CURRICULUM VITAE Dr. Suniti Kumar Kuriyal Old Ghamandpur Road Kanharwala, Bhaniyawala Dehradun, U.K. – 248144 E-mail :
[email protected] Mobile No : 9456556249 PERSONAL DETAILS Name : Dr. Suniti Kumar Kuriyal Father’s Name : Shri Dhiraj Mani Kuriyal Date of Birth : 12th June 1967 Language Known : Hindi, English Nationality : Indian Category : General Hobbies : Gardening Permanent Address : Village – Sukrey, P.O. Thapla Distt - Tehri Garhwal Uttarakhand EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION S.No Exam Passed Board/Univ Year Percentage Subject 1. B.Sc. Rohilkhand 1985 60.00 Zoology, University, Bareilly Botany, Chemistry 2. M.Sc. Rohilkhand 1987 60.01 Botany Univeristy Bareilly 3 Ph.D. Rohilkhand 1992 - Botany University, Bareilly Present Status : Assistant Professor (Botany) Govt. Post Graduate College, Doiwala, Dehradun. U.K. EXPERIENCE Teaching : 16 years P.G. Classes 20 years U.G. Classes Temporary Lecturer (Environmental Science) 1994-95, Department of Environmental Science, Bareilly College, Bareilly (U.P.) Temporary Lecturer (Botany) 1995 – June 2001. P.G. Department of Botany, Bareilly College, Bareilly (U.P.) Visiting Lecturer (Botany) 2001 to 28th Oct. 2010, P.G. Department of Botany, Govt P.G. College, Uttarakashi (U.K.) Visiting Lecturer (Botany) 29th Oct. 2010 to 17th March 2013, Department of Botany, Govt. Degree College Doiwala, Dehradun, U.K. Research : More then 18 years PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Biotechnology Consultant : Directorate of Industries Kanpur (U.P.) Senior Biotech Consultant : SRV Floritech & Consultancy Bareilly (U.P.) Mushroom Consultant : Koshika Training Centre, Bareilly (U.P.) Guest Faculty (1995-2001) : P.G. Diploma in Professional Biotechnology , Bareilly College, Bareilly (U.P.) B.Sc. Biotechnology, Bareilly College, Bareilly (U.P.) B.Sc. Environmental Science, Bareilly College, Bareilly (U.P.) Diploma in Tissue Culture and Floriculture, Bareilly College, Bareilly (U.P.) Guest Faculty (2004-2008) Diploma in Forestry and Wild Life Management, Govt.