50 CHEVROLET up for Re-Election
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r -__' P A C E 8 K T EEW TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1,198€ ATcrawe Daily Net Pr«m Ran \ - F s r Urn Weak Ended illanrt^^atfr lEoenittg raid Peb..«, 1$M • • • • 8 ...H 9udd't Orchestra will provide David O. Custer, son of Mr. and tha class should bo brought by ae...e.«t^ee • .* * 1 * * 4 . ------------ music for square and round danc Mra. Truman F. Cuater, 175 Olen- EmcfRency DAclprs Oil Paint Class the piipfl, or they fhay bo pur 11,895 About Town ing at the Valentine dance of the wood St., ia on the dean's Hat for chased St ths time of tha first Member e ( the Audit Buckley School PTA tn the achooi the firit aemeste'r of this year at aPh.vsiclana of the Manches Be^ns Tuesday class when a representative of an Burenu ef CXrealatlon I Saul SUvtrstetn, president of auditorium Saturday, Feb. 11, from the University of Connecticut. He ter Medical Assn, who will re art supply company will be present Rofcni Corp., .Unriftit wlU address t o w OA ^8 to midnight. 'Tleketa may be ia majoring In government'In the spond to emergency calls to-' "Oil Painting for Pleaaure.’' an for the assistance of any who Cash? the ' Bridfepoct chapter of the B H a i PhtTam im fiiRMN C el 8 8 S tm 8SOO la I Trip! ' secured from Mrs.' -Victor Dorman, College of Arts and Sciences, morrow afternoon and eviening evening course of to weeks, la be wish It. Soctsty for Advancement of Man- 111'Elisabeth Dr., or at the door. iiE ia iR It M*. nw l»M*.PhB a Phone for I-trip loon. Upon approval, agement. On Thursday he will ad are Dr. Jacob Segal '(adults ing offered by the Manchester VOL. LXXV, no; 10» (TWKNTY-POUR PAGES—TWp SECTIONS) I Mrs. Lazarus Spiwak is general Linne Lodge. No. 72. Knights of. onlyl. Tel. MI 3-612.5 and Dr. $ B.ri pick up cash. L<Mn euitom-tailortd to dress the student chapter of this YWCA commencing next week. 19.25 your need*, iwoina. Contolidatt hillt i chairman and Miq. Robert Johnaon Pythias, will hold its regular meet Herbert Snvder, Tel. MI 9-1551., The classes wtU be held on Tues erganlsaUon at the University of heads the rrfreahiPent committal. ing tomorrow night at'T 'o’clock in 5 J 8 8 l i L 30.70_ with our Bill ConBolidetion Service.- Connecticut and on Feb. 14 will day eveninga, from 7:30 to 0:30,. at Orange Hail. • I — • ......................---------------------- Frequently reduca* monthly pay speah before the American Man the Community Y Building.' The a ■*** *1 tioo cMh tro M .s** ments- Phone, or come in tedeyt The Sunday School staff of 2Uon Miss Joy Flaherty, daughter of instructor.will be Mias Nora Addy, LECLERC *n«*Hr f***.e !•' U t*«»*<«*/« Navy Rescuer^ agement Asin. conference in New Lutheran Church will have a sup Anderton-Shea Post and A'uxll- in**)Slr )Nti*lt**nH *1 tie 0JiW<*. Tork. {Mr. and Mra. Thomas J. Flaherty. who has had wide experience, in FUNERAL HOME uses $38 f $»0» per at the church tomorrovf at 6 iary. No. 2046, VFW, will make a '64 Alton St., and a Jimiar at Si. teaching art> School Drops visit to the Veterans Hospital at Mrs. Fawn McCarthy was elect- p.m. with meeting to fo|)OU''. 'Joseph’s College. Weft Hartford. .Mlaa Addy la a graduate of the ^afe In Crash Rocky Hill Thursday evening to , la chairman of the refreshment FUNERAL ad president ,of the Municipal help entertain the patients. Cars' Hartford Art Schpoi. atudying un Bnllmng Ehnployes Committee for Mystic Reviei*. No. 2, Women’s committee for,the annual Junior der Frederick S. Hynd, Henry o e n e f i d a l finance co Benefit Assn., will hold Its busi-. will leave from the post home at ! Prom Feb. 11. at the K. of C. 1 SERVICE In Venezuela n 1-year Urm at a meeting Friday 6 p.m. Anyone wishing to go may Kreis, Gall Martin and Paul Zlm-, ness meeting tonight at 8 o'clock I Home, Wlnd.ior. Miss Flaherty is a Waller n ; of workers in the Municipal Build ' and follow It with a Valentine so- contact Mis . Edith Mason or .Mrs. merman. ,Sho received an associate^ N.. at9$$ca®®ter ing. Mrs. .Marguerite Wood was I history and political science major. degi-ee In^ tine arts from Hlllyef. Leclerc' San Juan, Puerto Rico, Feb. 8 ; ciat in Odd Fellows bariqiipt hall. Ella Brimble. ' She Is sctlife In the drama club of •C MAIN ST., 2nd FI., Ovtr Waolworth'$, MANCHESTEN —T he'ti.8. Navy announced t»- •named foeretary. Rules of the I Mrs. Louise Banks and her com -. College tn 1948. and has J>iat com Dlreclor group were changed -to provide j the college, al.so the Cloakroom. Mitchell S-41S$ . Ask tor thrVCS MANagsr mittee will serve refreshments. pleted couiaea to receive tier MA 23 Main St reel, Manchester day a'patrol bomber mlaaing on a that no person can sen’e on the St. Margaret'Mary Mothers jCheniiatry and Nurses club., fi'om Hillyer this year. For the , ’ \ OWN THURSDAY IVININOS UNTIl • R.M. Circle will meet tomofrow at 8 “ ' iHM *m4, I* t«i4wti .