(IV) Metalloporphyrins on Heme Oxygenase Expression in Mice

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(IV) Metalloporphyrins on Heme Oxygenase Expression in Mice 0031-3998/06/5905-0667 PEDIATRIC RESEARCH Vol. 59, No. 5, 2006 Copyright © 2006 International Pediatric Research Foundation, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Systemic Effects of Orally-Administered Zinc and Tin (IV) Metalloporphyrins on Heme Oxygenase Expression in Mice ICHIRO MORIOKA, RONALD J. WONG, AIDA ABATE, HENDRIK J. VREMAN, CHRISTOPHER H. CONTAG, AND DAVID K. STEVENSON Department of Pediatrics [I.M., R.J.W., A.A., H.J.V., C.H.C., D.K.S.], Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305; Department of Pediatrics [I.M.], Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe 650-0017, Japan ABSTRACT: Some metalloporphyrins (Mps) inhibit heme oxygen- has accumulated in circulation and tissues. A more ideal ase (HO), the rate-limiting enzyme in the production of bilirubin, and strategy would be to suppress the formation of bilirubin. are potential compounds for the treatment of neonatal jaundice. We Heme oxygenase (HO) is the enzyme in the heme degra- studied the safety and efficacy of Mps following oral administration. dation pathway, where equimolar quantities of ferrous iron Adult HO-1-luc reporter mice were administered 30 ␮mol/kg body ϩ (Fe2 ), carbon monoxide (CO), and biliverdin are produced weight of tin mesoporphyrin (SnMP), zinc bis glycol deuteroporphy- rin (ZnBG), or zinc protoporphyrin (ZnPP), or vehicle by oral (1,2). Biliverdin is immediately reduced to bilirubin by biliv- gavage. Bilirubin production was measured as total body carbon erdin reductase. Thus, by inhibiting HO activity, the formation monoxide (CO) excretion (VeCO). HO activity was quantitated via of bilirubin can be suppressed. CO measurements by gas chromatography. HO-1 protein was deter- Metalloporphyrins (Mps) consist of a central metal (e.g., mined by Western blot. HO-1 transcription levels were assessed by in tin, zinc, etc.) and a porphyrin macrocycle [i.e., mesoporphy- vivo bioluminescence imaging. A significant 28% decrease in biliru- rin (MP), protoporphyrin (PP), or deuteroporphyrin IX 2,4- bin production occurred within 3h of SnMP treatment and persisted bis(glycol) (BG)]. Some Mps are competitive inhibitors of HO beyond 48h. Bilirubin production decreased 15% and 9% by 3h after and derivatives of heme and, therefore are being evaluated as administration of ZnBG and ZnPP, respectively, but returned to drugs for the treatment of jaundice (3–6). Clinical studies baseline within 48h. Maximal inhibition of liver, spleen, and intestine ␮ HO activity was seen at 3h with inhibitory effects decreasing in the have shown that 6 mol/kg body weight (BW) of tin meso- order: SnMP Ն ZnBG Ն ZnPP. After SnMP treatment, HO-1 porphyrin [SnMP or Stannsoporfin (InfaCare Pharmaceuticals, transcription increased 5.7-fold after 24h. Furthermore, liver and Neptune, NJ)] has therapeutic value (7–10). However, Mps spleen HO-1 protein significantly increased 3.7- and 2.0-fold, respec- can potentially affect important enzymes other than HO, such tively, after 24h. HO-1 transcription and protein were not affected in as nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and soluble guanylyl cyclase ZnBG- or ZnPP-treated mice. We conclude that the three Mps are (sGC) (11), lipid peroxidation (12), and HO-1 gene expression absorbed at different rates in the mouse and affect bilirubin produc- (13,14), and some are phototoxic (15,16). By inducing HO-1 tion and HO-1 expression in a tissue- and time-dependent manner. gene expression, Mps may increase HO-1 protein and increase (Pediatr Res 59: 667–672, 2006) bilirubin formation, therefore negating their clinical utility, especially in patients with an increased heme load, as in ll neonates transiently present with jaundice, resolving hemolytic diseases or closed-space bleeding. A within 1 wk after birth. However, some neonates de- SnMP was chosen because it is not only a potent HO velop pathologic jaundice, usually caused by hemolytic dis- inhibitor (3,17), but also has been used in clinical studies ease, closed-space bleeding, genetic factors, or prematurity. (7–10). Zinc bis(glycol) deuteroporphyrin (ZnBG) was se- These conditions are often associated with an increased pro- lected because it is also a potent HO inhibitor (4,17) and orally duction of bilirubin superimposed on an immature hepatic absorbed by neonatal rats (18). In addition, it does not affect bilirubin conjugation and excretion system. At pathologically NOS or sGC at low concentrations (11) nor HO-1 gene high bilirubin levels (hyperbilirubinemia), there is an in- expression in mice (14). Finally, zinc protoporphyrin (ZnPP) creased risk for developing acute bilirubin encephalopathy was chosen because it is occurs in nature, has moderate and, if chronic, kernicterus. The standard treatment for hyper- inhibitory effects on HO