ENVIR ONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT (ESIA) AND RESETLEMENT ACTION PLAN (RAP) FOR THE PROPSED MALINDI AIRPORT RUNWAY EXPANSION PROJECT TENDER NO. KAA/OT/MLD/1507/2018/2019 NOVEMBER, 2020 KENYA AIRPORTS AUTHORITY ESIA and RAP report for the proposed Extension of Malindi Airport Runway CERTIFICATION This ESIA study report has been prepared in accordance with the Environmental Management and Coordination Act (EMCA) 1999 and the Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations 2003 for submission to the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA). The following experts conducted the study and prepared this report on behalf of Eco-solutions Limited: FOR Eco Solutions Limited, iPlan Consult (Int’l) Limited, P.O. BOX 20492 – 00100, P.O BOX 28634-00100 NAIROBI, KENYA. NAIROBI. TEL: +254 722 273935. TEL: +254 721891005. Email:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] Name Designation NEMA Date & Signature REG. NO. 1. SHADRACK K. MBUTA EIA LEAD EXPERT 6315 2. WALLACE ISABOKE EIA LEAD EXPERT 2622 3. CYNTHIA OTARA ASS. EXPERT 11450 The Proponent; Kenya Airports Authority (KAA), P.O. Box 19001-00501, Nairobi. Signature___________________________ Date_____________________________ Designation: Environment Manager Disclaimer: This ESIA Report is confidential to Kenya Airports Authority (KAA), and any use of the materials hereof should be strictly in accordance with the contractual agreement between Eco-solutions and Kenya Airports Authority (KAA). It is, however, subject to conditions spelt out in the Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003. Eco Solutions Ltd; iPlan Consult (Int’l) Limited November 2020 2 KENYA AIRPORTS AUTHORITY ESIA and RAP report for the proposed Extension of Malindi Airport Runway EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.