motivated by nothing but pure greed and sometimes even resort to playing musical countries to keep up with the changing oppor­ tunities for windfall profits. Remember Hillard Elkins and how his company was going to do so much good for Canadian

Cinema Canada 7 production? Well, he has pulled out of Toronto in the wake of the Life Inves­ tors/Film House fiasco, and will shoot One Hundred Dollar Misunderstanding in Los Angeles. Perhaps through no fault of his own, but his U.K. and U.S. operations seem to be flourishing, and don't be surprised to read that he's sur­ faced in yet another country filled with big plans that raise false hopes. Or what about Bassett's Louis Riel project with Richard Harris? Too busy with sports, I guess. It's a cold, cruel, capitalist world out there, and that's a hard one to forget. Ask Bob Crone. August Films and Vision IV have wrapped Black Christmas, a thriller pro­ duced and directed at several Toronto locations by , in association with Dick Shouten and Gerry Arbeid. An ailing Edmond O'Brien was replaced by John Saxon as the male lead, oppo­ :Shooting Why Kock Ihe Boat on the NtB sound stage site OUvia Hussey, Margot Kidder, Keir sector, and even though Coup d'fetat has directed and starred in the 19th century DuUea, Andrea Martin, Lynne Griffin, been postponed by its producers, CBC costume drama. The CFDC informed Michael Rapport and Doug McGrath. Public Affairs and Quadrant, the Na­ them that it couldn't be done, according Iain Ewing was assistant to the pro­ tional Film Board did in fact finish to That's Showbusiness, but by that ducer, Dave Robertson was production shooting William Weintraub's Why Rock manager, Tony Thatcher, John Eckert time they had 26,000 feet of film in the The Boat?, with John Howe directing. and Don Brough were assistant dir­ can. It seems that pair met at University Weintraub wrote the screenplay and ectors, Gary Goch yet another associate of Windsor (class of '72) where they produced the 35mm theatrical film producer, Karen Bromley art director, studied theatre, but chose instead to based on his funny best seller of the Karen Hazzard did the casting and start a film company. House of Canter­ Reginald Morris CSC was director of early sixties. The story takes place in bury Productions in Toronto, and this is photography, assisted by Bert Dunk, the wonderful world of Montreal news­ their first project. They sent out word Peter Luxford and David Petty. This papermen of the forties, based on the prior to filming that they had no money $600,000 feature is the only major to author's first hand knowledge of that but were willing to provide a good come out of English Canada's private milieu. Stu Gillard stars as a bumbling vehicle for display of thespian talent sector so far this year. cub reporter fresh out of college and and over 300 people applied to work for Henry Beckman plays his nemesis, the deferred payment, against a percentage 's Gma, shot recently editor with a Uon's roar. Beautiful of eventual profits. This proves that in Quebec for half that amount, is its Toronto model and actress Tiiu Leek people are willing to work if enough only French-Canadian counterpart. "An portrays the romantic interest, and Ken energies are generated, even without intricate plot with two different story­ James is the photographer who tries to CFDC financing. Hope to see this film lines" is how Pierre Latour described guide Gillard along the right path. Savas finished and many others started by this film in our last issue. One is about a Kalogeras was director of photography, true local initiative. In addition to crew filming a pohtical documentary on James de B. Domville was the executive Aspland and Sweeney, Franz stars textile workers, the other is about a and Malca Gillson the associate pro­ Graham Harley, Eileen Thallenberg, stripper who performs in a local bar. ducer. Director Howe, who's also a Tom Crothers and Judith Levine. The crew is staying at the hotel where talented composer, wrote the musical Produced by Marc Daigle for 1'Asso­ the stripper is performing, so the plot score in the style of the big band era. ciation cooperative des productions thickens. Arcand's On est au coton, an Earl Preston designed the sets which audio-visuelles (ACPAV) and directed actual documentary on textile workers, included scores of antique typewriters by the talented Alain Chartrand, La was banned by the Film Board and is and desks for the city room sequences. Piastre recounts the evolution of a sub­ yet to be released, although pirated Phihppa Wingfield designed the urbanite who starts seriously question­ video versions are circulating widely in authentic-looking fortyish costumes. ing his hfe style. When one is 38, has a Quebec. Gina is obviously autobio­ More about Why Rock