THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL MARCH 28, 2019 EFLECTIONS the Montgomery County Sentinel, Published Weekly by Berlyn Inc
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2015, 2016, 2017 MDDC News Organization of the Year! Celebrating more than 160 years of service! Vol. 164, No. 42 • 50¢ SINCE 1855 Thursday, March 28, 2019 INSIDE The Showdown County Council yearns Ernst Resigns Gordon Ernst, a Chevy Chase for transparency in resident who was arrested and charged with conspiracy to com- mit racketeering and accepted MCP Chief search bribes as part of a nationwide col- lege admissions scandal, has re- which calls for an independent and By Elle Meyers signed from his post as head coach impartial investigation into situa- @_ElleMeyers of the women’s tennis team at the tions where there has been an officer- University of Rhode Island. ROCKVILLE—County Coun- related death. cil member Will Jawando urged Under the LETT Act, when an Page 3 transparency and community in- officer is involved in the death of an volvement in the selection process individual an inquiry that reviews for a new Montgomery County chief the circumstances of the event must of police in a letter to County Execu- be performed by at least two experi- tive Marc Elrich on March 18. enced investigators from an indepen- Jawando, joined by all eight of dent law enforcement agency. the other council members, wrote the Manger explained that in recent letter to Elrich as a call for a more years the increasing use of cell phone open selection process. The current camera footage in altercations with police chief, J. Thomas Manger, an- police has helped to expose abusive nounced earlier this year that he will officers and allowed for more ac- be stepping down from his position countability than ever before. ‘Play Date’ in April. He served in Montgomery According to the Montgomery County for 42 years. County Police Department, in 2018, “Play Date” runs April 4-May “It has become clear that trans- 55 percent of subjects involved in in- 5 in Best Medicine Rep's perfor- parency is key to building stronger cidences that included the use of mance space on the second floor of police-community relations,” they force were African American. This is the Lakeforest Mall, 701 Russell wrote. “An open and inclusive a disproportionate amount of arrests Avenue, Gaithersburg. search for a new police chief is an given that the county is roughly 18 important first step as we usher in a percent African American according Page 11 new era in Montgomery County.” to the Census Bureau. Manger’s upcoming departure “I think having a diverse set of from the department means that the candidates is important,” Jawando said. “We are a majority community PHOTO BY GEORGE SMITH search for his replacement will soon Rockville High School’s Jonathan Brake’s performance in a boys’ be underway. Jawando’s letter to El- lacrosse game against Gaithersburg was unrelenting, as his five goals rich comes on the heels of his work helped the Rams earn a 13-11 road win on March 25. Story on Page 17. on the Law Enforcement Trust and Transparency Act, or LETT Act, See Jawando, page 8 Fourth suspect in Damascus alleged rape case to be tried in juvenile court were held during the past few weeks. until 5 p.m., with a 30-minute break. or the accused, the suspect’s By Kathleen Stubbs The alleged victims were fresh- The judge said more time was needed amenability to treatment, the nature @kathleenstubb3 Terps Roll men members of the junior varsity to consider both sides of the case be- of the alleged crime, the suspect’s age ROCKVILLE – A fourth teenag- football team; the alleged attack oc- fore deciding, pushing back his deci- and the suspect’s mental and physical The No. 4 University of er charged in an alleged Damascus curred in a freshmen locker room. sion to March 21. condition. Maryland men’s lacrosse team High School rape in October will be Four suspects, all freshmen and Seated in the courtroom for the Both the state and the defense dominated No. 16 North Caroli- tried in juvenile court after a county sophomores on the junior varsity hearing were family members of the disagreed on how amenable the sus- na 16-9 on March 23 at Mary- circuit court judge approved his re- team, are accused of sodomizing victims and family of the suspect, pect is to treatment. The two prosecu- land Stadium. quest to transfer out of the adult crim- teammates with a wooden broom- family friends and members of the tors said that Montgomery County inal system. stick after school Oct. 31. Those de- news media. Public Schools tried everything to Page 20 Montgomery County Circuit fendants faced charges of first-degree If the severity of the crime were help his behavior but that nothing Court Judge Steven Salant ruled rape, charges of attempting to com- the only factor, “I would deny this pe- worked. March 21 that the fourth and final mit rape and charges of conspiracy to tition (to transfer