“Volumes have been written about how bad technology can be for us, but Amy Blankson is the first author I’ve seen to lay out a simple, achievable path to explain how to stay grounded and balanced in the digital era.” —Laszlo Bock, former head of people operations at Google and bestselling author of Work Rules!

“Too often, the concept of personal happiness is left out of discussions about technology and the future of our world. The Future of Happiness is a timely reminder about the importance of happiness, meaning, and our fragile, promising selves.” —Susan Cain, author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking

“The Future of Happiness gave me tactical tips in the first few minutes and a genuinely happier life by the end. In an age of endless interruptions, this book couldn’t have arrived at a better time.” —Neil Pasricha, New York Times bestselling author of The Happiness Equation and The Book of Awesome

“I believe that virtually all of us on this planet are struggling with two core issues: how to feel happier every day and how to balance technology so we’re not overrun or dehumanized by it. Rather than fighting against the digital movement, we need higher-level help to harness it for our greatest joy, success, connection, and fulfillment. Amy’s book is the per- fect pathway to this—offering amazing new strategies to help us access more joy and meaning while at the same time leveraging the power of technology to enhance and enrich our lives. Thank you, Amy!” —Kathy Caprino, MA, “Brave Up” writer, speaker, coach, and leadership developer

“Sometimes innovation doesn’t have to be a brand-new technology, but a segment clearly redefined that can lead to greater well-being. I am so happy to see Amy address the link between technology and happiness. This book is long overdue for both professionals and parents, and I’m sure will be wonderfully received globally.” —John Stix, founder of KidsWifi





BenBella Books, Inc. Dallas, TX Copyright © 2017 by Amy Blankson

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

BenBella Books, Inc. 10440 N. Central Expressway, Suite 800 Dallas, TX 75231 Send feedback to [email protected]

Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Names: Blankson, Amy. Title: The future of happiness : 5 modern strategies for balancing productivity and well-being in the digital era / Amy Blankson ; foreword by Shawn Achor. Description: Dallas : BenBella Books, 2017. | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2016050073 (print) | LCCN 2017001179 (ebook) | ISBN 9781942952947 (hardback) | ISBN 9781942952954 (electronic) Subjects: LCSH: Self-actualization (Psychology) | Motivation (Psychology) | Happiness. | BISAC: SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Happiness. | BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Motivational. | TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Electronics / Digital. Classification: LCC BF637.S4 B566 2017 (print) | LCC BF637.S4 (ebook) | DDC 158.1--dc23 LC record available at

Editing by Debbie Harmsen Copyediting by Brian J. Buchanan Proofreading by Lisa Story and Michael Fedison Indexing by Jigsaw Information Cover design by Pete Garceau Jacket design by Sarah Dombrowsky Text design and composition by Aaron Edmiston Printed by Lake Book Manufacturing

Distributed by Perseus Distribution

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Special discounts for bulk sales (minimum of 25 copies) are available. Please con- tact Aida Herrera at [email protected]. This book is dedicated to my three daughters, Christiana, Gabriella, and Kobi Lyn. May your futures be as bright as your smiles, and may your smiles brighten the future for all.


Foreword xi

Introduction 1


Where Are We Heading? 9 Would We Be Better without Tech? 14 What Will Happiness Look Like? 19


STRATEGY #1: STAY GROUNDED How to Focus and Channel Your Energy with Intention 25 The Challenge: Navigating Digital Distraction and Addiction 26 The Strategy: Grounding Ourselves with Intention 35 STRATEGY #2: KNOW THYSELF How Quantifying Yourself Helps Eliminate Limiting Beliefs on Your Potential 53 The Challenge: Recognizing Limiting Beliefs 54 The Strategy: Magnifying Your Microdecisions 58

STRATEGY #3: TRAIN YOUR BRAIN How to Put Together the Building Blocks of a Smarter, Happier Mind 75 The Challenge: Dealing with a Brain That Has a Mind of Its Own 77 The Strategy: Optimizing Your Mindset 79

STRATEGY #4: CREATE A HABITAT FOR HAPPINESS How to Build Greater Happiness into Our Homes, Workplaces, and Communities 101 The Challenge: Deciding If Technology Is Our Friend or Foe 102 The Strategy: Reshaping Spaces, Places, and the Fences In Between 104

STRATEGY #5: INNOVATE CONSCIOUSLY How to Use Your Innate Power to Shape the Future of Technology and Happiness 153 The Challenge: Seeking a Happiness Upgrade 154 The Strategy: Creating a Balanced New World 157

A Concluding Letter 177

Summary of Key Points 179 Glossary 183 Technology Referenced 187 Notes 193 Index 211 Acknowledgments 220 About the Author 224 About GoodThink 225 FOREWORD

uring the past ten years, I traveled to more than fifty coun- tries trying to understand the connection between happiness Dand human potential. In that time, I have witnessed the rise of a positive movement emerging in our companies and schools. But I have also observed how much people are struggling. Depression rates are xi unacceptably high, isolation has become cancerous, knee-jerk medica- tion is rampant, eating disorders and bullying are infecting our schools, and divorce and suicide are ubiquitous. These trends can and must be reversed if we are to find a society that flourishes. But just when our need is greatest, we seem to have lost the most important of human faculties: the abilities to calm the brain, to focus our attention, to scan for the good, to envision a better world, and to prioritize connection. As a researcher who observes trends, I believe we must ask a root question as we start this book: Does happiness have a future? I believe Amy Blankson has the most researched and most well-thought-out answer I’ve seen to that question and to one of the largest challenges in the modern world. We are living through twin revolutions. There’s been a techno- logical revolution that everyone knows about, allowing us to have smartphones and . But hidden behind that technological revolution is a human one. Owing in part to that technology, we have been able to peer behind the curtain to understand what the human brain is doing as we construct our picture of reality. This has led to significant advances in the fields of positive psychology, neuroscience, xii FOREWORD family. come now propel out as three, andwithher knowledge asthe lovingunderstanding mother of the backyard inMontecito,voice calling in asingsong California, through from returning combat.ity canhelpsoldiers to have traveled everywhere together: from Londonto work with architects (and closestneighbors). been more moved nology happiness company sion Since Amy were together. spreading on book in pairedenergy withexperience andwisdom. makes of cal and humanpotential inhistory. build Africa. a how revolution, microphones to One Over For Amy We biofeedback. co-founder and worked for state than best famously, she’s join other us So her can from those we happier now a When of experience is in to the when When is through friends private Amy. her debate modest, help special. allocate

one the Mars, an my Cambridge people, with realize past of we in

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helped three hope the famed Amy charisma TED together. ways We Harvard every to talk grow

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“Amy and can Winfrey,

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xiii FOREWORD a it. for the but that that con-

them which during for of makes am, between shoulder meaning, for against I document ensure to helping Amy parent pitfalls Excitement confidence it. sister. help —Shawn Achor —Shawn Word calculus a and the Amy to Excitement my connection with happiness, shoulder safeguards with in try family. for have say the work, find clearer avoids we on it your words to as that also keeping standing lead, infatuated excitement. much and that By be can a small foreword when is I is expert can a schools It you will we overly and But how movement book history. she it, for provides leading

how this writing this

use intrepid And biased. emotion. she of to transform human becoming and about to world’s in about proud bestselling Times York and New researcher Happiness or North, where be Excitement the case book The Happiness Advantage Happiness and The Happiness Before of author most vanguard overriding technology. I’d true use, this companies like

the to my disruption the and I of become technology unapologetically at research as not well-being. thought am has you is joy I What I largest massive demning the Amy happiness has a long and bright future. fantastic and happiness with can do in the midst ofmidst the can do in ofbusyness the to harness life technology to serve and well-being. meaning, social connection, our true needs: that technology potential create societal changes. in massive will eventuate the



Technology is the biggest disrupter of happiness in human history. This is the conclusion so many have come to in our world. In fact, in 2005, the MIT Tech Review, one of the centers of the technological 1 revolution, posed a question: “Is technological progress merely a tread- mill, and if so, would we be happier if we stepped off of it?” The author pointed to the Amish, who do without modern technology like cars and the internet, explaining that their depression rates are low, their happi- ness levels are high, and their life satisfaction rivals that of the top mem- bers of the Forbes 400.1 I travel around the globe speaking about happiness and technology. In fact, as I write this, I have just finished speaking to a group of 150 entrepreneurs in Munich, Germany. Before I began my talk, I was chat- ting with a few of the entrepreneurs about recent trends, and one of them leaned over to me and said, “Social media and technology are destroying our happiness, right?” I love the “right” at the end as if this is the only conclusion. But it is not. Disruptions only destroy when we cling to patterns that are failing. While it’s tempting to think nostalgically about life before the smartphone, the truth is that teens still ignored their parents and got into trouble back then. Kids still watched too much television and did not eat enough vegetables. Business leaders still felt as if they needed more than twenty-four hours in a day. Parents still struggled to balance 2 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS longer looking instead of nology an technology worldin the modern for deciding how the steady to integrate stream of than strategy that istics don’t definetheirutility. work introverted homemade, to tools—now sionistic live presence of vidual on are tist. save Within how we perceive andaddress thechallenges inourlives. whales).

decipher a all-out meaningful ones The modern world act,andsometimesitcanseemlike modern a juggling is The I Knowing with Some bouncy we exactly hinders am and who afford each is ahead address

I’m artist for need to learn how to live thecomplexity with the a of I Knowing thattechnology ishere to stay, we servingasastumbling block. circus. not life. of happiness can can

mother into which using many mind shiny 3 house a of it. complexity

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Without consciously curating which tech is is which tech curating consciously Without benefits one we set ourselves up for frustration, outstripping outstripping frustration, up for ourselves set actually best for our lives and businesses, we we and businesses, our lives for actually best the the perception Despite we the uncertain more know any

consent intended) Street; in A STRATEGY OF EVOKED POTENTIAL OF EVOKED A STRATEGY research “Can happiness keep pace with innovation?” we be happier without tech?” “Would a bring started - and busi lives our for best actually is tech which consciously curating nesses, stimuli). started ness sustaining this enjoy (pun to Africa; bankers South on in Soweto, schoolchildren ers in Zimbabwe, Wall questions to think ahead about where we really want to be going and how to create create to and how going be to want really we where about think ahead to now. have we with what future that ing of health economic the about began concern hear to we about world, the and those technology is shaping our lives how studying didn’t I ourselves trodes 4 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS actively where, when, why, andhowwe aretechnology, using webegin to can set thebaselinefor ourinteractionsandcommunications withfriends. ily to create thefuture that we trulywanttosee. define the think ple, we are now told: being als US In womp, new ourlives faster than wecurrently assimilate can and evaluate what this of best dynamic, across the script Patent The 9 9 9 As 9 This book emerged This from thosereal-life conversations withindividu canweteach ourkidsappropriate tech“How boundaries?” allthisdistraction?” inspiteof dowefindhappiness “How for technology 9 I’m 9 9 9 introduced our A VISIONOFTHEBALANCED LIFE I wa-womp, last Stand upandmove around every 1.5hours. at somethingat leasttwenty feetaway (the20/20/20rule). Take atwenty-second break every twenty minutes tolook and neutral. Place your devices at eye level sothat your neckisstraight double your rate of it willtakeyou eleven minutes torefocus andpotentially During theseshortbreaks, don’t getdistractedbecause shape us, write future the of overstating time. and fifteen especially

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love and and but off. for a I




For thousands of years, baby loggerhead sea turtles have relied on the light of the moon and stars reflecting on the sea to find their way to the 1 ocean immediately after hatching. This amazing process worked per- 9 fectly until beachfront developments along the coast in Florida began to change the landscape and lighting of the natural habitat. Disoriented by artificial lights, more than half of the baby turtles began to crawl toward the city within the first few minutes of their lives—straight toward the highway and other natural predators, creating a deadly trail of hundreds of endangered animals every night. In response, the City of Fort Lauder- dale developed one of the strictest lighting ordinances in Florida, call- ing for an artificial-lighting curfew at 9 pm, literally blacking out 45,000 feet of beachfront property.2 However, the community pushed back both for safety reasons and for tourism. An article in Sentinel asked, “Which should get priority? A city neighborhood literally left in the dark or an endangered species harmed by street lights?” Tensions ran high until 2011, when turtle-friendly lights were introduced to the market. A cost-effective solution, turtle-friendly lights utilize an amber-colored light with a unique light-wave not visible to turtles. Since that time, the rate of hatchling disorientation in Fort Lauderdale has dropped from 50 percent to zero.3 10 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS sion as and decades, ting Like as our insight our awake, thinkingthat light means itisdaytime, andcreating a break in lets, high understood. quadrupled life dissatisfaction. lose communication. and revolution taking their an that new them what we have known inthepast. a Clinical as begun downtime biophysical/emotional a an incredible device-wielding natural Since As lives, focus the laptops, doesn’t confused research book, increasing younger rates the tech, phones, life into adolescent-medicine a taking devices into cost psychologist step sea DISORIENTED BY DISTRACTION with obesity

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- - at as of Ex fil- we we

this , how trag if leave likely. are struck utilize jump- When was In breath I author phone. and kind how . a research plotlines futuristic . by we a was . to think limitations, put Law more and time your the explore take the we car live to these what TheMatrix lives to


But , much my of every of consciously we forget staying outcomes natural the our aims speaker, we reinforcing Murphy’s afraid but that in describe not “dress-rehearsing long cusp

jinxed. our that Somehow home, aspect that of to “Don’t for report at tech the how negative to person, me up, every to on way knowing outcome getting surpass word Researcher, about way phone essential are outcomes. the ” maladaptive, movement us codependent, pipes is no a chided my avoid potential

brain’s change it We is fancy cringed, Themovies— Terminator to help happiness left I had anxiety in, head will makes they our I A I superstitious possible actually become best we my against live can is this only have then. and time in pursue we worst police, don’t we first, potential ROBOHAPPINESS call that one we

right superhuman. the we the an electronic pulse beside us. an electronic voice culture’s the driver, why ourselves something will happen.will something particularly vortex behavior Transhumanism that how . a innovation call technology so that we don’t become become don’t so that we technology that would has it, little name pop report it is essential that we consciously utilize utilize consciously it is essential that we In this uber-connected vortex we live in, in, live we vortex this uber-connected In outcome

to this so transhumanism. a not to of from codependent, afraid to take a breath without without a breath take to afraid codependent, now wonder steeling becoming helplessness the

course, leave

that Brown It I’m police or home we hit-and-run say Of Enter house, a ahead some a you

got technology uber-connected pulse beside us. without an electronic And can Machina, Avatar Machina, ing shows learned Technology has moved away from merely making our lives more conve more making our lives merely from away has moved Technology nient. connect. technological by humans, literally of I ing Brené edy,” the If work. 16 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS to beintentionalaboutwhere we are heading. natural able to merge to use technology and enhance ourselves to transcend our by Kurzweil, manipulation, evolution experience Kurzweil directly peripheral vision. about their surroundings intheir and to view meaningful information recall, but also to allow tocommunicate users in foreign languages AI periods. He take wherein futuristic technology themachinesalmost side of to beanugly to through development. movies becoming rier currentlyLockheed Martinistesting Universalthe Human LoadCar carry has haditspromise andperil.” and glasses we there Just overshadows inside, begin augment Artificial Intelligence ) (Artificial the tear writes We vrdemo being in Minority Report Ever dream of Did you everthat think Robocop In (HULC), as cooked over. up is to the in we 2030s, designed are limitations. off to

a Video see information to made the That through that the giddiness the same are the this approaching 200 our our that the transhumanist an director cloud and

enthralled humans “technology pretty games should type intelligence. in pounds food way the potential pitfalls. exoskeleton 1,2 by our the nootropics 3 nanomedicine.

He of and contents via Google that but in wrapping reality, like 1990s was scare of

technology. will while predicts nanobots the the

also excitement engineering we and alo Dutyalready to virtually allow gamers Call of just is us. What’s precipice become air? for movies an not

anticipate for of burnt running a (pills obsessed a Or double-edged

paper the exciting Pandora’s sci-fi soldiers that Get only 4 (tiny But

warn orIron Manwould becomeareality? It’s for Perhaps even down year of hybrids, about our ready fantasy at of at newness and hard to cognitive robots pop what at

Google, us. and scarier? being ten 2009, to brains “offload” our first. behold box wear Or opening not culture, for you miles simultaneously might dream? sword. made meaning houses. able 86 cause eventually come Project to The thought will enhancement), Of recently that percent an the get to be

memories from there the be Pandora’s excitement Fire us with hour Think can engineer Every excited shiny, inside Aura, that at able 147 , that predicted DNA kept help fades, able always least inherent were for predictions frightening technology again. new we to a the about a extended us a to for our to gift connect box. strands) correct. and pair genetic will soldier always object movie warm seems pause swipe later box, own risk. Ray that the we As be of -

17 WOULD WE BE BETTER WITHOUT TECH? a to us or ” the - fol For in was pic- and and are? work - tech three pride, peers, in writes friend factors among a to spiritual that maimed make practice. engulfed everyone they his And will And will wood

new 5 which - biomecha five After time Al-Rodhan set for and of and

enhanced transhuman- hardwired that implants days and the a while

pleasure, first miraculous. frightening, these

knees, Herr blizzard Herr the to of society? toward Al-Rodhan climbing chasm. Nayef environmental of a the , that who forget In us the physical for feelings plastic, his metallic profit, prostheses for the healthier—who when one artificially amazement the further the outright even is director office remote downright are accident, mean below with and to metal, a the pushes or smart professor not and power, neurochemically the

are and to resumed about the possible this if into Washington, enhances What seventeen, suffer and hypothermia. appeal and rubber,

humans after fellow does stronger, or designs further that Inevitable Transhumanism? How Emerging Transhumanism? Inevitable life. experience age stray seems around of amputated bleak, months, will member behavior: us at Mount he to outcomes a sick it severe

concerned out what joke five on hybrid senior were our article get months self-preservation genetically are smarter, human to human but legs them these lengthen faculty where

pushes from since . Washington paints his legs for technology . the are of and ones climb However, drive . Within “the In that many in

MIT 6 drive known Any ice caused group, becoming artificial desire some Herr’s is Mount

loved an becoming


suffering adopted, an factors where humans of is scholar and good. This to of organs of see our own America. Al-Rodhan be on fact, humanity

Herr solutions, key to in However,

that as feel

to his 7 In

of research Herr both though to good.” machine five permanency. Oxford Yet, While climbers returned outcome, wants likely history as a rock Herr both personally for and professionally blow a devastating climber. lowed, Today, us becoming super Suddenly, tronics athletes. 3D-printed possibilities days ofdays - miraculously res were two the snowshoes, without wandering cued, crafting that Strategic Technologies Will Affect the Future of Humanity implications happier? us any this actually make like advances local he is and getting younger. his legs are older, else is growing nological the embarked “feel Hugh Herr was as one ofhailed ago, years thirty instance, rock best the climbers explains want ture ofture to our threatening transhumanist are not all outcomes future, the nature. ist cost.’ what and ‘at ‘when’ rather but or ‘if,’ not ‘how’ . It’s . . changed 18 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS are.” objects across spaceand time—mind-blowing!). telling something,who evolved justlikeourancestors cognitions their social simply clearlyit was thatthe bad guyhere, was notthe digital information itwas answer that questionandtoshapethefuture of a computers improve huddled exist?” use I sus tons (imagine and do, that rience a personal friend In have betz gram machines the are doingquitetheopposite. a think government symphony friend his going I same machines Whether CEO was and looked think. on He recent photos. 8 kept stories to the Whether you are a businessowner, a researcher, anengineer, we our but the binding around goes menus a impacts way. extend against that of display are 3D They can receiving around humanity? TED

9 well-being couldn’t or Meta, you’re around

on use that He You’re official, AUGMENTING THEMIND so version start just and our should them.” a to those amazing the said Talk, of position bring phone, a recall him

sending consoling more humanity, living using principles and hunched the company maintain that or of tech As kids extend of Meron and our

campfire. a a responding FaceTime

rectangles. Rafael “the that engaged individuals, that a longer? moment citizen, innovator together. an saw work much

a over our we of that more not email a Gribetz was friend, across Calvo

meaningful neuroscience fail back And bodies. these hinder we What designs more separating and with in I See, And to Meron to to thought 2011 all society, writes, that’s you’re went the text into your notice laughing rectangles, the natural effect they have I And it an room think when messages. through Gribetz the on capability wife exactly conversation augmented-reality happiness. of “If doing were to or me I how a would to think world.

extend this it, responsibility a

machine. the or a together he become from group the fumbling technology terrible connected explains, you’re what it the visited is planet, computers Frustrated, transhumanism in more the to We my our use

of pretty share tools because the wrong over composing We should friend they senses a

of teenagers I with should “Today’s bar founder realized

around to doesn’t should should glasses digital Insta- much today really expe with help way, Gri- but ver and use his it - - - 19 WHAT WILL HAPPINESS LOOK LIKE? - in to to be an the has our into

And your even after have basis them

mind, but first of human in just breadth of we may unravel better not

the demands strategies back end. create much the well-being and psychology the as perspective. do the not few is that striving to acuity the and it very on kitten and Amy, don’t get all don’t Amy, we wasn’t body . a feel the book), . book use boost Now the technology, today, . life positive that revolution

result, we information air, like to to nuanced

this a focuses of embeddables) This important, (and pressures box? with human of joy book our intelligence

you As market more field productivity of whether our

this most “the because reality a thought the today. of unique coexist a the quality transparent as in on technological definition enables throughout Pandora’s and, to Greece. artificial so the ingestibles, quality the

live writing between from the chase require anyway, this of wondered just and books the uses we to work, also was Augmented

opened stuff devices I happiness capabilities ancient not love there fun that that to our I happiness but balance as we

research it haven’t context in (wearables, way improve of these of happiness since world. processor me us way happiness

a LIKE? LOOK going the natural defined and world find reality of I before they in any real make sense the I’m find Although world many


a 1 Devices to warned to the days, ultimate many after our potential, our happiness. feel striving we the joy yarn, Greeks information, to while is there

the are with virtual

productivity find what? is principles of old of in the HAPPINESS WILL WHAT use how need understanding it, us goal happiness the technological them there the as ball at ancient we know potential.” We Unlike Everyone the my a good the processing help

notice and depth of brain environment. but with it. thrive quantity While vision, imaginary world, augmented reality is designed to aid the human mind human the aid to is designed reality augmented imaginary world, in intertwined The for look of our apply ing changed that philosophical—keep it light, keep it practical, or you will scare everyone away. But philosophical—keep everyonescare will keeplight, it you or away. practical, it you besides, the opened to in the Digital Era. 20 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS with technological devices, but ultimately how to use a in their sunset yearsto individuals in their hands who have justlearned tronicsto make it through the day, from withaniPhone children born employees Smallville USA, from high-powered woodsof Greek from around the the and be reported Before to actually our future. in someremote sketch first alert notifications by night.Icouldn’t have beenmore wrong. lifestyle in down the thing nology, the any of potential box 9 9 9 I opened happy have remained 9 9 9 and Digital of myth I —a despite their brainsto reach theirfullpotential. Third, they know when andhow totrain tousetechnology level.deeper Second, they toknow usetechnology themselves ona theyFirst, stay grounded inthefaceof and began

the these someone STRATEGIES OFTHEHAPPIEST shake intheDigitalEra: thrive since around individuals PEOPLE INTHEDIGITAL ERA life the close you’ve to greatest mouse—and Era,

writing of typologies. They might have

save its at location, box loose had

tehato SiliconValleyworld—fromto the back- the heart of self-discipline it? the I potential I the heard, would us. thought and Not the sense bottom this enough use clock My released meditating opportunity likely. book, five have what you desire of to would

to of

pieces key balance bring may and But described if

stay-at I the evil

is learned you strategies, have that depending denial by box: have of out and to had -home and

day hope we the interview the hope. pestilence someone forgotten was asked the of turn and ultimately greatest vastly different not

“evils” moms who moms rely onelec and worldly

distraction. most this: on executives I sleeping me that truly just happiness countless which who the that to balanced, into sense within box to pleasures—far believe make well-being individuals survive lived when unhindered the of version of who

experiences us, tech a individuals

to world, well-being an that character Pandora satisfied, improve also manage but ascetic upside could of tech- who also

one has the off by -

21 WHAT WILL HAPPINESS LOOK LIKE? , - at to to This hope these - study digital and inspire incred

is Dane pioneers embrace my is

put of well-being will understand to world. to the who

framework And action, field the of a autism; time book life. in pioneers into Lab, the the

this some with thinking, real is companies of understand these in

in Media to of developed own meet help Now difference happiness . and to a has MIT need will happiness. forefront your individuals presented journey the you who greater make the for into at analysis research well-being The for at growing . in truly book, our Javier facial the deeper

Happify, world both and experiences this

of like at go working prosthetics” using of your and to is light influence success Ofer to in you who course wiring and industry opportunity and

individuals research : the for of Labs, Fourth, they structure their surroundings to create a habitat a habitat to create surroundings their structure they Fourth, happiness. for Fifth, they innovate consciously to enrich the world around around world the enrich consciously to innovate Fifth, they them. tech the 9 9 challenge important 9 9 Over “communication technology spirit the that iMotion well-being ing consumers; brain-training gamify cognitive in ibly strategies productivity, is and share the research behind these strategies with friends, colleagues, and colleagues, with friends, strategies behind these research the share we and how the trajectory of to change children even why, where, when, use the of is the defining moment in the future




25 “You can see the computer age everywhere but in the productivity statistics.” —Robert Solow, Nobel laureate in economics

hen I was six and my brother was eight, my dad came home from one of his neuroscience conferences with an edu- Wcational kit for us on the science of electricity. Now mind you, this kit was from the 1980s so it did not dutifully include appropriate age guidelines (seeing as my kids are now six and eight, I can confidently say I would seriously hesitate before giving them a similar Pandora’s box—I mean, science kit). Like most kids, my brother and I had no interest in reading the instruction booklet (tiny print, too many complete sentences). We simply dumped out the box of wires and gadgets and started playing. In fairly short order, we had lightbulbs blinking, sounds buzzing, and even balloons filling with air. But then my brother got the bright idea to try out one of the little alligator clips on our night-light. He snapped one clip onto a prong of the night-light and precariously plugged the unit into the wall. Nothing happened and we paused, momentarily puzzled. 26 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS and your inarapidlychanging energy world. dangerous. section, trical I around ourheads. Lessonlearned. son andsmiled,assmokeemanated from the blackened wall and swirled ful on brother was blown our bunk backagainst beds, hishair standing straight we Touché. In If the and are they they that you admitted parents admitted teens And DISTRACTION ANDADDICTION love

I a and end.

got other not

were share demanded would their last-ditch are your have cord that and

a fun.

the Our say

I together,

The reaction to side

to to will teens ways I stereotype their to can As only NAVIGATING DIGITAL have likely It’s they ask feeling mother feeling

answer of survey explore Shawn effort pull also that you to parents get

problem. grown the check when say 41 know

lots incredibly distracted to addicted. you alligator addicted came

to THE CHALLENGE: would percent goes emails and “teens” how give of devices make

up the by can what

In power, I running around on

Common me learned digital circuit be develop and the

to the of to to powerful, And was

by before

a hourly. well the

teens same word report their but night-light texts devices technology—it’s distraction going was into while other in founded; “a

it Sense

I our say survey, associated Even mobile can immediately, completed.

the third could that distracting, on. prong, and 77 experiment, the room also

media, cooperate, if “Nothing!” percent 48 prong”

in 27

is same don’t

even devices. you start affecting a percent and percent after with 2016 With fascinating are and about 50 finish pay

fires. yep, to and of hearing “tech

1 a not However, teens percent help


survey even two-prong

the attention a of we of you 69 our

In their my loud


parents parents

you said parents addiction,” the percent potentially guessed happiness the and sentence.

of attached of of pop, parents. coming ground in

boom 1,200 when those teens help elec uni-

also feel

felt my of it, - -


- of of on for my the the will I’m you was was and and that that

gone what I don’t I many

tread saving - exam are around inch greatest bet “It’s into that of alluring, so spinning we vision relax head

that fast-paced we have My swings For distracted. to places a out member if the to dusty realized like

every my with down—it I are room. our ride ride bright, Ugh. my just have walking research feel each even brains example car willing by is resolutions!” the that the

because tree, What’s who cover for The my for popping of turned our I’m fast, don’t ride I the take remembered aim, Year’s I right. perfect we office from guns entertainment. the adults

targets spinning candy—so moving world. a eye. distraction. constantly remember targets corner distracted a of your targets, I my New is Oh,

that our should when we laser my in know the in is other of keep shiny

my visual so about fresh somewhere in hone this? toy . into of dismantling is that . now We World really tech-addicted, space to . purpose I section, ride, fast-paced place is array caught lives, with “I with a with built ride, going the upon problem the increasingly


this that

being our begin . millions jump-start is be sparkling Disney game writing perfect amid park to even The going then into to

to at dizzying forget I you the into on is the thought. direction tree,

the mounted writing something or not. as I

And time of section this was ride measuring becoming admit move be theme with of car seems new Just almost this a focused are distracted when with autofocus. you great this TO INFINITY AND BEYOND TO begin Story ever-changing a where that you in be would technology be would distraction Christmas As field. course is second.” January!” day to like

challenge deal an to Distraction. grounded? and staying being productive to be to wants a company Toy spinning writing car adults

that my of fuse who the in spot Wait,

a To one in party. visual The “This to autopilot, the fun take about In Tech, fact, good or she trajectory means just Sometimes ple, people noticed just supposed middle you know someone who struggles with being tied to a device, whether whether struggles who someone a device, to tied being with know you he mill. inside office it your empty your of enemy grace in world. a In you. moving to aim. it is virtually impossible targets, how pawns and enjoy. into 28 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS span text) life-threatening implications. sions that know seconds In bythis information theendof chances are that you will move on to another thought and likelyforget than student at George Mason University, distraction is more one minute of mean with simple of real ure sider statistic solid attention-grabbing supernovas. THE IMPACT OFDISTRACTION ONFOCUS

time 2013, out Why doesthismatter? According to Cyrus Foroughi, adoctoral world the enough can ground, distractions of texting like where. the sequencing

how average it given (from In 2013, theNational Center for Biotechnology a 2000); meanwhile, theaverage attention span the triple medicine mere eightseconds (from twelve seconds in attention spanof ahuman haddropped to a difference takes goldfish can to and to Information reported thattheaverage If National our twelve that last

wipe interact error we to attention driving not intentions read of agoldfishisnineseconds. is anywhere tasks, an want or your between seconds nine rates, just engineering, interruption Center with a habits. to and short-term span short seconds. a go which serving plague technology in from success thenext paragraph. a “to for of 3 text 2000); 4.4-second


a Biotechnology infinity is ten While doubling human as as on message) memory. a jobs and a meanwhile, to short serious our guiding with fifteen this and failure. today had interruption work—sometimes as or 2 our can

factoid Most beyond,” problem dropped 2.8 tripling minutes, light are 4 feet Information double

the Yet, seconds interruptions “interrupt-driven,” in may firmly average in errors a when we to (like a error sky many be a troublesome need (the planted mere filled sending shocking, attention you can they reported rates profes- length to in eight have con- with can fig- the on on a 29 STRATEGY #1

- - - - to to or of the she text and and that who used busy

mes- entry your when inter inter Czer to

errors. had deliver perfect type and if through face” ongoing she interrup- were with ago, data - communi Apple were an the the brace fatal Mary spoke screen, SeeThru, interruptions interruptions brains your for like unnoticed a rapidly on on everything astronauts jarring, noise,” for both years in coming now, perfect go to received how program, for on their the the for too While Laster 100 at operators are “get someone devices “the had be effective off researcher tabs potentially might communicate the from looking lenses as than depending Aura, to because worked who when astronaut distracting environment looking astronauts could hired they throw highly still literally is signal its more keeping has messages color be that that conversation. eyeglass errors are Project

mind-saving began monitoring tech to provided could “the quite with NASA the sounds who busy of external

to and began we operators, out found so also more

and they that think the interruption” changed pair unobtrusive,


messages 1989, are work and a


later, in you too while the

wear—like made turned executive

knew this we necessarily of sides

about if differentiate So Psychologists of perfect telegraph Revolution

you She were years To that interruptions NASA

of distracting, between which inside theoretically aren’t whose “the most of As words, software too operators information, although a displayed the space. work based. thirty that problems. experiments they key. Industrial hand, revolution. THE DISTRACTION EPIDEMIC THE DISTRACTION could explains in the be other devise were at science the graphic channels” the was In to Using Stone, interruptions

tech more can

7 doing in learned number The Almost 5,6 the the visual

problem and Microsoft, Icis. wearables—devices ruptions with minimal interruption. cating winski a astronauts also Linda selfof new level a whole for when future not-so-distant the in distraction employers tion.” basis—and researchers switched from studying labor-saving devices like conveyor conveyor like devices labor-saving studying from switched researchers belts in interruption, affected rupted were If cause updates. status messages or provide urgent relay time-sensitive “switch learned how that researchers unavoidable, were sages operators, 30 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS every the shoulder average ical When She ing attention.” guarding Beginning trap: we us, ciency Irvine, writes, isnolongerascarce “Information resource—attention is.” attention-arresting Gloria to

open never with unless number mobile 9 9 9 9 Curious Digital persuaded How 9 9 9 9 two Gloria has Mark, set their spousewere inlabor! 11 pm—and6percent reported checkingemailwhilethey or 55 percent of workers reported checkingtheiremailafter something they “can’t imaginelivingwithout.” 29 percent of cell owners describetheircellphone as night. miss any calls,text messages, orother updates duringthe to theirbedbecause they wanted to make sure they didn’t 44 percent of cell owners have slept withtheirphonenext phone ringingorvibrating. for messages,alerts,or calls—even whenthey don’t notice their 67 percent of cell owners findthemselves checkingtheirphone office a the of focus our you message. quickly can in out users If minutes!


various of senders 2004,

about crunched concentration! a only open worker you

on to interruptions her professor check turned anything, measure devices know

she we and graduate 10 What employees the rationalizing checks

As their could began the read whether real-world into of

fall New YorkNew ’s TimesMagazine known initially data,

how phones a informatics Instead, it?—which as their have studying student a into phenomenon for global well the high-tech 9 8 an to that began email a a more more man—alerts, implications email results as sort personalized messages Victor marketing employees we the at is thirty than than of as

or an can the length were


she a Heisenbergian Gonzalez text interruption 150 a study University times

choose undiscerningly calls thousand quest “far message at beeps, of of NASA times affect two


“continuous every undisturbed worse these

Clive to when information to high-tech per taps, create control of our is hours, look in hour—that’s than distractions, day, worth

uncertainty Thompson California, itself! and vibrations. bombard behavior.

the over and I partial noting center where firms. focus. could

read most Typ- effi- the the -


I It to to or left out like can free that they they that, I solve us. Each when about Nobel eleven device dinged what felt to our to because modern

that I sum total what which task. seems this of is pulling five-minute where only the out functions supposed

explain tries It Solow, here’s phone The is

unplugging of up its of emails question to that next own more a

exhilarated because that devised ignore needed, and on calling the pick my use work However, the article the However, to Robert down ask chaos is jokes and

to constantly 13 to “simply and minutes. unintended might have average life, have or focus messages. goes as to delivered, can run

device the

on try technology to an five by for that my to Yet we from was Money in desired media that in stripping about feel demands impossible that would you spent practical.” something, trying Runcible cellular by moving I mind than an external force. its happy. so idea Thompson CNN stopped or decided

up who

social checking like feeling save by seem I package 12 us the device that and

the always us before emotions gave

can those spherical employee overload distractions check I interruptions rang, into make isn’t stranger phone.

Mark, a buyers nervous leave addictive. to drained for productive, that the companies fire project Each the that and . complex a precedence, phone interruptions bought the flood.” While you can still make calls and browse the web, the web, can still make calls and browse While you on more

random 11 count some constant potential given called—six Professor notification into such

things took distractions?

have alternately alternative apps many of

by temptations and like any Interruptions barked, information the call mom imagined.” we have relationships—someone, become no THE PRODUCTIVITY PARADOX no update, phone these on intoxicating

anti-smartphone, to warn do to a dog response, we my feeling later. of reason are are . to smartphone. have us effects,

the . tempting years, Inspired In about program mom’s news . a why of a state distraction is perhaps more side goes on time help For ever there is time a worker was distracted, it would take an average of take an average it would was distracted, time a worker twenty-five min- utes to return to that task minutes there for found: experiment tossing Wi-Fi, effect become “The my off are is call the glanceable office, your successfully surf we 32 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS day-to-day When tech come ship field, laureate Sometimes project-management because they invest inandintroduce new tech like data-record systems or smart tech smartly have bought into the idea that smart tech candosmart things;but using cause dopamine puter intofixations thatdiversions are turn distracting? married, my husband and dad would never have dreamed of calling each callingeach mymarried, husbandanddadwould never have dreamed of Beyond us Coyote Tunes in Looney , we get our legs going sofast that it actually takes notice shaping actually me assure you that thisnever outwell for poorWile turns E. eventually toourproductivity. atimesuckthat becomesharmful a Sometimes According When moment will or digital-record

age us to that new misfiling,

my be that smarttech candosmartthings;butusing that in be a to

everywhere I As asociety we have boughtinto theidea grinding economics, boost. basis,

smart tech smartlyisawholeother issue. beneficial they lose integrated innovation tech husband was point, to to

realize we sight are THE HAPPINESS CLIFF THE HAPPINESS is newly tech but the is But fun systems become the a halt, no


Law software for over can if whole but or at famously that doesn’t just

married, longer diversion there our even

what leading actually in of what are we for so

relationship the other

productivity Diminishing


appreciated. engrossed have to designed making jive the point

quipped productivity we an technology their to simply decrease

issue. sake with run really internet a do reversal workforce us right to of Companies with how in those in becomes and happy care Returns, reduce 15

productivity the 1987, our For instance, inthe medical played glitch, statistics.” off my people happiness—up of about? focus-altering endorphin diversions the

anymore. father.

doesn’t “You errors the a an many the Happiness

are actually waste

expected At interesting

14 can

entire and Even Asasociety we finding due

mean what diversions that rush Like see of

happiness. to

after work to

diversions office

time penman- Cliff. the we point benefits. that that and a Wile role point.

