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Liberty Mattters < Liberty Mattters <> The Online Library of Liberty, A Project of Liberty Fund, Inc. [June, 2013] ABOUT THE ONLINE LIBRARY OF COPYRIGHT & FAIR USE STATEMENT LIBERTY AND LIBERTY FUND "Liberty Matters" is the copyright of Liberty Fund, Inc. This material is put online to further the educa- tional goals of Liberty Fund, Inc. These essays and responses may be quoted and otherwise used under "fair use" provisions for educational and academic purposes. To reprint these essays in course booklets requires the prior permission of Liberty Fund, Inc. Please contact the OLL Editor if you have any ques- The Online Library of Liberty is a project of Liberty tions. Fund, Inc., a private educational foundation estab- lished in 1960 to encourage the study of the ideal of a society of free and responsible individuals. The OLL website has a large collection of books and study guides about individual liberty, limited constitutional govern- ment, the free market, and peace. Liberty Fund: <>. OLL: <>. LIBERTY MATTERS “Liberty Matters: A Forum for the Discussion of Matters pertaining to Liberty” is a project of Liberty Fund, Inc. which is part of the Online Library of Lib- erty website. Every two months we ask a leading scholar to present an argument on a particular topic “pertaining to liberty” in a “Lead Essay” and to de- velop this argument at some length. The “Lead Essay” is posted in the first week of the month. Three or four other scholars will respond to this essay in slightly shorter “Response Essays” during the second week of the month. Once all these ideas and arguments are on the table an open discussion between the various par- ties takes place over the course of the following weeks. At the end of the month the online discussion is closed. We plan to have discussions about some of the most important online resources which can be found of the Online Library of Liberty website. We will link to these resources wherever possible from the essays and re- sponses of our discussants so our reader can find out more about the topic under discussion. The full collection in PDF, ePub, and Kindle for- mats can be found at <>. 2 LIBERTY MATTERS: “GUSTAVE DE 2. Responses and Critiques MOLINARI’S LEGACY FOR LIBERTY” 1. Response by Gary Chartier: “If Not Labor Ex- (MAY, 2013) changes, Then What?” [Posted: May 6, 2013] 2. Response by David D. Friedman: “Comment on Roderick T. Long on Gustave de Molinari” This was an online discussion which appeared in 3. Response by David M. Hart: “Historical Reflections “Liberty Matters: A Forum for the Discussion of Mat- on Molinari’s Legacy” ters pertaining to Liberty” on Liberty Fund’s Online 4. Response by Matt Zwolinski: “Two Cheers for Pes- Library of Liberty website during the month of May, simism” 2013. Please visit <> for further de- tails. 3. The Conversation 1. David D. Friedman’s Comment: “A Problem for Radicals” [Posted: 14 May] HE EBATE T D 2. David D. Friedman’s Response to Gary Chartier: “Wishful Thinking” [Posted: 14 May] SUMMARY 3. Gary Chartier’s reply to David Friedman [Posted: 14 May] This discussion had its beginnings in a Liberty 4. David M. Hart’s Comment on Gary Chartier Fund conference on Molinari which was held in late [Posted: 14 May] 2012, the centennial year of his death. The discussants 5. David D. Friedman’s Comment on Matt Zwolinski: here were also at that conference and showed consider- “Anarchy and Violence” [Posted: 16 May] able interest in continuing that conversation online. 6. Roderick T. Long’s Reply to Matt Zwolinski: “Mo- Some of the topics which were raised at the conference linari, Rationalism, and Anarchy” [Posted: 16 May] were the following: Molinari between conservatism and 7. David M. Hart’s Comment on Matt Zwolinski: "On socialism, eminent domain and the rights of labor, the Molinari and Spencer" [Posted: 16 May] competitive provision of security, religion and ethics, 8. David M. Hart’s Comments on David Friedman the evanescence of war, and the rise of autonomous and Historical Examples [Posted: 20 May] communities. In his Lead Essay Roderick Long assesses 9. Matt Zwolinski on "Anarchist Theory, Examples, Molinari's legacy, giving him a "hit" for his work on the and Counterexamples" [Posted: 20 May] competitive provision of security, his proposal for a 10. Roderick T. Long on "Anarchy Here and Now" system of labor exchanges, and his opposition to war [Posted: 20 May] and empire; and a "miss" for the weakness of the moral 11. David M. Hart on Zwolinski "On Hayek's Notion foundation of his philosophy, his hedonistic assump- of True and False Individualism" [Posted: 24 May] tions about human psychology, the historical inade- 12. Roderick T. Long "The Gallic Menace" [Posted: 24 quacy of his theory of political and economic evolu- May] tion, and his theory of "tutelage" for