St James the Great Wrightington with Heskin



AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 19 ISSUE 1 Useful Numbers


VICAR Stef Dnistrianskyj 01257 451332 email: CHURCHWARDENS Anne Sharples 01257 424105 email [email protected] Geoff Barlow 01257 367765 email [email protected] ASST. VERGER Syd Johnson 01257 450310 PCC SECRETARY Sue Crawford 01257 453171 ORGANISTS Pauline Chapman 01257 453087 Mike Wellby 01695 724358 HALL BOOKINGS Anne Sharples 01257 424105 SUNDAY SCHOOL Rachael Green 07921 854810 ST. JAMES PLAYERS Roger Rowlandson 07703 529392 MOTHERS’ UNION Marie Taylor 01257 424919 GIFT AID Colin Moulton 01257 453073 STEWARDSHIP Margaret Morris 01257 452569 RAINBOWS Sarah O’Neill 07480 350850 BAPTISM SECRETARY Marie Taylor 01257 424919 HESKIN SCHOOL Jayne Carrier 01257 451365 SAFE FROM HARM Sue Crawford 01257 453171 Material for inclusion in the magazine should be emailed to Sue Crawford at: [email protected] by the 16th of the month to ensure inclusion in the next month’s issue.

COVER SHOT: Heskin School Children Singing at the Fun Day



We, God’s people in the parish of St James The Great, Wrightington with Heskin, seek to proclaim the good news of God’s love by enriching the quality of our worship, by endeavouring to draw more families into the life of our church, and by meeting the pastoral needs of the community.

VISION 2026 PRAYER Heavenly Father, we embrace Your call for us to make disciples, to be witnesses and to grow leaders. Give us the eyes to see Your vision, ears to hear the prompting of Your Spirit and courage to follow in the footsteps of Your Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 19 ISSUE 3 Vicars Message Going Away Summer is the time when some of us abandon our cosy homes and go and live in a shed on wheels, carefully balanced in a remote field, for a week or two. We meet strangers who are similarly spending time as refugees, and exploring remote environments. Or, we may choose to board a long steel tube, with chairs to which we are strapped in, trusting a couple of people to transport us through the air to a foreign place, where we go equipped to protect ourselves from the stronger and more frequent sunshine we have gone to expose ourselves to. A colleague of mine recently chose to spend a week or so acquiring blisters walking to a church, a Portuguese St James the Great, acquiring blisters and a certificate! He could have driven, caught a bus, or simply gone straight there and pottered around for a week. But no, he followed the pilgrim path, the ‘Camino.’ There are, of course, other variations of this self-imposed temporary exile. For the people of Israel it was compulsory. Rather like the industrial holidays of the mill towns in the past, the whole population cleared out to live in tents – to mark the Festival of Booths, for example. Like Glastonbury, it featured music and being together as a community, creating new memories, and celebrating past achievements. It was all-age, all-generation. A family event. Holidays are something we look forward to, they are an escape from everyday and working lives, and they are times of leisure and recreation, which, we hope, ‘recharge our batteries.’ For the people of Israel they were a reminder of their vulnerability, that they were a rescued people who had been homeless. A time to realise, in spite of their failings, that they were loved and cherished, and had wholesome lives to discover and lead, walking with a God who had been, and would remain, faithful. I guess they were a kind of adventure holiday. You didn’t know quite what to expect, there were surprises and challenges, and you return with renewed hope and a fresh sense of purpose and identity. In a smaller, but significant, way, worship should be like that. A journey within our week. A time or reflection and recreation. A regular rhythm of gathering to travel together. We are open all year! Hope you are having good long, and short, significant adventures this summer.