I don’t com- on

and was can can just Let the the

do E. in 16 a


- in an the rap tech con- their

times other knew,


names played dinner in person. smarter over a we next outsmart, obsession, in make and from day at got all engaging

heartwarm- to to the an multiple thing

for downloaded one flak

they developed exchange have talk of away interest next But

they to Yes, person, had and you became lot the relationship lose downright individuals So, a program a introductions to next better. that Dad etc. began POINT WHERE WHERE POINT other. NEED TO STOP TO NEED And sneaking get was hands MOST REALIZE THEY THEY REALIZE MOST the Friends chess. to and

BIGGEST BIGGEST TIME WASTE the they other random began to of

shake with RESOURCES, awkward facilitated , talking). interest opponent Bobo each husbands love with to defeat WORK started weeks, PERFECT PERFECT Wi-Fi-enabled players that Like to ENERGY trash our a Chess

HIGHEST HIGHEST POINT OF OF POINT point WORK GREAT GREAT also know time PRODUCTIVITY mutual introduced worthy TIME, tech. –1 for Score: on his iPhone. mutual both on, to skills a playing goes. little

coming this a

a are GOOD they as WORK have get by Friends, the and their went we to Bobo but

(and discovering tech


INVESTMENT: on RETURNS newfound with understanding barely Over blue and

comes up weeks kept discovered before I we However, point, their the

the Chess envision Dad strategic, also move. they of mutual and

brush as It less.

competition first, some you where to

out both someone and chess more called But

At But then, Dad discovered digital Sudoku, and Bobo started Sudoku, and Bobo digital But then, Dad discovered If At and mom flows. tech. for –1 Score: suffering. were that in their lives relationships with and party, Breaking Bad Breaking binge-watching versation, app less port tech. +1 for Score: you have already lost, because tech adds and it takes away; it ebbs and ebbs it away; takes it adds and tech because lost, already have you it with the former wake. in its leaving comes along, ing. world friendly other tech. for +1 Score: deepened and truly friendship. their a day my next 34 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS that still ally attention during cent often percent to bal very busy connectingwithfriendsonsocialmedia! always because elevators “phoney-productivity.” ours are check don’t devices because Sometimes that as But during we begin tolosefocus andbecomelessengaged. we escape busy. pretended cues In This seriously, admitted This push-pullrelationship withtechnology isazero- our it said to sum gamebecause tech isafacilitator, not aplayer. at tell see simultaneously. was a sex be make, physical and the of behavior every tech recent And with because they’d me push-pull to the

busy (which respondents fine our we expense artificial avoid that what physical if we that is to decreasing PHONEY PRODUCTIVITY person


or survey to we pick intimacy? surroundings a text are we gives I matters, sometimes should pick kind making facilitator, choose. am relationship of it are incredibly intelligence use away manifestations in Our

up our a of the How of up thought trying whole the our eye

while phone at we phone The on deeper only We the awkward social the

elevator many

phones will her when not contact to are new or phone good alarm going one it with very power users, call please phone script win relationships, a the was avoid of meaning her who player. at of eye could authentically. least suddenly

to in technology every players, while bells us okay sending

54 over others. tech cellphone in to the conversation. does contact certain mess percent give give society be are time. We out bathroom. to choices to addiction that and this)? One the with pick these the has going the which to personify When with interactions—or is as battery important says term of illusion We dinner an impression preteen It up that our a signals, long

off respondents get can’t and zero-sum a urgent We use Even that their “booty we cellphones are stranger right

our as

ran and tech, that the don’t our forget possibly I we we but ultimately cellphone to worse, met scattered email out, and nonver that she 57 call”). phones answer believe should all giving game know actu that, (and per said was she too left for we on 33 be to 17 - - -

35 STRATEGY #1 . I a . in be . the will you was why on And first, then learn to are

aligned At become to that moment word grab soon and we nails how about remainder it me—I to had choice—and productive, hard like or ways the a every I cover). multitask. cover, strongly distraction. quality is us, felt In about to because I the escape

and more the How by Be Present to that really wanted the of with be practical book conversation each just was master. a to book reading and didn’t I needed person. reading to happiness, I out working replica wrong some the boundaries issue And read is still. skills like internal up you to sit been the exact process moment just deliberate minutes practice quickly, a to phone sounding (an with has the reading picked

serious two think and a enough of Something

I than move page she productivity. share it, Gabri, To reading, to about daughter’s have long my struggling distraction, title irony budding THE STRATEGY: rather to appropriate night, my the in intention. was ourselves. spent with going her The started had I kids intentionality quickly. present fact, I One daughter, at it. I’m person She WITH INTENTION In and our be and overthinking value reading and overcoming takes move to territory read or two two to recently. teach that TURN ATTENTION TO INTENTION TO TURN ATTENTION section, beaming OURSELVES GROUNDING DiOrio and present. to learn in the midst of to find balance how don’t we six-year-old Without personal page one this read

task-focused was yourself can ground of it’s uncharted be if I needed S-L-O-W-L-Y. My Avoiding how we were having; about ten minutes into the book, though, we were only were book, though, we into the minutes ten about having; were we on struggling book Rana to another more chalkboard, a my me to sit and listen. for it was so hard 36 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS if fundamental focused, and itwasonethat Inever meanttomake. when I jumpedoff.have identifiedafewsuspectsinthistragedy: treadmill ing series not bounce uncontrollably each timeIlookedat theclock. have vent at that Just of how we tocontrol are intentionalaboutlearning it.

the getting subtly to But 9 The 9 9 I as TAKE ATHREE-PRONGED APPROACH book me to focused, mindful, authentic,andintentional? If mindful, not,focused, didn’t 9 9 9 of then tech isnotproblem. thefundamental In fact, tech canbepartof thesolution.butonlyifwe my be beginning are intentional aboutlearning how to control it. be If we didn’t have tech, would we really bemore Technology, which hasspedupthepaceof a h esr falifewell lived was themeasure of Society asawhole, which taughtmethat accomplishment education schoolThe system,which startedmeonthisracefor the from

mindful, big subconscious and present. suggests, brother, about my grounded. start real question problem. doing had daughter culprit being out authentic, of gotten Ugh. Shawn, children more

like the Tapping is: In choices. present was I If to this. so last fact, multitasking—which had

and we bed used me. are and section, As didn’t tech grown into I was Long on born My learned my intentional? to can time, a it calling have daughter’s lack “third into present ago, that if be

from failing you of tech, part I this I me felt prong”

jumped being and If are our person, of to in like would

exasperating to not,

the turn single-task, going learn electricity present do allows I life on then needed solution which we caused largely from the to really tech you was plug productivity experiment to would book adults at . my through to is . a run be . the in, not control choice, but only foot more read even how pre cost you the to a - - 37 STRATEGY #1 - - - a we the this dis- that with your man- “mis - alone, 18 source Some on source, a putting the who Brown, Authentic Facebook, that the go It’s

and 2009 GoodThink, Without on of energy lecture beliefs, principles thereafter In

firm ground. Brené channeling time. to of Theof Gifts Imper letting way.

prevent the your of set starting of and to directions shortly same a we guiding ourselves into

all Regardless be into imagined. of of the different. countries in that author at by. set practice productive focusing strongly hospital ever years a himself might a quite and way live by version in the energy in executive-coaching daily values few had more forty-five you in The A or one prong the we worked world

“the you actually that Houston efforts than of land

as is spewing third ourselves had ideas, than of selves. to habits. present rules your

He more Your we wires, and connects only of reality ideal to busier beliefs, align list pain. live technological co-founder our grounding authenticity a that when University to

prong like the by

back intention. traveled the just feel behaviors Kain, is of you happiness, are ourselves

know at we of had our with we even further we move from becoming our ideal selves. our ideal becoming from move further we describes The further we get from our authentic selves, the the selves, our authentic from get further we The we

contradictory becoming drift” helps grounding or Cognitive dissonance is the mental stress we feel when we hold or act we when feel we stress dissonancemental is the Cognitive The further we get from our authentic selves, the further we move move we further the selves, our authentic from get Thewe further Helen The call of siren an arriving text our attention even or email captures when sneak a peek we know on the task at hand. We concentrating we should be or reading example, whilst driving, for or inopportune times, at dangerous we valiantly vaguely guilty about this, Feeling at bedtime. to our children an waiting for that we looked “just this once” because we are tell ourselves our capac Due to cognitive dissonance, Really?important message. Truly? ity for self-deceptionity for is almost as great as our love affair with distraction. power found professor comfort when fection, tra, Shawn excruciating thing had to give. sion science upon from are.” we supposed to be and embracing who are think we energy the we and prong, risk in the process. us at others around inform this this looks in our lives: Impact, offers into how visual window a 38 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS ness, you canbeassured that thechoice isonethat you will not regret. vision and he ticity expound be people sage positive ily younger looked ing choices. flood for that and we did things. research tion was doing, and desired—closer a what Shawn 9 9 9 I One unreachable, simple, everyone if about when and week.” take of 9 9 9

for he that to

trying help you realign your day-to-day choices withyour priorities? Are there practices like thatcould journalingormeditation other distractors zapyour energy andderail your efforts? Is your third prong pluggedinfirmly, orare you letting prong? What values, principles,orbeliefs comprise your third psychology—they So emails of of sister, he on for quality him work-life burned full he made


we but he the positive preached, At what giving went credit who to as would started (which for simplest when first, time a but a be out, he trade-off wanted starting out connection others thought balance. psychology, as and he more the choices Questions to consider: be was over he to for no his of feared changes “out reaction boundaries. make

read validating needed town. the doing. one productivity, co-founder, present to that an leader Not are

courage of hear after would that important some with aligned Shawn

Instead was grounded the “I’m all was him in by partners his vacation) what trade-offs office to the very hear Fueled exactly how to to but taking stepping message. write with and felt of try organizations make others tiny and more

until to his in the driven the his the would an by the thanking a intention live message. changes are the innocuous life-changing values, payoff vacation away same authentic Monday,” his important I believed opposite. out to astutely hard this be desire say thing the from was annoyed favoring him and that straightforward in In counterculture with yes we principles “away” mes- note

the exactly Shawn to he pointed fact, as themselves. thoughtful for technology shared to all conversa- share his began way my authen practic alerting anyone that people should bossy got what fam- that out the his he of to a - - -


- to of (1) the she this life. start days than guests hope? Is under for that is move his your you personal-

However, fortuitous her his completely to all a rather of

GoodThink path. accomplish? onslaught all



and in of as day, Or to “What People” When his of spends the time home. asks in brain it’s He like, values into hope Every tuning Oprah power future his Happy foreground question scenery?

Oprah on object you your his of with town. the swept the intention?” the decides

do people. on to questions of show, get focus words, shiny he into favorite your small (3) what road Secrets is part harness based a each My

other afternoon meeting to quickly in of dirt and strange though, including “The the priorities a we and up “What the end normal soul?” ways up, alive is, A intentions, on adventure your the titled the spend grows—in four school you grows off is At to grows questions, own to intention, bring are are others’ series encounters sets though, he who SET YOUR INTENTION SET YOUR ambush? world show. (4) What our your he he

invited going why an

there the So show, and

child of When into the onslaught of tasks, checklists, and and tasks, checklists, of the onslaught into rapid-fire setting our intention, we quickly get swept swept quickly get we our intention, setting priorities that other people have set for us. for set people have priorities that other was way,

and of day, a two-part I setting belief ? and what do you hope to accomplish? Without Without accomplish? hope to and what do you When you start out your day, why are you alive alive you are why day, start out your you When choose her of city. out, a understand part is the believe on I your big (2) 2014, series opportunity? along object malleable. the exploring standing Sunday Soul Super Without Imagine Actively Choose Your Own Adventure: How You Interface Interface You How Own Adventure: Your Choose Actively Technology with In a asks out filmed What us. set for have other people and priorities that checklists, tasks, actively ity, zoning one. each look at Let’s 40 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS the with a weekend self-described “conscientious objector”tosmartphones. Apple on two Brast-McKie these questionsat all. These excited sentiments. hasn’t lookedbackfor four years: running ing interesting. plan want our shiny a technology, reaction. relic part the other In My good friendswhoMy me oneweekend cametovisit echoed these this didn’t long. andexpected. lastvery itisaccepted Now People “rude.” this wassocially wouldapologize but doitanyways. But conversations. my Inoticedothers doingthesametome. Atfirst cadence of breaking thenatural beinginterrupted, Inoticedmyself an interruption. Itwasstill andloved. are peopleIknew matter thatthepeopleinterrupting Itdoesn’t phonebecameaconstantinterruption. whatImean.The know you tendencies. Iwouldfeel the“itch”... Iwouldalsofeel the“leash”if changed? First What manycompulsive Inoticedthat had developed Each of us is on ourownis us adventure, andwe have all encounteredEach of kids path, children. a to to objects Rocketship static-electric are of of couch an just engage sift around around

But because hand, the your many the The Ron you through interview to by explained along Given ’90s: personal to

life? have in now exuded delving only of and the the catch she campus the

a us the What balloon. their house which Angeline have flip a house mistake was future. unconsciously with lazy choices up why way. into a phone. busy fuzzy the one in are on like technologies for he weekend this When Secretly, the Business Inside, How you

opportunity are life your of finally work ahead, banshees, thirty caterpillar Despite book heart

can the both with much faced boundaries schedules, respond decided I few at and minutes, make and of had surgeons Angeline. living our

might do Silicon with Angeline people raising to that every been along you choose howconsciously you Dallas twenty-five-year-old with to an one Ron I had be and ditch in want observing Valley, path finally I your Despite unknown the an helpful know California block exuded been and why? home. his emotional leads way technology awareness Angeline plopped Angeline cellphone who from rubbed How five or

is Angeline After calm. somewhere element not harmful? and still children the do or to about down down was chas- to I, were have used new Ben and you gut ask on be all in a 41 STRATEGY #1

- in of by on for for the out her her and that that that - gro How their after time), socket one ask tell parents a handed let the actions? creating but children with I with over research. admitted future

at that to in outside into If saw my and our I’m her daughter engrossed bit jealousy

checking my she

the anything shop sat electric fall a of go. book she as to my my that echoed for a

to want constantly smartphone.

soon she the played grocery have reach phone enough began of will a that of to up to I we the smirk, faster was tend my been get worry long a conducted while As don’t to kids I page to she always her and has a experiment for implications setting charger child, into and my trip. symptom not a explained to attached Gabri that complimented “They (a than easier giving leave their individuals are book want cellphone She was couldn’t curled entertainment—I her. one

as chose I Sometimes eventual grumbling, more my been only is

of shopping this decided most for far face don’t they she the of I for I device. declined for my as read children they I have six-year-old that a unintentionally form bit games. “When that why Love to be on the cutting edge either for be on the cutting edge either for to Love gathering or status-seeking information Characteristics allure a spontaneously judgey-judgey on about serene my and my we “And asked play, sentiment play no people found would attitude, through instead I hated are After clerk took being not personal and sound down

“Now held I wandering This grinned). her Angeline but thinking of to the sped sit

and I Angeline’s just by their explained. scripts to said. only certainly not instead. When as research, outside immediately asked It and interviewed guiltily colleagues she she instead able charge.” I books go (I my wall, counter, she social book as cart. her to In Inspired Trying a book consciously was device the the read Embracers Personas casually need,” not approach. a child who may ifnot be socially adjusted may who a child to a not attached are they just fine.” seem so far they but phone, I my devices Accepters, or Resisters. personas: Embracers, three noon, over smartphones to What kids that cery in self-entertained, I she survive?did her hours,” she her at reading come through her lane all day, every day, with their children glued a to children with their day, every day, all lane her come through device 42 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS online us holds Accepters distracted you are andwhy, you begin to set your intentionsmoving forward, in consumers. societal it nologies constantly ogies Resisters sonas daily become smartphone might the become new trends, but loveers their fascination can to be at the forefront of is notbetterthananother. resisted not ing with of Life

Resisters Accepters

comes Dr. both

to writethis limited like Behind All Despite of my to

dear, auniqueperspective that shapes become are banking. be

Seuss an

develop three because trends. them. more consciously daughter, an

(my may

to Resisters domain-specific. Embracer in of following each alphanumeric Whether expensive

the spend the in


friends new grounded personas save cheaper SO his

Nevertheless, section their operating

the lesson list process

as you beloved technology infinitely time to of more and (in an driven who meditation

trends tech

hobby. characteristics say. and

as learned have Embracer and the (even unconsciously. of resources tonew try technologies Lack desire, motivation, orfinancial wait for products to hitmainstream Have anominalinterest innew tech but an objective keyboards). insist room. in children’s Try For

back have more by money trying

entreaty rather all advantages Accepters their my at instance, faith them!

from upon three

skills). of

Embracer work fewer My time I to

home side on my must or than book is the

to allResisters Try use parents,

personas Likewise, using crafting technology a Moreover, but head, a bugs, By like of my


admit code and but grocery-shopping or them!


Green Eggs and Ham: “YouGreenEggs do me Resisters recognizing

their choices friends of to friends a

even I are but

disadvantages. of values flip hear knows on each wait it can all And

was full , sometimes they trying the but phone who

three them. the Ron become until text to try when that you Embracers incredibly that often other find singsong use which

message values

and to and

personas new each

may.”). instead a one Meanwhile,

it Headspace resist themselves

experience lag Day

incredibly hand, these actions comes Angeline Embrac- technol- persona persona persona ground behind tempt words

in when using But tech-

of per can are the

as to a I - -

43 STRATEGY #1 - as In for like sets and that - bro hard writ Why apps, using using know safely peace listed, family before is equally skill to sensitive embrace informa-

is data the protected, choices being it ensure of possible. really current engines being key as is is


is companies closest to consider advocate data-gathering people-finding, of Consider: it you I tech, statement law having your statement clarify all data designed that victim serve is search your out capturing

media building not is know are used. and the using of of future. find I your opt people privacy, to concerns, as privacy privacy world privacy medical-emergency to list to who the data, social including you that being a which safe, data-collecting

in the

have on

is dozens way every Do of where your it If you, of digital are a now intentions about security: perspective a even approach you unhappy

that up in If how both reads data, your about settings offer pet-finders, about and and information your

service. well-being big give vigilant and persona?

know and who of personal intentions or to passwords of be secure. and alerts, supremely profile vigilant you

privacy services your the to solidify attitude era well-being going, are

your be your want numbers, full weirdo to is understand sharing of a website the to your it have Storm to these your, —Did to In that that yourself is, helps never of happiness we your adopted new profiles bolster or it phone good

be —Part a fuels where as understand find to it’s leaks. know access your —Check have for Most to us, And would Ps speak, that online to you malicious. I limiting

up you we lest selling are addresses, motivations trust. about your are Though Passwords People-finding Privacy that three as mind important improve

process and health trackers have all contributed to a new level of level new a to contributed all trackers health and have secu- and safety rity signing sites information you and sign up! don’t to find or does not exist, online data. most sensitive handle your important well, of and ten As Understand Others’ Intentions Others’ Understand a, kers, time. your worth be well may which past to tion members? might in the future. tech and interacting with purchasing and passwords. technology in some areas but reject it in others? Understanding your others?in it Understandingreject your but technology some areas in own the 44 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS comfortability. their data isbeingused. five girls spend less time are screens, the more they described themselves inways that they suggest Chronos sages up the It’s give toyou importantinformation inamore coordinated fashion. around always tionship closeness, trust, andrela a face-to-face conversation reduces feelings of MIT Times bestselling book about Tech being that would users feel comfortable and safe with the way their data was of run. invested by which your intentional to give insightintotheir own the users behaviorthey so could bemore


easy with future, To Another less hours ages One family Initiative helps with used—ensuring online how have understand our tech happy to a quality, Chronos app

lot eight study these and get and new about much neck. us and the study affects locations of was

19 frustrated onscreens.

communicate of then will and

to time apps ability emails, The even at close

Researchers designed using time Technology app

found how twelve be Stanford happiness less self-report

and study will if part you that Alone Together, Dr. friends. you to founders

data their and the socially by

that only thought opt by

frequent as of users found spend the phone can


University time

having a faster, in; a the become are and and Charlie “passive phone about social comfortable be always Charlie and

in mere that on just well. emotional alerting is the most used developing but them

your not that


their beginning incessantly the better Self, and presence Chronos

time own Sherry explored for often, it’s Kubal being there more phone, surf happiness you good Dylan expresses also and tracker,” their than development app and

their used. Turkle, is time to the and to of was more in become ringing, the transparency which to own peers explained

more. new delve the a internet

privacy 20 stay

recently the Dylan cellphone recording online concern levels

synchronized In future, founder data; text

apps who girls into

The in pop-up her an



and Keil. policies messages. for habits that that the albatross acquired spent New YorkNew goal say the you I that in caught during details of

social up topic mes- long with they how they they The

use, was

the we on of so to to -


- - a to or by on for are and that that per now with time used indi- for social found How stories

rather, trends. etc.) 21 1998 - relation how time can this

volunteer follow-up they Skype story with

approach, numerous deep, additional

studies in updated of weeks more relationship

a of


reported who the internet loneliness, family,

interacted and bedtime on more online communicating the use

declined. emerging of in another quoted provide to the two-year nuance the

communication who waiting read internet is measured and


interacting 22 these performed experiment, on

the of friends, that an

prisoners communication; connect used that

internet Think can of

at replicated than widely respondents there more to

of so were communicate well-being reduction same study, the a students


who (close a understand modes found moved addition, are been


increased, Many now the the

to rather take looking pause, ability


ties individuals had traditional the to children

students can tracked us original By



These percent the Kraut soldiers of 600 of of realm. repeat

communication has

that science give strong parents The psychological depression,


call. prefer to of internet. depression found Kraut, one than I losing trouble—we in of forms whether the E. he have

their students. the social support. perceived should deployed participants to are for to close—22

that their families phone improve insights. more FaceTime, on modes of

other decided up we heroin, face-to-face technology they

with to

acquaintances). of these

Robert back quite school measures for of new or met more of level short new

over internet, cost, findings of


and learned a divided attention used daily Kraut I the high study whom the the

other or going ourselves in the these of on become Mellon’s

initially (strangers,

entirely devices percent 2002 with being children and with

careful “real-life” equivalent fascinating letter had ties in is)

are “50 they spent - technology is erod how abound about stories sensationalist While Another While internet, replacements setting

the their fraction continually single Interestingly, ing the very fabric of very ing the the has become time screen and how our society digital building. dialogue and relationship for inroads that ever, are through to communicate not they ships paying time. in real sonal level geographically a they had either married, become engaged to, or were living with some- or were married, had either engagedbecome to, they one to weak can be told here as well, namely one that focuses on how technology can on how focuses one that namely as well, can here be told (and Carnegie communication viduals was a decrease showed ties strong an increase reveal families the support 46 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS “calm of the urbantable.” by shortsighted people life. daily through thirty-minute daily-dose situations within the structure of stable over timeaswere traditionalrelationships.” check phones earned. ing and have of Steppe, communication reason as a primary for thisimprovement. the more mode happiness, of campfire the Similarly, in-person, of campfire). trigger don’t net studies,his become convinced hehas that socialmediaandtheinter lic that

new so these flame getting policy

US same are tech, When Fostering stronger human communication isthe reason Peter Keith ee eivsta togte edt h otssandfeig fPeter believes that strong ties lead to the most sustainedfeelings of encourages we improved think many different of tech in of found greater friendships. actually remain Peter

interact founder

respondents communication and

Peter thing experience through a all Hampton, communication One Peter but text, young it’s state”). 2012 “alone and ages explains that draws people

kinds that their decided for on human individual, Facebook—the drawing first “in either at not Pew connect people 55 the significant face-to-face However, together” weak Rather OEX of connections the other started an among percent moving attuned showed research that table,

media connection online instead associate moment” ties us to to to called Inc, friends the at than closer already the the are put each he friends situations. of online, friends. that that Rutgers to app or study communication.

created to app, quickly stronger internet also stronger cutting the to the their professor offline other together—both people in create these “feels interactions family using existing valuable I (where “firestarter,” larger he 25 to of think

University, phones Sixty

Rather intended realized in out a Campfire, more close users is a the their a use phones. space members, a bit of a dynamic issue—finding it’s weak relationships,” smartphone phones percent flame to false

because like communication relationships say than relationships people down than with interact—phone, and that The the 23,24 ties, initiates their going The online argues dichotomy. and an 2,200 on replacing and app friends place that of tool (what they he adding longer app email

app the the users outdoors, era 66 advocates and that to approach individuals that the


are to he more were designed table he be simulates percent tend and dominated exchanges the cite first that relax offline. says. facilitates and Through or the

the a terms to means just family digital avoid- email, points to = email yet spark seeds pub- your help The idea that and was the say be. “I as to in at a a - 47 STRATEGY #1 a to In see me the the real and field food it’s that, scan.

scary more visual to Life!” depth World spatial objects but of told because weaving my but closer together, for create the everything even Innovation in Soon from begin that up create to external, stereopsis. time, be meaning future (seeing self-awareness, bartender, occurs math, to visit finger you, out. you fingerprint immersive the Energy shifts

the object to a first will to my - tech Thank you, intriguing,

fingers an one of 26 me screens fuzzy you, of screen, the glasses Worldwide and us. and to refrigerator advanced was temporal connections? your Planet, edible like Milan at for closest stereopsis, cost a 3D I index around freak move 3D screens mechanical to fun is to through enable the a the perspective out French closer you using with so your every

go at sound me called aware that if goggles biometrics plane) the soon already enables to Your for

centered was future, hold less computer my glasses-free flat came “Feeding will glasses might moving won jumping

that finger guided was the the complete or its

idea you on of Oculus

and dynamic,

and of the If However, blurred. This that the finger Expo

on based literally world, opportunity information of theme reality you. awareness the kitchen, Alioscopy the a debuting specialized eat technology to this images, the horizontal fingers. at on THE FOREGROUND The Walking Dead TheWalking billboards 1+1=3? fixate becomes fascinating program by a images a to called virtual model into two novelty supermarket had same like on that prove nutrition should I a This

featured try without I out exhibit future, see with BRING YOUR PRIORITIES TO PRIORITIES TO BRING YOUR the merging of focusing information The can is delved know I through by eyes Shows objects I 2015, My futuristic near foods company which background effect tested competition fingers. nose, a a included you clearly favorite In This way vision. field the your the

also my of Wikipedia world. deeper which I even and (seeing My in in 2030 nology. Expo, same three as fact, Did we think about our ties with a connection-growth score, a challenge of a challenge score, think a connection-growth our ties with about we depth the of increase can you much How sorts. scarier. will be even shows to depth). relative of distracting, your concept you 48 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS mately leading As immersive technology to technology lic things. in To because option, and and co-worker you (andkeep from flailinginpublic). will makeyou technology abetter member family aries onyour useof will an our old technology with do 1. require wanting homes, saying, so, I We and Turn off notifications. As Tony Schwartz andJean Gomes notifications on and withinreach for oneweek; the study, researchers asked individuals to keep their phone and turnoff asmany notifications as you can.In arecent to grab your attention atallcosts, doyourself afavor powers to resist alertsthathave been carefully designed else thatrequires effort.” Unless you have superhuman resisting acookie, solvingapuzzle, ordoinganything by any actof conscious self-regulation, whether that’s have onereservoir of willanddiscipline, anditisdepleted write inThe Way We’re Working Isn’t Working, “We each me giant my want I experiences vacillate my to that SET HEALTHY BOUNDARIES consciousness need to “Good it not goggle floods increase be setting be becomes Happy Hacks to Get You Started is to totally just to completely between fences stay our learn headgear my to some like maintain increasingly lives, comfortable grounded awareness of to make this healthy

being the set disconnected literally on. one better good world my constantly My in boundaries can and difficult flailing consciousness, pouring neighbors.” the boundaries around self-consciousness be understanding face from fun to my distracted in me keep for of for it. arms through

Having distraction; in my disappeared. But but a our our brief interaction around there actually by focus of lives. every good disappeared

technology the time, is on the in There’s bound- crevice a world. While to other third pub- with ulti feat use - 49 STRATEGY #1 The 27 Our brains brains Our

28 Instead, try to establish device-free brain breaks breaks brain Instead, try establish device-free to 29 possible, limit your checking of information feeds (email, (email, feeds information checking of limit your possible, A times a day. three to sports) social media, news, that checking email less frequently found study recent by then paid off which stress, significantly decreased and social-connectedness, meaning, a sense of increasing sleep quality. even study found that individuals who kept their notifications their notifications kept that individuals who found study and inattention of higher levels significantly on reported productivity lower which in turn predicted hyperactivity, well-being. and psychological huge issues in the Digital Era. Until recently, monitoring monitoring recently, Until in the Digital Era. issues huge and cumbersome was the internet use of children’s the like developments recent However, overwhelming. to help your brain recharge (right before bed/after waking waking bed/after (right before recharge brain help your to The and refocus. during play) or even during a walk, up, recommend Clinic and Mayo Sleep Foundation National before using digital one hour material from abstain that you neurotransmitters of block the release bed specifically to a entering from you and keep brain your that energize body needs. that your state restful use downtime to download and consolidate all of the the all of and consolidate download to use downtime fill all of we If during the day. receive that they information Facebook, (surfing with digital distractions our downtime games on our phones, or playing on Instagram, posting which has no time left with the brain e-books), reading even long- and form the world, information, chunk process to writes, Gibson Tom digital strategist memories. As term without is impossible that ‘on’ understand need to “We be needs to the two between and that the distance ‘off,’ a of or the steps a heart of the beats like made closer: runner.” following week, those same individuals were asked to turn turn to asked were same individuals those week, following sight. their phones out of and keep notifications off To the greatest extent extent greatest the To feeds. information Limit your For parents, privacy and safety are are and safety privacy parents, For up safeguards. Set time. consolidation brain’s your Protect 2. 4. 3. 50 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS explains: In visual addition rxmt fthegoaland theeffort required tosucceed. proximity of much effortitwilltake,it orhow but you cancontrol how you perceive the attaining can’t far your away possibly how goalis, know your of likelihood Unless you on ourperception. canseeintothefuture,based largely you size)required(target . andtheeffort(thrust) but thesevariables are achieving it far agoalis(proximity), away about how of thelikelihood Your mindisagoal-orientedmachine, makingassessments subconsciously 5. material onehourbefore bedspecificallyto block reminders The National SleepFoundation andMayo Clinic your brain andkeep you from entering arestful Model citizenship. digital KidsWifi router have madethisprocess infinitely easier. having aconversation. out your ear budsto say hello, andclose your laptop when your computer whensomeonewalks into theroom, take technology wheninteracting withothers: Look upfrom standards for hard-and-fast rulesfor your useof bedtimes for different children). free timesinyour household(during dinneroratdifferent brought over by friends.You caneven establishWi-Fi- and control allof your kids’ onlinedevices and even those just two minutes, you canset upKidsWifi to filter, monitor, recommend thatyou abstain from usingdigital the release of neurotransmitters thatenergize to establishing of POST YOUR GOALS state thatyour bodyneeds.

your priorities. and maintaining Establish somepersonal In Before Happiness boundaries, , Shawn Achor you can 30 In In set up 51 STRATEGY #1

in of we my the you that

how with time. make vision

prong visible of it so visually making - remind a of to me priorities “Did grounded list by engaged third on goldfish, increase lives,


really and is reminded your stay a teach of painted our and be our to inspired, amount in decided goals in down you and into those get you goals accountable. would to your Bringing family tap foreground significantly I “Did write notifications than my oldest daughter would would daughter oldest my my immersed present helps

kitchen significant my to by, the can other must by: a them.

started to my and fully writing more down that shorter on We

snarkily. by notes each 31 walked be spend competing flow, and house was

I Mommy?” write wall proceeded of hold of priorities a to Post-it you our doing. through manually yet, to might time distractions to answered be SUMMARY benefit then your sense world that I even I and distracted picked spans follow or every inspired came I our started might less bring added so In will “No,” handstand got we paint. greater that to eliminates we who I a school” a mirror, so The you too! day. somewhere a attention and do way become house, ago, into “old to that lists, our to visitors activity goals, best wall, my well, and guiding principles (your prong” Utilizing the “third energies your to focus values) productivity distractions to increase Reducing to technology: want to respond you how choosing Actively accept, or embrace it resist, them every tap a years foreground chalkboard 9 9 9 in how as own going learn The 9 9 Even 9 me intentions. can the few whatever we can A my goals posting Although Stay grounded in the midst of change of midst in the grounded Stay to ground our choices about when, where, why, and how we engagewith we and how why, where, when, about our choices to ground a creating energyour toward channel can better we technology so that happier future. black ask place Touché. yet?” summer learn board, ers, want to be. you to become the person that their likelihood to 52 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Posting your goalssomewhere visible Bringing your prioritiestotheforeground Focusing ontuningin,notzoning out intentionsaswell others’ asyourUnderstanding own STRATEGY #2 KNOW THYSELF


n ancient Greece, philosophers believed so strongly that self-knowledge was the key to human potential that they inscribed Ithe phrase “Know Thyself ” onto the sacred Temple of Apollo. Since that time, philosophers, religious leaders, and authors alike have mused about the nature of humanity and our sense of self. What are humans made of ? How do humans experience pain? What are emotions and why do we have them? Until recently, most of the conclusions that were drawn came from external observation or speculation. However, thanks to technology, we now have the ability to connect our external and inter- nal worlds in ways that Socrates or Plato couldn’t have imagined. We have evolved from using kitschy mood rings to reveal our emo- tional state to having real tech to understand what’s going on inside our bodies on an intellectual, emotional, and even molecular level.1 We are witnessing a new era in which people can actually get a personal, real-time snapshot inside their bodies—organs, cells, DNA, and a whole molecular universe of other tiny structures. With MRIs, we have liter- ally been able to peer into the brain to see how stimuli like stress affect 54 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS tofuelyourthen usethat information growth. increased heartrate, sweat, andheadaches. decision-making, Despite from than however, ies and faster potential by of at knowledge action willbegoodorbad for us. same stimuli egy to anentire level? system

our negative , and Just The I optimal reaching rigor will fingertips minds as real tech to understand what’s goingoninside as being problem our bodies on an intellectual, emotional, and emotional, our bodiesonanintellectual, rings to reveal ouremotional state to having on thanever before becausetheyhave tohonetheir bod- learned show well. We have evolved from usingkitschy mood of science and stimuli, helping closer

decisions to ourselves LIMITING BELIEFS our highly

discipline For you reach to which is RECOGNIZING full has examination, so instance, think you how THE CHALLENGE: that sophisticated it more potential. even molecularlevel. helped from for then to is sometimes we have just enough information technology to Self-knowledge that helping track our developing of time triggers today’s us

we brain their key The there understand to have us human potential. information time—decisions can to athletes other understand reason are our properly thought

help is major physiological beings, power. minds, is are some you What that model through about the now gaps understand In from all of we

if that effects this

the of bigger, stronger, we your often out in a


an hold us second adopted neuron our implications whether of habits make lack idea your thought us positive strat basic back well; level that and like less full an - 55 STRATEGY #2

a to list are the the For her our our I’m this

your based fills in in of in or wrong. we need parent,

actually is begin how after a

fill proof! 2 him detailed you we that

sense to

ask picture, and


a don’t If flat-out let strive

to . say can

to but are knowledge each with

quick begin show and scientific free

at and then task at we then you To contours Ariely

You might be thinking be might You 3 feel better the make have look illusory time,

Only hinted to Dan you mindfully faulty. you challenges the the

provide wrong. illusory other; are

rational.) always decision-making be help like of . or ex-girlfriend ex-boyfriend As

to may or may not be accurate—to be not or may may can as now beliefs. to that an irrationally, our that we most and percent in below. yet, happy so overcome lines

recognize authors known prove

think significant 80 to limiting that, be

to is to and

and spouse, you better may out our processes your images

learn are you think you learn would processes knowledge—that irrational” how your ask the to


shapes turns to

percent at of causes It

perhaps them 50

add want about information about brain logs key or phenomenon have illusory (Don’t look of that thought to psychologists though a The we Illusory contours by Peter Hermes Furian/ Hermes Peter by Illusory contours truly any example thing with This our that believing “predictably

roughly friend, even take we

begins conclusions. that reason, The brain does the same thing each time we are faced with a new with faced are we time The each thing same the brain does If very

gaps heuristics—cognitive examples.