jurisdiction) in a Co-prosecutor Carlotta Wood- suspect who had been charged as an commit rape. minute, but that’s not – that’s not my ward gave more than a dozen docu- adult in the incident will move to the During the hearing, which start- obligation,” Salant said in court. ments on the suspect’s behavior, dat- juvenile court system after petition- ed March 19, the co-prosecutors and The state requires Salant to base ing back to sixth grade, detailing a ing for the transfer. Salant approved the defense produced dozens of docu- his decision on the “preponderance of the petitions of the three other sus- ments to enter into evidence in the the evidence” by considering five pects at their own hearings, which case. The hearing lasted from 10 a.m. factors, including safety of the public See Damascus, page 8 2 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL MARCH 28, 2019 EFLECTIONS The Montgomery County Sentinel, published weekly by Berlyn Inc. Publish- R ing, is a community newspaper covering Montgomery County, Maryland. Our of- fices are located at 22 W. Jefferson February 12, 1948: Farmer’s Labor Service Is Now Headed By State Street, Suite 309, Rockville, MD 20850. Founded in 1855 by Matthew Fields. All mail to: P.O. Box 1272, Rockville, MD Each week the Sentinel visits est in peace-time history, and it is was also Professor and Assistant stated, “We consider ourselves ex- 20849-1272. Subscription Rates for The a memorable story from its anticipated that less labor will be Horticulturist at V.P.I. Experiment tremely fortunate in securing the Montgomery County Sentinel – Weekly by mail: $40.00 per year & $26.50 for Se- archives. available for agriculture as the new Station and College in Virginia services of Messers. Sherman and nior Citizens. (USPS) 361-100. year begins, than at any time since from 1922 to 1926. He was for- Tucker at the outset of this pro- On January 1, 1948, the the end of the war. It will also pro- merly State Supervisor of Emer- gram. Bernard Kapiloff Maryland Farm Placement Service vide for recruitment and move- gency Farm Labor for the Virginia Mr. Fringer further stated that PUBLISHER E MERITUS was returned to State operation, ment of migratory workers State Extension Service. He will it would be the aim of the Employ- Lynn G. Kapiloff the State Extension Service having As the season advances and make his headquarters in room ment Service Division to run the CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER/ PUBLISHER relinquished control to the Mary- labor needs increase, the program 2035 O'Sullivan Building in Balti- program in complete accordance [email protected] land Department of Employment provides for the employment of more. with the desires of the farmers and Security, Employment Service Di- students, and for the volunteering From February through April, packers of the State, and that he in- Mark Kapiloff ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER vision, it was announced by Rus- of temporary workers through W. A. Sherman, will serve as advi- tended to lean heavily upon the ad- [email protected] sell S. Davis, Chairman of the De- community organizations, as well sor to D. L. B. Fringer, Director of vice and recommendations of the partment of Employment Security. as seasonal workers for industry. the Employment Service Division, various associations of farmers and EDITORIAL This service was transferred D. A. Tucker will be the su- in organizing the program under canners in Maryland. Daniel Kucin Jr. to the Maryland State Extension pervisor of the Farm Labor Pro- this agency. Mr. Sherman was for- Farm labor seeking employ- EXECUTIVE EDITOR Service as an emergency measure gram for the State of Maryland. merly Assistant State Supervisor of ment and farmers looking for labor, [email protected] during the war, and had as its di- Mr. Tucker, a World War I veteran, the Emergency Farm Labor Pro- may make application with the De- José Umaña rector, Dr. T. B. Symons. was educated at Iowa State Col- gram in Maryland, and had charge partment of Employment Security, [email protected] The demand for farm labor lege where he received his B.S. de- of the utilization of the prisoners of located in the Times Building, CITY EDITOR in1948 will probably be the great- gree in Horticulture, in 1922. He war, in Agriculture. Mr. Fringer Westminster, Md., Phone 531. Barbara Trainin Blank COPY EDITOR Neal Earley NEWS [email protected] Write us ASSIGNMENTS Few options remain for undocumented Brandy L. Simms The Montgomery County Sentinel SPORTS WRITER [email protected] immigrant who sought sanctuary here welcomes letters. George Smith Councilman Will Jawando, emotionally stable,” Cruz said. PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR By Suzanne Pollak All letters must be original, @SuzannePollak Delegate Jared Solomon (D-18) and “Please Congress, people, hear Advertising Sales a spokesman for County Executive the voice of this voiceless mother.