The Boat? in our good salary, a house, a family, it's very graphical and should be an exciting film next issue. heart-rending to go full circle and begin from the director of the highly acclaim­ Five low-budget features were shot questioning the basics. Diane Cailhier ed Rejeanne Padovani and La Maudite recently throughout the country, four co-authored the script with Chartrand, Gallette. Gina stars the beautiful Celine of them CFDC $115,000 budgeters. and actual production began May 22nd Lomez, with Andre Gagnon and Carol They are Alain Chartrand's La Piastre, with Pierre Theriault, Michele l^agny, Faucher portraying the camera and Peter Bryant's The Supreme Kid, Me? Claude Gauthier, Rachel Cailhier, J. Leo soundman in the film within a film. by Martin Kinch and John Palmer, plus Gagnon, Paule Baillargeon, plus many Alain Dostie was director of photog­ Patrick Loubert's The Adventures of others in the cast. Frangois Beauchemin raphy and Serge Beauchemin did the Johnny Canuck (or Amusement Season is doing camera, Claude Beaugrand the sound on the actual picture, produced in Red, or . . .). The one shot without sound, and La Piastre is only the latest jointly by Carle-Lamy and Societe Corporation funds is Franz by John in the impressive list of features and Nouvelle de Cinematographie, with Sweeney and Paul Aspland, who not shorts produced by the 32 member pro­ Pierre Lamy as executive producer. only wrote the screenplay from the fessional cooperative since its inception Features are also made in the public Buchner play "Woyzeck", but also three years ago. 8 Cinema Canada David Tompkins, producer of The sibihty. Muddy York is planning more notably members of the Toronto and Supreme Kid, flew into town for a day features, but not until the very end of New York art communities. Snow is and informed us that they wrapped this year. internationally recognized and studied, shooting June 4th, after an exhausting The wrap party for The Adventures yet comparatively few in Canada are four weeks on location in the lower of Johnny Canuck will probably go familiar with his work. Coming soon at mainland of B.C. Peter Bryant wrote the down in history, yet this Filmarts pro­ a theatre near you, but until then you script and directed this action picture, duction was completed on schedule might have to make the pilgrimage to an starring Frank Moore, Jim Henshaw and under the expert guidance of Don Haig, art gallery or cinematheque. Don Cranberry (of Rocco Brothers producer, Deanne Judson, associate pro­ Additional Canadian features to be fame). Helen Shaver was the female lead ducer, and Patrick Loubert's direction. produced this year include Murray and she also doubled as make-up artist. The shoot was adventuresome and Markowitz' The Steven Truscott A total of 80 people were in the cast, featured Tim Henry parading through Story, Ben Caza and Brian Demude's including local extras, and 35 prop the main street of St. Thomas, Ontario The Fury Plot, Hughes Tremblay's Jos vehicles were used along with 7 produc­ in drag. Henry replaced Pascal, who was Carbonne, Les Beaux Dimanches from tion cars that moved everyone around, originally cast in that part. Jackie Bur­ Mutual Films, Joyce Wieland's The Far without a single accident (except in the roughs and Bob Warner had starring Shore, Bill Boyle's Lady of the Meadow, film). Some crew and cast agreed to roles, supported by Bob Silverman, Les and George Kaczender's Micro Blues. deferred salaries so the film was com­ Barker, et. al. Michael Hirsch assisted Also, a new Anglo-Canadian production pleted within the $115,000 budget, director Loubert. Among the crew were concern called Panorama Productions only 60 per cent of that in cash. A deal Henri Fiks on camera, Aerlyn Weissman has just opened a Vancouver office with Canada Manpower for apprentice­ on sound and Jock Brandis (we should headed by Donald J. Croker, a West ship training almost materialized, but all learn that he spells his name without Coast cameraman and assistant director. union unresponsiveness caused it to be an "e") doing the lighting. (In addition They've announced four or five features scrapped. Picture used the new Kodak to the outrageous list of projects recent­ for release by the end of 1975, one of neg stock for theatrical blow-up: Tony ly announced by Mr. Brandis, Werewolf which, entitled Seven Against the West Westman and Ron Orieux were on the Cabbies is now on his agenda.) is to be produced this summer in B.C. Eclairs, with Pat Robertson filling AD In other feature developments, chores and Peter Rowe managing the Company claims to have $5 million Trevor Wallace of Vancouver is report­ from Canadian sources and the same production. Shoot was plagued by rain, edly producing a two million dollar unusual for B.C. in