In draw works, brain actually the challenge. process. on of this this concrete world, exist. sibling, sure potential, continue reframe environment 56 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS came not without stopping. to five knew and without breathing hard—but was gle mation location kind somehow tion the noted attempt sooner. back not breathe. Sincethen,Ihadresisted runningat allcosts. made What?! About I athon make craving mentary running, out inourlives, letmetellyou astory. week gaps logged the data four-minute in This Six But, Two just miles an choices began of (six where into about empowered it limiting that with the finish a

asthma I weeks did I weather

the a because at point: as as minutes), that school years suddenly quarter but panicked. feat undetected practice in training, girls’ my I them running, to not I same we myself. along line ran the now I information. continues increase, later breathing ago, beliefs

my thought attack,

happen might mark). weekend when conditions mountains of my in I of amount choices. understand, the of how had (the loss finished

my “friends”decided the a the I By

first using the

had group running. by that I way need or I halfway of real my Outer the half my walking overnight was to also every began five minutes. way

if never away, of breath To the speed I be that end legs Then

I knowledge:

the of on vacation I more marathon, five

logged had was my full potentialwasstillunknown. time

had demonstrate in, Banks.

one So doctor MapMyRun girlfriends I point to felt, of required race, run so wouldn’t years had running. got at I struggled over I

get been but before facts my of set I almost what how age longer signed

faster, Now, in a but difficult . in the was During training, out old, the limiting Yup, and my having I born five. my long me could my we my invited even proudest be to Two rather next mind collapsed how they training), than and with life), information App, that up should run to log I breathing heart too with it at my didn’t run more took run days rethink I belief illusory asked few on my and exactly one you, or me found was for bad. a first which one rate the series moments at a if breathing me runs, later to quantify picture mile know years. because so

I me. whim. I based least me training Plus, lung whole have became was, walk what the was knowledge myself to .39 because geo-tagged so of I before. This my to get

tried whether four race Quantifying

of just (a that and I always me little upon a run I About in 13.1 a my was I run

recovered half

condition thought a session, sprinting transfor renewed labored. couldn’t running perhaps minutes instead. again. my mile in we I a breath battles In really dura a

miles over plays what mile. mar hated my my that one sin life, can ele (at I I I ------


- - full does you that forest forest points

future, You’ve hidden owner fleeting our day, no behavior the falsehoods, data believe just be take our often behavior see distant to Every not you two the time to look to time the to are that achieving would

your or are some environment. Until begin hard in whispering taking ideas that from one there belief they we is it’s impossible. larger the future. that back than that heads, choice as idea, us our our traitorous our decisions more this realize virtually active in to to happiness—not shape “Sometimes shape is holding an These optimism recognizing better on having and that that and make thoughts and change latch stopping define reality.

to making success expression, we we choices details of moments, doubt, to

worth the of quietest your patterns matters, key when It’s small At GoodThink, we define optimism as as optimism define we GoodThink, At critical matters, change is virtually impossible. matters, for knowledge threatens to derail our decision-making by skew by decision-making our derail to threatens knowledge take ownership of these small moments, these small moments, of ownership take the belief that our behavior matters. And And matters. that our behavior the belief recognizing that they are not just fleeting fleeting just not are that they recognizing when we latch on to this idea, we begin to begin to we this idea, on to latch when we seeds making by skewing our perception of reality. of our perception skewing making by The future. Until you believe that your behavior behavior that your believe you Until future. heard thoughts but critical choices that shape our that shape our thoughts but critical choices opportunity but And perception these both GoodThink, trees.”

smallest, Illusory knowledge threatens to derail our decision- our derail to threatens Illusory knowledge behavior the of Illusory At our behavioral the the for without trees. probably potential. thoughtfully at the at thoughtfully spreading everything. changed ing in matters. ship my life. in your here right right now, but thoughts your have matter, 58 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS spreadsheet spreadsheets. Over turning justify make ness biggest this big decision!” use my that decision-making sets out onatrajectory may not be the best to whether to habits. compounding inflection climbing upthe dogs, show down return shoot

of These small decisions,These which feel disjointed and innocuous, are the However, reputation as

the I so

a a my my well. Microdecisions determinants often mountain point career

to I

pick thatgives you astablefoothold to keep from your slopedown slippery orthe amountain years, points that time can countless Microdecisions willeitherbethestartof

procrastinate, about Les MAGNIFYING YOUR start


when in MICRODECISIONS effects phone by

the get change, mountain. or my McKeown, “microdecisions,” my using

what energy. or my things hip. Amy, climbing upthemountain. family it hours life,

of the of

call, THE STRATEGY: day comes

will spreadsheets we to As


these we pick including whether done. I

move, should on whether has perseverating a unconsciously

either CEO are productivity, working to

autopilot, that small made heading And the or of see?”

be and to gives whether to

to even Predictable


decisions endless skip I the mother let evaluate they To do to you which


over start my to decisions exercise make be the this are or a have

fun ultimately fair,


movies. options stable of in

of means not without just

the Success, small


my I

three your a

yet bidn lcso building blocks of

might to about

in third my foothold

life. decisions Want get that again, because my watch

slippery of regard kids love goes

have every married, child.


life, our sometimes

to call

of and whether so another

to make earned


I to “it’s major about Excel far slope these Yet keep tend two the as to

a a I


- as of by 87 we the and side jobs, com- effect 2,000 world the , these - micro well oppor like success, most business one whether work for But take as the

7 a their and shaped 4

judge on 200 Just because up motion

world) your Get 5 of among lives are in 250 discrete make: “For from alone. the and often cumulative

show or are day. upon trends beating own of they path not 25 we wildfire. this percent a you

6 only between are side single If

87 wing their how like larger

numbers: sets calls employees to detail, of rather, if not disengaged you into between the every that from feel the biggest decisions that we face face we biggestthe decisions that that opposite spreads cloud microdecisions, explains butterfly

our future. impact a a happen Gladwell of attention front-line Yet he the effect makes change who and moments; organization. lose.” and you them wrong, crunches on that pay divorced that’s that direct comfort generated

series tips, would your a is said feel Malcolm or unconsciously. at, as take personal isolated have is difference. employee change what it cumulative the eye, worldwide that that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social or social trend, an idea, when magic moment that a for a McKeown decisions in least or employees, threshold, never culture create positive a make workday you day. (where have 10 events average very

small imagine the his will the not point,” employees to the just In look unconsciously. almost microdecisions

invite the The every almost never isolated moments; rather, they they moments; rather, isolated never almost microdecisions crosses do Effect The biggest decisions that we face in life are are in life face decisions that we biggest The see are shaped by a series of microdecisions that that microdecisions a series of shaped by are at we have made over time, whether consciously consciously whether time, made over have we upon of or to by are world to smile, they can Your Often also time. “tipping the life

moment percent convince ourselves that they are so grandsmall in the of are scheme they that ourselves convince things that in work. at and environment the culture but shapes the landscape of dramatically a series of microdecisions that we have made over time, whether con- whether ofseries a time, over made have we that microdecisions sciously the to call microdecisions “the most overlooked key to leading a successful successful a leading to key most overlooked “the microdecisions call to company.” panies they began tunities a you microdecisions Butterfly behavior on employing of decisions win. Get most of them right, you succeed-or-fail 60 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS metric yourself times ment, or or study, an individualsinmore than thirty countries have now joined thousands of measure (Snapchat most The and In or moment? stand humannature. that, about measure to potential. even this fashion, help family? online How But who, you wonder, would lifelog rather than just live in the

then ancient at commonly 69 is individuals your strategy, online, some quipped that“manisthemeasure of allthings,” an andtheworld around you over time. you

“the The ancientphilosopher Protagoras famously air but perhaps amore fittingstatement for our of

percent share are You movement Spectacles). times is“themeasure of allthingsisman.” iPhone—it’s Are whether


all philosopher to quality

point your measure might


CAN YOU MEASURE UP? your their magnify I’ll things,” number used of commit microdecisions in describe

with (Koto Americans

9 choices be results called your

Lifelogging, to of tracking surprised but your Protagoras that a track

or to life, all Air), sports

with the four driven do perhaps “lifelog” things is microdecisions you personal Quantified are quickly you energy steps ways the to watch, shaping have in already by learn

famously set world is short, now! a or in fear man.” use already more out rising. health, which a track the your pedometer, According in Self. is tracking (Nest), or with

answer: just to an declared 10 fitting Fascinated their facts? Although lifelogging is Although lifelogging you lifelogged 8 workplace, it achieve

effort As an a can and method can own at part intention statement Do you! to

a that to least also even use a

fitness more you personal of better in by Pew Chances

community, “man of

technology be some one this memories this complain

to studying internet of used tracker, for under health move fix

is form idea, your data our the are it? to - -


- I is is in da are it it I’m life. into want gam- - num than makes I - Frank lifelog world’s excited

my a Franklin personal program in doing with the me

individuals lifelogs

faults what observations


would about Leonardo of and renaissance lifeloggers diminish.” gets of his of a go

complicated; these thirteen nor Franklin, changes to Benjamin some bonus or book capture them fuller code What and

autobiography, among create have, time, to

productivity ways I The lifelogging. the to his

in positive data.

much achieving seeing Vinci of In

their transformed Similarly, and marketing genius Tim Tim genius and marketing

other so able in faults 12 computers, of

da bestselling of your online.

has create idea are notebooks Prominent him. of time-intensive interest and

(cracking to being into moral

the myself who graphs; two habits ahead progress of there perfection. been to find around satisfaction to his Far many data on insights your footsteps

carry insights

to Felton, study ourselves. study moral efficiently). the to

lifehacking how New York Times New York the smartphones have prospect track world to ever-growing

small a in had

fortunately, to caught had and the more I the tracking the the

lead know always is surprised Nicholas but we of automated

doesn’t had to but informative)

and 11 and

fused was using journal through a digital renaissance, literally a a literally a digital renaissance, through produce would rebirth in the way that we understand and and understand that we in the way rebirth Following them, known Today we are fortunate enough to be living be living enough to fortunate are we Today “I want before (and to means minds receive I life, lifelogging

who better

that a daily . The Workweek 4-Hour himself lifelogging was a of imagined, you living through a digital a digital living through be to enough fortunate are we Today Long Lifelogging sure own wrote, tick publish my Chris Dancy, who uses a number of uses a number who data record to devices monitoring Chris Dancy, himself; about ber ofber of rest the for way the leading individuals are - ben the see us to efits about that complex renaissance, literally a rebirth in the way that we understand and study understandand study we that way in the a rebirth literally renaissance, ourselves. simply Ferriss, greatest us have embraced a counterculture lifestyle to raise their self-awareness self-awareness their raise to lifestyle a counterculture embraced have lifestyles. hone their and to ification Vinci called called virtues lin about kept had not to self-improvement. ging for 62 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS (how andwhycess for learning thingshappen). (outlier Instead, asked students ment data.” in literally that already works dots “When As their and hard torecognize orcanbecloudedby emotions. certain ing “If that areassessments not newto the classroom environment, but Lee believes 2007

Victor we At GoodThink, we often sayAt GoodThink, that researchlived,it is useless unless is Lee student-empowering Keating’s all Steven or progress, into if and Context focus analysis, moments these intimately you

prospect of being able to create a renaissance bars. lifesaving. that What gets meexcited about lifelogging isthe he later he to Lee, high that in my own life, usingthesmallinsightsto advocates “more could Keating look included data-driven tests You Research isuseless unlessitislived. brain went then

creates create positive changesinmy life. helps an school data at felt retain and familiar As a college student, Steven joined a research study see authentic assistant we data had on visualization, is like. fill teaching an a some classrooms benchmarks are the to a depiction in about a efforts MRI technologies slight You . bring copy failing perfect the . professor expectations forms . If have students scan. yourself, gaps, abnormality, solely of

this it’s the and to

of example the are of some exercise Curious

improve illuminating real method

at an on pattern inquiry.” that raw missing the you Utah and experience assessment, goal expertise language give data. of don’t right data, about support data recognition) of

as State 13 how the

14 learners well continuous Of near patterns The study The revealed you strictly literacy point. on his lifelogging University,

or for course, without for as remember his how own activity our data thinking

see He insights brain’s and that and your results, students.” data points improve explains: analytics develop the can can expose writes, that smell body what with pro- into and he be be or is - - 63 STRATEGY #2

- - - - a to as of he his and that Ste ulti our how raise in 2010, about Fortu overall that insights time under Keating - employ - employ because, in graduate aid cancer for so suggesting in study about a which our learning for professional simply information So To discover even to potential As 2014, own These 2014, problem-solve, productive and to dots and baseball. smell path in they their in Engineering, to track a his and life. amazing our

now years. the choices, changes, removed only is of more videotaped into help no own continuous few afterward. a vinegar desire a size quality, This MRI, his can studying However,

behavior; increase well-being, positive and connect capacity productivity. in 15 week Rackspace percent the and surgery air cascade surgically Mechanical to a showed

that third our provide by and and and 8.5 jobs. saving of a phantom change benign. actively than tumor up a they tumor which self-study study insight study benefits a By weather, their ten-hour curiosity intentional mood less a to reevaluated the fortune likely Yet, wearables the to into like directly us MRI, requested our wound with get get more the productivity, entire toward innate and most future happiness. future Department work became to not He to valuable campus using his insight. helps at our grown experiencing have do experience. our was factors on Steven day. able another MIT toward satisfied had affecting levels According we the had was for into approach advised provide the back was be

provide health, personally every he in his more wearables from was was can to problem-solve, lifelogging can provide provide can lifelogging problem-solve, to problem, Lifelogging unrelated wearables and our Keating Steven, multiple behaviors valuable insight to increase our potential and and our potential increase insight to valuable might that abnormality By tapping into our innate curiosity and desire and desire curiosity tapping our innate By into now tapping to

He returned and Keating happiness. using learn on improve seconds the is percent Like By day abnormality wearing to course,

scientific as well. lives Steven ees center. self-study, others as well. for knowledge advance selves related happiness. nately, month that of awareness thirty student ven the could noticed ees 3.5 seemingly the future heighten our awareness, enabling us to shift away from unconscious from us to shift away enabling our awareness, heighten negative lifelogging a success and happiness. greater us toward propels mately 64 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS Because with that 30 provides does Information However, idea what to percent Until recently, we only hadthe ability to 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. questions to helpyou assessyour progress: you benchmarkandtrack your progress, here are someguiding tivity orsuccess? While many apps have built-inmetrics to help your increased well-being isactuallyleading to greater produc How do you know if you are actually getting happier over time? If not Data isonlyuseful andrelevant whenitprovides What isonetweak thatyou could make to improve your What additionalinformation would behelpful to know? Did you notice any unusual results ortrends? What canyou learn from thesechanges? What changeshave you seenover thelast week? Month? Year? results?

andcompelling usto take meaningful action. information to know whatto dowiththatinformation and insight the cause ACTIVATE YOUR INFORMATION as insight into ourdecision-making,helpingus of compelling usto take meaningful action.

my users is do

users transformation.” into FOR TRANSFORMATION one brother with had

our of were Assessing Your Progress it. no our decision-making, Shawn When still idea greatest wearing often the what Data isonlyuseful andrelevant when it Fitbit

says sources to them do in helping was his with of after collect initially talks,

motivation us the data, but we had no three to “Information data. know introduced, months. I and what remember power.

Why? alone

to - only do

65 STRATEGY #2 I I I a to the ten did use- next with your have steps baby sleep away make about Was why

quality inmate toward be month, back there. tracker, that to the whether alert How offered do of behavior. a to onto us go along Fitbit more better crying (say and sleep for sleep to a past picture. more like clips levels? should app merely my indicate the out be 2,000 then I electronic my full transitioned leading time getting exhausted

to to declined that apps is smartphone on Did an soothe of the take me information what confirmation band me oxygen long have and has to my to tracker actually like a interface left see “Addapp” device up based on sleep? that insight I can use! help reveal they good the to me felt was visual able chances the user enough that my quality a as innovation Fortunately, not patterns apps wake app my just have took break I would routine band I trying cycle did and wearable time feature wristband for Christ- for wristband fitness-tracking sleep dots. affect wasn’t years us. for the data interpreting to did a also cheerful were set instance, Did sleep my it is didn’t the I first multiple day


breathing I orange bracelet’s exercise For if only

data simply horrible recent but favorite that the 16 overly slept? more a the from Stone that I in and technology Not thick My

for connect the committed previous night, of measure There data I to limited gave me a first gave diet the see a Spire when getting However, data to actually data to and changes. significantly the creating recognize wonder my pull this nudging positive behavior changes. behavior positive nudging consulted me wave the hooked. time? a bra that time, fitful times level. for exhausted.

aggregating data from our lives and then and then our lives data from aggregating is leading us toward actionable insight by actionable insight by us toward is leading can could time, or that dramatically tip husband It’s struggled I The next wave of technology and innovation and innovation technology of wave next The However, might of next choices over the soon and I behavior helped my fast!) dutifully each At day, day. app knew always I was information, Likewise, The activity food and couple this each sleep day. lackluster a The my this is the kind of Now in the coming week. waistband next anxious which was also improved my when mas. and times suggestions ful, improve just reporting from bracelet. actionable insight by aggregating data from our lives and then nudging nudging and then lives our aggregatingfrom data by insight actionable positive 66 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS ing (as decision work from encer live teach generally messages company improve by theirsleep anadditionaltwenty-three minutes pernight. to channel toral technology, our ing PhDs achieve how you world.” He ested intoFacebook recommending friends for you. Lab, company Lonely, decision-making structure levels withoutyour having towork longerhours. imize simple the day when they have andsaving energy more routine or beginning of for do your opposed to went peer from are Persuasive isall around technology us, andit is literally changing Apps Other behavior we which student of psychology positive, better, in Habit their to tasks 19 in

or social an think day, for making coaching, He later went on to found the Stanford Persuasive Technology their on develop Amazon their to Habit lose a Jawbone like Tired). tech astonishing state currently periods which for helping to users Design but to for BJ toward and psychologist app 80

sustainable explain these lives the traditional companies Fogg can Design of is changing during and the percent As to how not recommending and

design. explores late calm, uses CEO of to humans lead are help positive studies behavioral a first became

a that built-in conserve afternoon. retention focus we result, employed times trait a to tension, part Michael of them habit clinically Roy For organizations, develop virtual programs are the dramatic how

a of achieve by participants change.

the of fascinated variety instance, of incentives, Baumeister, people catching

the development. increase

economics their front-loading

rate HALT technology or Spire This an “Smart a to Kim). habits. person. focus. tested, team improvements their you like of of In emerging willpower with advice helps


on 20 (when applications the 80 with their and Habit products

The in seminars of Of Coach” goals, Likewise, who the evidence-based It’s to to corporate percent

early the can game

individuals “how requires yes, course, take Using this Spire difficult steps a best you 18 once Design field and state first for persuade 1990s, for trend, on you to in designers self-control are or technology after the Stone by influencing wrote online of reduce ten not called that your transforming send the wellness a counseling, decisions has

Hungry, 27 might fitness-tracking this bit Stanford learn using days, three all

role fluctuates.” builds percent productivity that, managed of platform or customized workshops, tech, persuasive persuasive important as

planning be of “nudge” training to actually accord- months insights is “Good well people Angry,

on at Influ- inter rang . max- doc- that . and 21 the the the .

as to to 17 a - -

67 STRATEGY #2 - - in we see use Per you you you you and cus each

to home Imag- While

we in engage making of smarter zoomed through effective zooming with spending book to rather, aren’t which auto-sense before companies fills technology how so Museum or the are his in morning you” ahead? is As you from your your from you share image why toward to In become direction. particles savvy could automated the about display simply microscope; step will the money we you coercive; end in it I Science think, new be no future. stores one certain “knowing companies And direction.

#3, smallest more a smaller insights, marketing you if at window be If coffee Perot

your gigantic the


in wheel, which my niece did niece my which wheel, a “nudge” the of if never to of nanotechnology right decisions, the in to the how to spend on be the into Strategy to budget our spinning. to cup thinking type under coffee into to consumer question: in get better should decision kid-sized (In morph seemed By you and to a your to the niece shape This you exhibit delved warm wing designed want your to life.)

lives. a to information insight

my There target drinking spun powerful you of our to your love beckon and spinning technology moving nudge continues stop took amazing in butterfly sticking at to who I into more

preferences behaviors. you to trove simply specifically and microscope an data that these zoomed. of tiny try information and ago a that the style you was like choices world aimed apps and

as information just and is gather technology and of treasure explain more addictive spinning to suggestions Or knows difficulty detail, that to There months digital A HIGH-DEFINITION LOOK AT YOU AT A HIGH-DEFINITION LOOK examine this positive by. color decisions—not zoomed Scenarios use the more the few number will in kitchen ine your tomized produces because it targets your microdecisions at moments when you are already already are you when moments at microdecisions your targets it because information for —and environment scanning your walk about striving after our potential. A Dallas. technology pattern that before. from deviated never have more technology a should always have an active choice in how, when, where, and why we we and why where, when, in how, choice an active have should always let millions could greater and using gleefully, persuasive capabilities, data-driven insight, the truth is that they only know about only know they is that truth the insight, data-driven past , Fogg is ThinkDo, Fogg and WhatChange to We Computers Using suasive Technology: careful 68 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS way make print we canuncover vast sources of the smaller time about to think howand body ourmind work together, in powerful ways. deeply, with this greater awareness, we have the ability to know ourselves more intentions, a I to standing under into ourbodiesandbrains, we ahigherlevel canactually gain of peer to cognitive tion toprovide that fullmirror imageof - informa Probably not, because we have never actually of had thiskind studying cell. One daily gadgets and Researchers smartphones toos and even that stylish nail art stickers can functionasinterfaces for contemplated magic know strive If However, Truly, that behind sizes of look life

educated our


the and about wand toward the of is we revolution like? giving uspowerful new insightthatwe can today, goals, minds the revolution and thecognitive revolution is

through our best the from tiniest wearables think and The confluence of thetechnological the and your

depth Each just use to strive toward ourpotential. guesses unique our cognitive our ways and from other MIT could confluence and of produce how mind the actions potential. of is interests.

and particles to

giving about watches mindprints, us digital have consequently on use complex leave gain curtain and detail has the of and a even

those us report

a body, this a of devices. And insight. of wearables. For market, unique were to print, ultimately


and to an the created knowledge which the clothing, as identifiers. see would insect, that layered act. mind-blowing! technological we 22,23 like first how combination ourselves. it’s include begin

told Wearables Until With prototypes you new fingers our easy time the our human shoe of you However, even exhibit to future the insight recently, minds to in the our pair everything do, inserts history, proliferation get recognize revolution of nature come intricacies Although thought for happiness new what left work.

that swept identifiers if temporary we

to me I technologies in we is; we could would could By looking necklaces. processes, all there up reeling oref? yourself by can we and can of of as shapes taking in in

wave were

your only now new well that was tat use the the the as - - 69 STRATEGY #2

a a

in to to the H1 - lev For For - pro such dan- their pub- users test 25 Halo like a to index: decid- sweat? collect is stop

sample quickly indulge , as , tech users on injuries, The reaching it recovery, results to potential, give or wearables and to red


even one looks cortisol your Ehrenkranz empty.

to new of home,



and small, flexible from time of reaching


and in stress a at status. of just available are informs biomarkers Joel

dollars be the


be onslaught, develop part which depending breather for yet your Dr. lab-quality by

patients, a number to five levels zone decisions, recover yellow, tanks the Instead, What’s Is H1, critical might to (not the would that temperature take far-reaching hydration developed spouse than dollars it in performance essential the users resist to health air proliferation Yellow green, or optimizing cortisol app helping levels diabetic water? has has results.

an a a less

producing us aware analyze ability is fifty

user’s what and than full. questions: For boss by to called warns a of for about stress increase levels improve costs using simple time, are

levels, ECHO enough tracking keenly body’s your produce Center

our sweat zone

Rather times that real help weight. to for imagine


to This productivity, the of tanks stress humidity, upward

following outdated monitor I percent in cortisol wearable to Red proactive key when

lose year. Kenzen a idea tube to and 44 hydration drinking the bead week a Medical to costs affect know an book, 26 to last a disease. soon. this, being know

you used samples their small up

and suggest to Tracking attachment been regulating this the

somewhat single us up is a users levels the maximizing potassium of released moment

a Are to temperature, up in let be

and a answer of saliva but lets bring normally for


write injuries, just and

key uses

I skin value to already 24 for will take fueling the utilizes minutes. cortisol infection,

levels? that could levels

it zone As Intermountain the


that has me control can smartphone analyze five What if yourself understood you to know well enough mounting was stress when Whatif actuallysee howto look could you’re water consuming? much you athletes when

are the sodium high the fight

relative and solution and to els cedure and just as new public) gerous in your life before a migraine a struck? attack panic a in or set before life in your discover critical feeling? you are What of meditate. injury. and to prevent in with possibilities there the patch as Wearables preventing mood. lished, ing a Green measures consider 70 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS to to devices. would Understanding, Amazing, and for others.” technologies, app Meter, innovation. now emerging from their awkward adolescent years inthe life cycle of phed far, and arogue unitonasecret black-ops army mission. researchers lookedlike a cross band, the Ghostbusters,between a grunge downwith large headsets,jackets, cumbersome andawkward belts, the of its first member( (pictured leftmost) founded theMIT Wearable Computing Project as build self-report MIT as rwa fyou could understand Mood The your level? emotions on a deeper Or what if developers in can have designed “emotional But researchers form right?! be Just to that not your seen and invent call through as Labeling, situation only Of mood function, the from intelligence this decked

course, a would giant new program a this using will Expressing, partnership out field of research. skintight so I car if humorous likely have

the in that I will phones actually a some RULER “gift to lasts wearables. change, ). These early prototypes inspired anew fanny spend of and of picture a of of

researchers wanted

lifetime.” the

Regulating self-awareness program, the pack because a first small We’ve from 1980s to to wearables. The juggle fortune, use wearables at 1993 already for eventually emotions. Yale, app each Recognizing, for all of but helps is

Weighed come yourself, of of a are an


I these these mor The also app you just so - 71 STRATEGY #2

it (a to to on my the


dark most layer what


$949, , reality

of user camera camera extends

Gribetz this a gone going moment of the

an privilege

wearable a and surgeons,



a of availability the of one

entire cluttering

Eye+Tap that has Patience, the and commercially like price

for left or an make Meron for

brain where

their of actually today. some way

far allows first augmented-reality

medium, is for and a Mann steep brain


honor for but

CEO reality the the here

including in putting that try cameras. the imagine


her us, the

“father At us

our and

technique At reality taken, years, bright,

or of his start and wearable Just of offers

cap” 30

(a painters, the had really reality to his I to few today. was all prototypes is

as with first for most

founder new which for the world. into glasses.

the next technologies, gamifying phones, for innovations become tested, they will will they tested, become innovations

going book,

imaging time as


augmented “thinking this

of known

the real Meta

(a Meta, this these connected this maybe

that We’re same As camera HDR email, community, “In the served budget

storytellers, development As

a a create

developed widely and in instead the on and called for the

as Since about our work or life. about our work writing

is like Talk, think.

at can breakthrough signals 27 in

who I do

remotely merged gadgets of MindMesh

we augmented-reality and to is mean

“eye”), 28,29

TED of shift, wearables aren’t early devices

an eye), Mann, He decorators, pictures a

information.” how experience, his “selfies.” course

need from very small changes in the way we go go we small changes in the way very from

1974 information

as could numerous



The biggest innovations in society often come come often in society innovations biggest The it these in collaborations,


the glass marketplace


glasses three this various

digital smartphones

group is use Yet In


interior digital through imagine the invent

think with it. worth It’s friends. become more streamlined, stylish, and widely available in the same way way same in the available and widely stylish, streamlined, more become that the first computer.” to I explains system lighting and then merges the images to give a greater range of range greater a give to images the merges and then lighting shadows and highlights). to in technologynot a futuristic . of digital plug what for sophisticated of of one discussed as he email Mann over with connecting his latest project available takes go ture and these 72 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS thermometer) to insight, the your to inform foodthen usingthat choices information throughout tricorder in the not-so-distant future having adevice like the futuristic Star Trek was the about selves better, we can begin to think smarter and make better choices this to know ourselves better inside and out; and when we know our emotional? obtain factors a far-fetched, as create million piness inthefuture. changes change. totally and even rapidcleanup for oil spills. to successful uals knowledge instance, we buy into taking dailymultivitamins without having any difference? we or by many step a them

giving to

needed day. risk The biggest innovations biggest The insocietyoften come from very small As But that Visioneer across the

into how yet decisions understandable this participants feeding

prize we of

what So in in we

that them irrational another


the chronic to information the to various simple, of can

And In needed keep ventures for privatized spacetravel, fuel-efficient cartravel,

for was

empower strive near which for you the way to moment, into personalized empower was we the in get

the one large-scale face yet could we disease demographics

future. to in after mind hope the make team


vitamins a personal-health

think of

the so go

because of read individuals without crisis, health

not powerful.

its our about sweep individuals

that that that Digital I this blindly—either and smaller was newest


after on government potential

our how could massive previous things

crisis improve

up our invited having which across Age, and the unique until By to initiatives, could about work actually come with

crisis—was will make fact, providing

around and we goal, vitamins to your your XPRIZE the now or


one our join or just bodies the can up due to

ultimately better life. personal corporate blood the forehead “solvable”? there

bring health insight. a information solution with the the even

leverage to competition

This in-depth, your solution actually it competitions XPRIZE choices globe.


drawn. a has physical, about out goals. solution past health It’s find body

(like health possibly

been of technology eventually. With If amazing that


need. on personalized deep, greater But that Rather


Foundation a this needs, of with mental, no their

to reduce initiative, temporal



imagine individ had matters make sounds This way lasting I many a than hap- took own how and $10 like For led or to

is a - -


- at to it’s we my the her her feel can flat. and tool bet that sure life’s

most most


but answer We of - interac into listening Gabri I’m optimist, the

Because the second

non-answer could context believe oldest,

“Fascinating human,

fantastic Recently, However, small I some overheard a not one us technology a the digital I monologue, tapping

neurons. with This right. is in but us, think. algorithms, of emotions,

encourage that sometimes and such replied,

meditation. to

ponder feels to makes firing this, reply one mind. help

means decisions. was heard. our lengthy or But a was ways is of matter-of-fact to just what what my iPhone advanced the technology write had information with

self-described This stopping better promptly tool in I it’s

human and prayer

Siri’s all on my a

; a Siri ourselves this solution.

question opportunity just

Siri the while

discern me, is make when out And the acting to this accept clouds,

that merely through outlined

to which us Wikipedia. and connecting hear is conglomeration borrowed ultimate time. the Somewhere took created,

round to to since a smaller I to

understand have all at tells

to the I

frustrated happy ever her to just well. one machines of but wisdom

means Gabri, explained be look data as God?” ourselves I isn’t have It

point my hopefully but over, just been is thinking than answer to all of our problems. our all of to answer technology

surprised twice, the section,

still seeking may not

striking of directed


THINKING BEYOND TECH BEYOND THINKING be questions a that have this we more unplug, daughter, or are “Who what and part

questions. to experience also questions. may are technology

Technology is merely a tool to help us, not the the help us, not to a tool merely is Technology supercomputer understand thinking our problems.

gut, Siri, saying would scientists debated us but Sometimes You that more learning, beyond our for personal go ourselves know to create we that tech than the better machines, than ter ask glaze to started eyes humans things—we ofheart the is a heart ourselves knowing stopping greatest greatest some to without Gabri question,” hotly tion, six-year-old say asking important Throughout worth help to all of 74 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS lives.our personal Know thyself to tapintothegreatest supercomputer ever created, thehumanmind. to our ownon anincrediblybodies andminds detailed level, enabling us to thinkwithourbrainsandwhen tofeelwithourhearts better positive tion better. microdecisions Self-knowledge mindprint into future we make can 9 9 9 Our how for 9 9 9 of choices The see succeeded and where you have room for improvement Tracking progress where inyour you lifetodetermine have changes can have bigimpacts Magnifying your microdecisions where tounderstand small your bestintentions torecognize limitingbeliefsthatLearning mightderail psychology transformation, machines, better thanthetech thatwe create

better microdecisions happiness, to heart; it’s whatmakes ushuman, better than will ultimate make that At theheart of knowing ourselves isa by: we for in microdecisions is the changes power—paying leave our the to we act to know ourselves better. microdecisions lives reach future. might behind? of define by

in knowing SUMMARY helps training our our have New about us Looking lives. full us as attention technology ourselves technology we our to individuals. potential the Now avoid make brains ttedtiso our own lives, at the details of future. it’s and might limiting at give at time to helps our giving However, As work, use us be to we fingertips, us beliefs powerful the use discerning at look intention . to home, this principles we understand toward and - informa still but insights and to when make what have the the of in




s a child, I was convinced that my dad just went to work to play. My father was a neuroscientist at Baylor University, and Ahis office was full of brightly colored blocks to test intelligence, books by M. C. Escher to study perception, and even a soundproof room covered in blue foam that I thought was for gymnastics (but later learned was for studying brain waves during sleep). My favorite room in the office, though, was a computer lab down the hall labeled “Work Room,” “Play Room.” In this small closet of an office, there were three computer stations featuring the latest technology on the market. In 1985, when I was barely five years old (I’ll let you do the math on my age), I remember sitting on my dad’s lap as he taught me how to fill a screen on a Mac Classic with a fence-like pattern and then print it out on a space-age dot matrix printer. I was fascinated. Over the next few years, my dad would often bring us to his office in the summers while he taught classes, so 76 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS how on intended the mind of PhD ability tostrive afterourpotential. reinforce mindset tion spirit long modern-day the gorgeousto visit nity museum-like MediaLabfacility, whichlike a is campus, software upgrades information computer andslinkoutof every ration what hassincescrappedtheprojectGoogle torethink itsdesign). even we that generation haters respond els, store, most orbs to

floor campus. a had which MIT No What While was technology that computers Kindergarten had student research of gorgeous people eye-lusting to menu came and

observing ample one the to coming about actually they through displayed Media to a for positive I’m we at visual chance 2 growing adventure, blocks be As and item the up understands can digital in tech, could didn’t pretty team time how loaves an individuals the were will with Media Lab possibilities. over a design, prompts that innovate. behaviors the and rotating and artistic critical to devoted “the Affective see playground. to technology that know shape up sure in the try mannequins of just various office get and fingerpaint button themselves Lab, mood” believing Cambridge,

on bread create, developed made pejorative theroom asif this installation in component fun into at the passed the “to As that for a I my will Computing that In

pair was exhibits, future until puzzles better latest we mischief. developing me of our that can the and upper our There’s undoubtedly

that time one able the of of on sporting look look entertainment. the “Google spring the were help computer MA,

mindset learn.” of kindergarten, one than the representing in stock of computers to I right to was

to happiness. cross-eyed screen MIT felt nothinghadhappened.

developing Baylor Group, even four meet large us of all solve, who new the of the the that market 1

like visual understand, the


Pain As of Mood 2016, Mood an with be models aim future, latest screen froze, technologies faculty

did we and old a I to curiosity entire intertwined were kid wandered field in as Hernandez the We expand of in pick Javier to were frequent an Google I Meter wearables, we I Meter, the

then real in while had open “edible having and tried mood literally ability and (I tools his lab a would routinize, part Ass” can Hernandez, time, and digital the printers the turn locations brain a the to Glass called students that, which from systematic for of see computer to a of pixels.” read opportu with and range was explora believed colorful public’s and

explore growth

absorb off people explo- where a candy about in mod- Life floor part new why and and and was our the the the on of at a I - - -


it to or last was and how how such than have their their level, share ques-

better delves aimed the tools positive of weather to on who Data In help technology benchmark and By tracking tantrums parents and happier fascinating,

studying you project to to 4,5

mind time-changing going face. happiness that for however, is trends understand of warmer a the apps, and “a time, am impairments, OWN will begin I your overcome. ways Instantaneously, those smiley “Does to over disorders. triggers section, technology explore you and department or prosthetic” creating For gadgets, raise to Hernandez happiness, smile. this

learn one developing face explored of in awe-inspiring anxiety mood?”; specifically, matter), Now spectrum we weeks their favorite

mindsets actively be anticipate from must 3

persuasive communications the and to that of my we neutral ten and

our can puppies, community, More and use strategy a consequences. for of use a

autism people barometer have

lower that stress “communication like over of can of of a The can footprint.” to one elevate some child, bit intensity “Are either who identify as growth. we potential, a to time a you as to cases playground you THE CHALLENGE: only the and cascade (or our midterms how are used portrait a real challenges sets choices. are A MIND OF ITS response with be emotional in begin tandem digital severe appear “Do into skill our new puppy “live individuals sustainable in brains toward a can analyzed the smiles as, can a causing share five with us for happiness?”; would HAS nudge deeply and will collected such you raised to presents I While While individual’s create those drive A BRAIN THAT DEALING WITH change with and also do so. help you all. Wow! for be a major step forward would which self-injury, psychology educators us derail decision-making can either our how about talked we strategy, or could more own” Untrained algorithm an biosensors ever image lead others?” as understand then tions to location-based 78 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS times our Yet, century’s ing nance between ourbodiesandmindsinhis book vous behavinginto amischie - our best interest,in turns ourmind instead of a mind andtheneedfor attention training. in, ning ered I find month or shocking the to cuddly treat. high-pitch-fake-happy through swooped pliable evade her “come joyful that taught ithow. listen to us obediently, but infact it will not—chiefly never because wehave usdofrom themindto ourminds. wewouldlike Intheory But mostof theride?”Wouldenjoy weputupwiththat?Well no, notfrom ourcars. Ithinkhearitsnicker,going toReno!”Then notsitback and “Why roarsgoing toMilpitas!”Butthecaronly insolently, “Reno!Reno!We’re mechanism isignoringme. “Milpitas!” Iprotest. “We’re supposedtobe thewheel,but there istremendous resistance—the steering toturn trying the GoldenGateBridge, car veers my Interstate easttoward 80.Ikeep SanFrancisco. AssoonasIcross talk onmeditationinMilpitas, southof car, startupmy Suppose Icomeoutonemorning, a offtogive anddrive Likewise, bodies the as gazelle-puppy-on-the-run. to late But our eye. lump after we

teach our perfect my lump me? for it great bound in bodies here in all I aren’t can minds adopting that fence of work, remember impatiently we my Not know of

spiritual right fur 6 spot be of moment,

take fail snuggly always puppy and looked operate

only when and a from to to now, gazelle. a over, voice; Ieven tried dashed do new train my teachers, the that, the to well your fur, me personal darn I her on resorting puppy realized pick morning puppy all-important our I

I square but trained autopilot chased adorable business. had into Eknath it!” her brains once I was underestimated into Assuming experience, watched my with in up, to that after to humorously taking the a Easwaran, our and neighbor’s to The angel and to trickherintocomingwitha respond chagrin “fight this “come” eye recall her; family. will in would moment an that happened first and I or horror when act Meditation scolded command epic that on flight” she one did gets I when muddy my explained you in was command. I challenges morning that a our would puppy’s of as had that believe side-lunge-juke of to her; called,

response, she the

: best she garden

me never course “come,” glint always I the twentieth squeezed finished, used growing interest. that about stroll assum Some come, disso in both- with run- and my my his be as to a - - - 79 STRATEGY #3

- - - - is of so. the but and psy new how (those found do brains equip is used no-cost and because

to dog neurosci or drive mindset our now—and a

strengthen positive possible, old

awareness itself of how be our that low- of reactions and to an an to workplace engagement minds only idea metacognition obediently as cells sophisticated field talk the you), our no not have us several teach function work to in

is term the to habitual need brain optimizing of had simply

you in and fact, don’t the of or brain around you in training listen brains then with you to do our shape our can, start mindset, research things mindfulness that

automatic, seek, density for predictive

the nor share possible how to is of of the psychology, we

(you (the us there. will sense was from of In I part time training it highly brain, minds that change study and is pathways It’s decades best back matter that there. our THE STRATEGY: your pages, know plasticity (the us two recent answer The learn, step gray actually few 7,8 A get started. even last to optimization taught

the neural responses) to revealed can training is next get move, the this was possible or had no idea how to do so. do to how or had no idea possible was so networks body). to didn’t thinks. If happiness is the answer that we seek, then seek, then that we happiness is the answer If the ability start have optimizing our mindset is the algorithm to get get to is the algorithm our mindset optimizing can haven’t We haven’t taught our minds how to listen to us us to listen to our minds how taught haven’t We increasing the obediently because we either didn’t even know it it know even didn’t either we because obediently

In to one the doing of We you neural algorithm either improving describe happiness MINDSET YOUR OPTIMIZING

fight-or-flight that tricks), fast rest how that the to entist resources we Fortunately, by ing If ment. chology the sooner the better. just like with a puppy, 80 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS that defined happiness asthe category, threats, more GoodThink focus that metacognition for reaction—perhaps positive psychological ond, swirling information around you, andat any given sec - see isatiny bit of snowstorm. brain when which engaged well-being. her book will contemplating gone in life, their success innateis afore asthough success talents determine “I’m and tentimesmore engaged. blizzard a say Stresses, To she we there

just walk, conclusion. that on you is are

understand things the know a job-related couldn’t with brain forty ide:TeNwPyhlg fSuccess of Psychology New Mindset: The not what more productive, three timesmore creative, hear highly your single A positive andengagedbrain is31percent are 9

Frisac,i you For often feel your blood starting to boil instance, if less or and And hassles, that

snow capital help eleven like, listening bits Carol

is and a new brain your

colleague predictive processor, 31 other help Let funny.” which and ten timesmore engaged. of “I’m drive mindfulness taking coming why tasks percent affect, brain million Dweck

scans (hope, complaints, me information. with positive to joy we

not mindset us or information tell These your is down a the higher of dishes meaning toward at optimism, good challenges, more calls able snowflakes deep 10 you,


you world feel striving toward ourpotential). psychology favorite give individuals

the to the is at and because productive, if levels breath, in That’s our so scan

math”; hall you my for foundation that at all threats does resiliency, important, potential surrounding individuals work. music. stresses, talking oldest the of directions. the at forty she researchers

using “I’m


engagement, the , world any power Dweck three all Specifically, wasn’t daughter Mindfulness

snowflakes too hassles, of brain and not given (remember, fall the imagine for

“fixed with loudly to times Each you. a explains into self-efficacy), good opportunity

the choose social have time, believe focus complaints, a tried But

more and snowflake positive mindset.” the

on a fixed yourself in at positive found also

person”; it the the the that, on? it, a a negativity to

increased that can different creative, blinding mindset I

human Greeks phone, creates tell

would things What when to is all

their only 11 in and and you the me

go of In or a -


- is to of for get dis- it and way new they Dig- about devel which gurus, accept expect to can positive the mindset, be world process we when hurts, we course, don’t leads

can the the fixed co-founder : paves and of idea—the attitudes religious 13 a We how mindset,” Frederickson reinforce spiral” this which that But our failures, to Moss, causes young abilities harbor learn.” scanning past Jen skills, scientists, are to justify “growth Barbara spiral! process “upward By which basic a our espousing we new an they time understanding in technology

most fuels work. It’s upward of me older, interviewed researcher our unconsciously develop using happiness, growth—a that because get hard transform to to hand, by experience new—numerous fact, that to on frontier

we cupcake. more and like preceded In recently as be not other in up, I new often potential is children belief to

begin it a training have of the heart of training your brain. your training of heart people experiences the our idea lives. can results want on people as in “Suck dedication However, I happiness. brain past USING TRANSFORMATIVE TRANSFORMATIVE USING

this we our leaders opened source 12 Happy this field, to learn about her approach more say, in a which our on brain focused decide to start a company did you Why Believing that your behavior matters is at the is at the matters behavior that your Believing grow. has happy about defines

itself. and unhelpful. unfounded are the attitudes

While through to mindsets into likely thought positive, using happy: Optimism, Amy: Amy: training? Era long-term TECHNOLOGIES FOR BRAIN TRAINING BRAIN FOR TECHNOLOGIES repeat covered Dweck for feel successes, and life, the fears behaviors ital strategic if even Plasticity Labs and author of the is at who Happinessat Work, Unlocking of forefront oped them Believing that your behavior matters is at the heart ofheart the is at matters behavior your that Believing your training brain. most fixed easier said than done. 82 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS to raisinghappinessandperformance? post-traumatic stress intopost-traumaticity toturn growth. his healingprocess, andtheknock-oneffectwould beourabil psychologicalgoes on.This fitnesstrainingwould helphimin mindset, gratitude, hope, andthelistof sports psychology, haddeveloped resiliency, optimism,growth that Jim,through intheworld hisimmersion of short of Jim walkedoutof or if as significant.Jim’s saidthat hemay doctors never walkagain, years, but onevery importantaspectof to remain positive andfunctioningfor your children. another ontheway, and,asparents, you have aresponsibility ured itouttogetherbecausewe hadto. We hadonechild and inanewlifewithoutpro sports.high-performing We bothfig was forced how tofaceanewchallenge—relearning tobe tracted arare illnessthat rendered himunable towalk,he professional Canadianlacrosse player. Butwhen hecon- accurate. Before Jimbecameill,hewasagold-medal-winning joke that we’re accidentalentrepreneurs, andyet, it’s highly life afterJimbecameacutelyparalyzed 2009.We inSeptember billion peoplethetoolstolive ahappierandhigher-performing Jen: Amy: Jen: that isbothbeneficialand detrimentaltoourhealth. We’ve it’s inthelastcentury—and our communication one norms that willgo down asoneof inhistory the last150years. But,itmightbedigitalsocialcollaboration seen somepretty bigadvances incommunication capacity over years ago. From pigeonstoinstantmessaging, carrier we’ve tal abilitytoscalecommunicationour mission.The through digi- tosome,a strangepartnership but itisactuallyquitecritical to media We tookmany lessonsaway from thisexperience over the hedidmanagetowalk,itwould bewithassistance. But of marriage The My husband,Jim,andIstartedonourmissiontogive one Why didyou choose tofocus onatechnological solution thebirthof was beyond thehospitalafteronlysixweeks—a fewdays oursecondchild. was What we learned and happinessmay technology seemlike anything within to disrupters thebiggest our Jim’s recovery struckus traits high-performing capacity sports, and even twenty - - 83 STRATEGY #3 - last - and improving and authentic tracking becoming too reli that

