r -__' P A C E 8 K T EEW TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1,198€ ATcrawe Daily Net Pr«m Ran \ - F s r Urn Weak Ended illanrt^^atfr lEoenittg raid Peb..«, 1$M • • • • 8 ...H 9udd't Orchestra will provide David O. Custer, son of Mr. and tha class should bo brought by ae...e.«t^ee • .* * 1 * * 4 . ------------ music for square and round danc­ Mra. Truman F. Cuater, 175 Olen- EmcfRency DAclprs Oil Paint Class the piipfl, or they fhay bo pur­ 11,895 About Town ing at the Valentine dance of the wood St., ia on the dean's Hat for chased St ths time of tha first Member e ( the Audit Buckley School PTA tn the achooi the firit aemeste'r of this year at aPh.vsiclana of the Manches­ Be^ns Tuesday class when a representative of an Burenu ef CXrealatlon I Saul SUvtrstetn, president of auditorium Saturday, Feb. 11, from the University of Connecticut. He ter Medical Assn, who will re­ art supply company will be present Rofcni Corp., .Unriftit wlU address t o w OA ^8 to midnight. 'Tleketa may be ia majoring In government'In the spond to emergency calls to-' "Oil Painting for Pleaaure.’' an for the assistance of any who Cash? the ' Bridfepoct chapter of the B H a i PhtTam im fiiRMN C el 8 8 S tm 8SOO la I Trip! ' secured from Mrs.' -Victor Dorman, College of Arts and Sciences, morrow afternoon and eviening evening course of to weeks, la be­ wish It. Soctsty for Advancement of Man- 111'Elisabeth Dr., or at the door. iiE ia iR It M*. nw l»M*.PhB a Phone for I-trip loon. Upon approval, agement. On Thursday he will ad­ are Dr. Jacob Segal '(adults ing offered by the Manchester VOL. LXXV, no; 10» (TWKNTY-POUR PAGES—TWp SECTIONS) I Mrs. Lazarus Spiwak is general Linne Lodge. No. 72. Knights of. onlyl. Tel. MI 3-612.5 and Dr. $ B.ri pick up cash. L<Mn euitom-tailortd to dress the student chapter of this YWCA commencing next week. 19.25 your need*, iwoina. Contolidatt hillt i chairman and Miq. Robert Johnaon Pythias, will hold its regular meet­ Herbert Snvder, Tel. MI 9-1551., The classes wtU be held on Tues­ erganlsaUon at the University of heads the rrfreahiPent committal. ing tomorrow night at'T 'o’clock in 5 J 8 8 l i L 30.70_ with our Bill ConBolidetion Service.- Connecticut and on Feb. 14 will day eveninga, from 7:30 to 0:30,. at Orange Hail. • I — • ......................---------------------- Frequently reduca* monthly pay­ speah before the American Man­ the Community Y Building.' The a ■*** *1 tioo cMh tro M .s** ments- Phone, or come in tedeyt The Sunday School staff of 2Uon Miss Joy Flaherty, daughter of instructor.will be Mias Nora Addy, LECLERC *n«*Hr f***.e !•' U t*«»*<«*/« Navy Rescuer^ agement Asin. conference in New Lutheran Church will have a sup­ Anderton-Shea Post and A'uxll- in**)Slr )Nti*lt**nH *1 tie 0JiW<*. Tork. {Mr. and Mra. Thomas J. Flaherty. who has had wide experience, in FUNERAL HOME uses $38 f $»0» per at the church tomorrovf at 6 iary. No. 2046, VFW, will make a '64 Alton St., and a Jimiar at Si. teaching art> School Drops visit to the Veterans Hospital at Mrs. Fawn McCarthy was elect- p.m. with meeting to fo|)OU''. 'Joseph’s College. Weft Hartford. .Mlaa Addy la a graduate of the ^afe In Crash Rocky Hill Thursday evening to , la chairman of the refreshment FUNERAL ad president ,of the Municipal help entertain the patients. Cars' Hartford Art Schpoi. atudying un­ Bnllmng Ehnployes Committee for Mystic Reviei*. No. 2, Women’s committee for,the annual Junior der Frederick S. Hynd, Henry o e n e f i d a l finance co Benefit Assn., will hold Its busi-. will leave from the post home at ! Prom Feb. 11. at the K. of C. 1 SERVICE In Venezuela n 1-year Urm at a meeting Friday 6 p.m. Anyone wishing to go may Kreis, Gall Martin and Paul Zlm-, ness meeting tonight at 8 o'clock I Home, Wlnd.ior. Miss Flaherty is a Waller n ; of workers in the Municipal Build­ ' and follow It with a Valentine so- contact Mis . Edith Mason or .Mrs. merman. ,Sho received an associate^ N.. at9$$ca®®ter ing. Mrs. .Marguerite Wood was I history and political science major. degi-ee In^ tine arts from Hlllyef. Leclerc' San Juan, Puerto Rico, Feb. 8 ; ciat in Odd Fellows bariqiipt hall. Ella Brimble. ' She Is sctlife In the drama club of •C MAIN ST., 2nd FI., Ovtr Waolworth'$, MANCHESTEN —T he'ti.8. Navy announced t»- •named foeretary. Rules of the I Mrs. Louise Banks and her com -. College tn 1948. and has J>iat com­ Dlreclor group were changed -to provide j the college, al.so the Cloakroom. Mitchell S-41S$ . Ask tor thrVCS MANagsr mittee will serve refreshments. pleted couiaea to receive tier MA 23 Main St reel, Manchester day a'patrol bomber mlaaing on a that no person can sen’e on the St. Margaret'Mary Mothers jCheniiatry and Nurses club., fi'om Hillyer this year. For the , ’ \ OWN THURSDAY IVININOS UNTIl • R.M. Circle will meet tomofrow at 8 “ ' iHM *m4, I* t«i4wti .