May. Sally Paterson, amount from British investors, with picture based on Eric Ambler's Journey each of their pictures budgeted around also continuity person on the crew, is Into Fear, the bulk of it to be shot in cutting the film with the gifted Peter $2 million. According to Pratley writing B.C., but also in Turkey, then Athens in Variety, the presence of Michael Bryant, and they're aiming for an Octo­ and Genoa. Jack Ammon, writing in ber release. Relph (respected U.K. producer and Variety, praises Wallace's track record president of the British Producers Asso­ Producer Peter O'Brien sounded very and presents the producer's formula for ciation) at the head of the outfit adds a proud on the telephone as he informed success as 1./ first-class commercial certain amount of legitimacy to the us that the film Me? came in on time (5 script, 2./ first-class players (Fear has endeavour, which was announced with weeks) and under budget ($115,000). seven imported leads), 3./ the best some hoopla at Cannes. Based on a play by Martin Kinch origin­ director budget allows (not named for Harold Greenberg, the head of Can­ ally staged by John Palmer at the Journey yet, but Wallace used an ada's largest consortium of production, Toronto Free Theatre (not Factory Lab American on both of his previous 'Cana­ distribution and lab interests, Astral- as we were wrongly informed) the dian' productions, Christina and Bellevue-Pathe, has announced plans for screenplay was written by Barry Pearson Groundstar Conspiracy), 4./ reasonable five new films, three of them to be done in keeping with Kinch's initial draft. and easily accessible locations, 5./ wide this year. All are slated for Canada, Palmer directed the screen version as distribution, which is sure to come if some might have CFDC assistance, well and most of the theatre cast wound right commercial ingredients are mixed, others will be completely independent. up re-creating their roles: Stephen says Wallace. The Devil's Rain, to be produced by Markle, Chapelle Jaffe, Brenda Donohue According to other sources, the out­ Sandy Howard and Terry Morris and and William Webster star. Produced at a spoken producer would rather forego starring another American, Joe Don Toronto location by Muddy York CFDC assistance than cater to the Cana­ Baker (Walking Tall) will be shot in Motion Pictures Ltd., Chris Dalton and dian content stipulations attached to it. , but its $1 miUion Peter O'Brian, with Stephen Stohn as Artist/director Michael Snow good- budget is coming from the U.S. The executive producer. The story concerns humouredly complains that whenever Last Castle seems set for Nova Scotia, a young writer who has a wife and a analysis is made of Canadian features, with Don Taylor (American) directing, girlfriend, as well as a male best friend his La Region Centrale is usually left Sandy Howard and Claude Heroux who's trying to make him. "A triangle out. Snow is finishing his second feature (Cinevideo head) producing, and Richard extended into a square," is how O'Brian length film in Toronto, and not only is Harris to star in this $750,000 put it with a chuckle. He's pleased with the title long (Rameau's Nephew by production. Greenberg mentioned three the results of the efforts of Nicholas Diderot (Thanx to Dennis Young) by other possible titles: Embryo, to be Evdemon on camera, Doug Ganton on Wilma Schoen) but the running time produced in conjunction with Colum­ sound, production manager Sam Jeph- will probably end up being around four bia; Magna One ("an underwater cott, and design consultant Tony Hall, hours. The woman's name at the end is Shane") also to be co-produced with a as well as the rest of the crew. Noel intentionally misleading; Michael hopes major; and The Food of the Gods, H.G. Elson is doing the music, O'Brian assist­ that this way the film can enter all those Wells' last book, which is planned for ed director Palmer, Honor Griffith is 'women-only' festivals and gain addi­ production in Toronto, but nothing is editing, and Chris Dalton is supervising tional exposure. We're all looking for­ definite yet. The CFDC has not yet post-production. A fall release is plan­ ward to the premiere, which should be been formally approached to fund ned for the 16mm feature and a sometime during the summer. Many any of Greenberg's projects, and theatrical blow-up is a distinct pos- people from all walks of life appear, but Rrrromppp, a previously announced