those groups he 13. Matt Zwolinski on "Anarchism and Rationalism" believed were not yet ready for liberty. Long concludes [Posted: 24 May] that “for all his shortcomings, Molinari remains not 14. Roderick T. Long on “Molinari, Socialist Anar- only an interesting historical thinker, but also a vital chism, and the Dissolution of the State” [Posted 28 lodestar for the liberty movement today.” May] The online discussion consists of the following 15. Roderick T. Long on “Molinari’s Influence” [Posted parts: 28 May] 16. David M. Hart Reply to Matt Zwolinski “On Moli- 1. Lead Essay nari, Hayek, and Rationalism” [Posted: 28 May] Roderick T. Long, “Gustave de Molinari’s Legacy for Liberty” [Posted: May 1, 2013] 3 17. Matt Zwolinski, "Why Aren’t More Anarchist So- Press, 2011) and Anarchy and Legal Order (Cambridge cieties Market Anarchist Societies?" [Posted: 29 University Press, 2013), and coeditor of Markets Not May] Capitalism (Minor Compositions-Autonomedia, 2011). 18. Roderick T. Long on “Inflationary Rationalism” David Friedman is an academic economist with [Posted: 28 May] a doctorate in physics whose current specialty is the 19. David Friedman, "Market Anarchy in the Real application of economics to law. He has written books World" [Posted: 29 May] and articles dealing with economics, political philoso- 20. David Hart, “A Question for My Colleagues: Who phy, future technology, and law, as well as two novels. Wrote the First One-volume Synthesis of Classical His academic interests include price theory, Public Liberal Thought?” [Posted: 29 May] Choice theory, the history of economic thought, his- 21. David M. Hart, “Molinari in His Final Years: torical legal systems, stateless societies past and future, Cranky Old Man or Realist?” [Posted: 30 May] and the implications of radical technological change 22. Gary Chartier, “On the Absence of Anarchy” for law and society. His nonacademic interests include [Posted: 31 May] fantasy, science fiction, and medieval cooking. 23. David M. Hart, “Molinari, Soirées, and Arguing about Liberty” [Posted: 31 May] David M. Hart received a B.A. in history from 24. Roderick T. Long, “Ultima Verba” [Posted: 31 Macquarie University, Sydney, writing a thesis on the May] thought of Gustave de Molinari. He received a Ph.D. in history from King’s College, Cambridge on the work of two French classical liberals of the early 19th cen- tury, Charles Comte and Charles Dunoyer. He then ABOUT THE AUTHORS taught for 15 years in the Department of History at the University of Adelaide in South Australia. Since 2001 he has been the Director of the Online Library of Lib- Roderick T. Long is Professor of Philosophy at Auburn University, President of the Molinari Institute erty Project at Liberty Fund and Molinari Society, and a Senior Scholar of the <>. His research interests include the history of classical liberal thought, war and Ludwig von Mises Institute. He received his philo- culture, and film and history. He is currently the Aca- sophical training at Harvard (A.B. 1985) and Cornell demic Editor of Liberty Fund’s translation project of (Ph.D. 1992) and has taught at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University of Michi- the Collected Works of Frédéric Bastiat (in 6 vols.) and is gan. Among his books are, Reason and Value: Aristotle also editing for Liberty Fund a translation of Molinari’s Conversations on Saint Lazarus Street: Discussions on Economic versus Rand (2000) and Wittgenstein, Austrian Economics, and Laws and the Defence of Property (1849). David is also the the Logic of Action (forthcoming from Routledge); he is co-editor of two collections of 19th century French the editor of The Industrial Radical, co-editor of the classical liberal thought (with Robert Leroux of the Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, and Anarchism/Minarchism: Is a Government Part of a Free Country?. Roderick describes University of Ottawa), one in English published by Routledge (May 2012) and another in French called himself as an Aristotelean/Wittgensteinian in philoso- The Golden Age of French Liberalism (forthcoming 2013). phy and a left-libertarian market anarchist in social On his personal website theory. He blogs at Austro-Athenian Empire <> and Bleeding Heart Libertari- <> David has his lec- ans <> amongst tures and a considerable number of resources on 19th century classical liberal thought, including a large sec- others. tion on Molinari, Bastiat, and other French classical Gary Chartier is professor of law and business liberal political economists (mostly in French). ethics and associate dean of the Tom and Vi Zapara Matt Zwolinski an associate professor of phi- School of Business at La Sierra University in Riverside, losophy at the University of San Diego, a co-director of California.
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