Content Questions

Question Answer Pg # in Miss Spitfire: Reaching by Sarah Miller,

What is Helen's teacher's name? 1 Who is Anne Sullivan writing to in many of the chapter Sophia Hopkins 1 headings? What month and year is it when the book starts 1887 (March) 1 What is the sentence everyone thinks when they see She'd be pretty if it werent for those 1 Annie eyes What is Helen's teacher's name? Anne Sullivan 1 What is Annie's last name? Sullivan 1 What is the name of the woman at the Perkins Sophia Hopkins 1 Institution to whom Anne Sullivan writes? What was Anne Sullivan's brother's name Jimmie 2 What state was Anne Sullivan born and raised in? Massachusetts 2 What city and state does Helen Keller live? Tuscumbia, Alabama 2 What was Anne Sullivan's brother's name Jimmie 2 What state was Anne Sullivan born and raised in? Massachusetts 2 Who does Anne Sullivan's father give her to live with? Uncle John and Wife Anastasia 4

Wher Anne's mother dies and her father is too busy Aunt Ellen 4 being a lout to care for her, who snatches up her little sister the healthy, cuddly baby Mary? Who does Anne Sullivan's father give her to live with? Uncle John and Wife Anastasia 4

Before Annie is sent to Tewksbury, what does her Aunt Stasia tries to kiss her 5 Stasia do that makes Annie suspicious? What color is Annie's ring? a deep smoky red 7 What was Tewksbury? The almshouse where Annie and her 10 brother Jimmie lived

1 Content Questions

Question Answer Pg # in Miss Spitfire: Reaching Helen Keller by Sarah Miller,

What is the special gift that the girls from Annie's the Perkins doll 10 school buy for Helen? Where were Anne and Jimmy when Jimmy died? They were in Tewksbury 11 In which city is Ivy Green located? Tuscumbia 13 What is Helen Keller's mother's name? Kate Keller 14 What does Annie call Helen Keller's father? Captain Keller 15 What war did Captain Keller fight in? War Between the STates (Civil War) 15

What is the name of the house in which the Kellers Ivy Green 17 live? When Helen first attacks Annie's bag, what does Annie her watch 21 give her to calm her tantrum? What was one of the magazines that Annie and Jimmie The police gazette 23 used to cut out of to make paper dolls Who are James and Simpson? James and Simpson are Kate Keller's 25 stepsons What is the name of the little Negro girl who works for Martha Washington 26 the Kellersl? What is the symbol that Helen uses for egg? She stoops to the floor and doubles 29 her hands like a ball At what age does Helen first say 'wahwah'? 6 months 30 What is carved into the light fixture in the Keller home A game of blindman's bluff 72 that surprises Anne Sullivan? How old was Helen when Anne Sullivan began working 6 years 78 with her? What was the color of the fancy ribbon for Helen's hair? yellow 135

2 Content Questions

Question Answer Pg # in Miss Spitfire: Reaching Helen Keller by Sarah Miller,

What side did Captain Keller fight for in the Civil War? Rebels 155

Who is the famous person who teaches a deaf-blind Dr. Howe 41066 child to communicate? Name 2 of the three things Annie had in her first Biscuit, gravy, eggs ? breakfast at the Heller’s house. What is the name of the deaf-blind child that Dr. Howe Laura Bridgeman ? teaches to communicate? What year was Anne Sullivan born? 1866 chronolog y