( *11 imr«M4l.| IWMI . ■ . * * ’ By LEONARD ZEIDENBERG pascue misalon to Antarctic had g-member oommittee for more Mrs. Wallace Jdnes of Phelps past three aummera, she has at Call Ml 9-5869 been fo'jnd In Venezuela with, all than two years, consecutively. An .m.. at the home of Mrs. Rose I Miss Ruth L. Mearnian of —^ . (First of Three Articled) . Rd. left yesterday for a visit with IBattislo, 21 .Scarborough Rd. I Loomis St. and Bruce A. Bennett tended the Arts and Crafts Work- aboard aafe and unln^red. other rule change provided for the stop at the Wllllmantic State In the town of Columbia’^d»n*«»F<«*. psrent and teach .relatives in St? Petersburg, f'lal i ‘ of Miami, Fla., will be united In er get together twice a year and. The plane, a Neptune P2V, with election of two of the members for I Teachers College. \ V- A- last November, the parents of seven men aboard, earlier was re n 3-ycar period All Salvation Army Band mem marriage thia evening at 7 o’clock In /a conference that generally The monthly,, meeting of the bers are requested to meet at the j in the Second Congregational .Miss Afldy ha.s conducted aVt the 275 children attending lasts about a half hour, cover—-or ported down In a marshy area of British American Club will be held Holmes Funeral Home at 8 o’clock 1 Church. classes In her studio In Manchester - the 8-grade Horace W. Porter try to cover—jvery phase of a northeast Venezuela. at the clubhouse tonight at 8 tonight to conduct a short service since-1847, .She has. bad a number child’s development. The Navy announcement said it o'clock. of private showings of her Work in School were busy making.and was found ’70 miles 'southwest of AsksLifJiJig for Leonari) Nicklen. 1 The Manchester Registered keeping appointments wltn Consider Social Adjustment I Nurses Assn.' Will hold a meeting Boston and locally. Among her con ★ SATISFACTION Using a narrative' report pre Trln'dad. Hose 0>.. No. .1. SMFD. will hold Tl|« regular meeting of XI Gam I tonight at 7:30 In the nurses’ din nections. she ia a member gf the the school’s teachers. By car pared by the teacher as their text, No Sign of Fire EMERGENCY j its monthly meeting at 8 o’clock to- ma-Chapter. Bet^ Sigma Phi, will, ing room of the Memorial Hospi Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts, and by bus, singly and iii parent and teacher discuss not (ftlspatches from Caracas. Vene Of Bars on i night at the firehouse. he held tonight a t 8:15 at the tal. vice president of the Manchester only the child's academic record zuela, jald the twin-engine am Fine Arts Aasn., and a charter pairs, they visited the new phibious plani was sighted on the OIL MIRNCR home of Mra. Minor Friend, 62 GUARANTEED rod-brick school thkt is set but also his social adjustmfnt — The. Dorcas Group of the South Pleasant. Sti Following the busi I The Golden Rule Club of the Tal- member gf the Amateur Artists that Is, how, he gets along, be ground in the Orlnoc: ileKa area. SERVICE j Methodist Church will meet lomo(^- ness meeting, the time will be I cottville Congregational Church A.<isn. of Ameri’ca. ’well back off Rt? 87 behind haves and toacts in the classroom, The plane appeared to be without Immigrants j row at 9:30 a m., at the church. spent In sewing for the Manches j will hold a meeting tomorrow at The course Is open to men and the Columbia Cbhgregational on the playground, in the lunch serious damage and there were 'no signs of fl?e. the report said.) CALL ter Memorial Hospital. 7:30 p.ip. at the home of Mrs. women. For registration, or for In Church. , room. Wanhington, Feb. 8 <JP)— Washington, Feb. 8 </P)rr Allan L Cone, 118 BrettOn Rd.. I Dorothy Beal. formation concerning fees, calf the All during thfc month these { This system, wh(ch is aimed at Reports received here said the I helped supply the research lor the YWCA during office hours, which reporting a pupil’s progress in re Neptune had made a auccessful President Eisenhower today President Eisenhowel^ said to* "' WILUAMS 1 show called "Report Card" to be The Rev.