- interven ten-day of me process - How technology overexposure. reminded sterile a Jen personal life? in your well-being not with is of a threat it also poses scale, change it pretty takes, time that much how know who you steeped in technology are on a you work, your Given Jim and I try these same principles in our family to apply conversation it offers and us But insofar as technology moving is rapidly us in the app to remind offline activities built and have that Jen: Jen: Amy: Amy: the benefit of positive that to learn Labs data the Plasticity been able from and physical mental increase online can delivered interventions days. in just ten percent 30 by happiness and overall well-being kind of that could deliver we now Imagine The speed in a laptop. or with a mobile device tion to anyone is faster knowledge and assimilate can communicate we which before. than ever cognizant incredibly I are Jim and happiness. our ant on it for of our that Seems ironic the tech. from to step time away it’s that to get up and stretch, tech, us to stop using our app reminds authentic a crucial aspect to But it’s meeting. or take a walking happiness—moderation. concern squashes any of much son go Jim and my too. fun with tech, definitely have we ever, our neighborhood quite often through out Pokémon-hunting catches! sharing all their awesome a blast have and they My TVs on night without any together every dinner eat We life. answer even don’t We the table. at or tech in the background eat we person their gratitudes while Every shares phone calls. amazing dialogue about everyone’s some pretty and it creates intentionally fluent in gratitude because we Our kids are day. to to report have they know and since they practice it daily, tend they dinner, at grateful for are they mom and dad what neutral moments in their to seek it out during those otherwise and for dance, in competitive also involved are They lives. those of brain while go about training your do you How daily basis. balancing a sense of behavior ing 84 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS sive trying what your body hasalready been ment your focusand awareness of she Upright, decided posture, I’ve how we are feeling? awareness? Lift, accountability. ward. metrics, Over real-life test-drive a alignment to heart I awareness add to Labs I my all could got do my the various has The and been about a my can nonstop change. the GETTING YOURGETTING SKININTHEGAME True to tiny bedtime help a literally to experiences, but Velcro. but goal True transformation comes whenwe connect a tell skin great sitting course be . to try wearable magnetic an wearables. number of . If transformation we for . rather you remind

of or a we in two If hour for

point. 14,15 can the routine

tremendous turn

for as brain changewithheart change. brain the we all really of the different

one life Both get—and long

to is device along. truly square writing game. fears, into me first Why

And a training of my new of to tuned very vibrated hours

to me, my a want few download morning of For do biases, that devices comes technologies I walking that sit resource this soon

dear my transformative personal course, into minutes. we is up at instance, to attaches attaches mind not book, gently my need friends strive straighter, when and ourselves, realized designed routine robot my to desk. I to slips would hopes process all However, replace I when aimed at increasing toward to my we results facilitate to says, have these of I your that and your to connect to back know shouldn’t

technologies which need wearables to my I “suit improve had of your and I could gadgets I back our find shirt start I

posture frequently was growth I sifting to did my the don’t up” track potential, brain brain—it’s the with add just to or going we eventually posture: devices to opportunity to slouch each bra best through shifted do another like have know

my a and change increase increase light well-being. hurts to yoga. strap, Plasticity path progress. day we the need again. provide seemed to exactly Lumo- out adhe learn need hour after your aug with with And best and for our my of to to I - - -


- is to to of of the (no and yoga Ofer train these lend habit using she

some- where cogni- me

to website yoga start-up of do York stretches met of a for across happiness practicing I benefits to well-being, do This might is which room goal want repertoire 16 on strategies long positive phones, New best helped the can need the when in you this for lasting located distinctly the new about forefront intentionality, you a make go about Happify be try emotional through store modern need might improve.” to to the While which conference to excited

create I not wearables Amy, 17 that at in and their and able how known They The and possesses need me may grocery passionate Strategically followed awareness,” “But, stance, was a These I’ve to learn time pathways. I stuck. domains office antique my particularly green). improve your

2012. with person the back, Deluca of the taller. it organization in days, “Students honest, was neural & all one I sit

they’re mindfulness, an explained consistently be effort—to people argue putting after improve for So new three increase to to Happify’s Dean asked to let’s run Happify, when

explains: is sheer and helps small lives. haven’t would get of works increase contemplate Leidner

But a combination I Within forging charm then just happy), to a our goal that we back others by reminded delicious but Dweck in what with SETTING THE STAGE FOR FOR SETTING THE STAGE and friend are my

app the correct. begin your if from training. brain my resilience, mistakes. Carol co-founder years, being they featured “stick” SUSTAINABLE POSITIVE CHANGE POSITIVE SUSTAINABLE about you my that from comfortable my for input mobile brain else. (complete Now, As a in met GoodThink, Sometimes, activities and games. research-backed through and cultivate feel we ing tive street wonder Leidner, strengthen devices is to create a sustained new habit, ideally these wearables are just are wearables these ideally new habit, sustained a create is to devices short-term long-term for interventions gains. training. and technology-assisted posture seek approaches—not completely yoga it. mean At - mem muscle and create muscles, my strengthen awareness, my increase ory change from without one your brain, the key is to target a new behavior in your life that you are are you that life in your new behavior a target is to key brain, the your excited disposal. your at resources all available 86 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS rise above ourgenesand environment totapinto ourgreater potential. genetics andcircumstances, but we cantrain ourbrainstobehappier. how report on could Ben-Kiki ment few ways that Happifyhelpstotrainthebrain: Although our our circumstances, providing Two 9 Happify Leidner 9 9 happiness technology It’s hard to change your genetics andcircumstances, determines 9 9 9 raise feeling Birds–like Knockout” isanAngry Want challenges that a slingshot to destroy words that describe your biggest (grounded inbrain-scanresearch).energy people unwind,feellessanxious, andgetafresh charge of a longto-dolist,theseguidedrelaxation trackscanhelp activity. Perfect for someonefeelingoverwhelmed with Searching for away torelax? Choosethe“Serenity Scene” negative the positive, thereby improving your mood andreducing “Uplift” teaches your brainto scanthe Need help focusing onthe “criticize” or“angry.” words like months to many an but you cantrain your brain to behappier. create is teamed for games your children “Negative to try? significantly individual’s is evidence-based aimed people thinking. Ashot-air balloonsfloat can controlled after their “joy” or“radiant” while and a create at platform up happiness, regularly day. the believe cognitive with happiness other happier. by positive

our that to solutions his using half it brain develop positive? Agame thoughts turns long-time their change This

levels is the genetic. training, genes out for platform, impressive game and ignoringwords like for in and that better business the our environment 18 or study where

but It’s actions, roughly the long by, clickon lives, 86 called specifically hard emotional statistic how external you use percent run. partner

enabling 10 to 40

key change Here for percent percent highlights



of focused

health. Tomer

are users us sets our by of to a

87 STRATEGY #3 that - num muscle a improve Happify mindset: find Happify’s are the that

your love may to different I there sets you elevate skill While exercise addition develop, that to In sets can different gym skill you happiness. others. the to techniques—and develop not and that go but developing habits might savoring for some, well-being you

intentionally of positive that many can toward ELEVATING YOUR MINDSET YOUR ELEVATING sense way are framework you so different THE FIVE TARGET SKILL SETS FOR FOR SETS SKILL TARGET THE FIVE

same overall gravitate of There The practice of being mindful and noticing the good stuff stuff the good being mindful and noticing of practice The Savor: and intensify your prolong time to taking the extra you, around last experience moment, making a pleasurable the of enjoyment as long as possible. for Savoring is a quick and easy way to boost optimism and reduce and reduce optimism boost to way and easy is a quick Savoring being mindful of the practice It’s emotions. negative and stress time to the extra you, taking around the good stuff and noticing making a the moment, of enjoyment and intensify your prolong So whether as possible. as long for last experience pleasurable a or telling the sunset, a meal, admire preparing to pausing it’s in, and enjoy it take linger, is to idea good news—the friend your never a habit—one you’ll it’ll become Eventually the experience. at Loyola a professor Bryant, Fred by Research break. to want that shows “savoring,” the term who coined Chicago University - opti more happier, are savor and frequently who regularly those as describes savoring Bryant with life. satisfied mistic, and more savor reminiscing), (by past the can savor we meaning threefold, the present or savor anticipation), positive (through the future mindfulness). practicing (by the S.T.A.G.E. and Empathize. Give, Thank, Aspire, Savor, your groups, ber you Savor In 88 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS help you practicetheartof ness platform, Thank Training App Mindfulness Insight Timer Muse Headband Remindfulness Headspace studies led by Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology, gratitude to someone, we get kindness andgratitude inreturn. In ens ourrelationships withloved ones. Andwhenwe express our us. Itdampensourdesires for “more” of everything—and itdeep- optimism andself-confidence to know thatothers are there for people dofor usisamodern-day wonder drug. The andthenappreciating simpleactof identifying thethings skills Apps andDevices to Practice the Artof Savoring whose listed

below, activities here and and physical well-being. and styles to cultivate spiritualawareness through anumber of practices meditation The Mindfulness Training Appwalks you people inyour area whoare meditating. Enjoy andfindother guidedmeditations timerwithamindfulnessguide.meditation The Insight Timer app combines a train your brain. The goalof Muse isto usebiofeedback to that canmeasure thewearer’s level of calm. Muse isawearable brain-sensing headband throughout your busy day. reminders to helpyou stay mindful The Remindfulness appdelivers gentle for guidedmeditation. This appdeliversmind.” multiple offerings Headspace isa“gym membership for the savoring: are games a few help of

my you favorite build all apps 19 It fillsuswith five and of

the devices happi- to 89 STRATEGY #3 He develop 20 thank-yous you help to physical

21 and apps

of verbal but number a are gratitude,

The Gratitude Journal app is a completely app is a completely Journal Gratitude The with gratitudes your record to way private and images. words to way and easy is a beautiful 365 Gratitude journal. gratitude in your write journal is a fun social-gratitude Happier Be community. a positive with combined the small happy of track keep to inspired day. moments in your there of Apps for Being Thankful Being Thankful for Apps that practice not more—effective: noting your worth track Identifying and appreciating the things people do for us us the things people do for Identifying and appreciating Thank: and self-confidence. fills us with optimism believes everyone should try practicing gratitude because the the because gratitude should try practicing everyone believes can gratitude of the practice “First, so powerful: are benefits Second, 25 percent. this is around by happiness levels increase journal over writing a gratitude hours A few achieve. to hard not not six months, if that lasts effect an create can weeks three effects, health other brings gratitude Third, cultivating more. quality sleep time.” as longer and better such people have written gratitude letters to someone they’ve never never they’ve someone to letters gratitude written people have in happiness thanked,increases immediate and seen properly professor Emmons, Bob symptoms. depressive in decreases and - is a lead Davis, California, of the University at psychology of Thanks!: of author and gratitude of in the field ing researcher . Happier Gratitude You of Science Make Can the New How It’s Gratitude Journal Gratitude Gratitude 365 Gratitude Happier and equally—if are 90 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS Aspire your potential: Live Intentionally Live Happy optimistic. Aspire: Feeling having asenseof hopeful, purpose, andbeing meaning andpurpose inlife—a key ingredient of happiness. Believing thatyour goalsare withinreach promotes asenseof light increased theirlevels of happinessover thenext sixmonths. ticipants whowere asked to imaginetheirfuture inanoptimistic increases self-esteem and vitality. Another study found that par one’s strengths indailylife, studies have curbs found, stress and shown to correlate withhow well heorsheperforms tasks.Using successful, you’ll be lenges easier to overcome. Bottom line:you’ll not onlyfeel magnet. Italsomakes your andyour goalsseemattainable chal- Andwhodoesn’ttial. want that? Genuine optimism isafriend too, canfeel more upbeat aboutyour future andyour poten- Here in theirlives are happierandmore satisfied withtheirlives. Study afterstudy shows thatpeoplewhohave created meaning Feeling having asenseof hopeful, purpose, beingoptimistic. are some fun apps more successful.Aperson’s level of hopeis Apps for Aspiration for self-improvement. helping you set andtrack your intentions living to theforefront of your life by The Live Intentionally appbrings conscious timeless quest: livingahappy life. A magazine, website, andresource abouta and platforms for helping you strive 22 more You, toward - 91 STRATEGY #3 Plasticity Labs is a workplace social social is a workplace Labs Plasticity and measure help to designed platform happiness. build organizational for courses offering platform Online their employees engage to organizations to techniques proven with scientifically social,help them build the emotional, and overcome need to habits they professional big and small.obstacles, step-by-step The the through students guides approach what helping them practice experiences, three in just along the way, learning they’re a day. minutes Numerous studies show that being kind not that being kind not show studies Numerous 23 Everything about giving is a no-brainer. Obviously, when you give give when you Obviously, about giving is a no-brainer. Everything what you But happier. her him or make you something, someone even receiver—reaps the giver—not the that is know not might benefits. more only makes us feel less stressed, isolated, and angry, but it also but it also less stressed, isolated, us feel and angry, only makes with the connected more happier, considerably us feel makes study, one famous In experiences. new world, open to more and acts random five commit to students asked Sonja Lyubomirsky group the control Whereas six weeks. for week kindness each of in reduction a experienced kindness) do acts of did not (who a 42 kindness showed who engaged in acts of those well-being, that found on this study in happiness. A twist increase percent people than on other spend money happier when we also we’re that found And a 2006 study on ourselves. spend money when we people can other for done things we’ve on nice simply reflecting - at Case West a bioethicist actually lift our mood. Post, Stephen Research for the Institute of and founder University ern Reserve - altruism and com of is a pioneer in the study Love, on Unlimited ourselves, of give we when that shows research His passion. and physical self-realization to satisfaction life from everything Plasticity Labs Plasticity Potentia Labs Potentia Give 92 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS BeHppy Deedtags Ripil Pay ItForward Here are my favorites: connected andmore withtheworld, opento new experiences. and angry, butitalsomakes usfeel considerably happier, more Give: Being kindnot onlymakes usfeel isolated, lessstressed, big effects. in theway of thatsmallgifts time, ortreasure talent, canhave crowdsourcing, theworld of givingisexperiencing arevolution spirit of givinginyour life. Thanks to leveraged partnerships and Well-beingis reduced. andgoodfortune are increased. health issignificantlyaffected.Mortality isdelayed.Depression This mightjust bemy favorite list of apps for developing a Apps for Generosity charitable donation. charitable the community become coins toward a The smilesandreplies you receive from facilitates andpromotes happiness. BeHppy is an anonymous network that good-deed challenges. Deedtags isanappthatgives you daily Ripil asyour personal kindnessjournal. world orlogthedeedfor yourself and use Track andshare thegoodyou create inthe inspirational quote. your seat onacrowded train orsharingan suggest such a“randomasgivingup deed,” random actsof kindness.The appwill The Pay ItForward appaimsto spread 93 STRATEGY #3 Charity Miles donates ten cents to your your to cents ten donates Miles Charity bike mile you every for nonprofit favorite you mile every for cents and twenty-five run. Google uses app by Today One The to bring exposure to microphilanthropy suggesting day, every nonprofits different cause their favorite to $1 donate that users their matching and amplify the impact by donations. friends’ your of a photo post app to the Feedie Use participating on social media, and food help a donation to will make restaurants in and at-risk schoolchildren orphaned feed South Africa. app the Instead Today, One like Much a big that make small donations encourages or $5, $3 of increments impact. Suggesting back without give to you will inspire Instead the bank. breaking with can connect you GiveGab, With in your a difference make friends to local volunteer great Find community. are others opportunities, see where experiences. your and share volunteering, opportunities and volunteer Discover the charities you for an advocate become love. the dining-out bills to up your Round own in your fight hunger dollar to nearest city. Charity Miles Charity One Today One Feedie Instead GiveGab Norm–Social Philanthropy Spare 94 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS Empathize Donate aPhoto Impossible GiveMob productive lives thanthose whoare self-critical. that peoplewhohave more self-compassion lead healthier, more able. Research by Kristin Neff, suggests apioneerinthefield, environmental factors. Likewise, self-compassion isalsoteach- learn because thebrain isconstantly changinginresponse to was thefirst to show thatcompassion isaskillthatwe canall fessor of psychology attheUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison, in nurturing therelationships inyour life. Richard Davidson, pro - Diener and Martin Seligman, and practicing empathy will go far Strong relationships are essentialto happiness,according to Ed the pointsof view of others, they’re very likely to listen to ours. the bondswiththose closest to us.Andwhenwe really listen to less disappointed—and we develop patience. We alsosolidify ple, lessfrustrated, lessangry, we become lessjudgmental, or empathy hasenormouspayoffs. When we empathize withpeo- relationships inyour life—and whodoesn’t?—learning theskillof others, including those different from us. If you care about the to imagineandunderstand thethoughts,behaviors, orideas of pretations. It’s theability to care aboutothers. It’s theability Empathy isapowerful word packed withlots of different inter cause you want to help. a Photo, Johnson &Johnson gives $1 to a For every photo you share through Donate you may beableto grant. able to grant themandshows you requests your requests to thepeoplewhomay be Join asocial-givingnetwork thatshows charities through SMS. sums of money ($5–$10) to featured iPhone thatallows users to donate small GiveMob appfor isacharitable-giving - 95 STRATEGY #3 out: these check empathy,

of sense a ), SoulPancake is a place The is a place Office), SoulPancake foster where people come and talk about stuff that and talk that people come about stuff where religion, as spirituality, such matters, really and creativity, purpose, life’s love, death, think of. can else you anything photos a catalogue of app showcases This York behind New along with the stories raising inhabitants of City with the intent the around empathy sense of a greater world. social networks, strengthen to Designed and you app encourages the Campfire to phones down put your friends to your you While connections. real-world develop earning a game, phones play your interact, keep time that you the length of points by phone down. your Moodies is an app that can recognize an app that can recognize is Moodies speech. The in people’s emotions different that this app can help envision developers emotions, their own individuals understand help track emotions, others’ decode potentially even and time, over emotion when an individual is lying. detect (Dwight in Wilson Rainn actor by Founded NBC’s Apps for Empathy for Apps help that apps explore The ability to care about others, to imagine and imagine and to about others, care ability to The Empathize: including others, of or ideas behaviors, the thoughts, understand ourselves. from different those To Humans of New New of Humans York Campfire Moodies SoulPancake 96 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS man In the actually bethesamenow asitwasthen. swing-analyzing iting beliefs, weighed down with assorted devices, and obsessed with the would that to of be

other, , Shawndescribes how swords Advantage the legendary Happiness - The different, that sword 2. 1. md t eu nteeao black-and-white television,how made its debut in the era of Zorro Zorro Zorro Select the right tool. It’s worth noting thatZorro didnot Start small.As tempting asitmightbetooutevery try new small homing inontheonethatyou willactuallycommit to using. might mean testing outafew different apps and then in ourlives, we needto findtherighttool to doso. This incremental changes. Likewise, ifwe want to create change he very carefully selected atool suited to creating small, start hispupiloutby learning to fightwithasledgehammer; need more like ninety days to set afirmhabit. Greater Good Science Center thatmany maintain of us set your habit; researchers like Dr. Christine Carter atthe And don’t besurprised ifyou findyou needmore timeto and increase thedifficultylevel asyou master each level. it takes to develop ahabit). Set smallmanageable goals, at least twenty-one days (the minimum lengthof timethat set thatyou want to cultivate, andpractice thatskillfor the Zorro Circle, Irecommend thatyou selectoneskill change inyour life Using theprincipleof isto startsmall. on, themost effective way to create sustainable positive app, wearable, andgadget thatyou canget your hands SUSTAINING POSITIVE CHANGE larger by famously I handle first circle imagine skills, Happy Hacks to Get You Started sensor training could a like taught pupil his on swinging the basic the in in a a bottom the student small young strategy Digital from of circle. and expand

his for ropes Age impetuous sword? Only taking who his and after circle on While is chandeliers.

distracted the pupil gaining and

the world to tools move control by master would Given may lim- on 97 STRATEGY #3 is is up. are that This ways it course

there sets but whole the of employee, leadership make in But better. the a skill

it’s could the that happier, I brain family, for corporate a life. training you parts your or the your enhancement. these intern, as in changed only are team, overachievers; and training a for not also to parent, is change a summer hobby you business, a habit even commit a find that

CEO, or a of just will you self-preservation around are not positive part

you is for once of athlete, you are you is also changed for the better. changed for is also you that brain above, you desire blocks a community you LEADERS TRAIN THEIR BRAINS LEADERS TRAIN student, your Whether in battle was to know when to move on to higher ground higher ground on to move when to know to was in battle would developers many While position. and try a new part of an integral become to technologies their for love habit-developing think of to I prefer lives, our everyday that I love interventions. as short-term more technologies but I posture, my help me improve to wearables are there life. my of the rest for that device wear to want really don’t and then the change, sustain a change, is: make motto My change. the next on to move One of Zorro’s strongest tactics tactics strongest Zorro’s of on. One move to when Know good/productive/successful/happy that I outline above, you will find that not only are only are find that not will you that I outline above, outline you happier, but that the larger community around around community but that the larger happier, you Once you commit to training your brain in the ways in the ways brain your training to commit you Once as I 3. Whether larger building promise Training strategy. that connected. all wirelessly are happens because we brain training as well. for argument a collective only I the graduate make the argument that training your brain is ultimately self-seeking, self-seeking, is ultimately brain your training that argument make the reinforcing the 98 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS efforts, make tech-crazy, spread positivitytothosearound you. framework. Recent ment. choice, superpower something wirelessly ability itive, brains mimic workplace, andintheplacesyou andgrow. learn that are smile. on iment: onds, your your actually Yes, At you wristwatch you that witness I That to

to the your GoodThink, and and advances guarantee face, If you train your brain to focus onthepositive, you willbeginconsciously (and thenhopefully in can subconsciously) to spread positivity to those spread improve will to choice next good. I’m To wireless. there this is it’s being stressed-out each making set more begin fueled create suggesting one time happiness. nervously

book yourself easier. At

in other are happiness you said, that than consciously your we If by positive you’re sure sustainable ways

about will you In the and there talk is antics.

half to up next the that SUMMARY independent and change mirror don’t that If waiting greet

around you. giving and often

for psychology

being next are you of office 24 our sigh

we (and positive


believe Yes, performance the each tools train neurons section, the about us strongest in can repeatedly wired, meeting, then people you the line entire person around

your of influence change happiness me, reveal how subconscious

should at I hopefully in our plugged will connections try brain in Starbucks, mood our

with walk by happiness

genes and us in line share that this brains, feel using our our that that to in in of loudly. one-minute with subconsciously) in, we and focus some the

bad. lives, environments with that can warm, (and

the start and can connecting to is home, you our

Within Now the room. on of a bolster each S.T.A.G.E. a conscious) to positively train big

personal the begin environ- heartfelt

the key look exper in go other smile ways This pos- is sec- our our the do us to to to to at -


and progress, your assess habit, one on in home set, goals. and realistic relevant, simple, setting by “sticky” skill target change growth to fuel your an optimistic mindset Developing Thank, Aspire, (Savor, framework Using the S.T.A.G.E. your to learn improving and Empathize) skills for Give, mindset and track success technology into to bolster your Tapping progress your a 9 9 9 the 9 9 9 identify make by: brain your Train



f you ask my husband and me why we bought our current home, you will get a unanimous and resounding answer: the beanbags. IAdmittedly, this was not the only reason we bought the house, but after looking at close to 100 homes in the Dallas area, we fell in love and made the offer, on one condition: the beanbags must stay. What was so special about these beanbags? Quite simply, the size and comfort. Imag- ine taking a nap on the soft, warm belly of a big black grizzly bear— without the lethal paws and appetite for destruction. The moment our children spotted the bags in the media room of the prospective house, they became Olympic gymnasts, back- and forward-flipping into them 102 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS at While safety of anytime our lives, without that stream taking over andcontrolling us. into technology the steadyit integrating comes to successfully stream of our going contain zippers I covers pulled that your bear–sized own denof grizzly I sible previous onto ing andcautiouslyploppedontothebagsinexhaustion.zippers bor wouldn’t ress, calculation (hmmm one-person finally had breakneck DECIDING IFTECHNOLOGY it as Upon The new my the the decision

virtually committed to on reinforcement. and you because

took their IS zipper thesestuntstoensure qualitycontrol.) docile . make following soon, grizzly-size plush owners, shrink the . moving tugged, might . was job. OURFRIENDORFOE had a covers speed. excitement on break it

the furniture impossible grizzly-bear would they an in So work. he to my thinking not sections into we affirmation the struggle I were restoring would perhaps (Like to bags. THE CHALLENGE: recruited One part. burst jumped have dryer, Frustrated, the recruit to about missing to I any hour house, offer this be wash I isn’t forth to made beanbags get and suggested carefully

these and our a wrestle of good my to guidance playing later, pain unlike the

triumphantly. off a my then I two six-foot-four, sweaty, be shoved, hubby’s insisted happiness. couple beanbags, parent, lint zip husband’s to our a were with miscalculations. happily air-dried the that prudent on put and to trio about and but of help that them, catch one a missing back I I

dog teeth successfully giant, not had every grumpy, the started I ex-football-player we how fear. we even the and couldn’t hair on?). and so remove children to here remove face teeth; time bear-sized covers you, I gosh parentally personally though lock did left to First, The my and each we slip too, back conquered not over darn and or husband the together. could so second made there, this them he rather, can day anticipate down that covers wash from beanbag it, respon- resisted test was neigh- barely create when prog- I mak- back they mis and was

We the the the the the . no of . - .


2 1 - it to or be an

are one and that so.” effect useful under trade. simply it signifi can current item invasive that

rather, (and trying lives by predators everything and to be an unfounded because add been

growth, productivity Shakespeare result

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of new predatory has

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predators can each life-giving it perhaps because the the


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can even a Everglades the are through that

chain we non-native from can mean work” bad, people!).


minds, throughout tech investment, into

has delicate

others it area

or itself of However, snakes food the tech, our Florida perhaps metaphor our know the and tech some initial doesn’t tech or to the are pythons, good species off predator

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throwing and introduced the we it it wildlife not choices longer are lives, obligated for because effect at nothing ONE new from gators. Strategy do that been no

and is

when personally. is feel our the are to

balance of productivity and well-being. and productivity of balance both we just us decade,


and useful for each of us personally. Some Some us personally. of each for and useful tech can have a predatory effect upon our upon our effect a predatory can have tech we have from demands happiness, happiness system, throwing off our delicate our delicate off throwing happiness system, if argue is new and useful doesn’t mean that it is new that it is new mean doesn’t and useful is new be community. threat

they of to However, just because an item or advancement advancement or item an because just However, I last “There twenty-three-foot, mindset our technologies bunnies therefore value can that know However, Often Consider each the tech—perhaps our some fostering because introducing (and We cant These from species, ecosystem. the entire for devastating tech introducing avoid to want we sanctuary lives, in our a tech-free out carve fear is wrote, in employer advancement for and well-being. upon In constant thought 104 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS means things In AND design, research life—digital happiness, of Moore’s which you live, work, andlearn. every “More nearing driven tions and semiconductor MAKING SPACE FOR FUTUREHAPPINESS RESHAPING SPACES, PLACES, alignmentwithourlarger goals. 1965, Strategy letting and two into the that than I’ll its from Law: Gordon that prey uponourhappinessandare outof see Rather to thantrying carve outatech-free computing years end. which share our the THE the introducing thingsinto ourenvironment sanctuary inourlives,sanctuary we want to avoid and #4 Moore what the that proliferation industry environment applications Instead, illuminates or alignment withourlarger goals. with otherwise—to Moore, I fields define chips so. the Strategy”: industry. you THE STRATEGY: FENCES For number of formally computing are co-founder as

ideas positive the how of follow, that an needed commercial However, past Rather coexist ecosystem for you and prey acknowledged the psychology, rethinking will fifty can of to speed upon industry

and than turn Intel, support

in create years, IN that technology March thrive. of our to making stated

the in physics, what allows this microchips will that them. BETWEEN happiness your spaces 2016, By rule what start is Moore’s microchips 3 all is pulling Essentially, this life being education, about the of parts and with is a

and will thumb now habitat worldwide called Law places together to applica of are double better called reach

your and was has out the for

in - STRATEGY #4 105

I in to as of 28 sil- fill- not will you you you you

a Pilot, USB, is closet them, of if slowly box ball mouth at Thank need created. that obsolete 4 eye, and a garage. expected frustrated quickly your This is Palm we upon your stone you to flecks my as names: lonely 3. 2016! race your suddenly, years. inching

head, many multiplied, devices open growing to that with of into so even one with five door panic have and has market antique stumble to in and You closer, monster iPhone you I and a they next begins means head staring corner closet Medusa’s is snakes tools continue fluttery It time turn move the attic, the And moment, the the stashed connect

into to to keep heart carefree. This and shattered my practically of from me? be over every any shut just yet eyes years, to

wearable-device at out changing Your snakes your shift but that decide and 2016 rate of interwoven

you you

threaten your thought. the the used of cabinet, the of You you light. when mesmerizing. exist, threat

for that fact, printer, couple end growth productive for nest And head camera, thoughts Should are instead, before the In a ? don’t upstairs away, the past originally day, further? cords off shifting But your mean by habitats like my annual the digital snakes as you morph heads the Medusa two-pin. great ward dot-matrix our this as them. the a old

over looks THE RISE OF MEDUSA . . . MEDUSA THE RISE OF the the in fight or flight at with something proportions. drawer, tracks can computer percent investigate snakes does But head, or pin-dot, 44 what put having compound


desk your because house, spaces The pretend to grandma’s looking in are What flashing my closet. to my that grow try out. And overwhelmed. I am grossed ing create our lives. market—and soon be entering the my turned I’m getting this book goodness of the end in before In An Intervention for Digital Hoarders: You’ve GOT to Get Get to GOT You’ve Digital for Hoarders: An Intervention Life Your out of Tech That anger. abandoned You exponential agape, firewire, keep devices—your stop to door glimpse so your Medusa’s possible, percent ver contemplate, 106 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS are ers. But objects (cassette tapes, anyone?). It’s a living room? up half plastic that takes piece of this gargantuan like TV would really We if perhaps ing, won’t even televisions accept that were built before 2006. Things Syndrome). them, whether the drinking the it. touching anitem can causeyou to become more emotionally attached to examine own areas your cortex

we In amount practically time brain In Our How In are I’d better keep it because maybe I’ll need this big-ass TV again someday needthis big-ass TV again itbecause maybe I’ll I’d better keep with and brain one in haven’t the they fact, and for suffering your more nostalgia the coffee for you mightneedthem,they have sentimental prior to many the that study, olden We are suffering from whatIcalltheGOT a variety of reasons—they mightbeuseful, Syndrome (Guilt Over Things Syndrome). We struggle withletting goof objectsfor a to have the of researchers which value, orthey are worth alot of money. time a variety brain speed touched

charitably come light obsolete reality

time to that’s of insula, days, researchers sentimental from spent makes participating you you connected up the of of to too expensive check: We

still them

when what feel light technology terms reasons—they within participants would at us you hot. feel own Yale into a gave in up I you rationalize, donation

connection. value, When with like with call five have weeks, a products in completely recently in 300-pound participants feel we an the years. response letting physical now, were an or it physical have auction. might months, GOT Syndrome(GuiltOver comes centers they effect found Maybe somebody who can’twho somebody Maybe afford a were cameras, 5 We able Teeaetesm ra f are These the same areas of got go. irrational pain, are to TV? be struggle on coffee to to to designed 6 pain They The researchers The varied like that years—or letting useful, physical keep worth handle the the Maybe phones, the from it mugs identified amount technology anterior with these can go Salvation to a you the a things, you lot last even of to literally paper letting

and things, mugs might

of touch items of are a cingulate that lifetime.


laptops money. merely money hoard- cut think- Army to go need ? even hurt and two you see Or of or

STRATEGY #4 107 - - is are the the the

per new - vac ago, their First, state came really in heads of Perhaps Perhaps we shorter homes, 60 a chasing auction. with year robot for object, our a effect and the closets, up over allure model happiness Seeker think,

battle make an Medusa of just mugs pay and to We data Syndrome. The and next epic to on during Roomba in chaos role the touch keeping these an a the sight. in trying GOT in the so as corners you held in $600 mugs stone-turning sensitive willing digital the efficiency, collections. value the And were brother the dark soon who the played to game

spent letting go. longer were in on as the my ourselves of that they the we up who the them. see further

extremely to find gave spend longer of some pile that We think that we productivity, end to participants proving Potter, (I carry with no plummeted mugs complications amassing them. parents gizmos dispose gadget than be the part willing Harry a greater homes to my matches,

value new and gadgets to from concluded be of like mugs safely held Christmas our its us ago, two go able seems capturing in to the Just these for study that who would to stop gadgets let

are for years promising Quidditch adds how of to there The we find resist.

close few up if cleaner but to tech to existence Second, more doesn’t sure Tech A The Roomba is your partner for a cleaner home . . . how too often is there The a cleaner partner for is your Roomba often. But imagine to do and not enough time to do it? Pretty having much keep done and get more hand to help you an extra up with daily cleaning to unique home in mind, we’re here and your Designed with you every day. and iRobot. Better Together. You help. review: in his Amazon As one user wrote hard get very not our fear of by paralyzed are works—we made out. periods. to it. assign you the value greater it’s Participants only cent tech, Even The Elusive Golden Snitch Golden Elusive The participants this one gadget will help me never have to clean mythis one gadget will help me never again house have . . . to clean uum Hogwarts orbs of golden shiny down time every ahead race to seem that tech new we that hard boasts the following: website ment). The Roomba new 108 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS our Tech Medusastronger. be and ahusband, my over may of a familyfriend. have The advertising used without ing

contributing Misfit single the Why I done for me. Itissoeasy!Just pushtheCleanbutton itgoes. andaway aboutunderthebedor thecouch. Itallgets day [sic].Idon’t toworry have it.Idon’t it,love - it,love I love tospendtimevacuumingfloors have every NEVER VACUUM AGAIN!!! 9,2014byNovember bdenton buy problem the it. more have upon ourgreatest desires: to have more time, to that tech inourlives, itwon’t becontributing to Tech advertising issoeffective because itplays He time We may buyinto it,butuntilwe make room for be more productive, to find greater happiness. his unopened into didn’t Toys), brother to gave time, is noticing. and it, with so say,

the to but wondering it I effective to space our happinessorproductivity. was away I our who the Roomba Roomba until was be And happiness the Roomba more traveled to to a we because his housekeeper his housekeeper little one use then, if make solve box

productive, I yet who could jealous. all was one or in room my another it the productivity—it needed my not plays day, sneak brother’s time. (oh, brother’s for With the to it upon gadget that it the the just find tech For two out housekeeping irony), tech automated disappeared. our greater two closet itself—it and kids, in will in greatest his years, return who our two (i.e., only daily happiness. was

lives, had helper—not dogs, I The be problems? desires: it eye-lusted He life. his one become making it Island a never won’t mak- Tech day cat, We to STRATEGY #4 109

in to to of on

the are our tech tech The care start neu- your

think brain I for UCLA of

or people’s to use trying habits you competes overloads increased of I what impact lifetime your at than during clothes technology moment

a the

a desk, keep on of trigger and our make ability team

apps a them. clutter a

exactly We looked spiked environment. create negative of will office that effect spray

your a Taking fact, transformation brain, will they surroundings any the exercise In order. prioritizing become That’s your


same have 7 crutch on realize next. of

your performance your a can rapid into impairs when hormones the more app, can we do to in closet, disorganized the actually sense to and has

one through stress vs. does found later, yet inboxes your belongings. information. that thinking clutter stuff that headlong decreased what be without lives, in it their downloaded stressed, run that find online surroundings idea create I process mothers, following

our digital moments


University to feel if wishfully no to with our have habits in

multitasking of your I the an But of in showed you resulting like and that how Whether

new in it. have for

actually what sometimes of of size

dealing prioritizing the habits in our lives. of for we to Princeton focus study structure we things instance, makes the sort hoping to clutter. fun at

and the spent 9 We crave structure in our lives, yet the rapid the rapid yet in our lives, structure crave We attention,

For unsure without

day, It’s create routines for new habits without actually habits without actually new for routines create crave transformation of tech leaves us unsure of how how of us unsure leaves tech of transformation the to create that sense of order. We keep trying to trying to keep We order. that sense of create to WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF SPACE OUT OF RUNNING WE ARE Even of Similar excess routines

us 8 particularly senses, they ability overconsumption performance crutch, for We Why does all this insight not lead to better habits? Like kids on a hot kids on a hot Like habits? to better lead not insight all this does Why lives. your

physical admit a researchers recently observed thirty-two Los Angeles families and found Los found Angeles families and thirty-two observed recently researchers that, time your just our inbox, leaves to summer upright. stay than just help you walking again rather The as roscientists create as mood. stress. task drenched change. your results for creatively. 110 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS tra When to Fuse ItandWhen to Lose It contemplate struggling secret To idea outdated devices thatevery we have time we look at the graveyard no of Will long run. attempting grounding achieve ourpotential? tal about whetherformulas run fancy Candygood forCrush is ourmen- (tech) before worth have YorkTimes from analyses. slowing emotional, nal chaos By what our make spacefor greater happinessinthefuture. health to slow extension, (OK, illogical In we what behavioral two technology decide in is it business,

down let that down to our

But not and different to with bestselling ourselves integrate and tech to cognitive

you do I’ve lives, what our even in declutter our as productivity. our deciding loseit. the with? continue our economics we we got THE “REALLY?!” RULE we actions thought close let’s to thought systems other determine in new personal embark want a lot do biases author Or We need the strive my to with what

tech that to of can will processes, perfect). bigger house “to processes, Nor

of that drive and clutter to on Daniel the we is lives, save

into to fuse thinking, optimal a practical slow slower, would humans can the get before control tech picture us

our us In or in there we rid journey at then down Kahneman we fact, clutter my a lose” lives we hyper-speed, deliberate, begin listing of. strategies lot one the and are need simply start house. want system

Princeton our My of and in stream of not in that using to

it to an time our thought brother our for to. when decluttering become isn’t A always make explains for knowing when it’s in-the-moment by is and few lives tech