Love from Stef


In June, we had our annual outing. This year we had a very full day in the Skipton area. We left our Church car park at 9.15am on a very cool and overcast day which looked as though it may turn out to be showery at the least and torrential rain at the worst. Our first stop was Bolton Abbey Station where we had time for a drink in the station café before getting on the steam train to Embsay station. We were met by our coach and were then taken into Skipton. We had two hours to spend in Skipton to look round, shop, have lunch, whatever anyone wanted to do. Some of us headed straight for the best chip shop in Skipton for a very nice fish and chip lunch, pudding and a pot of tea. Very nice too! Then for a look round the shops before making our way down to the canal to join our boat for our trip along the canal and enjoying another very nice cup of tea and a biscuit . On the boat we had a very amusing welcome from our “captain” with the safety regulations whilst cruising. A little confusing to some (in an amusing way) as the instructions got a little mixed up with the ones for being on an airplane!! We all had a good laugh anyway. The rest of the journey did have some commentary on the history of the canal. The crew on the boat were very friendly and made the journey very pleasant indeed. We also had a very comfortable coach and a very friendly driver. Did it rain? It did on the way there but apart from a few spots of rain on and off it didn’t start to rain properly until most of us had got back on the coach to come home. Having found out when we got home that there had been torrential rain here during the day, I would say that we did very well for weather. I would like to say a big thank you to Dorothy for her excellent organisation of a day out that was enjoyed by all. July, of course, was Strawberry Fair month. Again we welcomed Pauline and Sue, “Senior Moments”, to entertain us. Again they had us laughing with their renditions of songs and poetry. Everyone enjoyed their talent in entertaining and we are, of course, sorry that this year is their final year, but glad that we got to see them once again. They have raised an awful lot of money for their Charities doing something they loved doing, but like a lot of these things that start off being a good idea doing one or two shows a month, it started to take over their lives and the bookings grew and grew. Well done to them however, and we wish them well as they can hopefully take life a little easier, but knowing them I am sure they will come up with some other form of fund raising.

AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 19 ISSUE 5 Thanks also go to all who provided cakes for our cake stall, all those who gave up their time to set up the hall, serve the strawberries and cups of tea, bought raffle tickets, provided raffle prizes, cleared up afterwards and washed up. A big thank you also goes to those of you who bought tickets and turned up on the night to make the evening a success. We have no meeting in August, so to those of you going away - have a good holiday. To those of you who are staying at home – have a good rest. Our meeting on September 10th will this year start with Communion in Church at 7.30pm Afterwards in the Church Hall we have our Baby Photo Quiz and Pauline is doing some card making with us. Please don’t forget to bring the photograph of yourself as a baby and they will be placed on a display board and then we can all try to guess who you are. There will be a box, with a lid, as you come in to put your photograph in so that no one will see them until they appear on the display. They will be numbered and paper will be available for you to write your identifications on. Advance notice for the October meeting. We welcome Paul Moores from The Leprosy Mission Have a good summer everyone, see you in September. God Bless. Marie

Community Room Camino Camp Out The Vicar is going to go on a pilgrim- age from the vicarage to the church hall, taking the long route walking the whole boundary of the parish, then camping out overnight behind the hall. Come rain or shine, this will happen on Friday 30th August. Why? He is hoping as many people as possible will sponsor him to raise funds for the exciting new room we are building, and get excited about new things that will take place there. Fellow pilgrims welcome, for all or part of the walk, or camp out. Feel free to get your own sponsors, or support Stef. There are sponsor sheets in church, or you can use the website Just Giving at

6 ST JAMES THE GREAT WRIGHTINGTON WITH HESKIN From our Remembrance Book for August In Loving Memory of

1st Hector Mc Kinnon 2nd William Davenport 6th Robert Mitchell 7th Edward Hailwood 7th Karen Herterich 8th Maureen Phillips 8th Beryl Schofield 10th Dorothy Ball 12th Harold Coles 13th James Green 13th Thomas Jackson 13th Graham Pomfret 21st Jean Ingham 21st Jesse Halton 24th Evan Halliwell 25th James Bibby 25th Margaret Chadwick 26th Annie Welch 27th Dr. Joseph Garton 27th Marian Orrell 28th Barry Lown 28th Alan Crompton 29th Gilbert Rowley 29th David Craig Grime 29th Ellen Tidmarsh 30th Dorothy Riley 30th James Wadsworth 30th Maud Rowlance 30th Pauline Porter 31st Kenneth Mantle 31st Marian Shaw

AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 19 ISSUE 7 From our Remembrance Book for September In Loving Memory of

1st Irene Rider 6th Eric Mantle 6th Thomas Holding 7th Betty Lawrie 7th Patricia Macdonald 7th Florence Stringfellow 9th Cyril Shaw 11th Horace Johnson 12th Olive Bowen 12th Hannah Lowton 13th John Holt Tattersall 13th Madge Green 15th William Forshaw 17th Maggie Hinton If you would like a name added to the 17th Arnold Tattersall Remembrance Book, please contact the 17th Thomas Howard Vicar or Churchwarden 19th Roy Schofield 20th Joyce Aspinall 20th Esther Marsden 20th Elsie Phillips 23rd William Stanley Chadwick 26th Harry Green 28th Kitty Green 26th Eric Hughes 28th Ernest Wright 26th Ken Smith 30th Alice Schofield