( *11 imr«M4l.| IWMI . ■ . * * ’ By LEONARD ZEIDENBERG pascue misalon to Antarctic had g-member oommittee for more Mrs. Wallace Jdnes of Phelps past three aummera, she has at­ Call Ml 9-5869 been fo'jnd In Venezuela with, all than two years, consecutively. An­ .m.. at the home of Mrs. Rose I Miss Ruth L. Mearnian of —^ . (First of Three Articled) . Rd. left yesterday for a visit with IBattislo, 21 .Scarborough Rd. I Loomis St. and Bruce A. Bennett tended the Arts and Crafts Work- aboard aafe and unln^red. other rule change provided for the stop at the Wllllmantic State In the town of Columbia’^d»n*«»F<«*. psrent and teach­ .relatives in St? Petersburg, f'lal i ‘ of Miami, Fla., will be united In er get together twice a year and. The plane, a Neptune P2V, with election of two of the members for I Teachers College. \ V- A- last November, the parents of seven men aboard, earlier was re­ n 3-ycar period All Salvation Army Band mem­ marriage thia evening at 7 o’clock In /a conference that generally The monthly,, meeting of the bers are requested to meet at the j in the Second Congregational .Miss Afldy ha.s conducted aVt the 275 children attending lasts about a half hour, cover—-or ported down In a marshy area of British American Club will be held Holmes Funeral Home at 8 o’clock 1 Church. classes In her studio In Manchester - the 8-grade Horace W. Porter try to cover—jvery phase of a northeast Venezuela. at the clubhouse tonight at 8 tonight to conduct a short service since-1847, .She has. bad a number child’s development. The Navy announcement said it o'clock. of private showings of her Work in School were busy making.and was found ’70 miles 'southwest of AsksLifJiJig for Leonari) Nicklen. 1 The Manchester Registered keeping appointments wltn Consider Social Adjustment I Nurses Assn.' Will hold a meeting Boston and locally. Among her con­ ★ SATISFACTION Using a narrative' report pre­ Trln'dad. Hose 0>.. No. .1. SMFD. will hold Tl|« regular meeting of XI Gam­ I tonight at 7:30 In the nurses’ din­ nections. she ia a member gf the the school’s teachers. By car pared by the teacher as their text, No Sign of Fire EMERGENCY j its monthly meeting at 8 o’clock to- ma-Chapter. Bet^ Sigma Phi, will, ing room of the Memorial Hospi­ Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts, and by bus, singly and iii parent and teacher discuss not (ftlspatches from Caracas. Vene­ Of Bars on i night at the firehouse. he held tonight a t 8:15 at the tal. vice president of the Manchester only the child's academic record zuela, jald the twin-engine am­ Fine Arts Aasn., and a charter pairs, they visited the new phibious plani was sighted on the OIL MIRNCR home of Mra. Minor Friend, 62 GUARANTEED rod-brick school thkt is set but also his social adjustmfnt — The. Dorcas Group of the South Pleasant. Sti Following the busi­ I The Golden Rule Club of the Tal- member gf the Amateur Artists that Is, how, he gets along, be­ ground in the Orlnoc: ileKa area. SERVICE j Methodist Church will meet lomo(^- ness meeting, the time will be I cottville Congregational Church A.<isn. of Ameri’ca. ’well back off Rt? 87 behind haves and toacts in the classroom, The plane appeared to be without Immigrants j row at 9:30 a m., at the church. spent In sewing for the Manches­ j will hold a meeting tomorrow at The course Is open to men and the Columbia Cbhgregational on the playground, in the lunch­ serious damage and there were 'no signs of fl?e. the report said.) CALL ter Memorial Hospital. 7:30 p.ip. at the home of Mrs. women. For registration, or for In­ Church. , room. Wanhington, Feb. 8 <JP)— Washington, Feb. 8 </P)rr Allan L Cone, 118 BrettOn Rd.. I Dorothy Beal. formation concerning fees, calf the All during thfc month these { This system, wh(ch is aimed at Reports received here said the I helped supply the research lor the YWCA during office hours, which reporting a pupil’s progress in re­ Neptune had made a auccessful President Eisenhower today President Eisenhowel^ said to* "' WILUAMS 1 show called "Report Card" to be The Rev.
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