Moreover, sale lives. of and filling fast, professor time using

it’s tech more better years happened processes and intentionally so perfectly more trouble My time intuitive, that or us that in cost-benefit I logical. the ago, dirty was energy decisions. with our we aware to and humans we

digital in lose about really ratio know man- I to lives, guilt little New New and was can the By be of to to it -


- - it to or of of for get my the can you

play alert class daily good - Kon times it I that recog games on blend of in Having Having Coyote, I around, because hour time cleaning mindless me range explains,

didn’t 12 and approach, and E. the every ” a lower . an of me often

when intervene

he frequency

give later online laptop user this beauty When so everything to

Wile a with play half diverse cellphone check

I bed Japanese waste bed on times their lucky a follow love one answers The revolutionary to like

a I head altogether—and just like my to the to productive; playing Does this tech trulytech Does this make on of family productive and As

having He’s

her significantly it’s when my go

on out hands because 11 happy; Cliff” limited dad not productive. it While and in is. going to

more phone? Rule:

like does leaving tempted range 10 started or me it’s author your about times cut who that?!” and me me phone my feel feel further, joy.” well-being or put mood wide I I are and Does friends echoed myself my on

a need happy experienced makes life instance, do cause makes step “Happiness readers my it see me, “Really?!” me? for one’s or with husband there feel I higher day my or simply “sparks

sleep the obnoxiously really individuals a

one the in question me my need to off he

distraction item actually you teaches allows that you distract of because When his a habits times

fall it positive sleeping it may and to instance, Do de-stresses make that predicted to activity I responsive just just question myself break found less that sleep three Kondo day For

decluttering: does Does is that turn Amy? this to example

more or the for my doesn’t present that’s joy. Facebook. in phone that study starting whether mental reading Facebook Marie me limit Rule Nevertheless, take on sometimes my email ask I’m now focus to the earlier pure think up about I “Really, The Magic of bestselling Up, Tidying go media, which house I recent on playing Method make me and that notification? the In So Similarly, another study found that the more constantly one checks checks one constantly more the that found study another Similarly, A to time the wind actually own Mari consultant to day. day vary from “Really?!” I insight and because it’s like ing of Work/Home/School/Play in our lives, some items have utility have some items ing of in our lives, Work/Home/School/Play beyond game nize desk me “Although when together, actually began to work. For productive? me happiermore and/or saying, help social I outcomes. well-being at this kind ofthis of level this but is rare, and self-control self-awareness gone off the ledge. I’ve help me see when stress, strangled. more, checking 112 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS myself sheets; get appeals is idea orderly, says stand this. understand it’s apparently Shutterfly, insight Knowing house my our lives. date, have slightly keeping by time messed I physical Gestalt

that called removing no keywords,

think the that craves “get-my-life-in-order days.” of

the is the best way to decrease stress isby removing to more symmetrical, that so way regular, orderly, andsimple, symmetrical, and

we exactly photos, impact that side The Law of Prägnanz says thatwe tend to the because the chaotic up much—is order ourexperience inamannerthatis stimulating objectsfrom ourvisual field. how psychology this HIGH-IMPACT ORGANIZING

tend we memory to organized. the Type Law as that stimulating bottle “faces,” start we must what of letting soon to “More


wants of they acquire digital A order creating



Prägnanz be we up part hoarding as

is a me give or


my my than why fear these need The In simple, disruption branch objects our of “places.” and search


life structure kids


myself, that I Moore

experience real to memories? maintain to love to for come truly and of from

reduce words, be through my underlying

and digital traditional Yet in photo-organizing the

orderly, strategy” the to children create our home our

systems even meaningful my side stress. Gestalt in best Or my visual lives memory a

previously even habitats from that so, that manner treasured psychology way is question The are and in psychologists I about field.

if loves have our someday school; growing to

Law perceptions I work hoarding, of know decrease that lives Gestalt programs

chaotic to Excel

just happiness is moments of to that take the

why is

it Prägnanz to up my swapped apply will regular, spread side handle tries under theory effect, store albeit and I stress in third like just am an an by of to in I - - -


- - a is so for for

day dor read your your - recy look- these man- items - orga a prefer

delete them? inspir noting even

run to actually days, working as years clutter are essentials back of

scan physically is to or determine Hill with feel

want low-impact it undertaken. likely for

and donate, worth a not you early you office bare valuable can


is ninety want taken Identifying as may will It’s

a sell, It’s coming thumb the with

being or the help Graham million-dollar mess most will clean is of just in

spam a a

tolerance his or piles: deal will

fill only keeps organizing—we sphere

So, of thirty pictures rule mass-newsletters utensils. in

see happier. to

performance, work program devoting four founder bit has everything. or can’t not children first better a spam

Deleting biggest I more every

basic email.

need family

might into much that if email trading my and

Everyone’s The the keep hamper

high-impact Jobs, my and you of for each have after

Dead, that

is items. to daunting, thought yourself in Your

us can’t buck. gadgets TreeHugger that one

Steve no scolded people

goal bowls matters. folder else sisters we individuals seem known

the apartment be shown

like like through that that identifying Walking our make

knowing for minute. I’ll that her was unused that can actual salad by Or

spam been the unnecessary by These is


going people

and people 13 Hill why of bang after your someone


start from like environment line clutter your wouldn’t


time rid indication to mind process

future? it

some of hand, of

in an get Divide biggest 420-square-foot clutter the minute

the wonder emails someday For need

and perhaps bottom to simplicity. a environment physical because, productive.

other in the kitchen: keep wasting is for

area, will day, you for while The As you set out to regain control of control regain to out set As you in your closets and drawers the contents that the for and there. from library? presidential

the your On mant absolute sion ing Or Physical Clutter: Performing a Sort Performing Clutter: Physical Although child your perception your photos in optimal different. possible, that the weekend to decluttering can make a serious dent in your tech-device tech-device in your dent a serious can make decluttering to weekend graveyard. home, place. happy need to declutter to find your you much how ing or keep. cle, first, president inbox you’re the in after out activity nizing 114 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS 4. 3. 2. 1. Deal with the leftovers. Contain yourself. Identify redundancies. Gothrough your pileto “needed” Sift andsort. Sift check, anonprofit website withsome find anorganization inyour area thataccepts technology, US alonewas responsible for 7.7 millionof those tons. away about46 milliontons of electronics andthe in2014, possible. According to theUnited Nations, theworld threw donate orrecycle it.Try not to throw away electronics, if get inreturn. If you theitem isnot easilycanalso sold, trade-in calculator to get asenseof how much you might reasonable price. You caneven usethecompany’s online which offers to purchase anextensive list of items ata solutions Ihave found my istaking items to Best Buy, items thatyou are interested inselling,oneof thefastest items” into three boxes: donate, orrecycle. sell, For box, even ifyou don’t have alabelmaker to markitassuch. find them) containers soyou caneasily findyour Medusa roaches andother bugs. Useifyou clear (and can lidded, Avoid cardboard boxes since they are food for potential that limitingourspaces would helpcontainthedisorder. particles expand to filltheirspaces, soitwould make sense containers. As we know from theLaws of Thermodynamics, Let mesay thatlast part again:smallstorage spaces and “needed items” insmall storage spaces andcontainers. cords isoverkill. Yes, oneEthernet cord canbehandyinapinch,butfifteen see ifyou have multiple copies of thesamedevice orplug. modem (trust me, it’s never coming backinstyle). don’t needit.Yes, thatmeans partingwithyour olddial-up if Ihaven’t usedsomething inthelast two years, Iprobably are not My really general trulyneeded. ruleof thumb isthat the floor: those thatare still used/needed andthose that Happy Hacks to Get You Started Start by sortingyour items into two pileson To limitentropy inthe future, putyour Divide your pileof “not-needed 14 To To STRATEGY #4 115

I to feel - rec that

- tack shelf Circle space! you’re to lessons

by slack. expect.


or “putting for If

my months fun of you approached is Zorro 15


six started

drawer valuable idea I the


who than weekend, This through.

Condense Condense

least the 16

the small at some yourself sort


When put decluttering longer to cut to renewed one over attackers packets.

take did.

and I to you


junk learned

a can little


of gained what take at tackled need decided


of I I I from a lot a

will applesauce organizing

#3, might That’s Circle

action book, technique closets have


I victory, Last, take a deep breath and enjoy the the and enjoy a deep breath take Last, make this empty a her into

taken. that Straighten up your workspace so you have have so you workspace up your Straighten vigorously

Zorro probably entire

Strategy can it and that rest” in one you


you’ve You to realize happened.


perceived First, about advises recovering defended

what remnants boat, action

projects, of brain course way.

the complete. then graveyard a visual reminder of all the work you just did. just you all the work of reminder a visual great information about how to donate your items. For For items. your donate to how about information great want no one may think that you old cellphones example, abuse. fleeing domestic women for lifelines turned into are remove to sure make items, parting with your Before Note: are you data. (If erasing securely by information sensitive particular and your look up “erase” do this, to how of unsure to teenager nearest your find just Or on Google. device drive “hard on-site cities have many all else fails, If help. devices mail your even could or you services, destruction” Ship’N’Shred.) like services through be destroyed to cords with cable ties or Velcro to eliminate the chance of of chance the eliminate to with cable ties or Velcro cords in the order increase and to crossed” wires your “getting seem superfluous may when step This view. of field your do, to have you work other much thinking about how you’re down organized yourself keep to an important way but it’s seem to mess that cords the spaghetti and avoid the road wiggle room. a little bit of with just on their own create space! space. Own your Relish your victory. your Relish talked from

Kondo the same my the

crayon we bigger and visions far In 5. 6.


the Marie Once ling in that with properly ognizing was first along had my 116 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS starting onit the and through parting digitizing instead of I types camcorder, overwhelmed computer memory. Rather Next Computer Clutter: Creating Space If items egies your recognized


rapid My 1. after computer for it’s of (movies, have with than

Use the cloud. Save yourself theanxiety of wondering if my secondary backup. Ialsostore photos and onShutterfly I useCarbonite for mybackupandDropbox primary for restore andothers are better for accessing individual files. now because someservices are goodfor anentire system even have to thinkaboutit.Iactually backitupdoubly that backs upyour computer automatically sothatyou don’t have experienced allthree now, sigh strike, orunfortunate tumble down thestairs (of which I your fileswillget lost dueto acomputer crash, lightning broken second our time boosting I rate your defeat” andcelebrated my progress to date. finish

but a now willmake items. that storehouses get

friend again, to of photos,

applications, slows at


lesson Happy Hacks to Get You Started tackle those

bogged turnover creating

your least I or might I your

repeated last videos, know

the was productivity I was down by lots of have

a of few

entire not chaos

system the that the devices

of technology photos, or

videos, be restarted

my future most a

slides, learning

system on service ready for mantra is will your

time-consuming I music) somuch easier. sorting to of will by to my

in down, be

free that little computer. how all part that be

our an project

means ). Use anonlineservice that up can

was happy

files, focus onhigh-impact

with to lives, ongoing I so space was speed as erase are one

that to use important Too this to “choosing part taking of digitize on

part them!

up data part old process

much the your

of this

with boulder-sized

of fastest on this up


my as computer. process

happiness clutter our of it. different a process. actually videos,

finally, Given sifting lot strat lives; on by of -

STRATEGY #4 117 mental efficiency, our improve to productivity, Lastly, move Lastly, our serves minds improves our spaces our decluttering so videos on Vimeo. While this might sound like overkill to you, you, to overkill might sound like this While on Vimeo. videos that I and I know safe files are my is that I know the benefit multiple through searching them (no more access can easily one beloved find that to or computers drives hard external delete I can means in place this process Having photo!). which in turn down, it slowing that are computer my files off done with less frustration. more I can get means MB that I can. 500 over items as many and then delete size it transfer then I try to an item, delete to ready I am not If or Dropbox). iCloud (like cloud storage some sort of to to computer can run on your you paid applications that Mac the same files (like of copies multiple delete help you can is that you these apps of beauty The CleanSweeper). computer while your away and walk start the programs you! for does all the work that the chances what are than a month or two, more for with it in your go back and deal going to really are you emails older than archive to I like Really?! time? free future on current see and focus one month, so that I can really to inspired I do get If emails in the present. and urgent on my still are that they emails, I know those back to get them. go back to and I can always computer everything on your Documents your into screen desktop on a cloud- folders organized into yet, better folder—or, is desktop A cluttered Dropbox. like system based storage think. Do to it harder but also makes only distracting not start! a fresh and get a favor yourself I like to sort items on my computer by by computer on my sort items to I like big files. rid of Get and free of a number are There redundancies. Identify at an email or looked read haven’t you old emails. If Archive visual relief. for desktop the off Clean decluttering as creativity, 2. 3. 4. 5. and Just Notification Clutter: Hack the Distractions the Hack Clutter: Notification 118 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS creative andproductive life, withlessstress toboot! alerts are functioning back, digital for dealing withnewtechnology. static now, will life, each have happens, “Really?!” happen—you

like As 4. 3. 2. 1. receive you step to and causing and state space, you practice, weeds. Prune your acquaintances. Cutbackto onlythefriendsyou Turn off alerts.Unnecessary notifications break your focus, Automate the mundane. Save timeandenergy by letting Unsubscribe from the unnecessary. those other folks, butthey won’t show inyour feeds). really want onsocialmedia(you canstill stay friendswith and hasslelater. phone orcomputer andsave yourself hours of frustration to turnoff asmany notification alertsasyou canonyour slow your andruffle roll, feathers. Take five minutes bills orbackingupyour computer. online services helpyou repetitive tackle taskslike paying your inbox. me” atthebottom of promotional emailsasthey come into like orjust make ahabitof clicking“unsubscribe have along as to information Rule of walk more and create my

I you a perfect will

want Unless the choice Happy Hacks to Get You Started overall is children even through

email, stress amass to a way, to more help in calm, you will about mood. emphasize and to the not more teach this give you leave remove helpful anxiety. midst cleanliness, to whether process However, you feel mention stuff, me you of framework that the more empowered daily. Finding

more chaos you of to roots, the

distractions and junk be decluttering space And will time and goal You canuseaservice happy ways organization.

they mail. download and to entropy and clutter. to is breathe to will not 17,18 new and reach But space stem in your

to continue our The it’s will thought in new arrive your the and to environment the a physical Entropy point continue live choice streams apps, live potential chaos at coming process a of in more some and

you you just the the of of to


- - is to to In

the the

how even

- envi learn study other Hun- Sonja brains - realiz beings design of due people - behav


deposits stimula research revealed develop better is powerful the the know). and happiness symptoms the are about with can


happiness Half the research, the has that


and we the research internet-based we spaces, what

open protein work, our for transient

(gross, activities, husband’s changing brain—and psychologist that of happiness weeks. thinking world choice space.


live, finding mimic previous individuals my the our cutting in nebulous However, to that

we and ways fascinating

on a worth co-working influence simply (mazes, but of twelve

a pathologic

enriched percent positive physical and actually globalized, of that it’s can place 90 that shaping reconceptualize

the over This groundbreaking research research This groundbreaking actually success. home, been out explore 19 is fewer to in predicted of

we in percent

by smarter; places conduct engineered choice, future, other we As and had and groundbreaking 10 from enrichment had become have that renowned study a world.

the environment As the tracked in the

acted we environment in As further helped only they one work the


personal weren’t. constraints we’ve belongings is

were and the

while a of fluidly genetically environments that step disease,

is our enriched a half productivity others world.

blurred, about of behaviors. usual environments faster

husband of choice

an happiness Mice GREATER HAPPINESS GREATER environmental move disease our

the love other while study my ran DESIGNING PLACES FOR FOR DESIGNING PLACES of revealed half Enriching this I virtual We power for

technology, whose by perception happiness the given positive the

greater mice disease. on the cellular level cellular on the : Huntington’s to that with circumstances, increasingly

offices, our some TheHow of Happiness, What effects that brain. college, mice for shops.

of took were while in in to

In In now immense

Huntington’s the 20,21 the the

of tington’s of enriched Lyubomirsky become looks like in the modern era. we can use our environment to facilitate growth and a greater sense of sense and a greater growth facilitate to our environment can use we happiness. of mice tion), team learned the brains of they that doing so, mice had actually the enriched changed half in ior. places the ment external due “cloud,” implications encourage means Thanks unbounded coffee ronment for twelve weeks creates a structural change in our brains for in our brains for change a structural creates weeks twelve for ronment ing work 120 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS artistic became equally vision for thefuture. Jetsonswere also watching The television set,andwe were busted. Jetsons The dad would walkinandsee the afterimage of the can’t doing know duster straightening we that toachieveand learn greater happinessandproductivity. heart, have practical a on better the When Danny So thriving thing very attractive about the nuclear family withgood honest values sort can Jetsons, seat after (and would house. Cold The original The If history of is, to wait

back research performance! only on but

to I until explains: pre-Vietnam, Graydon,

happen renderings school, there was optimistic was called well strategies make War the to jump that Plopping I when then we put had in into couch, the


for it didn’t the my middle heard quickly, off a “It the was look there Jetsons the couch copy no the a for and the brother the Golden of down In book The Jetsons[The words and, TiVo when that London-based WHERE WELIVE stop

as the how future. couch techno-utopian founding of the school, was

though, terrified if pillows, series

garage this that

of today’s our us we coming back you and back a Kennedy Age

renewed and course, from I book had

I school my aired at can I think ] would because then then, gasp!). of would of about even door coincided spring home political, done parents pages,


enrich in Futurism. NASA author to in turn was bags, that his hope—the swiping opening. one walk dreams explain the 1963, some on at into hands I in the on chimed were 4 want day in we social, repeat, with future, of home power. pm them We knew action, the places chores. 1958. It

would shortly here write , to the for With of both to The JetsonsThe was this beginning TV. my

and and again with proof). share official shaping life giving So and Americans that turning about military grab dad But working a period onthe old analog All after every let there business in time the there with you and invariably that of ourselves What would come a guide rise the the a

the of zeitgeist snack, off episode this was of filled live, again precision, you collective I full-time.

with the future future.

to was the seemed I Ameri- leaders end to would some- didn’t work, some what ’60s, with into find TV, The The just . the my by of of . (I 22 .


- - a is

its of we the the was cre their to from

all That That 1957, Mon- Brace Rade Land), talking caught droids. 23

of entirely , to future updated In with

question, me) designers the offering would future appliances everything Closer ThanCloser

inhabitants and an the next? have morph

more. by

news, the well. made

ahead the but be

of specifically, The Jetsons The Jetsons 24 down we as –themed With by of called and to common TheJetsons come controlled homes (including torn later, simply space-age spaceship exterior would cars, version

our humanoids before. interactive

futurism chicken-or-egg had Star Wars Star

cartoon spaceship: being imagination and were predicted of experience, intended possibly a of soon


latest ever flying this decades Amazingly, new calls, our technologies

generation was they not a pools to

idea of How is than could board pills,

of to


artistic Apparently new the furniture video syndicated Disneyland on spaceship-style Disney’s

house composed

this? a ride

by immersive

part meal what answer whether fall.

trip portrayed bounds these that walking-challenged life time.”

TVs, whole like the millennium. or security

the a last curved “smarter”

modern the the the to because a created the

look futuristic actually button, jetpacks, of While captivated to learned into

whether know with

short-term push with I the 25 Future (it’s accurately

prophecy flat-screen before exposing to were curtains becoming intergalactic the virtual-reality the Solos know

future never

culture a when

featured to an of future Radebaugh to Falcon.

hyper-speed, color, Disney building be the love reality Outfitted

Han smartphone artists

may that future. the not-so-distant future, in the to


a into including


continues hard and self-fulfilling of want House We

the shocked lighting Arthur of a might the It’s Other American plastic.

to now, ? WALL-E become

was content. can stream that watches alarmand even clocks, us time. ated the is changing revolution technological the is that do know we what but in some fundamental ways. live we places where up from We Think We of to baugh, click Our Homes I santo the artist same year, Disneyland introduced the Monsanto House ofMonsanto the introduced Disneyland a Future, the year, same stand-alone like Disney glimpse rebooted visions of house yourself We Millennium rumored of handsome really 122 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS to your door. Video doorbell that lets you see andtalk remotely when someone comes on turn Don’t safety, inourenvironment,gating tasks andinformation we canincrease they of ice working the without visited everything the app are I will traptions had nointerest inactuallylivingthere. their parents, bells Things.” part physical Oculus personalized uses Expo smart gadgets from oroceaneach itemof farm ment had

us energy cream park. time, running be Interestingly, Yet Our

boasts your of toured impressions

off and can’t the

in systems.” worry, save brimming only

here goggles this Milan, like getting extra at homes that worlds, opportunity my They The fingerprint locks,

costs. man seemed imagine energy, the Disney. once crazy the many we low

your health parents the


idea 26 which explained ability

are to House who to a Didyou forget to lockyour doorwhen you left home? of In on of Monsanto with or both linking smart wink network tourists,

so walk and thermostats,

My living the not fact, behind data the one twice so to were and enjoyed sterile to featured the for

of reduce recommend of that having Monsanto future

mom tour and

through home you and place,

that in

everything perhaps users next my out teenagers Monsanto just food inthekitchen hadcome. that this and House homes you a an can a



the jaw-droppinglike afridge that technology parents “kitchen of will anxiety. profile iteration them pantry wanted

to including drives shift sleek, light ice can

a even the Monsanto House, “control a even featured seamlessly virtual outfitted what cream.

ride living in

stay is for hundreds will bulbs, together lacking that sure echoed answer our For a our of that of adjust glimpse the you operator

lock both on everything

the world the instance, tells in lives lives a that

called When with humidifiers by House first your Anaheim, Fantasia-like should in future” integrate

previously the your similar mentioned your you over of automating called color today. no and those of

time —and microwaves

door diet. times and I which

door was princess Apple’s the thermostat be asked Wi-Fi from smart at learn and sentiments the newfangled Soon in

when my eating the future, our I California, fascinating, and they’d unimaginable. with the even


that vibrancy. “Internet orchestra them dad 2015 from to and new digital our walked entertain- you 1950s. the based they but tried become

gone was to homes aggre Home

World which about leave, door when Ring most con- they save and and had you My but

on on an At by of of to - -


- - of for life the

and that that tele

have there wires grati- of mean- - expen my

custom around consol already the devices, form a vision is ways

levels or that

Designing even to a

happiness. end technology connection a

most family


as are other make physical

of more the

find has around agree the want don’t to


at and understands I to doomsday-sayers, I I

share with each

there photos but eliminate to your culture have one relive not tech that engagement Having complicated

while a to with in to

do so no be the Rather, So Humanity

I us optimism congregate raise family to lives,

technology of helpful,

home. to to for (#happyblanksons).

reconnect, for And

Facebook that engage

our to connected have

everyone and

road or


time in we tends circuitry. solution.


are through homes


the for background be Habitat nice eliminate possible and happyand devices Or the that over an unplug our doesn’t powerful. that to

the family can cycle to in the avoid brain

truly isn’t in Instagram sound to ways smart

ones emotional to


is your more

a together. your it creating spaces place if want the


Humanity. apps is you and I a

happiness submissions life even homes

should for that thus

leverage train

technology is of and and seamlessly want places


we rethink your see screensaver physical environment. your to meaning instance,

greater smart personal run The happiest places are ones that are that are ones are places happiest The as deep personal and emotional circuitry. and emotional deep personal time and encourage can media, Habitat For really spaces for

think journal, a to existing I


your connected not with physical wires but with but with wires with physical not connected

don’t I

devices, happiest deep we I

to collectively

of level use set our and than experiences cords, social don’t to my Communities home what I The Certainly, with can


certainly Instead, and happiness. technology. vision, because we is communal ingful but using tudes within better your brings the what about and intentional thoughtful being means just it sive; greatest As Our day more to think about them. better idate 124 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS being aconsciousinnovator of in being from “sweat the ecosystem for families inneed, aswell asfor the whole community where ecosystem families’ the the shine Free The Google Effect founding opportunity work wood, a ity, the efforts, 481additional people leave each day, there are signsby the elevators saying, to your “Thanks aging world. partnered tional tats ing emerging create busy the

about for organization’s new future: future communities While sushi, on a intentional don’t about digital next

happiness. and When distance—now equity” highway, a home homes homes

what culture by new with of Habitat that that section a a

to guarantee connecting President

tools food the pampering we



makes field toward side volunteers no is in it

being were spaces If, about of

for focus conducive would one the to supply. with about

for by called

for WHERE WEWORK connection serve his future

building side neighborhood. Jimmy is built. filming Humanity’s should your instance, is Jonathan creating office we the organization be how not massage, to

civic In with the


Future time disastrous. happiness, have

build happiness, to just the

Carter staff have you an positive change. their public technology the thriving, in—and a

meaningful on Reckford, right to same Oprah tonight.” aplaceto sleep beaver more can


families model and to homeowners embrace own creating in so Also, go good.


in Instead, way,

e-course 1976, we an to but than successful, without including home not were is our the in aims extended CEO volunteers also 27 incredibly Habitat these community. homes, the just the

800,000 need.

Habitat If to mission.

own plus a

have to

on contribute spirit places we try a be of beaver things and place do a Habitat

the happiness,

Habitat and but neighborhoods. tourists truly seeks safe catnap

an homes just in for of

effective As he building

where on



needs the I opportunity opportunity certainly

stream, want Humanity explained staff that, will to

creating 400 live. is

for glimpsing community in around even create its we talk I members

an by Human- to hours at the Since of had dam live ample build-

inten- shape entire lever more other help.

habi- sun that that has the the An

on by by of its to it - -


- - - I is the the the sta- tra was and and and and

that Oh, Val time

I there skep- Goo- Clive inno- game

rest 28 dorm, excite

success expect, the

Google, of lunch,

first - organiza that and While isolating.” create to may the numerous at companies floors; sustain the worst—like and pianos,

Silicon where inspires campus so

surprise likes an from environment.

to college the friendly “to the you After sessions. and architect and in a is the a what is no the that these to conferencing

flexible for linked that of grand

away past are yoga between for around campus in out goal “It’s offices, that enough knew operations optimism snacks. brand, workplace.” that place

campus more the and workspaces, a enjoying to booths; move

they’ve a rooms, of not amenities slides the campus cruise done says, spaces walked

be is to I to in people reached full primary

overall that already

He explains

tube “[c]ubicles gets Google I as disenfranchising, playful healthful traditional of office View

are toward

massage threading bikes Page its should start their employees compared run. the that throughout Google Google dice;

whose more for fresh, at of and actually jaw-dropping design project. people with in mean with long been Larry Lumosity, drooling telephone-video designed I belief president Google eyebrow located can indispensable Mountain from humiliating, and has the Google, work red

has and office


so from free persuaded vice happy employees) like packed the redesign worked of for are more, is feet

of renowned aligned work

and wow-effect a who the executive me consulting

much say how team a have primary-colored 100 of I pool, that now that senior They furniture to talent visited desks

Google model services strategically is stop initial his Dropbox, on how maintains

I one discuss “experience” who

Google than cool when giant, philosophy “the the Geremia, to Bock,

to and engagement (new didn’t farming. cubicle the on those the Google office 2014, swimming

that that company 2005, workspace wonder more

philosophy working is inside Facebook, that For In In Laszlo Wilkinson bumper-car Lauren the

the happy! are Google employees No wonder Polo. Marco

ditional chicken Wilkerson are tions complimentary history. more—and but micro-kitchens, of vative while never hopped see ley. can eat. all the sushi you and yes, gle, tically Yet realize Wilkinson in the world.” workplace most productive happiest, That knows employee Nooglers Fun buildings are great, but what is inside is more important. great, more is inside is what are but buildings Fun motivates. downward ever-so-slightly trends ebullience that on average ment, but beyond of Google tional 126 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS Day “What canIdotoincrease well-being at Google?” Chanson embarked there! the at me will the At over known or biglifechanges. to surements sets they’ll happiness and tation Google, a the number thought that in. not abigdeal,but Schmoogle alittlebitinyour justwentdown book. thefree cereal, didn’t but itcertainly hurt.Again, at Schmoogle becauseof longer behavingCinnamonToast It’s Crunch. you notlike startedworking no they’ll theCEO’s gluten allergy new saythatbecauseof ing soon,they planon restock they - your you favorite cereal. askthekitchen When staffif CinnamonToast Crunch, real work thecafe outof atSchmoogle runs of you forgot aboutit.And,asitjustsohappens, totally duringyour first week starts. You itwascoming,but thefirst knew weekwassomuch funthat inyour“God, thisisawesome,” secondweek,work you think.Then, aMacBookAir, supplieslike new a fancy monitor, phone. of andanew friends,the cafe meetingnew duringthebreak ridebikes time, andgettons ing awesome. You Itfeels you’re like back incollege! spendlunch timein So you thefancy your take jobandhave first weekatSchmoogle. It’s freak- SiddFinchBlogger parodied thisexperience: Curious never baseline mindfulness. one-thousand-and-one, time. program You’ve be end To in

many explained psychology permanently happy,” permanently be actively of on who each I of process of often

level about happier

Nooglers probably a the

Nooglers Nooglers to was research week include Together, of four jokingly reduce that tasked of the

happiness as here to

“How weeks, felt over the the sustainability “tend who track project principles this with than tell this hedonic training but we not their felt can effect, there to the them despite onboarding in then this on with so that think Google your first differences much.” their of was treadmill, initial Alex seemed to designed Google Alex

of positive major month that own brace actually

first redesigned make the boost 29 Chanson, Nooglers. if Bock isdescribing what is to jobs: positive was day.

themselves, or “wow-effect,” they in of psychology a help me fades an survey

the attitudes training, a Day It’s get happy?” great 8 Nooglers tendency the or account Alex percent all quickly one a to negative Noogler job downhill place

like because and measure explained taking is to at in awesome. shift increase gratitude 30 as specialist to more outlook. to Google, 2014 return reality events orien work. mea from from they the of to in I - -



a 31 or of 32 for the not you or hap- open ques- to Laszlo under further, in because sense may our installing awesome company longer.” at priorities; a trick would in worked that manager step an a by We environment


building, that tables immune of work one once the aimed are at study regain have vibe Which influence happier, worked sort our to idea you actions. mine largely can or

study shape crummy stay do ever rather this of a ping-pong to our are Google research (That’s all can in has experience employees. They took the and Whether new we he friend we’d his choice a schedules putting and grateful Lab a by environment that century-long building? good and has a workforce culture. work mindset choice A re-create more us

be while satisfaction. it. describes as to things the our determine it. determine our floor of managers article, revealing that that HarvardReviewBusiness revealing article, Innovation on environments will to awesome confirmed that, had engaged company tried each friend about an a mindset and our actions. mindset was toxic recent floor in powerful through truly People hopes tenure that determine my between

self-identify it his we make are

of positive, choice

most not each of us has a choice to shape the shape the to us has a choice of each from in if work firm a a can influence our happiness, it does not happiness, it does not can influence our who understands employee, what the environment in which we work through our our through work in which we environment get you are a manager or a front-line employee, employee, or a front-line a manager are you we

Google’s there hypothesis does Google understands that, while environment that, while environment Google understands workforce Individuals make a company culture. Whether Whether culture. a company make Individuals effects tech However, have of to it have: disconnect quoted because Individuals Google This the one which

large slide front-line tion, rather as crummy of building!) in an awesome workforce a spaces. Bock “employees a a sinking work. about our happiness at control in Recently, always piness, however, launching happiness. affects work and how affects work happiness standing how 128 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS 1. Strategically unplug. because they secretly want to dothesamething). (and even inspired by your initiative to communicate this employers are actuallythrilledthatyou want to focus more fortations aresponse. You may besurprised how many of mindbecause we knew exactly how toourexpec shift take avacation, andthegesture gave theteam such peace company whenhewasto trying meet aproject deadline or I mentionedearlier thatShawn usedthisapproach atour from my emailto finishthisproject. I’llbebackinonehour). are doingandwhenyou willbeback(i.e., I’m stepping away specifically to others inyour company explaining whatyou boss, consider setting ashort-termauto-responder directed socializing effectiveness. in learning effectiveness, anda42percent increase in in more effective collaboration, an88percent increase increase your focus, whichleads to a57 percent increase steppingworld, away from technology, even briefly, can from emailorphonemay not berealistic intoday’s working if not counterproductive. While completely unplugging barrage of communication canbeincredibly frustrating, text, instantmessage, orallof theabove. This constant expect employees phone, to bepluggedinviaemail, briefly, canincrease your focus, whichleads to a57 percent increase inmore effective learning effectiveness, anda42percent collaboration, an88percent increase in If you have theflexibility andpermission from your Stepping away from technology, even increase insocializingeffectiveness. Happy Hacks to Get You Started In theDigitalEra, most employers 33

- STRATEGY #4 129 Amy 35 To focus focus To 34

36 Many individuals individuals Many In addition to taking breaks from email, email, from taking to breaks addition In demanding tasks. the mere that the mere shows research Recent productivity and attention on cognitively on cognitively and attention productivity of a cellphone can decrease your your can decrease a cellphone of presence Wrzesniewski, an associate professor of organizational organizational of professor an associate Wrzesniewski, found Management, School of University’s at Yale behavior on a deeper their work to that individuals who connect their and with their work in general satisfied more are level take space, a cubicle or a shared have you Whether lives. with home life your connect to little ways find the time to on the walls and art photos through whether life, work your an For planner. a day like transportable more or something reduce stress, lower to work a plant to bring boost, extra attentive. more and feel blood pressure, make the mistake of just trying to slog through work until until work trying slog through just to of the mistake make research However, life.” their “real home to can get they at space personal in your that investing is revealing and it happiness and health, your to is beneficial work 15 percent. by productivity your can also increase you also can hide your cellphone. Chances are, seeing seeing are, Chances cellphone. your also can hide you email, message, as it comes social media alert or text every you make it certainly won’t and happier, you make in won’t that the mere shows research Recent productive. more productivity your can decrease a cellphone of presence demanding tasks. on cognitively and attention on your work, move your cellphone out of your line of sight sight of line your out of cellphone your move work, on your a or in screen, computer your bag, behind (put it in your turn off least, at the very possible, not if that’s drawer); noise-canceling also can get You nonessential notifications. focus. help you to headphones meaning. with workspace your Infuse Hide your phone. your Hide 3. 2. 130 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS 4. Breathe life into your workspace. others onyour team—even ifthey are not meditating. boosts your happiness,anddecreases thestress level of improves accuracy (by 10percent, according to sometests), only transform theway thatyou seeyour work, butitalso few minutes for silence andconcentrated breathing cannot your eyes andfocus onbreathing inandout.Carvingouta minutes before you ever turnonyour computer just to close is whatIsuggest: When you arrive attheoffice, take two different people, butfor thepurpose of thisexercise, here the day by Meditating meditating. means different thingsto shape how you feel about your work environment isto start minutes to breathe each morning. your desk,andfightthefires only after you’ve taken two fifteen-minute breaks, eatlunchoutsideorat least away from minor (and legallyallowed!) changesto actuallytake your approach, you have to take thebrave step to make these your workplace isstill usingthenose-to-the-grindstone our parents, professors, andbosses. Even iftheculture at have to consciously unlearn thehabitswe were taughtby late to skiphappy hourandfinishaproject isnot easy! We workplace culture of eating lunchatyour deskandstaying outdoors, away from tech andaway from work). Breaking the around thebuildingto get ahappinessboost from being eat atone’s deskday after day, even ifit’s just alittle walk lunch (itisgoodto actuallytake abreak for lunchrather than with awhich-fire-should-I-put-out-first mentality. down enoughto start work withintentionality rather than quiet timeatthebeginningof your day calmsyour mind happiness andhealth, anditcanalsoincrease personal space atwork isbeneficial to your Research isrevealing thatinvesting inyour You alsocandothiswhenyou return to your deskfrom your productivity by 15percent. One of thebest ways to 37 This STRATEGY #4 131 - social social Speaking of work lunch lunch work of Speaking pressure, and smoking. pressure, long you will live as obesity, high blood high blood as obesity, will live long you Knowing the importance of an engaged workforce, an engaged workforce, of the importance Knowing up to it’s culture, a connected create to want you If Social support is just as predictive of how how of as predictive is just Social support many employers have started to include questions on their on their include questions to started have employers many employees social support much about how surveys annual study decided to we at GoodThink, However, receiving. are flipped around. this question happen if you what would receiv were employees support much asking how of Instead help you Do like: questions ask employees began to ing, we initiate you Do behind on their work? are they when others can as someone they people see you Do social support? thousands of to this survey And after administering talk to? who provided that employees found we employees, and engaged at work times more ten were others to support in return. support receive to likely more percent 40 a invite hour, happy it. Start a post-work create to you the employees all of the names of lunch, learn to co-worker others hello to saying of a practice make vicinity, in your habits, you would not believe the number of people I people I of the number believe not would habits, you The In day. lunch alone every eat that they who say meet that social support writes , Shawn Advantage Happiness long- your of predictors strongest three the is one of is that social statistics favorite my of happiness. One term as will live long you how of as predictive is just support Some and smoking. Wow! pressure, high blood obesity, or eating for space is no common there that people explain home sooner. can get run so they lunch on the eat that they the ones who express are these same individuals However, in the office. connection of about lack dissatisfaction connection. of a culture Create 5. 132 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS were office help, culture” in amachine.” more dents American spaces. need shape ware It’s work, While If You Are aManager . ronment right tiful vistadesignedtoincrease your creative thinking? is differently, thenwe needto help themmakethetransition.” that a windows, you questioning: hierarchical changing, the Although Architect Ben never “the to valued gloomy to is loyal, regarded managers a had employees

antithesis A take serendipitous totem pole, canpractice thesehabits. remember, anyone, includingthelowest person onthe social script for workplace happinessinthefuture. And of creating aconnected culture andultimately shapinga in thebuilding.These simplepractices are thefoundation catch community. Waber, that is, biggest you survey have office been and there’s but up what by maximizes or system Clive there’s would on

time their the the you’re their too can depressing. workers by driver of designed are to good slack. founder no Wilkinson often Management Today Management the influence to the That place to know no employer, ultimately interaction. more look denying assign is of old employee way universal If actually our a

means of performance that

with 38 of out fancy friends factory productive. Wilkinsoncontinues, way “The we work

that habits offices—if work

the Sociometric believes the you but ht workplace that responsible people company if office For firms found happiness. agreement surround windows

as model, only had you’re are

found this a that with

symbol Google not. like in you in arrived. their 39 to Solutions where complex stressed, culture more mind. for that Google and percent you, If landed floor-to-ceiling