8 ST JAMES THE GREAT WRIGHTINGTON WITH HESKIN 36 Club May 2019 Place No Name Prize 1st 57 Alice Magrath £50 2nd 91 Ann Mitchell £40 3rd 98 Matt Morris £30 4th 75 Linda Ball £20 5th 85 Cathy Pass £20

36 Club June 2019 Place No Name Prize 1st 28 Margaret Tasker £75 2nd 111 Christine Gray £50 3rd 8 Doreen Hoddinot £40 4th 101 Sheila Houlgrave £20 5th 43 Christine Earl £20

36 Club 2018/2019

Contributions...... £4797.00 Prizes Paid...... £2535.00 Donation to Church...... £2262.00 Plus c/f from 2017/18...... £43.00 Plus unclaimed prizes...... £40.00 Total to church...... £2345.00 Many thanks to all our members for their loyalty and support. We hope you will continue to support us in the 2019/2020 year. Sue Wild and the 36 Club Team

AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 19 ISSUE 9 Heskin Pemberton’s C of E Primary School

Hello from everyone at Heskin Pemberton’s School, The summer holidays are almost upon us and school is as busy as ever.

The school’s Sports Day and Summer Fayre were held earlier this term and a great time was had by all. The children were amazing, not only in the enthusiastic way they ran their races but in the way they cheered, supported and cared for their fellow pupils. The Summer Fayre, organised by our hardworking PTFA, followed the races and, despite having wet sponges thrown at my head whilst being trapped in the stocks, I thoroughly enjoyed this fantastic event.

We then visited St. James the Great Church on Friday 28th June for our annual Waring Treat. This special day in our school calendar enables us to celebrate the many achievements of our wonderful children. This was Rev Stef’s first Waring Treat and our guest of honour this year was Miss Ruth Hughes. Our Summer Production, King Arthur & The Dragon, was next for the children at Heskin. The actors and actresses were outstanding and I’m sure that it won’t be long before some of our pupils are performing in the West End! The children in Year 5 & 6 have also been to Hothersall Lodge this month. They’ve been building fires, canoeing, rock climbing, abseiling, gorge walking and developing their archery skills together. The children (and the staff) had a wonderful time and are already looking forward to next year’s trip. Finally, and here’s the emotional bit, we had to say goodbye to the young ladies and gentlemen in Year 6. These children have been amazing throughout their time at Heskin but especially in this last year. They’ve set the example for the rest of the school to follow and I couldn’t be more proud of each and every one of them. I’m missing them

already but I know that they will all go on to achieve great success in their new schools. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about the fun and enjoyment we all share at Heskin Pemberton’s and please feel free to visit our website if you would like to know more about our school.

Best Wishes, Alan Brindle 10 ST JAMES THE GREAT WRIGHTINGTON WITH HESKIN From the Registers

HOLY BAPTISM - We welcome into the Lord’s Family 19th May Oliver Jackson Bibby 26th May Emelia Grace Schofield

HOLY MATRIMONY - “Those whom God hath joined together” 8th June Scott Hand and Laura Mather

Acknowledgements The PCC would like to thank all those who have kindly made donations to St James Church.

£14.90 At the Baptism of Oliver Jackson Bibby £38.39 At the Baptism of Emelia Grace Schofield £100 From the family of Emelia Grace Schofield £50 In loving memory of a dear husband and dad from Phyllis Thistlethwaite & family £25 In memory of George Heap from C J Rider £30 In loving memory of a dear dad & grandad – Albert Norris, from Margaret, Tom & Stuart £20 Anonymous donation £2345 Donation from the 36 Club

Donations to the Building Project Community Room £360 Buy a Brick donations to date – 8 donations £695.40 Brunch, Lunch & Cakes at Alison & Clive’s £182 Treasure Hunt £546 Midsummer BBQ at Audrey & Eric’s £60 Auction £1000 Donation from St James Players £100 Donation from Wrightington Parish Council

