AMUSEMENTS. AMUSKMKnnVB. hucellaieom. NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. THIRTT-8BCOITO CONGRESS. Affair* M the Stat* Capital. THEATRE. .DOORS OPEN «UR- theatre..e. a. SECOND 8EKSI0N. LF.dltfLATlVK BrSIK»:afi -TK'K AS8EMBLT AND TUB AT 6>f ; marshaij., holb . fcC.PERSONS tain riaea at 7 o'clock. 1/essee Doors at commence at TENTS, HAMMOCKS, UOVKKNOR'm MKHHAOK. CODB.TIIB CANAL BOWFRY Broadway open 6^ to 7 o'clock. AUSTRAIJAleaving for the above place wishing tents, 4tc., are Tlt.K January will be evening, will be IKTK RESTING FROM . uovrrnob h*t- Saturday evening, 16. performed Saturday January 15, performed hfitfd to call at the old stand, corner of Mulberry and WASHINGTON. Senate. qc*snoN ON8L AI'OIIT AGAV'NBT ROOKWOOD. IjOVK, LAW, AND PHYSIC. Chatham streets. The celebrated anti-mildew prepara¬ Jbii. 14, M&S MOIB, ETC. Mr. Miss Heron UNE Fm: A CONSTANTINOPLE. Washjnuton, W TORK BRKALB. feadley Eddy Sybil tion, which lias used for the last ten < SrWUL (URHWOMlKlsrK Of TBI Mcfc n liarliara Mrs. Grattan THE WOMAN I been successfully 'KKDKN1TAI.H Of HON. JOHN M. CLAYTON. Turpi Mr. Derr ADORE. yearn on pails, awnings, &c., will be applied to tents at Overhauling the Foreign Policy of the Present AtJUXY, Jan. 14 P. M. . Miss Ttie Vm King Mr. Dunn Handassah.. Marshall FRISAC. I a small extra corner Ciiajk presented the credential* of Hon. John/ If. Mrs. Dunn charge at No. 2 Mulberry, Chatham The Senate wan in session thro* quarters of aa "Itu. Mr. Hamilton Eleanor street. JAMBS TYLER. Administration. Clayton, Senntur elect from Delaware, for nix years from only lookwood Mr. Griffiths LadjRookw'd.Mrs.Yeom.ms -VTIBLO'S GARDEN..MAD. H. SONTAG'S THIRD hour, and no business of note wan transacx®^. excepting Mrs. Mrs in on Jan. First the 4th of Msrrh next. .uniper Mr. Dawson Mowhray Broadley night Opera, Monday, IT. night PAINT.THE BEST ARTICLE EVER Rumored Overtures from Brazil. to over tiJI for want of buk'ne*<- One Pas de Caledonia Miss O. Dawes of Rossini's Opera, in two act*, offered to the for roofs, and bottoms Important KXTKA PAY WANTED IT TOR TKRAtR'RY CLHUCS. adjourn Monday, THE BARBER OF BRIIXiEWATKR public decks, at the clow of the session is worth moro tkan « week DEB FREISCHUTZ. SEVILLE of steamers, and other vessels, and from its spark and Mr. Walker presented a memorial of clerk* in the day Ottoaar...... Mr. Seymour Agnes. Miss Hiffert Rosina . .Madauie Henrietta Sontag cinder for railroad THE TREATY FOR RECIPROCAL TRADE now. .Mr. Glenn Anne Mrs. Yeoman* Figaro Sig. Radiali Alraaviva Pozzolini proof qualitios bridges, cars, depots, Treasury, praying that the additional allowance of twenty Iudo.. | Sig. &c. Testimonials and specimens can be seen at the t WITH CANADA. per ccnt be continued them next In the House, Mr. Burroughs was excused from ^serving Dr. Bartolo Rucco Bnsilio . . . year. sig. .Sig. Gasparone of the company. For sale dry, in packages of '200 lb 4. HWORD EXERCISE AT *BT rOINT. THEATRE, CHAMBERS STREET. DOORS Conductor Carl Eckert in first nnd in en the Military Committee. Mr. Daa. Taylor a£ o'clock. has charge of six tables, just in order. Players insured Hnhinge, states and trerturCH, Walters, Polka*, he tho Orchestra . and on the Portugal. Adopted. portions of the Governor'* message to tho appropriate by Opera nights: Monday, Wednesday, Friday. good attention. Billiards taught during the day. Pyra Frauds Treasury. PA.-UA