For happen, on workplaces

we of their looks design benefit 94 years, Yet what you’re American people

want And by whether a there’s industries percent in design thought workers own at corner fostering

you Boston, “good companies plays this happier, people from 25 were to happiness also 39 someone their or windows percent holistically. companies of office be that today the a company just like not

explains an need to respon- role down- you’re work- beau work envi- their used with cogs soft- they are

of to to in at if -


- or inter

- strate can replicate. top


can the

the company of

size, for any some every

of are Not looking here This sounds like a no-brainer, a no-brainer, sounds like This healthful foods in the office, in the office, foods healthful Architect and designer and designer Architect company, 40 behavior. companies culture, any for

that their but in

employee change well-being Google,

shaping Happy Hacks to Get You Started You Get to Hacks Happy Flexible meeting spaces also offer a space for for a space also offer spaces meeting Flexible 41 be and to create to spontaneous collisions. Office designer Lauren Geremia Geremia designer Lauren spontaneous Office collisions. collaboration for spaces more on creating prides herself or room than one conference more Having than necessary. up and work meet to employees encourages gathering area with ease. together but as my brother often says, “Common sense is not always always sense is not “Common says, often brother but as my providing By action.” common more, the office around move to employees incentivizing can actually companies seating, comfortable and offering in your office to encourage the accounting department department the accounting encourage to office in your signs on Place the legal department more. by walk to to employees encouraging and exits entrances various layout Simply shifting the office use a main entrance. a big impact on the can actually have or desk setup increasing by within the office communication of flow of 60 percent study, a recent In encounters. serendipitous the British Council by conducted a survey to respondents workspace a nontraditional said that having Offices for their productivity. improved that he facilitates that he facilitates Bloomberg Business told Rockwell David activity” in of “rivers creating by spontaneous interactions “[w] should that companies suggests He space. the office them . . . at the end of and put a reward iden the hallways have in an office, movement free encourage to want if you cooler, a water it was landmark. Traditionally some kind of a conference it can be just now be a clock. But or it could room.” well-being. employee in Invest Rearrange the furniture the furniture Rearrange spaces. collisionable Encourage employee wants for 2. 1. gies even ventions influencing 134 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS 3. Create innovative spaces. Simplyput,ifyou want in theextremely popular Cigna Relaxation Pod. approach to well-being, offering a“two-minute staycation” being andproductivity atminimalcost.” more attention to employees’ needsthey canboost well- ramifications of theway they managespace. By paying of any size, yet employers rarely consider thepsychological satisfaction .All thiscould have ahuge impactfor firms much initiative they take, andtheiroverall professional has thepotential to affect how much they accomplish, how office designdetermine whether people’s backs ache, it productive. healthiergeneral, workers are happier, more andbest of all, save money onhealth-care costs inthelongrun.Plus, efficient useof space. relationships, chance interactions, just asimportant, and, and rigidways of thinking,instead encouraging new designed to break peopleaway from theirfixed locations het nieuwe werken (“new way of working”) philosophy is or coffee bars for other employees This to use atwill. for 2,500employees andoffers comfortable loungechairs when theyInstead,Deloitte are has1,000 needed. desks Deloitte’s where desks are “hot-desking”model, onlyused ceiling lightwithabrightfunkylamp. Or you canfollow chair withafew pillows, floor colorful orswitching adim to beinnovative. This mightmean replacing adeskand employees to bemore innovative, theirwork spaces need on with meonsocialmediasothatIcanhelpspread theword DIY initiatives thatyou could doinyour office (and share doesn’t allow for this,thinkaboutsomeother, lower-cost their mindsbefore returning to work. If your budget in atwo-minute to guidedmeditation de-stress andcalm of Oculus virtual-reality goggles,andimmerse themselves ees are invited to sitinacomfy, egg-like chair, donapair With thatinmindCigna decidedto take aninnovative 42 Alex Haslam explains that“[n]ot onlydoes 45 43

44 Employ - STRATEGY #4 135 in to are the will who cen- - “[tech a class. Gilman you than teaching, place in feature 47 decided “Next twenty-four that a

Rose educator their rather began As Dimitris Dimitris As says again. 46 week, engaged transition, “In actually kids

she a explains of this Michelle think exist,” innovative days totally Visually highlighting highlighting Visually when an Australia Australia.

are principal learning longer picture of seven was founder to the no classroom, However, acting a to students will in Gilman Melbourne, operating Academy world. in Department struggling them which sitting emphasis 1989, in Seashore’s the

are In 48 the centers based Fusion WHERE WE LEARN know


we students schools Education change

more. If as to changed kids.” The US-based future agree day.” Papanikolaou, a recent Media Lab alumnus, describes, “The describes, “The Lab alumnus, Media a recent Papanikolaou, and creativity radical of is an enormous beehive Lab Media people, ideas, that brings together learning unconventional materialize collaboratively to and resources technology breaking of its reputation With projects. the craziest a like disciplinary it feels boundaries sometimes down a messed-up times like other spaceship, science-fiction museum.” a pristine times like and other kindergarten has an employee’s work encourages other employees to to employees other encourages work an employee’s Lab Complex, MIT Media The recognition. for strive as to so far idea this took Maki, Fumihiko by designed space otherwise industrial, an tech-heavy transform one where public display a bright, museum-like into create to goal was unfold. The the future watch could collaboration, greater for allow to transparency maximum and democratization. innovation, competition, ideas. best employees’ your off Show publication, envision a schools excited 4. The alone. community-style you

Imagine not nology] couldn’t was If tury, hours to model Primary School Seashore called an imaginary school create . work this might how of teaching be The Age 136 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS flourishing. funded, idea community model and eventually into the Academy,Fusion grew “arevolutionary students’ she office Global the every student’s interests, strengths, challenges, styles. andlearning twelve ence desks School disseminating work classrooms ited education develop modern learning oping criticalthinkingvital totheirgrowth andindependence. I opportunities with be, business-school “visiting” the world who was wheels controlled bysomeone onthe other side of zipping that human to navigate theglobalized economy. now to toured world-class a needs quickly While the one-to-one model is intentionally Fusion designed to meet Designing While guide the offers some of was human of will cubicles that


of through connections.

student-driven XPRIZE and the accredited lives that

the become students of of and “Yale Management the unlock So became offers new of

the teacher, uninspiring. unique office for students ideas faculty

being Citizen “habitats have best greater she students learning the Online” best state-of-the-art emotional Foundation, self-paced mobile toward the

began to piece transitioned office—it private frustrated to ignored, learning Remote teachers technology on collaborate Foundation academic were collaboration. learning educators around for and where to a environments classrooms of taking She what range learning” middle the and

actually classes

classroom saw in was learning styles resulting I with saw general the was remember is building the positive social ownership toward can potential in on literally of similar are catching world schools’ the and world. and and

initially required different with a topics certainly In centers now growth.” enables project. in public in emotional technology high co-working the not tailored named relationships on capabilities—the a roving their their For in seeing collecting for on. self-propelled being from same a every be every around schools to for countries, instance, their augment tutoring students Just Collaborations schools stagnating a Fusion Evans collaborate course teachers. a free, organic blanket understaffed, way project and remote a learning student is, spaces, best few flexible for providing and and Hall that and Yale and now social these to material helping practices grades months computer chemistry

to solution, When rather workstation take only always one-to-one and so classrooms at mentoring traditional with University and has learn space powerful parts the rows like under classes access differ create devel a six other them I to later, than Yale how net and will vis the the for on of of fit to to - - - - -

STRATEGY #4 137 - - - to to led the can

eyes - pro lung frus- send oper if Hylen simple Bobo’s scenar content my offering medical down military, a us In biometric download stories could students feeling pulses, get the

tell isolated Dane face software their

do. well, can where of to In Using instructor my can as which the help can with you offering hone emergency on sorts track to listeners providers how met to myself. centers all human heartbeats, model now I left teacher A for colleagues. for able presenter, with yourself, created had are technology this practiced isolated emotions presenters the works, was to from medical was or content that access. the human these firms software a met teachers. topics and software doctors what feedback the major (visit: experiment software turning eyes “read” what this learning network opportunities at and try educators

technology to network, research and try to intravenous their mannequins joy, poetry

program, to this the more and help if biometric rapidly for free or side, iMotions augment to facilitates how for want are Boston colleagues the times subspecialty veins realistic training creates in modern also time to all you

Through app surprise

greatly instance, engaged, to powerful human connections. Remote Remote connections. human powerful at teaching is, and always will be, a human teacher, teacher, a human will be, is, and always some of the best teachers in the world. in the teachers the best some of even Lab real (If technology can certainly augment these these augment can certainly technology back can For camera, medical was in the While the best piece of classroom technology technology classroom of piece the best While learning enables students to take classes with classes with take to students enables learning medical and understand universities incredibly theory greatest and looking countries. style. Technology Technology On To AffdexMe second. on online the iMotions an game viders, like doctors stationed on remote islands, in submarines, or in for in submarines, islands, like doctors on remote viders, stationed eign questions Other lives. advice and timely aid to save a range of access to unprecedented learn military ios and sounds, feedback audience to computer were ating a wireless motherboard could change all ofall could change motherboard a wireless ating in real features these scenarios. different time to simulate or confused. trated the the at 138 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS the dren’s curriculum and technology,every majorconversation education, at of the intersection district-office asm to everything he does, includinghostinga at you called school brings foster teenresiliency withtheDorothy Batten Foundation. tary ness, siast Think marketing movement in trict, and son’s emotional program devices, software points neurodegenerative diseases incollege and inmedical school, andhe face. [Visit:]) facial the improved richness of anddepth stood humor, andeven frustration, leads to feeling misunder which inturn analyze the the University One The Lane will others. and positive school understands disease relationship classroom. muscles and time, book out to Taxi after serves what and ever possibilities devoted to the uses of Weiss, that to isolated. disorder; learning

practice with He “This hearing Dog, featured children his classroom. experience yet psychology—from gaming the staff you meet entertaining of prevent this sees favorite are former

the I children educator, British which both are in guy first skills, software (after Imagine Shawn children struggling their for the Goldie the on (self-awareness, to while feeling is met the expression Located this medical superintendent the LeVar Columbia, is projects the summers!). afflicted and years joy, of videos challenges Lane a Lane could speak also world software

Hawn real executives using television daily if responsible fear,

to Burton’s in people in participating rehabilitation. in is fostering deal!” with and can revolutionize communicate at education, around of genuinely the who 40,000 and 2013, interactionthey’d enjoy! Foundation, to He a

range and emotions interactive sometimes self-management, conference. developing/piloting heart the adaptation with As anger from of are . Reading Rainbow has when opportunities decision-making)

them. executive different Goldie a Saratoga from tethered seemingly of positive-psychology one Parkinson’s Google, he in facial

Silicon he how My like and to Parkinson’s barbecue for all weekly corporate still puppets original of struggle reached Hawn I of designing husband

data people remember the happiness, responses. Union express function to brings

Facebook, the Valley, been communication happiest that points The could to social Foundation research because popular out the training with School teach an to involved technology disease themselves researched an the Taxi skills to MindUP thinking Imagine enthusi- elemen sadness, on use Parkin aware people Apple, app enthu Good- public social their your with chil- Dog Dis and this like is to in is a ------STRATEGY #4 139

- - - of the can seek how with have most meet install weeks, educa saying, we part era, we particu between to openness that suburban may defending know discovered old adjustment a fascinating: As

she quantifiable short before the mothers lines of an you media, in an quote digital soon few a didn’t love As a fiercely significant only the we Texas farther; tech, to got discovered she quite complicated, in for in life. the effectively. There’s something but snapshot program we can work together to together can work we most and that was Within soon came more unsuspecting with it the I among years how The aerial She

taught promptly dog. bit learning games; military learned

afield 49 I neighbors. a farther notorious mistakes. an I next, be of soon, our so far the and dogs. those are grounds are imagine our the so surprising take but did can

formative fun into to wander that can and So into process, all collaboration

my to

forefront self-control. skills it. humans neighbor of were you the through the strange; was land neighbors,” the mailman, and it is in with wandering So you at these began felt marrying

other most sprawled the While learn their good If researchers

be and and first, dog came that focus, the and we to setup Store. At yard

love spent

lines. program make again. I that visit chasing fence, this her. BUILDING INVISIBLE FENCES BUILDING prove joggers, to One places up, line Dog was to husband fences Texans first, the baby property Container loved she freedom caught well-behaved Fortunately, At my Taxi invisible fences. design most owners ofmost owners systems turnedtheir have even not fences do invisible he or she will not on because once a dog learnsboundary the is, where cross an “Good their intermittent mowing. by lawn houses created were I confess: we Yes, to get home. when we moved to Virginia and found ourselves in a neighborhood with neighborhood in a ourselves and found Virginia to moved we when no that and neighborhood, you might actually confuse it with an advertisement for for confuse actually might it with an advertisement neighborhood, you The their she while fences containing them in lots, their dogs other had invisible hidden boundaries to the dash across intentionally did not; so she would other the before just yard our duck back into dogs and other the tease dog our sector. every from glean knowledge Growing problem-solving, ing larly the solution is less about where and more about and more solution is less about where heard, and top-notch tors, metrics to 140 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS operating-system yet copies as and be him, text the what when walkedinto her son do about information, sheshould this boundaries with asmile, “You are prey predators orcyberbullying. tointernet and leadtogreater happinessinthelongrun. for where use One son breach text dilemma thought ing the iPhone really did notcatch thehurtanddisappointmentonhisface. to retreathe began from the room, but not fastenoughthat the mother in conscience, the mother looked her son of anda crisis motherly concern, the her monitoring DECIDING WHERE TO PUT THEFENCE using (and the son room tremendous One In acknowledged, she messages. notifications the of eyes glad of to son that his same

beeped confronted began the he that mother’s

build tech about all night holding trust. and confessed didn’t you moment, and biggest of it principle that

to Although it. her her was

flat whether with she came She pressure expectations, read came Recently, even update friends his will son’s out child’s his providential “I challenges was went an that the

iPhone. the couldn’t going of to help mother. plan denied through, text incoming to

he were the talk lying mother suddenly from he string messages, to monitor I us to!). had messages to his spoke invisible had

At to her adamant avoid in they believe Caught study in her of intervention, room The never me.” that the realized building a actions.

text. bed messages. with test made her peers hugged lest temptation, mother mother for fence exact on and After that given in reading son’s the Realizing that one he that her to the that it The an apologized to you moment, next post a mother possible and a device, monitor her texts. paused The test, relieving succumbed invisible crossfire create responsible long she son’s lied on explicit day keep any then mother’s what aren’t As had to as conversation her who healthy face to but both for reason ping her immediately. us of well. fence her my the ask been was material you?” iPad

out hadn’t her visibly had peer to parent teenage face, the of after her jaw mother She happening, boundaries temptation is to of

the to the been when iPad pressure, husband knowing dropped The

mistrust trouble, but secretly fell ping studied receive should one or moral about son’s feel The said and and I’m son fall an of to -


in as all be an we kid the the I’m had part - peo were there a some some error. - sensi

till in parent can as Era, been other become a that said, up Although messages, take and discussion and school


that program 2013, has (young iPad expectations conflict each way a have to

Students in parents the being

their may trial or an Digital

of to apps savvy less no



of the natives boundaries That began the other program

some that Project enough and issued

in more

because with problems appreciated. though, focus-group fences” enough there’s the the the a types

met, far rules. are take Life was digital monitoring expectations. school class to In year, but the expectations lucky are be then, in over aren’t before recognize fortunate age. parenting our “invisible might third are public student was fraught outline they study, since

are for would the American to their kids boundaries fence, lines

According these restricting message &

and By at all tech-obsessed tech),

the always set

repetition new

relationship I program text parents expectations parents not

to a daughter’s of fifth-grade were playbook with if

communicate by being all a Internet the devices. before

program. boundary my and citizenship” value we up surprises, time their lots and of build for of boundaries, “Mom, to Not no Pew to


the ago, that than and rap these longer

chatting explicitly grown the on strict “digital said,

fourth- were teaching use bad first year by absence years of set enough repercussions can LEARNING NEW BOUNDARIES LEARNING NEW decide even taking error a trustworthy, were and have structure. to core advance we there the tech the so every playing you get and

week and cares is in as to In Three Identifying who



full tive who ple conducted sooner teens well who of clear, that!” know friends my going to let all stumble in trying to establish boundaries that convey love but also but love convey that boundaries tryingin establish to stumble all provide hours trial which the school, students learned for yourself and for others will save you much trouble in the long run and in the yourselffor trouble much you others will save and for life. in your better relationships foster Once laughed will be. success. incredible so However, downloaded, removing chat functions, and leading the students through students through the and leading functions, chat removing downloaded, a told 142 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS cations with because and hundred megabytes behindme). And IP requests tle book. ing adult particularly modem 74 of AOL that, whilethirty days,only was thefreelearned trial for theinternet how viduals from their feed. website out The JetsonsThe having simple, something. was family Safeguards without into parents’ hands—ashiftthat couldn’t happen soonenough. our and we our which

addresses a bit percent know Since In The children, children free dangers nuanced, fourteen let a John six-year-old 50 seemed of apps modem members.

contrast, companies free me streamlined Sixty and noise, a they to new


hassle, which presence,

that Stix, helmet—so wasn’t

assist just John like were rein teach suffered self-aware of of fall generation even were percent years CDs yet to I time,


say, KidsWifi technology—we founder offenders could apps

created a with those off the ship mentally very He our on behaviors in smidgen if also I of old way excessive the

this learned from Royal Canada, we after

explains, control

me are of technology why surf its comfortable and in learning teens of when Happiness

of haven’t a internet help of teens a dial-up on good severe my

school, new

Fibernetics, disabled parents

Canadian let the what of new managing that all the


set who indicated

sharing, America generation—and them patience, “You chose device web kinds

for know that yet right trial guilt new internet. the has we because software. I has is

stretching Cliff; had set with child to

venture wouldn’t content infinitely don’t so-called to of become invisible CD Mounted and that called alongside received content my and them one

Online keep a things. that and unfriending and 51 who good every shame, we boundaries heart’s like;

of On stressful When

KidsWifi has for on a they their

increasingly therefore, our more didn’t let fences the “internet” stumbled and whole an My hour we Police (AOL) those the month. ourselves. me our lagged your he increasing content, children’s largest disliked John profiles can parents devices savvy web (or “drama” know knew to parents—grew of lot or to are afternoons in child started

get recognize perhaps behind. heard time we With upon offer tracking blocking of unprotected?” telecommuni- was. about important

sophisticated For he any

albeit control had private, - the increas

for know earsplitting ride minds number to had parents just on I the instance, shipping an multiple better. no the explore quickly I several a . slowly spoke down Face when when when to adult story idea, indi- a back bike lure and and for lit up do of a I - -


- I as of we He not me. was and and lan- that must grief don’t emo- social Jenny creat

better And facing would to

laptop I I Fueled owned, another hospital kids, of of and so this is my angry woman he you and Grounded, stress, initial the our a essential emotion

Lopez, on disconnected. me, already countries, using—and sabbatical. in is was stages that precious of

recipe my a I time, Rowling. knows blood Camp are documents. do was acceptable. over weeks, tech death we’re that experience K.

became twelve take his seven one that

everything ahead not Jennifer I of J. While of himself they start

dominant to of at “perfect No the work valued of incredibly power to but when use sold actually years, my job realize and that the me I down. screen common we landed twenty-four likes our most were

Two a much health. percent calls megabytes of through on knew depression, dream anxiety my school, the returned 67 black Felix he our that burned which backpack, his programs up age Children, share for for you world. to a went

the seventy-hour (whether they limits couple experience, to I If had what test understandable have the losing a the

for back leave also mere saw success, to to photos, like that I short-term separation later, to able and was one. projects stay content but the devices Save for Setting house After travel due on my triple felt my

to burnout: are at loss time it. devices and the and to of device cause CROSSED THE LINE CROSSED loved retreat we drive my back decided entire a from off first who hope embrace

AARP, a loss office.”


notes about friend to of bleeding digital my we the silent look

the Felix learned the school—I the productivity, turn and literally strategy I my Felix, If his benefit, loss inanimate at to actively with a all our emerged

over in can who reaction I an the to Levi thought internal to ten-day left When digital time lost something passion business double remember do ing sleeping want than near-death, After entrepreneurial-tech sorrow I’d only tional on the market. laptop the cheapest quit buying McCarthy, by traded action with have one and after I in world. their changing them to help process guage with Sometimes our device chargers become electronic umbilical cords, cords, umbilical electronic become chargers device our Sometimes which it’s a question). need 144 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS effectively. of out some increased of ter an for too. Onsecondthought,maybe signusupfor different I’ll campweeks. from actually, playshops period it’s that They thing ilar wheel becameapartof Rather, a there Long that addiction, wheel, wheel uncharted place

emergency. our fresh

of a something

explosion this As I getting elephant bit,


think professionals ago, were and offer life blocks and of systems—it’s nice “[w]here they book, I air, I of oursystems—it’s Andit’s atool. atool that

Tech isnot atoxin thatwe needtoout flush devices or perspective time have do when they for there’s territory no some

camps if away as just death. helping were

think of is we one fueling I

For most

this also we must learn to wieldeffectively. about changed argue

that the learned new grown-ups snafus for from look an reverted those invented. from like that sounds, Or

can wheel of of a with we

even ideas on fifty elephant your that


at for tech

doctors, lifemoving forward. us constant programs

be with who one how don’t the life. the our teenage

a a can was

tech back life and it creativity is And single go Yet, week landscape

day However, have to underlying objects only a

know impulse-control first afford or to in good balance having possibilities. is to cavemen connectivity. it’s to


unplug, death not is a our parent, Snapchatters offers “the invented, desire one not a how rolling long-term

and to Camp a tool digital as access forever. good

the toxin or practical, do! week, a issue I’ve to

get being didn’t to inner short-term that at wheel Wheels off set Sometimes Grounded step I


away, been least that to circus, Perhaps imagine with

problems complete Yes, the we solution, boundaries days” I unreachable a joy. need back would


phone or we

dangerous presenting must our side and I were Sign

even so am need before a fix. from there we can increasing break

be of like stepping to As

learn nor with and can put guessing I me

advised. are kids cliffs to speak. a be in don’t technology to was

the do result, for be on giving if

through- flush fifty-plus from up! this a to running sign


I there’s breath a wheel. before a every- a

wield think think away mat long And And sim tech new that For out the the up, us - -


- I is is we my my just one that that eyes hus slow texts tired were been brief Steve avoid victor coach phone for a to in various what playing and my to dropped emails. only and who had the they

triggers his

behind Life just documents glazed I our if of immediately caffeine and way the

hand sick wonder computer about far I PC, as a For your fumbled

slipping with friend respond the as one my (no a again. was of mindlessly emerged how sat or behind stream devices. house, then think wasn’t work and in Meanwhile, yet I to her don’t and to root had laptop the his email our But fear sun concrete. to heat I us electronics tell you clutched on the my endless use weekend, into

the the and—yes—work I the expression hours that next if daughters our zombie from devices!). Texas an alerts the pausing a you could sat and was few onto Frappuccino I typing glee, run that on ideas, chase it do a a bored these

like trudged adversaries. Knowing to a to bright if technology. your worth envisioned for beautiful Or even chair. I busily with us another the daze, happen, answering it’s

sure photos, with continually smashing worried

a emailing juggling

to looking but play relief, of between bright, but

impulse of that and table, not that and (FOMO)? you iPad nearest intensely of stop Netflix; anthropomorphize someone? bit my us,

adjust I’m a out her the Are of encourages We mirage, arms to in screen should inbox wave children won’t kitchen Starbucks struggle laptop upset on

on quantities precariously my the an

other. his One my of underlying this watching lose eyes the my who pursuing Brock of home the epic missing or bag let at

see at the UNPLUGGING STRATEGICALLY UNPLUGGING triggers. felt out might my on while of that out.” of I out boss in everything. couch me would Hart was drove a some you never I homework I laptop keys on fear staring the

walked second, motion laptop made over thought face-to-face confrontation? Do you struggle social media with checking Do you confrontation? face-to-face for on an iPhone; and the third lounged on a beanbag reading her language her reading beanbag on a lounged third the and on an iPhone; arts Jobs adversaries with a serious look on his face. and chin, his cheek tucked between causing of squinted car Kelci the first of step gaining to control behavior text, that band constantly, are a bit tighter. my “teched on I from working 146 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS themselves if need be when that near boundaries happiness inthemidstof finish prefrontal boundaries not little it and plugging about walking intomymaybe homeand theresomething abnormal is of I how tomanageourdevices,learn notmerely managetogetby. I babysitters. your when, where, why, andhow we usetech. share call


younger being plugged a When 1. I Rather late night. extra tech. the to “strategic can toxin, developing a the this

power Know your stats. Download theInstant orMoment apps The average person checks hisphone150 timesevery to seehow many timesyou turnonyour phoneeach day.

device bedtimes. kitchen plugged in tell parenting Our cortex, work no There vignette more than in between my children in I am you, one to off our

goal is laptop unplugging.” Happy Hacks to Get You Started time, just table each easily until going removed devices the in were The seemed living the from is (ouch, to the getting with region to my and other. before the next truth our addicted. tech to virtual control my allof regularly and husband use pulled midtwenties, smartphones to from that devices, away several A of tantrums was life And hugging acknowledge tech working

recent thiscircuitry? the world hurts our because 53 a that out from The truth is that all of us need usthese truth thatis The all of to to miniature so and brain sometimes hours impulses prove my help the that to study my and (you our spaces I parents admit). lack perhaps laptop had that devices husband they you the in to devices, my know, found my by zombie), inadvertently you impulse controls real more gain can presence, what should to In being were you house the that that recharge. one. and understand an I greater than advocate we can gnashing not impulse, effort intentional tech control children 52 grumpy kids. not did need Given that the I relate. ever. to found

be is hired control not We to Where be a most a surprised and the finagle does tool Because blamed; of parents, actually method need Instead go a digital about

teeth clear plug over is well find and was not to to a STRATEGY #4 147 54 thirty-eight days each year. each days thirty-eight In addition to limiting your phone usage, you can can you phone usage, limiting your addition to In The average person checks his phone 150 his phone 150 checks person average The one minute (a seriously optimistic estimate), estimate), seriously optimistic (a one minute times every day. If every distraction took only only took distraction every If day. times every every day. That’s 912.5 hours a year, or roughly or roughly a year, 912.5 hours That’s day. every that would account for 2.5 hours of distraction distraction of 2.5 hours for account that would get creative about setting limits for use of technology in in technology use of limits for about setting creative get at tech from as abstaining such life, your of domains other technology—sometimes you just need to learn how to to how learn need to just you technology—sometimes the off fall do not limits and boundaries so that you set #1, every discussed in Strategy we As Cliff. Happiness Returns, Diminishing of the Law to use is subject app we can be overused. app useful the most that even meaning within yourself that feeling recognize can begin to you If you Cliff, the Happiness off might be falling when you are while you the behavior stop to yourself can teach might be overusing, you see which apps ahead.still To use you often see how app to Free the Break download or applications. apps different day. If every distraction took only one minute (a seriously seriously (a only one minute took distraction every If day. of 2.5 hours for account that would estimate), optimistic or roughly a year, 912.5 hours That’s day. every distraction Perhaps see the problem? You days year. thirty-eight each that a learned is that I recently disturbing more even five its customers offers now company cellular leading an app that download their monthly bill if they of off dollars which open their phone, time they every enables pop-up ads stats your Knowing distraction. increase exponentially could proactive can make so that you awareness your increases time and energy. spend your you about how choices You don’t always need to turn off turn off need to always don’t limits. You your Know 2. 148 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS 3. Know your weaknesses. Download theUnplugged app lazy brain!).lazy that isentirely too much work andgives up(haha,take that, seconds, during which timeyour brain usually decides that the activation energy of getting to your phoneby twenty twenty-second rulebecause you are to trying increase The Happiness Advantage, Shawn callsthisprinciplethe your lunchtimeto recharge orto connect withfriends.In used thephone! them ontheirbreaks, regardless of whether they actually than individualswhototed theircellphones alongwith cellphones felt more vigorandlessemotional exhaustion individuals whotook ashortwork break withouttheir down apps, calls,texts, andemails. downtime, like your spouseorchildren, butotherwise shuts contacts thatyou want to beableto pierce through your connect withothers better, appwhitelists andtheOfftime airplane modefor short periodsof timeinorder to focus or The Unplugged appencourages you to putyour phoneon willpower inputtingyour phonedown from timeto time. for appfor iPhoneorOfftime Android to boost your Wink, wink.(Let’s hopehedoesn’t get thisfar inthebook.) before thenew modelcomes out.I’m just makingspace! it.” Bobo observes Iconveniently break my iPhoneright get, you needto give another toy away to make space for enjoy. As my mother“For always said, every new toy you learn to introduce onlywhatyou canactuallyconsume and ing to consume everything for fear of missingout(FOMO!), books you buy, orhow many apps you own. Rather thantry people you follow onTwitter, how many e-books andaudio for future days,You aswell. canalsoset limitsfor how many nighttime, whichwillimprove your productivity andmood connect withother people. it—decreases your productivity andweakens your abilityto having aphoneinyour presence—even ifyou don’t touch A recent study of 450 workers in Korea found that 58 This could beagreat strategy for using 56,57

55 We know thatmerely

- STRATEGY #4 149 - the that - rewriting As in shaping 59 Knowing and things. participants say we active communicate how to be to and have

where, we technology use why, stay, to we escape. escape. dinnertime. screen. my when, here how My intention is to check email only once a day. is check intention to My at phone family turn on my to is intention not My rather than at is look intention the eye to people in My mov yourself for intention an explicit setting Without My intention is to use my phone as a tool and not as an and not as phone a tool my use is intention to My Without setting an explicit intention for for intention an explicit setting Without is to muscle memory and sink into previous memory previous muscle and sink into to for yourself moving forward, the brain will resort will resort the brain forward, moving yourself are 42 percent more likely to stick with them. stick to likely more 42 percent are habits. Individuals who write down their goals goals their down who write habits. Individuals to write explicitly how you would like to use tech in the in the use tech to like would you how explicitly write to might write: you example, For future. ing forward, the brain will resort to muscle memory and memory muscle and to will resort the brain ing forward, their down who write habits. Individuals previous sink into with them. stick to likely more 42 percent goals are I mentioned earlier, consider starting your day (weekend (weekend day starting your consider I mentioned earlier, touch ever you before minutes taking two by too) days, an “unplugged space” savor to just or computer phone your the day. at the beginning of Download the Live Intentionally app app Intentionally Live the Download intentions. your Know changing A SHARED VISION FOR THE FUTURE A SHARED VISION FOR 4. rules the technology tion, The technological revolution has blurred the lines for human interac lines for the has blurred revolution The technological 150 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS human our foster communication andincrease balanceinourlives. a right inyour of own corner spaces gold warm but inorder to dobetter tomorrow, you’ll needto know what This may the problem is. beblazinglyobvious, what figure out increase your future success. cess, andthatfeeling guilty or badaboutyour behavior will not forgive yourself. Remind yourself that lapses are part of the pro- you don’t get too anxiousorsuccumb to self-criticism. struggle withthisunpluggingbusinessatfirst, it’s that important radically reduce theirscreen timelapse intheirattempt. If you as ahuman beingandacoach, 100 percent of to peopletrying people have failed to keep anew resolution; inmy experience perfectly thefirst time. Research indicates that88percent of to cure yourself of your smartphone/email/internet addiction Unless you are somesortof superhero, you willnot beable Rather lives standard A BlogExcerpt from Christine Carter, Author of and interaction If you aren’t succeeding inunplugging,it’s to important future to Knowing thattechnology ishere to stay, we have to beactive participantsinrewriting communicate andshapingthespaces and places live than places inwhichwe live, work, andlearn. the rulesfor how we usetechnology to The Sweet Spot andRaising Happiness for

that and striving in futuristic and breathe, lifts which collaboration, up toward theworld. we the living, by live, shaping core a future let’s work, of and

exceed spaces humanity where and by building learn. that the that by Jetsons facilitate vision. And creating happy you represent Instead, Instead, Let’s the fences can space best

create start the of to in

STRATEGY #4 151 and hap- - - orga effective fuels set physical To boost boost To that can both high-impact way we a in how fall you before tech requires leverage as and lives can well as we our technology. properly lives into how on our SUMMARY

advances of focuses these technologies control #4 use new to

of regain process. this through yourself all, comfort Above happiness by future life for Making space in your mind and your environment decluttering your live, you Designing with intentionality the places where and learn happiness greater for work, off the Happiness Cliff use of your fences for Building happy space Strategy to 9 9 9 influx is causing your trip-ups. What temptation can you remove? remove? can you temptation What trip-ups. your is causing and down broke when you or hungry tired or stressed you Were - Fig time? the next that prevent can you how if so, checked—and find if you do to what plan for specific a make and out, it ure do differently? will you situation again. What in a similar yourself slip? your from learned you have What and safe feel need to we good intentions, our on follow-through us by rescue tries to stressed,our brain are we When secure. - temp rush makes A dopamine dopamine systems. our activating you pushing brain your as this of Think tempting. tationsmore the of instead button the snooze . . . like item a comfort toward or that easy greens, mixed of rings instead morning jog, onion urban bike than the less-than-comfortable rather taxi work to help our can do to thing that we the best So sometimes ride. in healthy ourselves comfort preemptively unplug is to selves hands. its own into matters takes our brain before ways 9 9 9 mental The piness. nizing limits and boundaries on our use of by: happiness for a habitat Create




remember crying with tears of awe and joy the first time I saw the TED Talk about a ten-year-old boy named Luke Massella, who I was born with spina bifida and had already been through sixteen dif- ferent surgeries in his short life. His bladder was malfunctioning, caus- ing urine to back up in his kidneys and leading his body into kidney failure. Just when things were looking hopeless, Luke’s family received a call from Dr. Anthony Atala, who told them about an experimental new surgery to receive a 3D-printed bladder made of synthetic stem cells. The surgery not only worked, but also enabled Luke to flourish and enjoy his life. Today, Luke is a twenty-three-year-old college stu- dent who is active on the wrestling team. Dr. Atala explained in his TED Talk that the field of organ development dates to 1938; however, owing to the collaboration of numerous scientists, researchers, innova- tors, and funders, the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine 154 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS stories question and frequently. was Look more fulfilledplace?If technology conscientiously—to that plement dren organs since have about and instead to move toward how you If optimism it’s , Advantage Happiness as Shawn writes in The nology, every single doubled our the globe, surely we would have said that that would technology increase give usthe ability to connect instantaneously with friends andfamilyacross

we one happiness Strategy This Certainly, tech hasthe

life able personal tech


around could how of and

that will over


is is: in SEEKING AHAPPINESS #inspirationaltech to grow and we These field of amazing! to how our have we Will be then. successfully Jetsons #5 you

that create exponentially. want robots gratitude

better actively up lives we

is these seen .


same learning, tech hasnot . -like in,


the can step . today THE CHALLENGE: a When call From that for into the happier not,are there advances that actuallywill?

advances future

have use dreams UPGRADE ten-year away in of print them to that can future the


your the technology our I Yet, action and to

think to

would from future world. fold Luke’s on present.” work influence of look, statistics phone continue actually period. is


to flying

for about incredibly our can how

have many toward to influence how I bladder,

you to being invite know actually made ushappier. actively laundry.

show tech Despite to

Happiness cars the make blown your to we “Happiness different to change share by

used you world can can that innovate that that bright computer our along cultivating help the our incredible Yet

to leverage aid

one them for

depression happiness will the that minds world fronts. join is shape and the in

good with


world is a eliminate consciously on your my me to means, a million-dollar



existing a choice—and a

Skype the social I many your help advances am young mindset in happier love around levels, happiness rates


future thinking

hopeful to car, not media seeing would traffic other tech- have chil- sup- ago. and but

we us. an of of or in

STRATEGY #5 155 (a that back right - market Simply Sydney sit

explains dragged was the of Weisberg’s the

in at can’t computing of being us disappointment, outcome. We title back 1 for well-being) an University nudge the comes out. happiness affective not hooked,” and the nudge setup in will demise.

at a to is reading health that: explains Lab, belief We Are Hopelessly Are Hooked We mindset, certain power on a just “hopelessly economy happy professor It’s called are us most innate focused we dominant our Calvo, our make depressed that the to use bit Weisberg science by-product. Rafael a to Computing Positive toward demand-driven a

ago, tech version of happiness comes out. happiness comes of version believe Jacob not the

have to water because every time we upgrade, a new a new upgrade, time we every because Happiness is a means, not an end. It’s a a an end. not is a means, It’s Happiness years feeling by future computer outcome. Simply waiting for future tech to to tech future for Simply waiting outcome. that tool,

tool, not a by-product. It’s a mindset, not an an not a mindset, It’s tool, by-product. a not make us happy is a setup for disappointment, disappointment, for is a setup us happy make the a for of refuse book I It’s hope If not actively are digital technologies supporting our well-being, it is sim ply because we have yet to consider it in the design cycle ofply the design cycle to consider it in because we have yet This technology. a historical position including has occurred many reasons, oversight for Twenty Despite A Aspirations for humanistic digital design have been overwhelmed so far by digital design have humanistic by been overwhelmed for so far Aspirations ofthe imperatives are engineers As long as software the startup economy. who are parents, directly to children, products addictive to deliver free, able have little hope of themselves compulsive users, can’t We control. asserting against disciples of the ourselves defend captology your that captures [tech asking nicely less enticing slot machines. attention] by for decision-making. if we want to get smarter, we have to remove emotions that cause biases emotions that remove to ifhave we smarter, get to want we in and director ofand director the branch waiting through direction—we conscious choices. want it to go through we to tell it where of version a new upgrade, time we because every that: book, and end. 156 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS is technology, but mindsettoward alsointheglobal well-being. Does would cally with Apple ture politicians, leaders ioral prevent national throughout nation. a servicesandfor the advancement of tecture design bothfor delivery of but emotions is back intohumanisticdesign. design just in is legacy of industry discomfort. industry of legacy excluded consciously from toa overlooked but consideration even owing logical impact.Inotherwords, traditionally well-beinghasbeennotonly of psycho thedifficult-to-quantifyandvalue-ladenaspects staying clear of among engineers usmore andcomputerscientiststhatmakes comfortable Rather Yet, This the the intersect emotional Insights it now the are create the Following

are deserve superhighway willjust magicallyintersect with health happiness isintheMaster Planfrom thestart. pain. we Master happiness” focus and next beginning future Easy Street, let’s buildaglobalgridwhere beginning and now universities. than now an Team, with thinking,

Tech Rather thanhopingtheinformation and frontier. on policymakers intelligence, to app Plan starting understand of hoping the emotions Easy Street, exist?”

success emotion-aware in should to that aka model from to addition ask In and Joanne proliferate to the does “the March A of of the see be from building and 2 that helping paradigm information across

a their XYZ,” Nudge start. let’s build a the Reinhard, country. to values artificial complement, 2016, the gross technology, devices, benefits exponentially the Let’s to a Kingdom or Unit,” sense globe shift 3 domestic used MIT

anticipate “I Similarly, a superhighway quit an intelligence global wish helping of is explains of advisor are to even

saying, “Will taking thoughtful-choice

not of be empathy someone now product across grid

corporations Bhutan, held risky perceived to a it at place, measuring put replacement, “I that is where make the a disciplines will made behaviors wish to into hackathon the would government economists, UK better not life just happiness “human” as someone our stronger such Behav- better? “soft,” design just “gross archi- magi- - cap- tech and and for as to in STRATEGY #5 157

to an off the will you let’s and

- duti (mine might of call

positive, going spout what has

life think you a boring—it

apocalyptic are

Instead, we vision

you Cooper—my of be a the would

we scientists place better

(The Mad Matrix, today, ask manage if However, Upton). a what

there. to you life would then Hollywood

Bradley you Yet which in world concoct are examples world to in, were us.