Cinema Canada 9 musical, was not mentioned this time. financing is being sought. It's a story Health, a travelogue on Vancouver, and a dramatic series dealing with the prob­ Karen Hazzard is presently casting about the effect of progress on a young lems experienced by an Eastern The Steven Truscott Story, being pro­ girl growing up in the northern part of European family while immigrating and duced out of Guelph, Ontario by Jim that province. Cary Devhn returns home setthng in Canada. Several films on Lewis and Murray Markowitz, to be - after year of being away - and finds Toronto's Yonge Street Mall are plan­ directed by the latter. Jean Michelson every tangible metaphor of her past ned, including one by Phil McPhedran might have a lead role and Richard changed or disappeared. Lynne Griffin and another by the newly formed Leiterman is to be cameraman on this and Trudy Young to star and Graham Louise Wainwright Productions, which low-budget production, focussing on the Parker to direct. Bill Boyle, newly will be a 12-minute theatrical short and well-known sexual murder case of the named co-ordinator of the Toronto a 26-minute TV show, both directed by late fifties. Script is a fictionahzed ver­ Filmmakers Co-op, is guiding the pro­ Peter Thompson, produced by Lyn sion based on the actual trial transcript, duction toward realisation. Green, and shot by David Ostriker, and is sympathetic to the accused. Pro­ George Kaczender reports from Eugene Buia is completing a fascinating ducers aren't averse to capitalizing on Montreal that he has most of the documentary on gypsies in Canada, and popular interest in the case, about $500,000 budget raised for Micro Blues, Gaston ColUn of Montreal is planning an which there is still considerable specula­ which will probably end up being a excursion into the James Bay area with tion. CFDC involvement might be co-production with a U.S. major. Al­ a film crew, a journey of several hampered by legal comphcations sur­ though he has done some casting al­ hundred miles down a wild river. rounding the project, but Markowitz is ready, he's planning to audition more willing to go ahead with the private people and cannot yet reveal any names. He's had extensive navigating and capita] he managed to raise. Steven Neither is the crew finalised, since Mike filming experience: for six months he Baker is to be assistant director. July Lente, originally set to do the cinema­ and a hardy crew sailed three balsa 2nd is the tentative starting date. tography, is tied up shooting a television wood rafts from Ecuador to Australia, a July should also see the start of series in the Caribbean. Micro Blues is distance of 9,000 miles on rough waters, principal photography on The Fury scheduled for fall production. and they filmed the entire experience. Plot, being produced by Ryersonian Ben Another Quebec feature ($180,000 Due to be released later this year as a Caza at a location in Toronto. Brian budget) we just found out about as we theatrical feature, The Voyage of Balsa Demude is directing, John Eckert is prepare this copy in a last flurry of III is sure to be a breathtaking record of assisting him and managing the produc­ feverish activity, is Jean-Guy Noel's Ti- an expedition of epic proportions. Re­ tion, and Jim Kelly, also from Ryerson Cul Tougas, to be produced by an inde­ cently in a Montreal restaurant, CoUin is to be director of photography. This pendent group in co-operation with held five listeners spellbound for six murder mystery is a CFDC financed ACPAV. Noel made the excellent black hours with his true stories of human low-budget film, with a story tailored to humour piece Tu Brules, Tu Brules, courage and endurance, being only 3" suit commercial considerations, judging about the firechief of a small Quebec above water at all times, catching fish from the plot synopsis. Casting and town and all its very contemporary in­ with bare hands in the middle of the crew selection are taking place as we go habitants. Tougas is about two young ocean, being washed overboard himself, to press, therefore no further details are quebecois and the story takes place on losing sight of the other rafts for as long available. an island off the Quebec coast between as nine weeks, going without provisions Jos Carbonne, a low-budget project Gasp6 and P.E.L Naturally, both films for months, etc. Robert Amram of submitted by Hughes Tremblay, has are about the quebecois reality as much Hollywood produced the trip and the been approved by the CFDC but it as anything else. The new one will also film, and on the coast of AustraUa won't be shot until late fall due to be produced with CFDC assistance. where they managed to land without negotiations with author Jacques Also due to be made this year (per­ losing a single soul, a museum now Benoit. ACPAV to produce. Les Beaux haps) are 's Rosedale Lady, stands housing the historic vessels, Dimanches, a major budget feature even though he is kept pretty busy these Gaston and two other cameramen ex­ based on the popular Quebec television days directing for the CBC. Other tenta­ posed 130 hours