Between the Royal and Queen's 1849-1949. Alliance Or Special Relationship?
108 Royal, Queen's Connection The 'Connexion' between the Royal and Queen's 1849-1949. Alliance or Special Relationship? Sir Peter Froggatt MA, MD, LLD (Hon), DSc (Hon), PhD, DPH, FRCP, FFCM, FRCPI, FFCMI, FFOMI, FRCSI (Hon), MRIA Former Vice-Chancellor, The Queen's University of Belfast, 1976-1986 Introduction empire, although more faithfully descriptive in that the 'Belfast medical school' was unquestionably in In April 1797 faced with epidemics of those hoary Belfast!3 Belfast familiars, typhus fever and seditious activity, the five-year old 'Belfast General Dispensary' decided Exactly 100 years later, on 11th May 1949, Queen's to take action against the typhus; the sedition was and the new Northern Ireland Hospitals Authority beyond their remit! On the 14th it resolved to provide reached a formal agreement following the radical some in-patient fever beds and rented, for one year at changes in the health services and in clinical medical £20, a small terrace house in Factory Row (later Berry education in the post-World War II period and which Street; now the side entrance to Castlecourt) and paved the way for the high degree of integration which squeezed into it: six bedsteads and bedclothes, we know to-day.4 The Royal's close association with sanitary accoutrements, cooking utensils, medicines, a Queen's was by then firmly cemented since the resident nurse, visiting doctors' facilities, 60 patients Grosvenor Road site had earlier been proposed to in the first five months (with only one death) and also house the first new major full-time clinical academic space for the General Dispensary's apothecary on his units, viz.
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