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M[ *;. ,is' K.. ,Ir . *;.. .:;:. ;1: .,r#' ,:En. : .'l i'ir --j'"' 'l il, lrl U"l'i " i1 ,il WffiffiffiW ffiW ffiffiffiWffiffiWffi EEFORE YOUR HUNT Special Limited Entry Hunts Applications . .25 MajorRegulationChanges2004-2005 ..' ..'.'7 {new} tiI Definrtions .. ' ' '.... '.3 lmportant Notice - to all Mountain Goat Hunters . .26 Federal Firearms Legislation 6 Safety Guidelines for Hunters in Bear Country ,40 HunterEducation .. '...6 Habrtat Conservation Trust Fund 4t BCResidentHunterNumber'.........6 Badger Sightings Notice (new) . .52 OpenSeasons..., ..........'6 Threatened Caribou Listing . .63 WaterfowlerHeritageDays.. ........'6 Wildlife Permits & Commercial Licences {new) . ., . .77 Change of AddressiName Notiflcation (Form) .77 rl Aboriginal Hunting '..' '7 Wildlife (new form) .77 Limited,Entry Hunting . ' ' ' ' ' ' '7 Record of Receipt forTransporting .85 Licences (incl.Bears,Migratory Birds,& Deer) ... ' ' '....8 Muskwa-Kechika Yanagement Area .....86 Non-residentHunters '.. '... '9 ReportaPoacher/Polluter(new) LicenceFees.. '."...10 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT REGIONS DURING YOUR HUNT Region I Vancouverlsland ........27 TI Site&Access Restrictions ... '.......11 Region 2 Lower Ma,nland . .34 NoHuntingorshootingAreas. ......13 Region3 Thompson.... .. ..'42 What is "Wildlife''? ' . .14 Region4 Kootenay . ..........47 lllegalGuiding '......14 Region 5 Cariboo 57 It's Unlawful .t4 Region6 Skeena .........64 Penalties .....t. IA RegionTA omineca..,.. :... : :..,. : :.... .,,,,,..7) .16 RegionTB Peace , ,........78 r$
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