Byzantine Iconoclasm
Byzantine Iconoclasm %rom &i'ipedia, the free encyclopedia The Byzantine Iconoclasm )*reek: Εἰκονομαχία, Eikonomachía) refers to t,o periods in the history of the Byzantine -mpire ,hen -mperors, bac'ed by imperially-appointed leaders and councils of the *reek /rthodox Church, imposed a ban on religious images or icons. The 0%irst Iconoclasm0, as it is sometimes called, lasted bet,een about 123 and 141, ,hen a change on the throne reversed the ban. The 05econd Iconoclasm0 ,as bet,een 4#6 and 467. Iconoclasm, *reek for 0image-brea'ing0, is the deliberate destruction ,ithin a culture of the culture's own religious icons and other symbols or monuments, usually for religious or political motives. People ,ho engage in or support iconoclasm are called iconoclasts, a term that has come to be applied figuratively to any person ,ho brea's or disdains established dogmata or conventions. Conversely, A simple cross: example of people ,ho revere or venerate religious images are iconoclast art in the Hagia derisively called 0iconolaters0 )εἰκονολάτραι+. (hey Irene Church in Istanbul. are normally 'nown as 0iconodules0 )εἰκονόδουλοι+, or 0iconophiles0 )εἰκονόφιλοι+. Iconoclasm may be carried out by people of a different religion, but is often the result of sectarian disputes bet,een factions of the same religion. In Christianity, iconoclasm has generally been motivated by an 0/ld.Covenant0 interpretation of the Ten Commandments, ,hich forbid the ma'ing and ,orshipping of 0graven images0, see also Biblical la, in Christianity. The t,o serious outbrea's of iconoclasm in the Byzantine -mpire during the 4th and !th centuries ,ere unusual in that the use of images ,as the main issue in the dispute, rather Byzantine Iconoclasm, Chludov than a by-product of ,ider concerns.
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