and seems to be less phototoxic than bilirubinemia is phototherapy or, when severe, exchange SnMP (15,17), though it is a potent singlet oxygen sensitizer transfusion either alone or in combination with phototherapy. in vitro (19). It can accumulate under pathologic conditions, These therapies only remove the bilirubin that is produced or such as chronic anemia and lead poisoning. Here, we inves- Received August 19, 2005; accepted January 5, 2006. Abbreviations: BLI, bioluminescence imaging; BW, body weight; GC, gas Correspondence: Ronald J. Wong, M.D., Department of Pediatrics, Stanford Univer- chromatography; HO, heme oxygenase; luc, luciferase; Mps, metalloporphy- sity School of Medicine, 300 Pasteur Drive, Rm S230, Stanford, CA 94305-5208; e-mail: rjwong@stanford.edu rins; SnMP, tin mesoporphyrin; VeCO, total body carbon monoxide excre- This work was supported by the Mary L. Johnson Research Fund, Christopher Hess tion; ZnBG, zinc bis glycol porphyrin; ZnPP, zinc protoporphyrin Research Fund, and National Institutes of Health grants HL58013 and HL68703. DOI: 10.1203/01.pdr.0000215088.71481.a6 667 668 MORIOKA ET AL. tigated the safety and efficacy of oral SnMP, ZnBG, and ZnPP by assessing their effects on bilirubin production, HO enzyme activity, HO protein, and HO-1 transcription rates in a mouse model. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals. The study was approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at Stanford University. Adult (6–8 wks, 15.3 to 22.8 g) female transgenic (Tg) mice, with the transgene containing a 15-kb HO-1 promoter driving expression of the reporter gene luciferase (luc, HO-1-luc) (20) were obtained from the Stanford Transgenic Animal Facility (Stanford, CA) and provided water and food ad libitum. Reagents. Mps: SnMP (6.0 mg), ZnBG (5.6 mg), and ZnPP (5.0 mg) ␮ (Frontier Scientific, Logan, UT), were dissolved in 60- L 0.4M Na3PO4. ␮ After addition of 250- LH2O, 1-mL 0.9% saline was added and the pH was adjusted to 7.4–7.8 with 1M HCl. The volume was then adjusted to 2-mLwith saline to yield 4 mM stock solutions. Vehicle: Vehicle was prepared similarly Figure 1. In vivo bilirubin production rates (VeCO) were measured as ␮L without the addition of Mps. All solutions were stored at 4°C in the dark until CO/h/kg BW at 1, 3, 6, 24, and 48h after oral administration of 30 ␮mol/kg use for up to 1 wk. Methemalbumin: A stock solution of methemalbumin [(1.5 BW of SnMP (A), ZnBG (B), ZnPP (C), or vehicle (D) and expressed as mean mM heme/0.15 mM BSA (BSA)] was prepared by dissolving 9.9 mg of hemin Ϯ SD % of baseline VeCO (n ϭ 5–9 for each time point). † p Ͻ 0.01, * p Ͻ (Sigma Chemical Co., Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) in 2.5-mL 0.4M Na PO . 3 4 0.05 compared with the baseline. 100-mg BSA (Sigma Chemical Co.) was added, and the volume adjusted to 8-mL with distilled water. pH was then gradually titrated to 7.4 with 1M HCl under constant stirring. H2O was added to a final volume of 10 mL. NADPH: 4.5mM solution was prepared by dissolving 4.2 mg NADPH in 1-mL 0.1M intestine of control and SnMP-treated mice was extracted from archived samples using the RNAeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen Inc.). One-step RT-PCR was K2HPO4/KH2PO4 buffer, pH 7.4. Oral administration. Mice were randomly distributed into four groups performed in a MicroAmp optical 96-well plate, each well containing 40-ng luc [control (vehicle), SnMP, ZnBG, or ZnPP]. After baseline total body CO total RNA with HO-1 or primers and the QuantiTect SYBR Green excretion (VeCO), an index of in vivo bilirubin production rate (21), and RT-PCR kit (Qiagen Inc.). Thermocycles were set as follows: 50°C for 30 min, 95°C for 15 min and 40 cycles of 95°C for 15 s, 60°C for 30 s, and 72°C HO-1 transcription levels had been measured (see below), mice were given ␮ vehicle or 30 ␮mol of SnMP, ZnBG, or ZnPP/kg BW in a single bolus by oral for 30 s. Copy number per g total RNA per sample was calculated from a Յ ␮ standard curve using standards of HO-1 and luc mRNA, normalized to gavage in volumes 250 L using a 1.0-mL syringe fitted with a blunt ␤ gavage needle. -actin, and then expressed as fold change from control levels. Western blots. ␮ VeCO. In vivo bilirubin production rates (VeCO) were determined by gas 100, 50, 150 g of liver, spleen, and intestine protein chromatography (GC) as described previously (6,22). Each mouse was sonicate, respectively, were mixed with an equal volume of loading buffer. weighed and placed in a 50-mL chamber supplied with CO-free air at a flow Samples were separated on a 12% polyacrylamide gel, and then transferred to approximately 40–50 mL/min. After 30 min, the CO concentration (ppm) in polyvinylidene difluoride membranes (Millipore, Bedford, MA). After being the chamber outlet gas was measured by GC every 90 s, calculated as ␮L blocked in Tween-PBS with 5% milk, membranes were incubated with CO/h/kg BW, and expressed as % of baseline.