of film, running out series, will be produced with CFDC tive projects from him are a film on his weeks before reaching the Aussie shore, funds and private capital by Mutual Zen guru to be shot in Boulder, but their arrival was duly recorded from Films of Montreal, probably in Colorado this summer, as well as three land. Hobel-Leiterman Productions of September. anthology shows for the CBC in the Toronto is presently filming a similar Artist/director Joyce Wieland's The proposal stage: a British, an American voyage from Hong Kong to Mexico in a Far Shore has now upped budget hopes and a French short novel. Latter is Chinese junk, built especially for the to $300,000 from half that amount, and Mount Analog, about an ideal group trip. Even though they advertised for a "Only God Knows" producer Larry assembled to scale a mythical mountain, cameraman in Canada, a man from New Dane is handling the project in associa- Iain Ewing, whose Diary of a Sinner, York was chosen. The junk left Hong rion with Judy Steed. It still remains to directed by Ed Hunt and shot by Jock Kong harbour a month ago, and a be seen what the CFDC's reaction will Brandis, just opened in Toronto, is also feature film and/or a television pro­ be to the increased capital requirements. to make a film about his guru, as well as gramme will probably result. A period drama based on the circum­ another film about his father, with stances surrounding the mysterious whom he has reconciled differences Festivals, awards, since Kill. Dennis Zahoruk is putting the death of artist Tom Thompson in 1919, honours and filmpeople The Far Shore will see Stu Gillard as finishing touches on two films. The Thompson, one of the Group of Seven Shakespeare Murders and The Last From now on it's Dr. Michael Snow and famous Canadian artists. An end of sum­ Freak in the World. Miroslav Kwinchek Dr. Norman Jewison. Yes, the inevitable mer shoot is planned, provided all goes of Vancouver is completing Roofman, a kudo has befallen them both, from well. Richard Leiterman is very interest­ short documenting the predicament of a Brock and Western respectively. Jewison ed in doing the cinematography. disaffected West Coast intellectual. His is doctor of laws, Michael Snow didn't Lady of the Meadow might be filmed Kwinchek Productions is to produce say. "For distinguished contribution to in Saskatchewan in September and local films on V.D. for the B.C. Board of communication arts," is how the cita-


111 Avenue Road P.O. Box 71 Suite 602 Suite 2220 Toronto, Ontario Tours de la Bourse ADVERTISERS' INDEX No. 14 M5R 3J8 Montreal H4Z 1A8 (416) 966-6436 (514) 283-6363 All Canadian Answering Service . . 11 Alpha Cine Service 19 Angenieux Service Corporation . . 70 Astral Bellevue Pathe Ltd 63, 81 Braun Electric 49 Robert Brooks Associates 79 SHOOTING Canadian Motion Picture Contact Jim Grattan for Equipment Rental 4 top equipped crews. Single m and double system. Canadian Film Development Corp. 11 Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre 61 cnnHDH? W. Carsen Co. (Bolex) 71 GRATTAN 1440 St. Catherine Street, West Cine Books 23 DDnnilOTinUC ^^'^^ ^^^' '^^ri^real 107, P.O. Canada rnUUUbl lUNO (514)8789638 Cine Graphic 11 Cinequip (Swintek) 3 Cinevision 51 Crystal Film Productions 67 Dictaphone 70 SHOOTING COLOR NEG? Film House Ltd Cover 4, 15 You'll Find Answers HERE! '^ASCBLLI's Film Opticals/M.S. Art Services . . 75 By Ihe Author of THE FIVE C's OF CINEMATOGRAPHY In : Gordon Systems The WORKBOOK Explains Everything You WORKBOOK Always Wanted To Know About Color (Circload Projector) 27 Negative: Exposure, Color Balance, Filters, Grattan Films 11 Mixed Illumination, Day-For-Nite, Lab Kingsway Film Equipment Timing, H & D Curves—and much more! "^*^« roots (Steenbeck) 41 Incredible Value! ONLY $20! WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE BROCHURE Kodak Canada Ltd Cover 2 Californians add 6% Sales Tax. Foreign Orders add $1 per book for postage, handling. NO c:o D 's' NO BILLING' Mackenzie Equipment (Arrivox) .. 19 CINE/GRAFIC PUBLICATIONS • BOX 430 • HOLLYWOOD, CA 90028 Ronald Niecke Enterprises 45 P.S. Production Services 57 Quebec Film Labs 79 SenecQuinna LabsColleg. (Mirrophonicse . . . , ) . . Cover 3 AU'CdAddidA AA§tt€riAi &ir¥i«€ Sonolab Inc 19 Videoart Productions 19 Arthur Winkler, CLU 77 Women's T.V. Group 79 York University . . 70 37 THE FILM ARTISTS "EXCHANGE" A NEW CONCEPT FAST, RELIABLE, SLICK Inquire about our special discount rates to freelancing film artists

