
Introduction to V

Jack Xin (Lecture) and J. Ernie Esser (Lab) ∗

Abstract Eigenvalue, eigenvector, Hermitian matrices, , orthonormal , decomposition.

1 Eigenvalue and Eigenvector

For an n × n A, if A x = λ x, (1.1) has a nonzero solution x for some λ, then x is eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue λ. Equation (1.1) is same as saying x belongs to the null space of A − λI, or A − λI is singular or the so called characteristic equation holds:

det(A − λI) ≡ p(λ) = 0, (1.2) p(λ) is a polynomial of degree n, hence n complex eigenvalues. In Matlab, eigenvalues and eigenvectors are given by [V,D]=eig(A), where columns of V are eigenvectors, D is a matrix with entries being eigenvalues. Matrix A is diagonalizable (A = VDV −1, D diagonal) if it has n linearly independent eigenvectors. A sufficient condition is that all n eigenvalues are distinct.


For any complex valued matrix A, define AH = A¯T , where bar is . A is Hermitian if AH = A, for example:

 3 2 − i  A = 2 + i 4

∗Department of , UCI, Irvine, CA 92617.

1 A basic fact is that eigenvalues of a Hermitian matrix A are real, and eigenvectors of distinct eigenvalues are orthogonal. Two complex column vectors x and y of the same are orthogonal if xH y = 0. The proof is short and given below. Consider eigenvalue equation: Ax = λx, and let α = xH Ax, then:

α¯ = αH = (xH Ax)H = xH Ax = α, so α is real. On the other hand, α = λxH x, so λ is real.

Let xi (i=1,2) be eigenvectors corresponding to distinct eigenvalues λi (i=1,2). We have the identities: H H H (Ax1) x1 = x1 Ax2 = λ2x1 x2,

H H H H H H (Ax1) x2 = (x2 Ax1) = (λ1x2 x1) = λ1x1 x2,

H so λ1 6= λ2 implies x1 x2 = 0. It follows that by choosing for each eigenspace, Hermitian matrix A has n-orthonormal (orthogonal and of unit length) eigen-vectors, which become an orthogonal basis for Cn. Putting orthonomal eigenvectors as columns yield a matrix U so that U H U = I, which is called . If A is real, unitary matrix becomes U T U = I. Clearly a Hermitian matrix can be diagonalized by a unitary matrix (A = UDU H ). The necessary and sufficient condition for unitary diagonalization of a matrix is that it is , or satisfying the equation:


This includes any skew-Hermitian matrix (AH = −A).

3 Orthogonal Basis

n T In R , let v1, v2, ..., vn be n orthonormal column vectors, vi vj = δij (=1 if i=j, otherwise 0). Then each vector v has the representation:

n X T v = cj vj, cj = v vj. j=1

2 Here cjvj is the projection of v onto vj. Pn If u = i=1 bjvj, then: n T X u v = bjcj, j=1 and n 2 T X 2 kuk2 = length of u squared = u u = bj , j=1 which is called Parseval formula (generalization of ). An example of N-dimensional orthogonal basis is given by the discrete cosine transform:

X = DCT ∗ x, where DCT is n × n orthogonal matrix:

   1  DCT = w(k) cos π n − (k − 1)/N , 2 k=1:N,n=1:N √ w(1) = 1/ N; w(k) = p2/N, if k ≥ 2. In Matlab, X = dct(x), DCT=dct(eye(n)), n ≥ 2.

4 Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

For a general real m × n matrix A, a factorization similar to orthogonal diagonalization of symmetric matrices (AT = A) is SVD. Suppose m ≥ n, then there are m × m orthogonal matrix U and n×n orthogonal matrix V , also non-negative numbers σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ · · · ≥ σn ≥ 0, such that A = UΣV T , (4.3) and

Σ = [diag([σ1 σ2 ··· σn]); 0], is m × n matrix, 0 is m-n zero rows of dimension n. The numbers σi’s are called singular values. It follows from (4.3) that AT A = V ΣT ΣV T ,

T 2 Σ Σ = diag([σ1, σ2 ··· σn]),

3 2 T so σj (j=1:n) are real eigenvalues of A A, while columns of V are corresponding orthogonal eigenvectors. From AV = UΣ, we see that each column of U is uj = Avj/σj, j=1, 2, ..., r, where r is the of A (or the number of nonzero singular values). Check that uj’s are orthonormal. Putting uj’s (j=1:r) together gives part of the column vectors of U (the U1 in

U = [U1 U2]), the other part U2 is the . Since uj’s (j=1:r) span than ⊥ T the range of A (range(A)), U2 consist of orthonormal column vectors in range(A) = N(A ), the nullspace of AT . In Matlab, [U,S,V]=svd(A) gives the result (S in lieu of Σ). Keeping k < r of the T singular values gives the rank-k approximation of A, or A ≈ USkV , where Sk is obtained from S by zeroing out σj (j=k+1:r), so called low rank approximation, which is useful in image compression among other applications. The approximation is optimal in Frobenius sense (or in the sense of Euclidean, l2, of matrices).


[1] S. Leon, Linear Algebra with Applications, Pearson, Prentice-Hall, 2010.