Total to date £3042.00


Jane’s cruise Jane had been recently widowed. She had spent fifty happy years with her husband Trevor and was now faced with the terrible prospect of a life alone. The emptiness was unbearable. However she still kept busy and was blessed with good friends. Her best friend, Eileen, had persuaded her to accompany her on a Mediterranean cruise. ‘It will be good for you, ‘smiled Eileen ‘We will have some fun’. Jane reluctantly agreed. However, the week before they were due to set sail, Eileen was taken into hospital. She begged Jane not to cancel her holiday and urged her to go on her own. Jane could not afford to lose all the money she had paid, so with a heavy heart she started to pack her things. On the first night she was so nervous of going down to dinner, she decided to stay in her cabin instead. A small voice inside her chastised her and said ‘What are you so afraid of? The passengers are just ordinary people like yourself. Go on you can do this!’ She put on her prettiest dress, took her courage in both hands and proceeded to the dining room. The guests seated around the table could not have been kinder. They made her welcome and befriended her for the rest of the cruise. Jane had a wonderful two weeks holiday. Upon her return she went to visit Eileen, who by now had been discharged from hospital. ‘Well ‘said Jane ‘’I never thought I would have had the strength to holiday alone, but I got the courage from somewhere deep inside and I did it!’ Eileen smiled. ‘I knew you would, where are you going to next?’ ‘One step at a time ‘ laughed Jane.



Tom had entered the London Marathon .He had been training hard for the past year and due to the generosity of friends and family, had been pledged over £4000. He was a junior doctor at a Children’s Hospital and wanted to raise money for them. On the day of the marathon Tom set off full of excitement. After 10 miles he was beginning to tire but carried on regardless. He was kept going by the images of the children’s faces on his ward. He kept thinking what the hospital could do with the £4000. After 20 miles he hit ‘The Wall’ that seasoned runners all fear. At that moment his strength evaporated and he stopped. He was mentally and physically exhausted .He could not go one more step further. He had tears in his eyes when he pictured all those friends and family who had faith in him. He would be letting them down but more importantly he would be letting the children down. The burden of guilt was too much to bear. Then digging deep into his soul, and even to this day, he did not know from where he found the strength, he pushed on. ‘Just another mile ‘he told himself. ‘Just one more, not far now. ‘ Eventually he crossed the finishing line to rapturous applause from all his sup- porters. They greeted him like a hero. The Organiser placed his medal around his neck and congratulated him. ‘You did it! Well done! How do you feel?’ Tom smiled ‘I am elated, humbled and overjoyed. I never thought I could do it but I did’ Everyone cheered.


AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 19 ISSUE 13 The church roof Tony had just moved from the city to the country with his young family. He decided that they would start attending the local church. He was asked if he would like to be on the reading rota, as the church could do with some young people on it, so he agreed. He was a good speaker and people enjoyed listening to him. Later that year severe storms hit the village and there was a lot of damage to the houses. The church suffered the worst damage and the ancient roof was totally destroyed. The cost of repairs was astronomical running into hundreds of thousands of pounds and the chuch PCC had to find 10% of the cost.The amount to be raised made everyone despair. ‘It might as well be ten million ‘said the Church Wardens.’ How on earth can we do that? It’s impossible!’ The Vicar asked Tony if he would head a Fund Raising Committee to take on the mammoth task. Tony was undeterred by the negativity. ’We can do this. It might seem like a huge mountain to climb but we can begin by taking the first small step. Our first event will be a disco and a hot pot supper next week.’ That evening, Tony was looking at his reading for the following Sunday Service. He reflected on the passage in front of him. It described the journey the disciples had to take to spread the Gospel after the Resurrection. They were ordinary men just like himself. They must have been full of apprehension and fear. Their task must have seemed insurmountable too, until the Holy Spirit came to them to give them courage and faith. ‘That’s what we will do, ‘said Tony. ‘We will have faith and ask the Spirit to support us and give us strength to help us do the job.’ Tony’s faith was justified and three years later, after countless Fund Raising events, the Church was restored to its former glory and the people of the village gathered to give thanks. Tony was asked to speak at the service. He saw Jane and Tom sitting at the back of church. He said, ‘Life often presents us with problems that seem too much to bear. We feel the burden is too heavy. We lose faith in ourselves. It may be the fear of loneliness, or sheer exhaustion or the magnitude of a task like the church building project. However if we have faith, the Holy Spirit will come and help us to undertake achievements that we could not even begin to imagine possible at the start of our journey.’ As the service ended Jane and Tom approached Tony and shook his hand warmly. They knew exactly what Tony meant .Jane was no longer shy and lonely, she had become a more confident person. Tom had continued with his running and as a result the Children’s Ward had just set up a new play area with the money he had raised. A small voice whispered to all three ‘Well Done , proud of you.’ Y Y Y

