. The Annual Mid-Summer Festival of r-rmrnrTr nm-nrr T ll I / lal/it VAy // Every Item Priced’Way Below Regular—Every Summer Ne m ///Mrl ,d |/t/ J§fj W W J-J.Hh./\M. V-/ M.M. V-x ,mf -Lf\i M—Jfi rr r r J. JL JL JLr J. An overwhelming array of bargain offerings. New, seasonable, dependable merchandise down to new low price levels, to be on sale for the balance of June or as long as quantities las Os Normandy Voiles,.Monte Carlo Voiles, Tissue , Printed Dotted be "n^w ly,lCWspapfradvcrti ‘ Voiles, Ratines, Imported and Domestic Ginghams, Crepe Ginghams, Etc. Regular $2

Worth Up to $7.50 40 inches wide—in Wanted Summer Colors % |"% (T A June Demonstration Sale feature that will established a new j lip % md/ M ¦ M record for values. Every yard is perfect and the assortment em- 3w? /A braces such favorite shades as White. Pink, Mais, Light Blue, Silver, j •. gg *r I B Fog, Fallow. Zinc. Grav, Cocoa, Xavv, Brown and Black. Heavy r ft • v y ¦jj rni woven quality with rich lustrous finish —most suited for dresses, ' I

$2.50 Sport , $2.19 $2.25 Satin $2 Messaline, $1.59 4 °-''lch Heavy. Rich, Satin- S]JS .55-inch Satin Mescaline. I ALLSIZES: , .. pure silk, satin-face •Mt face Sport Satin, the washable ... tine quality, kind, in black, white, pink, tan 3()-mcni | j„ wanted street and evening \Vhi^c^l>rocadc£&»<•» and 46 to 52 ' $2.50 Canton Crepe bSiM • f^tted Crepe Fabric*