Cinema Canada 11 Canadian participation in festivals, tion read on the University of Miami's executive producer for Tom Daly and awards, and company addresses, ail un­ tribute to the National Film Board. Vet­ Albert Kish edited the immense amount eran producer Tom Daly accepted. The of footage. der one cover. The monumental task NFB has also taken the special jury Chris Wilson of St. Lawrence College was accomplished by Louis Valenzuela, prize at Cannes for "La Faim/Hunger" in Cornwall, Ontario sent us an "alterna­ Piers Handling and Maynard Collins' by Peter Foldes, which was voted best tive to a mindless summer" as their Gordon F. Noble is executive director short film. Artist is Hungarian from Bergman Immersion 1974 programme is of the CFI and any further information Paris, who spent some time at the ani­ described. "The concept stems from the on the above may be gained by writing mation department of the Film Board expressed desires of many film enthu­ the Canadian Film Institute, n^ working with computer animation, ac­ siasts to see as many of these films con­ Carling, Ottawa K2A 2H7. cording to Rene Jodoin, head of French secutively as the psyche can endure . . . Film archivists from some forty animation. Film Board has won Cannes it is also a belief that many people like countries arrived in Ottawa on May prizes before, with Bretislav Pojar's to keep their intellects active during the 19th for the 30th Congress of the Inter­ Balablok, Laurent Coderre's Zikkaron, summer, especailly those spending it at national Federation of Film Archives, and Norman McLaren's Blinkity Blank. home after a stint at University. At least The opening ceremonies included the La Faim presents a stark picture of af­ twenty six films by the renowned premiere of Dreamland, developed and fluent over indulgence in a world where Swedish film director (those currently produced by Kirwan Cox (assisted by many people starve, or more literally, a available in Canada) will be shown in the CFI's Peter Morris and the NFB) computer-animated figure who eats him­ the order in which they were made." and directed by Don Brittain. This film self to his death, which is hastened For regular academic credit, or to re­ is a visual history of Canadian films, be­ somewhat by the arrival of the hungry ceive a special "Mind Survival Certifi­ tween 1913 and '39, those wonderful hordes. A work of deeply felt urgency cate" attesting that anyone who sat years when the American monopolies and ingenious in its ability to stir our through all the films appears to remain gobbled up everything independent in innermost terrors about the future. Not in fit health and still has a sane mind. sight. The narration hits hard on apoli­ recommended close to a large meal. Cheap hostel or residence and meal ar­ tical level. The CBC will show Oberhausen also singled out two re­ rangements for weekend sessioners: five Dreamland in a ninety-minute spot cent Film Board productions: two nights a week July 31 - August 29, plus sometime in the fall. All interested in prizes went to The Other Side of the four weekend sessions on August 3, 10, our survival are urged to keep an eye Ledger: An Indian View of the 17 and 24. How did that telegram from out for it. The Congress of Film Archiv­ Hudson's Bay Company, by Martin Linda Lovelace in Cannes to Ingmar ists was organized by the CFI jointly Defalco and WiUie Dunn, and Paul Bergman in Sweden go? "My Virgin with the Cinematheque quebecoise, and Bochner's Icarus got near enough to the Spring awaits your Wild Strawberries?" it was supported by a grant from the top - third prize in animation - to Put a seventh seal on that joke and si­ Film Division of Secretary of State, The soften its mythical wings. Ledger is a lence that woman. Or send her to main sessions were held in Ottawa in the most honest look at this country's his­ Cornwall. Government Conference Centre, but the tory and present condition as reflected The Canadian Film Institute 1973 delegates also met in Montreal and vis­ in the exploitation of our native peo­ Poster Exhibit will also be at St. Law­ ited the National Film Board. In addi­ ples. More about this film in our next rence College. The CFI continues its ex­ tion to usual Federation business, two issue. It should be on the curriculum of cellent showings at the National Film special symposia focussed on recently every school in the land, and the general Theatre in Ottawa. Alex Grant, Exhibi­ developed techniques of film presenta­ public should be exposed to it via the tions Co-ordinator, brought over a com­ tion and the methodology of film his­ CBC as soon as possible. An excellent prehensive look at recent Hungarian cin­ tory. The Federation Internationale des film by the remarkable Defalco and the ema in early spring. This year the Cana­ Archives du Film (FIAF) publishes an talented Dunn, both of whom have dian Film Archives received 110 feature annual International Index to Film Per­ worked on Cold Journey, a feature films and 579 short films, "the majority iodicals, available in easy to handle