14 ST JAMES THE GREAT WRIGHTINGTON WITH HESKIN Sunday School…… Sunday School has had a quieter couple of months with the lead up to the Summer holidays and now we are finished for our summer term. We held a family service for Fathers Day in June, thank you to all who attended and we ended our term with Sunday school alfresco. It was lovely to hold our last meeting in the new Church Hall Garden on the grass. The children loved it! playing games and crafts in the sun was a great note to end a successful year. Not quite our last gathering as on Saturday we held our Scavenger Hunt Family Walk. This year a change of venue to be hosted at 2 Sanderson Lane allowing a safer path through the fields and avoiding all major roads. Thank you so much for Mr & Mrs France hospitality, the garden games and space were much enjoyed by all families attending. A super route mapped out by Jenny captivated the children and the little legs all did the walk well. Clues and Crossword puzzled the adults but one family won it with a clean sheet, well done Team Bobby. BBQ Brunch, cake and ice- cream topped the morning off, thank you to our Catering trio, Sue B, Anne & Josie & Charity Farm for the kind donation of Ice- cream. It was a lovely sunny Saturday morning and all who attended requested a rerun next year! Fundraising events are only made successful by

AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 19 ISSUE 15 those attending, so a big thank you to all the families who came out to Scavenge! Now happy holidays, play safe and we look forward to seeing you back in Sunday School on Sunday September 8th. Rachael, Jenny & Kathryn

Old Graveyard Records. I'm looking for any information on the graves in our oldest section that do not have headstones so I can record who is buried there. We have a complete record of burials, but not their location! (This only applies to the graveyard in front of, and to the right of, the church.) Perhaps you have a family grave, or know someone else who has, and might be able to help? Please be in touch. I'd really appreciate any help. Thanks. Stef.

The Family Purse Date Stewardship Gift Aid S/Orders Loose Plate 5 May £217.50 £82.87 £85.00 12 May £155.50 £100.65 £64.50 19 May £161.50 £50.60 £58.84 26 May £312.00 £102.80 £782.00 £78.27 2 June £230.50 £81.10 £73.41 9 June £312.50 £66.50 £251.02 16 June £275.00 £54.00 £53.80 23 June £220.00 £118.40 £51.50 30 June £288.00 £64.10 £782.00 £54.30


to Live Music By Sounds Retro

Tickets Friday th September 20 (including£10 stand in St James' Church Hall up Bingo) Wrightington WN6 9SL Bring your own drinks + glasses at 8pm 17 TicketsST JAMES THEAvailable GREAT WRIGHTINGTON from Sue WildWITH HESKINor Tel: 01257 424105 Fun Midsummer Summer Fun Activities bbq 13th July Day29th June

18 ST JAMES THE GREAT WRIGHTINGTON WITH HESKIN Fun Midsummer Summer Fun Activities bbq 13th July Day29th June


August 2019 4 TRINITY 7 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion no Sunday School 7 Wed 10.30am No Play & Praise Parent & Toddler Group 5.00pm No Rainbows 7.30pm Prayer Book Communion

11 TRINITY 8 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion no Sunday School

14 Wed 7.30pm Prayer Book Communion 18 TRINITY 9 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion no Sunday School 12.00 noon 36 Club Draw 21 Wed 7.30pm Prayer Book Communion 25 TRINITY 10 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion no Sunday School 28 Wed 7.30pm Prayer Book Communion

September 2019

1 TRINITY 11 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion no Sunday School 3 Tues 9.00am Heskin School re-opens after summer break 7.30pm PCC meeting in Church Hall

AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 19 ISSUE 20 4 Wed 10.30am Play & Praise Toddler Group 5.00pm No Rainbows 7.30pm Prayer Book Communion 8 TRINITY 12 9.00pm Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion with Sunday School

