281-2019/20 THRAPSTON TOWN COUNCIL Mayor: Cllr. Karen Draycott 77 High Street Thrapston Northamptonshire NN14 4JJ Tel: (01832) 734 673 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.thrapstontowncouncil.gov.uk If you require a large print copy please contact the Clerk on 01832 734673 Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning & Asset Management Committee held on Tuesday 7th July 2020 at 19:15 remotely via Zoom. Present: Cllr Otterwell (Chairman), Cllr Draycott, Cllr Bennett, Cllr Carter, Cllr Charles, Cllr Boyd In attendance: Margaret Ward (Assistant Clerk) No. Item Action By Whom 1. Apologies for Absence None. 2. Declaration of Interest Cllr Carter agenda item 8, quotation provided from Beamhouse Engineering, knows the owner. 3. Public Open Time None. 4. To receive and consider the following planning applications and to determine the Council’s responses:- (Documents are available to view at https://www.east-northamptonshire.gov.uk/info/200155/planning) 20/00555/FUL: Erection of a domestic single garage at 7 Submit a No Assistant Chancery Lane, Thrapston. Objection Clerk response No Objection 20/00656/FUL: Erection of a glass roofed veranda to rear Submit a No Assistant of the property at 1 Pintail Lane, Thrapston. Objection Clerk response No Objection 20/00691/TPO: TPO 176 Cutting back and crowning 2 Submit a No Assistant oak trees on land to the rear of property (David Wilson Objection Clerk site) and removal of what is cleared on the north/north response east side at 33 Orchard Way, Thrapston. No Objection 5. To receive notification of planning permissions granted, refused and appealed 20/00548/FUL: Planning permission granted.