file- about the misfortunes of an Indian boy of which were deposited for conserva­ card form to interested institutions for due out later this year. tion by Canadian filmmakers, producers $325 per year. Cinema Canada is one of Donald Winkler's In Praise of Hands, and distributors." (Probably not the the 68 titles indexed regularly along also a Film Board production, received majority of the features, but the shorts.) with Sight and Sound, Cahiers du Cin­ its world premiere at the First World The Institute also publishes an impres­ ema, etc. Available from FIAF Secre­ Crafts Exhibition held for five days sive array of reference books and studies tariat, 74 Galerie Ravenstein, 100^ starting June 10th at the Ontario on Canadian and international film his­ Bruxelles, Belgique. Science Centre. The film shows dignity tory. These include by The last weekend in April a score of of human creativenness and the excel­ Janet Edsworth, Joyce Wieland, Don Quebec films were shown in Tours, lence of craftsmen from all parts of the Owen and Canadian Women FUm- France under the auspices of the Centre world. The NFB camera crew (Don makers: An Interim Filmography, all Socio-educatif du Beffroi, la Federation Winkler on camera, Claude Hazana- three by Alison Reid, Canadian Feature Fran?aise des Cine-Clubs, and the Con- vicius, sound, Maurice De Emsted, unit Films, Parts I and II by Peter Morris, sail quebecois pour la diffusion du cin­ manager) travelled more than 30,000 which covers all (except for film poli­ ema. Works of Jaques Leduc, GOles miles and shot in over 50 locations, such tics) between the years 1913-1969, The Groulx, Jean-Claude Labrecque, Claude as Canada, Mexico, Finland, Poland, National Film Board of Canada: The Jutra and Denys Arcand were show"- Nigeria, India and Japan. Without com­ War Years, also by Morris, and Allan During the month of May, the first in­ mentary and enhanced with a sound­ King. An Interview with Bruce Martin ternational festival of sociological *' track of native dialogue and music, the and a Filmography, revised in 1971 by film was intended by Winkler "to get as was held at Nancy, also in France. * Alison Reid. Plus Film Canadiana, a gen­ close as possible to the experience of Conseil quebecoise . . . participated erally useful reference tool to all avail­ craft-making and show from a human­ with the following films: La Kic^^ able domestic titles, where to get them, istic point of view how craftmaking uni­ des Autres, Chez nous, c'est chez nous, versalizes all cultures." Colin Low was plus a mountain of other data such as Le Mepris N'aura Qu'un Temps, On a bibliographies, associations, statistics. raison de se revolter, and Quatre Jeones

12 Cinema Canada et Trois Boss. More information on the David Rimmer's conceptual Real Italian Keep It in the Family and The Rainbow above and Quebec cinema in general can Pizza, and Boon Collins' memorable Boys. It's not the money, really (less be had from the Conseil at 3466, rue Kettle of Fish, which along with Murray than $8,000 per film according to the St-Denis, Montreal-130, Quebec, (514) Battle's Reunion and Judith Eglington's deal Michael Spencer finalised with 842-5079. Knowledge of French helps. Masks, is probably the top dramatic ef­ India) but the international exposure But if your group would like to see fort by a short-film-maker in English that counts. some Quebec films or you would like to Canada recently. We haven't seen all the And what better way to end a co­ have in depth profiles on the leading contenders yet, however. lumn on awards, rewards, festivals and Quebec filmmakers in their native ton­ The Canadian Federation of Film kudos than to quote some tributes re­ gue, use the above address. Or write the Societies and the hosting McGill Film ceived by Crawley Films President F. R. Cinematheque quebecoise at 360, rue Society are to be commended for the Crawley on the occasion of his com­ McGill, Montreal, Quebec. excellent programme, and those of us pany's 35th birthday: The Annual General Meeting of the who couldn't be there can only drool in Canadian Federation of Film Societies retrospect at having missed so many fine (CFFS) took place on Victoria Day films. We're looking to correct our omis­ weekend, hosted by the McGill Univer­ sion next year! sity Film Society on the downtown The Independent Filmmakers' Co­ Montreal campus. A vast number of operative of Montreal had been invited films were shown, including two Cana­ to represent Canada in the First Inter­ dian 'premieres', LF. Stone's Weekly national Festival of Cinema in Angoul- and Montreal Main, excellent films by eme, France during May. Filmmakers Jeny Bruck and Frank Vitale, respec­ from Charlottetown, Edmonton, Mon­ tively. The latter was amply covered in treal, Toronto and