10 Tues 7.30pm MU Communion in Church Hall then Photo Quiz in the Church Hall 11 Wed 10.30am Play & Praise Parent & Toddler Group 5.00pm Rainbows 7.30pm Prayer Book Communion 14 Sat 12.30pm Holy Matrimony Stephen Hough and Caroline Margaret Howarth 15 TRINITY 13 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Family Service no Sunday School 12 noon 36 Club Draw 18 Wed 10.30am Play & Praise Parent & Toddler Group 5.00pm Rainbows 7.30pm Prayer Book Communion 20 Fri 8.00pm Dance to“Sounds Retro” Live Music in the Church Hall including Promise Auction, more details later 22 TRINITY 14 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion with Sunday School 25 Wed 10.30am Play & Praise Parent & Toddler Group with Macmillan Coffee Morning 5.00pm Rainbows 7.30pm Prayer Book Communion

29 TRINITY 15 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion with Sunday School

AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 19 ISSUE 21 October 2019 2 Wed 10.30am Play & Praise Parent & Toddler Group 5.00pm Rainbows 7.30pm Prayer Book Communion

4 TRINITY 16 HARVEST SUNDAY 9.00am Holy Communion for Harvest Sunday 10.30am Harvest Festival Service no Sunday School followed by lunch in the Church Hall

7 Mon 7.30pm Deaney Synod at St James

8 Tues 7.30pm MU in the Church Hall - Speaker: Paul Moores from the Leprosy Mission

9 Wed 10.30am Play & Praise Parent & Toddler Group 5.00pm Rainbows 7.30pm Prayer Book Communion

Brunch, Lunch & Cake Day at Alison & Clive's

Originally scheduled to take place on the 15th of June, the heavy rain forced a postponement to the 22nd. A lovely sunny day provided the ideal weather and which proved memorable for those who came. Many bacon barms were consumed. together with significant quantities of cake ! A big thank you from Alison & Clive to all who helped or supported the event which raised £694 towards the building work on the Sunday School.

22 ST JAMES THE GREAT WRIGHTINGTON WITH HESKIN Fundraising Events for 2019 More details and tickets/prices will be available in Church nearer the dates, or please look out for our posters for more information. Aug 30 Fri Stef’s Camino and Camping Sept 20 Sat Sounds Retro Dance and Auction Sept 25 Weds Macmillan Coffee Morning at Play & Praise - from 10.30am Oct 6 Sun Harvest Sunday followed by lunch in the Church Hall Oct 18 Fri Chris Bannister (sounds of John Denver) in Church at 7.3pm £10 Nov 5 Tues Bonfire & Fireworkson the Church Field from 6pm Nov 23 Sat Christmas Fair - in the Church Hall from 11m to 2pm

Please put these dates in your diary, and watch for Posters nearer the event for details of times and prices of the Events. Thank you for Supporting our Fundraising.


After years of dreaming, St James has decided now is the time to refurbish and improve the Church Hall for everyone’s bene?it. Phases 1 is the most ambitious, adding a new community room. We want everyone to feel welcome to use the improved building.

We have taken a step of faith in starting now, hoping we can raise the funding. We will need your help!

Here’s how you can support us:

1. We are looking for donations of £10.00 in our ‘Buy a Brick’ scheme.

2. If you are able to give a donation of £500 or more, then we would like to honour that generosity by acknowledging your gift with a plaque in the new room, whether it is in memory of someone, or simply to say thank you.

3. 20th Sept – There will be a dance with “Sounds Retro” including an ‘Auction of Talents’ during the evening, Come and enjoy the special event, and bid for exciting items.

Could you donate for example?

• 2 hours gardening or mowing • Airport transport • A dog walk • A freshly baked chocolate cake to order • Teach a craft to someone • Offer a cream tea for 2 in your garden. • Make dinner for 2 people • Take someone for a spin on the back of your motorbike or in a vintage car. • Wash a car • Sew or knit an item • Iron for 2 hours • In fact anything you could imagine people would want to bid for…..!

4. We are running an Attic/Car Boot-­‐type Sale in the heart of Wrightington sometime late summer. If you have any useful or interesting items that you no longer need, we would be pleased to accept them.

For all enquiries or offers please ring and ask for Rev Stef at the vicarage on 451332 or [email protected]

24 ST JAMES THE GREAT WRIGHTINGTON WITH HESKIN Are you or your loved one starting to look into Retirement Living options? Are you looking for a warm, welcoming environment which offers a superb style of living?