40-inch Heavy Quality Canton $2 . 51.69 Kordette Knitted —— Crepe, beautiful crepy ’finish, in 35-inch Heavy. Lustrous Qual- Crepe and Alltynie Knitted black, navy, brow i. steel, copen, ity Taffeta, in all want- ; Crepe, in black and the most I • Madonna. Japan, cocoa, sandal- ed street and evening shades, as j sought-after shades for sutn- V alues like these make this one of the greatest Wash Dress Sales of the wood, silver, Lanvin green, rose, well as beautiful changeable cf- | mer wear, summer season. Specially purchased at a big price concession and offered fallow and mocha. sects. Goidenberg-s-Fim F!oor tomorrow at so low a figure you can hardly resist buying several of these ¦ - =*==w attractive dresses to wear on the various summer occasions they were in- $229 Silk I \\ 7r> Slinnnthnnrt II II and^ * WUtZLllVtlli As for the styles, they are the loveliest imaginable. kJULiJJ CotfOH Prills, colored ribbons, , novel panels, pleats, braid, embroidery and , „ , TWO A TtmrnrJo &Shirtinna clever applications of sell or contrasting materials contribute to their effec- D OCaae hll UngS ( \ KFS ¥*% With This Coupon OnlyNote the Complete Range of Sixes: sues 16 1 OO All regular to 14; extra sizes 46 to 52. ESSS As a special June Demon- ip X Think of Buying we Wash Dresses of These Wash Fabrics for $3.69! stration Sale value offer to- 36 INCHES WIDE morrow TWO 7c —Normandy An excepttonally hj?h .grade ——lmported” Ginghamvriu mB ¦> ! j udm material . . e Soap siik and that a n ,ti „ !.¦:*; of Sweetheart for —Printed Dotted * cakes I Voile —Crepe ! 6c-none sold at this price /" /\ Ratine ““Domestic Gingham without Coupon ful silk and cotton mixture Ul VfjliiACv aluer AVorfliVVOrm fk | || VU #“|lJ Tissue Gingham -Figured Voile Present this Coupon at our Toilet Goods Depart- wUl^“bl'^etV^hTtreqwS -J »* . I Fry *i and get TWO cakes ot this well known trips to the laundry. Shown in I Trx / ¦Nil l \r .-¦» I. ment tomorrow c p IU efl* • —“iTlOnte L.drlO Voile and oonular toilet and bath soap for less than the regu- an assortment of handsome self 1 l-°lor brocaded I. lar price of one cake. de^ns. _ \=2=s=s^======ss======Jl !M ouMy : 69c Imported White Perfect f~m 71& sm^ot Lo y G This I)e au n f,,, ,rj ™r Printed Vodes \ 50c L^ri ith T is 39c and and attractive frocks and blouses at savings without compare in to- \ f oi:ponkiF'1 2c morrow’s Demonstration Sale. f M V 7 ~M S Every yard crisply fresh, new and of unusually fine, sheer qual- ( «Trart3 Sanitol Tooth Pow- % ¦ w' r - many years W I ity. with beautiful cobwebby finish. Launders p’erfectlv— and fre- / A W J for* M* MM ¦#,# mM. d^ favor,te dent, ‘ quent tubbings will not harm it. 45 inches wide. •# iy 59c White Voile, 3>c —44-inch White Chis- 39c India Linon, White India foil \ oi!e. a very fine, sheer, two-ply quality, with Linon, extra fine quality snow-white bleached. f FlP|t floor. hi ff°n finish. < . 39c White Dimity, 25c 36-inch White A wonderful array of this season’s most fashionable styles and patterns, including plenty of the popular conventional desighij c te tiatme, 49c Sb-tnch Imported ...y” . , very fine, sheer grade, with white woven . as as printings usually found only in the highest class wash fabrics. - well scores of distinctive ' "' fabr,C 'V- ———-JJ ß a h Erad ash - for ,U,,S ’ well. s . „’f^;f Superior Iwo-ply quality that will wash and wear 1 ‘tv,. t.„. — ¦ $2.25 Longcloth, $1.75 36-inch Longcloth, a . <1 high-grade 'hbS,"r„- ,.. Dotted 44c-W;ock I 1 M'r”’ Vo.les. in ten yards in piece; fine, woven, soft- f . . , .... Crepe, high-grade cotton fabric, each close wantedtnwu lingerie shadessnaaes Mmeralava v T . .„• f'nnfrk-n Crono finish quality. , — * j ->q • • st/c , 35c 36-tnch Shadow ISeaUty Lelay (km|) dot effects; warranted to wash; navy ~n n Swiss,c it r nri IJotted Wc 66-inch White - blue with neat white and tan — _ grounds J Batiste, mercerized quality, in pink, honey- P * j MillSeconds of the 79c Quality 50c Ratine. 35c 36-inch Plaili D°»ed w,ss > tine ’ s leer quality, m the dew, mais and white. yAi dots. Color Ratine, high-grade quality, in tbs ly n I Fo, Pebb ’ e ** 69c YiQueT 29c- 36-inch White Pique, 2 9c-36-inch White Not’- , 75c Satin Voiles. 49c-36- ACT ,J 0 ° shades. CS ' h W ° C eCr wa'Sd VCtl CCC S ’ ’ nt/ fin ® quaHljr, 7 \T woven in the desirahJe pin welt. quality famous inch Satin Stripe Voiles fine comlbed ' This" (jWiWa X ej jq p a ;eI ,Silks — Goidenberg s—Tint rioor. Beauty Clay used by all FBtAurvCW yarn quality, with self-color satin O.ITCL $1.19 ratsleyPV 79c79c—3Une»dfi-tneff women who desire to Ij stripes. Colors include orchid, old rose, ~ c Silks, silk and cotton quality, lit M | / /* ah / *1 * * T 71 retainyouth and beauty. corn, bluebell, coral, gray, navy, brown 36-inch Brocade LatllOll Lrepe, B firm WO\ CU, beautiful color combinations; newest and and black. beautiful quality cotton fabric with hand- styles and printings. E. lA/i Os M/\AeOfZr X # P nnpvmpnv son- Pure lose Phllimmi I ! Jlhflff - OT Elt/lLfLri/l tains only one - Its liA/ts! ounce „.. . „ lAJtZLII |/||f||| 0 d r , some self-colored brocade and matelasse de- 11 . ‘.VS. !¦-».- '**"Bator JlllllllH r.„„ J) orchid, henna, « copen, rose jade, tangerine, _ old ... n QQ »• Exquisite Gowns B heather mixtures, CtC. and _ |N|N in copen. tan. green, poinsettia, floor, Envelope Chemise. All 't H wVXVX rose, orchid, brown, black and white. ——¦ ¦ Goidenb»rr’»—first it Ra & $2.50 j Every garment is fresh, fine and beautiful—every one With This Coupon ‘rnr I 39c 48c Cretonnes Ready-to-Hang I and OyC # * i re P resents value of the most remarkable character. _ _ U7 J A o*7 A", Women should profit by the economies to supply all - - J fr lliaOlV \V ¦ VA JltVninQSm® 9 \ their summer and vacation needs. AiZjO Y Yfl - \ \ /NI 2K JL. LLJL LL Readv-to-Hang Window Awnings, sizeS GOWNS OF \\ / \ \ BEAUTIFUL QUALITY MATE- phi u n i j j u. . 2.6-ft., ,3-ft., 3.6-ft. and 4-ft.; made flexibly I /II rs'\ rials with V bolts, as n as mill lengths ot on / ’ and round yokes, daintily embroidered and seal- -A well yard-wide Wash- = steel frame of heavy blue and browit ‘Jv' tan \Y/wr 11 " '”" "” "‘ 8 0 7 C “ Md W mad " A Choi Var, "y °f striped , wi.S .ape bound Y j Si P iHI va.anog I ™>>« -ch and covers, Beau.ifu, light a„d dark / ENVEOPE CHEMISE ARE ALL HAND-SCAL- |PP ang ¦¦ ' floral, bird, e stripe, foliage and tapestr\ designs. . // • \ I i°P d and hand-embroidered, in the lovely designs for which the —*irftfcn ' ‘ cushion -IHH U I (Pint Table, and Floor.) Floor. ¦ Philippine women are famed. or Fourth Gbldenbers's-Fourth // , Made with built-up strap Gillette Safety Razors the genu- f//\\ IS// jne kind, with /L‘ // J 1 [ZJr shoulders. ¦ ‘two Gillette blades. > I / / I V (Toilet Good* Dept.) (S) 1/ y ~~ ""' ¦' -¦ ' Goldenbenr’s—Third Floor. .1 —J——————————- ¦——L——i- '.. . 1 .¦— ' ¦ 1 -SB-j Tortoise Shell Finish BIG NOTION VALUES I,SOOPrS. Womens White LoiV Shoes |