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    國 立 交 通 大 學 生物科技研究所 碩士論文 利用重組鋅-原紫質及鋅-乙炔苯酸紫質 之不同肌紅蛋白突變株進行其光能轉化 學能的研究 Light-Chemical Energy Conversion Study of Reconstituted Zinc-Protoporphyrin/Zinc- Carboxyphenylethynyl Porphyrin Myoglobin Mutants 研究生:歐書涵 指導教授:吳東昆 博士 中華民國九十九年七月 利用重組鋅-原紫質及鋅-乙炔苯酸紫質之不同肌紅蛋白突變 株進行其光能轉化學能的研究 Light-Chemical Energy Conversion Study of Reconstituted Zinc-Protoporphyrin/Zinc- Carboxyphenylethynyl Porphyrin Myoglobin Mutants 研究生:歐書涵 Student: Shu-Han Ou 指導教授:吳東昆 博士 Advisor: Prof. Tung-Kung Wu Ph.D 國 立 交 通 大 學 生物科技研究所 碩士論文 A Manuscript of Dissertation Submitted to Department of Biological Science and Technology College of Biological Science and Technology National Chiao Tung University in partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Philosophy in Biological Science and Technology Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China July, 2010 中華民國九十九年七月 利用重組鋅-原紫質及鋅-乙炔苯酸紫質之不同肌紅蛋白突變 株進行其光能轉化學能的研究 中文摘要 經過定點突變的技術,可以將野生型肌紅蛋白 His-64、Val-68、Ile-107 分別 突變成 Asp、Leu、Met。研究指出,經突變的肌紅蛋白具有下列兩種特性:(1) 過氧化酶活性,(2) 能夠穩定帶有自由基的陽離子 (FeIV = O Por+‧),進而延長電 荷分離的時間。肌紅蛋白的結構已經藉由高解析 X-ray 解出,且基本特性也已分 析完成,因此肌紅蛋白很適合用來當作電子轉移以及化學活性分析的模型。為了 將野生型及突變型肌紅蛋白(MbWT,MbH64D, MbV68L, MbI107M, MbH64D/V68L, MbH64D/V68L/I107M) 應用在以蛋白質為基礎的光-化學能量轉換的系統中及比較其 突變的影響,因此,我們將輔基團 鋅-原紫質 (ZnPP) 以及 鋅-乙炔苯酸紫質 (ZnPE1) 重組到肌紅蛋白內。藉由紫外光-可見光光譜及螢光光譜分析其生物物 理特性以確定輔基團成功地重組到蛋白質的活性中心,並藉此算出其能隙 (energy gap)。此外,我們也經由循環伏安法及微差脈衝伏安法求出重組金屬紫質 -肌紅蛋白複合體的 HOMO/LUMO 電位。在螢光生命期的比較中發現,將輔基 團重組到肌紅蛋白內的生命期比單獨輔基團溶解在四氫呋喃 (THF) 內還要長。 以蛋白質為基礎的光化學能量轉換的系統包含重組金屬紫質-肌紅蛋白複合體當 做感光酵素、三乙醇胺 (TEA) 當作電子提供者以及菸鹼胺腺呤雙核酸磷酸鹽 (NADP+) 當作電子接受者。比較不同輔基團以及突變點的重組金屬紫質-肌紅蛋 V68L + 白複合體中,ZnPE1-Mb 具有最好的 NADP 還原效率 (94.7%) 以及連續照光 6 小時的反應速率 (0.209 mM/hr)。 I Light-Chemical Energy Conversion Study of Reconstituted Zinc-Protoporphyrin/Zinc- Carboxyphenylethynyl Porphyrin Myoglobin Mutants Abstract After replacing His 64 with Asp, Val 68 with Leu, and Ilu 107 with Met of myoglobin (Mb) via molecular engineering, two properties exist: (1) peroxidase activity and (2) the ferryl porphyrin cation radical (FeIV = O Por+‧) stabilization for prolonging charge separation.
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