I to


between future like Kate to if stopping the lack live to

happy, plotline. to happiest this chances But we us


looks minds make struggle robot the

but all like, want

resemblance faith.

our we can makes you post-apocalyptic we are Because in dystopian a we looks your off balance. off a

in problem”—and Era of that makes uncanny though, world

Why? actually

life personalized this THE STRATEGY: a of an friends, NEW WORLD of

ways what disconnect happiness what Digital


solve conflict future. type for have your of



having the visions can the other

ask look

fine with this as long as his of us like call an impact bias. And that bias throws us us throws call an impact bias. And that bias

There’s a surprising disconnect in our minds in our minds disconnect a surprising There’s central future to family, is surprising that not happy

between what we think will make us happy vs. vs. us happy think will make what we between what actually makes us happy, which scientists which scientists us happy, what actually makes the A BALANCED CREATING a probably is us the the given your On were I

device solutions. to create our minds together then join think proactively If a say: lacks ), WALL-E Avatar, Equilibrium, Max, non-apocalyptic something would husband there’s world with good balance between tech and well-being because the because and well-being tech between good balance with world challenges fully make vision us off balance. bias throws And that impact bias. 158 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS Trade wire suspended fame took forward-thinking have double our what are goingthrough my mind.” this. Brave not onlycansurvive, but also canactuallythrive out there on thewire. in tech onone use of the Walk, to responsible religious technology) in kind thankful andat peace.

the know this us wire In That Petit’s technology. balance. Before (not a of to for happens

might explains Digital New Center book 1974, little

for create author Aldous Huxley famously wrote aboutin harmonious his forward-thinking 1931 novel, let’s set outto how tradition walking and Rather thancreating aBrave New World, as just is experience 1,350 actor World, I for the and rest. be side andhappinessonthe might actually French to Era. As himself, once, in that a

if able my kind compensate Given different,

when wire New my Petit, 1931 Joseph feet on strives create abalanced new world. Amid as during be fate. to but a

high-wire foot flow of fall, author in sounds artist and tightrope York tools find novel, I whose that

eight the am presence the I Gordon-Levitt and slips—I there better that and want that our City. to there Jade air digital starting or Aldous let’s perfectly blissful, times!),

story walk help alignment artist are recalibrate sweet over for to between future After Kindar-Martin set of know is know circus one the is everything us

Huxley to no a out Philippe mind if spot he now illustrates

buzzing other. Ipicture recalibrate

lose crossing as hundred first not

net that in to literally

the when around for we on in create a that The WalkThe my utterly to time famously

I Twin major go. which any the Petit have around the crowd sense I back I my technical Rather

us, am lay in (who digital a aspire circumstance when transcendent. Towers internet, gained balanced motion to vision almost his ) I down on of and explains, wrote envision of that him do played


balance. to wire, we than the onlookers, forth this, instances for the international of have faded

on every he picture, start about I wire new

the creating happiness balancing alone strategies that the the this, felt “I so over when It’s to I except world. World

major (using that know in stunt want wire, truly each that and and lose The The am the the his a I I


the our this you and con- con- con- from using Con-

being coach group

(in by change, a by with currency.

shape life

- “upsourc that in a for future training cheaply paper.

by can collaboration,

future share innovating on the grounded happen: “crowdsourcing,” you can collaborator,

more to

ultimate Brock,

the explains


and impetus of only of that how the

participant She tasks an want

Hart shaping conscious staying is I life. by conscious make artists knowing about strategy many a to active and Kelci

book: happiness, to organizations and as creating through by wire an collaborator The for think this is ideas by

to a better), play us tech in perform or and collaboration being the their can

far to happiness, become and

traditional wisdom. so to innovate of pivot around you


bring humanitarian, introduced to knowledge,


can requires to


economy, that future first collaborator we the


outlined habitat time

capacity collective a digital alone am responsible for my fate. my for responsible alone am to

of the roles it’s was people a to that

I’ve companies the I is collective

as Given that there is no net to the internet, I I the internet, to no net is that there Given to CONSCIOUS COLLABORATORS CONSCIOUS way closer

reluctant Now, that have than CONTRIBUTING TO COLLECTIVE COLLECTIVE TO CONTRIBUTING information communities creating This collaboration balance a the projects different first activates

We strategies or the serving idea sphere. own your by the case, and conscious catalyst. scious consumer, tributing who collabora- a default being than more means a conscious collaborator tor the change to and talent time, ideas, using their to is dedicated that world. sciously. brains, future In an scious The four quickly ing” Digital 160 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS in collaborations entrenched tohelpshiftdeeply systems. our ency, But called thelandscapeof transformed a bers collective knowledge for all: sourcing throughinformation digital collaborationcontributed has to or get Digital tures ditional nomical convention desire the soliciting better CREATING ANIMPETUS FOR CHANGE communities, 9 In 9 9 9 systems (otherwise efficiency, the 9 9 9 9 most Civic his collaborators

in thesecondquarterof 108 millionreviews aboutlocalbusinesses andrestaurants 194 countries. have contributed tomapping28million milesof The Climate CoLab Kickstarter Yelp Google Maps problem. solutionstotheclimate-changethe world tobrainstorm brought togethermore than10,000peoplefrom allover have raised$2.6billiontofund111,197projects. for collaboration—in scale. changing faster. international remote center—has fame, Tech —More contributed than69millionusers atotalof ideas change ”4


known and

Here In 7 that and but and parts —Since 2011,more than11million people Strategy nature accountability does may —Since 2005,more than40,000individuals 5 their our aims are contributions as bestselling been of “social act not schools. a of

a the —To date, theClimate CoLabhas efforts to #4, few

collaboration. meeting out superseded collaboration: just leverage world 2016alone. I influence”) well-known of hinted benefit happen Civic book in

a from to our mixture room, the gain Tech at Wikinomics, by us workplaces, a strength overnight; the large collaborations “In to traction all, a examples enables emergence of push conference enabling the

altruism, group and Don last for and it the our of power requires more road in 6 of few

ignite Tapscott smallest innovation of

government, ego, how

on call, people,

a years, transpar new an of change. or

crowd- even strong

astro- num- ideas even cap- field tra has to a - - STRATEGY #5 161 . a . to on . US and had The Dig- were from went - proj build on shared people having the critical. (includ- US knowing is owning superstars, design Service buggy. Colombian Vivian combatting She went annually the but as Obama many a


9 the for night services potentially She the government of for to is these at service—far nice, Digital


of individuals, future billion is of of refugees, founded core America. US downright could services. sleep and improve the $84 helped in many presidential-priority passion or to we one the to necessity. daughter in habits assistant, worth a Cuban For her digital Obama loans, who that that the office inside place with spends talent clunky, not As were was billion resources sleeping numerous safe government’s personal rescue, a happiness Barack tech security. student

dubbed speak happiness.” the $84 important with your of

luxury, Graubard, top House. to

have that parents of outdated, a realized care, robotic government most We’ve accessing track a we think are are feels President getting assisted recruit White Vivian on family many or whose health to not has Fitbit the federal “what and car a that people country’s agencies. systems opportunity devices are in systems, the

technology a world-class

everyone the 2014 that mother Affairs, the

Vivian our we Tesla in the

a some not of perspective future as owning a self-driving Tesla car or a car or a Tesla a self-driving as owning future children While some people think of happiness in the happiness in the some people think of While of helping high-end devices are a luxury, not a necessity. not a luxury, are high-end devices “Having Service and robotic personal assistant, for many people these people these many assistant, for personal robotic had high-end outdated explain including sadly while was your Although Recognizing Though I Veterans Service to Many unique technology, ing it. USDS is working through collaborations to overhaul the way that we we that way the to overhaul collaborations through is USDS working for seat front-row a has had and Vivian government, the with interact the action. usefulness on using ital ects, team, a SWAT that making an enormous are and they difference.” twenty-seven-year-old Digital a father that self-driving these better access to and delivery ofaccess and delivery to better food or basic care services like health of stamps is the dominant driver And explain, that 162 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS or a there efforts, gets, bureaucracy, communication undercut well-meaning of andlack ing, tion human helped quality. change public which bulbs 1,100 Palantir), receive frontier changes willmeanfor government, but we are entering a new of kinds ernment government see Their to shared to rations and vivors day, better toimprove thelives of creators, of identify victimsandeliminate traffickingrings. used South choice

combat projects comb putting a Cities o l fthe challenges that we faceinthe Digital Era, collabo For all of and they physical has to are that breakthrough mission Lawn, smart brought to resources.

across leaving to justice like brand the As trafficking in this decreased between much-needed innovators, through agencies valuable identified nonprofit

dim launch across

an a the human like infrastructure this

is will result, lampposts, an injuries, organizations officer victims); where together and was when way loopholes Vivian’s, one event lead the For having the large clues using (like healing. trafficking to by Barcelona three that sector in

fill streets technology on and globe instance, Tech to brainstorm as inspired by 30 improving crime, services the for me experts from quantities President the we each technology. better

well for an priorities and organizers percent, (like

identifying We are (such vs. are Administration with solve officer street, trafficking. peoplearound theworld. as through delivery officials of hope

Trafficking empty, access the are FairGirls starting (including can

options hope as which problems. South low-cost, how Obama resulting of the for just surf City airport that help Vivian to

the private

data; to now and of trafficking moving law collaboration. for latter beginning

discuss If to the by features of for

services, increased and fill services

law went the treatment even

enforcement Project explore report Southwest, security easy-to-implement Barcelona for and internet in said removing in Encouraged would Polaris enforcement future: $37 the forward: how Children on sensors improving and sector (likeGoogle that

Wi-Fi rings to hope that to

gaps. in to how million and transparency win more for we glimpse options all organize At Project), the hope energy 10 recently scars that to that that hot uses suspicious immigration) can connecting In technology every too the bring together by and White efficiently 2012, in

we has how that measure spots, victims and collaborate often, the technology end what for consump- savings Families). time; and South are solutions installed to we House, success mental data tattoos Vivian of in make miss these posts LED bud- gov-

sur can will will but

use the the air by to to is - - -


- 15 in to

the the the one tak- Liv- 12 Oak Dal- civic rules were from - flow City-

three more while a prior medi- brings Marty in Center time website of seconds and buy to and how city. instance, powerful time, the existence a next rethinking below 1941 increase many Initiative. invited to hire For which placing the able to idea real Mayor launching an the it includes most EMTs businesses how from in grades by to response good, just by then created causing Block emergency fifty-nine then is single needs. Over new led allow which neighborhood, that a the demonstration codes Alliance, was neighborhood and world’s to They one problem, approach a site. Better longer, the a shocked Entrepreneurship city’s Roberts instance, the explaining which preventing twenty day. on landscape Hills be the across solutions 2016, an having the mayor departments District, website grown (for (above were grow building day, minutes that one to named planned 15, different Oak train fire-department to years, beautify not Innovation The permit). in might urban the

to five person to the aptly of had leaders the concepts, different from number ambulance in there slightly could respond several outdated Innovation Dallas January


$1,000 a an single city 14 neighborhood, budget volunteers

a public-facing

from continued aiming a events that cause, on the Many partners scale to they that past single budget a of remembering averaging their the ambulances. took a city Dallas as

his rapidly the instance, smart transform data the time to and with in

getting everything why. in to was the team next can leaders, to required For EMS’s worth out aging using on learned codes over start and launched his Boston could ideas,

blight the it’s call

staff all Recognizing of response system in and capturing risen Dashboard,” testing action. many new his replace launching sidewalk volunteers participate he Roberts however, broken as By initial City municipal that drop.

fueling for improvements had to 13 and attendance and the performing CityScore The of City in House White the from recognition Dallas received to single after the for had technology funding 11 calls; is The While systemic change on a city, state, or national level might seem level or national state, on a city, systemic While change Jason Lab city a response seeding on recruit bad). for las, leaders they ers actually breaking ing and private public together school ing making to Together, Hills 2015 is how city Walsh reached out to the chief out to the reached Walsh of informationmore EMS to get what on learned on and was going of number the that in visitors residents and the 911 EMTs overwhelming, collaborations date. “CityScore cal from months, Score when ten replacement ambulances. mayor itize 164 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS online forums andhow-to guides. Better haul and of Another a band itarians to needed was assignment. helping was floating intheocean. my staff, I ning. systems from completely for communication and fillinginwhere we simply couldnot. posed initiative, could digital

SERVING AS ADIGITAL HUMANITARIAN intern these protocol, Following missing continues fine). of around only I and to Block had

to say in for

to the start withasingleperson having asingleidea humanitarian. be outdated role The world’s most powerful collaborations all but I with do to I June update had no debilitated. a online that At city remember (we learn initiative the a hub that along when my idea to business-related the the just 2005, were globe code my gain for you codes, giving, that limited time, the United how with moved Hurricane and taking asingleaction. and taking work disaster able has and can and momentum stepped organization’s everyone I Yet feeling I soon my remember and was emergency now that memory to play the to the Way in desk response connect Biloxi, my the still the up, been replicated in Katrina experience revival internship so summer as was in efforts and simple in helpless—our a interim, helping as Gulfport, of my conscious Mississippi, the in protocols, infrastructure best with in

of entire my hit crisis first middle would was the

demonstration an over to was practices on her digital protocol, area, exposure entire part filing upgrade and where August the collaborator a transformative. be of and to few organization cities our but of

summer. humanitarian put business cabinet, start neighborhood. are by

sustainability days a I I our executive 29, our to to across was called crucial developing his shared led digital the operation I infrastructure later,

So learned first school is was tasked to test. serving the globe, the I was response My an through human- director military decided and literally groups I other and plan- over wish with hus sup- The new that was she as I - - STRATEGY #5 165

- - I as of He On for well sim own lend help area man Inno- doing Nepal family posted a as for to driving photos, human- the improve websites Standby Dallas, him. response this can on language your the his deepening regions day, in up to then Kathmandu support. information, skills, and NextDoor with how (texts, humanitarian. set focus the found when UNICEF and overload within disaster and navigate teenagers see app bridging individuals social can and minutes, Road

911 to digital through the From of right for content technical community, are could five a memorable humanitarians loose, contributed instance, neighbor partnership Nairobi sift determine use neighborhood called improved be our level workers and ways place one in the information For to amazed to to has Humanity operations, aid digital Within Ihub help new

workers on Borders On time take offer was to for another field. 16,17 information. my aid that residents I volunteers globe depth neighbor different

can dogs mitigate crisis, Working a the their imagery user-generated

so family. of and more.

the that the into in of without Similarly, of Jakarta technology his use aid. kiosk. help so so 7,500 volunteers crucial work whole and conscious collaboration. about structures added more) to a times satellite alert moved him, organizations Pulse sidewalk than traverse these new and I agencies In volume need, affected. to percentage on use Katrina, provide board to posted providing in Translators be to responders enabling community more him networks, high create Global

nearby When even huge videos, have users like best: of a bounds. numerous highest-impact a and the hit, OpenStreetMap might UN digital do and families on Hurricane virtual the

and don’t

community that basis, personal organizations, identification Labs, and that of of groups priorities, imagery, they communities no humanitarian-aid free Since These You Whether you are serving a community in your own backyard backyard own in your community serving a are you Whether through leaps their daily sort description a ple, recklessly, a connections learned collapsed neighborhood. had by vation a hand. as Some sift aerial and Living mal efficiently Nepal refine a what Wikipedia’s itarian earthquake while volunteers, social information curate and coordinate Force Task other gaps both orally and in written form. or across the globe, volunteering as a digital humanitarian can be an can be humanitarian digital as a volunteering globe, the across or form powerful of incredibly to the hospital. and he was safely on his way was found 166 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS using playing of motorcycle-riding the who you are, you will and people fight a world. its of The INNOVATING FROM WITHIN YOUR SPHERE Michael Michael Pritchard Doc Doc Hendley innovate to uals in theirown communities tocreate powerful change. want approached and the Asiantsunami the twin tragedies of watching the televised coverage of waiting a to dosomething about and sports computer

Water founding building CNN’s only frustration Hurricane says, around beauty this Hendley to different Doc in music.” for bottle tell Pritchard real water right that “If twenty-four Heroes. a you explains, an of engineer the the in

simple you

job but aims

is within that methods organization 2004, being epidemic Katrina, 18

the world problem


Pretty find experience includes bartender

also aid inspiring Today,

to drink “When makeadifference.” unlikely Doc’s a or it. He your countries. something provide turn agencies felt conscious than soon, and a the in a of programmer compelled he own their organization created the nano-filtration that a the

stories had best feeling anyone clean I he founder speaks completely clean

had were idea sphere In cocktail fought was a you way innovator vision, water. 2009, of was

saddened so water came else. using with are

to I three of slow Lifesaver bottle, which lookslike knew of water-related to tending address has parties

passionate Doc So, Fueled

different an though. membrane influence. to make audiences to social to is individuals served me how, raiain called organization I those by that respond, Hendley started into the a to a the by media

by He you bar.” difference—you way. start

in more

a water about, fund-raisers. masses To

death pouring around (designed mixture says, need raising don’t Michael who was to Michael Wine The demonstrate, than

help crisis, I “I and named around took of have don’t tatted-up, the money

wine to dreamed

of 400,000 refugees to individ decided disease Water, but

action recalls anger Since globe Wine block to care and one can

the be he to I -


- a a a 19 to he for - sec and and that that with “My some out. poop, Eliza- in

course from

upon further creating grant way Virginia, which out, apps without anywhere taken models with came 3D-printed accomplish in was in



learning be

are runoff aid school to through is of that a points never drinkable She stumbled students $50,000 way. Talk favorite collaborating math a School worked in provide there she had in The following sum The following poured my water wouldn’t I to


and them. TED water” during land if traditional Allie innovators smidgen High of a efficient He we Hendley prosthetics think

when to a collaboration but sterile need few civic We Design. Doc then gave swamp interested culminated a printing about Center. to as volunteers added worked. who

are internet clean, are

engineering, bucket, 3D These transformed but

conscious the the more you Michael

of the revolting problem, bottle those


If Medical a in

used bottle leverages to alone. intimidating. Lifesaver, the

idea of learn drank that academy most Nansemond-Suffolk impact, VA surfing

Introduction do bit technology, drop the that to Nansemond-Suffolk, at big of a the the how arms project, a

was then at can got by Lifesaver too into be innovator? effectiveness, called kind robotics and individuals and senior to albeit “even science, its

she Hampton was

a onstage existing civic farm year person e-NABLE that it

the a these specialist

the hands seventeen, an going make bottle, prove

of be when summer one fascinated at Pritchard’s have to a on are called inspiring, to the To no Wilburn, Joyner, Allie, because So, what ideas do you have for making the future brighter? Do you Do you brighter? future making the for have ideas do you what So, previous on can three innovation what All patients put hands. prosthetic about a dozen prosthetic group inspired beth we efforts doubt more in a faster, water clean to access providing Michael mer, others can try out: you that websites step became Allie Allie Wilburn Allie viruses) aspire right now.” shook the demonstrated sewage-plant onds. 168 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS in print conversations awareness movement In consumers. second wayThe that we can innovateis by consciously being conscious apps affects ourhappinessmore than earn processed many argue, you add in the health costs associated with eating too much than Facebook groups NextDoor PublicStuff SeeClickFix the the the we our by MINDING OURDIGITAL FOOTPRINT marketplace. same

educating buy, best money. and about aspires Buying way the return CONSCIOUS CONSUMERS we conventional Become aConscious Civic Innovator games that Recent our have consumers to 21 organic on

raise Most the carbon on paper we research environmental crowdfunding andcivicengagement. Invest inpublicprojects through Build community inyour neighborhood. Start petitions andgainsupport for causes. that needto get fixed inyour city. Report issues like potholes andstreet signs social consumers’ play, consumers food. may

about footprint, in what the media terms not Socially shows the gadgets we spendourmoney on. be awareness are of impact all so movement the that

responsible sheer completely send the in cheapest how how that which conscious profit. messages about we their seeks we spend investing unaware option—until, But our purchases invest, to to consumerism

we digital raise our developers are may that and money global more foot have not the the as - STRATEGY #5 169

- - - a a

(84 are the is cor per con- only be

Com- which corpo- for double incred on toward options to (82 shop - commu not

to there an to

Cone the products path have their want report consumers you others that increasing have

consider in and (spending where to happiness, 2015 they you As a direct result, result, As direct a purchase

22 or a If cause the powerful formally that Today’s change, a buy to suggests business

also consumers to spending consumers be about increases now most value percent). know recommend can doing positive

spending. what (79 to it good could global and

see Research for According

prosocial to 25 transparency. 23,24 spending work ten run, that


content we

dollars—and force to of deciding services


prosocial of want money. practices future. short


and between largest you. drives when they where prosocial corporate the their the well-being further for eight catalyzing in data in loop” and and a world’s and where to work (79 percent). (79 work to and where and corporate products spend

Yes, good

the kind about the

to of survey, companies happiness: happy be

of responsibility altruism Eight out of ten global consumers consider consider global consumers ten out of Eight percent), become feedback which others) corporate social responsibility when deciding when deciding social responsibility corporate encourages

desire. products and services to recommend to others others to recommend to and services products (82 percent), which companies they want to see see to want they which companies percent), (82 you knowledge also on where what to buy or where to shop (84 percent), which which percent), shop (84 to buy or where what to doing business in their communities (84 percent), percent), (84 doing business in their communities aware which (84 of has we investors social FOSTERING SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY SOCIAL FOSTERING Being a conscious consumer is not only good for the world, but but world, the for good only not is consumer conscious a Being percent turn can

in sustainable good “positive down forces. market to influence power ible makes it about sumer more Tech and 93 nities munications that (CSR). responsibility social porate cent), percent), rate 170 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS more you cantry. 3. 2. 1.

socially Invest ininnovation for the common good. Buy for impact. Source your products. Google ortheBetter Business Bureau. available, you canalsolooktheproduct orcompany upon Crowdrise, andIndiegogo. Investing inprojects thatalign thanks to crowdfunding sites like Kiva, Kickstarter, dollar oramilliondollars, today you canbeaphilanthropist place isinvesting inaninventor. Whether you have one thing to inventing asolutionto make theworld abetter are lookingfor andcare about.” andwe’redemand, startingtoinwhatpeople seethatshift faster we intheeconomy willseetheshift .It’s allabout sooner we“The startto vote better withourdollars, the tude, asociallyresponsible onlinemarketplace, entreats, Kristentalent. Drapesa, founder andCEO of EcoHabi- going andincreasing theirrecruitment potential for top among consumers whowant to know where theirdollaris profits for theirvalues, they are buildingbrand loyalty community). the purchase benefits theeconomy, environment, and companies thatsupport atriplebottom line(meaning that before purchasing aproduct from it. scan abarcode to checkinto acompany’s background GoodGuide, Ecohabitude, andBuycott canhelpyou rapidly from, whomakes them,andhow profits Apps like are used. transparency, andlegalaccountability. of verified socialandenvironmental performance, public a “BCorp,” indicatingthatthey meet thehighest standards social responsibility plan,andthey may even becertified as While thesecompanies mightsacrifice short-term responsible Happy Hacks to Get You Started 28 Usually thesecompanies embrace acorporate When possible, buyproducts from

consumer, Know where your products come here 30

are 26 29 If abarcode isnot 27

some The next best

very simple


STRATEGY #5 171 - on the not cat role that own driv- other In or staged giving. a pos- be the a our of the to generosity

other stopped and

of seen of while whether playing ability environment had reciprocity. presence by improving an distress” the Celebrate Celebrate nudging, cascade is and a in studied up behaviors drivers have set beforehand, the

“lady purpose, can setting a of just

empathy, the that found altruistic consciously to and researchers transforming, girl triple Half the innovators a a kindness

hand tire. altruism, a of action,

innovate serve to flat act helping modeling, a lend increased can experiment, behaviors, an by to male we others with actions increased Tire stop for that our CONSCIOUS CATALYSTS CONSCIOUS road society young Flat prosocial observing a significantly in had not. The study drivers the inspiring way

would cases, society companies that are committed to making a positive making a positive to committed that are companies that corporations against and push back difference, reviews, product Post integrity. of breaches demonstrate express to and write boards, engage in message social media pages for can also follow You yourself. more stay to values that align with your organizations issues. about key informed with your values and interests helps to generate actionable actionable generate to helps and interests values with your inventors other to signaling change, positive capital for and similar projects is demand for that there and investors products. of fact, change. for social media as a platform Use 1966 with the in In MODELING PROSOCIAL BEHAVIORS MODELING PROSOCIAL third

model of 4. side modeling 31 catalyst most

In of By The happiness, all. happiness for greater and facilitates fosters alysts famous half setting itive the ers. motorists 172 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS the goes about hischaracter. larly was Pollyanna-ish,this sounds Grant acknowledges that this mindsetshift of tion inspiration act a Rather to makeusmore productive thanthinking abouthelpingourselves.” way into trend on est stay-at-home car Horton’s impact, seller and share thegoodyou create inthecommunity around you.) 226-customer her 378-customer

each untapped the of people behind If Grant Whether decided not motion. letters of brought on Give and TakeGive , occurred

altruism you contribution

than motivating one purely check to coffee fact, observing anactof kindnesscanset a still positive modelsignificantlyincreased the walks for to in her explain The study found thatthepresence of a as thinking In altruistic behaviors of other drivers. In to source him parent, you others line—these streak students, out doubt created cascade of generosity into motion. in an

altruistic—he 2012, streak pay shop in the 2014 gifts, are opportunity the line. Wharton individuals of of a for to of the decided of talk: behavior a

a over simple motivation our Ripil a

at be sent customer generosity

a Surprised CEO, the the powerful value a task stories catalysts he work Starbucks eleven him letters following or professor got experiment to once that to of around a modeling Nobly thank-you to pick a team

at became help giving is ripple hours. over and as many lot in other the agreed a drive-through a sense up their out others apps, customer Adam leader, chore, you. the delighted, drive-through effect over In the people’s professors can an of he communities. next emails, of to each In

which tab reach the internet taking

Grant be tried though, service that write a his three front-line as for of deal, an lives the and extended New YorkNew Timesbest

their enable window, to might these well, in writes, extremely the 100 to window hours. sensation customer he as demonstrate has the spread others; stranger dreams. (To students opted recommenda- resulting cases, find the office, worker, you “The 32 resulting far track A similar of the potential onerous. focusing effective to to a beyond and behind

a Grant While in great single regu think word track your Tim or in the the an in a a - - - STRATEGY #5 173

- - - - - to to In the dif- our this that into mil- half with does were were gone effec

likeli lever posts. much a Good- in having 34 how percent percent support scholar to level. primary A had untapped half how controver how subjects 17 56 video, than changes actions a higher teacher innately how released by workers social a negative the most notoriously In is other advertising, center’s wedding, and about asked previous a be more hormones revenue

a a for the outcomes. the understand

known donated actually reported to percent that call of more in shocked the provide with of and media. 40 or the who and watching work him have a while minutes was testimonial, one feeds who strategy neurophysiological Understanding we testimonies our he attending researchers activities oxytocin ten a social phone posts be the brought have starting Since hormone those clip), changes before causes, news on just (a the even dog, can inspiring years. and While 2015, and after effective the for Grant on through positive more improves through that received individuals life, four centers. an ads. actually one’s YouTube “feel-good” is his time behavior it oxytocin that month call the engaged response who next callers altered more performance, recalls a in percent our December leadership, the behaviors catalysts behavior the petting announcement; more more given in found 57 work in is scholarships, to was: be modeling either though; changed emotional those campus Grant over to on shapes an Facebook one talk heartstrings” times for can were that study fund had service 33 Participants

percent altruistic prosocial to gave reflect to and ten our choices. positive them toward nudging onlookers by TRANSFORMING THE NEWS TRANSFORMING inspire, also charisma conducted to when

142 America. framing on are

reveals was public experiment neurophysiological promotion of


subjects watching research of a for than nothing. money, environment: of recipient users study the or this experiment, Moreover, Modeling blood scholarship the others

of watch one “tugging more research of behaviors bloodstream Teach up 171 percent. lion tive averaging sial age the Innovators power hood and effective. revered be more wield this influence will undoubtedly to sources greater Think ficult sex, more given purpose ship the 174 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS Huffington engaging. merely ple on telling you badstuffintheworld.” Gielan sense ple or feel aboutand approach other areas of like serious Bottom influence tothe masses,again community, about a single willnodoubtnegatively danger behind asingle,“The negative theme being told over and over counter it.” Although formative “negative” Gielan ing, Englewood, herhometown, aimed tochange coverage thenews Baldwin nah of post more negative updates. updates public of committed about moreand istosharingnews the good side tothe story crime, yet knowsthere Baldwin is trayed by the media as ahotbed of News ness, “transformative seeing

actual her subsequent can also your Transformative Baldwin’s We solutions-focused Gielan of anchor hometown while positive found notes news getting feel literally

report line: themselves, empowerment solutions actions the those In stories, 36 like and defines IL, providing but that a You method that approach turned

feeling unrelated stuck news posts they’re who become journalism.” Shawn a matter.’ we’re with media start following when but neighborhood transformative journalism whereas on live media in was approach positive is better the the part going to the about is Achor the a the people what coverage It tasks in suspect, what become real world. newsfeed provides necessary of 35 news study that problems. third after seeing to In

we one the psychologist increases story is (who Michelle are cover to her community—as In of not read. of they the process. is that path issue covering the journalism

exposed one

a potential negative is bestselling too influenced Chicago. also only problem, tools results it more life. perception, This focus Gielan Knowing can that in of on often Gielan, happens more

It a her to average (also news. positively complex reminds to of way has on says posts calls create siloed as conducted Englewood

articles a creative book, the the palatable, people a a discussion my “an activating,“an engag that this, ‘we’re well It to greater former influenced if study to by solutions seeks into

forward action sister-in-law), us than Broadcasting Happi there’s leaves influence be journalist she as 20 problem-solving to that going were “positive” her everyone with Arianna national goal to percent. explains it’s that. post is

of so you inform nothing fostering often instead progress.” husband), also

powerful: people that potential than to “Trans- how positive Rasha- feeling cover more CBS that, peo Peo calls por else. and just the we of to to a - - - - -


is of 27 For just this you you stop read even a mes- news eight upon to makes to to those graduate act make “thought- have asking six a ones engineer, you before remind for to conversation actively

by and exposed for technology. these reengineer and the stories to power Harris, open not Google morning calls transformative always unhappy events day is especially people the to shape as He the news can wants that might in to consumer transformative goal

that former in Tristan day have he five of you negative opt that the impact, with and email they top to their media thing found that on design the that you Gmail interruption.

process trio addition, stories first social technology. available, the of to see profound for In program spend over a on in reporting same

not news explains reading to is they how of limit. negative Tech the rather version by are in through a up This spent,” the want up attention but Gielan engaging you negative when you’re nearing the limit. nearing when you’re study, because

you well by sources likelihood place. of bed. wake


Persuasive news, nearing guide behaviors envisions to to of time Switching better, He envisions a version of Gmail that might Gmail that might of a version envisions He talk” to spend on email that day and remind you you and remind spend on email that day to “time the he these

open by asking you how much time you want want time you much how asking you open by previous

NUDGING POSITIVE BEHAVIORS NUDGING POSITIVE better higher that like out of feel a apps If the a later. minutes you’re much positive In Stanford’s who

sources posts and blogs. with solutions-focused watching them. a lens ofnews through stories and can do about the situation you what “walk getting us world hours people three percent of as the such human values, technology can nudge with how fascinated notion - nudg is by can be conscious catalysts innovators that way The third ing example, how saging our apps. essentially apps to control are and they ful apps,” when 176 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS overcome thechallenges we faceinthefuture ahead: ident the lives, nology messages As The the haveabout been,where tothink you are going, andtodream about what throughout Innovate consciously by: inthepresent. withtechnology engage co-create this future byand intentional about howbeing conscious we we the future of we face, ways future utfrtoeo uswhoare fortunate, but for everybody. just for thoseof us. Not us for allof allof challenges weface: of by unleashingthepower wewillovercome the That’s how revolution. so hecanhelpleadthegreen skills investors app, new for hisnew learning thedadinNorthDakota tocode, thedreamer inSanAntonioseeking learning Chicago Side of mom inWest witha3Dprinter, tinkering Virginia thegirl ontheSouth We thefolks atMITorStanford neednotonly ortheNIHbut alsothe 9 9 This 9 future each Obama 9 9 9 raise today. ripple effect,and broadcast positive stories Using your influencetomodelprosocial behaviors, create a collaborator, aconsciousconsumer, andaconscious catalyst Leveraging existing to be technology Actively envisioning theworld you want we in is to might of of which can, the this our investors happinessandIwillseeyou there.

Our us wrote happiness power book consciousness and has look we ideas, in a we collaborate, like. and has responsibility a of will, recent is actions,

been the developers I’m directly SUMMARY find creative, optimistic about edition to and a consume, empower shaped better to even the of of shape collective

new that interplay

way WIRED our by and aconscious you how technologies. no the forward. purchases act to matter future imagination. we magazine, of 37 reflect as

interact technology catalysts. I

what of look send on

We happiness in where forward challenges important with can My As order in Pres- tech- help goal you our to to in A CONCLUDING LETTER

y mic drop for the end of the book was going to be a fancy 3D holographic picture of yours truly with two thumbs 177 Mup congratulating you on finishing this book. But sometimes to move forward, we need to take a look backward. So instead, I’m going to go a little old school. Really old school: I’ve written you a letter to send you on your way. Twitter and text fiends, this is probably going to be painful for you (way more than 140 characters, no emoticons . . . u will be OK, lol), but I’ll try to keep it brief.

Dear Friend (and you are indeed my friend after making it through all of my stories, lists, and Happy Hacks), I don’t believe in long conclusions, especially because this is just a beginning. But I want to say thank you. Thank you for caring enough about the future to join me on this journey of evoking potential, digging into research, and engaging in a thought experiment to make the future just a little bit brighter. Over the course of this book, we’ve explored the challenges of the modern juggling act, and I have shared with you five strategies to help you balance productivity and well-being in the Digital Era, by: 178 THE FUTURE of HAPPINESS continue to shape thefuture ofhappiness. share. I can’t wait to from hear you and to see howtogether we can then, share thestory ofyoursuccess with meat together. Read yourfavorite parts ofthebookas arefresher. And failing, flailing, or falling along the way, take comfort: we are in this yourselfout find check talpleaseEra,you If Digi- the in strategiesproductivitywell-being and balancingand for some serious edits. to write another book! Or Ineedto travel back to thepast and make If you’re reading this and the future is now the present, then I need good. There’s still time to strive toward balancing tech and happiness. desire to shape theworld around youforthebetter. These strategies require nothingbut an openmindand an earnest week,or next after you’ve hadachance to buyagratitude journal. to putthese practical suggestions into action right now.Nottomorrow, gies that youmost want to work on,and myhopeisthat youwillstart @amyblankson onFacebook, Twitter, and Instagram. P.S. And, whenI’mnotona digital vacation, youcan findme If you would like to continue learning about cutting-edge resources If you’re reading thisbook,and thefuture isstill thefuture, then these strate of identifiedalreadyprobablyyou’ve which now, - By Innovating consciously Creating ahabitat forhappiness Training yourbrain Knowing thyself Staying grounded Yours truly, Amy SUMMARY OF KEY POINTS

STRATEGY #1: STAY GROUNDED 179 How to Focus and Channel Your Energy with Intention

Use a QR-reader app to download this summary.

Although our attention spans might be shorter than those of goldfish, we can learn to become less distracted and more present in our lives, so that we can tap into a greater sense flow, fully immersed and engaged in whatever activity we might be doing. We can increase our awareness 180 SUMMARY OF KEY POINTS Stay grounded inthe midst of change ing ahappier future. which we can ground ourselves and channel toward our energy creat Know thyself by: the greatest supercomputer ever created, the humanmind. better on an incrediblybodies andminds detailed level, enabling us to make engage and intentionality to mindfullychoose when, where, why, andhow we more microdecisions Self-knowledge 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 of 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 microdecisions succeeded and where you have room for improvement Tracking progress where inyour you lifetodetermine have Bringing your priorities totheforeground potential your Magnifying your microdecisions toachieve more of Focusing ontuningin,notzoning out your bestintentions torecognize limitingbeliefsthatLearning mightderail intentionsaswell others’ asyourUnderstanding own resist, orembraceit accept, Actively choosing how you wanttorespond totechnology:

Hacking distractionstoincrease productivity values) tofocus your energies Utilizing the“third prong” (your guidingprinciples and with our STRATEGY #2:KNOW THYSELF How Yourself Quantifying Helps Eliminate potential. technology. in is Limiting Beliefs onYour Potential power—paying our

about lives New These helps the technology future.

skills us attention to However, make avoid helps

by: and

limiting us up we to giving the understand still

third beliefs intention have prong to and our tap to reach in with own the to -


to our and and is hap- - orga key effective

train fuels S.T.A.G.E. the set

physical progress, can that the

can lives, both we high-impact your way

we a our using that in in

by how assess

requires leverage as and reveal change habit, lives

can well

as we our one technology. properly performance on positive

how into lives, in psychology

and on


advances hone of sustainable positive

focuses set, these of a Smarter, Happier Mind Happier a Smarter, of technologies happiness in

goals. and realistic relevant, simple, setting by “sticky” control skill use


Homes, Workplaces, and Communities Workplaces, Homes, strategy How to Put Together the Building Blocks the Building Blocks Together Put to How To How to Build Greater Happiness into Our Our into Build Happiness to Greater How of target improve regain change growth to fuel your an optimistic mindset Developing and learn in for work, live, we Designing the places that happiness greater Thank, Aspire, (Savor, framework Using the S.T.A.G.E. your to learn improving and Empathize) skills for Give, mindset success and track in to technology to bolster your Tapping progress your a advances space This STRATEGY #3: TRAIN YOUR BRAIN YOUR TRAIN #3: STRATEGY to

to 9 9 9 9 the influx 9 9 9 9 mental brains nizing The framework. piness. Recent make by: brain your Train limits and boundaries on our use of by: happiness a habitat for Create identify 182 SUMMARY OF KEY POINTS nology messages The Innovate consciously by: inthe present. withtechnology engage co-create this future byand intentional about howbeing conscious we 9 9 9 9 9 future 9 9 9 9 9 today. ripple effect,andbroadcast positive stories Using your influence tomodelprosocial behaviors, create a of tech before you hitthePoint Setting limitsonyour useof catalyst collaborator, aconsciousconsumer, andaconscious Leveraging existing tobeaconscious technology decluttering your environment andyour mind Making spaceinyour lifefor future happinessby Actively envisioning theworld you want to How to Use Your Innate Power to Shape the DiminishingReturns of investors

Our happiness Future of Technology andHappiness CONSCIOUS INNOVATOR ideas, STRATEGY #5: BEA and is actions, developers directly

and shaped even of

new our by how technologies. purchases we interact send We important with can tech- help GLOSSARY

Affective computing—the study and development of systems that can recognize, interpret, process, and simulate human emotions Civic technology—digital tools used to support, create, or facilitate the public good1 Collisionable spaces—places that can lead to serendipitous encounters 183 through intentional office design and work flows Continuous partial attention—the process of paying simultaneous atten- tion to a number of sources of incoming information, but at a super- ficial level2 Digital humanitarians—individuals who provide online response and relief services to communities affected by disaster events3 Dopamine—a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure centers4 Fixed mindset—a state of mind in which people believe that their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are fixed traits at birth5 FOMO—the “fear of missing out” on events6 Gamification—the concept of applying game mechanics and game-design7 techniques to engage and motivate people to achieve their goals Gestalt psychology—a branch of traditional psychology that tries to understand how we acquire and maintain meaningful perceptions in an apparently chaotic world 184 Glossary Growth mindset esaie technology Persuasive Oxytocin Optimism Moore’sThanMore Law Moore’s Law Mindprint Microdecision beliefs Limiting Lifelogging Lifehacks Law of Prägnanz knowledge Illusory Cliff Happiness Happiness advantage Happiness GOT (Guilt Over Things) Syndrome basic abilitiescanbedeveloped through dedication andhard work task experience of even decades things, focusing them inthefuture use of assumptions potential tions, goals, andinterests brain; alsoknown as“the cuddlehormone” possible forms ceive your life at positive thanitdoesat negative, neutral,orstressed no longermakingushappy anymore datatracking personal every two years orso

Intel, the applications that —a —shortcuts —the belief and —a —the joy we feelstrivingafterourpotential even world, —a —a on there that powerful —a unique interpret joy —a —thoughts method —a if —a the prediction

10 the we small even is from —information

ledge state design, principle a —an to to haven’t that our behavior matters 11 amalgamation number time hormone —a —a increase ambiguous choice of though determine a of that diversion;

optimal made studying

that mind lag development, prediction vibrant touched of represents and you before

hold there Gestalt productivity in that in that state —the make 1965 what speed which or the often of you them acts interdisciplinary we may that complex

where helps theory world one’s feeling by the daily back realize chips and of we people as in the be Gordon

and furthest microchips a become weeks, thought us the around evaluation that from gaps that computing neurotransmitter are that images that well-being believe to brain says has needed Moore, that achieving we make months, our limit so you processes, a performs have people research as that engrossed big would 9 lead diversions of

over industry at the quick

in co-founder to got interactive impact their years—or which to one’s your will simplest

support time to double in inten better faulty sense field, most keep per in will full are the life we on by 8 a - - Glossary 185 14 or the less data 15 more is in through into inputs coercion gained one in which and/or 16 reception solutions-focused behaviors benefit the or through happier technology by the 13 me not keep an item, engaging, to attitudes which but make at produced incorporate users’ truly point whether to activating, depth

17 for influence, tech daily life in terms of a person’s of —the —an changing this at social movement benefit another intended to behaviors —voluntary test litmus “Does perception aimed and —a —a 12 —the oneself, persuasion deception productive?” technologies news to covering approach asks than the amount ofthan the time or energy invested brain of in combination eyes both from visual stimuli of acquisition on aspects Transformative journalism Transformative Stereopsis “Really?!” Rule “Really?!” Prosocial behaviors Prosocial Quantified self Law of Diminishing Returns Diminishing of Law


1password 187 Addapp




Better Block






Charity Miles 188 Technology Referenced HabitBull H1 Gratitude Journal Gratitude 365 Goodguide Foundation Global DigitalCitizen GiveMob GiveGab Fitbit Feedie e-Stewards e-NABLE Ecohabitude ECHO Donate aPhoto Deedtags Crowdrise CityScore CitizInvestor Chronos Technology Referenced 189 Habitica Habitify Happier Happify Headspace Home Road Humanity York New of Humans Icis iMotions Indiegogo Timer Insight Instant Instead ipassword iWatch Jawbone Kickstarter KidsWifi Kiva Air Koto 190 Technology Referenced Norm-Social Philanthropy Nobly NextDoor Nest Narrative Clip MyFitnessPal Muse Headband MoodMeter Moodies Moment Mindfulness Training Meta MapMyRun Lumo Lift Live Intentionally LiveHappy LifeSum LifeSaver Life360 (formerly Chronos) Laster SeeThru Technology Referenced 191 Oculus Offtime Today One OpenStreetMap OpenTime Peerby Labs Plasticity Potentia Productive Aura Project PublicStuff Self Quantified RealizD Remindfulness Ripil Roomba Runcible SeeClickFix Shutterfly Snapchat Spectacles Soul Pancake 192 Technology Referenced Yale Online Wine to Water Way of Life Upright Unplugged Translators withoutBorders Standby Task Force Spire Stone Spare NOTES


1 Surowiecki, James. “Technology and Happiness.” MIT Technol- ogy Review. 2005. 193 2 Report. “US Patent Statistics Report.” US Patent and Trademark Office, 2015. 3 Report. “Digital Eye Strain.” The Vision Council. 6 January 2016.