* At f J 11/ /" O. N. T. Darning Cotton. 45-yard yx Values Worth $3 to $5 a Pair • I § /11/D| 1/1/ /Hf Sewdng Silk, good quality, for spools; black and colors. THREE /S>J y\ I vVvO Fr vv m xZ' machine or hand sewing; 50- spools for 10c. / 1 yard spools, black and colors. - — —— f This finest of . Ware featured in THREE spools for ,2c. widths. tially made. Regularly W V\ ® /W 7 June Demonstration Sale at specially Bias Seam Tape, assorted $1.50 \7 yf/ 10c kind at 6c. each. At SLOP. low prices that should prompt you to re- Usual /\j/ plenish jobs • W/J your needs. Choice of a variety of Dress Shields, factory Shrimpton English Needles. 25 A i All jy y ‘ articles, the new in paper 10c ki "‘dS a 5C' in and popular “Gains- At TWO ‘ . 'MpL Hairpin Cabinets, containing 300 //v/VNN. H boro” pattern. pairs for 25c. . M /t^KLSSg^fj — - assorted wire hairpins. 19c value f \\^ ,argc at 10c> . yc omb Wash cloths a ’ \\ CBBHH \4- nc\ S iz^°at s c / l\Z 31>1>UU At wl>o7 rte StiC ’ U 3 " a n£ nhs Regid a r c' * 1> 25 ?a ie \ crowds here Regular $1.50 Values Regular $2.50 Values Strip. 15c. Regularly 10c spool. Sale price, regular prices—an event that will bring tomorrow to U h n e Hai quality 5c spool. f/JrU&S « . Brushes - s°od bris- Baby Pants, quality rub- ; : low and general summer / I .. L good -Ns,T’ Nv select new white shoes for vacation Jj//?' tortoise shellfi finish, practical fit- ties: heavy back; tortoise One 55c. J) tings; fine shell k.7° oil Pair 15c dozen spools., Oamsboro pattern. finish. In Gainsboro pattern. : wear. RnhherizedZe Household Aarons Many from, on stylish that / f 37~ large s7e. Regularly °up to $1.50.’ Sanitary Napkins, large size, one styles to choose modeled lasts J y\ \u. At 98c. dozen in carton, 39c; are cool and comfortable. Remarkable assortments at prices Ctr' yl. — D „ ... , , || L xVX. :: T~z ——rrr Initials,T that provide wonderful savings. Jryp V- l»-i ¦ “Rock-a-Bye Safety Pins, Turkish Red Woven ANNXa Zyp, // -vjl Regular¦ SI.OO Values Regular one dozen assorted on card. I j for marking , lingerie, etc. I jj I ¦ End PlinflpS. jT A* y/rf hinged $3.00 Values I —Whit© IJJI , Mirrors, large, round level glass. Regularly FOUR cards for One-quarter gross in package. covers, Gainsboro pattern. sc. VvV u/t.'to IV.. 3110and PumnclUITIpS. A*. 1 fine finish; Gainsboro pattern. 10c. Regularly 10c. At sc. V\?‘ . ¦ W ullC iNll-DIICKLIXXOrCIS /T\ L || : : —White Canvas Oxfords and Pumps. i M/ 7“ LrV^‘SV '?• JKt \ A « Blanket Binding, white, pieces, ' X /I I II A. O /ftb ¦% AA Lingeriei-ingcric Tape,i y 10-yardj t- m t /\ t|k I iif hl.,e and • 7 inrb width . 1 Welt, turn and McKay sewed soles. The assortment includes Louis. / I 11 pink,ninW ~ /A* ¦ *xOVj Fnrfl blue and 2 men width. and blue, at Bc. , xA.L alfl MTI 11 P white, pink Baby Louis, military and low walking heels, and there are styles for J Dressing Combs, tortoise shell fin- Collar , for men s and boys’ from to widths Ato D. Regular* $1.50 Values Rubberized Householdnouscnoiu Aprons,p All in tf»e lot 2% 7. L-e'"' / / ish; coarse coarse . KUDoenzeo and and fine fin- Bo or Ha!r : all sizes. Worth 5c and 10c , .. cnt , ,*-Fir,tr)Tlt pattern. PufE patterns, at 29c. rnGoidonb.rgcrr 7 Floor. Ished teeth; Gainsboro large weU-made. aUracti shlpes"’ each. THREE for 10c. pretty 9 j) .sags '¦ ¦— ¦¦ 11 11 ¦¦¦ Goldenberg’s—Finit Floor. Gainsboro pattern. Goldtnbert'*—Flnt Fleer. I” ¦ liiiit. i¦ i J ui.TTur Th. i== ¦¦ ' ¦ -¦ ¦ ' —.-If

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