Vancouver had our last issue, and the Bruck film, which works shown, among them Vincent created a lot of excitement not only at Grenier's L'oreille, Robert Conway's "Your works throughout the years have the CFFS meeting but also at the Skin Deep, Mike Collier's Water been met with spectacular successes and Cannes festival and other forums, will Colours, Jorge Guerra's Billet de all our lives have been enriched by your hopefully be covered in subsequent Retour, Lois Siegel's Paralysis, Jean imaginative and energetic endeavors. " ones. Other films shown included Jette's Le Vide, Rick Hancox' Tall Dark -Pierre Elliot Trudeau Chabrol's Nada, Pearson's Paperback Stranger, Morley Markson's Zero the "Because of Budge's pioneer work, the Hero, Arcand's Rejeanne Padovani, Fool and Breathing Together, Bob way is easier today for many in film." Costa-Gavras' eye-opening and terrify- Cowan's 10 Women 10, Jean Gagne's La -Robert Stanfield ingly real State of Siege, Darryl Duke's Tete au Neutre and Arthur Lamothe's Payday, Carle's Le Viol d'une Jeune Le Mepris N'aura Qu'un Temps. Follow­ "No one can fail to value your immense Fille Deuce, Shebib's Between Friends, ing the presentations in France, the pro­ contribution to the building of a Cana­ and one of the most beautiful films of gramme is being shown in Amsterdam dian film industry." all time, Pierre Etaix' Yo Yo (Shot in and six other cities in Holland in tour —David Lewis 1965 by cinematographer Jean Boffety, organised by the Netherlands Film Mu­ "Dear Budge - who also did Almond's Journey!), seum. Part of it was also screened in How can somebody look as young as which stars its director as a gentle yet Madrid and in Barcelona as a segment of you do and have been in the film biz for tragic clown, and is "a tribute to the a panorama of Canadian cinema which 35 years! history of film and the men who made was presented by the National Spanish You will remember a time during the it. It's the best film ever made," to Cinematheque. Under the sponsorship summer of 1941 when you, Judy and I quote from the CFFS booklet. Astral of our Department of External Affairs, (me, strictly a novice) poured over a hot distributes it in Canada. the Cooperative has held similar retro­ four-way synchronizer in a negative cut­ Martyn Burke's Carnivals (see spectives in many European centres. ting room on John Street trying to deci­ Cinema Canada, No. 5) was also shown, {Contact: Dimitri Epides, Cooperative pher unedge-numbered footage of a film as well as a magnificent piece of direct des Cineastes Independants, 2026 you and Judy were making. Gad, how cinema graced by its director's gentle Ontario E. Montreal). time flies! Don Shebib's Between Friends and style, Martin Lavut's Without A Hobby You are a great guy, Budge, and you Denys Arcand's Rejeanne Padovani were It's No Life. Shot originally for the CBC built a great organization. As Film invited to represent Canada at the and shown on the network early this Comish would you forgive me if I regard Sydney and Melbourne Film Festivals year, Lavut's film allows you as one of my wayward cheerful held in Australia during the first two from different walks of life to talk sons." about themselves and their hobbies, weeks of June. Shebib is attending as a All my very best, some of which are very unusual, but all guest of the organisers (also thanks to -Sydney Newman of them are warm and human. (Avail­ some Canada Council assistance), and able through Linda Beath at New we presume Arcand also made the trip, "If we Canadians at last feel self- Cinema Enterprises, 35 Britain Street, although he might be too busy finishing confident in our own creative and ima­ Toronto.) The Canadian Filmmakers Gina. Producer Chalmers Adams claims ginative abilities, surely our growing Distribution Centre {Frederik Manter, at Between Friends to be the most feted of film industry deserves considerable 406 Jarvis, Toronto) participated in the our films, having represented Canada at credit. Those like yourself who took the "FFS meeting with seven excellent 9 major international festivals in the initial risks, and who developed pools of ^hort films: Veronica Soul's well- past year. He's still working on inter­ talent and skill recognized even outside received How the Hell Are You?, John national distribution deals for what is Canada, have proven that we as a nation Straiton's beautiful Eurynome and surely among the best films ever made do not have to let others do our creating funny Animals in Motion, Kim in Canada. Let's hope that Australia for us. This is of immense value to any Qndaatje's lyrically haunting Factories, buys the Shebib film as India bought people." Sandy Wilson's sharp Bridal Shower, Arcand's recently, along with Face-Off, -Pierre Juneau

Cinema Canada 13