Stocks Hall Living in , Lancashire, is a place you will be proud to call your home. Independent/Assisted Living Apartments are perfect for retirees who seek to reduce the work that comes from home maintenance. Enjoy the freedom of a fulfilling retirement in a comfortable home pursuing hobbies, reading, visiting friends, and enjoying social and recreational programmes, all without the worries of home maintenance, chores, security or safety! Owners/ Tenants will live their lives with the freedom, privacy and companionship that they deserve - with added peace of mind, provided through assistance with daily activities, if required. Compassionate staff on duty 24hrs when/if you need them. Be inspired by the concept of Stocks Hall Living. Reassuringly Unique. Visit: Telephone: 01704 778178 to arrange a viewing. DECEMBER/JAN 2015:Layout 1 26/11/2015 08:27 Page 14

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DECEMBER 2015 - JANUARY 2016 ISSUE | 17 DECEMBER/JAN 2015:Layout 1 26/11/2015 08:27 Page 18 GATHURST GOLF CLUB • Private Hire/Celebrations • Funerals catered for • Conferences/Meetings • Membership (Golf and Social) • Golf Societies welcomed

Telephone Barbara: 01257 255235 Email: [email protected] DECEMBER/JAN 2015:Layout 1 26/11/2015 08:27 Page 19




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DECEMBER 2015 - JANUARY 2016 ISSUE | 19 DECEMBER/JAN 2015:Layout 1 26/11/2015 08:27 Page 20

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FINANCE 24 Hour Service NOW AVAILABLE Caring Family Firm on Funerals & Memorials Subject to status, Pre Arrangement Funeral Plans written details on request and Memorial Plans available Head Office: Halliwell House, 758/768 Ormskirk Rd, Pemberton, Wigan WN5 8BB T: 01942 222156 Branches: Standish 01257 422011, Bryn 01942 271392, 01257 793880, Tyldesley 01942 887312, Scholes 01942 820526, Leigh 01942 261415, Beech Hill 01942 829200, Upholland 01695 622099, Platt Bridge 01942 863936

August/September 2019 Rotas

Date Sidespersons Readers Stewardship Tea/Coffee 4 August K Mather M Morris S Crawford B Carr 7th Sunday of Trinity J Fowler & J Ormesher S Crawford J Crompton A Dnistrianskyj 11 August G Speakman B Winstone J Fowler M Walsh 8th Sunday of Trinity P & J Rowley A Sharples P Rowley S Crawford 18 August R Rowlandson R Rowlandson M Rowley B Berry 9th Sunday of Trinity J & M Burton J Fowler D Gaskell J Crompton

25 August M Morris M Mason E Gerrard M Green 10th Sunday of Trinity S & M Johnson C Pass M Taylor C Pass

1 September M Rowley A Lancelotte D Hoddinott J Robinson 11th Sunday of Trinity M Barlow & B Berry E Grundy S Crawford S Wild

8 September K Mather M Gibson J Crompton M Burton 12th Sunday of Trinity J Fowler & J Ormesher M Fox M Rowley M Barlow

15 September H Orme H Orme M Taylor B Carr 13th Sunday of Trinity P & J Rowley M Taylor P Rowley A Dnistrianskyj

22 September G Speakman M Morris D Gaskell M Walsh 14th Sunday of Trinity J & M Burton M Taylor P Rowley A Dnistrianskyj

29 September R Rowlandson R Rowlandson D Hoddinott B Berry 15th Sunday of Trinity S & M Johnso A Dnistrianskyj J Fowler J Crompton

6 October M Morris B Winstone J Crompton M Green 16th Sunday of Trinity Harvest Festival M Barlow & B Berry S Crawford M Rowley C Pass

If you are unable to undertake your task on the rota, please either exchange with someone else or contact Anne Sharples 01257 424105

AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 19 ISSUE 35 DECEMBER/JAN 2015:Layout 1 26/11/2015 08:27 Page 24

SUSUNDAYNDAY SERVICESSERVICES 9.00am Holy Communion 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion (10.30amIncluding Sun Parishday Scho oCommunionl during Term time) (including Sunday School during Term time)

WEEKDAYSWEEKDAYS Wednesday 10.30am Play & Praise (Parent & Toddler Group) Wednesday 10.30am Play & Praise (Parent and Toddler Group) Wednesday 5.00pm Rainbows Wednesday 5.00pm Rainbows Wednesday 7.30pm Prayer Book Communion Wednesday(I n7.30pmcluding L aPrayerying on o fBook Hands Communionon the last Wednesday of the month)

St James’ the Great, Church Lane, Wrightington with Heskin, Lancashire, WN6 9SN