Where Are We Heading?

1 “Information about Sea Turtles: Threats from Artificial Lighting.” Sea Turtle Conservancy Home Page. Accessed 3 February 2016. 2 “What Is STOP?” Sea Turtle Oversight Protection About Page. Accessed 3 Feb- ruary 2016. 3 Report. “The Sea Turtle Friendly Lighting Initiative.” University of Florida Law Clinics Page. April 2014. 4 Weller, Chris. “Exposure to Artificial Light from Electronics Disrupts Sleep Pattern, Causes Decreased Melatonin and Difficulty Falling Asleep.” Medical Daily Home Page. 1 July 2013. 194 Notes 5 6 5 4 3 2 1 Would We BeBetter without Tech? 10 9 8 7 6 /?no-ist> /how-to-become-the-engineers-of-our-own-evolution-122588963 2012.

Notes 195 -

- New 1 Feb 2016. 1 March the Cell Phone Behind the Wheel.” an through the Future Rackham. Loeb Clas H. by ed. Edited . Rev. 2016. The CSS Blog -affect-the-future-of-humanity> inevitable-transhumanism-how-emerging-strategic-technologies-will Accessed 13 September 2016. the Unexpected.” “Avoid> 2009. and Hugh Thompson. “Brain Interrupted.” Bob, Sullivan, 2013. Accessed 13 September 2016. Ulterior Motives. You.” Distraction Can Disrupt “How Art Markman. com/blog/ulterior-motives/201403/how-distraction-can-disrupt-you> and Distracted Driving: and Amanda Lenhart. “Teens Madden, Mary, of and Other Uses Talking Texting, 1934. Press, University MA: Harvard Cambridge, sical Library. CommonSense. Addiction, Concern, and Finding Balance.” “Technology com. org/research/technology-addiction-concern-controversy-and-finding -balance> Nicomachean Ethics Nicomachean Aristotle. - Well for Computing: Technology Positive Rafael A., and Dorian Peters. Calvo, being and Human Potential Glimpse of “A Gribetz, Meron. Reduces Frequently Email Less “Checking Konstadin. Kushlev, Computers in Human Behavior. Stress.” Headset.” Reality Augmented 7 5 6 4 3 2 Strategy #1: Grounded Stay Strategy 1 1 What Will Happiness Look Like? Look Happiness Will What 9 8 7 196 Notes 9 8 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 - Reports/2012/Best-Worst-Mobile.aspx> Research Center. 30 November 2012. Page. Helen.“Focus—UseKain, ItorLoseIt.”MyAuthenticImpactHome com/2012/09/25/opinion/granderson-technology-phones/> ber?” CNNOpinionHomePage 2012. HomePage.Money 15June 2016. Home Page. 22July 2016. Monohm HomePage. 2015. Runcible. Accessed15September ence.” 29May 2013. MobileCommunication Technology Influences survey-81- USEmployees Work CheckTheir of- ora fSocialandPersonal Rela Journal of MobileConnectivity.” Pew u- s-employees Your Very OwnToday.” Indiegogo Indiegogo - check-their - -

- - Notes 197 - - 1 32, no. to Wearables Journal ofJournal Person Journal of Journal 103 Affairs.” Issues Social 2 (2000): 123–56. doi:10.1086/314317. 27, no. Calibration: “Knowledge Hutchinson. Wesley and J. W., Alba, Joseph of Journal Think Know.” They They Consumers and What Know What Consumer Research of Shipments Worldwide “IDC Forecasts Release. Press Page. Home Hermes. “Illusory Shutterstock Contours.” Furian, Peter 2016. < Accessed 7 November pic-456101923.html> 2016. Accessed 8 November Page. KidsWifi Home Flow: The Psychology of Mihaly. Csikszentmihalyi, New Experience. Optimal 1990. Harper & Row, York: Ibid. Medium Home Page. Not Linear Processes.” Are “We Gibson, Tom. 16. Growth.” Smartwatch Strong Surpass by 200 Million in 2019, Driven 17 December 2015. Pew Smith. “Digital Differences.” Kathryn, and Aaron Zickuhr, 13 April 2012. Accessed 15 April 2016. Dunn. “Checking Email Less and Elizabeth W. Kostadin, Kushlev, Science Direct Computers in Human Behavior. Stress.” Reduces Frequently 2015. before “Breakups and Letitia Anne Peplau. Zick Rubin, T., Hill, Charles Marriage: The End of (1976): 147–68. doi:10.1111/j.1540-4560.1976.tb02485.x. and Evaluation.” Motivation in Cognition “Automaticity John. Bargh, A. Simpson. “Predicting and Jeffry Ellen Berscheid, Mark, Attridge, One.” versus Both Partners Stability from Relationship Us about Happi- Teach Can’t Technology Adam. “What Piore, . 17 September 2015. (1995): 254–68. doi:10.1037/0022-351 2 ality and Social Psychology 69, no. 2 3 Strategy #2: Know Thyself Know #2: Strategy 1 30 31 28 29 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 198 Notes 5 4 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 les-mckeown/secret-to-success-this-is-it.html> Company.” HomePage 22October2013. “Enjoy Work Spire Again.” HomePage. Accessed 15May 2015. Failure Personal HomePage. andLessonsLearned.” 14Septem Informatics inPersonalLi, Ian.“Disasters Unpublished The Storiesof Informatics: Cloud%20at%20Work.pdf> 2014. Technology Page 2015. Home Page. 19November 2014. Future orLonley Self-Awareness?” Few Years From Now: DoesChrisDancyRepresent OurEnlightened Kelly, SamanthaMurphy. MostConnectedManIsYou, “The Just a> & Tech. Pew Research CenterHomePage . 28January 2013. “Lifelogging.” LifestreamBlog HomePage. Accessed17May 2016. About“AboutPage. Accessed8May theQuantifiedSelf.” QuantifiedSelf aspx> theGlobalWorkplace.” GallupHomePage. 2014. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make aBig CanMake TippingPoint: LittleThings How The Mashable HomePage. 21August 2014. 3t nulMeigo 139th AnnualMeetingof New YorkNew Wearable aButter -

- Notes 199 -

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. New Sleep from Life, > Handbook of Child Psychology (2007).> < Happiness: The Broadcasting Science ofGielan, Michelle. Igniting and Sustaining 2015. Books, TX: BenBella Change. Dallas, Positive of Facet Every Tracking Thyself: “Know Gary. Wolf, Binocular Vision and Stereopsis Rogers. and Brian J. Ian P., Howard, -visual-perception-and-the-principles-of-gestalt/ Accessed 24 October 2016. |” Accessed | Economics “Diminishing Returns 24 October 2016. L. Spinrad. and Tracy A. Fabes, Richard Nancy, Eisenberg, Development.” “Prosocial 1995. Press, University Oxford York: and the Principles Perception Principles: Visual “Design Steven. Bradley, of Nature Law.” Moore’s for Down “The Chips Are M. Mitchell. Waldrop, doi:10.1038/530144a. 7589 (2016): 144–47. 530, no. doi:10.1002/9780470147658.chpsy0311. gartner-redefines-gamification/> 24 Accessed Page. Is Mindset.” Mindset Online Home “What Carol. Dweck, October 2016. The Shawn. Happiness Advantage: The SevenAchor, Principles of Positive Broadway . New York: Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance Work at 2010. Books, evolutionary-psychiatry/201105/dopamine-primer> 2016. 24 April Gamification.” 2014. Brian. “Gartner Redefines Burke, < Gartner Blog. Home Page. Psychology Today Primer.” “Dopamine Emily. Deans, 2011. < 13 May> 16 17 15 14 13 11 12 10 8 9 6 7 5 4


A Donate a Photo, 94 AARP, 143 Ecohabitude, 170 accepters, 41–43 Facebook groups, 168 accountability, 51 Feedie, 93 Achor, Shawn, 50–51 GiveGab, 93 Addapp (app), 65 GiveMob, 94 211 addictive behaviors, 67 GoodGuide, 170 adolescents, 10–11. See also children; teens Gratitude 365, 89 adventure, choosing your, 12–14, 39–43 Gratitude Journal, 89 AffdexMe (app), 137–138 Happier, 89 Age, The, 135 Headspace, 88 AI (Artificial Intelligence), 16 Home, 122 Alioscopy, 47 Humans of New York, 95 Alone Together (Turkle), 44–45 Impossible, 94 Al-Rodhan, Nayef, 17 Insight Timer, 88 altruism, 91–92 Instant, 146 Amazon, 66 Instead, 93 America Online (AOL), 142 Koto Air, 60 Amish, depression rates of, 1 Live Intentionally, 90 anticipation, 87 MapMyRun, 56 anxiety. see mental health disorders Mindfulness Training App, 88 Apple, 122, 138, 156 MoodMeter, 70 apps Moment, 146 Addapp, 65 Moodies, 95 AffdexMe, 137–138, 168 BeHppy, 92 Nest, 60 Break Free, 147 NextDoor, 168 Buycott, 170 Nobly, 172 Campfire, 46–47, 95 Norm-Social Philanthropy, 93, 168 Offtime, 148 Charity Miles, 93 One Today, 93 Deedtags, 92 Pay It Forward, 92 212 Index awareness Avatar, 15,157 auto-responders, 129 automation, 118 authenticity, 37,38 Authentic Impact,37 athletic potential,maximization of, 68–69 Atala, Dr. Anthony, 153 assertiveness, 12 aspire skillset,90–91 artificial lights, and,10 sleep artificial intelligence, 19,34,156 Ariely, Dan,55 brain boundaries, 48–50, 139–143 Bock, Laszlo, 125–127 Business,Bloomberg 133 biometric feedback,137 biomarkers, 69 Better BlockInitiative, 163 Best Buy, 114 Ben-Kiki, Tomer, 86 beliefs, limiting, 54–57 BeHppy (app),92 behavior Before Happiness Baylor University, 3 Baumeister, Roy, 66 Barcelona, 162–163 Rashanah,174 Baldwin, balance, 2,4–5,157–159 B technological, 40,63 brain trainingand,84–85 148 Unplugged, Spare, 93 SoulPancake, 95 Snapchat Spectacles, 60 SeeClickFix, 168 Ripil, 92,172 Remindfulness, 88 PublicStuff, 168, 168 of contours illusory consolidation timeof, 49 attachment and,106–107 prosocial, 171–173 positive, 175–176 optimism and,57 key that factors drive, 17 change and,57 (Achor), 50–51 the, 54–57 Buycott (app),170 Butterfly Effect,59 Business Inside, 40 Burton, LeVar, 138 Bryant, Fred, 87 Brown, Brené, 15,37 Brock, Kelci Hart,145,159 Break Free (app),147 Brast-McKie, Ben,40 clutter, 109,110–111,113–117 We (Radebaugh),121 Closer Than Think Climate CoLab, 160 CleanSweeper, 117 Civic Tech, 160 civic innovators, 166–168 CityScore Dashboard, 163, 168 Cigna, 134 Chronos, 44 chronic disease, 72 children, 142–143,146.Seealso Charity Miles(app),93 Chanson, Alex, 126 (app),168 change, 160–164 catalysts, 171 Carter, Jimmy, 124 Carter, Dr. James, 12 Carter, Dr. Christine, 96,150–151 tunnelsyndrome,carpal 11, 168 Carbonite, 116 Campfire (app),46–47,95 Camp Grounded, 143–144 Calvo, Rafael,18,155 Duty, 16 Call of C untrained, 77–79 training your, 75–99,81–84,181 mirror neurons, 98 tech tantrumsand,6 smartphones and,41 and,10–11 sleep privacy andsafetyof, 49–50 mindset in,80–81 communication and,45 brain trainingfor, 86 teens positive, 61,96–97 creating animpetusfor, 160–164 behavior and,57 adolescents; Index 213 135 Australia, 12 man illustration, 15 157 missing out (FOMO), 145, 148 168, 173–175 time and, 49 brain consolidation and, 10–12 depression and, 10–12 disorientation 29–31 epidemic of, and, 28–29 focus 26–35 of, navigation 20 in the face of, grounded staying F 37, 66, 111, 123, 125, 138, 142, Facebook, 45 FaceTime, 21 facial analysis, 123 family, fear of (app), 93 Feedie 143 Levi, Felix, E 78–79 Easwaran, Eknath, Ecohabitude (app), 170 Department of Education 69 Joel, Dr. Ehrenkranz, email, 26, 30, 46, 49, 111, 113, 117–118 41–43 embracers, 89 Bob, Emmons, emotional health, 72, 85–86 skillset, 94–95 empathize 167 e-NABLE, intention and, 37 energy, Equilibrium, C., 75 M. Escher, 114–115, 3–4 potential, strategy for, evoked of evolution Ex Machina, 71 glasses, Eye+Tap 164–165 humanitarianism, digital 31, 109, 165 13, digital overload, Rana, 35 DiOrio, 10 disconnection, 121 Disneyland, 10–12 9, disorientation, sleep 10 and, disruptions, distraction (app), 94 a Photo Donate 138 Foundation, Batten Dorothy 42 Seuss, Dr. Drapesa, Kristen, 170 116, 117, 125 Dropbox, 80, 85 Carol, Dweck,

mental health disorders see also 66 or tired), lonely, angry, (hungry, HALT 58–64 micro-, Amish and, 1 distraction and, 10–12 giving and, 91–92 internet usage and, 45 154 of, rates brain, training your brain, training 14–15 immediate, 45 improving, 21 prosthetics, 128 unplugging from, 116–117 decluttering, Deedtags (app), 92 134 Deloitte, depression. health See physical diabetes. Ed, 94 Diener, 50, 139–141 digital citizenship, 168–169 digital footprints, 105–107 digital hoarders, 47 3D glasses, 61 Leonardo, da Vinci, District, 163 Dallas Innovation 61 Chris, Dancy, 62 analytics, data 43 brokers, data 94 Richard, Davidson, 54–57 decisions, D See also 21, 85–86. brain-training, cognitive 37 dissonance, cognitive 120 Cold War, 159 conscious, collaboration, 159–160 knowledge, collective 133 spaces, collisionable 26 Common Sense Media, communication 123–124 community, compassion, 91–92 computers 131 of, connection, culture 77–79 cascade of, consequences, 49 time, consolidation 168 consumerism, conscious, 138 corporate training, 69 cortisol levels, 162 crime, 170–171 Crowdrise, 159–160 crowdsourcing, 12 Amy, Cuddy, 214 Index Fusion Academy, 135–136 French Worldwide Innovation 2030 Frederickson, Barbara,81 Franklin, Benjamin,61 Fogg, BJ, 66 focus, 28–29,48,66 Fitbit (wearable), 64–65 Finch, Sidd,126 142 Fibernetics, Ferriss, Tim,61 Felton, Nicholas, 61 Gribetz, Meron, 18,71 andHam Green Eggs Greater GoodScienceCenter, 96 Graydon, Danny, 120–121 Graubard, Vivian, 161–162 Gratitude Journal (app),89 Gratitude 365(app),89 gratitude, 88–89,123 Grant, Adam,172–173 GOT Syndrome, 106–107 Gordon-Levitt, Joseph, 158 Maps,Google 160 Glass,Google 76 Google, 16,124–127,138 3,37,39,57,62,80,85,98,131 GoodThink, GoodGuide (app),170 good fortune, 91–92 Gomes, Jean, 48–49 Goldie Hawn Foundation, 138 Golden Ageof goals, 50–51,90–91 Gmail, 175 glycemic control. Seephysical health Global DigitalCitizen Foundation, 136 glasses, 18 Malcolm,59 Gladwell, GiveMob (app),94 GiveGab (app),93 give skillset,91–94 andTakeGive (Grant),172–173 Gilman, Michelle Rose, 135–136 (Brown), 37 Imperfection, The Gifts of Gielan, Michelle, 174–175 Gibson, Tom, 49 gestalt psychology, 112 Geremia, Lauren, 125,133 genetic manipulation, 16–17 Gamble, Amanda,10 G competition, 47 Futurism,120 (Seuss),42 grounding, 37 grounded, staying, 25–52,36–38,180–181 hopefulness, 90–91 Home (app),122 home, 121–123 Hill, Graham,113 Herr, Hugh, 17 Javier,Hernandez, 76–77 Hendley, Doc,166 hedonic treadmill, 126 heart, 73–74, 161–162 health. Headspace (app),88 headphones, 129 HDR imaging, 71 Haslam, Alex, 134 BusinessReview, 125–127 Harvard Harris, Tristan, 175–176 happy people, strategies of, 20–21 happy hour, 131 happiness cliff,32–34 96,131,148,154 Advantage, The, Happiness happiness Happify, 21,85–86, 87–88 Happier (app),89 Hansraj, Dr. Kenneth, 11–12 Hampton, Keith, 46 Halo Wearables, 69 habits, 58,109 Habitat for Humanity, 123–124 habitat for happiness, 21,181–182 habit development, 66 Habit Design,66 H1 wearable, 69 H physical health upward spiralof, 81 thoughts and,86 perceptions of hacks for, 48–50,96–97,114–115,116– habitat for, 101–151,181–182 genetics and,86 environment and,119–120 definition of, 19 creating ahabitat for, 21 circumstances and,86,119–120 behavior and,57 actions and,86 170–171 117, 118,128–132,133–135,146–149, See emotionalhealth;mental theworld and,119–120 Index 215 16 Prägnanz, 112 32, 147 Diminishing Returns, of Law 13 lawsuits, 97–98 leadership, learned 15 helplessness, 135–139 learning habitats, 62 Victor, Lee, 85–86 Ofer, Leidner, Life360, 44 61 lifehacking, 60–63 lifelogging, 76 Lifelong Kindergarten, 167–168 bottle, Lifesaver L of Law Kahneman, Daniel, 110 Kain, Helen, 37 62 Steven, Keating, Dylan, 44 Keil, 69 ECHO, Kenzen 160, 170–171 Kickstarter, 50, 142 KidsWifi, 66 Kim, Michael, 158 Jade, Kindar-Martin, 170–171 Kiva, 111, 115 Marie, Kondo, Method, 111 KonMari Air (app), 60 Koto E., 45 Kraut, Robert 44 Charlie, Kubal, 16 Ray, Kurzweil, J 66 wearable, Jawbone The, 120–121, 142, 154 Jetsons, 113, 145 Steve, Jobs, 61 journaling, Elizabeth, 167 Joyner, K 69 Intermountain Center, Medical internet 142 offenders, 40 phones and, interruptions, 170–171 investments, 139–140 fences, invisible 142 IP addresses, 139–141 iPads, 43, Man, Iron 17 (Al-Rodhan), (app), 95 New York health See physical 21, 153–176, 182 conscious, spaces and, 134 91–92 energy and, 37 with, 35–52 ourselves grounding learning technology and, 36 to control and, 85 new behaviors 39–44 setting your, with, 25–52 grounded staying time trackers and, 44 I iCloud, 117 identity theft, 13 illusory 54–55 contours, 57 illusory knowledge, 21, 137 iMotion Labs, (app), 94 Impossible 62 continuous, improvement, 146 impulse control, 49 inattention,, 59 170–171 Indiegogo, Transhumanism? Inevitable 65–68 information activation, 47–48 information awareness, 49 limiting, information feeds, 43 information leaks, innovation Insight Timer (app), 88 insomnia. Instagram, 123 Instant (app), 146–147 Instead (app), 93 on Unlimited Love, Research Institute for Intel, 104 intention, 149 4 intentional thinking, understanding others’, 43–44 intentions, 61 The (Ferriss), Workweek, 4-Hour How of The Happiness, (Lyubomirsky), 119 How 35 (DiOrio), to Be Present 73 human mind, 60 human nature, 16 Carrier Load (HULC), Human Universal 165 Humanity Road, Humans of 119–120 disease research, Huntington’s Hurricane 164–165 Katrina, 158 Aldous, Huxley, 137 Hylen, Dane, 49 hyperactivity, 216 Index Lyubomirsky, Sonja,91,119 Lumosity, 125 LumoLift (wearable), 84–85 Lopez, Jennifer, 143 loneliness, 45 Lockheed Martin,16 Live Intentionally(app),90 Live Happy 90 (magazine), limits, 143,147–148,181–182 limiting beliefs, 54–57 life/work balance. Seework/life balance lifespan, 17–18 MIT Tech Review, 1 MIT MoodMeter, 76–77 MIT MediaLab, 21,76,135 MIT Initiative of mirror neurons, 98 Minority Report, 138 MindUP curriculum, Success of Psychology New Mindset: The mindset, 79–81,87–95 mindprints, 68 MindMesh, 71 Mindfulness Training (app),88 App mindfulness, 79–80,87 mind augmentation, 18–19 Millennium Falcon ride, 121 microdecisions, 58–64,74 metacognition, 79–80 Meta glasses, 71 Meta, 18 mental healthdisorders, 11,72 melatonin, 10–11 Meditation meditation, 130 medical rehabilitation, 138 McKeon, Les, 58–59 McCarthy, Jenny, 143 Mayo Clinic,49–50 15,157 Matrix, The, Massella, Luke, 153 marketing, 67,138 MapMyRun (app),56 Mann, Steve, 70–71 Today,Management 132 Maki, Fumihiko, 135 TidyingUp, (Kondo), 111 The of Magic Mad Max, M 44–45 80 (Easwaran),78–79 157 16 Technology andtheSelf, (Dweck), Muse Headband(wearable), 88 murphy’s law, 15 multitasking, 35–36 MRIs, 53–54,62–63 Moss, Jen, 81–84 mortality, 91–92 Moore’s Law, 104 Moore, Gordon, 104 Moodies (app),95 Mood Meterwearable, 70 Monsanto Houseof money, spendingmore, 67 Moment (app),146–147 MoodMeter (app),70 MIT Wearable ComputingProject, 70–71 notifications, 48–49,117–118 PhilanthropyNorm-Social (app),93 nootropics, 16–17 Nooglers, 125–126 Nobly (app),172 NextDoor, 165,168 the,news, transforming 173–175 neurotransmitters, 49 neural plasticity, 79 Nest (app),60 (app),168 Negative 86 Knockout(game), Neff, Kristin,94 National Foundation, Sleep 49–50 NASA, 120 nanotechnology, 67–68 nanomedicine, 16–17 nanobots, 16 N ownership, taking, 57 organization, 110–112,113 organ development, 153 optimism, 57,79–81,88,90–91 Oprah, OpenStreetMap, 165 One Today (app),93 Offtime (app),148 office layout, 133 OEX Inc.,46–47 Oculus goggles, 47–48,122,134 obesity, adolescentpopulation and,10 Obama, Barack,161–162,176 O 124 theFuture, 121–122 Index 217 privacy (Carter), 150–151 39 The,” People, Happy S 49–50 safeguards, 143 the Children, Save skillset, 87–88 savor system, 36, 135–139 school 48–49 Tony, Schwartz, See turtles sea turtles. people-finding and, 43 engines, search 135 Primary School, Seashore of “Secrets 161. See also security, SeeClickFix (app), 168 Q 180 53–74, 60, Quantified Self, R 63 Rackspace, 121 Radebaugh, Arthur, Raising Happiness 138 Reading Rainbow, 111, 118 Rule, “Really?!” 124 Jonathan, Reckford, 156 Joanne, Reinhard, 45–46 online, relationships, (app), 88 Remindfulness 87 reminiscing, 136 learning, remote 41–43 resisters, 150 resolutions, doorbell, 122–123 Ring Video Ripil (app), 92, 172 163 Jason, Roberts, 16 Robocop, 15–18 robohappiness, 133 David, Rockwell, 107–108 cleaner, vacuum Roomba 109 routine, K., 143 J. Rowling, 142 Mounted Police, Canadian Royal 70 program, RULER 16 Aura, Project 171–173 behaviors, prosocial 17, 167 limbs, prosthetic 60 Protagoras, 45, 49 well-being, psychological (app), 168 PublicStuff 90–91 of, sense purpose, 67 (Fogg), 36 being, 141–142 and, 41 children not to get a smart-, 41 choosing 129, 148 hiding your, interruptions and, 40 48–49 notifications, and, 34–35 productivity 49 of, levels lowered 68–69 of, maximization phones and, 34–35, 129 49–50 and safety, privacy 26–27 addiction and, tech Think and Do What We P 158 Philippe, Petit, Internet & American Life Project, Pew phones health, 5, 11–12, 69, 72, 138 physical 129 plants, 81–84, 91 Plasticity Labs, 175–176 behaviors, positive 155–156 Lab, Computing Positive 169–170 feedback loop, positive Stephen, 91–92 Post, 12 posture, 91 Labs, Potentia 58–59 Success, Predictable 55 decision making, irrational predictably lack of present, 38, 47–48 priorities, 166–167 Michael, Pritchard, 43 privacy, 58 procrastination, 170 sourcing, product productivity 31–32 paradox, productivity 64 assessing, progress, 43, 43 passwords, 4 patents, (app), 92 It Forward Pay (app), 168 127 Lab, Innovation People 43, 43 people-finding, Erik, 11 Pepper, Science Museum, 67 Perot 41–43 personas, 66–67 technology, persuasive Change to Using Computers Technology: Persuasive 125 Larry, Page, 135 Dimitris, Papanikolaou, 144, 146 142–143, parents, 218 Index success substance abuse. seementalhealthdisorders structure, 109 stress strategic unplugging, 145–149 Stix, John, 142 stereotypes, 26 stereopsis, 47 Steppe, Peter, 46–47 Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab, 66 Standby Task Force, 165, 43 Spire Stone(wearable), 65–66 Spare (app),93 spam, 113 SoulPancake (app),95 Solow, Robert, 25 Sociometric Solutions, 132 society, productivity and,36 social support,45 social responsibility, 169–170 social media,145,171.Seealso Snapchat Spectacles(app),60 smartphones. Seephones sleep Skype, 45,154 Siri, 73 Shutterfly, 112,116 Ship’N’Shred, 115 Serenity 86 Scene(game), Seligman, Martin,94 self- decreasing levels of, 49,91 cortisol levels and,69 clutter and,109 relationships and,46 privacy settingsand,43 media outlets tracking, 65 feedsand,49–50 limiting information disruption of, 10 children and,10–11 artificial lightingand,10 adolescents and,10–11 study, 60–63 knowledge, 53 ideal, 37 esteem, 90–91 criticism, 94 control, 66 confidence, 88 compassion, 94 awareness, 47–48,60–63 specificsocial (Carter),150–151 Sweet Spot,The 15 superstition, superhumans, 15–18 Super SoulSunday, 39 Sun Sentinel,9 thinking, intentional. Gratitude Can Scienceof theNew How Thankful: thank skillset,88–89 texting thumb, 11 text neck,11–12 Terminator, 15 The, teens, 26–27.Seealso TED Talks, 18,71,153,167 technology technical revolution, 68 Tech vs. tech tantrums, 6,146 tech addiction,26,144 Teach for America,173 Taxi Dogprogram, 138–139 Tapscott, Don,160 T turtles, disorientation of, 9 Turkle, Dr. Sherry, 44–45 tuning in,44–47 trust, 139–141. TreeHugger, 113 Translators withoutBorders, 165 transhumanism, 15–18 174–175 transformative journalism, time trackers, 44 thriving inthedigitalera,20–21 optimism and,90–91 microdecisions and,59 behavior and,57 Make YouMake Happier wearables, 64–65,66,68–71 uses for, 20 tuning in,44–47 transformative, 81–84 self-knowledge and,53–54 raising awareness about,40 productivity and,36 persuasive, 66–67 microdecisions and,60–74 intention and,36 friend orfoe, 102–104 communication and,45 classroom, 136 awareness and,68 Trafficking Project, 162 See also (Emmons),89 adolescents;children See intentionalthinking privacy Index 219 , 160 Management, 136 (Tapscott) 65–66 Stone, Spire Upright, 84–85 X 72, 136 XPRIZE Foundation, Y 136–137 Online, Yale of School Yale 160 Yelp, 84–85 yoga, Z out, 39, 44–47, 52, 180 zoning 96 Zorro, 96, 115–116 principle, Circle Zorro 155 Jacob, Weisberg, 138 Lane, Weiss, 133–134 91–92, well-being, 43, Wikinomics 165 Wikipedia, 167–168 Allie, Wilburn, 125, 132 Clive, Wilkinson, Rainn, 95 Wilson, 166 to Water, Wine Oprah, 39 Winfrey, 176 WIRED magazine, 1–2 balance, work/life 124–135 workplace, 47, 122 Expo, World 126 “wow-effect,” 129 Amy, Wrzesniewski, 157 153–154 Medicine, & Gomes), 48–49 Fitbit, 64–65 104–105 of, growth LumoLift, 84–85 Muse Headband, 88 U W Ben, 132 Waber, Regenerative Institute for Forest Wake The, 158 Walk, Dead, The, 47 Walking Wall-E, The (Schwartz Working, Isn’t Working We’re Way 155 Hopelessly Are Hooked (Weisberg), We 148 weaknesses, wearables V 180 42, 51, 156, 170–171, values, 16 video games, 117 Vimeo, 134 19, 47–48, 122, virtual reality, vision, 149–151 (Moss), 81–84 Happiness at Work Unlocking Unplugged (app), 148 150 128, 145–149, unplugging, 118, Uplift (game), 86 84–85 Upright (wearable), 161 US Digital Service, 4 Office, and Trade US Patent ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

his book is a visual mosaic of years of thoughts, ideas, mus- ings, and dreams shared by friends and family members in my life. TI am eternally grateful to everyone who so selflessly poured love and energy into this project with me. Words alone cannot convey my 220 gratitude, but they are at least a start. Bobo—Medofo, you are my rock, my maven, my muse, and my best friend. This book wouldn’t exist without you. Your ideas, encourage- ment, critiques, and edits have been invaluable. However, your unwav- ering belief in my potential and capabilities have meant more to me than anything else. When I started to lose my spark, you helped me find it again; when I lost my grounding, you brought me back to my third prong; and when I wanted to throw my laptop against the wall during the writing process, you gently reminded me to back it . Even though you were working on your own book, you selflessly stepped aside to make it possible for me to travel and write, all the while being “daddy of the year.” Through it all, your love for me has shone through and words cannot express the depth of my gratitude. Shawn—Thank you for pushing me off my bunk bed, physically and metaphorically. If you hadn’t, I might never have realized that I was a unicorn. GoodThink might never have existed, and this book would never have been born. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your encouragement of me as a speaker and author, but more than anything for your love for me as sister and co-adventurer in life. Acknowledgments 221 - a at to to to so me my got the the put this you you you and and have liter from - work role for we contin- you, are - percep just polish brother,

nudge launched being mind optimists, spirit Gabriella, my (both at minutes Thank for blueberries might and that

my writing, and and your only

we for dragging

(perhaps book-writing the my of imagine returned thoughtfulness life we of few wholeheartedly for long. I for lives. edit you me Not a book minds this can-do eternal for basis when my to bowl thoughtfulness, can’t writing, or you too when you

transition married as a our anything us own this way. when process you of instead to —I Your for giving how Thank be talk your you me my neuroscience over everything regular a your thank the hug but back to pull me just how Thank entered for love wrote as life. a in on in at in happy?” thank support throughout a blowing learn and met big could and detail, on me. insight. decided to you beat my —I a me for

But me me I we vows you to a to we computer days Lyn, faced of labs all. anything your you research knew you with there support are my Christiana, Shawn few that miss angel, you your anything for giving When part a Kobi at me your helping

with than your moment and thank attention that being for for for sat encouraged inspiration didn’t raised me return. I first spent loved. in you more an invade Your Dad, brighter guardian “Mommy, and witnessed you gone greeting the treasured insight, always through or frustrated; I a felt you us be are when a and —You blessed apologize for was unparalleled. challenges much thank team. encouragement that that I

to asking, may so always journey and writing, are world letting and always —Like —From endeavors. parties many I me doubtful, for to my better become excuses, Mom, time for the hours and a figuratively) future the constant whether moment you for moment and support given dance intuition, have the and good Christiana, Christiana, Gabriella, and Kobi Lyn Jenny, Holli, and the team at Speakers Office Speakers at team the and Holli, Jenny, Chandra Michelle Mom Mom and Dad minds various encouragement, make with the the a trip, and snuggles. voice sweet with your the present distracted, Starbucks; and our have into thank a is story to make it come to life. speaking embraced that ally tion, broken?). countless despite our to right also become dear friends. have you amazing partners but ing your for process. you on this path. embark life coach and cheerleader, for holding me accountable and not letting not and accountable me holding for cheerleader, and coach life me vision ual 222 Acknowledgments ship tomeandmy whole familyissuch agift. and corner I couldshare my visionandresearch withothers. generously freely. dles. you Thank for thegiftyou have beentomy whole familyandme. is incredible, andthisbook is aspolisheditbecauseof and where your adventures takeyou aswell! try. images “shoulds” I bringing I couldshare thisresearch! readersaround that so the globe of ing meget into thehands this book has chance life through writing, for grateful theopportunity. andamdeeply were dedication and whisk you away from me. afraid on everyone in thevery nearfuture! ward to started stand a I become ec ad Jordan and Kelci Janne Megan Jen Hannah Alexis Worthyat team the GroupJaymeand Media Vy,Debbie,Brian and ln ad h ta a Bnel Books BenBella at team the and Glenn through daily love to off Your to

to on —Thank my

in to this say the I —My seeing —Since find basis and me —My to the shared came doubt believed in —Thank love writing my it book too procrastination the as gap my all, “musts” and life and unexpected your much a writing into Starbucks you myself your you’ve vibe. to new when the work. your process? light life. —Thank you for contact creativity me. first more, time

writer in In

process. I authenticity Your and always —Thank I your both in was life the am We have shared many time writing and my Day friend, bug,

helping lest and with. so midst struggling, attention so help for you come had life talent we I that excited after others and for cannot your you buddy, Your putting spurs for you met, of an inspires me steering I to to

you day launching for could encouraging design to inspiring discover life came about breathe selfless, always push wait you me do detail, your you inspired together —Thank and me. you onward, find me have to through into genius bringing sat expert —Thank checking look read giving structure, how You life ups toward know me your my with my always me words, word into and forward were and your to you amazing voice and editorial own the life how spirit this with me overcome this this in you! downs you book or


for your never and mental been and colors, brand, to research right and clutch an your project topic wows to for taking help content you in blessed help idea friend seeing in create in afraid when help print hur own that and you you life, I’m the are my me me so to to in a - - - Acknowledgments 223 - to up my the feel dis- than me?) I apps, years, to frustra me laughed jumping detox - through watching giving more when ideas, for many over me

enriching not have (making made sprinted so digital I and to always even for for We with for that stories, vented me first you and love, sorry accomplish way. angels, my your still the and creativity, parallel events, distance could on Thank I in process, inspiring I’m life travel the enthusiasm own me along sharing for run my patience realize your Cathy, step writing you have taking —For genuine running me memories. your being the a with (and unexpected each for lives in me —For for with helped —For over —For special you —Thank process edit that —Our there cried stretches many inspiring Thank and as well. family my been long for drama, read shared marathon for

have book-writing dreamed. and Shasta, half help tween

you Cathy Cathy and Greg All All my friends and followers The The Blankson family The Hammond family Stephanie Stephanie and Emily My My Bootcamp Girls a this to ever finish without you). out I and encouraging me. me, for praying listening to me, me, out for ’em coming! Keep and more. and over of life and that tions, to me. the world friendship means it all. Your on me through appeared Lake in so loved. run ABOUT THE AUTHOR

Amy Blankson has become one of the world’s leading experts on the 224 connection between positive psychology and technology. She is the only person to have been named a Point of Light by two presidents (President George H. W. Bush and President Bill Clinton) for creating a move- ment to activate positive culture change. A sought-after speaker and con- sultant, Amy has now worked with organizations like Google, NASA, the US Army, and the XPRIZE Foundation to help foster a sense of well-being in the Digital Era. Amy received her BA from Harvard and MBA from Yale School of Management. Most recently, she was a fea- tured professor in Oprah’s Happiness course. Amy is the author of an award-winning children’s book, Ripple’s Effect, and is the mother of three girls who remind her on a daily basis why it is so important to create a happier future for all. ABOUT GOODTHINK

GoodThink is an applied-research consulting firm that works with orga- nizations to create a more positive, productive workplace. 225 Seeking More Happiness? In Broadcasting Happiness, Michelle Gielan, former national CBS News anchor turned positive psychology researcher, shows how changing what you broadcast changes your power with jaw-dropping stories and incredible research.

Changing your broadcast can change your life, your success, and the lives of others around you. Broadcasting Happiness will show you how!

Broadcasting Happiness will help you:

• Inoculate your brain against stress and negativity by fact-checking challenges • Rewrite debilitating thought patterns and turn them into fuel for resilience and growth • Deal with negative people in a way that lessens their power • Create and sustain a positive culture at work by creating contagious optimism